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Soil moisture content and temperature in a contaminated soil biopile equipped with immobilized microbe bioreactors (IMBRs) were optimized during ex situ bioremediation at a creosote‐contaminated Superfund site. Efficiency of remediation during warm summer months without soil‐temperature and moisture optimization was compared with that of cold winter months when corrective measures were applied. Significant reduction (35 percent) in total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) was observed, compared to 3.97 percent without corrective measures (p < 0.05). Kinetic rates (KRs) for total PAH removal were significantly enhanced from 3.93 to 50.95 mg/kg/day. KRs for removal of high molecular mass four‐to‐six‐ring PAHs were also significantly enhanced from 70.29 mg/kg/day to 97.45 mg/kg/day ( p < 0.05). Bioremediation of two‐ and three‐ring PAHs increased significantly from 15 percent to 40 percent. Benzo[a]pyrene toxicity equivalent mass (BaPequiv) was significantly reduced by 48 percent with KR of 0.47 mg/kg/day as compared to 22 percent with KR of 0.14 mg/kg/day (p < 0.05). Soil moisture content was enhanced from 15.7 percent to 41.4 percent. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The former Bermite site north of Los Angeles, California, was used to manufacture various explosives and related products containing energetic compounds, including perchlorate. Remediation of perchlorate in site soil and groundwater is being conducted to meet regulatory requirements and allow planned redevelopment activities to proceed. The general approach to perchlorate remediation of shallow soil at the site includes excavation of affected soils followed by ex situ bioremediation. Glycerin was chosen for use as an electron donor because of its stability, safety, low cost, and regulatory acceptance. However, full‐scale bioremediation operation with glycerin initially resulted in inconsistent results despite consistent perchlorate biodegradation observed in treatability study microcosms. To eliminate the inconsistency and optimize the biotreatment process, additional studies were performed in the field on parallel tracks to determine crucial factor(s) that influenced inconsistent breakdown of perchlorate in site soils. Total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) was determined to be a significant factor limiting perchlorate biodegradation. The addition of di‐ammonium phosphate (DAP) resulted in the consistent and complete perchlorate removal, generally within two weeks of incubation with a median destruction rate of about 200 μg/kg/day. Soil processing rates were gradually increased over the year, and, by the summer, approximately 2,000 to 2,500 tons of soil were being processed per day with a total of approximately 160,000 tons processed by the end of July. The total unit treatment cost for the process is about approximately $35/ton. The glycerin‐DAP process is playing a major role in the remediation of this 1,000‐acre former industrial site. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In June 1992, SoilTech ATP Systems, Inc., completed the soil treatment phase of the Waukegan Harbor Superfund Project in Waukegan, Illinois, after approximately five months of operation. SoilTech successfully treated 12,700 tons of sediment contaminated with polychlorinated hiphenyls (PCBs) using a transportable SoilTech anaerobic thermal processor (ATP) system nominally rated at ten tons per hour throughput capacity. The SoilTech ATP technology anaerobically desorbs contaminants such as PCBs from solids and sludges at temperatures over 1,000° F. Principal products of the process are clean, treated solids and an oil condensate containing the hydrocarbon contaminants. At the Waukegan Harbor Superfund site, PCB concentrations in the sediments excavated and dredged from a ditch, lagoon, and harbor slip averaged 10,400 parts per million (ppm) (1.04 percent) and were as high as 23,000 ppm (2.3 percent). Treated soil was backfilled in an on-site containment cell. The removal efficiency of PCBs from the soil averaged 99.98 percent, relative to the project performance specification of 97 percent, and treated soil PCB concentrations were measured below 2 ppm. Approximately 30,000 gallons of PCB oil, desorbed from the feed material, were returned to the owner for subsequent off-site disposal. After modifications to the emissions control equipment, compliance with the 99.9999 percent destruction and removal efficiency (DRE) for PCBs in stack emissions required by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency was achieved.  相似文献   

Trichloroethylene (TCE) is a toxic organic compound, which can adversely affect human health. The chemical is one of the most frequently found contaminants in groundwater in the United States and around the world. A landfill in Maryland contaminated with high levels of TCE decades ago was added to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's National Priority List (NPL) in 1994. A biowall was installed on the site in 2013 to promote the bioremediation of TCE and subsequently of its degradation products. Six-year monitoring data indicated a steady removal of >99% groundwater TCE at the wall since installation. However, a concurrent buildup of intermediate byproducts was observed downgradient of the wall. An examination of the entire system was necessary to find the reason behind the inefficiency of the biowall. In this study, the background of the site, remediation plan, and installation were assessed. Monitoring data, including the concentration of TCE and its degradation byproducts, and geochemical and physical characteristics were evaluated to understand the conditions and challenges facing decision-makers of this project and possible options to improve biowall efficacy.  相似文献   

