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Process improvement, environmental results, and customer satisfaction all can—and need to—be measured in order to achieve total quality environmental management. This article details why and how to take such measures, with examples of leading company practices.  相似文献   

This research has met the following four objectives within the broader research topic of characterizing and quantifying success in brownfield revitalization: (1) to define 40 total indicators that define and determine the success of brownfield redevelopments in four categories: environment-health, finance, livability, and social-economic; (2) to use these indicators to develop a partially automated tool that stakeholders in brownfield redevelopment may use to more easily assess and communicate success (or failures) in these projects; (3) to integrate "green" building as an important aspect of successful brownfield redevelopments; and (4) to develop this tool within the framework of a specific multi-attribute decision method (MADM), the analytical hierarchical process (AHP). Future research should include the operationalization and application of this tool to specific sites. Currently, no such indicator framework or automated tool is known to exist or be in use. Indicators were chosen because of their ability to reduce data into comprehensible measurements and to systematically measure success in a standardized fashion. Appropriate indicators were selected based on (1) interviews with prominent private developers and national leaders in brownfield redevelopment, (2) a review of the relevant literature, (3) objective hierarchies created in this project, and (4) the ability for each indicator to serve goals in more than one of the four categories described above. These were combined to form the Sustainable Brownfields Redevelopment (SBR) Tool. A survey was conducted to serve as a preliminary assessment and proposed methodology for judging the validity of the SBR Tool. Professionals in the academic, private, and public sector were asked to provide an evaluation of the management tool and a weighting of the relative importance of each indicator and each of the four categories listed previously. Experts rated the tool at 7.68 out of 10 suggesting that this framework will be useful in evaluating these redevelopments upon completion and in formulating initial site plans and building design.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how Korean industry would respond to four different allocation and banking options in CO2 permit trading within a fully dynamic computational general equilibrium framework. Four different allocations are categorized—a uniform allocation and three performance-based allocations. We explore that performance-based allocation and banking lower losses in Korean potential GDP, allowing energy-intensive industry more flexibility in inter-temporal decision making on purchasing and selling permits. The steel industry can derive a particular advantage from a performance-based allocation with respect to energy use, while the semiconductor industry would prefer a performance-based allocation with respect to value-added. The two key conclusions are (i) the Korean economy should replace an absolute allocation with a performance-based allocation, and (ii) the banking of permits enables market players to reallocate allowances more efficiently in a long-term commitment period. These results support the findings of the key study by Kling and Rubin (1997).  相似文献   

In order to integrate environmental, health, and safety (EHS) programs into mainstream business management, EHS managers must measure the success of their strategies. This article presents techniques and samples for both quantitative measurement (EHS results) and qualitative measurement (progress toward implementation). It also provides a case study of measurement at the Perkin-Elmer Corporation, which has achieved notable successes with straightforward measurement approaches. Performance measurement systems can make the difference between an EHS program that rewards stakeholders for hard work, and one that fades and frustrates.  相似文献   

This study aims to analyse the potential market for emissions permits that the European Union (EU) established in 2005, in a first-mover attitude with regard to the frame of the Kyoto Protocol. To this end the integrated assessment Regional Integrated Climate and the Economy (RICE) model is employed, adapted to the specific objectives intended. A referential paretian-optimum price of US$25.63 tCO2 is obtained around the year 2007, which duplicates the hypothetical harmonized carbon tax. The ratio between the willingness to pay and the net environmental damages as a result of adverse climate change point to the high degree of commitment and the leadership initiative that seem to be assumed by the EU-15, the extended EU including Eastern European countries and the European OECD as a whole, with the hinterland geo-strategic referent represented by Russia and the Ukraine.  相似文献   

The need to constrain the rising concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has led to a growing interest in efficient ways of achieving it. Many analysts have argued for the advantages of tradeable emission permits. Others have pointed to the importance of addressing all sources and sinks of greenhouse gases. However, this 'comprehensive approach' at present appears incompatible with the use of tradeable permits, because few sources and sinks can be monitored with the accuracy required for such a system. It is not enough to make rough approximations, because inadequate monitoring and revision of approximations could disrupt the whole system. The best approach is to start by developing an efficient control system for the major sources which can be adequately monitored - primarily fossil-fuel CO2 - and by ensuring that other sources and sinks may be introduced over time. This can be achieved by starting with a system of overlapping permits which focuses upon the major quantifiable sources (notably fossil CO2), and introduces revisions as permits are retired and reissued.  相似文献   

