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Voluntary cleanup programs for contaminated sites have been developed in several states over the last few years. Some of the advantages of these programs include developing a collaboration between site owners and regulators, implementing cleanup standards based upon site‐specific current and future risks, and enhancing the market conditions that can lead to development of properties to their highest productive use. This article offers a case study of the first site in Iowa to proceed through the state's voluntary cleanup program, the Land Recycling Program. It offers the step‐by‐step progress toward the client's goal of a site classification requiring no further action. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

A former chlorofluorocarbon manufacturing facility in northern New Jersey was purchased for redevelopment as a warehousing/distribution center as part of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection's Brownfields redevelopment initiative. Soil and groundwater at the site were impacted with dense nonaqueous‐phase liquids (chlorinated organic compounds) and light nonaqueous‐phase liquids (petroleum hydrocarbons). The initial remedial strategy (excavation and offsite disposal) developed by prior site owners would have been cost‐prohibitive to the new site owners and made redevelopment infeasible. Mixed remedial technologies were employed to reduce the cost of remediation while meeting regulatory contaminant levels that are protective of human health and the environment. The most heavily impacted soils (containing greater than 95 percent of the contaminant mass) were excavated and treated onsite by the addition of calcium oxide and lime kiln dust coupled with physical mixing. Treated soils were reused onsite as part of the redevelopment. Residual soil and groundwater contamination was treated via in situ injections of emulsified oil to enhance anaerobic biodegradation, and emulsified oil/zero‐valent iron to chemically reduce residual contaminants. Engineering (cap) and administrative (deed restriction) controls were used as part of the final remedy. The remedial strategy presented in this article resulted in a cost reduction of 50 percent of the initial remedial cost estimate. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Electrical resistance heating (ERH) is an in situ treatment for soil and groundwater remediation that can reduce the time to clean up volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from years to months. The technology is now mature enough to provide site owners with both performance and financial certainty in their site‐closure process. The ability of the technology to remediate soil and groundwater impacted by chlorinated solvents and petroleum hydrocarbons regardless of lithology proves to be beneficial over conventional in situ technologies that are dependent on advective flow. These conventional technologies include: soil vapor recovery, air sparging, and pumpand‐treat, or the delivery of fluids to the subsurface such as chemical oxidization and bioremediation. The technology is very tolerant of subsurface heterogeneities and actually performs as well in low‐permeability silts and clay as in higher‐ permeability sands and gravels. ERH is often implemented around and under buildings and public access areas without upsetting normal business operations. ERH may also be combined with other treatment technologies to optimize and enhance their performance. This article describes how the technology was developed, how it works, and provides two case studies where ERH was used to remediate complex lithologies. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The future disposal of treated groundwater at the former Nebraska Ordnance Plant (NOP) Superfund site has been a topic of interest to the local property owners, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and the local regulatory agencies. The Record of Decision for the site includes the extraction, treatment, and disposal of almost 3,000 gpm of groundwater with an estimated restoration time period exceeding 100 years. Interest from property owners and the Nebraska agency charged with regulating groundwater supply prompted the Corps of Engineers to consider several strategies for beneficially reusing the treated water. Alternatives included the establishment of a rural water district or local distribution system; delivery of the water to the municipal supply system of Lincoln, Nebraska, andsol;or other nearby municipalities; and consideration of innovative remedial technologies to reduce the quantity of treated water requiring disposal. The selected disposal plan consists of providing treated groundwater to interested parties for agricultural use with excess treated groundwater discharged to two streams. Multiple feasibility studies were generated, public input was solicited, and interagency agreements were executed during the course of the project. The remediation project is currently being constructed, and at least one property owner has constructed a new center‐pivot irrigation system to use the treated groundwater. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons.  相似文献   

In 2017, Consumers Energy completed a sediment response action in the Flint River to address manufactured gas plant‐related impacts in sediments and at the groundwater‐surface water interface. The project site is located in an urban, channelized, developed reach of the river. Multiple property owners and site constraints presented unique challenges for the remedial design, including the presence of Hamilton Dam at the downstream edge of the site which was considered a high‐hazard dam in “very poor condition.” An additional consideration was the City of Flint water crisis which was initially exposed in 2014. The sediment response action was not related to the water crisis because the site is located approximately two miles downstream of the City's water intake, but design, permitting, and construction began after 2014, so the timing added a heightened sense of awareness from the public stakeholders. The successful completion of the sediment response action was the result of deliberate planning, iterative engineering, and open communication with stakeholders that enabled a careful balancing of objectives with sometimes competing interests.  相似文献   

