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Benchmarking is a powerful management technique that can help improve an organization's environmental performance on a number of dimensions. Benchmarking is not a cookbook solution but a systematic process of searching for the organization that is the best at a given process (“best-in-class”) and continually adopting or adapting new processes to accelerate improvement. As a continual process including planning, analysis, integration, action, and maturity phases, benchmarking should be integrated into the planning stage of the management system. Once processes are strategically identified, they can be improved within the company's Total Quality Management program. Many benefits, such as teamwork and job satisfaction, accompany benchmarking, but the greatest companywide advantage is becoming more competitive. Finding a suitable partner is crucial to the success of the benchmarking process. This article shows the traditional one-on-one approach is the most effective because it saves time and money that allows organizations to learn from each other. In addition, examples of where benchmarking partners may be found, as well as several success indicators in the benchmarking process, are presented. Since the ultimate intent of benchmarking is positive change, the difference between reengineering and continuous performance improvement and the role benchmarking plays in each is also discussed.  相似文献   

探究沿海城市化推进与海洋污染间的关系对沿海城市绿色发展具有重要意义。本文基于2006—2013年中国沿海46个地级市的海洋污染物浓度数据和遥感所得的夜间灯光亮度数据,运用面板空间计量技术从深度推进和广度推进两方面系统考察了沿海城市化对海洋污染的影响及作用机制,结果表明:以紧凑集约为特征的城市化深度推进与海洋污染之间存在着非线性的“U形”关系,而以规模扩张为特征的城市化广度推进只会单纯地加剧海洋污染。城市化深度推进会通过集聚效应和技术进步效应对海洋污染产生积极影响,而城市化广度推进过程中所带来的人口规模的扩大会加剧海洋污染,此外产业结构和绿色技术未能转型升级也是城市扩张加剧海洋污染的关键因素所在。本研究提出在海洋环境管理过程中,一是要加强区域合作,实现海洋污染的区域联防联控;二是应注重城市的紧凑集约化发展,发挥沿海城市化推进对海洋污染防治的正外部性影响;三是需推进海洋经济的绿色可持续发展,实现海洋经济发展与海洋环境污染的脱钩。  相似文献   

One of the major hindrances to waste minimisation on a construction site is the difficulty in establishing a methodology and using this methodology to benchmark future construction projects. This paper introduces SMARTWaste, a software tool that has been used to audit, reduce and target waste arisings on a construction site. This tool tries to link the construction process and the waste hierarchy. That is reducing waste on a construction site rather than landfilling it. Three applications of the SMARTWaste software will be discussed using case studies from three different types of construction. An evaluation of these case studies shows that, by implementing a waste minimisation scheme on-site, you can improve material recovery for reuse. Also, by using the waste arisings as a benchmark you can reduce your waste arisings on future sites. Application of SMARTWaste or a similar waste minimisation tool on a wider basis could reduce waste arisings and could result in a built environment that consumed less natural resources and energy, and also produced less pollution and waste. Such a built environment would be environmentally and socially more responsive and responsible.  相似文献   

针对城市化进程加快引发的一系列环境污染问题,指出了加快污染防治设施社会化运营的必要性,并从污染治理设施的种类、污染治理设施的社会化运营分析和运作模式三方面论述了如何进行污染治理设施的社会化运营,从经济发展、污染防治设施运行、引入竞争机制等方面概述了污染防治设施社会化运营对区域环境与经济协调发展的影响。  相似文献   

The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. If Einstein was correct, the question that you should be posing to yourself right now is “how can I make the change to a different level of thinking?” This challenge was given to a group of managers from a broad range of businesses in a training program delivered at the Centre for Environmental Training (CET) in St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada. It will be examined in this article as part of a case study about the success of a TQEM approach to improving the bottom line of business. At the heart of this story is the germination of a business vision to make improved environmental performance a key factor in regional economic renewal. In keeping with the TQEM theme, this is a never ending story; this article is just the prologue.  相似文献   

美日臭氧污染问题及治理经验借鉴研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
以臭氧(O_3)为主要成分的"光化学氧化剂"是光化学烟雾的真身。臭氧污染受臭氧前体物排放及其复杂的相互转化关系控制,导致臭氧污染问题在治理过程中具有高度的复杂性和反复性,甚至成为全球性环境难题。我国城市群臭氧污染问题继PM2.5污染后日趋突出,本文探讨和总结了美国洛杉矶、日本东京等大都市在污染治理方面的经验,以期为我国构建更加全面、科学、系统的治理体系推进臭氧污染防治工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

