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We investigated the feeding habits and growth of juvenile stone flounder (Platichthys bicoloratus) in several estuarine nurseries in Sendai Bay, Japan. Prey abundance and composition and juvenile diet varied largely among sites. However, polychaete palps (mostly Pseudopolydora kempi) and bivalve siphons (mostly Nuttallia olivacea) were positively selected and frequently consumed by juveniles, indicating the generality of sublethal feeding of juvenile stone flounder in estuarine nurseries. Recent growth rates determined by otolith microstructure analyses were dependent on juvenile body size and water temperature, but independent of juvenile density and food abundance. Growth rates were nearly maximal from March to May, suggesting that food conditions are nearly optimal in these estuarine nurseries. Sublethal tissue cropping of benthic invertebrates is thought to contribute largely to these high growth rates.  相似文献   

Previous studies on various marine mollusc species have shown that both larval and juvenile growth rates are substantially heritable, but few workers have examined the extent to which larval and juvenile growth rates covary. We examined the relationship between larval and juvenile growth rates in seven laboratory experiments conducted between 1986 and 1993, using the prosobranch gastropods Crepidula plana Say and C. fornicata (L.). In most experiments larvae were reared individually, measured twice nondestructively to determine larval grwoth rate, allowed or stimulated (daily 5-h exposure to 20 mM excess K+ in seawater) to metamophose, and then measured at least twice after metamorphosis to determine juvenile growth rates. Generally, there was no significant (p >0.10) relationship between larval and juvenile growth rates, suggesting that in these two species selection can act independently on the two stages of development. A positive correlation (p=0.007) between larval and juvenile growth rates was observed for C. fornicata in one experiment, but only for offspring from females maturing the most rapidly in laboratory culture. Even for these larvae, however, variation in larval growth rate explained<2% of the variation in juvenile growth rate, so that larval and juvenile growth rates are at most only weakly associated in this species.  相似文献   

The relative growth rates of juvenile Macrocystis pyrifera in southern California kelp forests were substantially reduced during the El Niño of 1982–1984. The lower growth rates were correlated with increased temperature and decreased nitrogen availability. Fertilization of juvenile plants with slow-release nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer increased their growth rates to levels previously observed when temperatures were low and nutrient levels were high. The limitation in growth of M. pyrifera by levels of available nutrients during El Niño was in contrast to the usual limitation of growth by irradiance during non-El Niño years. Thus, there was a shift in the relative importance of factors controlling growth of juvenile M. pyrifera during El Niño.  相似文献   

In November 2003, we first observed prevalent occurrence of a hydroid, Eutima japonica, on soft body tissues of age zero Japanese scallop (Mizuhopecten yessoensis) juveniles cultured in large areas of Funka Bay, Hokkaido. The occurrence coincided with massive death of juvenile scallops. A major objective was to clarify ecological relationships between the symbionts, and to infer the relationship between symbiosis and the massive mortality. To do this, we investigated distributions of association rates of hydroids with juvenile scallops at 15–34 sites over 3 years (2003–2005), with age one adult scallops at 24 sites in 2003, and with mussels at 13 sites in 2004. We studied seasonal changes in association rates with juvenile scallops, and numbers of polyps per juvenile scallop at three sites from November 2003 to June 2004. We also quantified the hydroid impacts on juvenile scallop shell length growth and triglyceride accumulation in the digestive gland. The association rate of E. japonica polyps with juvenile scallops was high in large areas of Funka Bay in 2003, and overlapped the distribution of mussels bearing polyps. Association rates with age one adult scallops were very low in November 2003, even at the sites where polyps were very common on juvenile scallops. Levels of hydroid occurrence in juvenile scallops varies by year. We found that hydroids presence in juvenile scallops declined drastically in 2004 and 2005. The association rates with juvenile scallops, and numbers of polyps per juvenile scallop declined during winter, until they disappeared completely in the following June. Since polyps were rare in adult scallops, we believe that infection of juvenile scallops was probably initiated from the planulae produced by medusae released from polyps growing on Mytilus spp., especially M. galloprovincialis. Subsequently, the inhabitation spread intraspecifically and interspecifically. In juvenile scallops, inhabitation of polyps reduced shell length growth by 43%, and triglyceride accumulation in digestive glands by 24–47%. Inhabitation of E. japonica on juvenile scallop is best regarded as parasitism, rather than inquilinism or commensalism. Occurrence of polyps was probably not a direct lethal factor for juvenile scallops, because there were some sites where association rates were high, but mortalities were low. Massive mortalities in 2003 may have resulted from simultaneous impacts of heavy polyp load and stresses caused by the way in which the animals were handled (transferred from cages for pre-intermediate culture to cages for intermediate culture), because the massive mortality occurred within a month of the transfer. The presence of polyps in juvenile scallops does not affect the quality of the product in Funka Bay, because market size scallops are hydroid-free.  相似文献   

