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The availability and plant uptake of heavy metals was evaluated from contaminated dredged material placed in flooded and upland disposal environments using a solid-phase plant bioassay. The objective of the study was to verify previous dredged material research results and to develop a plant bioassay procedure that could indicate phytotoxicity and bioaccumulation of heavy metals in contaminated dredged material. The plant bioassay indicated more uptake and bioaccumulations of cadmium and, to a lesser extent, zinc when contaminated dredged material was placed in an upland environment where the sediment was allowed to air-dry. Placing the contaminated dredged material in a flooded (reduced) environment lowered the availability and plant uptake of cadmium and, to a lesser extent, zinc. Factors that influenced the availability and plant uptake of heavy metals from contaminated sediments included sediment oxidation-reduction potential, organic matter content, total sulfur content, and pH. The plant bioassay showed phytotoxicity and bioaccumulation of arsenic under a flooded environment. Placing the arsenic-contaminated sediment in an upland environment reduced both the phytotoxicity and bioaccumulation of arsenic in the freshwater marsh plant Cyperus esculentus.  相似文献   

Monitoring of environmental heavy metals in fish from Nasser Lake   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Lake ecosystems are, in particular, vulnerable to heavy metal pollution. Tilapia nilotica is one of the aquatic organisms affected by heavy metals. Therefore, heavy metals Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Sr and Zn were determined in different tissues of T. nilotica (ages 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 and 3 years), which include the muscle, gill, stomach, intestine, liver, vertebral column and scales, to assess the fish pollution with heavy metals. In addition, the study was extended to determine these elements in the aquatic plant (Najas armeta), sediment and water of Khor E1-Ramel in Nasser Lake (Egypt). The study showed that of all the fish parts, fish liver accumulated the highest levels of Cu and Zn. Manganese presented in the intestine and stomach in the highest concentration. Scales exhibited the highest levels of Co, Cr, Ni and Sr, while the gill and vertebral column contains the lowest level of the studied elements. Heavy metals in different parts of T. nilotica differ with the fish growth and extraction rate of these elements from sediment, aquatic plant and lake water. Heavy metals under study in the edible parts of the investigated fish were in the safety permissible levels for human uses.  相似文献   

Measurements of ambient radiation doses and determination of radionuclide concentrations in mining waste and soils were performed in 60 areas of former radium and uranium mining. In several places, mining waste and low-grade uranium ore left on the surface contain radioactivity above regional background. Most of the former mining sites present no enhanced radionuclide concentrations. However, in the mining facilities where the radioactive ore was chemically extracted, mill tailings contain materials with elevated levels of radioactivity, up to 200 times the levels in unaffected soils of the region. Mud from neutralization ponds used to treat acid mine waters contains also elevated radionuclide concentrations. Furthermore, depending on the type of waste, the radioelement composition varies. Environmental rehabilitation measures shall take these differences into account in order to prevent in the long term the radioactive contamination of agriculture soils and water resources, and to ensure adequate radiological protection to the public and to the environment.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of aerobic biological treatment in removal of nitrogen, phosphorous, and heavy metals from a unique anaerobic liquid waste, produced at a solid waste-to-methane anaerobic digestion facility. Laboratory scale continuous flow activated sludge reactors were employed in this study. The liquid waste has moderate BOD/COD ratio with BOD concentration of 1300 mg/L and high concentration of essential nutrients, making the liquid waste biologically treatable. Results showed that aerobic biological treatment can remove nitrogen and phosphorous on the order of 85%. Metal removal efficiencies vary widely for 11 metals studied in this investigation.  相似文献   

