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A 0.9 km-reach of Uvas Creek, California, was reconstructed as a sinuous, meandering channel in November 1995. In February 1996, this new channel washed out. We reviewed project documents to determine the basis for the project design and conducted our own historical geomorphological study to understand the processes operating in the catchment and project reach. The project was designed using a popular stream classification system, based on which the designers assumed that a "C4" channel (a meandering gravel-bed channel) would be stable at the site. Our historical geomorphological analysis showed that the reach had been braided historically, typical of streams draining the Franciscan Formation in the California Coast Ranges, with episodic flows and high sand and gravel transport. After the project washed out, Uvas Creek reestablished an irregular, braided sand-and-gravel channel, although the channel here was narrower than it had been historically, probably due to such factors as incision caused by gravel mining. Our study casts doubt on several assumptions common in many stream restoration projects: that channel stability is always an appropriate goal; that channel forms are determined by flows with return periods of about 1.5 years; that a channel classification system is an easy, appropriate basis for channel design; and that a new channel form can be imposed without addressing the processes that determine channel form.  相似文献   

Densmore, Roseann V. and Kenneth F. Karle, 2009. Flood Effects on an Alaskan Stream Restoration Project: The Value of Long‐Term Monitoring. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 45(6):1424‐1433. Abstract: On a nationwide basis, few stream restoration projects have long‐term programs in place to monitor the effects of floods on channel and floodplain configuration and floodplain vegetation, but long‐term and event‐based monitoring is required to measure the effects of these stochastic events and to use the knowledge for adaptive management and the design of future projects. This paper describes a long‐term monitoring effort (15 years) on a stream restoration project in Glen Creek in Denali National Park and Preserve in Alaska. The stream channel and floodplain of Glen Creek had been severely degraded over a period of 80 years by placer mining for gold, which left many reaches with unstable and incised streambeds without functioning vegetated floodplains. The objectives of the original project, initiated in 1991, were to develop and test methods for the hydraulic design of channel and floodplain morphology and for floodplain stabilization and riparian habitat recovery, and to conduct research and monitoring to provide information for future projects in similar degraded watersheds. Monitoring methods included surveyed stream cross‐sections, vegetation plots, and aerial, ground, and satellite photos. In this paper we address the immediate and outlying effects of a 25‐year flood on the stream and floodplain geometry and riparian vegetation. The long‐term monitoring revealed that significant channel widening occurred following the flood, likely caused by excessive upstream sediment loading and the fairly slow development of floodplain vegetation in this climate. Our results illustrated design flaws, particularly in regard to identification and analysis of sediment sources and the dominant processes of channel adjustment.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The Riverine Community Habitat Assessment and Restoration Concept (RCHARC) was developed to integrate habitat enhancement into the stream restoration process. RCHARC assumes that aquatic habitat quality is closely related to hydraulic diversity based upon a “comparison standard” reach approach to stream restoration. A Beta test was performed by applying the RCHARC process to Rapid Creek in Rapid City, South Dakota. Standard and restored stream reaches were selected and data were collected. A comparison of field data and velocity-depth distributions indicated that the restored stream closely replicated the standard reach. The RCHARC methodology has the potential to assess habitat quality for planned comparison reaches and indicate the level of success resulting from restoration.  相似文献   

/ Ecological restoration is increasingly invoked as a tool for the maintenance and regeneration of biodiversity. Yet the conceptual foundations and assumptions underlying many restoration management activities are frequently unclear or unstated. Unforeseen, undesirable consequences of restoration activities may emerge as a result. A general conceptual framework for restoration is needed to better accommodate dynamic habitat systems and evolving biota in restoration strategies. A preliminary framework for stream habitat restoration emphasizing stream habitat-biota development is proposed. As developing systems, streams and stream biota exhibit temporal behaviors that change with stream environments. Underlying the dynamic development of streams is potential capacity. Streams express this capacity as an array of habitats over time and across the landscape. Human land uses in the western United States have rapidly altered aquatic habitats and the processes that shape habitat. As a result, the diversity of native fishes and their habitats has been suppressed. Restoration is fundamentally about allowing stream systems to reexpress their capacities. Several steps are provided to guide stream restoration activities. Key tasks include: identification of the historic patterns of habitat development; identification of developmental constraints; relief of those constraints; classification of sensitive, critical, or refuge habitats; protection of the developmental diversity that remains; and monitoring of biotic responses to habitat development. KEY WORDS: Stream habitat; Stream biota; System capacity; System development; Restoration; Classification  相似文献   