Recruitment variability plays a critical role in determining local population densities of benthic organisms, but extreme vulnerability at the onset of juvenile life is a trait that is largely responsible for population survivorship trends. The aim of the present study was to determine the role of juvenile recruitment in the population structure of Necora puber. Juveniles of N. puber were collected from the lower intertidal of rocky shores of Plymouth Sound (southwest coast of the UK) and monthly size–frequency distribution were used to determine the dynamics and the growth of the population. The parameters of the von Bertalanffy growth function were estimated (K=0.281 year−1; t 0=0.043; C=0.103; and t s=0.268) assuming a L =105 mm. Growth was markedly seasonal and present results indicated a slower juvenile growth rate than described previously for N. puber. The recruitment period was extensive and was two times higher in 2001 than in 2000 at the start of the 1+ year, but levelled off at the end of the 1+ year class on three of the four shores studied. Instantaneous mortality as high as 5.1 year−1(99.4% year−1) was observed during the higher recruitment year. Early juvenile mortality appears to be density dependent and a demographic bottleneck appears to limit the number of juveniles on some shores.  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance of juvenile corals were examined at depths from 3 to 37 m on the reefs of Curaçao and Bonaire (Netherlands Antilles). Juveniles of Agaricia agaricites were most abundant (60.6%), followed by Helioseris cucullata (8.3%). The large massive corals such as Montastrea annularis, M. cavernosa and branched species such as Madracis mirabilis and Acropora palmata had few juveniles. This, combined with species characteristics, shows that these species employ very different life history strategies. In some species the abundance of juveniles over the reef paralleled that of larger colonies, but not for example in Agaricia agaricites. The composition of the coral community was apparently no direct function of juvenile abundance. A change in angle of settlement of A. agaricites juveniles with increasing depth, from vertical to horizontal surfaces, seems to reflect the preferred light intensity. We studied the survival of juvenile corals during a half-year period. One-third remained unharmed, one-third died or disappeared, and one-third was limited in growth by factors such as spatial competition. This was the same for all depths, but factors influencing survival varied with depth.  相似文献   

Tropical reef corals are well known for their sensitivity to rising temperature, yet surprisingly little is known of the mechanisms through which temperature acts on intact coral colonies. One such mechanism recently has been suggested by the association between the growth of juvenile corals and seawater temperature in the Caribbean, which suggests that temperature causes a transition between isometric and allometric growth scaling in warmer versus cooler years, respectively (Edmunds in Proc R Soc B 273:2275–2281, 2006). Here, this correlative association is tested experimentally for a cause-and-effect relationship. During April and May 2006, juvenile colonies (8–35 mm diameter) of massive Porites spp. from Moorea, French Polynesia, were incubated at warm (27.8°C) and cool (25.7°C) temperatures for 15 days, and their response assessed through the scaling of growth (change in weight) with colony size. The results reveal that the scaling of colony-specific growth (mg colony−1 day−1) was unaffected by temperature, although growth absolutely was greater at the cool compared to the warm temperature, regardless of colony size. This outcome was caused by contrasting scaling relationships for area-specific growth (mg cm−2 day−1) that were negatively allometric under warm conditions, but independent of size under cool conditions. In April 2007, a 22 days field experiment confirmed that the scaling of area-specific growth in juvenile Porites spp. is negatively allometric at a warm temperature of 29.5°C. Based on strong allometry for tissue thickness, biomass, and Symbiodinium density in freshly collected Porites spp., it is hypothesized that the temperature-dependency of growth scaling in these small corals is mediated by the interaction of temperature with biomass.  相似文献   