Radiochemical results (238U, 226Ra and 228Ra activities; 234U/238U, 228Ra/226Ra and 226Ra/238U activity ratios) are reported for 42 natural water samples collected from wells, hot mineral springs, rivers, tap water, lakes and irrigation water in 15 Moroccan locations. Results show that 238U activity varies between 4.5 and about 309 mBq l(-1) in wells, 0.6 and 8.5 mBq l(-1) in hot springs, 9.7 and 28 mBq l(-1) in rivers, 2.5 and 16 mBq l(-1) in tap waters and between 6 and 24 mBq l(-1) in lakes. The 234U/238U activity ratio varies in the range 0.87-3.35 in all analyzed water samples except for hot springs where it reaches values higher than 7. Unlike well water, mineral water samples present low 238U activities and high 234U/238U activity ratios and 226Ra activities. The highest activity of radium in mineral water is 150 times higher than the highest activity of 226 Ra found in well water. 226Ra/238U activity ratios are in the ranges 0.07-1.14 in wells, 0.04-0.38 in rivers, 0.04-2.48 in lakes, and 1.79-2115 in springs. The calculated equivalent doses to all the measured activities are inferior to the maximum contaminant levels recommended by the International Commission of Radioprotection and they do not present any risk for public health in Morocco.  相似文献   

The occurrence and geochemical behaviour of Fe, Mn, Pb, Cu, Ni, Cr, Zn and Co are studied in riverine detrital materials transported by Patagonian rivers. Their riverine inputs have been estimated and the nature of these inputs to the Atlantic Ocean is discussed. Most of the metals are transported to the ocean via the suspended load; there is evidence that Fe oxides and organic matter are important phases controlling their distribution in the detrital non-residual fraction. Most heavy metal concentrations found in bed sediments, in suspended matter, and in the dissolved load of Patagonian rivers were comparable to those reported for non-polluted rivers. There is indication that human activity is altering riverine metal inputs to the ocean. In the northern basins – and indicating anthropogenic effects – heavy metals distribution in the suspended load is very different from that found in bed sediments. The use of pesticides in the Negro River valley seems correlated with increased riverine input of Cu, mostly bound to the suspended load. The Deseado and Chico Rivers exhibit increased specific yield of metals as a consequence of extended erosion within their respective basins. The Santa Cruz is the drainage basin least affected by human activity and its metal-exporting capacity should be taken as an example of a relatively unaffected large hydrological system. In contrast, coal mining modifies the transport pattern of heavy metals in the Gallegos River, inasmuch as they are exported to the coastal zone mainly as dissolved load. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Saline waters from underground coal mines in Poland often contain natural radioactive isotopes, mainly 226Ra from the uranium decay series and 228Ra from the thorium series. Approximately 40% of the total amount of radium remains underground as radioactive deposits, but 225 MBq of 226Ra and 400 MBq of 228Ra are released daily into the rivers along with the other mine effluents from all Polish coal mines. Technical measures such as inducing the precipitation of radium in gobs, decreasing the amount of meteoric inflow water into underground workings, etc. have been undertaken in several coal mines, and as a result of these measures, the total amount of radium released to the surface waters has diminished by about 60% during the last 5-6 years. Mine water can have a severe impact on the natural environment, mainly due to its salinity. However, associated high levels of radium concentration in river waters, bottom sediments and vegetation have also been observed. Sometimes radium concentrations in rivers exceed 0.7 kBq/m3, which is the permitted level for waste waters under Polish law. The extensive investigations described here were carried out for all coal mines and on this basis the total radium balance in the effluents has been calculated. Measurements in the vicinity of mine settling ponds and in rivers have given us an opportunity to study radium behaviour in river waters and to assess the degree of contamination. Solid waste materials with enhanced natural radioactivity have been produced in huge amounts in the power and coal industries in Poland. As a result of the combustion of coal in power plants, low-radioactive waste materials are produced, with 226Ra concentration seldom exceeding a few hundreds of Bq/kg. A different situation is observed in coal mines, where, as a result of precipitation of radium from radium-bearing waters, highly radioactive deposits are formed. Sometimes the radioactivity of such materials is extremely high; precipitates from coal mines may have radium concentrations of 400,000 Bq/kg--equivalent to 3% uranium ore. Usually, such deposition takes place underground, but sometimes co-precipitation of radium with barium takes place on the surface, in settling ponds and in rivers. Therefore management of solid waste with technologically enhanced natural radioactivity (TENR) is a very important subject.  相似文献   