The U.S. Department of Energy has generated liquid wastes containing radioactive and hazardous chemicals throughout the more than forty years of operation at its Hanford site in Washington State. Many of the waste components, including nitrate and carbon tetrachloride (CCl4), have been detected in the Hanford groundwater. In-situ bioremediation of CCl4 and nitrate is being considered to clean the aquifer. Preliminary estimates indicate that this technology should cost significantly less than ex-situ bioremediation and about the same as air stripping/granular activated carbon. In-situ bioremediation has the advantage of providing ultimate destruction of the contaminant and requires significantly less remediation time. Currently, a test site is under development. A computer-aided design tool is being used to design optimal remediation conditions by linking subsurface transport predictions, site characterization data, and microbial growth and contaminant destruction kinetics.  相似文献   

Tetrachloroethene (PCE)‐ and trichloroethene (TCE)‐impacted sites pose significant challenges even when site characterization activities indicate that biodegradation has occurred naturally. Although site‐specific, regulatory, and economic factors play roles in the remedy‐selection process, the application of molecular biological tools to the bioremediation field has streamlined the assessment of remedial alternatives and allowed for detailed evaluation of the chosen remedial technology. The case study described here was performed at a PCE‐impacted site at which reductive dechlorination of PCE and TCE had led to accumulation of cis‐dichlorethene (cis‐DCE) with concentrations ranging from approximately 10 to 100 mg/L. Bio‐Trap® samplers and quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) enumeration of Dehalococcoides spp. were used to evaluate three remedial options: monitored natural attenuation, biostimulation with HRC®, and biostimulation with HRC‐S®. Dehalococcoides populations in HRC‐S‐amended Bio‐Traps deployed in impacted wells were on the order of 103 to 104 cells/bead but were below detection limits in most unamended and HRC‐amended Bio‐Traps. Thus the in situ Bio‐Trap study identified biostimulation with HRC‐S as the recommended approach, which was further evaluated with a pilot study. After the pilot HRC‐S injection, Dehalococcoides populations increased to 106 to 107 cells/bead, and concentrations of cis‐DCE and vinyl chloride decreased with concurrent ethene production. Based on these results, a full‐scale HRC‐S injection was designed and implemented at the site. As with the pilot study, full‐scale HRC‐S injection promoted growth of Dehalococcoides spp. and stimulated reductive dechlorination of the daughter products cis‐DCE and vinyl chloride. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This article presents a case study of an accelerated cleanup conducted by EPA at the Adams Plating Company (APC) Superfund site near Lansing, Michigan. The APC site remediation was a Superfund EPA-lead project under the remedial program in Region 5. An accelerated cleanup was possible at the APC site by consistently identifying, evaluating, and implementing opportunities to streamline the remedial investigation (RI) and remedial design (RD) process. Streamlining opportunities were discovered and implemented in both the technical and administrative aspects of the project. Streamlining components used to accelerate the remedial process included: (1) extensive use of field screening techniques during the Phase II RI; (2) a focused feasibility study (FS) that evaluated only practical alternatives; (3) maintaining project momentum by initiating the RD concurrent with the issuance of the Record of Decision (ROD); (4) a highly accelerated RD with limited predesign work; (5) elimination of the transition period between RD and remedial action (RA) project phases; (6) frequent and effective communication, coordination, and cooperation between all parties involved (EPA, Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR), technical contractor, PRC Environmental Management, Inc. (PRC), and the public); (7) maintaining a consistent project team throughout project duration; and (8) the setting of aggressive project goals.  相似文献   

Phytoremediation is a new technology that uses specially selected metal-accumulating plants as an attractive and economical method to clean up soils contaminated with heavy metals and radionuclides. The integration of specially selected metal-accumulating crop plants (Brassica juncea (L) Czern.) with innovative soil amendments allows plants to achieve high biomass and metal accumulation rates. In a recent study conducted at a lead-contaminated site in Trenton, New Jersey, the soil was treated with phytoremediation using successive crops of B. juncea combined with soil amendments. Through phytoremediation, the average surface soil lead concentration was reduced by 13 percent. In addition, the target soil concentration of 400 mg/kg was achieved in approximately 72 percent of the treated area in one cropping season.  相似文献   

