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Do female roe deer in good condition produce more sons than daughters   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In polygynous roe deer Capreolus capreolus, males are only slightly heavier than females and the overall sex ratio at birth is close to unity. We studied offspring sex ratio and litter size (range 1–4, n = 74) of culled females, in utero, which provided an opportunity to examine responses of sex ratio to maternal condition. Male embryos were heavier than their sisters, and male fawns (9 months old) heavier than female fawns, suggesting a higher growth rate in males. There was no evidence for differential mortality between the sexes from birth to 9 months old. Heavier adult females produced larger embryos than lighter, or primiparous females. The overall sex ratio of embryos did not differ from unity, but adult does had more male embryos (55%) than primiparous does (32%), and the proportion of male embryos in a litter increased with the mother's body mass. Litter size also tended to increase with maternal age and body mass. We argue that this pattern reflects adaptive variation in offspring sex ratio.  相似文献   

Summary Success of the hider strategy in ungulates depends, in part, on the mother's ability to minimize information she transmits about her young's hiding place while remaining close enough to distract or drive away a predator. We predicted that pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) mothers should: (1) maintain minimum distances from their hidden fawns sufficient to cause the expected energy gain for a ground predator, systematically searching around the mother, to fall below that expected when searching for some other prey; (2) orient the axes of either head or trunk towald the hidden fawn no more frequently than would be expected by chance; (3) schedule behavior so that no activity is more likely than another to occur when a visit to the hidden fawn is imminent. At the National Bison Range, where coyote (Canis latrans) predation on pronghorn fawns is frequent, pronghorn mothers conform to predictions (1) and (3), but not (2). Within the first 10% of their time away from fawns, mothers reached an average distance of 70.4 m from their fawns' biding places and remained at that distance until 95% of their time away was clapsed. At this mother-fawn distance a coyote, using the mother's position to begin a systematic search for the fawn, and searching at a rate of 4 m2/s, would gain energy at a lower rate than it would hunting ground squirrels (Spermophilus columbianus). Mothers pointed both head and trunk toward their hidden fawns more frequently than would be expected by chance and coyotes, able to use this information to establish a 90° quadrant to search, could expect rates of gain higher than those obtainable in 360° search. Mothers especially tended to orient both head and trunk toward their fawns when standing or moving. Coyotes that begin a 90° search based on the mother's head or trunk position only when mothers were standing or moving, could expect rates of energy gain almost double those expected in 360° search or ground squirrel hunting. Maternal activities (stand, feed, recline, or move) were distributed evenly across all mother-fawn distances and across percent total time away from the fawn. Thus, activity was not a good predictor of a mother's likelihood of soon returning to her fawn. Mothers also remained away from their fawns long enough to cause the expected rate of energy gain for a coyote hiding and watching for the mother's return to the fawn to fall well below the rate expected for searching or ground squirrel hunting.  相似文献   

When resources are limited, life history theory predicts a trade-off between growth, reproduction and survival. In summer, lactating females of temperate large herbivores such as the white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) normally have access to abundant forage but also face the high energetic needs of lactation and recovery from winter mass loss. At high population density, however, females may face a trade-off between allocating resources for maintenance and for reproduction. To simulate the effects of increased intra-specific competition at high density, we measured for 2 years how an experimental food restriction of approximately 20% affected current reproduction and body mass changes of adult females and their fawns during the fawning and lactation periods. Fawn survival decreased 35%, and fawn growth decreased 26% in the food-restricted treatment. There was no effect of food restriction on female mass. Irrespective of treatment, however, lactating females gained 30 g/day less than non-lactating females, and females that had weaned a fawn the previous year gained 20 g/day less than females that had not. We conclude that when resources were scarce, females adopted a conservative strategy favouring their own survival, mass recovery and future reproductive potential over their current reproduction, probably to maximise their lifetime reproductive success.  相似文献   

Offspring sex ratio at hatching was examined in the bushcricket Poecilimon veluchianus. Offspring sex ratios varied significantly between females (Fig. 1). Low mortality prior to sex determination established that this heterogeneity was already present in the primary offspring sex ratio. Sperm age and female age had no influence on offspring sex ratio (Fig. 2). Male age at copulation, however, correlated significantly with offspring sex ratio (Fig. 3). There were two types of males: one type produced predominantly daughters when young and an increasing proportion of sons with age. The other type produced, independent of age, 1:1 offspring sex ratios (Fig. 4). The two types of males seem to occur in approximately equal numbers. Sex ratio variation (1) may adaptively compensate for local sex ratio biases caused by sex-specific motility, or (2) it may be adaptive if there is a sex-differential effect of laying date on offspring fitness. Received: 14 March 1996/Accepted after revision: 24 June 1996  相似文献   