Groundwaters from the Sebkhet Essijoumi drainage basin, situated in northern Tunisia, West of the city of Tunis, were sampled and analyzed for uranium and radium isotopes. Low (234)U/(238)U activity ratios coupled with relatively high (228)Ra and (238)U concentrations were found in the Manouba plain phreatic aquifer, at the northern part of the basin, where remote sensing has indicated that this plain corresponds to the main humid zone of the area. Low (234)U/(238)U ratios probably reflected short residence time for waters in the Manouba plain, and high ratios longer residence time in the south, where water reaching the phreatic aquifer seems to have previously circulated in rocks constituting the southern hills. Assuming that, in the Manouba plain aquifer, the groundwater flows downstream from the Oued Lill pass area to the South-West of the Sebkha, the difference in the (228)Ra/(226)Ra activity ratio suggests that the residence time of water has been 2.8 years longer near the Sebkha than upstream.  相似文献   

The manufacture and use of radium in the early to mid-20th century within industrial, medicinal and recreational products have resulted in a large number of contaminated sites across a number of countries with notable examples in the USA and Europe. These sites, represent a significant number of unregulated sources of potential radiological exposure that have collectively and hitherto not been well characterised. In 2007, the Radioactive Contaminated Land (RCL) Regulations came into force in the UK, providing the statutory guidance for regulators to classify and deal with RCL. Here we report on results derived from digestion experiments to estimate committed effective dose, a key aspect of the RCL Regulations, from the ingestion of radium contaminated sources that can be found in the environment. This case study includes particles, clinker and artefacts that arise from past military activities on a site that was once an airfield at Dalgety Bay on the Firth of Forth, UK. Since 2011 the number of radium contaminated finds has increased by one order of magnitude on the foreshore areas of Dalgety Bay. The increase in finds may in large part be attributed to a change in monitoring practice. A subsample of sixty sources was selected, on the basis of their activity and dimensions, and subjected to digestion in simulated stomach and lower intestine solutions. The study demonstrated that more radium-226 (226Ra) and lead-210 (210Pb; driven by Polonium solubility) are dissolved from sources in artificial ‘stomach’ solutions compared with ‘lower intestine’ solutions. The combined ‘gut’ solubility for 226Ra and apparent 210Pb varied from less than 1% to up to 35% ICRP 72 conversion factors were used to convert the activities measured in solution to committed effective dose. A little over 10% of the sources tested dissolved sufficient radioactivity to result in 100 mSv committed effective dose to an infant. Using the solubility of 35% as a worst case, minimum source activities necessary to deliver 100 mSv to the full age range of users of the foreshore were estimated. All the estimated activities have been detected and recovered through routine monitoring.  相似文献   

The acid-forming potential of lead/zinc (Pb/Zn) mine tailings at Lechang City of Guangdong Province was studied using both net acid generation (NAG) and acid-base accounting (ABA) methods. The pyritic and total sulfur contents of the tailings were 12.6% and 18.7%, respectively. The mean acid neutralization capacity (ANC) was 63.5 kg H2SO4/t while three oxidized tailings samples had an ANC less than zero. The NAG and net acid production potential (NAPP) values were 220 and 326 kg H2SO4/t, and both the NAG and NAPP results indicated that the tailings had a high acid-forming potential. NAG was more accurate than NAPP in predicting acid-forming potential of the tailings due to uncompleted oxidization of pyritic sulfur. Analysis of samples from two profile tests indicated that acidification mainly occurred at the surface (0-20 cm) and had little effects at deep layer of the tailings. Total concentrations of Pb, Zn, Cu, and Cd were increased greatly with depth at the acidified tailings profile, while heavy metal concentrations at different depths of nonacidified tailings profile were similar. The results indicated that depletion of heavy metals at the acidified surface was due to acidification. The diethylenetetramine pentaacetic acid (DTPA)-extractable Pb, Zn, Cu, and Cd concentrations of acidified tailings surface (0-20 cm) were significantly higher than those of nonacidified tailings, which further revealed that acidification enhanced the mobility of heavy metals in the tailings.  相似文献   

