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为探讨液化石油气(LPG)对女工健康的影响,我们采用WHO推荐的神经行为核心测验组合(NCTB),对LPG接触女工的行为功能进行了测试.  相似文献   

30年前——一场由液化石油气引发的悲剧1984年11月19日,大约凌晨5:30,在墨西哥的墨西哥城圣胡安区(San Juan Ixhuatepec),一家液化石油气(LPG)储运站发生严重的火灾和一系列的爆炸。事故造成约600人死亡,7 000人受伤,20万人被疏散,储运站沦为一片废墟。20 km外的地震监测仪记录下了这些爆炸的强度,其中最猛烈的一次爆炸相当于里氏0.5级的地震。大多数的伤者和死难者都是周围社区的居民——这些居民的住所离储运站  相似文献   

甲醇在常温下是液态,方便储存和运输,对于船东而言,燃用甲醇燃料的船舶改造费用要远远低于燃用液化天然气和液化石油气,安全性方面,甲醇相对液化天然气和液化石油气要安全得多,甲醇在排放上也优于常规燃料,本文主要从甲醇燃料燃烧特性对甲醇燃料的应用进展进行了介绍。利用chemkin软件对甲醇、柴油双燃料发动机的燃烧情况做了仿真计算。  相似文献   

燃烧、煤烟防止技术【题1】有关燃料的叙述中,哪项是错误的? (1)液化石油气(LPG)的高发热量是20000KCal/Mm~3以下 (2)灯油的着火点是40℃以上 (3)轻油主要使用在高速柴油机引擎  相似文献   

液化石油气在生产、储存、运输、经营、使用过程发生泄漏,很容易与空气形成爆炸混合物.若在短时间内大量泄漏,可以在现场很大范围内形成液化气蒸气云,遇明火、静电或处置不慎打出火星,就会导致爆炸事故的发生.1998年3月5日,西安煤气公司液化石油气管理所400 m3、储存170 t液化气的球罐根部发生泄漏,仅采用80条棉被紧急堵漏.由于缺乏相应的堵漏工具,未能在第一时间内控制事故,导致事故进一步扩大,先后发生4次爆炸,疏散了方圆3 km范围内的人员,5 km范围内实行交通管制,7名消防战士和5名液化气站工作人员牺牲,伤32人,直接经济损失477.8万元.2004年葫芦岛"3·29"液化石油气泄漏事故,泄漏液化石油气18 t,直接经济损失4.86万元.  相似文献   

投资98亿元人民币,华北最大的LPG能源库区将于2006年 2月在临港工业区正式开工建设。记者近日对该项目负责人、天津登伟油气有限公司董事长张兆骅进行了专访。 11年对油气事业执着追求,6 次变动选址规划方案,还有不断累加的资金投入,但张兆骅依然不改变他对LPG(丙烷、丁烷为主要成分的液化石油气)清洁能源开发项目的决心。  相似文献   

近几年来,液化石油气以其高效、清洁、热值高和储运便利等特点逐渐被人们接受,使用越来越多,与之配套的液化石油气站也在全国各地大量的出现.液化石油气的易燃易爆特性,时刻提醒人们使用它要注意安全.而作为储存大量液化石油气的液化石油气站,其危险性更高.因此,做好液化石油气站的火灾预防工作,是各级监管部门和企业面临的一项艰巨任务.  相似文献   

随着国民经济的高速发展 ,居民生活的不断提高 ,液化石油气已普遍进入百姓家庭。但由于各种因素 ,近年来在各地发生了不少安全事故及设备报废事件 ,现针对常见的两个问题试加讨论。1液化石油气的含水量与容器腐蚀我国目前大部分液化石油气是常温带压贮存 ,且几乎全是钢制罐。液化石油气是以丙烷、丙烯、丁烷、丁烯等低碳氢化合物为主要成分的混合物。通常以液态形式在常温压力下贮存 ,一旦漏气十分危险。当贮罐破裂时 ,每立方米液态液化石油气可转变250—300m3 的气态液化石油气 ;液化石油气的爆炸极限范围为2%至11% (体积比 )之间 ,即1m3 …  相似文献   

正船舶航运业的快速发展,在给贸易运输带来便利的同时,也给区域空气质量改善带来巨大压力。当前,船舶港口污染呈明显的区域性。研究结果显示,长三角、珠三角、环渤海和长江等沿海沿江地区,船舶港口排放已成为大气污染的重要来源之一,受到社会的广泛关注。因此,应进一步加强我国船舶港口污染防治,改善区域大气环境质量,构建绿色航运体系。船舶港口排放已成为重要的排放源之一随着我国对外开放力度不断加  相似文献   