Juvenile weakfish, Cynoscion regalis (Bloch and Schneider, 1801), exhibit significant spatial diffrences in growth rate and condition factor among estuarine nursery zones in Delaware Bay. The potential influence of temperature and salinity on the suitability of estuarine nursery areas for juvenile weakfish was investigated in laboratory experiments by measuring ad libitum feeding rate, growth rate and gross growth efficiency of juveniles collected in Delaware Bay in 1990 (40 to 50 mm standard length; 1.4 to 2.1 g) in 12 temperature/salinity treatments (temperatures: 20, 24, 28°C; salinities: 5, 12, 19, 26 ppt) representing conditions encountered in different estuarine zones during spring/summer. Feeding rates (FR) increased significantly with temperature at all salinities, ranging from 10 to 15% body wt d-1 at 20°C to 33–39% body wt d-1 at 28°C. Specific growth rates (SGR) ranged from 1.4 to 9.4% body wt d-1 (0.3 to 1.5 mm d-1) and gross growth efficiencies (K 1) varied from 13.6 to 26.4% across temperature/salinity combinations. Based on nonlinear multiple regression models, predicted optimal temperatures for SGR and K 1 were 29 and 27°C, respectively. Salinity effects on SGR and K 1 were significant at 24 and 28°C where predicted optimal salinity was 20 ppt. At these warmer temperatures, SGR and K 1 were significantly lower at 5 than at 19 ppt despite higher FR at 5 ppt. Therefore, maximum growth rate and growth efficiency occurred under conditions characteristic of mesohaline nurseries. This finding is consistent with spatial patterns of growth in Delaware Bay, implying that physicochemical gradients influence the value of particular estuarine zones as nurseries for juvenile weakfish by affecting the energetics of feeding and growth. Laboratory results indicate a seasonal shift in the location of physiologically optimal nurseries within estuaries. During late spring/early summer, warmer temperatures in oligohaline areas permit higher feeding rate and faster growth compared to mesohaline areas. By mid-late summer, spatial temperature gradients diminish and mesohaline areas provide more suitable physicochemical conditions for growth rate and growth efficiency whereas oligohaline areas become energetically stressful. Substantial mortality occurred at 5 ppt and 28°C, providing additional evidence that oligohaline conditions are stressful during late summer. Furthermore, juveniles provided a choice among salinities in laboratory trials preferred those salinities which promoted higher growth rates. The extensive use of oligohaline nurseries by juvenile weakfish despite the potential for reduced growth rate and growth efficiency suggests this estuarine zone may provide a substantial refuge from predation.  相似文献   

Data on the growth of the large marine snail Strombus gigas was obtained from specimens collected as veligers in the plankton and reared through metamorphosis, from larger individuals (5.5 cm) reared in a mariculture system, and from field tagrecapture experiments. Using the von Bertalanffy growth equation, I estimate that 1, 2, and 3 year-old juvenile snails are 10.8, 17, and 20.5 cm in maximum shell length, respectively. The snails reach the flaring-lip stage after 3 years and have a mean longevity of another 3 years. Approximately 12% of the total weight of a juvenile snail is marketable meat. Measurements of meat weight, shell length, and total weight are highly correlated with one another, thereby providing reliable means of assessing meat yields from living snails. The mariculture of S. gigas is feasible, but because of the snails' slow rate of growth it may not be economically practical at this time. Perhaps local fisheries in the Caribbean Sea could be reestablished and/or maintained by seeding subtidal algal flats with hatchery-reared juvenile snails.  相似文献   

