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硒的土壤生态环境、生物地球化学与食物链的研究现状   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
综述了硒的自然生态环境及全球土壤中硒含量与分布、形态及转化 ,决定植物硒含量及食物链系统中硒水平的关键因素 ,植物对硒的吸收和积累与遗传因子的关系 ,硒在植物组织中主要的存在形式 ,植物中硒的形态与生物有效性和生物利用率研究的意义 ,对食物链中的硒水平进行调控的方法及今后硒研究的前沿问题。  相似文献   

Neutron activation analysis was used for the determination of the elemental composition of different plants and soils. Variations in concentrations of elements during the day were found. Mean concentrations, standard deviations and relationships between elements in soils and different parts of plants were studied. It was shown that the behaviour of chemical elements in samples from urban and unpolluted areas have significant differences.  相似文献   

Geochemical analyses using a sequential extraction method and lead adsorption studies were carried out in order to characterize the distribution and adsorption of lead on each genetic horizon of a Luvisol profile developed on a pelagic clayey aleurolite. Clay illuviation is the most important pedogenic process in the profile studied. Its clay mineralogy is characterized by chlorite/vermiculite species with increasing chlorite component downward. The amount of carbonate minerals strongly increases in the lower part of the profile resulting in an abrupt rise in soil pH within a small distance. The Pb content of the soil profile exceeds the natural geochemical background only in the Ao horizon, and its amount decreases with depth in the profile without correcting for differences in bulk density, suggesting the binding of Pb to soil organic matter. According to the sequential extraction analysis the organic matter and carbonate content of the soil have the most significant effect on lead distribution. This effect varies in the different soil horizons. Lead adsorption experiments were carried out on whole soil samples, soil clay fractions, as well as on their carbonate and organic matter free variant. The different soil horizons adsorb lead to different extents depending on their organic matter, clay mineral and carbonate content; and the mineralogical features of soil clays significantly affect their lead adsorption capacity. The clay fraction adsorbs 25 more lead than the whole soil, while in the calcareous subsoil a significant proportion of lead is precipitated due to the alkaline conditions. 10 and 5 of adsorbed Pb can be leached with distilled water in the organic matter and clay mineral dominated soil horizons, respectively. These results suggest that soil organic matter plays a decisive role in the adsorption of Pb, but the fixation by clay minerals is stronger.*This study was presented at the 20th European SEGH conference in Debrecen, Hungary, 2002.  相似文献   

Three different methods for the sequential extraction of heavy metals from soil (viz those of Tessier et al. (A. Tessier, P.G. Campbell and N. Bisson (1979). Anal. Chem., 51, 844.), Sposito et al. (G. Sposito, L.J. Lund and A.C. Chang (1989). Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J., 46, 260.) and Mann and Ritchie (S.S. Mann and G.S.P. Ritchie (1993). Aust. J. Soil Res., 31, 255.)) were examined in terms of the distribution of Cu, Zn and Pb in the soil phases and the bioavailability of these elements in soil. To this end, several samples of soils polluted with metals from a copper mine were fractionated by using the three studied methods and analyzed by atomic absorption spectrometry. The results revealed differences in extraction efficiency among the methods due to the extractant used, or its concentration, and to the soil/solution ratio. The three methods were found to provide accurate heavy metal background contents. However, the method of Tessier et al. is to be preferred for quantifying increased levels of heavy metals on account of its high extraction power.  相似文献   

Soil is the foundation of the entire biosphere. Knowledge of its heavy metal content and regional variability is essential to assess the environmental quality of soil and the extent of any contamination. In this study, 250 soil samples (within 125 soil profiles) were collected in undisturbed soils of the La Rioja region (an ideal place of the humid Mediterranean environment of Spain). The ‘total and bioavailable’ contents of copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) were measured and their spatial variability assessed. The results indicate that Zn and Cu values were found to be very close to national and global averages. The spatial distribution of those elements was related to the nature of the bedrock and, to a lesser extent, was of anthropogenic origin. The variation of vertical distributions can be related, firstly, to natural sources – mainly the bedrock – and, secondly, to soil processes. From an ecological perspective, the ecosystem has not been affected by pollution.  相似文献   