A three‐dimensional stochastic groundwater flow and contaminant transport model has been developed to optimize groundwater containment at an industrial site in Italy and to define likely future contaminant distribution under different confinement or remediation scenarios. The transport model was first calibrated using a deterministic approach to simulate the hydrochemical conditions prior to the optimization of groundwater extraction, then a probabilistic simulation was conducted to predict future contaminant concentrations. The stochastic approach allowed introducing an estimate of the uncertainty of the hydrogeological and chemical parameters into the model, simulating the probability density function of the contaminant concentrations after the application of the optimized barrier wells pumping rates. This allowed the calculation of the time required for the concentrations of each modeled parameter to decrease to under the regulatory limit at the compliance point, and associating the related uncertainty into the model. Quantifying the model prediction uncertainty facilitated a better understanding of the site environmental conditions, providing the site owners additional information for managing the site and allocating related economic resources. ©2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Often liability for environmental damage and cleanup of contaminated sites is made difficult, especially with chemically complex environments containing different pollutants, by the inability to differentiate potential sources (or “owners”) of pollutants from each other. As a result, unnecessary costs may be associated with having to assume financial responsibility for alleged contamination of a site. This article reviews the advances in chemical fingerprinting as a tool in identifying and differentiating sources of hydrocarbon pollutants in chemically complex environments. Appropriate hydrocarbon target analytes and required analytical methods for hydrocarbon fingerprinting are discussed, and new interpretative tools are presented that may be applied to contaminated soil, sediment, and groundwater environmental situations. With these analytical and interpretative techniques, an appropriate allocation of chemical contamination and costs at a site can be made.  相似文献   

With increasingly stringent federal, state, and local regulations, reliable operation of environmental remediation systems is critical. Most environmental systems are required to operate continuously—night and day—and to be closely monitored for performance and reporting. For the owners of these systems, the cost associated with their long-term operation and monitoring is a growing concern. This article describes a cost-effective solution to control and monitor these systems, both locally and from remote locations. Two case studies are provided.  相似文献   

After suits by the AFL-CIO and the Service Employees International Union demanding more worker protection, OSHA published new proposed asbestos regulations in 1990. Hearings were held in 1991. Everyone was very interested. Nothing happened for about three years. Then, just when everyone thought they had their “asbestos problems” figured out, along came the new October 11, 1994, asbestos rules. Look out building owners, property management companies, abatement contractors, and asbestos consultants—it's your turn to cry.  相似文献   

Based on a review of hundreds of environmental restoration program optimization reviews, this article describes management tools found in successful and efficient remediation programs. Projects that consistently struggled to achieve their objectives were observed to be missing certain, or to have inadequately used, these tools. The tools are articulated as best practices because when they are present and actively used, project shortcomings were minimal. Priority objectives for site owners and project managers include improving efficiency and effectiveness through performance management, reducing resource usage and energy consumption, ensuring protectiveness, and reducing uncertainty in management decision making. Restoring environmental resources damaged by historic waste management practices began in earnest in the late 1960s and early 1970s with the broad recognition of the problems caused by environmental discharges and spills when wastes are not managed appropriately. Under new regulations, soil and groundwater remediation projects could be, and were, conducted within a defined framework. The number and variety of restoration projects that were launched resulted in a slew of projects progressing through the stages of characterization, decision, and cleanup, and more were added to the cleanup process each year. In the 1990s, the Department of Defense noted that many cleanup efforts were projected to incur substantial operational, maintenance, and monitoring costs for decades into the future. This was correctly perceived as an opportunity to optimize those systems and programs, minimize costs, and reduce health and environmental risks. The best practices outlined in this article address management tools that were identified in optimization efforts that led to effective and efficient environmental remediation projects. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Nanoscale zero‐valent iron (nZVI) is the most commonly used nanoremediation material. While there has been a reasonable level of application of nZVI technologies for in situ remediation in the United States, its utilization across Europe has been much more limited. There has been significant uncertainty about the balance between deployment risks and benefits for nanoparticles (NPs), which has affected the regulatory position in several countries. Some member states of the European Union (EU) take a strong precautionary view of the risks from the deployment of NPs into the subsurface, preventing the adoption of the technology. This article provides a risk–benefit assessment for nZVI based on published information and describes the steps that will be taken by a major European research project (NanoRem), as part of its work to provide a basis for better informed decision making in European environmental restoration markets. A key part of this process is dialogue between practitioners and researchers. NanoRem therefore has an active process of communication with different stakeholder networks (regulators, service providers, and site owners). NanoRem hopes to stimulate a consensus on appropriate use of nanoremediation and thereby stimulate effective technology transfer to the European remediation market. ©2015 The Authors  相似文献   

