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Enhanced biodegradation of creosote-contaminated soil   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Bioremediation, a viable option for treatment of cresote-contaminated soil, can be enhanced by the use of surfactant. A study was conducted to investigate the effect of a non-ionic surfactant, Triton X-100, on biodegradation of creosote-contaminated soil. Abiotic soil desorption experiments were performed to determine the kinetics of release of selected polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) compounds. Respirometric experiments were also conducted to evaluate the effect of nonionic surfactant on biodegradation. The N-Con system respirometer was used to monitor the oxygen uptake by the microorganisms. The abiotic experiments results indicated that the addition of surfactant to soil/water systems increased the desorption of PAH compounds. It was also observed that the desorption rate of PAH compounds depended on their molecular weight. The 3- and 4-ring PAH compounds showed higher and faster desorption rates than the 5- and 6-ring PAHs. The respirometric experiments indicated that an increase in soil contamination level from 112.5 to 771.8 mg/kg showed an increase in oxygen uptake. But for a soil contamination level of 1102.5 mg/kg, the oxygen uptake was similar to the contamination level of 771.8 mg/kg. This might be due to toxicity by the surfactant or the solubilized PAHs at high concentration or interference with contaminant transport into the cell or to reversible physical-chemical interferences with the activity of enzymes involved in the PAH degradation. The increase in PAH availability to the microorganisms in the aqueous phase produced an increase in oxygen consumption that is proportional to the biodegradation of organic compounds.  相似文献   

The use and performance of soil vapor extraction (SVE) as an in-situ remedial technology has been limited at numerous sites because of both geologic and chemical factors. SVE systems are not well suited to sites containing low permeability soils or sites contaminated with recalcitrant compounds. Six-phase soil heating (SPSH) has been developed by the Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories (Battelle) to enhance SVE systems. The technology utilizes resistive soil heating to increase the vapor pressure of subsurface contaminants and to generate an in-situ source of steam. The steam strips contaminants sorbed onto soil surfaces and acts as a carrier gas, providing an enhanced mechanism by which the contaminants can reach an extraction well. Full-scale applications of SPSH have been performed at the U.S. Department of Energy's Savannah River Site in Aiken, South Carolina; at a former fire training site in Niagara Falls, New York; and at Fort Richardson near Anchorage, Alaska. At each site, chlorinated solvents were present in low permeability soils and SPSH was applied in conjunction with SVE. The results of the three applications showed that SPSH is a cost-effective technology that can reduce the time required to remediate a site using only conventional SVE.  相似文献   

The direct application of surfactants to petroleum-contaminated soil has been proposed as a mechanism to increase the bioavailability of insoluble compounds. Solubilization of hydrophobic compounds into the aqueous phase appears to be a significant rate limiting factor in petroleum biodegradation in soil. Nonionic surfactants have been developed to solubilize a variety of compounds, thus increasing the desorption of contaminants from the soil. In this study, laboratory scale land treatment scenarios were used to monitor the bioremediation of petroleum contaminated soils. In efforts to achieve the lowest levels of residual petroleum hydrocarbons in the soil following biotreatment, 0.5 and 1.0% (volume/weight) surfactant was blended into soils under treatment. Two soil types were studied, a high clay content soil and a sandy, silty soil. In both cases, the addition of surfactant (Adsee 799®, a blend of ethoxylated fatty acids, Witco Corporation) stimulated biological activity as indicated by increased heterotropbic colony forming units per gram of soil. However, the increased activity was not correlated with removal of petroleum hydrocarbons. The results suggest that the application of surfactants directly to the soil for the purpose of solubilizing hydropbobic compounds was not successful in achieving greater levels of petroleum hydrocarbon removal.  相似文献   

The primary biodegradability of polyethylene (PE) films containing different percentages of cornstarch (0–50%) and other additives (prooxidant, oxidized polyethylene) was tested using four species of earthworms (Eisenia fetida, Lumbricus terrestris, Aporectodea trapezoides, Aporectodea tuberculata), three species of cockroaches (Periplaneta americana, Blaberus sp.,Blattella germanica), termites (Reticulotermes flavipes), sowbugs (Porcellio laevis), and crickets (Acheta domesticus). These studies were conducted to elucidate the potential role of soil macroinvertebrates in degrading starch/PE biodegradable plastics. The results of the macroinvertebrate bioassays indicate that crickets, cockroaches, and sowbugs consumed starch-containing PE films most readily. In addition, the degree to which the films were attacked and consumed was directly related to the starch content of the film. Films with oxidized polyethylene and those containing prooxidant (vegetable oil and a transition metal catalyst) were also consumed. None of the four species of earthworms tested or the termites showed any activity toward the starch/polyethylene films. These results have important implications for determining the fate of novel plastic formulations which claim to be biodegradable in natural environments. Studies such as these, coupled with studies on microbial degradation, will help provide the type of information needed to assess the environmental fate of biodegradable starch/PE plastics and fill the voids in the scientific database regarding this rapidly developing field.  相似文献   

