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The present investigation was undertaken to assess the effects of sublethal concentrations of zinc (0.1 and 0.2 mgl(-1)) on the nutritional value of fish Channa punctatus after exposure for 135 days. The parameters studied were, levels of total proteins, glycogen, total lipids, cholesterol and vitamins (A and D) in the muscle. Total proteins, glycogen, total lipids and vitamin D show highly significant decline from day 90 to 135, while cholesterol and vitamin A, show no significant changes upto 105 days. This study signifies a drastic reduction in the nutritive value of fish, which is compounded by the fact that under natural conditions fish are exposed to these levels of zinc for prolonged periods.  相似文献   

An air-breathing fresh waterfish Channa punctatus was exposed chronically to sublethal concentrations of mercuric chloride and the respiratory surface was found to exhibit lesions, lifting of lamellar epithelium and increased number of mucus gland openings. The damage increased with increase in the concentrations. The gill surface was studied using scanning electron microscope.  相似文献   

Toxicological effects of some biochemical parameters of freshwater fish Channa punctatus (Bloch), under the stress of Nickel (NiSO4. 6H2O), at various concentrations of 10, 20, 30 and 40 ppm for 30 days were observed. Gradual decrease in the levels of liver protein and liver ascorbic acid due to proteolysis and liver glucose breakdown respectively was observed. Contradictorily, high liver cholesterol level, may be due to hepatic disfunctioning and accumulation in brain. There was also gradual decrease in the brain protein level showing significant alterations but the brain ascorbic acid level showed no significant alterations. Decrease in the protein and ascorbic acid level and increase of cholesterol level thus indicates stressful condition of the fish.  相似文献   

The present study was to evaluate heavy metal toxicity stress symptoms in fish blood during long-term exposure of sublethal concentration of copper sulphate (CuSO4). The effects of copper on various heamatological parameters were evaluated exposing Indian fresh water fish, Channa punctatus to a sub-lethal concentration of copper sulphate (0.36 mg l(-1)) for different periods. Exposure of fish to copper showed a significant decrease in the haemoglobin (Hb) content from 10.73 to 6.60%, red blood cells (RBC) from 2.86 to 1.84 x 10(6)/mm3 and packed cell volume (PCV) from 31.00 to 23.33% at the end of 45th day as compared to control. Whereas the white blood cells (WBC) increased from 60.00 to 92.48 x10(3)/mm3, clotting time (CT) from 27.66 to 43.00 second, erythrocyte sedimentation rate from 5.0 to 13.66 mm/hr and mean corpuscular volume from 108.11 to 126.85 cmu, significantly, with increase in exposure periods. Although mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC) and mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH) values showed significant increase during 15 and 30 days exposures, both the values were found significantly increased at the end of the experimental period. The differential leucocytes count (DLC) showed a significant increase in the populations of lymphocytes and eosinophils, whereas neutrophils, monocytes and basophiles were found decreased after exposure to copper.  相似文献   

The effect of sublethal concentration (29 mg/l) of cadmium on haematological parameters of Channa punctatus after the exposure periods of 7, 15 and 30 days were studied. In treated groups of cadmium exposed fish have been found to significantly decreased in total erythrocyte count, haemoglobin content, packed cell volume, mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration and oxygen carrying capacity of blood, and at the same time the white blood cell count, mean cell volume and mean corpuscular haemoglobin were found to significantly increased. Both increasing and decreasing of the above mentioned haematological characteristics of blood cells of cadmium intoxicant are mainly with time dependent effects. With regard to the pathological characteristics of blood cells of cadmium intoxicant fish shows fragility and rupture of erythrocytic membrane and leads to haemolysis, which are very severe on 30 day of exposure group.  相似文献   

In Channa punctatus testicular regression commonly observed during spawning and postspawing phases of reproductive cycle. In the present study testicular regression was frequently noticed in fish maintained under both long photoperiod-warm temperature (LD 16 : 8-30 degrees C) and short photoperiod-warm temperature (LD 8 : 16-30 degrees C) regimes. Testicular regression was characterized by distortion of cellular boundary of lobules and formation of collagenous capsules containing degenerating germ cells, blood cells and colloidal mass within the lobules. The magnitude of testicular regression was more in fish exposed to short photoperiod regime (R-73.33%, SP-41.67%) than long photoperiod regime (R-50.83%, SP-19.16%) and control group (R-20.83%, SP-16.67%) in both resting (R) and spawning (SP) phases. Further the frequency of testicular regression during resting phase was 73.33% (short photoperiod), 50.83% (long photoperiod) and 20.83% (control) whereas during spawning phase was 41.67% (short photoperiod) 19.16% (long photoperiod) and 16.67% (control). In the present study occurrence of more testicular regression during resting phase than spawning phase may be due to change in the endogenous condition of the fish.  相似文献   

