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为严肃查处瞒报谎报生产安全事故的行为,促进生产经营单位及其人员依法依规报告生产安全事故,国家安监总局日前印发《生产经营单位瞒报谎报事故行为查处办法》,明确了瞒报、谎报事故行为的认定标准,并规定单位主要负责人对事故报告负总责,并对瞒报、谎报事故行为承担法律责任。  相似文献   

各省、自治区、直辖市及新疆生产建设兵团安全生产监督管理局,各省级煤矿安全监察机构:为严肃查处瞒报谎报生产安全事故的行为,促进生产经营单位及其人员依法依规报告生产安全事故,根据《生产安全事故报告和调查处理条例》(国务院令第493号)和《国务院关于进一步加强企业安全生产工作的通知》(国发[2010]23号)等有关规定,国家安全监管总局制定了《生产经营单位瞒报谎报事故行为查处办法》,现印发给你们,请遵照执行。  相似文献   

梅局长非常不自在,他恨不得在小煤矿办公,即使这样,还是发生了瞒报事故.他对欧阳山说:"欧阳局长,这事我也有责任." 欧阳山又问欧阳河:"你们矿还有没有瞒报事故?""还有两起事故.一个是电缆失火,没伤到人;一个是跑车,打翻了几个支架."  相似文献   

为了杜绝瞒报事故现象出现,基于案例分析了企业瞒报事故的危害,探究了事故瞒报的一般原因,构建出事故报告三条线同时报告模式。结果表明:发生事故后隐瞒掩盖无益于事故的解决,反而会导致更大的损失,应当从事故举报的激励措施以及员工素质的提升2方面有效预防事故瞒报,新模式下事故报告时间更短、信息更准确。  相似文献   

"瞒报事故为何屡禁不止,就是因为瞒报成本太低。对此类瞒报事故要快速处理,不搞马拉松,不搞下不为例。参与瞒报事故的相关责任人必须承担法律责任,接受经济处罚。"——2012年12月25日,山西中南铁路通道吕梁山隧道发生爆炸事故,8人遇难5人受伤,中铁隧道集团二处有限公司瞒报事故长达5天。易安网友提出,对此类瞒报事故必须"零容忍"。  相似文献   

4月26日,黑龙江省鸡西市滴道区桂发煤矿发生瓦斯爆炸事故,造成9人死亡。事故发生后,该矿瞒报事故并转移遇难者遗体,矿主逃逸……无独有偶!日前,国务院安委会办公室通报了4月以来,包括黑龙江省鸡西市滴道区桂发煤矿“四二六”在内的6起瞒报迟报谎报事故。其中,河北省1起、云南省2起、黑龙江省3起。是谁在导演瞒报?瞒报的背后又隐藏了什么?  相似文献   

“辽宁省凤城市2005年上报的煤矿生产安全事故仅2起,煤矿百万吨死亡率达到了国际先进水平,该市煤炭局因此获得国家级煤矿生产许可依法监管先进集体。可是,记者根据举报对该市的情况进行了暗访,发现该市存在严重的煤矿事故瞒报”(据2006年2月26日《重庆晚报》)。  相似文献   

今年以来,山西、河南、辽宁等省份连续发生多起恶意隐瞒矿山事故的事件,瞒报事故行为严重违反了有关法律法规,延误了事故抢救的最佳时机,给人民生命财产造成更大的损失;有的无视矿工生命,不及时组织救援,甚至封井破坏事故现场,性质极其恶劣,社会影响极坏.对此,国务院领导同志高度重视,要求迅速查明真相,依法严惩瞒报者,重申有关制度,坚决做到执法必严、违法必究,坚决维护人民群众的利益和法律的尊严.  相似文献   

为研究事故瞒报问题的深层原因,采用演化博弈和系统动力学(SD)方法,在复制动态方程的基础上,构建安监部门和施工单位间的博弈系统流图模型,分析采用纯策略、随机策略、混合策略及动态惩罚措施情况下事故瞒报问题的演化博弈过程及影响因子;利用Vensim_Ple仿真软件,对系统进行模拟仿真分析。结果表明,施工单位不瞒报的概率会随安监部门调查强度的增加而趋于稳定;安监部门对施工单位的调查概率、惩罚力度是影响事故瞒报问题是否发生的重要因素。  相似文献   

辽宁省凤城市2005年上报的煤矿事故仅两起,煤矿百万吨死亡率达到了国际先进水平,该市煤炭局因此获得国家级煤矿生产许可依法监管先进集体。可是,记者根据举报,对该市的情况进行暗访,发现该市存在严重的煤矿事故瞒报。(据2月26日《重庆晚报》)地方政府及其官员为什么要瞒报矿难?根本原因是要逃避责任、骗取政绩。而他们逃避责任、骗取政绩又必然要以牺牲公共利益和公民权利为代价。所以,瞒上必先欺下,也就是说,欺骗上级的先决条件是欺压基层群众,使群众在遭受生命财产的损失后还不敢伸张权利。事实上,凤城市煤炭局为了达到瞒报的目的,一是篡改殡仪馆的死亡证明,二是叫煤矿老板与死者家属  相似文献   

