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An alternative method of in-situ groundwater sparging, termed density-driven convection (patent pending), is presented. This method has been successfully used to remediate eight underground storage tank releases involving a wide distillation range of petroleum hydrocarbons (gasoline to waste oil) and in a variety of site soils (clay to sandy gravel). Application of the density-driven convection method is detailed in a case study. The system, installed to remediate a gasoline and diesel release from an underground storage tank, was operated and monitored for a period of one year. Monitoring data indicate reductions in total petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations in groundwater and in soil. Concentrations of aromatic hydrocarbons (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes, and naphthalene) also decreased in both media. Stimulation of natural biodegradation, the primary mechanism of removal, occurred rapidly. Natural biological activity gradually declined over the subsequent 150 days. After one year of operation, the sparging system has achieved or is rapidly approaching the regulatory cleanup goals for both soil and groundwater, including reduction of dissolved concentrations below maximum contaminant levels established under the Safe Drinking Water Act.  相似文献   

The recently completed performance testing of a conjunctive-use operation has demonstrated the applicability of combined landfill gas and Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) removal with overall contaminant migration management. The extraction of landfill gas (with subsequent control of off-site gas migration) and the removal of VOCs from the landfill gas/soil air environment will minimize VOC solubilization in the underlying groundwater. This, in turn, will permit cost efficient management of contaminant migration at the site.  相似文献   

No one remedial technology is best suited to treat every groundwater contaminant plume. This article describes how pilot testing and analytical evaluation targeted selection of two treatment technologies, UV peroxidation and air stripping, to be used in series to create a synergistic, cost-effective pump-and-treat system for the removal of VOCs from groundwater. Pilot plant size equipment was employed to treat the VOC-contaminated groundwater in order to obtain site-specific reaction rates and to develop full-scale design parameters. It was found that by using the two treatment technologies in combination, the influent concentration of 2,000 ppb total VOCs could be reduced to less than 1 ppb, thus meeting drinking water standards.  相似文献   

Laboratory column experiments run for up to 13 days compared air sparging of groundwater contaminated by dissolved petroleum hydrocarbons in sterile and non-sterile aquifer sediments as well as uncontaminated sediments and groundwater. Loss of dissolved BTEX compounds in the contaminated columns was very rapid, occurring through volatilisation. The majority of the dissolved total organic carbon (TOC) persisted for much longer periods however. A direct comparison between losses from sterile and non-sterile columns suggested a negligible contribution of biodegradation to the removal of TOC. This was difficult to confirm through examination of O2 utilisation because oxidation of a small amount of reduced sulphur in the aquifer materials was the dominant sink for O2. Despite this, it was possible to conclude that less than 22% of the removal of TOC was through biodegradation during the first three days of air sparging.  相似文献   

反硝化在土壤及地下水中的净化作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了土壤及地下水系统中反硝化作用的研究进展,详细地介绍了反硝化作用的原理和机制,用以防治地表水和地下水的污染.  相似文献   

The soil and two aquifers under an active lumber mill in Libby, Montana, had been contaminated from 1946 to 1969 by uncontrolled releases of creosote and pentachlorophenol (PCP). In 1983, because the contaminated surface soil and the shallower aquifer posed immediate risks to human health and the natural environment, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency placed the site on its National Priorities List. Feasibility studies in 1987 and 1988 determined that in situ bioremediation would help clean up this aquifer and that biological treatment would help clean up the contaminated soils. This article outlines the studies that led to a 1988 EPA record of decision and details the EPA-approved remedial plan implemented starting in 1989; EPA estimates a total cost of about $15 million (in 1988 dollars). The plan involves extensive excavation and biological treatment of shallow contaminated soils in two lined and bermed land treatment units, extraction of heavily contaminated groundwater, an aboveground bioreactor treatment system, and injection of oxygenated water to the contaminant source area, as well as to other on-site areas affected by the shallower aquifer's contaminant plume.  相似文献   