Alterations in the activity of enzymes Acid phosphatase (E.C. and Alkaline phosphatase (EC in organs such as liver, gills and muscle of rohu following its exposure to surfactants viz. CTAB, SDS and Triton X-100 were analyzed. Different levels of exposure were given depending on the LC50 value of the surfactant used. Also, the influence of age and weight of the organisms was tested simultaneously. The activity of ACP in the tissues of fish exposed to all the three surfactants showed marked enhancement after exposure; the effect being highest in the liver followed by gill and muscle. Activity levels of ALP in different tissues of the fish exposed to the surfactants also showed an increase. Maximum increase was found in the liver followed by muscle, and gill. The increase in the levels of these enzymes indicates a stressful condition of the fish.  相似文献   

The ecological toxicity of cadmium (Cd, 10 mg kg−1 of dry weight soil) and butachlor (10, 50 and100 mg kg−1 of dry weight soil) in both their single and combined effects on soil urease and phosphatase was studied after 1, 3, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days exposure under controlled conditions in paddy and phaeozem soils. The results showed that Cd reduced the activities of urease and phosphatase at early incubation time (1–7 days), while the reduction almost disappeared at the end of the incubation. The effect of Cd on phosphatase was more pronounced than that on urease. The activities of urease and phosphatase were reduced by butachlor, while urease activity was significantly (P < 0.05 or P < 0.01) improved when the concentrations of butachlor were 10 and 50 mg kg−1 at the end of the incubation. When Cd (10 mg kg−1) was combined with butachlor (50 and 100 mg kg−1), the activities of urease and phosphatase became lower than without combination at early incubation time, which indicated that the toxicity of Cd significantly increased (P < 0.05 or P < 0.01). However, when Cd (10 mg kg−1) was combined with butachlor (10 mg kg−1), the activities of urease and phosphatase became higher than those without combination at the end of the incubation, which indicated that the toxicity of Cd decreased. It was indicated that the combined effects depended largely on the incubation time and the concentration ratio of Cd and butachlor. In addition, it was showed that the combined effects of butachlor and Cd appeared different in paddy from phaeozem, which may be related to the different properties of these soils.  相似文献   

Fish exposed to 150 ppm and 250 ppm doses saparately, showed eratic swimming with hyper-excitability, spiralling, convulsion and mortality. However at 350 ppm dose fish became lethargic and steady at the bottom of aquarium. This behaviour appears to be due to sedative effects of fish implicating the phychoactive nature of the plant B. Ianzan. At 150 ppm to 350 ppm doses, fish scale changed from reticulate to punctate chromatophores; and treated fish when transferred to fresh water, were slowly regained to normal behaviour after 96 h exposure. Hence doses regaining from 150 ppm to 350 ppm is considered to be psychoative in nature. In higher doses 450 ppm and 550 ppm fish could survive only 76 h and 4.30 h respectively and then died indicating toxicity of plant for the said doses. It is found that scale present on its body is most suitable test system for the study of psychoactivity and toxicity of plant extracts on fish, Labeo rohita.  相似文献   

The distribution of metals (Ba, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni and Zn) in the blood plasma and the circulating hemocytes was determined for a eulamellibranch bivalve, the quahog Mercenaria mercenaria (L.), collected from a relatively clean site at Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA. Whole blood volume was an exponential function of quahog length (Y=5.71×10-5 X3.0678; Y=ml of whole blood; X=mm length). Of this volume, 1.2±0.3% ( ) was attributable to blood cells. Total metal content (g metal, or g metal normalized per g of whole blood) was much higher in blood plasma than in hemocytes. In quahogs exposed in the laboratory to 100 ppb 109Cd, 93.0% of the total accumulated blood Cd was in the plasma rather than in the circulating hemocytes (7.0%), irrespective of the length of exposure (1 h to 31 d). Less than 5% of the plasma Cd was either Cd2+, small inorganic Cd complexes or bound to organic molecules with a molecular weight smaller than 1 000. Cadmium was primarily bound to high molecular weight protein(s) (>60 000 daltons) within the plasma. This plasma protein-Cd complex has a low affinity constant (approximately 104 M -1), indicating non-specific Cd binding, although the capacity for Cd-binding in the plasma is great (as high as 200 g Cd per ml of plasma). Blood plasma may be far more important in metal transport than has previously been realized.  相似文献   