The energetic cost of metamorphosis in cyprids of the barnacle Balanus amphitrite Darwin was estimated by quantification of lipid, carbohydrate and protein contents. About 38–58% (4–5 mJ individual–1) of cypris energy reserves were used during metamorphosis. Lipids accounted for 55–65%, proteins for 34–44% and carbohydrates for <2% of the energy used. Juveniles obtained from larvae fed 106 cells ml–1 of Chaetoceros gracilis were bigger (carapace length: 560–616 µm) and contained more energy (5.56±0.10 mJ juvenile–1) than their counterparts (carapace length: 420–462 µm; energy content: 2.49±0.20 mJ juvenile–1) obtained from larvae fed 104 cells ml–1. At water temperatures of 30°C and 24°C and food concentrations of 104 and 102 cells ml–1 (3:1 mixture of C. gracilis and Isochrysis galbana) as well as under field conditions (26.9±3.1°C and 2.2±0.8 µg chlorophyll a l–1), juveniles obtained from larvae fed the high food concentration grew faster than juveniles obtained from larvae fed low food concentration until 5 days post-metamorphosis. Laboratory experiments revealed a combined effect of early juvenile energy content, temperature and food concentration on growth until 5 days post-metamorphosis. After 10 days post-metamorphosis, the influence of the early juvenile energy content on growth became negligible. Overall, our results indicate that the energy content at metamorphosis is of critical importance for initial growth of juvenile barnacles and emphasize the dependency of the physiological performance of early juvenile barnacles on the larval exposure to food.Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/LuheAn erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Samples were taken from a 2 900 m deep permanent station (centred on 54°40N; 12°16W) in the southern Rockall Trough, from November 1975 to September 1980, inclusive. Revision of juvenile size frequencies was necessary after removal of postlarvae of an annual non-viable settlement of Ophiocten gracilis (G. O. Sars) that were mistakenly included in a previous analysis. The present study of the revised data shows that settlement of Ophiura ljungmani (Lyman) occurs in summer when disk-size frequencies are dominated by the newly metamorphosed postlarvae. The likely age composition in larger sizes was suggested from the progression of modes along the size axis in juvenile size classes in consecutive were developed from Gaussian mixtures fitted by constrained computer search using, as starting values, component parameter values suggested from the frequency histograms. Choice between competing solutions was made on the basis both of goodness-of-fit and biological plausibility. However, identification of year-class structure amongst sizes >3 to 4 mm disk diameter remained conjectural owing to the low frequencies of adults in the samples. Comparison of the fitted component-means in the time series suggested a marked seasonal growth pattern, with maximal growth in spring. Probable age composition amongst adult sizes was extrapolated from von Bertalanffy growth parameters estimated from the means of juvenile year classes.Communicated by J. Mauchline, Oban  相似文献   

The green macroalga, Codium fragile ssp. tomentosoides, is an important component of sheltered low-shore assemblages on breakwaters along sandy shores in the northern Adriatic Sea. Macroscopic thalli of C. fragile are not perennial, but develop from propagules and/or undifferentiated forms in early spring, when the dominant native space-occupier, the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis, recruits. By mid-summer, rapid growth of C. fragile leads to the formation of a dense canopy. We investigated the effects of juvenile and adult thalli of C. fragile on recruitment, survival and growth of mussels. Two experiments tested the hypotheses: (1) that recruitment of mussels is greater within patches of juvenile thalli (primordia) of C. fragile than on adjacent bare surfaces; (2) that the presence of a canopy of C. fragile affects the survival and growth of mussel recruits. The number of recruits of mussels was significantly larger within clumps of primordia of C. fragile than on bare surfaces. The removal of the canopy of C. fragile affected negatively the density of mussels after 2 months from the start of the experiment, but there were no effects on the mean size of individuals, nor on the size–frequency distribution. The same trend persisted after 4 months from the start of the experiment. These results show that re-colonisation of space by mussels is enhanced by C. fragile. Given that mussels, in turn, have the potential to reduce recruitment rates of C. fragile, quick recovery of mussel beds after disturbances could be crucial for controlling the abundance of this alga on breakwaters. Results also suggest that the effects of introduced species on native assemblages can be explained only through studies encompassing different life-stages of interacting organisms.  相似文献   