Infiltration and reinjection of treated groundwater have been used to increase the recovery of pesticide-related constituents at a pesticide formulation plant that produces consumer pesticide products. The stratigraphy at the site consists of silty and sandy clay deposits overlying a shallow silt, sand, and gravel aquifer. The groundwater and soils in two areas in the northwest portion of the property have been identified as being significantly affected by pesticide and pesticide-related compounds. An integrated system of soil removal, recovery wells, injection wells, an infiltration gallery, and a cut-off wall was selected as the best remedial alternative. Groundwater modeling, column tests, biological jar tests, and a pilot test demonstrated the feasibility of the system. The affected groundwater is treated to drinking-water quality by a system of filtering and carbon adsorption. Approximately 75 percent of the treated water is reinjected or allowed to infiltrate through the vadose zone, and the remainder is discharged to the local sewer system. Initially, the system was effective in removing the dissolved, suspended, and weakly adsorbed constituents. Subsequently, the recovery rate of the chemical constituents became dependent on chemical and physical processes related to the presence of residual amounts of dense, nonaqueous phase liquids and the clay content of the strata. The rate of pesticide recovery has decreased because of the retarding effect of the clay and the low solubility of the pesticides.  相似文献   

Most environmental project managers are well versed in characterizing and remediating contaminants in soil and water media. When soil remediation activities are conducted at an environmental site, however, some project managers are faced with monitoring contaminants in the air medium for the first time. Remediation activities can disturb contaminants that are normally immobile in soil and transfer them to air. The resulting increase in airborne concentrations of contaminants, even if temporary, may be a health concern for individuals in neighboring residences or businesses. Perimeter air monitoring may be required by a regulatory agency to determine if unhealthy conditions are created and if work practices should be limited or modified. This article serves as a resource for project managers involved in perimeter air monitoring for soil remediation and provides a general summary of candidate sites, remediation activities that release contaminants, regulatory requirements, equipment and target contaminants, monitoring locations and schedule, analytical methods, and data interpretation. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Field weathering of spent mushroom substrate (SMS) produces soluble compost leachate that percolates into underlying soils and may adversely impact groundwater. Laboratory experiments were conducted to investigate movement and retention of SMS leachate solutes in subsurface soil columns. Spent mushroom substrate leachate with high concentrations of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and inorganic salts was passively loaded to intact and repacked columns of Bt1 soil (fine-loamy, mixed, semiactive, mesic Typic Hapludults) and effluents were monitored for changes in chemical composition. Transport of SMS leachate in undisturbed soil cores was mainly via preferential flow, whereas matrix flow was predominant in repacked soil columns. Leachate DOM and phosphate were sorbed by soil minerals while Cl-, SO4(2-), Na+ and NH4+ were eluted. Leachate K+ displaced exchangeable native cations and was retained. Biodegradation of leachate DOM resulted in reduction and elution of soil Mn and Fe, especially in repacked columns. Persistent anoxia also inhibited nitrification. Precipitation of gypsum and CaCO3 blocked preferential flow channels, and movement of SMS leachate was subsequently reduced. The results demonstrate that SMS leachate migrates via rapid preferential flow initially, followed by matrix flow at a lower rate. Leachate solutes may transport to depth in soil profiles through preferential channels. To protect water resources, weathering of deep SMS piles should be conducted on compact surfaces or in fields with a condensed soil layer (no structural cracks) above the groundwater table, and measures controlling leachate runoff be imposed.  相似文献   

Contaminated soil is a continuing source of ground water contamination at some hazardous waste sites. Even if that soil does not pose a threat to human health or the environment, soil remediation may benefit ground-water cleanup in terms of time, money, or protectiveness. A method has been developed to provide a systematic manner to select a soil cleanup alternative. Using commercially available Windows-based software, the method consists of the development of a decision tree whose chance nodes are the restoration time frame probability distributions. Uncertainty associated with site data is quantitatively evaluated using Monte Carlo analysis to develop the probability distributions. The decision tree selects the alternative with the lowest cost. Data from an actual remedial investigation/feasibility study demonstrate the ease and practicality of the selection method.  相似文献   

