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Trace elements (22) and stable isotope ratios (δ15N and δ13C) were analyzed in marine organisms from shallow (SW) and deep-water (DW) of the East China Sea to understand biomagnification and prey source of trace elements. In the benthic marine organisms from DW, δ15N values were negatively correlated with Ba, Cu, Ag, Mo, Sr, As, and Co concentrations. This may be due to the specific accumulation in lower trophic animals and/or the biodilution through the food web in DW. Relationships between δ15N and concentrations of Co, Cr, Bi, and Tl in fish and Ag, Bi, V, Hg, and Tl in crustaceans showed positive correlations, suggesting that trophic position was affecting the concentrations of those elements in phyla, with higher trophic animals retaining higher concentrations than the lower trophic animals. Positive correlations between δ13C and Rb were observed in marine organisms. Therefore, Rb may be a possible substitute of δ13C as tracer of prey source in the East China Sea although further investigation is required.  相似文献   

During Norwegian and Danish harbour porpoise projects 1987-1991, subcutaneous blubber samples of 34 male harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) were collected. Animals from three geographical locations, ranging from 56 degrees N, 12 degrees E to 71 degrees N, 26 degrees E, were chosen in order to study the organochlorine (OC) contamination in this species inhabiting the northeastern part of the North Atlantic Ocean, the northern North Sea and Kattegat, at the locations of Tufjord, Vestlandet and Gilleleje, respectively. Analytical standards used consisted of the industrial chemicals PCBs (22 individual PCB congeners and 6 industrial mixtures which contained 104 PCB congeners or group of congeners) and HCB, and the organochlorine pesticides DDT, HCH, the cyclodienes endrin, dieldrin and the chlordane metabolites oxychlordane and trans-nonachlor, and heptachlor epoxide. A total of 16 PCB congeners or groups of congeners, all the DDT metabolites except o,p'-DDD, and all the pesticides were detected in all animals. The concentrations of sigmaPCB (sum of concentrations of 47 detected PCB congeners) and sigmaDDT (sum of concentrations of all DDT detected compounds) ranged from 3.7-65.3 and 3.2-45.0 microg g(-1) lipid weight, respectively. The range of mean concentrations of dieldrin, endrin and trans-nonachlor was 1-3 microg g(-1), while mean concentrations of HCHs, heptachlor epoxide, and HCB were <1 microg g(-1). No significant variation in PCB congener pattern was apparent between geographical areas. The major PCB congeners nos 147/123, 153, 138/163/164, 182/187 and 180 at Gilleleje, Vestlandet and Tufjord represented 53%, 45% and 44% of sigmaPCB, respectively. A significant difference was found between the number of PCB congeners in blubber of newborn and older porpoises. This might indicate the presence of a blood/placenta barrier and/or selective mammary transport of PCBs with specific structures. A significant OC accumulation with age was apparent, with the exception of HCB and HCHs. Geographical differences in the levels of OCs were apparent for all compounds except for dieldrin and heptachlor epoxide. Significantly higher levels of chlordane metabolites (trans-nonachlor and oxychlordane) and endrin were found in the group of animals from the northern location Tufjord, while sigmaDDT, p,p'-DDTs, HCHs and PCBs were highest in the group of animals from the southern location Gilleleje. Highest levels of the o,p'-substituted DDTs were found in specimens from the middle location Vestlandet. These findings indicate little or no regular migration of harbour porpoise between these three locations. No correlations were found between OC concentrations and blubber thickness. Although mean values of sigmaDDT and sigmaPCB were in the lower end of previously reported levels in harbour porpoise from adjacent waters in the eastern part of the North Atlantic Ocean and along the coasts of North America, these levels are relatively high. The organochlorine concentrations in harbour porpoises in the present study were 2-3 times higher than corresponding OC levels detected in harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) from the same areas.  相似文献   

Ishaq R  Karlson K  Näf C 《Chemosphere》2000,41(12):1913-1925
Polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs) and non-ortho chlorinated biphenyls (non-ortho CBs) were analysed in blubber, nuchal fat, liver, muscle, kidney and brain of three male harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) from the west coast of Sweden. To estimate spatial variation, PCNs and non-ortho CBs were analysed in six blubber samples collected at different anatomical sites of each animal. Highest wet weight concentrations of ΣPCNs were detected in the lipid rich tissues (blubber and nuchal fat) and liver (520–730 and 520 pg/g, respectively) and lowest in brain (22 pg/g). TetraCNs were most abundant in muscle, kidney and brain, while the hexaCNs were most abundant in the lipid rich tissues and liver. The highest lipid weight concentration recorded (11 ng/g) was for the hexaCN congeners no. 66/67 in liver. These coeluting hexaCN congeners accounted for 80–100% of total hexaCNs in all tissues examined.