Mud crabs of the genus Scylla are commercially important mangrove residents that are extensively fished throughout their range in the Indo-West Pacific. Despite this high level of exploitation very little is known about the population dynamics of any of the Scylla species. The present study concentrated on an exploited population of Scylla paramamosain in a natural estuarine mangrove on Can Coc Island in the mouth of the Hau River, Mekong Delta, Vietnam. A total of 6,114 juvenile crabs captured on the seaward mangrove fringe were internally tagged by injection of coded microwire tags and released over a period of 29 days. Recaptures were monitored over the following 144 days. There was little migratory movement within the estuary; of 285 recaptured crabs, 93% were recovered within the island mangrove study area and only two individuals were recovered from mangroves lining the opposite mainland riverbanks. A von Bertalanffy growth function was fitted to growth increment data from recaptured crabs, with L max = 150 mm to derive a growth constant, k = 2.39 year−1. The theoretical age at which carapace width is zero (t 0) was derived from known size at recruitment at instar 1, giving a value of −0.0095 years. Previous studies of the same population have shown that female S. paramamosain reach maturity at a mean size of 102 mm carapace width. The present study indicates that they attain this size at around 160 days from first settlement in the mangrove fringe. Abundance of juvenile crabs in the study area was estimated by the Petersen method as 1,101,500 (95% CI 4,17,300–1,785,800, representing 1,102 crabs ha−1 of mangrove. Estimation of mortality from tag returns and from the age-catch curves during a period of constant recruitment were comparable (Z = 1.11 and 1.04 month−1, respectively). Fishing only accounted for 14% of total mortality, suggesting that at the time exploitation was not at a critical level despite the apparent high level of fishing activity.  相似文献   

Fingerling and juvenile bass, Dicentrarchus labrax (L.) fed on filleted saithe, Gadus virens, exhibited much higher K 1 energy and nitrogen utilization efficiencies (growth as % energy or nitrogen intake) than those fed on trout pellets or shore crabs, Carcinus maenas, although the efficiency declined during prolonged feeding. Mean organic absorption efficiency for saithe was 99.5% and was independent of food intake but the efficiency for pellets and crab declined with increasing food intake from 99 to 92%. For each diet the regression of relative growth rate on food intake was linear up to the regression of relative growth rate on food intake was linear up to the highest feeding level and independent of body weight, enabling construction of a simple model for food transformation. The regression coefficient (equivalent to K 3, the ratio of growth to food consumed in excess of maintenance) for saithe was about 3 times that for pellets in terms of energy and twice that for pellets in terms of nitrogen. The more efficient utilization of saithe for growth and of pellets for maintenance were related to differences in their nutritional value. With each diet, K 3 and maximum K 1 for energy were about twice those for nitrogen. Social interaction had a significant effect on food utilization in juvenile bass. Isolated fish showed poor growth and mean K 1 efficiency in comparison with bass in pairs or groups. K 3 efficiency and mainternance requirement were similar in individuals and groups, but were significantly greater in pairs. These results are related to behavioural observeations and environmental stress, and the limitations of extrapolating the results of laboratory feeding experiments on fish to other situations is discussed.  相似文献   