Industry and regulatory demands for rapid and cost-effective clean up of hydrocarbon and other contamination in soil and groundwater has prompted development and improvement of in-situ remediation technologies. In-situ technologies offer many advantages over ex-situ treatment alternatives, including lower initial capital and long-term operation and maintenance costs, less site disruption, no Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) liability, and shorter treatment time necessary to achieve cleanup objectives. Fenton's reagent, a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and ferrous iron that generates a hydroxyl free radical as an oxidizing agent, is widely accepted for chemical oxidation of organic contaminants in the wastewater industry. In-situ implementation of Fenton's reagent for chemical oxidation of organic contaminants in soil and groundwater continues to grow in acceptance and application to a wide variety of environmental contaminants and hydrogeologic conditions (EPA, 1998).  相似文献   

The European Commission (EC) has recognized a need for strengthening innovation of environmental technologies in order to increase competitiveness of European technologies on a global market and to achieve a more sustainable development in Europe. In the area of soil and groundwater remediation, innovative technologies are principally available and have proven applicability and performance on demonstration scales, but market uptake is disappointing. Consequently, initiatives have been launched in order to promote application of these technologies and to investigate on the harmonization of applications. The European Co‐ordination Action for Demonstration of Efficient Soil and Groundwater Remediation (EURODEMO), an EC‐funded project, is one strategic initiative for supporting these goals. This article summarizes results obtained so far regarding the investigation of the European situation and some undertaken and envisaged measures to achieve better market uptake. The results of this research project may serve as prerequisites for a European Environmental Technologies Verification (ETV) process. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the cadmium (Cd) biosorption capacities of several agricultural wastes from aqueous solutions. Samples were tested unaltered and after hydrochloric acid treatment. Additional parameters tested include sample dose, contact time, particle size, mixing temperature, and the concentrations and pH of the Cd solutions. Desorption studies were performed to determine if the removed Cd could be recovered. In addition, tests were conducted to determine if the agricultural waste samples (AWS) could be reused for additional Cd biosorption cycles. The results of this study demonstrate a wide range of Cd biosorption proficiencies ranging from 33 to 100% removal. The parameters that resulted in higher Cd removal include higher sample dose, higher pH, and lower Cd solution concentration. Desorption results showed a 36–56% Cd recovery rate. Reused AWS were effective at removing Cd during subsequent trials. Therefore, all AWS types tested in this study can be reused for additional Cd biosorption cycles. Hence, it is possible that using AWS for metal treatment could reduce hazardous waste disposal inefficiencies and costs by avoiding disposing of spent AWS following each Cd biosorption cycle.  相似文献   

亚硝化厌氧氨氧化生物脱氮技术   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
张龙  肖文德 《化工环保》2004,24(2):103-107
回顾了传统废水生物脱氮技术的一般原理,介绍了废水生物脱氮领域近年出现的新技术——亚硝化和厌氧氨氧化生物脱氮技术的基本原理、工艺特点及研究应用状况,展望了生物脱氮新技术的应用前景并指出了今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

