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From September through November 1994, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) conducted a field demonstration of the remediation of highly contaminated groundwater at the Nascolite Superfund site located in Millville, New Jersey. Besides high concentrations of the major contaminant, methyl methacrylate (MMA), the groundwater also contained small amounts of volatile and semivolatile organic compounds. ZenoGem® technology, an integrated bioreactor and ultrafiltration membrane system, was employed for this demonstration project. Approximately 30,000 gallons of groundwater containing MMA in concentrations of 567 to 9,500 milligrams per liter (mg/L) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) values ranging from 1,490 to 19,600 mg/L was treated. The demonstration focused on the system's ability to remove MMA and reduce COD from the groundwater. Results of the three‐month demonstration showed that average MMA and COD removal efficiencies were greater than 99.9 and 86.9, respectively. The total cost of treatment, depending on the duration of the project, is estimated to vary from $0.22 to $0.55 (in 1994 dollars) per gallon of groundwater treated. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet light/oxidation has proven its effectiveness in destroying volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) found in groundwater during a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) field study. Under the Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) program, PRC Environmental Management, Inc., and EPA monitored the performance of a system employing advanced oxidation techniques at the Lorentz Barrel & Drum (LB&D) Superfund site in San Jose, California. The firm of Ultrox International (Santa Ana, CA) demonstrated its technology for combining ultraviolet light, hydrogen peroxide and ozone to oxidize toxic organic chemicals found in water. All evaluation criteria were successfully met in the study's results. Greater than 90% of the VOCs were removed. The applicable discharge standards (National Pollution Discharge Elimination System) were attained, and there were no emissions.  相似文献   

A dual isotope technology based on compound‐specific stable isotope analysis of carbon and hydrogen (2D‐CSIA) was recently developed to help identify sources and monitor in situ degradation of the contaminant 1,4‐dioxane (1,4‐D) in groundwater. Site investigation and optimized remediation have been the focus of thousands of CSIA applications completed for volatile organic contaminants (VOCs) worldwide. CSIA for the water miscible 1,4‐D, however, has been technically challenging. The most commercially available sample preparation settings “Purge and Trap” for VOC could not efficiently extract 1,4‐D out of water for a reliable CSIA measurement, especially when the concentration is below 100 μg/L. Such a high reporting limit has prevented CSIA from being used for effective site investigation and remediation monitoring at most 1,4‐D contaminated sites, where 1,4‐D is often present at very low ppb levels. This article outlines the recent breakthrough in 2D‐CSIA technology for 1,4‐D in water, reported down to ~1 μg/L for carbon, and ~10 μg/L to 20 μg/L for hydrogen using solid‐phase extraction based on EPA Method 522, and its benefit is highlighted through a case study at a 1,4‐D contaminated site. ©2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A residential area that was formerly part of a silver factory site severely contaminated with chlorinated solvents was remediated using an in situ electro‐bioreclamation technique. Electro‐bioreclamation is a method for heating soil and groundwater combined with soil vapor and low‐yield groundwater extraction and enhanced reductive dechlorination (ERD). During the first two years of remediation in the source area (the intensive phase), a total of 80 kg of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) was removed by heating combined with ERD. After another two years of ERD in the source and plume areas (the attenuation phase), the VOC concentrations were reduced to a level below 100 μg/L in groundwater. Given these satisfying results, electro‐reclamation in combination with ERD turned out to be a successful in situ remediation technique for removing VOCs. © 2006Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Industry and regulatory demands for rapid and cost-effective clean up of hydrocarbon and other contamination in soil and groundwater has prompted development and improvement of in-situ remediation technologies. In-situ technologies offer many advantages over ex-situ treatment alternatives, including lower initial capital and long-term operation and maintenance costs, less site disruption, no Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) liability, and shorter treatment time necessary to achieve cleanup objectives. Fenton's reagent, a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and ferrous iron that generates a hydroxyl free radical as an oxidizing agent, is widely accepted for chemical oxidation of organic contaminants in the wastewater industry. In-situ implementation of Fenton's reagent for chemical oxidation of organic contaminants in soil and groundwater continues to grow in acceptance and application to a wide variety of environmental contaminants and hydrogeologic conditions (EPA, 1998).  相似文献   