Huang, Jung-Chen, William J. Mitsch, and Andrew D. Ward, 2010. Design of Experimental Streams for Simulating Headwater Stream Restoration. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 1-15. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2010.00467.x Abstract: Headwater streams flowing through agricultural fields in the midwestern United States have been extensively modified to accommodate subsurface drainage systems, resulting in deepened, straightened, and widened streams. To restore these headwater streams, partial or total reconstruction of channels is frequently attempted. There are different approaches to reconstructing the channel, yet there is little evidence that indicates which promises more success and there has been no experimental work to evaluate these approaches. This study designs three experimental channels – two-stage, self-design, and straightened channels – on a human-created swale at the Olentangy River Wetland Research Park, Columbus, Ohio, for long-term evaluation of headwater stream evolution after restoration. The swale receives a continuous flow of pumped river water from upstream wetlands. Using streamflow and stage data for the past 12 years, a channel-forming discharge of 0.18 m3/s was estimated from bankfull discharge, effective discharge, and recurrence interval. These stream channels, after construction, will be monitored to evaluate physical, chemical, and biological responses to different channels over a decade-long experiment. We hypothesize that the three stream restoration designs will eventually evolve to a similar channel form but with different time periods for convergence. Monitoring the frequency and magnitude of changes over at least 10 years is needed to document the most stable restored channel form.  相似文献   

Sediment size and supply exert a dominant control on channel structure. We review the role of sediment supply in channel structure, and how regional differences in sediment supply and landuse affect stream restoration priorities. We show how stream restoration goals are best understood within a common fluvial geomorphology framework defined by sediment supply, storage, and transport. Landuse impacts in geologically young landscapes with high sediment yields (e.g., coastal British Columbia) typically result in loss of instream wood and accelerated sediment inputs from bank erosion, logging roads, hillslopes and gullies. In contrast, northern Sweden and Finland are landscapes with naturally low sediment yields caused by low relief, resistant bedrock, and abundant mainstem lakes that act as sediment traps. Landuse impacts involved extensive channel narrowing, removal of obstructions, and bank armouring with boulders to facilitate timber floating, thereby reducing sediment supply from bank erosion while increasing export through higher channel velocities. These contrasting landuse impacts have pushed stream channels in opposite directions (aggradation versus degradation) within a phase-space defined by sediment transport and supply. Restoration in coastal British Columbia has focused on reducing sediment supply (through bank and hillslope stabilization) and restoring wood inputs. In contrast, restoration in northern Fennoscandia (Sweden and Finland) has focused on channel widening and removal of bank-armouring boulders to increase sediment supply and retention. These contrasting restoration priorities illustrate the consequences of divergent regional landuse impacts on sediment supply, and the utility of planning restoration activities within a mechanistic sediment supply-transport framework.  相似文献   

Abstract: Over the past 10 years the Rosgen classification system and its associated methods of “natural channel design” have become synonymous to some with the term “stream restoration” and the science of fluvial geomorphology. Since the mid 1990s, this classification approach has become widely adopted by governmental agencies, particularly those funding restoration projects. The purposes of this article are to present a critical review, highlight inconsistencies and identify technical problems of Rosgen’s “natural channel design” approach to stream restoration. This paper’s primary thesis is that alluvial streams are open systems that adjust to altered inputs of energy and materials, and that a form‐based system largely ignores this critical component. Problems with the use of the classification are encountered with identifying bankfull dimensions, particularly in incising channels and with the mixing of bed and bank sediment into a single population. Its use for engineering design and restoration may be flawed by ignoring some processes governed by force and resistance, and the imbalance between sediment supply and transporting power in unstable systems. An example of how C5 channels composed of different bank sediments adjust differently and to different equilibrium morphologies in response to an identical disturbance is shown. This contradicts the fundamental underpinning of “natural channel design” and the “reference‐reach approach.” The Rosgen classification is probably best applied as a communication tool to describe channel form but, in combination with “natural channel design” techniques, are not diagnostic of how to mitigate channel instability or predict equilibrium morphologies. For this, physically based, mechanistic approaches that rely on quantifying the driving and resisting forces that control active processes and ultimate channel morphology are better suited as the physics of erosion, transport, and deposition are the same regardless of the hydro‐physiographic province or stream type because of the uniformity of physical laws.  相似文献   