内分泌干扰物(EDCs)作为一种新兴污染物,具有憎水性、低剂量效应和半衰期长等特征,在全球的土壤/沉积物中已被广泛检测到,并发现已给环境带来了严重的威胁。本文重点综合评述了近10年来土壤/沉积物中EDCs的来源、浓度水平、空间分布及吸附特性的研究。结果发现,EDCs来源涉及农业、工业和生活等多个方面;空间分布上,一般呈近海地区沉积物中EDCs浓度水平较河流底泥及土壤低,而高度工业化、城市化地区土壤/沉积物中EDCs浓度亦较高;EDCs的吸附受土壤/沉积物理化性质、EDCs自身性质和环境条件的共同影响,一般土壤有机质的含量和成熟度、土壤颗粒的比表面积与其吸附能力呈正相关,黏土矿物类型对EDCs的吸附也有重要的影响;EDCs的吸附能力与其自身的疏水性和结构特征有关;温度升高和溶液p H值增加都不利于EDCs的吸附,而溶液离子强度的增加对其吸附起着促进作用。土壤/沉积物对EDCs的吸附是一个复杂的过程,因此对其吸附特性需要进一步的探讨。  相似文献   

Abstract:  Many plant species have been introduced to new continents, but only a small subset of these have become invasive. It has been predicted that self-compatible species, particularly those that do not need the services of pollinators, are more likely to establish and spread after long-distance dispersal. We tested whether this hypothesis, commonly called Baker's law, applies to 361 species that have invaded the United States from Europe. Species capable of autonomous seed production occurred in significantly more states than species requiring a pollen vector. Moreover, of the species that are not capable of autonomous seed production, self-compatible species occurred in significantly more states than those that are not self-compatible. The positive effect of autonomous seed production on the range of invasion was larger for abiotically pollinated species than for biotically pollinated species and for monocarpic species than for polycarpic species. These results support Baker's law, and we recommend that screening protocols for predicting invasiveness of species considered for introduction should include assessment of their breeding system.  相似文献   

Levels of Pb, Zn, Cu, Cr, Ni and Cd were determined in topsoil and vegetation in the vicinity of a factory manufacturing lead- batteries in Ibadan, Nigeria. The samples were collected along five transects in different directions, and varying distances up to 1000m from the factory. Soil lead levels were found to be elevated around the factory, with average levels of about 2000mgkg–1 close to the fence that declined gradually to about 50mgkg–1 some 750m away. Soil-lead level around a primary school located about 500m from the factory was as high as 1450mgkg–1. Lead levels were equally elevated in the vegetation, though average levels in vegetation were slightly lower than in the soil. Cadmium concentrations in soil and vegetation, though low, were more positively correlated with lead levels than any of the other metals are with lead.  相似文献   

The solution culture, paddy soil culture and the simulation experiments in the laboratory were conducted to clarify the interactions between selenium and phosphorus, and its effects on the growth and selenium accumulation in rice. Results revealed that a suitable supply of selenium could promote rice growth and excessive selenium could injure rice plant, causing lower biomass, especially in the roots. The supply of selenite could enhance the selenium contents of rice shoots and roots in solution culture and in soil culture. The selenium concentrations in roots were much higher than those in shoots supplied with the same rates of selenium and phosphorus. The interaction between selenium and phosphorus was evident. When the phosphorus supply increased to meet the needs of plant growth, phosphorus could promote absorption and accumulation of selenium in the shoots. If the phosphorus supply was excessive, phosphorus could inhibit the accumulation of selenium in the shoots at the lower selenite level (2 mol l–1), but could not at the higher selenite level (10 mol l–1). With the supply of phosphate increased, the selenium concentrations in the roots decreased significantly at both selenite levels. The presence of phosphate could decrease Se sorption on the soil surface and increase the selenium concentration in the soil solution. The concentrations of selenium in shoots and roots supplied with 0.08 g kg–1 phosphorus were lower than those with no phosphorus supplied. With the increase of phosphorus added to 0.4 g kg–1, the selenium concentration in shoots and roots increased. The effect of phosphorus on the concentration was statistically significant at all three selenium levels.  相似文献   