In this article the authors assert that successful long-term pollution prevention will require changes in the culture and business practices of an organization such that the term “pollution prevention” eventually becomes obsolete. They envision firms evolving to a point where actions that today are referred to as pollution prevention will simply be part of standard business practices and thoroughly embedded in the firms' culture. Although pollution prevention projects and programs need to be highly visible at the outset to communicate throughout the organization and to demonstrate the benefits that can be gained, companies should adopt a long-term strategy aimed at making fundamental changes in the way they do business, rather than relying solely on piecemeal projects and special plans or programs. Such evolution of the firm will maximize the chances of meeting the dual challenges of business competitiveness and environmental stewardship. This article presents a vision for integrating environmental performance with business objectives and suggests practical steps to begin moving toward that vision.  相似文献   

/ In 1990, the United States officially entered the era of pollution prevention with passage of the Pollution Prevention Act. This paper analyzes EPA's implementation of the Pollution Prevention Act from its passage in 1990 to the present. It examines the barriers EPA must overcome if it is to effectively integrate pollution prevention into its existing regulatory structure, including impediments created by statutory and organizational structure, the existing relationship between EPA and the groups it regulates, the fragmented implementation scheme of national environmental regulation, the balancing of conflicting demands advanced by powerful interests, industry's economic and technical concerns, and institutional inertia. It also examines issues such as industry commitment, the limits of prevention, and measurement concerns. The findings suggest that EPA's efforts at shifting to a pollution prevention regulatory ethic that holds primacy over pollution control are mixed. Its organizational structure, statutory authority, and incentives system still reflect a single-medium pollution control focus, appropriations for pollution prevention programs and activities are paltry compared to traditional pollution control programs, and participation in the program is voluntary. Yet, the findings also point to some promising programs that are working to institutionalize a pollution prevention regulatory ethic, and many states appear very committed to the concept.KEY WORDS: Pollution prevention; Source reduction; Pollution control; Alternative regulatory design; Barriers to implementation  相似文献   

This paper aims to identify the positive and negative aspects in the sustainability reporting framework proposed by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). The research was conducted through content analysis of 27 companies’ responses to three questions: “Why does the company where you work prepare a sustainability report?” “What are the positive aspects you identify in the framework for GRI reporting?” and “What are the negative aspects you identify in the framework for GRI reporting?” The questionnaire was sent to all Brazilian companies that published sustainability reports using the GRI guidelines between 2011 and 2013 related to the base year 2010. We found that respondents viewed the GRI guidelines and the reports they created as management tools for sustainability and that they assist in benchmarking sustainability performance and legitimizing the sustainability actions of the organization. Furthermore, some respondents indicated that the reports themselves are marketing tools. On the other hand, the respondents reported difficulties in understanding the proposed GRI guidelines. They considered the guidelines complex, ambiguous, and too flexible, which undermined both the standardization of the reports and the ability to compare reports. Based on these comments, it is recommended that the GRI develop a simpler and less flexible reporting methodology.  相似文献   

 Process integration is a holistic approach to process design and operation. It emphasizes the unity of the process units and objectives. Therefore, it provides a unique framework for integrating environmental issues with other process objectives such as profitability, yield enhancement, debottlenecking and energy reduction. This paper presents a review of recent advances in the area of pollution prevention through process integration. First, the alternative methods for industrial waste reduction are discussed. Then, process integration is defined and categorized into three main components: synthesis, analysis and optimization. Next, mass integration science and methods are reviewed with special emphasis on their critical role in pollution prevention. Throughout the paper, various tools and techniques are described and illustrated. Received: 7 July 1998 / Accepted: 8 September 1998  相似文献   

面对我国日益严峻的土壤环境形势,加快推进土壤污染防治立法刻不容缓。加强土壤污染防治立法,是贯彻落实党中央、国务院重要决策部署的具体行动,是有效遏制土壤污染加重趋势的关键环节,是明确落实各方责任的客观要求,是提高公众土壤环境保护意识的现实需要。推进土壤污染防治立法,要坚持问题导向,突出重点环节,明确责任划分,处理好与其他法律的关系,加快建立以土壤污染防治法为统领、以国家政策标准为导向、以部门规章为基础、以科学技术为支撑的中国特色土壤污染防治体系,奠定生态环境安全基石,大力推进生态文明建设。  相似文献   

我国废铅酸蓄电池污染防治技术及政策探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
废铅酸蓄电池回收环节产生的废渣、铅酸污泥等属于危险废物,必须按照危险废物进行管理;而废铅酸蓄电池铅回收过程也会产生二次污染,其生产过程和管理不当会产生严重的环境污染。本文在分析我国再生铅生产工艺技术现状、废铅酸蓄电池资源再生过程污染源的基础上,对废铅酸蓄电池资源再生过程污染源治理和污染预防措施以及目前废铅酸蓄电池铅回收相关政策和管理要求进行了较为系统的分析和总结。  相似文献   

