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Remediation of refinery wastes is regulated by three major federal environmental statutes: the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA); other statutes apply, but to a lesser degree. During the past two years, RCRA's rules have effectively outlawed the passive biological treatment of primary refinery waste sludges in waste ponds and lagoons, even though the law recommends active biological treatment as the second stage in the waste treatment train. RCRA's land disposal restrictions may also outlaw land farming treatment for the bottom sludges involved in crude oil storage. Since 1980, when the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency listed an initial group of five waste streams as hazardous, the agency has listed two more waste streams and twenty-five organic constituents, several found in petroleum wastes. Now it is about to list fourteen more petroleum refining wastes and is studying the addition of fifteen more waste streams. Treatment standards and restrictions have also been promulgated. This article explores the biotreatment techniques and technologies that are still available to petroleum and environmental engineers.  相似文献   

The hyporheic zone, the transition region between groundwater and surface water, represents an important interface between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. When groundwater combines with surface water in this zone, the characteristics of each are blended and new gradients are established, especially for contaminants. Therefore, the hyporheic zone is important in considering the “big ecological picture” as the hydrologic continuum connecting groundwater and surface water. The importance is reflected by the current focus of this zone in ecological risk assessments conducted under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA), and Clean Water Act (CWA) programs. A variety of tools can be used to measure, analyze, and predict the physical, chemical, and biological processes that occur within the hyporheic zone. Directly measuring the flux of water across the interface between groundwater and surface water determines whether surface water enters the streambed at downwelling zones or groundwater discharges from the streambed in upwelling zones. In addition to direct measurements of the flux of water, several states have developed models to characterize the interaction of groundwater and surface water. The variability in physical and chemical characteristics between upwelling and downwelling zones influences the local ecology within the zone. The study of the species within the hyporheic zone includes ecological surveys and ecotoxicological investigations. The evolving study of the hyporheic zone will necessitate an increase in basic research into hydraulic considerations, an identification of regional representative sites with contaminated hyporheic zones, and a better understanding of the ecology of the species within the zone. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The paper explores the application of a unit area loading (UAL) approach to address the requirements of the US Clean Water Act (CWA) and the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) for the identification and quantification of diffuse urban pollution sources. The UAL approach defines the spatial distribution of pollutant loadings within an urban catchment as a basis for the assessment of in-stream hazards and the implementation of source control BMP measures. Calculated annual outflow concentrations for a specific catchment for two pollutants, zinc and hydrocarbons, illustrate the different levels of dilution/control, which can be required to achieve receiving water quality standards and objectives. Methodological issues relating to traditional volume-concentration probabilistic modelling on which the UAL approach is based are discussed, and the application of the UAL approach to non-point diffuse pollution load management is reviewed.  相似文献   

Municipal solid waste management (MSWM) in the United States is a system comprised of regulatory, administrative, market, technology, and social subcomponents, and can only be understood in the context of its historical evolution. American cities lacked organized public works for street cleaning, refuse collection, water treatment, and human waste removal until the early 1800s. Recurrent epidemics forced efforts to improve public health and the environment. The belief in anticontagionism led to the construction of water treatment and sewerage works during the nineteenth century, by sanitary engineers working for regional public health authorities. This infrastructure was capital intensive and required regional institutions to finance and administer it. By the time attention turned to solid waste management in the 1880s, funding was not available for a regional infrastructure. Thus, solid waste management was established as a local responsibility, centred on nearby municipal dumps. George Waring of New York City organized solid waste management around engineering unit operations; including street sweeping, refuse collection, transportation, resource recovery and disposal. This approach was adopted nationwide, and was managed by City Departments of Sanitation. Innovations such as the introduction of trucks, motorized street sweepers, incineration, and sanitary landfill were developed in the following decades. The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (RCRA), is the defining legislation for MSWM practice in America today. It forced the closure of open dumps nationwide, and required regional planning for MSWM. The closure of municipal dumps caused a 'garbage crisis' in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Private companies assumed an expanded role in MSWM through regional facilities that required the transportation of MSW across state lines. These transboundary movements of MSW created the issue of flow control, in which the US Supreme Court affirmed the protection of garbage under the Commerce Clause of the Constitution. Thus MSWM in America today is largely managed by municipalities, and operated by a relatively small number of private companies. It consists of a mixture of landfill, incineration, recycling, and composting, and is regulated under RCRA, the Clean Air Act and other related federal and state laws.  相似文献   