The present study attempts to highlight the value of multi-character approaches for defining thresholds in fish ontogeny, like the onset of the juvenile period. We developed techniques to objectively define the transition from larval to juvenile development using morphometric as well as morphological characters and exemplify the multi-character approach on newly settled white sea-breams (Diplodus sargus sargus) collected from the eastern Mediterranean. The morphometric analysis was based on principles of multivariate allometry whereas the analysis of morphology, on assigning a suite of selected characters (here related to external morphology and osteological development) into larval, transforming and juvenile states. The size-at-change in multivariate allometric growth (L m) is considered here to denote mean length-at-metamorphosis. An almost perfect match is demonstrated between L m (‘multivariate morphometry’) and mean size-at-morphological change (‘multivariate morphology’) in white sea-bream.  相似文献   

Whilst the role of chemoreception in juvenile crustacean feeding behaviour has received considerable attention, the chemosensory responses of larval planktonic crustacean stages have been neglected. The present study investigated the acceptability of processed, microparticulate and microencapsulated diets and the possible role of chemoattractants for larval and juvenile stages ofHomarus gammarus (Linnaeus) and juvenile stages ofPalaemon elegans (Rathke). Larval and juvenile lobster were obtained from MAFF (Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Conwy, UK), and juvenileP. elegans were collected from the Menai Straits (Gwynedd, UK) during the summer months of 1985/1986. During the larval stages, food capture results from chance encounter, and the role of low molecular-weight chemoattractants appears to be in the determination of the edible from the inedible. Dietary conditioning behaviour in decapod larvae, which has until now not been investigated, enables the larvae to discriminate more rapidly between particles of different digestibilities. The digestibility and assimilation efficiency displayed on artificial diets in the present study suggest that lobster larvae possess limited enzymatic capabilities, although later stages are more efficient and display longer food-retention time. Growth (0.114 mm d–1) and survival (80.0%) of lobster larvae fed natural diets were significantly better (F=14.8;P=0.001, andF=54.0,P=0.001, respectively) than of individuals fed artificial diets. Although pre-digested artificial diets (ingredients pre-treated with pancreatin) resulted in higher survival (74 and 63%) compared to microencapsulated diets (37%), there was no significant growth difference between the artificial diets tested.  相似文献   

Pholoe minuta is a numerically dominant member of the Amphiura filiformis subcommunity in Galway Bay. A longterm (5 yr) assessment of its population structure highlighted the shortfall in information regarding juvenile stages in the post-spawning months. Additional remote and in situ sampling programmes (including the use of a Muus sampling device), covering two successive postspawning periods, were undertaken to provide information on the juvenile recruits. Estimates of density levels (130 to 680 m-2), growth rates (doubling in size in 2 mo) and mortalities (80%) were calculated for the newly settled P. minuta. Mean monthly densities, seasonal population structure, recruitment levels (21.1%), growth (1 mm per annum) and survivorship patterns of the adult population were evaluated using the dorsal width of the fifth chaetiger, which is shown to be a suitable parameter of total body size. The success of grab sampling as a method for examining early settlement of P. minuta is critically reviewed, and a recommendation for future benthic population studies is proposed.  相似文献   

Summary In a laboratory experiment it was shown that piscivorous predators reversed the outcome of competitive interactions between two fish prey species, juveniles of roach (Rutilus rutilus) and perch (Perca fluviatilis), by behaviorally affecting their use of two available habitats, an open water habitat and a structurally complex refuge. The shift in the competitive relationship was the result of predators forcing the juvenile fishes into a prey refuge with high structural complexity. While roach was competitively superior in the unstructured habitat, perch was superior in the structurally complex prey refuge. The reversal in competitive relationship was demonstrated both with respect to foraging rate and growth rate and resulted from the high structural complexity in the prey refuge interfering with the roach's swimming performance. Because survival and growth patterns through the juvenile stages have profound effects on the population/community dynamics of size-structured populations such as those of fish, behaviorally induced changes in competitive ability should have significant implications also at the population and community levels.  相似文献   