In acute toxicity (96 hr) experiment the fingerlings of freshwater fish Labeo rohita was exposed to tannery, electroplating and textile mill effluents. The LC0 and LC50 concentrations were 15% and 20% for tannery effluents, 3% and 6% for electroplating effluents and 18% and 22% for textile mill effluents respectively. It was found that, electroplating effluent was more toxic than tannery and textile mill wastes. After acute toxicity experiments for different industrial effluents, various tissues viz. gill, liver, muscle and kidney were obtained separately from control, LC0 and LC50 groups. These tissues were used for biochemical estimations. The glycogen content in all the tissues decreased considerably upon acute toxicity of three industrial effluents except muscle in LC50 group of tannery effluent and kidney in LC50 group of textile mill effluent, when compared to control group. The total protein content decreased in all tissues in three effluents except gills in LC50 group of tannery effluent, kidney in LC50 group of electroplating effluent and kidney in LC0 group of textile mill effluent. In general total lipid content decreased in all tissues after acute exposure when compared to control group. The results obtained in the present study showed that, the industrial effluents from tannery, electroplating and textile mills caused marked depletion in biochemical composition in various tissues of the fish Labeo rohita after acute exposure.  相似文献   

Concentrations of ten metals (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn and Hg) in the edible muscle of Arius maculatus captured from eight different near‐shore and off‐shore sites off the south west coast of the Arabian Sea, Pakistan, were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Relevant water and sediment samples from the sites were also analysed for the metals. Zinc showed the highest metal concentration (6.763 μg/g, wet weight) in the muscle of the fish, while Mn and Hg showed lowest level (0.019 μg/g, wet weight). Of all the metals investigated, largest scatter (measured as σ) was observed for Zn = 2.058 /μg/g) in fish muscle, for Fe and Mn in sediment (σ = 27481 and 44.50 μg/g) and for As in water (σ = 0.270 μg/L). The metal distribution data pertaining to water, fish and sediment were examined on the basis of simple metal correlations. The statistical study revealed that Ni, Cr, Pb and Cu had significant positive correlations (r > 0.830 at ρ = 0.01). The finding substantiated a trace metal concentration gradient in the area, thereby indicating that the local marine environment is contaminated by anthropogenic sources.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the measurement of five heavy metals viz., Cd, Cu, Mn, Pb and Zn in water of the rivers Hooghly and Haldi at Haldia during June 1999 to October 2002. The industrial effluent out fall (OF) at Patikhali, Haldia was also taken as sampling site along with above out fall (AOF) and below out fall (BOF) sites. Most of the metals exhibited their least concentration at the sampling site above the Haldia industrial area of river Hooghly. The average concentrations of the studied metals were Cd 2-14, Cu 5-19, Mn 8-88, Pb 17-41 and Zn 22-37 microg l(-1). Comparison of the data with the Criterion Continuous Concentration (CCC) of USA revealed that Cd, Cu and Pb were the pollutants present at alarming level to disturb the aquatic life process in the zone. The effect was found to reflect on the tissue level aberrations in the residential fishes. The other two metals viz., Mn and Zn were probably less harmful to the aquatic ecosystem. In India, necessity is felt to develop the CCC values, which will be more appropriate for protection of aquatic environment than comparing with drinking water standards.  相似文献   

The occurrence and distribution of metals (Al, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Zn), organochlorine residues (HCH, DDT and metabolites, PCBs) and EOC1 (extractable organic bound chlorine) were monitored in 1993 and 1996 in sediment, water and fish in the catchment area of Lake Baiyangdian, China. The levels of the metals, especially Cd and Zn, were significantly higher in the sediment than those in non‐polluted areas. PCBs and chlorinated pesticides constituted only a minor part (< 8.4%) of the extractable organic bound chlorine, indicating the presence of additional, unknown, organochlorine residues. Among the pesticides, DDT was widely distributed and high levels occurred in fish despite a ban of its production and use in 1983. The low quotient of pp‐DDT/pp‐DDE in sediment and fish indicated that the input of DDT to the catchment area was not of recent origin.  相似文献   