Concentrations of Σnon-ortho CBs were highest in lipid rich tissues (220–280 pg/g wet weight). Non-ortho CB no. 77 and 169 constituted between 62–86% and 4.9–9.3%, respectively, of total Σnon-ortho CBs. No major variation of Σnon-ortho CB concentrations was found between the six different blubber sites but higher ΣPCN concentrations (wet weight) were found dorsally at the peduncle. Toxic equivalent concentrations (TEQs) showed that non-ortho CB no. 126 was the main contributor to total TEQs in all tissues, except liver in which hexaCN congener nos. 66/67 contributed to about 50% of total TEQs.  相似文献   

In this study we compared the contribution of individual congeners and the ratios of stable carbon isotopes of two technical toxaphene products. The former US-American product Toxaphene was from 1978 and the East-German product Melipax from 1979. Both technical products showed the known complexity in GC/ECD measurements. Contributions of 24 peaks to each of the technical products were determined by gas chromatography in combination high resolution electron capture negative ion mass spectrometry (GC/ECNI-HRMS). The percentages of the compounds studied in the technical mixtures ranged from approximately 0.05% to approximately 2.5% but showed some individual differences. 2,2,5,5,8,9,9,10,10-nonachlorobornane (B9-1025 or P-62) was identified as a major congener in both mixtures. 2-Endo,3-exo,5-endo,6-exo,8,8,10,10-octachlorobornane (B8-1413 or P26) and 2-endo,3-exo,5-endo,6-exo,8,8,9,10,10-nonachlorobornane (B9-1679 or P-50) were found at similar concentration in both technical products. Identical amounts of Melipax or Toxaphene were combusted to CO2 in an element analyzer and their delta13C values were determined relative to the international standard Vienna PeeDee belemnite (VPDB). The mean delta13C values of both products varied by 2.8% (determined at two different locations) which is roughly one order of magnitude more than the precision obtained in repetitive analyses of the individual products. Thus, both investigated products could be unequivocally distinguished by stable isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS). IRMS analyses may thus be a suitable tool for tracing back toxaphene residues in environmental and food samples to the one or both of the products.  相似文献   

Concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in blubber of female common dolphins and harbour porpoises from the Atlantic coast of Europe were frequently above the threshold at which effects on reproduction could be expected, in 40% and 47% of cases respectively. This rose to 74% for porpoises from the southern North Sea. PCB concentrations were also high in southern North Sea fish. The average pregnancy rate recorded in porpoises (42%) in the study area was lower than in the western Atlantic but that in common dolphins (25%) was similar to that of the western Atlantic population. Porpoises that died from disease or parasitic infection had higher concentrations of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) than animals dying from other causes. Few of the common dolphins sampled had died from disease or parasitic infection. POP profiles in common dolphin blubber were related to individual feeding history while those in porpoises were more strongly related to condition.  相似文献   

Yang J  Miyazaki N  Kunito T  Tanabe S 《Chemosphere》2006,63(3):449-457
Concentrations and body burdens of 14 trace elements (Hg, Cr, Mn, Co, Cu, Zn, Sr, Ag, Cd, V, Se, Pb, Mo, and Fe) and butyltins (BTs) (tributyltin TBT, dibutyltin DBT, and monobutyltin MBT) were determined in various tissues of a mature male Dall's porpoise (Phocoenoides dalli) collected off the Sanriku coast of Japan. Selective accumulation in this porpoise was observed for Hg, Mn, Cu, Ag, Mo, Fe, and total BTs (TBT, DBT, and MBT) in the liver, Cd in the kidney, Zn, Sr, V, Pb, and Co in the bone, and Se in the skin. In contrast, Cr concentrations in all tissues were similar. This distribution pattern in this mature porpoise was in general agreement with the accumulation characteristics of trace elements and butyltins reported for other marine mammals. The whole body of the porpoise contained approximately 62 g Fe, 8.8 g Zn, 4.0 g Sr, 0.6g Se, 0.41 g Cu, 0.19 g Hg, 0.17 g Cd, 0.16 g Mn, 0.05 g Cr, 0.009 g Ag, 0.008 g Mo, 0.005 g Pb, 0.004 g Co, and 0.7 mg of BTs (0.4 mg TBT, 0.2 mg DBT, and 0.1 mg MBT). Metabolism of TBT to its breakdown products of this porpoise seems to be limited, since TBT still accounted for about half of the total burden of BTs. As in the cases of Hg, Mn, Cu, Se, and Fe, the muscle was the most important reservoir (43%) for the whole body burden of total BTs, 80% of which was TBT, and thus muscle played a crucial role in the higher body composition of TBT in this Dall's porpoise.  相似文献   