硒(Se)是人体必需的微量元素,一般通过大米和海鲜摄入。然而大米和海鲜是人体砷(As)暴露的主要途径之一。采用ICP-MS对广州市售的大米和3种鱼中砷和硒浓度进行了检测,并通过体外(in vitro)模拟胃肠消化(PBET)法对鱼肉中砷和硒的生物可给性进行了考察。结果表明,大米和鱼肉中砷的浓度分别为0.085~0.168μg·g~(-1)和2.224~5.533μg·g~(-1),硒的浓度分别为0.098~0.190μg·g~(-1)和1.641~2.315μg·g~(-1)。大米和鱼肉中86.86%~99.34%和51.95%~75.64%的砷生物可给,76.73%~85.44%和71.48%~79.83%的硒生物可给。通过大米和鱼肉摄入的硒基本可以满足人体需求。通过大米和3种鱼摄入的无机砷占国际粮农组织和世界卫生组织(FAO/WHO)公布的无机砷的每日最高允许摄入量(TWI)2.1μg·kg~(-1)BW的0.5%~35.7%,但是摄入无机砷的致癌风险分别为1.69×10~(-5)~5.81×10~(-4)和2.13×10~(-4)~7.34×10~(-4),是可接受或可容忍的风险的0.17~7.3倍,尤其是小孩,更易摄入砷产生毒害。  相似文献   

A comparative study of the solubilization of Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn from a river sediment by solutions of a residue from agricultural industry and a synthetic polymer (SP) is presented. The agricultural residue shows a higher mobilising effect than the SP. The presence of the latter causes in most cases an initial solubilization and a readsorption afterwards, with a tendency to an equilibrium for long reaction times. The effect of the agricultural residue is not uniform for all metals studied, with a significant formation of metal‐organic complexes for Cu and Zn. In the presence of the SP, the proportion of complexes formed is significant only for Zn.  相似文献   

江苏宜兴地区农田土壤硒含量变异及其影响因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在宜兴地区随机采集13个土壤剖面和38个表层土壤样品,研究土壤全硒含量随土种和土壤深度的变化。结果表明,表土全硒变幅在0.33~2.25μg.g-1之间,平均1.03μg.g-1,80%以上的样品处于富硒水平。土种间表土硒含量存在显著差异,并且水田土壤显著高于旱地;土壤全硒含量的剖面深度变化依土地利用方式而异,在旱地土壤中呈线性递降,水稻土中呈指数递降,表土硒含量变异主要受有机质含量的控制。  相似文献   

The Behaviour of Selenium in Geological Processes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Selenium contents were analyzed from a total of 244 soil samples collected over different rock types at a sampling density of one sample per 4km2 around Geita gold mining areas, Northwestern Tanzania. Comparisons using literature survey contents of selenium in geological materials and some implications on the selenium in soils are compiled and discussed. Most selenium occurs as simple selenides in small quantities in low temperature hydrothermal deposits devoid of sulphur. It has been observed that to a large extent selenium content is increased more than most trace elements in the upper parts of the Earth perhaps through extraterrestrial deposition. In deep-seated rocks selenium is associated with sulphur but being volatile selenium and sulphur do not behave according to the crystallochemical law. Due to the higher stability of S6+, Se4+ and Se0 separate during migration. Thus, selenium is especially found in deep-seated plutonic rocks where large magma bodies cooled slowly and sulphur is available to precipitate sulphides. Selenium, which occurs with sulphides, is inhomogeneously deposited into continental margins. It is increased during magmatic differentiation and is highest in basic rocks. In magmatic and metamorphic conditions, selenium is found in the crystal structures of sulphides while in pneumatolytic and hydrothermal processes, it is relatively enriched into the late differentiates compared to sulphur. In metamorphic rocks selenium is more widely distributed. Selenium content in soils in the investigated area varies from (0.3–0.5gg–1) in laterite and in black cotton soil 0.4gg–1. Of all volcanic rocks selenium is highest in volcanogenic rocks especially the basalts. Surface waters are enriched in selenium, which they leach from volcanic materials. Selenium in sediments containing clay and organic matter is elevated but the content decreases with increased metamorphism. Selenium in volcanic areas can be used as a pathfinder in prospecting for volcanogenic ore deposits. S/Se ratios are distinct in different rock types and can thus be used to elucidate the origin of rocks, ores, and sediments.  相似文献   