香港地区2005—2010年VOCs污染来源解析及特征研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
利用香港地区2005-2010年连续实时监测的挥发性有机污染物(VOCs)组分浓度数据,运用CMB和UNMIX受体模型综合分析了香港地区VOCs主要污染来源及年变化趋势和季节变化规律.结果表明:溶剂使用、机动车尾气排放和液化石油气(LPG)是香港地区主要的VOCs污染源.在2005-2010年间,机动车尾气排放对VOCs贡献呈缓慢增加趋势,溶剂使用的贡献率逐渐降低,天然源的贡献率基本稳定.溶剂使用、机动车尾气和LPG源冬季贡献最大,夏季最低,天然源则在夏季贡献最大.两种模型解析结果有一定的差异,显示源解析结果受较多因素影响.为确保结果的准确性,建议采用两种或以上的模型对受体点数据进行污染来源解析.  相似文献   

基于复杂网络的全球稻米贸易格局演化及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用复杂网络分析方法,采用2000—2016年国际贸易关系数据构建了全球稻米贸易网络,分析了全球稻米网络格局演化特征及中国在全球稻米贸易格局中的角色变化。研究发现:(1)2000—2016年全球稻米贸易网络规模不断扩大、相互依赖性加深,网络结构的异质性特征明显,核心节点对网络稳定性有控制作用;(2)印度、泰国、中国、越南、巴基斯坦、美国是网络核心节点,东南亚、南亚、东亚地区保持着全球稻米贸易核心区地位;(3)全球稻米贸易网络划分为六个主要组团,地理临近是组团格局形成的重要因素,组团内部呈现出口国主导、进口国跟随的特征;(4)中国作为全球最大的稻米进口国家,进口来源相对稳定。建议今后我国继续挖掘全球稻米贸易潜力,充分发挥贸易网络的优势,在风险可控前提下,增加进口、优化出口,提高贸易网络的复杂性,从而提升安全保障能力。  相似文献   

基于2000—2019年全球猪肉贸易数据,采用复杂网络分析方法,研究了全球猪肉贸易网络格局演变及中国猪肉贸易网络特征,并进一步探讨了中国扩大猪肉进口的潜在贸易伙伴选择问题。研究结果表明:过去近20年来,全球猪肉贸易网络核心国相对固定,猪肉贸易网络呈“碎片化”特征。目前中国已经成为全球第一大猪肉进口国,且进口呈现北美、西欧、南美“三足鼎立”的来源格局。未来中国扩大猪肉进口,潜在的贸易伙伴可选范围比较广泛。一方面可以继续巩固和深化同德国、西班牙、美国、巴西等传统贸易伙伴之间的合作关系,另一方面也可以积极拓展朋友圈,增加从意大利、比利时等其他出口国及泰国、越南等周边国家的进口,以打造更加多元高效的猪肉进口网络。  相似文献   

Spiders have been suspected to be one of the most important groups of natural enemies of insects worldwide. To document the impact of the global spider community as insect predators, we present estimates of the biomass of annually killed insect prey. Our estimates assessed with two different methods suggest that the annual prey kill of the global spider community is in the range of 400–800 million metric tons (fresh weight), with insects and collembolans composing >90% of the captured prey. This equals approximately 1‰ of the global terrestrial net primary production. Spiders associated with forests and grasslands account for >95% of the annual prey kill of the global spider community, whereas spiders in other habitats are rather insignificant contributors over a full year. The spider communities associated with annual crops contribute less than 2% to the global annual prey kill. This, however, can be partly explained by the fact that annual crop fields are “disturbed habitats” with a low buildup of spider biomass and that agrobiont spiders often only kill prey over short time periods in a year. Our estimates are supported by the published results of exclusion experiments, showing that the number of herbivorous/detritivorous insects and collembolans increased significantly after spider removal from experimental plots. The presented estimates of the global annual prey kill and the relative contribution of spider predation in different biomes improve the general understanding of spider ecology and provide a first assessment of the global impact of this very important predator group.  相似文献   

基于GTAP数据库提供的多区域投入产出表,采用全球价值链方法测算中国农产品贸易中隐含的化肥转移,并按照农产品最终消费的地理位置将其分解为四部分。研究发现:(1)中国农产品进口为国内节约640万t化肥(占我国化肥用量的13%),同时引起全球化肥用量节约285万t,为缓解全球资源和环境压力做出贡献;(2)中国农产品贸易深度参与全球价值链,进口农产品中隐含的化肥有12%会再次出口到全球,意味着农产品贸易背后隐含的资源到达中国后会再次出口,形成多次跨境转移。建议在全球价值链视角下更为客观地估算农产品贸易隐含的化肥及其他资源环境问题,倡导共同承担贸易引致的资源环境问题。  相似文献   

The Asian Network on Climate Science and Technology (www.ancst.org), in collaboration with Tsinghua University, held a conference on environmental and climate science, air pollution, urban planning and transportation in July 2015, with over 40 Asian experts participating and presentation. This was followed by a meeting with local government and community experts on the practical conclusions of the conference. Of the papers presented at the conference a selection are included in this special issue of Journal of Environmental Science, which also reflects the conclusions of the Paris Climate meeting in Dec 2015, when the major nations of the world agreed about the compelling need to reduce the upward trend of adverse impacts associated with global climate change. Now is the time for urban areas to work out the serious consequences for their populations, but also how they should work together to take action to reduce global warming to benefit their own communities and also the whole planet!  相似文献   