Channelization is one of the most common solutions to urban drainage problems, despite the fact that channelized streams are frequently morphologically unstable, biologically unproductive, and aesthetically displeasing. There is increasing empirical and theoretical evidence to suggest that channelization may be counterproductive unless channels are designed to prevent the bank erosion and channel silting that often accompanies stream dredging. Many of the detrimental effects of channelization can be avoided, with little compromise in channel efficiency, by employing channel design guidelines that do not destroy the hydraulic and morphologic equilibria that natural streams possess. These guidelines include minimal straightening; promoting bank stability by leaving trees, minimizing channel reshaping, and employing bank stabilization techniques; and, emulating the morphology of natural stream channels. This approach, called stream restoration or stream renovation, is being successfully employed to reduce flooding and control erosion and sedimentation problems on streams in Charlotte, North Carolina.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to characterize the sources, concentrations, and distribution of total and methylmer‐cury in water, and channel and bank sediments of Steamboat Creek, Nevada. This information was needed to begin to assess the potential impacts of stream restoration on mercury pollution in this tributary to the Truckee River. The Truckee River flows into Pyramid Lake, a terminal water body home to one endangered and one threatened fish species, where stable pollutants will accumulate over time. Mercury in Steamboat Creek was originally derived from its headwaters, Washoe Lake, where several gold and silver mills that utilized mercury were located. In the 100 plus years since ore processing occurred, mercury‐laden alluvium has been deposited in the stream channel and on streambanks where it is available for remobilization. Total mercury concentrations measured in unfiltered water from the creek ranged from 82 to 419 ng/L, with greater than 90 percent of this mercury being particle‐bound (> 0.45 (m). Mercury in sediments ranged from 0.26 to 10.2 μg/g. Methylmercury concentrations in sediments of Steamboat Creek were highest in wetlands, lower in the stream channel, and still lower in streambank settings. Methylmercury concentrations in water were 0.63 to 1.4 ng/L. A streambank restoration plan, which includes alterations to channel geometry and wetland creation or expansion, has been initiated for the creek. Data developed indicate that streambank stabilization could reduce the mercury loading to the Creek and that wetland construction could exacerbate methylmercury production.  相似文献   

Loss due to channel erosion in the Dallas, Texas, area is estimated to approach one-half million dollars in the last several years. Hydrogeomorphic analysis of natural and urban chalk and shale watersheds was performed in the central Texas area on watersheds ranging in size from 0.5 to 10 square miles in an effort to more adequately predict channel enlargement due to urbanization. Chalk watersheds were found to have greater drainage density, greater channel slope, lower sinuosity, and greater discharge per unit area than similar sized shale watersheds under natural conditions. With subsequent urbanization of the watersheds, chalk channel enlargement was from 12 to 67 percent greater than shale channel enlargement for similar sized watersheds. Greater enlargement in chalk channels is attributed to greater channel velocities and unit tractive force. Vegetation seems to play a significant role in influencing channel adjustments to the new flow regimes brought on by urbanization. Channel response to urbanization is documented and specific nonstructural guidelines are proposed which could reduce structural loss along urban stream channels.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Flow has been diverted from Rocky Mountain streams for many years with little documentation of the impacts on physical form and biological function of the losing stream system. This study addresses whether differences in form can be detected in subalpine step-pool, plane bed, or pool-riffle channels and linked to changes in flow regime from diversion. Total annual discharge was reduced between 20 and 60 percent and average annual peak flow was reduced up to 45 percent in the subalpine systems assessed; channels were diverted between 20 and 100 years. Expected impacts include reduced conveyance and changes in vegetation growth patterns because formerly active surfaces are colonized by riparian species, effectuating shrinking channel capacity. In this study, reduced channel width is used as an indicator of morphologic response. Observed reductions in width, ranging from 35 to 50 percent at some sites, resulted not only from vegetation invasion of stable surfaces but also from the development of an inset beside former cut banks. This observation, however, was restricted to wider pool-riffle channels with gravel bars. Outside of these areas, morphologic changes were either subtle or absent. The absence of widespread response is attributed primarily to periodic “flooding” of the diverted channel. During wetter-than-average years when excess water is available, minimal flow is diverted and the hydrograph resembles a free-flowing regime. The release of high flow to the natural channel potentially offsets changes in form incurred during “dry” periods. The stable nature and structure of subalpine channels also contributes to the absence of reduced capacity.  相似文献   