The U.S. Department of Energy's (US DOE's) environmental challenges include remediation of the Hanford Site in Washington State. The site's legacy from nuclear weapons “production” activities includes approximately 80 square miles of contaminated groundwater, containing radioactive and other hazardous substances at levels above drinking water standards. In 1998, the U.S. General Accounting Office (US GAO), the auditing arm of Congress, concluded that groundwater remediation at Hanford should be integrated with a comprehensive understanding of the “vadose zone,” the soil region between the ground surface and groundwater. The US DOE's Richland Operations Office adjusted its program in response, and groundwater/vadose‐zone efforts at Hanford have continued to develop since that time. Hanford provides an example of how a federal remediation program can be influenced by reviews from the US GAO and other organizations, including the US DOE itself. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Biological processes have been used to remediate petroleum hydrocarbons, pesticides, chlorinated solvents, and halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons. Biological treatment of contaminated soils may involve solid-phase, slurry-phase, or in situ treatment techniques. This article will review the general principle of solid-phase bioremediation and discuss the application of this technique for the cleanup of total petroleum hydrocarbons on two sites. These remedial programs will reduce total petroleum hydrocarbon contamination from the mean concentration of 2,660 ppm to under the 200-ppm cleanup criteria for soil and under the 15-ppm cleanup criteria for groundwater. Over 32,000 yards of soil have been treated by solid-phase treatment to date. The in situ system operation is effectively producing biodegradation in the subsurface. The project is approximately one-third complete.  相似文献   

In tests conducted for the Canadian government on sediment from Thunder Bay Harbour, Ontario, the BioGenesis washing process was demonstrated to be effective in remediating contaminated harbor sediments. Removal efficiencies for 16 polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in concentrations exceeding 4,000 parts per million averaged 90 to 95 percent in pilot tests. These results are significant because, until now, washing processes have not proven effective in cleaning the small-size particles of silt and clay that make up most underwater sediments. In Thunder Bay, 81 percent of the particles were less than 38 microns (medium silt) in size. The tests on Thunder Bay sediment were conducted under the auspices of the Contaminated Sediment Treatment Technology Program of Environment Canada's Wastewater Technology Centre. Thunder Bay Harbour is one of 43 “areas of concern” identified by the International Joint Commission of Great Lakes Water Quality.  相似文献   

Removal of benzene, toluene, and the isomers of xylene (BTX) from gasoline-contaminated groundwater under denitrifying conditions was investigated. In laboratory microcosms, benzene removal was found to be significantly stimulated by phosphorus addition. For total xylenes, removal followed a similar response, but toluene disappearance was unaffected by phosphorus enrichment. An in-situ bioremediation project was conducted to extend this laboratory work to an actual field-scale cleanup of gasoline-contaminated groundwater. The flow of groundwater from two extraction wells to an infiltration gallery created a mostly closed loop to recycle the groundwater enriched with added nutrients and the electron acceptor (nitrate). The coincident occurrence of BTX loss (greater than 90 percent) in situ, nitrate (as well as phosphorus and ammonia) appearance, and increased levels of denitrifying bacteria at a downgradient well all suggested that denitrification may play a significant role in BTX remediation at this site.  相似文献   

李援  王亭  王岽  郦和生 《化工环保》2018,38(3):344-347
采用原位修复法处理石油烃污染土壤,考察了土壤中石油烃的自然降解情况,研究了土壤改良剂和生物营养剂对石油烃降解的促进作用。实验结果表明:将总石油烃含量约为5 g/kg的实验土样降解30 d,自然降解时总石油烃降解率为7.8%;当单独加入1.0%(w)的土壤改良剂时,总石油烃降解率达36.0%;当单独加入1.0 g/kg的生物营养剂时,总石油烃降解率为51.6%;最佳促进剂配方为土壤改良剂加入量1.0%(w),生物营养剂加入量1.0 g/kg,此条件下总石油烃降解率为80.1%。  相似文献   