潍坊市农业源排污权交易体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着总量减排工作的不断深入开展,农业源污染已经成为当前中国水体污染的首要原因.通过对农业源排污权交易的可行性分析,探讨了农业点源与工业点源之间、农业点源与农业点源之间、农业面源与工业点源之间、农业面源与农业面源之间四种交易类型的排污权交易机制,建立了包含农业源排污权交易管理机构、排污权交易平台、一级交易市场、二级交易市场在内的排污权交易体系框架,最后针对农业源排污权交易体系中的一些关键问题进行了初步探讨.  相似文献   

外来海洋有害生物入侵性传播已成为海洋生态环境面临的四大威胁之一,船舶压舱水是造成外来海洋有害生物入侵性传播的最主要途径。本文基于国家交通运输部和国家海关总署公开发布的外贸航运及商品进出口信息,分析了全国规模以上港口外贸货物装载量与入境船舶压舱水输入量的相关性,依此建立了中国港口入境船舶压舱水输入总量估算模型。结果表明:经由全球各港口输入到我国的入境船舶压舱水年排放量已超过2.67亿t,对我国港口海域的生态环境构成了巨大的威胁。本文不仅为外来海洋生物入侵风险评估和风险区划提供了背景信息估算方法,同时也为我国外来海洋生物入侵风险管理提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

This article presents a comparison of indicators based on an economy-wide material flow analysis, namely imports, exports, domestic material consumption, raw material equivalents of imports, raw material equivalents of exports and raw material consumption. These indicators were calculated for the Czech Republic for 1995–2010 using, besides an economy-wide material flow analysis, the hybrid input–output life cycle assessment method, which allows for a calculation of raw material equivalents of imports and exports. The results show that a calculation of indicators, which include raw material equivalents, is useful, as it provides some important information which is not obvious from imports, exports and domestic material consumption indicators. We have proved that the latter group of indicators provide the incorrect information regarding the environmental pressure trend related to material flows, underestimate the overall pressure related to foreign trade and provide incorrect information on the importance of various material categories in particular indicators. Consequently, in the case of the Czech Republic, the implications stemming from these points such as the very high dependency of the Czech production system on metal ores from abroad and a rather unequal distribution of environmental pressures between the Czech Republic and its trading partners have not been more thoroughly addressed by Czech economic, environmental and sustainability policies so far and present unresolved issues which will have to be dealt with in the future.  相似文献   

环境产品贸易为应对全球环境变化的国际合作提供了新途径。中国在可再生能源设备等方面具有优势,环境产品贸易有利于落实碳达峰与碳中和目标。分析中国1996—2019年环境产品进出口规模、产品结构与贸易网络结构的变化,应用LMDI方法将碳排放分解为排放强度、能源效率、经济水平和人口规模四个分量,借助ARDL-ECM模型验证环境产品贸易与碳排放的协整关系及长短期效应。结果表明:(1)中国环境产品贸易对碳排放的影响表现为短期促进作用和长期抑制作用。(2)环境产品贸易主要通过促进能源效率的碳减排效应、抑制经济增长的碳排放效应而推动碳减排。(3)贸易产品专业化短期有利于碳减排,但从长期看多元化更有利。贸易影响力提升短期对碳减排有利,但对进口的长期依赖不利于碳减排。(4)碳减排不只靠能源相关产品,非能源相关产品贸易同样能促进经济提质增效而推动碳减排。  相似文献   

The global decline of freshwater biodiversity caused by climate change and human activities are supposed to disrupt ecosystem services related to water quality and alter the structure and function of aquatic communities across space and time, yet the effects of the combination of these factors on plankton community ecosystem has received relatively little attention. This study aimed to explore the impacts of disturbances (e.g. human activity, temperature, precipitation, and water level) on phytoplankton community structure (i.e. community evenness and community composition) and function (i.e. resource use efficiency) in four subtropical reservoirs over 7 years from 2010 to 2016. Our results showed that community turnover (measured as community dissimilarity) was positively related to disturbance frequency, but no significant correlation was found between phytoplankton biodiversity (i.e. evenness) and disturbance frequency. Phytoplankton resource use efficiency (RUE = phytoplankton biomass/ total phosphorus) was increased with a higher frequency of disturbance with an exception of cyanobacteria. The RUE of Cyanobacteria and diatoms showed significantly negative correlations with their community evenness, while the RUE of Chlorophyta exhibited a positive correlation with their community turnover. We suggest that multiple environmental disturbances may play crucial roles in shaping the structure and functioning of plankton communities in subtropical reservoirs, and mechanism of this process can provide key information for freshwater uses, management and conservation.  相似文献   

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