Whether environmental management is successful depends partly on whether managers can actively involve employees in policy formulation and implementation. This not only generates shop floor support for environmental policy, it also makes use of employees' environmental knowledge and expertise. Based on eight detailed case studies of different Dutch companies, this article examines the involvement of employees in environmental management and the possibilities of enhancing this involvement. It shows how employee involvement can be promoted by improving employeemanagement interaction, promoting responsibility for the environment among middle management and individual employees, formulating supplementary policy, and introducing a number of concrete measures.  相似文献   

《Resources Policy》1987,13(2):113-122
Sealed bid auctions for offshore federal mineral holdings are a source of substantial litigation brought by environmental groups and the states against the US government. A basic utility maximizing model and explanations based on externalities and wealth seeking behaviour are used to predict a willingness to pay by interest groups to delay a lease on specific tracts. A method is developed that incorporates bids for delay into the auction process. Estimates of the minimum payment to delay a lease, based on data from two lease sales, are compared to the budget of selected environmental groups, states and local governments.  相似文献   

Benchmarking is a powerful management technique that can help improve an organization's environmental performance on a number of dimensions. Benchmarking is not a cookbook solution but a systematic process of searching for the organization that is the best at a given process (“best-in-class”) and continually adopting or adapting new processes to accelerate improvement. As a continual process including planning, analysis, integration, action, and maturity phases, benchmarking should be integrated into the planning stage of the management system. Once processes are strategically identified, they can be improved within the company's Total Quality Management program. Many benefits, such as teamwork and job satisfaction, accompany benchmarking, but the greatest companywide advantage is becoming more competitive. Finding a suitable partner is crucial to the success of the benchmarking process. This article shows the traditional one-on-one approach is the most effective because it saves time and money that allows organizations to learn from each other. In addition, examples of where benchmarking partners may be found, as well as several success indicators in the benchmarking process, are presented. Since the ultimate intent of benchmarking is positive change, the difference between reengineering and continuous performance improvement and the role benchmarking plays in each is also discussed.  相似文献   

The water waste discharge permits allocation among great river basins in national level is the firs step of national wide water waste management strategy and a key point of total mass control as well. The challenge is coming from the conflict between equality and efficiency. In this research, a new allocation method based on the conception of information entropy and maximum entropy method is introduced into the basin level wastewater permits allocation. Four indexes are chosen to compose a multi-criterion system in information entropy method (IEM) including, GDP, population, water environmental capacity and water resource quantity. The allocation of chemical oxygen demand (COD) in national basin level among the seven great river basins in China is illustrated as a case study.  相似文献   

Traditionally, the criteria used to measure conservation success or failure are based on biological factors. Biological factors include changes in the amount of targeted conserved species, biodiversity, and total area conserved. However, conservation efforts are not simply a matter of biological concern; environmental, political, social, and conflict pressures on different scales (ranging from local to global) also have strong influences on the outcome of conservation. These other factors can either pose threats to or enhance conservation, but are not addressed by current criteria. Using a proposed holistic rubric that includes interdisciplinary fields, this paper examines a set of conservation factors on different scales – ranging from local to global – to determine their importance in conservation. The paper analyses positive factor influences with more successful conservation and negative factor influences with less successful, or failed, conservation attempts. Neutral and non‐applicable factor influences are also identified, defined, and ranked as a standardization mechanism. The determination of success changed when the holistic rubric was applied to conservation projects in Costa Rica, Mekong Valley, and Cameroon. In the Costa Rica case study, conservation success for Guanacaste and Talamanca national parks is rated ‘moderately low’. In the case of Mekong Valley, conservation success is rated ‘low’ for Lower Mekong, ‘moderately low’ for Greater Annamites, and ‘low’ for Phong Nha‐Ke Bang national parks. Cameroon's Congo Basin and Sangha Tri‐National conservation efforts are both rated ‘low’, while Dja Faunal is rated ‘very low’. We conclude that if conservation efforts are to attain a high level of success, the strategy for global conservation must move away from the traditional biological approach, which focuses mainly on biological concerns, and embrace a holistic approach, which in addition to biological concerns, addresses environmental, political, social, and conflict pressures, which have strong influences on the outcomes of conservation.  相似文献   

Framework for Measuring Sustainable Development in Catchment Systems   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Integrated catchment management represents an approach to managing the resources of a catchment by integrating environmental, economic, and social issues. It is aimed at deriving sustainable benefits for future generations, while protecting natural resources, particularly water, and minimizing possible adverse social, economic, and environmental consequences. Indicators of sustainable development, which summarize information for use in decision-making, are invaluable when trying to assess the diverse, interacting components of catchment processes and resource management actions. The Driving-Forces–Pressure–State–Impact–Response (DPSIR) indicator framework is useful for identifying and developing indicators of sustainable development for catchment management. Driving forces have been identified as the natural conditions occurring in a catchment and the level of development and economic activity. Pressures include the natural and anthropogenic supply of water, water demand, and water pollution. State indicators can be split into those of quantity and those of quality. Impacts include those that affect the ecosystems directly and those that impact the use value of the resource. It core indicators are identified within each of the categories given in the framework, most major catchment-based management issues can be evaluated. This framework is applied to identify key issues in catchment management in South Africa, and develop a set of indicators for evaluating catchments throughout the country.  相似文献   