Regulatory requirements for the evaluation of vapor intrusion vary significantly among states. For site owners and responsible parties that have sites in different regulatory jurisdictions, one challenge is to know and understand how the requirements or expectations for vapor intrusion differ from one jurisdiction to the next. Differences in requirements can make it difficult to manage sites in a consistent manner across jurisdictions. Eklund, Folkes, et al. (2007, February, Environmental Manager, 10–14) published an overview of state guidance for vapor intrusion in 2007 that provided a detailed summary of pathway screening values and other key vapor intrusion policies. An update by Eklund, Beckley, et al. (2012, Remediation, 22, 7–20) was published in 2012, which expanded the evaluation to additional states. Since that time, numerous states have substantially revised their guidance and some states that did not have vapor intrusion‐specific guidance have issued new guidance. This article provides an update to the 2012 study. For each state, the review includes tabulations of the types of screening values included (e.g., groundwater, soil, soil gas, indoor air) and the screening values for selected chemicals that commonly drive vapor intrusion investigations (i.e., trichloroethylene [TCE], tetrachloroethylene, and benzene) along with other compounds of potential interest. In addition, for each state, the article summarizes a number of key policy decisions that are important for the investigation of vapor intrusion including: distance screening criteria, default subsurface to indoor air attenuation factors, mitigation criteria, and policies for evaluation of short‐term TCE exposure.  相似文献   

A special feature of waste management in Finland has been the emphasis on the source separation of kitchen biowaste (catering waste); more than two-thirds of the Finnish population participates in this separation. Source-separated biowaste is usually treated by composting. The biowaste of about 5% of the population is handled by mechanical-biological treatment. A waste treatment plant at Mustasaari is the only plant in Finland using digestion for kitchen biowaste. For the protection of their employees, the plant owners commissioned a study on environmental factors and occupational hygiene in the plant area. During 1998-2000 the concentrations of dust, microbes and endotoxins and noise levels were investigated to identify possible problems at the plant. Three different work areas were investigated: the pre-processing and crushing hall, the bioreactor hall and the drying hall. Employees were asked about work-related health problems. Some problems with occupational hygiene were identified: concentrations of microbes and endotoxins may increase to levels harmful to health during waste crushing and in the bioreactor hall. Because employees complained of symptoms such as dry cough and rash or itching appearing once or twice a month, it is advisable to use respirator masks (class P3) during dusty working phases. The noise level in the drying hall exceeded the Finnish threshold value of 85 dBA. Qualitatively harmful factors for the health of employees are similar in all closed waste treatment plants in Finland. Quantitatively, however, the situation at the Mustasaari treatment plant is better than at some Finnish dry waste treatment plants. Therefore is reasonable to conclude that mechanical sorting, which produces a dry waste fraction for combustion and a biowaste fraction for anaerobic treatment, is in terms of occupational hygiene better for employees than combined aerobic treatment and dry waste treatment.  相似文献   

Successful soil remediation depends on many factors that project managers know well: accurate assessments as to the extent and nature of contamination; the right choice and proper implementation of remediation technologies; and, deft negotiation of regulatory requirements and review. One equally important factor that often receives too little attention is stakeholder communication. Effective communication strategies and tactics can help avoid project delays and cost overruns related to stakeholder concerns and opposition, and inoculate owners and others against frivolous litigation. Remediation projects also offer opportunities to bolster the brands and images of engaged parties, including owners, engineering and environmental contractors—and even the regulatory agencies that oversee them. Understanding the skills and techniques necessary to communicate effectively when people are angry, upset, and suspicious of everything you say is essential to project success. This article will explore six rules for effective communication—brought to life by genuine case studies where they have been followed to positive effect—that encapsulate the skills and techniques project managers can apply in difficult situations involving the remediation of contaminated sites. ©2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The present work aims at identifying, locating and quantifying the industrial and domestic waste dump sites located in and around Bangalore urban and rural districts of Karnataka state, India. Bangalore has a population of 6 million and has more than 2000 industries working at various industrial estates and other locations around the city. It was reported that about 1500 tons of municipal waste per day is being generated from Bangalore city. Studies reveal that there is no scientific treatment and disposal facility for scientific management of the waste generated. The waste from industries and community areas is disposed in an unscientific manner at several open dump sites across the city. There are more than 60 dump sites consisting of both municipal and industrial waste existing in and around Bangalore city; the locations are totally unhygienic. Based on the experience gained from field visits, physical observation of the waste disposed, quantity and nature of the waste disposed, each site was given with a grading based on polluting potential of the site. For selected sites, ground water samples were collected from nearby surface or bore wells and analysed for possible contamination. From the study, it was found that the site needed immediate attention and comes under severe impact category of 27 numbers and that of medium and low impact are 18 and 6 numbers, respectively. The disposal sites have got tremendous potential of spreading the epidemics/diseases to the people living in their immediate vicinity and at nearby places.  相似文献   