We examined the daily deposition of otolith increments of marbled sole (Pseudopleuronectes yokohamae) larvae and juveniles by rearing experiments, and estimated the growth pattern of wild larvae and juveniles in Hakodate Bay (Hokkaido Island, Japan). At 16°C, prominent checks (inner checks; ca. 19.8 µm in diameter) were observed on the centers of sagittae and lapilli extracted from 5-day-old larvae. On both otoliths, distinctive and regular increments were observed outside of the inner checks, and the slopes of regression lines between age and the number of increments (ni) (for sagittae: ni=0.98×Day–5.90; for lapillus: ni=0.96×Day–5.70) did not significantly differ from 1. Inner check formations were delayed at lower temperature, and the inner checks formed 13 days after hatching at 8°C. Over 80% of larvae, just after their yolk-sac has been absorbed completely (stage C), had inner checks on both their otoliths. On the lapilli, other checks (outer check) formed at the beginning of eye migration (stage G). To validate the daily deposition of increments during the juvenile stage, wild captured P. yokohamae juveniles were immersed in alizarin complexone (ALC)-seawater solutions and reared in cages set in their natural habitat. After 6 days, the mean number of rings deposited after the ALC mark was 5.7. The age–body length relationship of wild P. yokohamae larvae and juveniles caught in Hakodate Bay was divided into three phases. In the larval period, the relationship was represented by a quadratic equation (notochord length=–0.010×Age2+0.682×Age–2.480, r2=0.82, P<0.001), and the estimated instantaneous growth was 0.38 mm day–1 at 15 days, 0 mm day–1 at 34 days and –0.12 mm day–1 at 40 days. The age–body length relationship in the early juvenile stage (<50 days) and the late juvenile stage (>50 days) were represented by linear equations (standard length=0.055×Age+5.722 and standard length=0.345×Age–9.908, respectively). These results showed that the growth rates in the late larval periods and the early juvenile stage were lower than those in the early larval stage and late juvenile stage; during the slow growth period, energy appears to be directed towards metamorphosis rather than body growth. This study provided the information needed to use otolith microstructure analysis for wild marbled sole larvae and juveniles.Communicated by T. Ikeda, Hakodate  相似文献   

Abstract: Photography, including remote imagery and camera traps, has contributed substantially to conservation. However, the potential to use photography to understand demography and inform policy is limited. To have practical value, remote assessments must be reasonably accurate and widely deployable. Prior efforts to develop noninvasive methods of estimating trait size have been motivated by a desire to answer evolutionary questions, measure physiological growth, or, in the case of illegal trade, assess economics of horn sizes; but rarely have such methods been directed at conservation. Here I demonstrate a simple, noninvasive photographic technique and address how knowledge of values of individual‐specific metrics bears on conservation policy. I used 10 years of data on juvenile moose (Alces alces) to examine whether body size and probability of survival are positively correlated in cold climates. I investigated whether the presence of mothers improved juvenile survival. The posited latter relation is relevant to policy because harvest of adult females has been permitted in some Canadian and American jurisdictions under the assumption that probability of survival of young is independent of maternal presence. The accuracy of estimates of head sizes made from photographs exceeded 98%. The estimates revealed that overwinter juvenile survival had no relation to the juvenile's estimated mass (p < 0.64) and was more strongly associated with maternal presence (p < 0.02) than winter snow depth (p < 0.18). These findings highlight the effects on survival of a social dynamic (the mother‐young association) rather than body size and suggest a change in harvest policy will increase survival. Furthermore, photographic imaging of growth of individual juvenile muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus) over 3 Arctic winters revealed annual variability in size, which supports the idea that noninvasive monitoring may allow one to detect how some environmental conditions ultimately affect body growth.  相似文献   

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