The choice of neonatal hiding place is critical for ungulates adopting hiding anti-predator strategies, but the consequences of different decisions have rarely been evaluated with respect to offspring survival. First, we investigated how landscape-scale choices made by roe deer fawns and their mothers affected predation risk by red foxes in a forest–farmland mosaic in southeastern Norway. After, we examined the effect of site-specific characteristics and behaviour (i.e. visibility, mother–fawn distance and abundance of the predator’s main prey item—small rodents) on predation risk. The study of habitat use, selection and habitat-specific mortality revealed that roe deer utilised the landscape matrix in a functional way, with different habitats used for feeding, providing maternal care and as refugia from predation. Mothers faced a trade-off between foraging and offspring survival. At the landscape-scale decisions were primarily determined by maternal energetic constraints and only secondarily by risk avoidance. Indeed, forage-rich habitats were strongly selected notwithstanding the exceptionally high densities of rodents which increased fawn predation. At fine spatial scales, a high visibility of the mother was the major factor determining predation risk; however, mothers adjusted their behaviour to the level of risk at the bed site to minimise predation. Fawns selected both landscape-scale refugia and concealed bed sites, but failure to segregate from the main prey of red foxes led to higher predation. This study provides evidence for the occurrence of spatial heterogeneity in predation risk and shows that energetically stressed individuals can tackle the foraging-safety trade-off by adopting scale-dependent anti-predator responses.  相似文献   

This study in selected Pakistani populations was conducted to determine the blood lead levels (BLL) in mothers and their developing fetuses. Associated factors were correlated with the maternal BLL. Blood samples from 113 pregnant women and their umbilical cords were examined for BLL and cord blood lead levels through a graphite furnace-attached atomic absorption spectrophotometer. A structured questionnaire was also used to obtain sociodemographic and obstetric data based on basic demographic data, reproductive history, hemoglobin levels, gestational age, parity, mode of delivery, maternal and baby weight, drinking water, menarche age, blood pressure, lead (Pb)-containing eye liner use, smoking, and nutritional status. In order to assess the strength of the relationship between different parameters, Pearson's coefficient correlation was utilized and their significance was determined by applying the t-test. Data demonstrated that the maternal BLL were always higher than the recommended concentrations of 10 µg/dl and many factors contributed towards such results. Drinking water seemed to affect the Pb concentration as women using spring water had relatively higher BLL. The calcium concentration in pregnant women and their fetuses ranged from 9 to 13 mg/dl. Majority of the pregnant women were undergraduates with 12 years of education (equivalent to high school in the United States). Evidence indicates that the avoidance of Pb intake and its associated factors in the study area will diminish risk to newborns.  相似文献   

Interference is expected to occur at feeding areas between species with a similar diet, but few studies have tested this idea for wild ungulates. We analysed interactions between fallow deer, European roe deer and wild boar, in three sites, in a Mediterranean area. We expected that interference should be greater between deer than between them and wild boar. We documented the negative effects of behavioural interference by fallow on foraging behaviour of roe deer, under field conditions. Deer species built up 90% interference interactions, with fallow always dominant on roe, also through direct aggression. Although roe deer decreased feeding and increased vigilance levels in proximity (<50 m) of either fallow deer or wild boar, they were displaced significantly more often by the former than by the latter. Fallow deer were neither displaced nor alarmed by roe and rarely by wild boar. No deer species displaced wild boar. Interference was significantly greater on solitary roe deer, especially females, in spring and roe left the feeding ground most often in the smallest site (13 ha). Roe deer avoided areas where the local density of fallow deer was the highest. During our 4-year-study, roe deer density decreased whereas fallow deer numbers increased. Behavioural interference may explain how fallow deer outcompete roe deer through spatial exclusion from feeding sites and avoidance of areas with high densities of the former. Fallow deer evolved in semi-arid, relatively poor habitats of Asia Minor: interspecific defence of crucial resources could have developed as a beneficial tactic for its survival.  相似文献   