我国道路交通安全发展情景分析   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:9  
以日本和美国为例 ,分析了发达国家道路交通事故高发期的发展历程 ,得出了道路交通事故的上升与国家经济发展和机动化增长有着直接关系的结论。笔者通过分析和预测我国经济和道路交通的发展情景发现 ,今后我国道路交通发展特征和日本道路交通高发期的情况十分类似。如果现有交通管理体制和技术措施没有大的变化 ,我国道路交通事故死亡人数到 2 0 2 0年可能会超过 2 3万人。为此 ,国家应尽快改善道路交通管理方面所存在体制上、行政上和技术上的不足 ,防止出现笔者所预测的道路交通事故极其严重的局面。  相似文献   

Mental models of safety: do managers and employees see eye to eye?   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
PROBLEM: Disagreements between managers and employees about the causes of accidents and unsafe work behaviors can lead to serious workplace conflicts and distract organizations from the important work of establishing positive safety climate and reducing the incidence of accidents. METHOD AND RESULTS: In this study, the authors examine a model for predicting safe work behaviors and establish the model's consistency across managers and employees in a steel plant setting. Using the model previously described by Brown, Willis, and Prussia (2000), the authors found that when variables influencing safety are considered within a framework of safe work behaviors, managers and employees share a similar mental model. The study then contrasts employees' and managers' specific attributional perceptions. Findings from these more fine-grained analyses suggest the two groups differ in several respects about individual constructs. Most notable were contrasts in attributions based on their perceptions of safety climate. When perceived climate is poor, managers believe employees are responsible and employees believe managers are responsible for workplace safety. However, as perceived safety climate improves, managers and employees converge in their perceptions of who is responsible for safety. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: It can be concluded from this study that in a highly interdependent work environment, such as a steel mill, where high system reliability is essential and members possess substantial experience working together, managers and employees will share general mental models about the factors that contribute to unsafe behaviors, and, ultimately, to workplace accidents. It is possible that organizations not as tightly coupled as steel mills can use such organizations as benchmarks, seeking ways to create a shared understanding of factors that contribute to a safe work environment. Part of this improvement effort should focus on advancing organizational safety climate. As climate improves, managers and employees are likely to agree more about the causes of safe/unsafe behaviors and workplace accidents, ultimately increasing their ability to work in unison to prevent accidents and to respond appropriately when they do occur. Finally, the survey items included in this study may be useful to organizations wishing to conduct self-assessments.  相似文献   

章仕杰  傅贵 《安全》2019,40(8):46-51
为了系统地分析建筑施工事故原因、有效预防同类事故,运用STAMP模型从控制角度详细分析了一起特别重大坍塌事故,分别从物理过程及环境因素、基层操作原因以及管理层原因3方面分析了导致事故的控制缺陷,并且根据分析结果,提出事故控制措施及建议。结果表明:STAMP模型不仅可以分析各个层级的原因,还可以找出层级之间以及层级内不同组织之间的交互影响原因;建设方、施工方、监理方以及承包方对项目管理内容交叉与重叠,且沟通与协调缺失是导致错误决策和不恰当控制动作产生的主要因素;基层不安全控制动作直接导致事故发生,但取决于管理因素,管理层的原因是预防同类事故的重点。  相似文献   

如何建立工伤保险与工伤事故预防有机结合的机制 ,不仅是我国工伤保险制度改革的重要课题 ,也是日本工伤社会保险改革过程的重要内容之一。日本打破了每隔 3年对费率进行一次调整的惯例 ,从2 0 0 3年度开始 ,提前一年执行了平均被下调了 1‰的新的劳灾保险费率体系。笔者对此举动阐述了以下观点 :除从厚生劳动省说明的近年来劳灾事故大幅度减少及为减轻企业主的负担等原因外 ,还应从处理劳灾保险制度与劳灾事故预防工作的关系上分析提前调整费率的动机。即这个重要决策旨在强调劳灾保险与事故预防的有机结合、利用保险费率的经济杠杆作用 ,借“第 10个防止劳动灾害五年规划”启动之良机 ,全面提高劳动安全卫生管理水平。  相似文献   

HSE理念与管理研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
HSE(健康,安全和环境)的理念和文化建立是非常重要的,文化的建立离不开好的管理系统.员工或领导对工作不熟悉或没有按照生产程序去做,从而导致事故发生.为了预防事故,安全和生产不可分割.公司重视HSE管理,即重视人的生命和价值,热心公益事业,则有高效率的管理系统.  相似文献   