Permeable biobarrier systems (PBSs) are being recognized as low‐cost passive bioremediation technologies for chlorinated organic contamination. This innovative technology can play a crucial and effective role in site restorations. Laboratory‐scale experiments were conducted to investigate the biodegradation of trichloroethylene (TCE) to ethylene in shallow groundwater through the use of a PBS enhanced by bioaugmentation at the U.S. Department of Energy's Savannah River Site (SRS). Two composts and two plant amendments, eucalyptus mulch (EM) and corncobs (CC), were examined for their effectiveness at creating and maintaining conditions suitable for TCE anaerobic dechlorination. These materials were evaluated for their (1) nutrient and organic carbon content, (2) TCE sorption characteristics, and (3) longevity of release of nutrients and soluble carbon in groundwater to support TCE dechlorination. Native bacteria in the columns had the ability to convert TCE to dichloroethenes (DCEs); however, the inoculation with the TCE‐degrading culture greatly increased the rate of biodegradation. This caused a significant increase in by‐product concentration, mostly in the form of DCEs and vinyl chloride (VC) followed by a slow degradation to ethylene. Of the tested amendments, eucalyptus mulch was the most effective at supporting the reductive dechlorination of TCE. Corncobs created a very acidic condition in the column that inhibited dechlorination. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Industry and regulatory demands for rapid and cost-effective clean up of hydrocarbon and other contamination in soil and groundwater has prompted development and improvement of in-situ remediation technologies. In-situ technologies offer many advantages over ex-situ treatment alternatives, including lower initial capital and long-term operation and maintenance costs, less site disruption, no Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) liability, and shorter treatment time necessary to achieve cleanup objectives. Fenton's reagent, a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and ferrous iron that generates a hydroxyl free radical as an oxidizing agent, is widely accepted for chemical oxidation of organic contaminants in the wastewater industry. In-situ implementation of Fenton's reagent for chemical oxidation of organic contaminants in soil and groundwater continues to grow in acceptance and application to a wide variety of environmental contaminants and hydrogeologic conditions (EPA, 1998).  相似文献   

Most of the standardized biodegradation tests used to assess the ultimate biodegradation of environmentally degradable polymers are based solely on the determination of net evolved carbon dioxide. However, under aerobic conditions, it has to be considered that heterotrophic microbial consortia metabolize carbon substrates both to carbon dioxide and in the production of new cell biomass. It is generally accepted that in the relatively short term, 50% of the carbon content of most organic substrates is converted to CO2, with the remaining carbon being assimilated as biomass or incorporated into humus. The latter is particularly important when the metabolism of the organic matter occurs in a soil environment. A straightforward relationship between the free-energy content of a carbon substrate (expressed as the standard free-energy of combustion) and its propensity for conversion to new microbial biomass rather than mineralization to CO2 has been established. This can potentially lead to underestimation of biodegradation levels of test compounds, especially when they consist of carbon in a fairly low formal oxidation state and relatively high free-energy content. In the present work, the metabolism of different kind of carbon substrates, especially in soil, is reviewed and compared with our own experimental results from respirometric tests. The results show that conversion of highly oxidized materials, such as the commonly used reference materials, cellulose or starch, to CO2 may be significantly overestimated. The addition of glucosidic material to soil leads to greatly increased respiration and is accompanied by a very low conversion to biomass or humic substances. In contrast, relatively less oxidized substrates metabolize more slowly to give both CO2 and biomass to an extent which may be significantly underestimated if glucosidic materials are used as the reference. The need for an overall carbon balance taking into account both the carbon immobilized as biomass and that volatized as CO2 must be considered in standard respirometric procedures for assessing the biodegradability of slowly degrading macromolecules.  相似文献   

Natural biodegradation can contain groundwaters impacted by creosote and pentachlorophenol. Using natural biodegradation for such sites is attractive because groundwater restoration is often impracticable, but the dissolved plumes are biodegradable and exert relatively low oxygen demands. Three case studies of its successful use are presented, with emphasis on the types of evidence needed, the rates and extents of removal, and the strategies for incorporating natural biodegradation into a remediation approach. Natural biodegradation was proven at all three sites, using a combination of field geochemical measurements, laboratory simulations, and computer modeling. Contaminant plumes at these three sites were contained within 100 to 700 feet downgradient of the apparent sources, although the rates of biodegradation varied widely. Natural biodegradation should be considered as part of an overall remedial strategy for most sites contaminated by creosote and/or pentachlorophenol.  相似文献   