Abstract:  In an earlier paper ( Pergams & Nyberg 2001 ) we found that the proportion of the prairie deer mouse ( Peromyscus maniculatus bairdii ), among all local Peromyscus museum specimens collected in the Chicago region, had significantly declined over time. This proportion changed from about 50% before 1900 to <10% in the last 25 years. Based on this proportion a regression model predicted the local extinction of the prairie deer mouse in 2009. To evaluate that prediction, we estimated current deer mouse abundance by live trapping small mammals at 15 preserves in Cook and Lake counties, Illinois (USA) at which prairie deer mice had previously been caught or that still contained their preferred open habitat. In 1900 trap nights, 477 mammals were caught, including 251 white-footed mice ( P. leucopus ), but only one prairie deer mouse. The observed proportion of Peromyscus that were prairie deer mice, 0.4%, was even lower than the 4.5% predicted for 2000. Here we also introduce a simple, new community proportions model, which for any given geographic region compares the proportions of species recently caught with the proportions of species in museums. We compared proportions of seven species collected in Cook and Lake counties and examined by Hoffmeister (1989) with proportions of these species that we caught. Ten percent of the museum community was prairie deer mice, but only 0.2% of our catch was. The current local scarcity of the prairie deer mouse is consistent with the regression-based prediction of its eminent local extinction. More conservation attention should be paid to changes in relative abundance of once-common species.  相似文献   

Summary Prediction that mothers will invest more in individual sons than daughters in polygynous mammals has been confirmed in several species. However, among polygynous ungulates, differential investment occurs in some species, but not in others. Because ungulates have postnatal growth rates among the highest in mammals, we hypothesized that level of maternal investment limits the ability of offspring of one sex to evolve faster growth rates, even when intrasexual selection might favor faster growth. We predicted that comparative rate of maternal investment would explain the distribution of differential investment among ungulates, and examined our data on pronghorn (Antilocapra americana), which show the highest-known rate of maternal investment among ungulates. Data on birth weights, suckling rates, ages-pecific frequency of maternal termination of suckling bouts, age at weaning, and rate of rejected suckle attempts showed either no sex differences or else a slight excess investment in daughters. In concordance with these data, female fawns spent more energy in activity than did male fawns. Among ungulates for which data are available, the best predictor of differential investment is not degree of adult sexual dimorphism; it is comparative rate of maternal investment.  相似文献   

Correlates of extra-pair fertilization success in hooded warblers   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
We examined correlates of extra-pair fertilization (EPF) success in the hooded warbler (Wilsonia citrina), a species where females pursue extra-pair matings. The good genes hypothesis predicts that females choose extra-pair mates with morphological or behavioral traits that reflect differences in male genetic quality. EPFs were common, as 35.3% (42/119) of broods contained extra-pair young (EPY) and 26.7% (95/356) of nestlings were the result of EPFs. There was a strong skew in male EPF success which increased the variance in annual male mating success 2–3 fold. However, male morphology did not predict EPF success, as extra-pair males were not older or larger than the males they cuckolded. Likewise, there were no significant correlations between the proportion of extra-pair young in a brood and male size or age. The good genes hypothesis predicts that high-quality males will be consistently preferred as genetic mates, but the number of young sired by a male with his social mate was not consistent from one year to the next. There was a significant negative correlation between female age and proportion of EPY produced, which could result if older females obtain higher-quality social mates. We found no strong evidence that females choose extra-pair mates for good genes, but females may use behavioral rather than morphological cues to assess relative male quality. Received: 31 May 1996 / Accepted after revision: 17 October 1996  相似文献   

Deer movements around surface coal mines were investigated in Preston Country, West Virginia, USA. Seventy-two deer crossings were counted on 29 surface mines with only 8% found on highwalls with more than 20% rock or stone. Thus, although slope was important, the percentage of dirt on the highwall determined use as a crossing location for deer. The average distance between all deer crossing was 209.7 m but the distance between the end of the highwall and the nearest highwall crossing was 248.7 m indicating reluctance of deer to cross mines when they could walk around them. Winter snow track counts showed fewer deer within 90 m of the top edge of the highwall. Four land bridges traversed the highwall and were heavily utilized by deer, especially in March, April, May, October and November. The surface mine bench was used as a fawn bedding area, but little feeding occurred on this portion of the mine.  相似文献   

Based on demographic analysis of four different temporally enclosed demes of Pandalus borealis in Gullmarsfjorden on the Swedish west coast and published information, I discuss the notion of environmental sex determination in protandric pandalid shrimps as suggested by sex allocation theory. Demographic results showed that age structure and mortality rates varied substantially between four studied periods without noticeable effects on the age of sex change in the fjord populations. The majority of shrimps changed sex at an approximate age of 3 years and became females at an age of 3 to 4 years, however, low proportions (4 to 7%) of 2nd year females (transitional at ca. 1 year) and 3rd year females (5 to 12%) (transitional at ca. 2 years) were present each year. Low proportions of primary females were also found in two of the temporally enclosed demes, in 1985 (9%) and in 1987 (5%). These results do not indicate that yearly variations in age structure, mortality, or frequency of older breeders in the breeding population affect the age of sex change in temporally enclosed fjord demes of this protandric species. An alternative to assuming that the protandric mode of reproduction in pandalid shrimp is combined with environmental sex determination is suggested. Received: 24 September 1996 / Accepted: 6 November 1996  相似文献   