‘Accidents recur,’ which is what Kletz [Kletz T. (1993). Lessons from disasters, how organisations have no memory and accidents recur. UK: Institution of Chemical Engineers] wrote in 1993. Indeed, despite all measures taken accidents may re-occur, but ‘disruptions’ in a process reoccur much more frequently. If a disruption occurs it may lead to an accident. If the same disruption reoccurs it is certainly suspect and should be considered as a potential precursor. In this paper, we concentrate on these disruptions and we will define them as precursors if they recur. Organizations somehow lack the ability to control such recurring disruptions that may escalate into serious accidents under certain circumstances. The presence of such precursors long before the occurrence of an accident raises doubts about how well organizations control safety.In this paper, the control mechanism inside organizations is examined, by means of several accident investigations. It will be shown that not only accidents recur, but also that disruptions recur in a period preceding the actual accident. The recurrence of these disruptions implies that the corresponding organizational control mechanism must be failing. Often, alternative circumstances prompt the escalation of such precursors and lead to actual accidents. It is demonstrated that the use of detailed accident information is of great importance for companies that are actually willing to prevent accidents through the elimination of disruptions preceding accidents.  相似文献   

In the past, the chemical industry in Japan has been the cause of a number of major industrial accidents. Subsequent to each accident, specific lessons have been learned. These lessons learned have been implemented in terms of safety education of the employees and/or safety measures of the equipment and facilities resulting in a rapid decrease of corresponding accident frequencies. In this paper, we summarized both recent and past major accidents caused by chemical substances in fixed installations in Japan. Case studies show that runaway reactions are among the main causes of major accident occurrences in the chemical process industry in Japan. A recent fatal poisoning accident caused by H2S gas generated during maintenance work again highlights the necessity of adequate safety management in a chemical factory. Therefore, even if hazard evaluation of chemical substances and chemical processes is necessary to prevent runaway reactions, human error is also an important factor contributing to reaction hazards [Wakakura, M. (1997) Human factor in chemical accidents, J. Safety Eng. High Press. Gas. Safety Inst. Japan, 34, 846].  相似文献   

论安全学科的内涵与本科教育课程体系建设   总被引:11,自引:10,他引:11  
安全学科的内涵是该学科本科教学课程体系建设的基础。学科内涵包括学科研究对象、研究目的、学科属性、研究方法、研究范围、研究内容、基本概念和基本公理。就安全学科来说 ,其研究对象可以简单地认为是损失程度范围非常宽广的事故 ,研究目的当然就是预防事故和控制事故损失 ;由于事故的发生既有社会、人文方面的原因 ,也有自然方面的原因 ,所以安全学科的研究方法就不可能是单一的 ,学科的属性也就具有人文、社会、自然等多重性。由于社会组织最有可能控制事故发生的原因 ,所以安全学科的研究范围一定是一个大到国家、地区 ,小到企业的社会组织 ,组织之内预防事故和控制事故损失的各种方法构成了安全学科的研究内容。该学科有危险源、风险、事故、安全和危险 5个基本概念 ,也可以识别出至少 4条基本公理。以上述学科内涵为理论基础 ,可以构建出近年来作为讨论焦点的安全学科本科教学课程体系。  相似文献   

关于道路交通安全现代化进程的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
道路交通安全是世界各国极为关注的问题之一。笔者从交通安全角度将道路交通现代化进程分为第一次现代化和第二次现代化两个阶段。根据人—车—路三者关系协调程度的变化 ,又可将第一次交通现代化阶段分为起步期、发展前期、发展后期、成熟期和过渡期等 5个时期。各个时期的交替可根据交通事故死亡人数的变化趋势来划分。笔者通过对日本 4 0多年来和我国 10多年来交通现代化的发展历程进行了对比分析 ,认为我国道路交通现在处于第一次交通现代化阶段的发展前期 ,今后交通事故死亡人数有可能进一步大幅度上升。为此 ,应该加大对传统交通手段的改造和交通现代化的投入 ,以防出现道路交通事故极其严重的局面。  相似文献   

Each hazard analysis technique is based on a model of accident causation. Most accident models regard accidents as resulting from a chain or sequence of events, such models are fit for accidents caused by failures of physical components and for relatively simple systems, but suffer from serious deficiencies when they are applied to software-intensive, complex engineering systems. Recently, a new accident model called System-Theoretic Accident Models and Process (STAMP) for system safety has been proposed, it is based on control theory and enforces constraints on hazards and thereby prevent accidents. In this paper, taking the China–Jiaoji railway accident happened on April 28, 2008 as an example, the STAMP approach has been used to analyze the railway accident and some improvement measures have been proposed. As the occurrence of one accident can cause many other accidents happen, based on the STAMP-based analysis, the accident spreading processes have also been discussed and modeled, which will be helpful to analyze accidents spreading in a broad sense and establish effective emergent measures for accident response management.  相似文献   

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