The presence of heavy metal concentrations was examined in surface sediments from 27 sites within the Odiel river in the southwest Spain suffering inputs from industrial and mining activities. The interest is specially focused on the final delta located in the Odiel Natural Park, which constitutes a feeding ground of international importance for migrating birds. The behavior of 10 heavy metals (Zn, Cd, Pb, Cu, Cr, Mn, Ni, Fe, Hg) is conditioned by chemical properties of sediments such as acidity and carbonate or the presence of sulfate Very acidic sediments in the medium course of river contribute to the lower presence of metal as a consequence of leaching process. However, tidal action raises the pH in the marshes of the delta with correlative metal accumulation. In accordance with the Müller [Umschan 79 (1979) 133-149] scale for geoaccumulation index, the entire watercourse could be considered polluted by Zn and Pb, while Cu exhibits a high presence in the delta marshes of the river.  相似文献   

Environment, Development and Sustainability - Heavy metal pollution has attracted more attention due to the toxicity and migration characteristics, which has close relationship with soil...  相似文献   

Effect of heavy metals and PAH on soil assessed via dehydrogenase assay   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Dehydrogenase enzyme activity (DHA) assay method using resazurin was accommodated for measuring of toxicity of compound contaminants on uncharacterized microbial communities present in any given soil. The method was used to compare the toxic effect of heavy metal and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) contaminant mixture (Cr, Pb, Cu, Cd, Pyrene) on four typical Estonian soils covering a range of compositions. The method proved to be useable on all soils; the sensitivity of soil microbiology to toxic effect of contaminants was found to have a negative correlation with Ca and organic matter (OM) content and a positive correlation with amorphous phase content of soils.  相似文献   

Levels of eight potentially toxic heavy metals in indoor dust from homes and offices in Istanbul were investigated. The concentrations of heavy metals in indoor dust from homes + office ranged from 62 to 1800 μg g 1 for Cu, 3–200 μg g 1 for Pb, 0.4–20 μg g 1 for Cd, 210–2800 μg g 1 for Zn, 2.8–460 μg g 1 for Cr, 8–1300 μg g 1 for Mn, 2.4–25 μg g 1 for Co, 120–2600 μg g 1 for Ni. Results of the study were comparable to other studies conducted on indoor dust and street dust from a variety of cities globally. Considering only ingestion + inhalation, the carcinogenic risk level of Cr for adults and children (3.7 × 10 5 and 2.7 × 10 5) in Istanbul was in the range of EPA's safe limits (1 × 10 6 and 1 × 10 4), indicating that cancer risk of Cr due to exposure to indoor dust in Istanbul can be acceptable. According to calculated Hazard Quotient (HQ), for non-cancer effects, the ingestion of indoor dust appears to be the major route of exposure to the indoor dust that results in a higher risk for heavy metals, followed by dermal contact and inhalation pathways. However, compared to ingestion and dermal contact exposure, exposure through inhalation is almost negligible. Hazard Index (HI) values for all studied elements were lower than safe limit of 1 and this result suggested that none of the population groups would likely to experience potential health risk due to exposure to heavy metals from indoor dust in the study area.  相似文献   

Twelve elements (V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Mo, Sn, Cd and Pb) in 24 sediment samples at eight sites (S1-S8) from the East China Sea were analyzed with the BCR sequential extraction (SE) protocol to obtain the metal distribution patterns in this region. The results showed that the heavy metal pollutions in S4 and S8 were more severe than in other sampling sites, especially Cd and Pb pollution. In the top sediments at S4 and S8, both the total contents and the most dangerous non-residual fractions of Cd and Pb were extremely high. More than 90% of the total concentrations of V, Cr, Mo and Sn existed in the residual fraction. Fe, Co, Ni, Cu and Zn mainly (more than 60%) occurred in the residual fraction. While Mn, Pb and Cd dominantly presented in the non-residual fractions in the top sediments. The metal distribution patterns with depth and the correlations between total organic carbon (TOC) and the total Fe-Mn content were also investigated. The results showed that, for most of the elements except Fe, the concentration of elements in fraction A in the top sediments was higher than that in other depth. The similar rule was also found in fraction B but not in fraction C. Besides, the distributions of V, Cd in fraction B and Pb, Cd, Cu in fraction C might be affected by TOC.  相似文献   