Stormwater runoff from the University of California, Davis/U.S. Department of Energy Laboratory for Energy‐Related Health Research (UCD/US DOE LEHR) Superfund site located on the University of California campus in Davis, California, has been found to contain over 500 ng/L of total recoverable mercury, which is about ten times the California Toxics Rule criterion. This stormwater runoff is discharged to Putah Creek, which is Clean Water Act Section 303(d) listed as impaired for excessive mercury bioaccumulation in edible fish. A discussion is presented on the potential impact of the mercury in stormwater runoff from LEHR leading to excessive bioaccumulation of mercury in Putah Creek fish. The mercury in the stormwater runoff is derived from former flooding of the soils near the creek, which contains mercury derived from abandoned upstream mercury mines located in the Coast Range Vaca Hills to the west of LEHR. The implications of this situation for implementing a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) to control mercury in stormwater runoff to Putah Creek are presented. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Contrary to many's expectations, the Republican-led 104th Congress passed a substantial amount of environmental legislation. In addition to a variety of bills that received limited public attention, two major environmental laws—the Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments and the Food Quality Protection Act—were passed and signed into law. Still, many important legislative efforts were left unfinished at the end of the second session and will resurface in the 105th Congress. This article discusses the environmental legislation that passed in the 104th Congress and explores what environmental legislative initiatives will be addressed in the 105th Congress. (While not intended to be all-inclusive, the article mentions most major environmental legislation, with a particular focus on waste issues.)  相似文献   

Industrial activities that are sources of pollutants in storm water runoff at typical facilities of the transportation industry are identified by site investigations at five facilities. This research then evaluates pollution prevention measures implemented to reduce those pollutants, as required by storm water regulations under the U.S. Clean Water Act. Activities that potentially generate storm water pollutants, particular to facilities of this industry, include: vehicle maintenance; vehicle fueling; vehicle washing; and activities on paved access roads and vehicle storage areas. Activities common to this industry, but also found in other industries, include: storage and handling of process materials and wastes; operation of industrial equipment located outdoors or exposed to storm water; and design and operation of site drainage facilities. Most control measures cited in the compliance documents of the facilities in the case studies were not developed specifically for storm water pollution prevention, but serve to reduce storm water pollutants as part of compliance with regulations for hazardous waste, wastewater, worker safety, or other purposes. Most identified control measures were operational practices or employee procedures, rather than structural facility modifications or devices to remove pollutants. Implementation of such measures is difficult to enforce or verify by regulatory agencies, and evidence at the case study facilities suggests that measures described similarly at different facilities are unevenly implemented and unequally effective at controlling storm water pollutants.  相似文献   

After an overview about the criteria of odour nuisance in different technical laws, about electronic noses analysers and about dynamic olfactometry, in the present paper the authors describe an application of dynamic olfactometry in combination with the determinations of electronic noses. The coordination of the two approaches permits optimisation of the advantages offered by both methods to the measurable and objective evaluation of the odour nuisance from waste treatment plants and chemical plants.  相似文献   

The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA or Superfund) did not ignore the fifty individual states when establishing responsibility, authority, and liability for cleaning up hazardous waste sites. Although CERCLA gives EPA the ultimate authority to select a remedy for a contaminated site, the law was drafted not only to allow for state activity without EPA, but also for significant state input when EPA is involved. The relationship between a state (and its environmental laws) and EPA can help decide the remedial and financial interests of any potentially responsible party (PRP). This article discusses the relevant CERCLA provisions, recent court decisions, and resolved and unresolved issues in federal-state Superfund involvement, and recommends several common-sense strategies for PRPs when working with a state in a Superfund cleanup.  相似文献   