Remedial action was initiated and completed on an approximately 500-acre brownfield site in southern California within a period of five months during the summer of 1995. Remedial actions included design and construction of an approximately 14-acre cap, including a synthetic membrane; design, construction, and testing of an in-situ soil vapor extraction system; excavation, on-site treatment, and off-site disposal of approximately 7,000 cubic yards of residual waste and affected soil; and verification sampling, analysis, and health risk screening in 20 units of a former integrated steel mill. Completion of remedial action on this portion of the mill site within this time frame was required due to site redevelopment plans which included construction of an auto raceway with scheduled races in early 1997. Rapid remedial action was possible only through simultaneous completion of multiple remediation tasks. This could be done only with continuous communication and close coordination among the site owner, lead regulatory agency, and contractors.  相似文献   

Deciding upon a cost effective and sustainable method to address soil pollution is a challenge for many remedial project managers. High pressure to quickly achieve cleanup goals pushes for energy‐intensive remedies that rapidly address the contaminants of concern with established technologies, often leaving little room for research and development especially for slower treatment technologies, such as bioremediation, for the more heavily polluted sites. In this case study, new genomic approaches have been leveraged to assess fungal biostimulation potential in soils polluted with particularly persistent hydrophobic contaminants. This new approach provides insights into the genetic functions available at a given site in a way never before possible. In particular, this article presents a case study where next‐generation sequencing has been used to categorize fungi in soils from the Atlantic Wood Industries Superfund site in Portsmouth, Virginia. Data suggest that original attempts to harness fungi for bioremediation may have focused on fungal genera poorly suited to survive under heavily polluted site conditions, and that more targeted approaches relying on native indigenous fungi which are better equipped to survive under site‐specific conditions may be more appropriate. ©2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Hazardous waste generators have a duty of care in ensuring that their wastes are disposed of in an environmentally acceptable manner. Increasingly, generators are being made liable for environmental damage at the site of a waste disposal contractor if their wastes have been accepted by that facility. An audit procedure is described, that permits generators to examine the performance of waste vendors and to assess their potential liability as a result of using the site. Post-audit decisions in estimating the degree of risk and selecting appropriate waste contractors are also discussed.The purpose of this paper is to guide the prospective auditor through the site assessment procedure, highlighting areas of particular concern in relation to present or future potential liabilities. The audit procedure that is described, applies to all types of waste disposal operations in all countries, since the principles of good waste management do not vary.  相似文献   

This paper describes a modelling approach used to investigate the significance of key factors (vehicle type, compaction type, site design, temporal effects) in influencing the variability in observed nett amenity bin weights produced by household waste recycling centres (HWRCs). This new method can help to quickly identify sites that are producing significantly lighter bins, enabling detailed back-end analyses to be efficiently targeted and best practice in HWRC operation identified. Tested on weigh ticket data from nine HWRCs across West Sussex, UK, the model suggests that compaction technique, vehicle type, month and site design explained 76% of the variability in the observed nett amenity weights. For each factor, a weighting coefficient was calculated to generate a predicted nett weight for each bin transaction and three sites were subsequently identified as having similar characteristics but returned significantly different mean nett bin weights. Waste and site audits were then conducted at the three sites to try and determine the possible sources of the remaining variability. Significant differences were identified in the proportions of contained waste (bagged), wood, and dry recyclables entering the amenity waste stream, particularly at one site where significantly less contaminated waste and dry recyclables were observed.  相似文献   

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