On-site oxygen generation was chosen as the most effective and efficient source of pure oxygen for enhancing biodegradation at a hydrocarbon-contaminated oil and gas well site in northern Michigan. Contaminants include benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes released through natural gas dehydration practices that were halted in 1985. Free product and contaminated soil were completely removed from the source area in spring 1989, leaving only the groundwater plume for further remediation. This article discusses the project's two phases—a purge and treat system and the pure-oxygen bioremediation system—each costing $75,000. It also details the combined system's technical elements (including purge and monitoring wells, oxygen generator, and drainfield), and cleanup results (including how pure oxygen has helped destroy contaminants, not merely move them to other media).  相似文献   

There are numerous technologies currently being tested by EPA, universities throughout the world, and private research organizations. A few of the more promising innovative technologies as well as fully tested and proven remedies for treating contaminated groundwater are presented in this article. Although several of those technologies have been in existence for only four to five years, the results of full-scale testing are being produced. The method for each of these promising technologies is described, results from recent field-scale studies are summarized, and a discussion of cost is presented.  相似文献   

During recent oil spill clean-up operations, residual oils stranded in the intertidal environment were successfully dispersed into the sea by physically accelerating the natural interaction between oil and mineral fines. Oil-mineral fine interaction reduces the adhesion of oil to solid surfaces and promotes the formation of stable micron-sized oil droplets in the water column. By increasing the oil-in-water interface, i.e. the oil becomes more accessible to nutrients, oxygen and bacteria, this interaction becomes a key factor in enhancing oil biodegradation. There is, however, concern that this technique merely transports the oil from one compartment of the environment to another. In our study, controlled laboratory shaker-flask experiments showed that oil-mineral fine interactions stimulates microbial activity by enhancing both the rate and extent of oil degradation by stimulating microbial activity. These results support the application of shoreline oil spill clean-up techniques based on the acceleration of oil-mineral fine interactions.  相似文献   

As the remediation industry rapidly matures, a greater emphasis is placed on providing on-site remedies involving in-situ soil and groundwater technologies. Selecting and implementing cost-effective technologies requires a defined working process focused on integrating the relationship between the design engineer/scientist and the remedial contractor. This article briefly explores various contractual vehicles and their effect on the designer/contractor relationship and identifies preconstruction documents needed to initiate a remedial construction program. A detailed discussion is presented that describes the transition from remedial design to remedial construction and offers practical application of preconstruction, construction, and postconstruction techniques. Preconstruction techniques involve communication processes and procedures designed to reduce installation uncertainty, address constructability issues, promote value engineering alternatives, and reaffirm the project objectives. Construction techniques focus on effective ways to communicate and document problems and solutions encountered during construction activities. Postconstruction techniques describe ways to provide useful information that may have a continued effect on system performance or used to document the achievement of project goals.  相似文献   

This research assesses the feasibility of degrading used disposable diapers, an important component (5-15% in weight) of urban solid waste in Mexico, by the activity of the fungus Pleurotus ostreatus, also known as oyster mushroom. Disposable diapers contain polyethylene, polypropylene and a super absorbent polymer. Nevertheless, its main component is cellulose, which degrades slowly. P. ostreatus has been utilized extensively to degrade cellulosic materials of agroindustrial sources, using in situ techniques. The practice has been extended to the commercial farming of the mushroom. This degradation capacity was assayed to reduce mass and volume of used disposable diapers. Pilot laboratory assays were performed to estimate the usefulness of the following variables on conditioning of used diapers before they act as substrate for P. ostreatus: (1) permanence vs removal of plastic cover; (2) shredding vs grinding; (3) addition of grape wastes to improve structure, nitrogen and trace elements content. Wheat straw was used as a positive control. After 68 days, decrease of the mass of diapers and productivity of fungus was measured. Weight and volume of degradable materials was reduced up to 90%. Cellulose content was diminished in 50% and lignine content in 47%. The highest efficiency for degradation of cellulosic materials corresponded to the substrates that showed highest biological efficiency, which varied from 0% to 34%. Harvested mushrooms had good appearance and protein content and were free of human disease pathogens. This research indicates that growing P. ostreatus on disposable diapers could be a good alternative for two current problems: reduction of urban solid waste and availability of high protein food sources.  相似文献   