On-site oxygen generation was chosen as the most effective and efficient source of pure oxygen for enhancing biodegradation at a hydrocarbon-contaminated oil and gas well site in northern Michigan. Contaminants include benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes released through natural gas dehydration practices that were halted in 1985. Free product and contaminated soil were completely removed from the source area in spring 1989, leaving only the groundwater plume for further remediation. This article discusses the project's two phases—a purge and treat system and the pure-oxygen bioremediation system—each costing $75,000. It also details the combined system's technical elements (including purge and monitoring wells, oxygen generator, and drainfield), and cleanup results (including how pure oxygen has helped destroy contaminants, not merely move them to other media).  相似文献   

A recent draft report from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Robert S. Kerr Environmental Research Laboratory in Ada, Oklahoma, entitled ?General Methods for Remedial Operation Perforrmance Evaluation,”? establishes protocols for evaluating and optimizaing the performance of groundwater pump-and-treat systems (EPA 1992). For the first time, EPA proposes guidelines for determining when these systems can be terminated, regardless of whether a site's remediation goals are met. This column reviews the chemical and physical limits of pump-and-treat technology and discusses how these protocols can improve pump-and-treat performance and determine when it may be time to pull the plug.  相似文献   

Ion exchange (IX) can be used to aid in the remediation of underground storage tank (UST) radioactive waste at the U.S. Department of Energy's Hanford site in the state of Washington. In particular, IX can be used to concentrate the radionuclides in liquid-based waste prior to immobilization for final disposal. Concentration of the radionuclides can significantly reduce the final immobilized high-level waste volume and consequent overall remediation cost. Organic and inorganic IX resins each have unique advantages and disadvantages regarding the remediation process. This study presents a comparison of the remediation cost for UST waste at Hanford for a phenol-formaldehyde type organic resin versus crystalline silico-titanate inorganic resin. It was determined that with optimum processing conditions such as waste blending and sludge washing, remediation with the inorganic resin would be less expensive than the organic resin. Assuming baseline remediation conditions, the use of inorganic rather than organic IX resin for UST remediation at Hanford can save approximately $383 million. A limited sensitivity analysis was performed as pan of this study and is reported in the following. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The soil and two aquifers under an active lumber mill in Libby, Montana, had been contaminated from 1946 to 1969 by uncontrolled releases of creosote and pentachlorophenol (PCP). In 1983, because the contaminated surface soil and the shallower aquifer posed immediate risks to human health and the natural environment, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency placed the site on its National Priorities List. Feasibility studies in 1987 and 1988 determined that in situ bioremediation would help clean up this aquifer and that biological treatment would help clean up the contaminated soils. This article outlines the studies that led to a 1988 EPA record of decision and details the EPA-approved remedial plan implemented starting in 1989; EPA estimates a total cost of about $15 million (in 1988 dollars). The plan involves extensive excavation and biological treatment of shallow contaminated soils in two lined and bermed land treatment units, extraction of heavily contaminated groundwater, an aboveground bioreactor treatment system, and injection of oxygenated water to the contaminant source area, as well as to other on-site areas affected by the shallower aquifer's contaminant plume.  相似文献   

