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毒气泄漏事故居民疏散心理行为特征相关性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了研究在毒气泄漏事故中居民的心理行为特征,选择发生过毒气泄漏事故的某化工企业,采用问卷法对其周边居民进行调查,并运用SPSS软件对调查问卷的结果进行独立性分析,从而得出居民在疏散过程中的各种心理行为反应的相关因素,为制定有效的应急疏散管理预案提供科学的依据。  相似文献   

Organizational downsizing is often counterproductive and applied irrespective of past financial performance. The popularity of this tactic leads to the question of whether an executive's propensity to downsize is linked to characteristics such as uncertainty avoidance and risk tolerance, which can be examined at either an individual or societal level. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

How do employees' perceptions and interpretations of organizational policies, practices, and procedures affect the enactment of their behavioral intentions? In a daily diary study, we examined the between‐persons relationship of corporate environmental strategy and pro‐environmental or “green” psychological climate; and whether green psychological climate moderates the within‐person relationship of employees' daily green behavioral intentions and their green behavior on the following day. To test our hypotheses, we collected survey data from 74 employees across 10 workdays. Results showed that corporate environmental strategy is positively related to green psychological climate that, in turn, moderates the relationship between green behavioral intentions and next‐day employee green behavior. Specifically, we found the relationship to be positive only when employees perceive a positive green psychological climate. We discuss implications of our findings for future research on employee green behavior and for organizations interested in encouraging employee green behavior. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为准确辨识地铁空间疫情防控的关键节点,构建了一种基于PageRank算法的地铁空间疫情传播风险模型.通过划分地铁空间与乘客行为样态,以乘客通行行为触点为节点,以乘客行为为边,构建了地铁空间乘客行为轨迹网络;分析初始时刻乘客运动到某空间节点(行为触点)的概率,通过迭代法计算概率的收敛值,即为该空间节点的PageRank值;通过各空间节点PageRank值的排序,划分地铁空间疫情传播风险等级.以汉口火车站地铁站为例进行疫情传播风险分析,结果表明,楼梯、扶梯、站台换乘等空间节点的疫情传染风险较高,站台等待、购票等空间节点的疫情传染风险一般,入站厅、出站厅、安检口、检票口等空间节点的疫情传染风险较低.  相似文献   

为探究不同人员主体心理效应对应急资源调度过程的影响,运用超网络工具,定量描述差异化应急主体协调运作下不同属性应急网络的相互作用;同时,针对实际调度过程中出现的供需矛盾,引入行为科学理论,量化表示决策者后悔和灾民失望心理,并将其融入到应急资源优化调度问题中;建立以调度时间、应急成本、救援效应为目标函数的应急资源调度超网络...  相似文献   

The present study posits and empirically tests a process model examining the effects of interrole conflict, satisfaction with, and commitment to the role of employed mother on a self-report measure of cognitive difficulties and a behavioral measure relevant to work performance (proof reading). Fifty-three full-time employed mothers with at least one child living at home participated. The proposed model, tested using Lisrel VI, provided an excellent fit to the data. Specifically, interrole conflict exerted an indirect effect on proof reading performance, mediated by self-reported attention and concentration difficulties. Satisfaction with and commitment to the role of employed mother were not related to either proof reading performance or self-reported cognitive difficulties.  相似文献   