Benchmarking can be a useful tool for understanding energy consumption patterns in an industrial facility and for designing policies to improve energy efficiency. Energy benchmarking for industry is a process in which the energy performance of an individual plant is compared against a common metric that represents ‘standard’ or ‘optimal’ performance. While benchmarking provides insights into the relative energy performance of the plant, it is also a good starting point for analysis of further improvement opportunities. In this paper, the development of an integrated benchmarking and energy efficiency evaluation tool, named BEST (Benchmarking and Energy Savings Tool), is described. The tool is based on a process-step benchmarking approach that allows for a wide variety of differences in feedstocks and products to be included in a fair comparison. BEST has been developed to support two Chinese integrated iron and steel plants in designing a strategic energy management program. BEST has been successfully applied to develop strategic energy-efficiency improvement targets. We describe the tool and report on its use.  相似文献   

Integration of TQM principles and tools into environmental management decisions is essential to the ultimate success of businesses. Benchmarking is one of the most powerful TQM tools for quickly and effectively improving processes. To realize the maximum benefit from benchmarking, it—like any other TQM tool—must be used appropriately and properly. In this article training techniques are presented that will help companies realize the full potential of their benchmarking efforts.  相似文献   

随着土壤污染防治专门立法的启动,我国土壤污染防治的相关制度也将逐步建立,这对于指导土壤污染防治的实践工作具有重要意义。然而在立法过程中各方争议较大且亟待解决的几个关键问题有必要深入探究,主要涉及立法模式的选择、土壤环境管理模式的选择、污染土壤修复目标的确定及特殊污染土壤责任主体的认定。通过探析各争议问题对立法的核心价值及其背景和实质,并基于国情和我国土壤污染的现状,得出结论即应坚持防治并重,建立综合性土壤立法。采取风险管控的方式进行土壤管理。对受污染土壤的修复目标应结合未来土地用途具体分析。特殊历史遗留污染土壤责任主体的认定,则要坚持污染者负担为基本原则,其他相关原则为补充。  相似文献   

城市河流是城市的生命线,对于当地经济发展和居民身心健康均有不可替代的重要作用。通过分析我国城市河流污染的总体现状发现,我国城市河流治污面临着城市化进程、区域利益分化、职能部门能力缺失等困境,以此为前提,分别从树立正确的城市河流治污观念、设立流域综合管理机构、预防为主和防控结合、建立科学合理的城市河流生态系统修复模式几方面提出完善对策。  相似文献   

快速城市化和工业化给我国带来了大量的场地污染问题,污染场地修复和风险管控成为国土资源可持续利用的重要领域,创新土壤污染防治经济政策,充分发挥市场调节作用是土壤污染防治的内在要求,是破解土壤生态环境问题、推进土壤污染防治管理转型的重要支撑。本文从经济政策的体系、投融资模式与机制等方面展开,对美国、德国、荷兰等发达国家的污染场地风险管控环境经济政策进行了梳理分析,总结其可借鉴的成功经验;介绍了我国污染场地风险管控环境经济政策实施现状,最终从完善调控体系、明晰权责归属、拓宽资金来源、规范资金运营、丰富投融资模式、探索费用效益分析机制等方面提出我国污染场地风险管控环境经济政策体系的改进建议。  相似文献   

事故状态下储油库水体污染的预防与控制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
文章结合实例分析了储油库在事故状态下次生水体污染事件的风险,通过典型事故案例剖析了储油库水污染预防与控制管理的关键环节,指出国内相关标准在储油库水污染预防与控制措施要求方面存在的不足,提出储油库水污染防控体系建设的构架以及管理措施建议。  相似文献   

In this quarterly column, I will be inviting you—the TQEM reader—to ask our distinguished board of advisors and contributors questions of current interest pertaining to TQM and environmental management. As editor, I will then share the questions with the board at large and compile the answers here. For this issue, the editorial staff has chosen three basic questions (and even helped out with an answer or two). Please take a moment to write down what you think will be an interesting question, or set of questions, and address it to me: TQEM Questions & Answers Editor, 22 West 21st Street, New York, NY 10010. I will credit you with the question and send out an extra copy of TQEM.  相似文献   

生态现代化是实现经济发展与环境保护双赢的一种理念,其核心是以低碳技术创新来减少原材料投入和能源消耗,进而实现兼融现代化与环境保护的"有质量的"经济。该理念虽受到各国的普遍接受,但发达国家主张以市场为导向来刺激技术创新,发展中国家倡议以社会为导向来监管技术创新,导致出现"经济—技术相适应"与"社会—技术相适应"的两种生态现代化理念。通过梳理分析联合国关于低碳技术创新谈判进程的三个阶段,可以看出两种理念的对立严重掣肘了低碳技术创新谈判的进程。对此,中国等发展中国家可以凭借经济韧性优势以及国内国际双循环的发展新格局,借鉴发达国家将气候内外议题相互挂靠的方式来提升谈判话语权,以此作为两种生态现代化理念在未来低碳技术创新谈判中的双赢联结点。  相似文献   

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