The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of the Kyoto Protocol aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in developing countries and at the same time to assist these countries in sustainable development. While composting as a suitable mitigation option in the waste sector can clearly contribute to the former goal there are indications that high rents can also be achieved regarding the latter. In this article composting is compared with other CDM project types inside and outside the waste sector with regards to both project numbers and contribution to sustainable development. It is found that, despite the high number of waste projects, composting is underrepresented and a major reason for this fact is identified. Based on a multi-criteria analysis it is shown that composting has a higher potential for contribution to sustainable development than most other best in class projects. As these contributions can only be assured if certain requirements are followed, eight key obligations are presented.  相似文献   

Solid waste, including municipal waste and its management, is a major challenge for most cities and among the key contributors to climate change. Greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced through recovery and recycling of resources from the municipal solid waste stream. In São Paulo, Brazil, recycling cooperatives play a crucial role in providing recycling services including collection, separation, cleaning, stocking, and sale of recyclable resources. The present research attempts to measure the greenhouse gas emission reductions achieved by the recycling cooperative Cooperpires, as well as highlight its socioeconomic benefits. Methods include participant observation, structured interviews, questionnaire application, and greenhouse gas accounting of recycling using a Clean Development Mechanism methodology. The results show that recycling cooperatives can achieve important energy savings and reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, and suggest there is an opportunity for Cooperpires and other similar recycling groups to participate in the carbon credit market. Based on these findings, the authors created a simple greenhouse gas accounting calculator for recyclers to estimate their emissions reductions.  相似文献   

电力节能减排法规体系建设思考   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
简述了中国环保法规建设的发展和现状,重点分析了电力SO2排放控制的法规、行政要求;介绍了电力行业供电煤耗、烟气脱硫、脱硝、废水排放等节能减排成效。对法律间存在的不够协调,法律与法规、法规与规章之间缺乏一致性、配套性以及法律本身存在的不明确、操作性不强等问题,从改革发展、体制变化、环境性质、基础研究等方面进行了分析:重点对项目环评、规划环评、工频电磁场、火电厂脱硫、排污收费、污染物总量控制、区域限批等要求进行了初步分析,并提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

The Alberta, Canada acid deposition management framework, based upon the application of critical, target and monitoring loads, is described. This framework is the culmination of four years work by stakeholders brought together within Alberta's Clean Air Strategic Alliance (CASA). The elements of the framework include scientific aspects of measurement, model estimation, and monitoring of acid deposition, assessment of receptor sensitivity, and management processes to reduce emissions and deposition (should reductions become necessary). All loads are applied to grid cells measuring 1°latitude × 1° longitude, with each cell being categorized as sensitive, moderately sensitive or of low sensitivity on the basis of the sensitivities of the soil and water systems within the cell. Critical loads have been set at 0.25, 0.50 and 1.00 keq H+ ha-1 yr-1 for grid cells that are categorized as sensitive, moderately sensitive, and of low sensitivity, respectively. Target loads, the environmental management objectives, have been set at 0.22, 0.45, and 0.90 keq H+ ha-1 yr-1, and monitoring loads, a new concept in acid deposition management, have been set at 0.17, 0.35 and 0.70 keq H+ ha-1 yr-1 for the three sensitivity classes. When model prediction indicates that deposition may be exceeding the monitoring load, deposition monitoring and receptor sensitivity studies are to be initiated to confirm the deposition model prediction, and to ensure that the sensitivity of the recipient systems is understood. In this manner, management actions that occur in the event of a target load exceedance will be based upon receptor sensitivity and deposition data rather than upon model prediction alone. A process for stakeholder involvement in the evaluation of the framework and its application in long-term, long-range management of emissions and deposition is also included within the framework.  相似文献   