Purpose: Distracted driving is a growing global epidemic, with adolescent drivers reporting frequent engagement in distracted driving behaviors. Public health initiatives and legislative efforts designed to decrease the prevalence of these unwanted driving behaviors have demonstrated small, but significant reductions in crash risk. Non-compliance is a known problem among drivers of all ages, but may be especially problematic for novice, adolescent drivers. Using a construct from the Health Belief Model, the relations between demographic factors, perceived threat to safety, and peer influences were investigated with adolescents' support for three types of distracted driving legislation regarding: (a) reading or sending text messages/emails while driving; (b) hand-held cell phone use while driving; and (c) using non-driving-related-in-vehicle (NDIV) technology while driving. Investigating adolescents' perceptions provides an opportunity to understand distracted driving enforcement and legislation. Methods: Three hundred and seventy-nine adolescents aged 15–19 (M = 16.12, SD = 0.56) were recruited from public high schools. Demographics, perceptions, and support regarding distracted driving were assessed using self-report surveys. Statistical analyses included bivariate correlations and adjusted odds ratios to investigate influences of adolescent support for distracted driving legislation. Results:Female adolescents were at 2 times greater odds of supporting a law against texting/emailing while driving compared to male adolescents. Greater perceived threat to safety was associated with all three types of distracted driving legislation (aOR = 1.10, 1.33). Minimal association was found with peer influences. Conclusions: Perceived threat to safety and gender were associated with legislative support in adolescents. Practical application: Interventions and public health campaigns that incorporate elements related to perceived threat may be more successful with female adolescent drivers than male adolescents. Future experimental research will help to determine what factors affect adolescents' perspectives on distracted driving to promote compliance with related legislation.  相似文献   

Organizations may fail to keep their commitments to their employees, at times leading to psychological contract violation. Although many victims of violation remain with their employer despite such adverse experiences, little research exists on their responses in the aftermath of violation. This paper develops a post‐violation model to explain systematically how violation victims respond to and cope with violation and the effects this process has on their subsequent psychological contract. Central to post‐violation are the victims' beliefs regarding the likelihood of violation resolution and the factors affecting it. The model specifies how the victim engages in a self‐regulation process that results in an array of potential psychological contract outcomes. Possible outcomes include reactivation of the original pre‐violation contract, the formation of a new contract that may be more or less attractive than the original, or a state of dissolution wherein the victim fails to form a functional psychological contract with the employer. The research and practical implications of this model are discussed. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

船员长期生活在大海特殊的自然环境和船舶特殊的人造环境中,多种复杂因素交互作用,弱化了远洋船员心理素质,导致船员心理问题的频频出现。研究人员调查发现:将近80%的船舶事故是人为因素造成的,而人为因素引起的航运安全事故基本上是由船员良的心理素质导致的。通过对船员心理健康指标和典型案例分析,提出改变不良心理素质的措施和在航条件下的心理干预。  相似文献   

The question of why so many people leave science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) jobs continues to echo through social science research and Government policy. This is not surprising given the considerable investments into uptake and quality of STEM education and that STEM workers have a pivotal role to play in addressing current and future grand challenges. Yet, too many individuals with tertiary degrees in STEM—disproportionately women, racial minorities, and the underprivileged—leave or pursue careers in non-STEM fields. While demand for employment in STEM continues to grow, such persistent STEM defections present a significant challenge. We offer an integrative special issue of eight empirical articles capturing current thinking and evidence on employee retention and turnover, both within and beyond the realm of STEM. Our thematic analysis of the articles reveals overarching themes around the fundamental question of why people choose to stay in their jobs and why they leave. From this, we provide a future research agenda recognizing the myriad work and nonwork factors influencing the desire and ability to stay in one's chosen profession, particularly in critical sectors where gender and minority attrition rates prevail.  相似文献   

We investigate team member feelings of collective psychological ownership (CPO) over teamwork products, the psychological paths that lead to it, and its impact on team workers' evaluations of team effectiveness, turnover intentions, and intentions to champion teamwork products. We focus on the teamwork product as an important target of ownership feelings, building on theories of self-extension, psychological ownership, and team emergent states. In Study 1, we validate measures for three ownership activating experiences (OAE) that have been proposed as paths to CPO (control over, intimate knowledge regarding, and investment in the teamwork product) using two samples of individual team workers (n = 210 and n = 140). In Study 2 (n = 183) and Study 3 (n = 200), we use surveys and a multiwave design to show that team workers' feelings of CPO mediate the relationship between investment in and intimate knowledge regarding the product and team effectiveness evaluations, team turnover intentions, and intentions to champion the work product. In Study 4 (n = 48 teams), CPO was predicted by the ownership activating experiences, at the team level. This research additionally highlights the benefits to organizations of creating conditions for the emergence of employee feelings of shared ownership over teamwork products.  相似文献   