The biodegradation behavior of insoluble crystalline polymers depends on both chemical structure and physical state. The physical state is strongly affected by the molding conditions; moreover the presence of natural hydrophylic substances such as starch can further influence the biodegradation process. This paper examines the biotic and abiotic degradation of thick injection-molded parts, made of pure poly--caprolactone (PCL) at different molecular weights, and of PCL in the presence of starch in the case of a commercial grade of Mater-Bi, produced by Novamont. The abiotic degradation was studied at 25 and 50°C, whereas the biotic degradation was followed in conditions of SCAS (semicontinuous activated sludges) at 25 and 50°C, soil burial, and controlled composting. The physical-chemical modifications provoked at the surface and in the bulk of the samples by the different types of degradation were determined by differential scanning calorimetry, viscometric and gravimetric analysis, scanning electron microscopy, and dynamic mechanical analysis. The mechanical modifications induced by the different environments were followed by tensile tests. It was demonstrated that the presence of starch significantly increases the apparent biodegradation rate of PCL, making even thick parts of ZI01U compatible with the composting process.Paper presented at the Bio/Environmentally Degradable Polymer Society—Third National Meeting, June 6–8, 1994, Boston, Massachusetts.  相似文献   

The ASTM D5210-91 protocol for evaluating the biodegradability of a polymer was examined. The reactor design was modified not only to account for the total CO2 evolved but also to allow for the simultaneous carbon assessment in microbes, soluble products, and solid samples. Improvements in the test procedure were implemented such as (1) refining the CO2 pretrap and posttrap design, (2) optimizing the carbon dioxide removal efficiency, (3) accounting for the total polymeric carbon, (4) standardizing the inoculum, and (5) revising the nutrient medium. By growing the sludge on a suitable substrate prior to polymeric exposure, a constant microbial density was obtained. The modified ASTM method provides an assessment of the polymeric carbon degradation at any given time. The results of this work have specific significance to the behavior of polymers in a sewage waste treatment plant, where sludge is continuously being acrated, and also for aerobic biodegradation in general.  相似文献   

Chitin biodegradation and wounded bark tissue healing were demonstrated in several evergreen and deciduous trees by dressing with a sheet of chitin-containing films or sponges. Chitinase activities in the tree bark tissues around the wounds were enhanced by this treatment up to four times those of the untreated wounds. Significant seasonal changes of chitinase activities were observed with the bark and leaf tissues of deciduous trees, but few with those of evergreen trees. A sheet of chitin films implanted or dressed in the tree bark tissues was biodegraded within 4 to 24 weeks after implantation and was assimilated into the wounded bark tissues, resulting in the stimulation of the wounded bark tissue healing.  相似文献   

The biodegradability of lactic acid based poly(ester-urethanes) was studied using the headspace test method, which was performed at several elevated temperatures. The poly(ester-urethanes) were prepared using a straight two-step lactic acid polymerization process. The lactic acid is first condensation polymerized to a low molecular weight hydroxyl-terminated telechelic prepolymer and then the molecular weight is increased with a chain extender such as diisocyanate. In the biodegradation studies the effect of different stereostructures (different amounts of D-units in the polymer chain), the length of ester units, and the effect of crosslinking on the biodegradation rate were studied. The results indicate that poly(ester-urethanes) do not biodegrade at 25‡C, but at elevated temperatures they biodegrade well. The different stereostructures and crosslinking have a strong influence on the biodegradation rate. The length of ester units in the polymer chain also affects the biodegradation rate, but much less than crosslinking and stereostructure.  相似文献   

This study investigated the ability of fungi isolated from highly contaminated soil to biodegrade polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) compounds, as well as the effect of several parameters on the biodegradation ability of these fungi. The isolated fungi were identified using ITS rDNA sequencing and tested using 2,6‐dichlorophinolendophenol to determine their preliminary ability to degrade crude oil. The top‐performing fungi, Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus fumigatus, were selected to test their ability to biodegrade PAH compounds as single isolates. After 15 days of incubation, A. flavus degraded 82.7% of the total PAH compounds, with the complete degradation of six compounds, whereas Afumigatus degraded 68.9% of the total PAHs, with four aromatic compounds completely degraded. We also tested whether different temperatures, pH, and nitrogen sources influenced the growth of Aflavus and the degradation rate. The degradation process was optimal at a temperature of 30°C, pH of 5.5, and with nitrogen in the form of yeast extract. Finally, the ability of the fungal candidate, A. flavus, to degrade PAH compounds under these optimum conditions was studied. The results showed that 95.87% of the total PAHs, including 11 aromatic compounds, were completely degraded after 15 days of incubation. This suggests that A. flavus is a potential microorganism for the degradation of PAH compounds in aqueous cultures.  相似文献   

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