This paper reports the effects of a placebo-controlled Se-enriched yeast supplementation trial, conducted for 14 months, on arsenism in adult farmers living in a rural community in Inner Mongolia, China. The farmers had been naturally exposed to elevated concentrations of As in drinking water from tube-wells since 1983 but changed to arsenic-free drinking water when the trial began in June 1996. Blood and hair Se and As concentrations were analysed pre-intervention and at the end of the 3rd, 9th and 14th month, while skin lesions were assessed pre-intervention, as well as at the end of the 14th month, using the Arsenism Clinical Criteria established by the Ministry of Health, China. As the trial was a voluntary one, a number of farmers did not routinely have their blood and hair samples taken for analysis. Consequently, the data have been analysed in two categories. Fifty-four farmers from the Se-group and 29 from the placebo-group who were sampled on each occasion were considered as one group, which has been compared with the second group comprising up to a total of 100 farmers in the Se-group and 86 in the placebo-group. Results calculated for those farmers who were sampled on each occasion, showed that at the end of the trial, blood and hair Se concentrations of the Se-group increased from 0.130 to 0.186 µg ml–1 and from 0.431 to 0.502 µg g–1, respectively, while those of the placebo-groups remained constant. Blood and hair As concentrations of the Se-group decreased from 0.051 to 0.015 µg ml–1 and from 2.57 to 0.680 µg g–1, respectively, a greater reduction than those in the placebo-group that went from 0.064 to 0.024 µg ml–1 and from 2.62 to 1.25 µg g–1, respectively. When the data from all patients were examined, the analytical trends were similar. An evaluation of skin lesions in the category who were sampled for hair and blood on each occasion showed that 41.2% of hyperkeratosis, 50.0% of depigmentation and 44.7% of pigmentation in the Se-group improved one or more degrees, while those in the placebo-group improved by only 7.1, 12.0 and 6.7%, respectively. A total of 61.1% of the adults in Se-group improved in one or more type of skin lesion, but only 17.2% improved in the placebo-group. Comparable results were obtained when all the data from both categories of farmers were examined. Results from the trial showed that Se supplementation was more effective for the improvement of adults who were affected by double or triple skin lesions. In the placebo-group, most of the severely affected adults improved in only one kind of skin lesion, but in the Se-group, more adults improved in two or three kinds of skin lesions. Although the trial was limited by its relatively small size, the results have provided some evidence of the usefulness of Se supplementation for people affected by arsenism.  相似文献   

大连市肿瘤发生率与居民血硒水平的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用新极谱法测定大连市健康居民300例和癌症患者50例全血的硒含量,分别为146.5±51.0μg/L(148.1±50.2μg/L和144.7±51.9μg/L)和122.7±55.9μg/L是正态分布类型,均小于我国低硒地区160μg/L是  相似文献   

北京市土壤重金属形态分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用Tessier连续提取法对北京市朝阳、通州、石景山、海淀、顺义等地土壤进行重金属元素锌、铅、铬的形态分析,并用原子吸收分光光度法测定了重金属元素的含量。研究结果表明,在所测区土壤中,铬主要以可交换态和残渣态存在,说明元素铬较活泼,具有潜在的环境影响能力;锌元素主要以有机结合态和残渣态存在,说明元素锌相对比较稳定;而铅则主要以可交换态形式存在,说明铅最为活泼,应该给予更多的关注。  相似文献   