Two species of blue green algae Spirulina platensis and Anacystis nidulans grown in artificial aqueous media were treated with Cu and Cd in concentrations of 0.01, 0.1, 1.0 and 10 ppm to study carbon assimilation and Chlorophyll (Chl) A content. The species were treated with concentrations of 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 5.0 and 10.0 ppm to study the uptake of metals with exposure time. Carbon assimilation and Chl A content showed responses proportional to the concentration in the general form y = K + n ln C, where C is the concentration of metal in ppm, while in case of uptake the relation was y = KC”; (where C is the molar concentration x 10‐6 of the metal). The n values in case of uptake was found to be < 1 indicating a non‐Langmuir type of sorption. The concentration factors of metals decreased with metal concentration in the medium.  相似文献   

Histopathological investigations have been made on the skin, liver, kidney and intestine of, (EUS) affected fish, Channa striatus and following anomalies have been observed. Varying degree of degeneration has been observed in the epidermis, dermis, hypodermis and underlying musculature. In all the cases, the skin lost the scales and epidermis completely at the site of infection. The dermis along with hypodermis showed the signs of necrosis. Necrosis also took place in subcutaneous layer underlying the hypodermis. Necrotization and formation of granulomas can clearly be seen in circular and longitudinal muscle layers. The liver exhibited the loosening of tissue and distension in cell bodies. While in case of kidney, shrinkage took place in all the components. Similarly, the intestinal villi got necrotised alongwith their constituent elements.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted in fresh‐water fish (Cyprinus carpio) cultured, in small water tanks, artificially contaminated with radioactive 137Cs (3000 Bq/1) to determine the uptake of 137Cs and its physiological and histological effects in different fish organs.

It was found that 137Cs was located in muscular tissues, gills, head muscles, liver and kidneys. Moderate amounts were found in spleen, eyes, gonads, intestine and urinary bladder. It seems that sorption was of much less importance than ingestion in the uptake of 137Cs. The histological examination in musculature tissue, revealed an acute hyperemia with focal hemorrages which may be due to allergic effects of 137Cs. Hyperemia and focal fatty degeneration of hepatic cells was also noted in the liver which may be due to toxic effects of 137Cs diffused hyperemia has also occurred in the brain and focal degeneration of epithelial cells of renal tubules.  相似文献   

The sublethal toxicity of sodium arsenite on protein metabolism was investigated in teleost fish, Tilalpia mossambica at the end of 24, 48, 72 and 96 h of exposure. Total protein content, free amino acid content and activities of the enzymes aspartate amino transferase (AAT) and alanine amino transferase (ALAT) in liver, gill, brain and muscle exhibited significant (P<0.05) alterations throughout the investigation in relation to that of control. It is suggested that the fish is able to respond to the stressful situations by gearing up the metabolic activity as revealed by the elevated protein, amino acid content and the activities of AAT and ALAT.  相似文献   

The trypanosomes presence has been found to decrease blood ascorbic acid levels in fishes, Clarias batrachus and Heteropneustus fossilis by 55.7% and 54.70% respectively. The infection also showed significant increase in serum aldolase level of three fishes by 50.19% and 48.06% respectively.  相似文献   

Sludge resulting from industrial waste water treatment at the industrial area of Patras, Greece, was spiked with cadmium, chromium and lead and entrenched in 4 experimental trenches. Soil from the unsaturated zone and sludge from the trenches were sampled at successive time points over a period of 14 months to monitor the movement of metals. Results showed that 94% of cadmium and 80% of lead but only 32% of chromium migrated from the sludge just 14 months after the entrenchment.

At the end of this time the buried sludge could be considered stabilised, as indicated by the total nitrogen content. Cd content in underlying soil layers at 3 m depth showed an increase in the first 7 months followed by a decrease, afterwards. Soil Pb concentration at 3 and 6 m depth was significantly high, in relation to it's initial concentration 14 months after the entrenchment. Pb and Cd in the soil samples were negatively correlated. It is suggested that lead displaces cadmium in the sediments.  相似文献   

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