The impact of urbanization on stream channels has been investigated in a range of areas; the degree and extent of the channel adjustments have been demonstrated; and for a few areas these characteristics have recently been placed into a spatial context. A method of rapid field survey for depicting the channel network of urban areas in terms of near natural, adjusted, and channelized systems is illustrated for the urban area of Armidale NSW, for which Armidale Dumaresq Council had prepared a stormwater management plan. Such a survey could enable channel characteristics and adjustments, as well as water quantity and quality, to be included in the management plan. Possible options for management to address are suggested for each of the channel categories. A channel classification system of the kind suggested can provide a basic complement for the further development of the stormwater management plan, can afford a basis for specifying management alternatives, and can be helpful in demonstrating the options offered for community consultation.  相似文献   

Visual‐based rapid assessment techniques provide an efficient method for characterizing the restoration potential of streams, with many focusing on channel stability and instream habitat features. Few studies, however, have compared these techniques to see if they result in differing restoration priorities. Three rapid assessment techniques were contrasted at three wild trout streams in western New York with different amounts of channel disturbance. Two methods focused only on geomorphic stability, whereas the third addressed physical habitat condition. Habitat assessment scores were not correlated with scores for either geomorphic assessment method and they varied more between channels with different degrees of disturbance. A model based on dynamic equilibrium concepts best explains the variation among the streams and techniques because it accounts for a stream's capacity to maintain ecological integrity despite some inherent instability. Geomorphic indices can serve as effective proxies for biological indices in highly disturbed systems. Yet, this may not be the case in less disturbed systems, where geomorphic indices cannot differentiate channel adjustments that impact biota from those that do not. Dynamically stable streams can include both stable and unstable reaches locally as characterized by geomorphic methods and translating these results into restoration priorities may not be appropriate if interpretations are limited to the reach scale.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to study the temporal and spatial sediment delivery to and within the stream network following a wildfire on a chaparral watershed in Arizona, USA. Methods include interpretation of channel processes (aggradation, degradation) from sequential aerial photographs, field measurements of sediment delivery, and overland flow from ten microwatersheds having different vegetation cover (no vegetation, chaparral cover, and bare with vegetation buffer strips). The response of the watershed to the fire was very complex. The fire reduced the chaparral cover to zero in most locations and severe erosion led to filling of the channels by sediment. With vegetation recovery, sediment delivery from the watershed practically ceased. Vegetation buffer strips were mainly responsible for arresting the sediment delivered from bare hillslopes. Relatively clear water, entering the channels, caused degradation in the tributaries that delivered the sediment into the main stream at El Oso Creek. Due to high water infiltration by immense volumes of sediment deposits in the middle reach, the sediment from the tributaries was deposited as in-channel fans. In contrast, the upper reach of El Oso Creek behaved similarly to the tributaries. It aggraded after the fire and was followed by degradation. The low reach of El Oso Creek is degrading because it is still adjusting base level to the incision of the master stream. Implications of this study are that land managers, concerned to avoid severe erosion and sedimentation following disturbance, should concentrate on the establishment and enhancement of vegetation buffer strips along channel banks.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The tailwater of Bridgewater Dam, below Lake James, North Carolina, is a designated trout stream. It has environmental attributes for a good cold water fishery with the exception of high suspended sediments. Muddy Creek, a tributary about 1.5 km downstream of the dam, is a major source of sediments. The Muddy Creek Watershed Restoration Initiative was established to develop and implement a sediment control plan. The Watershed Analysis Risk Management Framework was applied to simulate soil erosion and sedimentation and to help determine appropriate action. The simulated sediment concentrations of the river were comparable to observed data from November 1994 to November 2001. For the base condition, the sediment load was 135,000 kg/d from surface erosion and 1,300,000 kg/d from bank erosion. Increasing the buffer strip from existing 50 to 80 percent to 100 percent of stream segments would only reduce surface erosion to 70,400 kg/d with little change in sediment concentrations. Eliminating riverbank erosion would reduce the sediment load from 920,000 to 87,700 kg/d. The bank stabilization project would not only lower suspended sediment concentrations for Muddy Creek, but also reduce the lake sediment accumulation in the downstream Lake Rhodhiss by approximately 13 percent.  相似文献   