This study aimed to develop a psychometrically sound measure of the construct of love and deep caring for nature as an expression of people’s personal and explicitly emotional relationship with nature. Expert opinion and pre-pilot surveys were employed for refinement of the item pool, and a sample of 307 university students was used in a major pilot study aiming to further purify scale items. A field trial was conducted using a sample of 261 tourists at leisure with nature. The final 15-item Love and Care for Nature (LCN) scale is differentiated from established measures of similar constructs, and demonstrates high internal consistency and sound validity. This research extends the psychological frameworks of environmental altruism, and has also taken the philosophical concept of biophilia, as love for nature, into the operational realm by making it perceptible and measurable.  相似文献   

This paper reviews relevant literature on the sustainability indicators theoretically proposed and practically applied by scholars over the past 15 years. Although progress is being made in the development and critical analysis of sustainability indicators, in many cases existing or proposed indicators are not the most sensitive or useful measures in developing countries. Indicator selection needs to meet the following criteria: relative availability of data representing the indicators, sensitivity to stresses on the system, existence of threshold values and guidelines, predictivity, integratability and known response to disturbances, anthropogenic stresses, and changes over time. Based on these criteria, this paper proposes a set of operational indicators for measuring agricultural sustainability in developing countries. These indicators include ecological indicators involving amounts of fertilizers and pesticides used, irrigation water used, soil nutrient content, depth to the groundwater table, water use efficiency, quality of groundwater for irrigation, and nitrate content of both groundwater and crops. Economic indicators include crop productivity, net farm income, benefit–cost ratio of production, and per capita food grain production. Social indicators encompass food self-sufficiency, equality in food and income distribution among farmers, access to resources and support services, and farmers knowledge and awareness of resource conservation. This article suggests that the selection of indicators representing each aspect of sustainability should be prioritized according to spatial and temporal characteristics under consideration.  相似文献   

In 1995 the authors spent a considerable amount of time conducting audits and audit training classes all over the world. In rolling out Colgate-Palmolive's reengineered environmental audit program, they coupled a two-day training program with a three-day audit. Whether in Asia-Pacific, South America, Europe, or the United States, auditors, especially those newly trained, always seemed to fall into the same traps time and again. In order to facilitate the learning process, the authors prepared a list of 20 tips to use at the beginning and end of all training programs and audits. In this article, the authors share the 20 “golden rules” to help all auditors improve the quality of their audits.  相似文献   

Transboundary issues, like climate change, threaten the health of natural ecosystems. To address these problems, management is taking place at larger geographic scales and across political boundaries. Although landscapes are considered the suitable scale for conservation, limited research exists on how members of large landscape conservation organizations (LLCOs) define success. The Crown Managers Partnership (CMP) and the Southern Appalachian Man and the Biosphere Cooperative (SAMAB) are two LLCOs that support collaboration for the conservation of the Northern Rockies and the Southern Appalachian regions. We analyze the diverse interpretations of success among SAMAB and CMP participants during different stages of the organizations’ life cycle. Of particular importance is how members emphasize intangible successes such as relationships and the cascading effects LLCOs can have on other projects and organizations. This research provides insight into the distinct niche LLCOs fill in transboundary ecosystem management.  相似文献   

This paper reports on European public perceptions of carbon capture and storage (CCS) as determined through six focus groups, one held in each of the UK, the Netherlands, Poland, Germany, Belgium and Spain. The development of opinion and the emergence of concerns were observed via phased exposure to a specially commissioned film providing an overview of CCS technology, its rationale and associated debates, supplemented by additional information on national energy mixes. In general there was a high level of commonality in opinion and concerns across the six countries, with only minor differences. The concerns that emerged were not allayed by the information provided. On the contrary, there was evidence of a shift from initial uncertainty about CCS to negative positions. CCS was generally perceived as an uncertain, end-of-pipe technology that will perpetuate fossil-fuel dependence. Noting the political context to CCS, we conclude that advocates will likely find the European public opinion context a challenging one in which to achieve deployment, particularly for onshore storage, except where local communities perceive real economic or other benefits to CCS.  相似文献   

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