Arsenic (As) contamination of the available domestic drinking water from shallow aquifers to villagers in Bangladesh often exceeds the newest WHO standard of <10 µg As L?1 and the older Bangladeshi standard of <50 µg As L?1. An estimated 9.2 million shallow tube wells in Bangladesh deliver water to 97% of the rural population, placing an estimated 57 million people at risk for arsenicosis. The contamination of drinking water by As extends to W. Bengal, India and Nepal. The same shallow aquifers used for domestic water are also used to irrigate food crops, particularly rice. Irrigation adds As to soils and increases exposure of the population to additional As via foods consumed. Selenium (Se), an essential trace mineral found in soils, is absorbed by plants, entering the human food chain. It was suggested that a low dietary intake of Se may be contributing to the problem of human arsenicosis in Bangladesh. Dietary Se acts as a natural antidote to As by (1) accelerating As excretion, (2) sequestering As by complexation and (3) as an antioxidant component of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase that may counteract the prooxidant effects of As that contribute to arsenicosis and cancer. Analysis of 70 agricultural soil samples from Bangladesh by fluorimetry, ICP-AES and Neutron Activation Analysis showed the soils analyzed to be high in As (~33 µg g?1) and biologically low in soluble Se (~0.02 µg g?1). A low dietary intake of Se related to low soil content and this mineral in foods may be contributing to human arsenicosis in the Ganges–Brahmaputra delta.  相似文献   

汞和硒对剑尾鱼Na+/K+-ATPase活性的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
应用浸浴法研究汞(Hg)对剑尾鱼(XiphophorushelleriHeckel)鳃和肝脏Na /K ATPase活性的影响以及硒(Se)对机体Na /K ATPase汞中毒的保护作用.结果表明,Hg和Se对剑尾鱼96hLC50分别为0.84mg/L和6.64mg/L.Hg对剑尾鱼鳃和肝脏Na /K ATPase活性的影响相似,与对照组相比,处理d1时低浓度Hg组鳃和肝脏ATPase活性没有明显变化(P>0.05),但高浓度Hg组ATPase活性变化显著(P<0.05),至d3和d5时,酶活性均极显著下降(P<0.01),鱼鳃和肝脏酶活性分别下降32%和60%,表明Hg处理对鳃和肝脏Na /K ATPase活性具有抑制作用.单独加Se组鱼鳃和肝脏Na /K ATPase活性在d3和d5显著提高(P<0.01).Hg Se组与Hg组相比,酶活性有明显差异(P<0.05或P<0.01),Se对剑尾鱼Hg中毒具有保护作用.剑尾鱼鳃和肝细胞Na /K ATPase活性可作为对水环境汞污染效应环境风险评价(ERA)的有效生物学标记.表2参16  相似文献   

蔬菜对硒的吸收及适宜补硒食用量   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
杜振宇  史衍玺  王清华 《生态环境》2004,13(2):230-231,267
以小白菜、番茄和萝卜为研究对象,通过施用外源硒,研究了不同蔬菜对硒的吸收特性。结果表明,施硒均明显提高了蔬菜可食部分的含硒量,且含硒量随施硒量的增加而增加;随生长时间的增加,小白菜的含硒量逐渐增加,而萝卜的含硒量逐渐降低。随着采收时间延后,番茄的含硒量逐渐降低;为保证合理补硒,确定了本试验所生产富硒蔬菜的适宜食用量。  相似文献   

Abstract:  Managed landscapes in which non-native ornamental plants are favored over native vegetation now dominate the United States, particularly east of the Mississippi River. We measured how landscaping with native plants affects the avian and lepidopteran communities on 6 pairs of suburban properties in southeastern Pennsylvania. One property in each pair was landscaped entirely with native plants and the other exhibited a more conventional suburban mixture of plants—a native canopy with non-native groundcover and shrubs. Vegetation sampling confirmed that total plant cover and plant diversity did not differ between treatments, but non-native plant cover was greater on the conventional sites and native plant cover was greater on the native sites. Several avian (abundance, species richness, biomass, and breeding-bird abundance) and larval lepidopteran (abundance and species richness) community parameters were measured from June 2006 to August 2006. Native properties supported significantly more caterpillars and caterpillar species and significantly greater bird abundance, diversity, species richness, biomass, and breeding pairs of native species. Of particular importance is that bird species of regional conservation concern were 8 times more abundant and significantly more diverse on native properties. In our study area, native landscaping positively influenced the avian and lepidopteran carrying capacity of suburbia and provided a mechanism for reducing biodiversity losses in human-dominated landscapes.  相似文献   

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