The teleost Fundulus heteroclitus (Linnaeus) employs a semilunar spawning strategy, whereby eggs deposited on a spring tide optimally hatch on the following spring tide. This spawning strategy constrains the development period to ≃2 wk, regardless of the mean water temperature, which varies throughout the species' range (Nova Scotia, Canada, to Florida, USA). We hypothesized that F. heteroclitus embryos would exhibit development-rate compensation among populations to ensure appropriate hatching during the spring tide. Development rates of embryos from Massachusetts and Florida were examined. Northern embryos had faster temperature-specific development rates than southern embryos, while data from the literature showed that embryos from Delaware have an intermediate development rate. Results from reciprocal hybrid crosses indicated that there may be a genetic basis for these differences. In addition, northern embryos were more cold-tolerant and southern embryos more heat-tolerant. Field studies showed that embryos in their local environments develop at similar rates despite large temperature differences. Embryos seldom, if ever, experience lethal temperatures in their native habitats, but would do so if exposed to the temperature regimes at the extreme ends of the species' range. Thus, F. heteroclitus populations along the Atlantic coast have specifically adapted their development rates and thermal tolerances to the local thermal regime. Received: 2 September 1996 / Accepted: 17 September 1996  相似文献   

Forests Too Deer: Edge Effects in Northern Wisconsin   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Abstract: Browsing by white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) can profoundly affect the abundance and population structure of several woody and herbaceous plant species. Enclosure studies and population surveys reveal that past and current deer densities as low as 4 deer/km2 may prevent regeneration of the once common woody species, Canada yew (Taxus canadensis), eastern hemlock (Tsuja canadensis), and white cedar Puja occidentalis), as well as several herbaceous species. Prior to European settlement, forests in northern Wisconsin contained relatively sparse deer populations (<4/km2), but extensive timber cutting in the late nineteenth century boosted deer populations. Continued habitat fragmentation resulting from scattered timber harvests and the creation of "wildlife openings" to improve deer forage maintain these high densities throughout much of the Northeast.
Because deer wander widely, the effects of high deer densities penetrate deeply into remaining stands of old and mature forest, greatly modifying their composition Thus, abundant early successional and "edge" habitat, and the high deer densities they engender, represent significant external threats to these plant communities. We hypothesize that establishing large (200–400 km2) continuous areas of maturing forest, especially in conjunction with increased hunting, could reduce local deer densities and so provide a simple and inexpensive method for retaining species sensitive to the deleterious effects of browsing.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Ecological change is often hard to document because of a lack of reliable baseline data. Several recent then-versus-now surveys of temperate forest and grassland communities demonstrate losses of local plant species, but most are based on data from a single site. We resurveyed understory communities in 62 upland forest stands in northern Wisconsin (U.S.A.) for which quantitative baseline data exist from 50 years ago. These stands are within a largely unfragmented region but vary in species composition and successional stage. We collected data on changes in (1) total and native species richness, (2) the ratio of exotic to native species, (3) the relative abundance of habitat generalists, and (4) community similarity among sites. We also compared how these rates of change varied over time. Over the past 50 years, native species density declined an average of 18.5% at the 20-m2 scale, whereas the ratio of exotic species to native species increased at 80% of all sites. Habitat generalists increased, and habitat specialists declined, accounting in part for an 8.7% rise in average similarity in species composition among sites. Most of these changes cannot be related to succession, habitat loss, or invasion by exotic species. Areas without deer hunting showed the greatest declines in native species density, with parks and research natural areas faring no better than unprotected stands. Animal-pollinated and animal-dispersed species also declined, particularly at unhunted sites. These results demonstrate the power of quantitative multistand data for assessing ecological change and identify overabundant deer as a key driver of community change. Because maintaining forest habitats alone fails to preserve plant diversity at local scales, local biotic simplification seems likely to continue in the region unless active efforts are taken to protect diversity.  相似文献   