The U.S. Navy Public Works Center (PWC) Environmental Department, San Diego, California, is home to the Navy West Coast Site Characterization and Analysis Penetrometer System (SCAPS). SCAPS has been extensively used at several Navy sites since 1995 to provide real‐time, high‐density data sets. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Triad approach provided an ideal framework for optimizing the use of the Navy SCAPS during a volatile organic compound (VOC) source investigation at Installation Restoration Site 1114 at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton. All three elements of Triad—systematic planning, dynamic work strategy, and use of real‐time measurement tools—were implemented to manage decision uncertainty and expedite the site management process. The investigation was conducted using the Navy SCAPS, outfitted with a cone penetrometer, membrane interface probe, and a direct sampling ion trap mass spectrometry detector, which allowed for real‐ time collection of over 690 feet of continuous lithologic information and VOC concentration data. These data were used collaboratively with 24‐hour turnaround US EPA 8260B VOC groundwater results from temporary direct‐ push wells to support the conclusion of a limited source area. Implementation of the Triad approach for this investigation provided an expedited high‐density data set and a refined conceptual site model (CSM) in real time that resulted in cost savings estimated at $2.5M and reduction of the site characterization and cleanup schedule by approximately three years. This project demonstrates how the US EPA's Triad approach can be applied to streamline the site characterization and cleanup process while appropriately managing decision uncertainty in support of defensible site decisions. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Locating and quantifying free-phase volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the subsurface represent one of the more difficult challenges facing hazardous waste site remediation programs. Successful remediation programs require reliable data on the size and extent of potential VOC contamination sources. Improving subsurface quantification of VOCs requires a large number of reliable low-cost samples. Satisfying this objective relies on improved sampling techniques, field analysis of samples, and a modified quality assurance program. This paper describes an integrated approach using conventional split-spoon samplers, microcore sampling, hexane extractions, and a field gas chromatograph with an autosampler as part of a technical demonstration for innovative remediation technologies. Using this approach, it was possible to delineate a subsurface source of free-phase VOCs at a cost of $15 per sample. The distribution of dense nonaqueous phase liquid determined by this sampling approach agreed with the conceptual model for the site.  相似文献   

On April 23, 1988, approximately 9,500 barrels (400,000 gallons) of San Joaquin Valley crude oil leaked from an aboveground storage tank at Shell Oil Company's Martinez Manufacturing Complex in Martinez, California and entered Suisun Bay, an important recreation area. This article describes the remediation techniques Shell used to protect and clean up the Bay's oiled marshes, sloughs, rocky shores, marinas, and sandy beaches, and discusses the main methods of oil spill response, site-specific factors that must be considered in choosing remediation techniques, the interaction between Shell and government agencies, and the costs associated with the spill. The cleanup's total cost was approximately $8.3 million, which did not include private claims and claims handling costs; Shell also signed a separate consent decree for $19.75 million with the state of California and the federal government. This spill and its aftermath emphasize the need for preparation that facilitates response actions, improves the chances for cooperation between responsible parties and government agencies, minimizes the time needed for remediation, lowers cleanup costs, and limits natural resource damage claims and penalties.  相似文献   

Natural attenuation has recently been recognized by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as an appropriate remedy for sites contaminated with chlorinated solvents. Because natural attenuation does not require active remediation, it is considerably less expensive than other groundwater remedies. However, as laid out in EPA's recently released guidance, careful, systematic evaluation of natural attenuation must be conducted to ensure that the remedial approach is appropriate for a given site. The guidance requires that data be collected to demonstrate that natural attenuation is occurring and a fate-and-transport model must be conducted to estimate the extent to which a contaminated plume will ultimately migrate. Finally, the proponent of natural attenuation must be prepared to conduct long-term groundwater monitoring to verify that natural attenuation is controlling plume migration and that human health and the environment are not adversely affected.  相似文献   

A successful air-based remediation system, now frequently chosen for sites contaminated with VOCs, demands a thorough understanding of the nature and distribution of the VOCs and the soil air permeabilities. Considering likely remediation methods during the site investigation allows collection of all data needed for method selection and design within a single, highly efficient site visit. A case history illustrates how to integrate several data collection and testing activities into a single site visit.  相似文献   