Bi X  Feng X  Yang Y  Qiu G  Li G  Li F  Liu T  Fu Z  Jin Z 《Environment international》2006,32(7):883-890
Total heavy metal (Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn) concentrations were evaluated in smelting waste, soil, crop and moss samples collected from the Hezhang artisanal zinc smelting areas, Guizhou, China. Soil samples from the cornfield near the smelting sites contained extremely high Cd (5.8-74 mg kg(-1)), Pb (60-14,000 mg kg(-1)) and Zn (260-16,000 mg kg(-1)) concentrations. Elevated heavy metal concentrations were also found in corn plants and total Pb (0.80-1.5 mg kg(-1)) and Cd (0.05-0.76 mg kg(-1)) concentrations in corn grain have totally or partially exceeded the national guidance limits for foodstuff. Thus, the soil-to-crop transfer of heavy metals might pose a potential health risk to the local residents. Similar to the high heavy metal levels in soil and corn, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn concentrations in moss samples collected from the smelting sites ranged from 10 to 110, 10 to 55, 26 to 51, 400 to 1200 and 330 to 1100 mg kg(-1), respectively, exhibiting a local spatial pattern of metals deposition from the atmosphere. Based on examination of Zn/Cd and Pb/Cd ratios of the analyzed samples, we have distinguished between the flue gas dust derived and smelting waste derived metals in different environmental compartments.  相似文献   

Soil pollution with Cr, Cu, Ni, and Pb oxides or crude oil has an adverse effect on biological properties of ordinary chernozem. The degrees of their deterioration in laboratory and field experiments do not differ statistically, indicating that the results of laboratory modeling may be correctly extrapolated to the field scale. Pollution of ordinary chernozem with oil affects biological properties of both topsoil and subsoil horizons, while Pb is harmful only for the upper soil horizon. Concentrations in excess of 25 mg/kg for Pb and 0.25% for oil in ordinary chernozem are not ecologically safe (not allowable).  相似文献   

Organochlorine pesticides and heavy metals were analyzed in fish from remote mountain lakes and Lhasa River in Tibetan Plateau. Concentrations of summation operatorHCH, summation operatorDDT and HCB in fish muscles were in the range of 0.13-2.6 ng/g, 0.78-23 ng/g, 0.31-3.2 ng/g based on wet weight, respectively. Heavy metals were routinely found with different levels in fish. The Cu and Zn levels were relatively high with the maximum concentrations reaching 2.0 and 6.9 microg/g, respectively. Accumulation of OCPs and heavy metals are quite different in tissues and organs. Gill seems to accumulate more OCPs due to absorption by its larger surface per tissue. Heavy metal levels were generally high in liver, eggs and gill, and low in brain and muscle. Results from this study demonstrate that the Tibetan Plateau functions as a regional contaminant convergence zone by long-range atmospheric transport and orographic cold trapping.  相似文献   

Kolleru lake is the largest fresh water lake in the districts of East and West Godavari of Andhra Pradesh, India. Many anthropogenic sources contribute to the heavy metal pollution in the lake and the bioaccumulation of heavy metals in fish helps in assessing the aquatic pollution. Total contents and fractionation of selected heavy metals, viz., Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb, Cr, Ni and Co were measured in sediment sample and three edible fish. The investigation aimed at revealing differences in the accumulation pattern of heavy metals in fish inhabiting sediments characterized by varying metal bioavailability. The metal concentrations were found to be greater than the background concentrations of sediments indicating the anthropogenic origin of metals. Good recovery values were obtained for metal contents in sediments and fish. Large fractions of Zn, Cd and Cu were associated with mobile fraction of sediment and showed greater bioaccumulation in fish whereas Ni and Co were least mobilisable. The results clearly indicate that the fish of Kolleru lake are contaminated with metals and not advisable for human consumption.  相似文献   

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