In mountains of the western United States, channel incision has drawn down the water table across thousands of square kilometers of meadow floodplain. Here climate change is resulting in earlier melt and reduced snowpack and water resource managers are responding by investing in meadow restoration to increase springtime storage and summer flows. The record‐setting California drought (2012–2015) provided an opportunity to evaluate this strategy under the warmer and drier conditions expected to impact mountain water supplies. In 2012, 0.1 km2 of meadow floodplain was reconnected by filling an incised channel through Indian Valley in the central Sierra Nevada Mountains of California. Despite sustained drought conditions after restoration, summer baseflow from the meadow increased 5–12 times. Before restoration, the total summer outflow from the meadow was 5% more than the total summer inflow. After restoration, total summer outflow from the meadow was between 35% and 95% more than total summer inflow. In the worst year of the drought (2015), when inflow to the meadow ceased for at least one month, summer baseflow was at least five times greater than before restoration. Groundwater levels also rose at four out of five sites near the stream channel. Filling the incised channel and reconnecting the meadow floodplain increased water availability and streamflow, despite unprecedented drought conditions.  相似文献   

Geomorphic, hydraulic and hydrologic principles are applied in the design of a stable stream channel for a badly disturbed portion of Badger Creek, Colorado, and its associated riparian and meadow complexes. The objective is to shorten the period of time required for a channel in coarse alluvium to recover from an impacted morphologic state to a regime condition representative of current watershed conditions. Channel geometry measurements describe the stream channel and the normal bankfull stage in relatively stable reaches. Critical shear stress equations were used to design a stable channel in noncohesive materials with dimensions which approximate those of less disturbed reaches. Gabion controls, spaced at approximately 300 m intervals, are recommended to help reduce the chance of lateral migration of the newly constructed channel. Controls are designed to allow for some vertical adjustment of the channel bed following increased bank stability due to revegetation. The flood plain is designed to dissipate flood flow energy and discourage multiple flood channels. The channel has approximately a 90 percent chance of remaining stable the first two years following construction, the time estimated for increased stability to occur due to revegetation.  相似文献   

Effects of watershed-scale land use change on stream nitrate concentrations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Walnut Creek Watershed Monitoring Project was conducted from 1995 through 2005 to evaluate the response of stream nitrate concentrations to changing land use patterns in paired 5000-ha Iowa watersheds. A large portion of the Walnut Creek watershed is being converted from row crop agriculture to native prairie and savanna by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service at the Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge (NSNWR). Before restoration, land use in both Walnut Creek (treatment) and Squaw Creek (control) watersheds consisted of 70% row crops. Between 1990 and 2005, row crop area decreased 25.4% in Walnut Creek due to prairie restoration but increased 9.2% in Squaw Creek due to Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) grassland conversion back to row crop. Nitrate concentrations ranged between <0.5 to 14 mg L(-1) at the Walnut Creek outlet and 2.1 to 15 mg L(-1) at the downstream Squaw Creek outlet. Nitrate concentrations decreased 1.2 mg L(-1) over 10 yr in the Walnut Creek watershed but increased 1.9 mg L(-1) over 10 yr in Squaw Creek. Changes in nitrate were easier to detect and more pronounced in monitored subbasins, decreasing 1.2 to 3.4 mg L(-1) in three Walnut Creek subbasins, but increasing up to 8.0 and 11.6 mg L(-1) in 10 yr in two Squaw Creek subbasins. Converting row crop lands to grass reduced stream nitrate levels over time in Walnut Creek, but stream nitrate rapidly increased in Squaw Creek when CRP grasslands were converted back to row crop. Study results highlight the close association of stream nitrate to land use change and emphasize that grasslands or other perennial vegetation placed in agricultural settings should be part of a long-term solution to water quality problems.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Stream meander restoration designs currently used by many state and local government agencies are often based on empirical equations, such as those developed by Leopold and Wolman (1957; 1960). In order to assess the suitability of these equations and propose alternative strategies, 18 sites in Central Maryland were selected and data on channel planform, cross-sections, sediments, and spacing and sizing of the pools and riffles were collected and analyzed to characterize the channel type in the study area. A large bias was found comparing the meander parameters measured to those computed using the Leopold and Wolman equations for the streams in central Maryland. Based on these results, appropriate empirical equations for the study area that can assist in stream restoration designs were investigated. An additional approach that can assist in stream restoration consists of the application of a detailed stream reconnaissance to verify that the restoration project is consistent with the natural form and processes of the river.  相似文献   

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