The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) was introduced by the Kyoto Protocol to provide a financial incentive to establish project activities in developing countries for reducing greenhouse gas emissions while also fostering sustainable development. This article shows that waste management project activities play an important role in achieving the aims of the CDM. It describes how these activities have to prove additionality, how the emission reductions must be calculated and monitored in order to be eligible and in order to lead to Certified Emission Reductions (CERs). The article further provides an analysis about the various challenges that are involved in applying the CDM scheme to waste management project activities, which require a new specific set of technical skills and regulatory standards.  相似文献   

Clean processing of copper converter slag to reclaim cobalt and copper could be a challenge. An innovative and environmentally sound approach for recovering valuable metals from such a slag has been developed in the present study. Curing the slag with strong sulphuric acid, without re-smelting or roasting as practiced currently in the industry, render it accessible to leaching, and more than 95% of cobalt and up to 90% of copper was extracted together with iron by water leaching, leaving silica behind in a residue. The copper in the leach liquor was recovered by cementation with iron and the dissolved iron crystallized as ferrous sulphate monohydrate. The cobalt in the mother-liquor rich in iron was recovered by either cementation or sulphide precipitation. Operation variables in the new process were also investigated and optimized.  相似文献   

The enactment of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) created a complex liability scheme for owners, operators and prospective purchasers of contaminated properties, particularly brownfields. As the program developed, liability issues related to contiguous property, prospective purchasers, and no further action determinations became barriers to brownfield property redevelopment. The national effort on the cleanup and redevelopment of brownfield sites took on new emphasis with the passing of the federal “Small Business Liability Protection and Brownfields Revitalization Act” in January 2002. This new law provides liability clarifications as well as funding to facilitate the cleanup of brownfield sites. President Bush stated in his 2003 State of the Union address, “In this century, the greatest environmental progress will come about not through endless lawsuits or command‐and‐control regulations, but through technology and innovation.” The subject of this article is the Interstate Technology Regulatory Commission's Brownfield team, its current initiative, goals, and areas of special focus. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Only few Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects (traditionally focussed on landfill gas combustion) have been registered in Africa if compared to similar developing countries. The waste hierarchy adopted by many African countries clearly shows that waste recycling and composting projects are generally the most sustainable. This paper undertakes a sustainability assessment for practical waste treatment and disposal scenarios for Africa and makes recommendations for consideration. The appraisal in this paper demonstrates that mechanical biological treatment of waste becomes more financially attractive if established through the CDM process. Waste will continue to be dumped in Africa with increasing greenhouse gas emissions produced, unless industrialised countries (Annex 1) fund carbon emission reduction schemes through a replacement to the Kyoto Protocol. Such a replacement should calculate all of the direct and indirect carbon emission savings and seek to promote public–private partnerships through a concerted support of the informal sector.  相似文献   

A solution is proposed for proving compliance with emission targets and for emissions trading in the event of uncertainties in reported emission inventories. The solution is based on the undershooting concept, from which the mathematical conditions for both proving compliance with a risk α and calculating effective emissions for trading are derived. Based on the reported emission units, the number of permits granted is reduced in proportion to the uncertainty in the inventory. A country whose inventory has higher uncertainty is thereby allotted fewer permits than a country with the same inventory but smaller uncertainty.  相似文献   

叶旌  刘洪英 《化工环保》2017,36(5):581-586
回顾了美国《有毒物质控制法》(TSCA)中现有化学物质数据报告(CDR)制度的历史背景。介绍了CDR制度的基本内容、数据质量保证、主要修订情况,以及2012年CDR上报的化学物质数据信息汇总分析情况。针对2016年开展的新一轮CDR数据报告,总结了其最新的变化和具体要求。从建立化学物质信息收集制度、对现有化学物质进行分级管理、重点关注化学物质用途划分和归类,以及建立数据库和信息系统等4个方面,探讨了CDR制度对我国化学品环境管理的启示。  相似文献   

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