The structure of the reproductive system in Copepodite Stages IV and V of the marine copepod Calanus finmarchicus (Gunnerus) is described, together with seasonal variations in gonad development and sex ratio, from Balsfjorden (69°21N; 19°06E), a subarctic fjord in northern Norway. The genital system in Copepodite Stage IV consists of a small gonad with two genital ducts. The gonad of Copepodite Stage V in its most immature condition resembles that seen in Copepodite Stage IV, whereas the sex of Stage V copepodites with mature gonads can be easily and reliably determined. The genital ducts are the key characters for separating males and females in Copepodite Stage V; potential males have one and potential females two genital ducts connecting the gonad to the genital opening on the first urosome segment. Adults males were rare compared to females, and were only in the majority at the end of January and beginning of February. The sex-ratio also favoured females in Copepodite Stage V. Seasonal peaks in the proportion of adult males reflected peaks of males in Copepodite Stage V, suggesting that seasonal variations in the adult sex-ratio are a direct result of a situation which has already been determined in Copepodite Stage V. The seasonal variation in gonad development in Copepodite Stages IV and V of C. finmarchicus reveals that the size of maturity of the gonad varies throughout the year. This study indicates that visible sex-differentiation in Stage V and moulting into adults occurs in Balsfjorden at least 2 months before spawning in April. Phytoplankton levels are immeasurable before the spring diatom increase starts at the end of March, implying that development and maturation of gonads are dependent upon internal energy resources, whereas the final act of spawning seems to require energy input from phytoplankton.  相似文献   

The populations of the copepod species Calanus finmarchicus, C. glacialis and C. hyperboreus were investigated in Disko Bay during a 14-month period in 1996-1997. The three species were predominant in the copepod community. The biomass reached a maximum at the beginning of June (127 mg C m-3). From the end of July until the end of April the following year, the biomass was <1-6 mg C m-3. All three species showed seasonal ontogenetic migration. The spring ascent for all three species was just prior to or in association with the break-up of sea ice and the development of the spring bloom, whereas descent occurred over a larger time span during summer. The main overwintering stages were CV for C. finmarchicus, CIV and CV for C. glacialis and C. hyperboreus. Peak abundance of juvenile copepodites, representing the new generation, was in August for C. finmarchicus, in July for C. glacialis and in May/June for C. hyperboreus. From the timing of reproduction and the population development, the life cycles were deduced to be 1 year for C. finmarchicus and at least 2 years for C. glacialis and C. hyperboreus. Secondary production and potential grazing impact of the Calanus community were estimated by two methods based on specific egg-production rates and temperature-dependent production. The Calanus community was not able to control the primary producers during the spring bloom but probably did during post-bloom. The estimates also indicated that grazing on ciliates and heterotrophic dinoflagellates contributes as an essential food source in the post-bloom period.  相似文献   

Six populations of the crown-of-thorns starfish, Acanthaster planci, showing large increases in population size in 1994 to 1995, were examined by allozyme electrophoresis of 100 to 300 individuals collected from each population in November 1995 to February 1996. Analysis of nine loci, used to determine the structure of outbreak populations in the early-mid-1980s, demonstrated no significant differentiation among the 1996 outbreak populations in any age class (2 to 6 yr old). No significant variation was detected between age classes in any of the six populations. These data are consistent with the recent outbreak populations having been derived from one genetic source, and suggest no change in the source of recruits to these reefs between 1989/1990 to 1994/1995. In a multi-dimensional scaling analysis, the 1996 samples clustered with the eight 1986 outbreak populations in a small part of the genetic space spanned by the 1986 non-outbreak populations, suggesting that the outbreak populations were derived from the same genetic source in both 1986 and 1996. Statistically significant, but small, differences in gene frequencies detected between the 1986 and 1996 outbreak populations are thought to result from genetic drift, but are unlikely to provide a means of distinguishing sets of outbreak populations because of the large sample sizes required to detect the small shifts in gene frequency. Received: 21 March 1997 / Accepted: 2 April 1997  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) contamination levels in roe and red deer from north-western Poland and to assess environmental pollution in this area. A quantitative analysis was conducted using a capillary gas chromatography/mass spectrometry method. The mean concentrations of ΣPCBs (sum of PCBs: 28, 52, 101, 138, 153, 180) in liver samples were 30.24±12.35 ng·g?1 of lipid weight (l.w.) in roe deer and 60.13±14.23 ng·g?1 l.w. in red deer, compared with 24.21±10.02 and 45.22±9.77 ng·g?1 in the lungs of roe and red deer, respectively. PCBs 138, 153 and 180 were the dominant congeners in the liver samples of the analysed animals, whereas PCB 138 and 153 in the lungs. TEQs levels calculated for only dioxin-like PCBs were low: 0.32 and 0.29 pg WHO-PCB-TEQ·g?1 fat in liver of red deer and roe deer, respectively. The mean PCB concentrations obtained in our study for organs of roe deer and red deer were several times lower than those reported elsewhere. These findings show that the investigated roe and red deer originated from an area with low levels of PCB contamination.  相似文献   

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