When does remediation do more harm than good? After conducting a sustainability analysis on a large pump‐and‐treat site at the Massachusetts Military Reservation (MMR), the Air Force Center for Engineering and the Environment (AFCEE) found evidence suggesting that the remediation systems were creating more pollution than they were remediating. For several years, the AFCEE/MMR has had an aggressive “better, cheaper, faster” optimization program intended to expedite aquifer restoration, reduce costs to the taxpayers, and reduce cleanup time frames. An initial sustainability analysis was conducted in 2005 as part of this program. The analysis identified several concerns, one of which was the indirect generation of air emissions from conventional fossil fuel–based power plants used to power the remediation systems. In addition to the environmental impact of these air emissions, the cost of electricity continues to increase. The AFCEE/MMR evaluated options for addressing both of these concerns and opted to employ renewable energy technology in the form of a utility‐scale wind turbine. This case study presents a more sustainable approach to remediation at the MMR through the use of renewable energy, in the form of a 1,500‐kW wind turbine. Power costs for operating the treatment systems, which processed up to 16 million gallons per day, amounted to over $2.2 million in 2008. The wind turbine is anticipated to reduce the program's electricity costs and offset air emissions, generated indirectly through the use of electricity from fossil fuel–based power plants, by approximately 25 to 30 percent. Based on a range of utility cost projections and an estimate of the turbine's energy production, the $4.6 million project is anticipated to have a payback period between six and eight years. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. *
  • 1 This article is a U.S. Government work and, as such, is in the public domain of the United States of America.
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    This study has been conducted at the University of Connecticut (UCONN) in connection with the USEPA Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) program to evaluate a chemical oxidation technology (sodium persulfate) developed at UCONN. A protocol to assess the efficacy of oxidation technologies has been used. This protocol, which consists of obtaining data from a treatability study, tested two in-situ chemical oxidation technologies that can be used on soil and groundwater at a site in Vernon, Connecticut. Based on the treatability report results and additional field data collected at the site, the design for the field implementation of the chemical oxidation remediation was completed. The results indicate that both sodium persulfate and potassium permanganate were able to effectively degrade the target VOCs (i.e., PCE, TCE and cis-DCE) in groundwater and soil-groundwater matrices. In the sodium persulfate tests (120 hrs), the extent of destruction of target VOCs was 74% for PCE, 86% for TCE and 84% for cis-DCE by Na2S2O8 alone and 68% for PCE, 76% for TCE, and 69% for cis-DCE by Fe(II)-catalyzed Na2S2O8. The results demonstrate the sodium persulfate's ability to degrade PCE, TCE and cis-DCE. It is expected that given sufficient dose and treatment time, a higher destruction rate of the dissolved phase contamination can be achieved. The data also indicates that the catalytic effect of the iron chelate on persulfate chemistry was much less pronounced in the soil-groundwater matrix. This indicates an interaction between the iron chelate solution and the soil, which may have resulted in a lower availability of the chelated iron for catalysis. The study showed that the remediation of the VOCs-contaminated soil and groundwater by in-situ chemical oxidation using sodium persulfate is feasible at the Roosevelt Mills site. As a result, the USEPA SITE program will evaluate this technology at this site.  相似文献   

    The Muggah Creek estuary in Sydney, Nova Scotia, received liquid and solid wastes from a steel mill and its associated coke ovens for approximately 100 years. This resulted in pollution of soils and sediments with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), heavy metals, and other pollutants, including those in untreated domestic wastewaters. The Canadian federal and Nova Scotia provincial governments organized the Sydney Tar Ponds Agency (STPA) to develop a remediation approach for the Coke Ovens site soils and Sydney Tar Ponds sediments. The STPA developed a remediation approach for the Sydney Tar Ponds sediments, involving solidification/stabilization (S/S) through mixing cement and other materials into the sediments, and then capping them as a waste pile. High‐density polyethylene (HDPE) plastic sheeting vertical barriers are proposed to be used to divert groundwater and surface water from entering into the S/S‐treated sediments and to collect any water and associated pollutants released from the S/S‐treated sediments. The Coke Ovens site soils are proposed to be landfarmed to reduce some of the PAHs and other pollutants and then capped with a layer of soil. This remediation program is estimated to cost on the order of $400 million (CAN). This article presents a review of the significant potential problems with the STPA proposed remediation strategy of the Sydney Tar Ponds sediments and Coke Ovens site soils. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