Historic mineral ore processing operations at the former Cyprus Foote Mineral Site located in East Whiteland Township, Pennsylvania, have resulted in the creation of an approximately 10,000‐foot‐long off‐site groundwater plume impacted with lithium and bromate. The plume emanating from the site is impacting the groundwater quality of downgradient private residences. As an early part of the remedial implementation, the private residences were provided with public water connections while the source control efforts were being designed and implemented. Bromate and lithium have recently emerged as groundwater contaminants subjected to increased regulatory scrutiny. This is evidenced in a recently lowered Federal Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for bromate of 0.010 milligrams per liter and a Medium‐Specific Concentration (MSC) of 0.005 mg/L for lithium recently proposed by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) for all groundwater within the Commonwealth. Elevated concentrations for bromate and lithium were detected above the Proposed Remediation Goals (PRGs) for the site, MCLs, and MSCs at a distance of 7,300 feet and 9,200 feet from the source area, respectively. To reduce the contaminant concentrations within the groundwater plume, which will ultimately result in a regressing plume, and to enable the Brownfield redevelopment of this Superfund site, auger‐based, in situ soil stabilization (ISS) with depths of up to 75 feet below ground surface (bgs) was selected as the remedy. The remedial implementation required the temporary removal and relocation of over 100,000 cubic yards of overburden to expose the lithium‐bearing tailings prior to treatment. Using customized 90‐foot‐long, 9‐foot‐diameter augers attached to cranes and drilling platforms, ancillary support excavators, and approximately 21,000 tons of reagent; 2,019 ISS columns were advanced to depths ranging from 10 to 74 feet bgs. This resulted in the creation of an in situ low‐permeablity 117,045‐yd3 “quasi‐monolith,” which encompasses a lateral extent of approximately three acres. The integration of a comprehensive ISS design with a comprehensive long‐term groundwater‐monitoring plan ensured the success of the ISS implementation and will enable a continued evaluation of the off‐site groundwater quality. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A field-scale soil liner was constructed to test whether compacted soil barriers in cover and liner systems could be built to meet the U.S. EPA saturated hydraulic conductivity requirement (⩽ 1 × 10−7 cm s−1). The 8 × 15 × 0.9 m liner was constructed in 15 cm compacted lifts using a 20,037 kg pad-foot compactor and standard engineering practices. Water infiltration into the liner has been monitored for one year. Monitoring will continue until water break through at the base of the liner occurs. Estimated saturated hydraulic conductivities were 2.5 × 10−9, 4.0 × 10−8, and 5.0 × 10−8 cm s−1 based on measurements of water infiltration into the liner by large- and small-ring infiltrometers and a water balance analysis, respectively.Also investigated in this research was the variability of the liner's hydraulic properties and estimates of the transit times for water and tracers. Small variances exhibited by small-ring flux data suggested that the liner was homogeneous with respect to infiltration fluxes. The predictions of water and tracer breakthrough at the base of the liner ranged from 2.4–12.6 y, depending on the method of calculation and assumptions made. The liner appeared to be saturated to a depth between 18 and 33 cm at the end of the first year of monitoring. Transit time calculations cannot be verified yet, since breakthrough has not occurred. The work conducted so far indicates that compacted soil barriers can be constructed to meet the saturated hydraulic conductivity requirement established by the U.S. EPA.  相似文献   

泡沫分离法去除废水中微量钴离子   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用泡沫分离法对水中微量钻离子的去除进行了研究,考察了表面活性剂种类及浓度、pH、气流量等因素对钴离子去除率的影响。实验结果表明:当水中钴离子初始质量浓度为10mg/L、采用十二烷基硫酸钠(SLS)做表面活性剂且质量浓度为10mg/L、pH为11.0、气流量为300L/h时,钴离子去除率达97.61%。根据泡沫分离过程与化学反应过程在物理行为上的类似性,引入等效的化学反应常数,对泡沫分离法去除水中钴离子进行了宏观动力学研究。结果表明,该泡沫分离过程可等效为一级反应。  相似文献   

废水中汞离子去除方法的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄美荣  王琳  易辉  李新贵 《化工环保》2007,27(2):135-138
基于国内外研究文献结合自身最新研究工作,论述了去除工业废水中汞离子的化学沉淀法、微电解混凝沉淀法、吸附法等方法及其作用原理,并分析了各种方法的优缺点;指出了吸附法对含极低浓度汞离子废水的深度处理具有明显的优势。近年来合成的新型导电性聚芳香胺对汞离子初始质量浓度为十至数百mg/L的溶液中汞的去除率在99.99%以上,在含汞工业废水处理中显示出了广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

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