Direct aerobic biodegradation of vinyl chloride (VC) offers a remedial solution for persistent vinyl chloride plumes that are not amenable to the anaerobic process of reductive dechlorination because of either prevailing geochemical conditions or the absence of active Dehalococcoides ethenogenes. However, tools are needed to evaluate and optimize aerobic VC bioremediation. This article describes the development and testing of two techniques—a microbiological tool and a molecular tool—for this purpose. Both methods are based on detection of bacteria that can use vinyl chloride and ethene as growth substrates in the presence of oxygen. The microbiological tool is an activity assay that indicates whether bacteria capable of degrading ethene under aerobic conditions are present in a groundwater sample. This activity assay gave positive results in the area of active VC degradation of an aerobic VC bioremediation test site. A rapid semiquantitative genetic assay was also developed. This molecular tool, based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR) detection of a gene involved in the metabolism of both ethene and VC, revealed the presence of potential VC degraders in an enrichment culture and site groundwater. These tools could provide a basis for judging the potential of aerobic VC degradation by ethenotrophs at other sites in addition to offering a mechanism for treatment monitoring and system optimization. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This article describes portland cement-based solidification/stabilization (S/S) treatment of heavy metal-contaminated soil. The soil was discovered during highway construction in West Jordan, Utah. Environmental Chemical Corporation (ECC) performed an emergency response to remediate the soil under contract with the EPA and the United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR). The soil was treated by S/S. Treatment of the soil, contaminated with lead and arsenic, involved: (1) excavation, (2) size segregation, (3) reduction of oversized particles, (4) addition and mixture of portland cement and cement kiln dust, and (5) beneficial reuse of the treated soil as a subbase. S/S treatment successfully reduced Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) concentrations of the contaminants to below regulatory levels.  相似文献   

百菌清污染土壤生物修复研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对百菌清具有在土壤中药效稳定、不易分解、代谢周期长、长期大量施加导致土壤严重污染等特点和问题,简要介绍了百菌清的毒性作用机制。总结了降解土壤中百菌清的物理法、化学法和生物法的原理及优缺点。重点阐述了生物修复百菌清污染土壤的主要降解菌株及其效果、降解途径以及降解产物及其毒性,分析了土壤性质、微生物种类、温度、土壤含水率等因素对百菌清降解效果的影响。指出今后的研究重点应为降解中间产物的毒性分析及其进一步的降解与转化问题,而复合菌制剂或多酶复合体系可实现百菌清的彻底降解和无害化。  相似文献   

以盆栽实验为基础,研究了植物(黑麦草,Lolium perenne L)-微生物(不动杆菌,Acinetobacter sp.)组合体系对石油污染土壤的修复效果。实验结果表明:在总石油烃含量为4 420.18 mg/kg、脱氢酶活性为230.52 μg/(g·d)、苯酚毒性当量浓度(TEQphenol)为1 633.21 mg/L的初始条件下,强化组总石油烃降解率最高为53.08%,是对照组的1.60倍;土壤的脱氢酶活性达到637.73 μg/(g·d),是对照组的10.64倍;石油污染土壤的生物毒性大幅降低, TEQphenol最终降低至171.08 mg/L。说明该组合体系对石油污染土壤具有很好的修复作用,且微生物对土壤中有毒物质的降解起主要作用。  相似文献   

Bioavailability is one main factor that influences the extent of biodegradation of hydrocarbons. They are very poorly soluble in water and easily adsorbed to clay or humus fractions, so they pass very slowly to the aqueous phase where they are metabolised by microorganisms. Cyclodextrins are natural compounds that form soluble inclusion complexes with hydrophobic molecules and increase degradation rate of hydrocarbons in vitro. In the perspective of an in situ application, we previously checked that -cyclodextrin does not increase eluviation of hydrocarbons through the soil and consequently does not increase the risk of groundwater pollution. The results of an in situ application of -cyclodextrin for bioremediation of a hydrocarbon polluted site are presented. We stated that the combination of bioaugmentation and enhanced bioavailability due to -cyclodextrin was effective for a full degradation.  相似文献   

A Before‐ After Control‐ Impact Paired (BACIP) model was used to evaluate the effectiveness of phytoremediation treatment on reduction of bentazon concentrations in shallow groundwater at a study site in Louisiana. Two different statistical approaches were made to evaluate the impact to this test site from the remediation program through time. Data were evaluated by Bayesian analysis of variance test methods. Data sets were unique in that the control data used for impact evaluation, as compared to before and after data, were compiled from groundwater upgradient monitoring wells existing prior to remediation. The statistical model supports the hypothesis that the phytoremediation program has positively impacted groundwater at the study site. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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