    A US EPA directive and related technical protocol outline the information needed to determine if monitored natural attenuation (MNA) for chlorinated solvents is a suitable remedy for a site. For some sites, conditions such as complex hydrology or perturbation of the contaminant plume caused by an existing remediation technology (e.g., pump‐and‐treat) make evaluation of MNA using only field data difficult. In these cases, a deterministic approach using reactive transport modeling can provide a technical basis to estimate how the plume will change and whether it can be expected to stabilize in the future and meet remediation goals. This type of approach was applied at the Petro‐Processors Inc. Brooklawn site near Baton Rouge, Louisiana, to evaluate and implement MNA. This site consists of a multicomponent nonaqueous‐phase source area creating a dissolved groundwater contamination plume in alluvial material near the Mississippi River. The hydraulic gradient of the groundwater varies seasonally with changes in the river stage. Due to the transient nature of the hydraulic gradient and the impact of a hydraulic containment system operated at the site for six years, direct field measurements could not be used to estimate natural attenuation processes. Reactive transport of contaminants were modeled using the RT3D code to estimate whether MNA has the potential to meet the site‐specific remediation goals and the requirements of the US EPA Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response Directive 9200.4‐17P. Modeling results were incorporated into the long‐term monitoring plan as a basis for evaluating the effectiveness of the MNA remedy. As part of the long‐term monitoring plan, monitoring data will be compared to predictive simulation results to evaluate whether the plume is changing over time as predicted and can be expected to stabilize and meet remediation goals. This deterministic approach was used to support acceptance of MNA as a remedy. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

    This article discusses the appropriateness of using landfills as part of remediating hazardous chemical and Superfund sites, with particular emphasis on providing for true long‐term public health and environmental protection from the wastes and contaminated soils that are placed in the landfills. On‐site landfilling or capping of existing wastes is typically the least expensive approach for gaining some remediation of existing hazardous chemical/Superfund sites. The issues of the deficiencies in US EPA and state landfilling approaches discussed herein are also applicable to the landfilling of municipal and industrial solid “nonhazardous” wastes. These deficiencies were presented in part as “Problems with Landfills for Superfund Site Remediation” at the US EPA National Superfund Technical Assistance Grant Workshop held in Albuquerque, New Mexico, in February 2003. They are based on the author's experience in investigating the properties of landfill liners and the characteristics of today's landfills, relative to their ability to prevent groundwater pollution and to cause other environmental impacts. Discussed are issues related to both solid and hazardous waste landfills and approaches for improving the ability of landfills to contain wastes and monitor for leachate escape from the landfill for as long as the wastes in the landfill will be a threat. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

    1,4‐Dioxane (14DX) is classified as a probable human carcinogen by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and it has toxic effects on the kidney and liver. EPA's Health Advisory Level (HAL) for 14DX is 0.35 micrograms per liter (μg/L). Accordingly, several states have lowered their drinking water advisory levels and site cleanup levels. The widespread occurrence of 14DX in contaminated groundwater has contributed to a growing demand for remediation services. Treating 14DX is a challenge due to its very low Henry's law constant, low sorption potential, and strong ether linkages. The primary solution for 14DX remediation has been various forms of advanced oxidation processes (AOP), namely pump and treat followed by ex situ treatment with catalyzed ultraviolet light oxidation or ozone‐peroxidation. Many of the available advanced oxidation systems are complex, requiring careful monitoring and maintenance to adjust for variable source water and operating conditions. Synthetic media is a relatively new 14DX treatment technology that overcomes many of the operating challenges faced by existing technologies. AMBERSORB? 560 (AMBERSORB) has recently demonstrated the effective removal of 14DX over a wide range of concentrations and operating conditions, including those created by in situ thermal remediation. Consistent and reliable treatment down to sub‐0.3 μg/L levels differentiates synthetic media technology from other 14DX treatment technologies. AMBERSORB provides a solution to the problem of “stranded capital” by offering a 14DX treatment system capable of meeting regulatory standards today and in the foreseeable future. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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