油田作业员工安全心理特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
摘 要:油田员工所发生的不安全行为与其不安全心理特征存在着密切的关系.为解决这一问题,对辽河油田兴隆台工程技术处作业员工进行了安全心理测评,对安全心理测试结果及心理访谈记录进行了综合分析.结合安全心理学理论,采用数理统计方法,对油田作业员工易出现隐患和不易出现隐患两个群体在个性、工作满意度、基层队伍气氛和安全意识4个方面进行了群体安全心理特征描述.为及时关注并纠正员工影响安全的不良心理因素,改善油田安全管理工作提出了建议.  相似文献   

Occupational health and safety is established as a factor in international competitiveness, but we question the relevance of this economic argument at the organisational level. On this basis we assess the place of health and safety in the senior management agenda, based on findings from recent market research. Out of this we take a brief perspective on the literature on performance assessment and corporate reputation, and their relationship with health and safety in the workplace. We then report original in-depth research on directors' attitudes to and practice in workplace health and safety. We conclude with a summary of the key issues and a discussion of directions for further work.  相似文献   

为研究聚集活动中的行人在移动过程中所表现出的行为特征对人群整体移动过程的影响,通过实验观察与计算机仿真模拟的方法对人员移动进行研究.通过对实验视频的观察分析,在CTM模型基础上建立考虑人员跟随行为与保持距离行为特性的移动模型,并在简单无障碍和复杂多障碍的场景进行仿真实验.结果表明:模型能有效地描述行人的运动特征,而且拥...  相似文献   

People die or get injured at mass events when the crowd gets out of control. Urbanization and the increasing popularity of mass events, from soccer games to religious celebrations, enforce this trend. Thus, there is a strong need to better control crowd behavior. Here, simulation of pedestrian streams can be very helpful: Simulations allow a user to run through a number of scenarios in a critical situation and thereby to investigate adequate measures to improve security. In order to make realistic, reliable predictions, a model must be able to reproduce the data known from experiments quantitatively. Therefore, automatic and fast calibration methods are needed that can easily adapt model parameters to different scenarios. Also, the model must be robust. Small changes or measurement errors in the crucial input parameters must not lead to disproportionally large changes in the simulation outcome and thus potentially useless results. In this paper we present two methods to automatically calibrate pedestrian simulations to the socio-cultural parameters captured through measured fundamental diagrams. We then introduce a concept of robustness to compare the two methods. In particular, we propose a quantitative estimation of parameter quality and a method of parameter selection based on a criterion for robustness. We discuss the results of our test scenarios and, based on our experience, propose further steps.  相似文献   

This study examined the contribution of the psychological contract framework to understanding organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) using survey data gathered at three measurement points over a three‐year period from 480 public sector employees. Separating perceived contract breach into its two components (perceived employer obligations and inducements), the data suggest that perceived employer obligations explained unique variance in three dimensions of citizenship behavior (helping, advocacy and functional participation) beyond that accounted for by perceived employer inducements. Employees' acceptance of the norm of reciprocity moderated the relationship between employer inducements and the dimensions of advocacy and functional participation. Employees' trust in their employer moderated the relationship between perceived employer obligations and the dimensions of advocacy and functional participation. Contrary to the hypothesis, procedural or interactional justice did not moderate the relationship between employer inducements and OCB. The implications of the findings for psychological contract research are discussed. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

创伤后心理危机干预探讨   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
重大灾难、灾害突发性强,危害严重,往往造成大量人员死亡,使经历者出现严重的心理失衡,从而产生思维不清、意志失控、情感紊乱等心理危机,如果不及时进行心理疏导和干预,经历者可能长期沉浸在痛苦中难以自拔,身心健康受到影响,并可能最终酿成精神疾病,影响到人生和生活.因此,重大灾难后的心理危机干预和其他救灾抢险工作同等重要.迅速组织专业和一些具有能力的自愿人员对灾后受灾人群进行心理干预,这也是救灾取得最终成功的重要保证.  相似文献   

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