Kahle J  Zauke GP 《Chemosphere》2003,51(5):409-417
The concentrations of Cd, Co, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn were determined in the Antarctic copepods Rhincalanus gigas (Brady, 1883), Calanus propinquus (Brady, 1883), Calanoides acutus (Giesbrecht, 1902), Metridia curticauda (Giesbrecht, 1889) and Metridia gerlachei (Giesbrecht, 1902). Samples were taken at seven different stations between 18.01.1999 and 19.02.1999. Metal concentrations in biological tissue were determined by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy (GFAAS) with Zeeman background correction and by flame AAS (air-acetylene) with deuterium background correction. We found high mean Cd concentrations in the Metridia species of about 10 microg Cd g(-1) and 3-6 microg Cd g(-1) in the other copepods. Co and Pb concentrations were low in all species investigated (<0.1 microg Co g(-1) and <1 microg Pb g(-1)). Zn concentrations were high in M. gerlachei and R. gigas (518 and 430 microg Zn g(-1)). In comparison to copepods from Arctic Seas (Fram Strait, Greenland Sea) and the North Sea, Cd and Cu concentrations appear higher in Antarctic copepods, while Ni and Pb concentrations are similar in both polar regions and Pb concentrations are higher in the North Sea. Variability between species and different regions are discussed.  相似文献   

Few techniques exist to measure the biodegradation of recalcitrant organic compounds such as chlorinated hydrocarbons (CHC) in situ, yet predictions of biodegradation rates are needed for assessing monitored natural attenuation. Traditional techniques measuring O2, CO2, or chemical concentrations (in situ respiration, metabolite and soil air monitoring) may not be sufficiently sensitive to estimate biodegradation rates for these compounds. This study combined isotopic measurements (14C and delta13C of CO2 and delta13C of CHCs) in conjunction with traditional methods to assess in situ biodegradation of perchloroethylene (PCE) and its metabolites in PCE-contaminated vadose zone sediments. CHC, ethene, ethane, methane, O2, and CO2 concentrations were measured over 56 days using gas chromatography (GC). delta13C of PCE, trichloroethylene (TCE) and cis-1,2-dichloroethylene (DCE), delta13C and 14C of vadose zone CO2 and sediment organic matter, and delta13C, 14C, and deltaD of methane were measured using a GC-isotope ratio mass spectrometer or accelerator mass spectrometer. PCE metabolites accounted for 0.2% to 18% of CHC concentration suggesting limited reductive dechlorination. Metabolites TCE and DCE were significantly enriched in (13)C with respect to PCE indicating metabolite biodegradation. Average delta13C-CO2 in source area wells (-23.5 per thousand) was significantly lower compared to background wells (-18.4 per thousand) indicating CHC mineralization. Calculated CHC mineralization rates were 0.003 to 0.01 mg DCE/kg soil/day based on lower 14C values of CO2 in the contaminated wells (63% to 107% modern carbon (pMC)) relative to the control well (117 pMC). Approximately 74% of the methane was calculated to be derived from in situ CHC biodegradation based on the 14C measurement of methane (29 pMC). 14C-CO2 analyses was a sensitive measurement for quantifying in situ recalcitrant organic compound mineralization in vadose zone sediments for which limited methodological tools exist.  相似文献   

Concentrations of 99 organochlorine compounds were measured in the blubber of 196 harbour porpoises, Phocoena phocoena, killed in commercial gill net fisheries in the western North Atlantic. PCBs and chlorinated bornanes (CHB) were the dominant contaminants in all porpoises. Mean concentrations (with standard deviations) of PCBs and CHBs from the three regions were as follows: Bay of Fundy/Gulf of Maine, PCB males 17.3 +/- 11.2 microg/g, PCB females 11.4 +/- 4.8 microg/g, CHB males 11.5 +/- 6.6 microg/g, CHB females 8.4 +/- 5.3 microg/g; Gulf of St Lawrence, PCB males 10.6 +/- 5.4 microg/g, PCB females 7.2 +/- 3.9 microg/g, CHB males 14.1 +/- 8.8 microg/g, CHB females 9.0 +/- 6.3 microg/g; southeast Newfoundland, PCB males 5.2 +/- 2.5 microg/g, PCB females 5.5 +/- 4.4 microg/g, CHB males 7.0 +/- 2.2 microg/g, CHB females 5.5 +/- 3.0 microg/g. The relative composition of the major contaminant groups found in male and female harbour porpoise blubber from the three locations varied. In order of decreasing concentration, porpoises from Fundy/Maine had PCBs > CHB > DDT > chlordanes (CHL), whereas Gulf of St Lawrence and Newfoundland porpoises had CHB > PCB > DDT > CHL. Significant increases with age were observed for most contaminants in male harbour porpoises, and significant decreases were observed in females. Females lose about 15% of their contaminant burden per birth. PCB and DDT levels in porpoises from the Bay of Fundy are significantly lower than those recorded in the 1970s.  相似文献   

Nitrogen concentration and δ15N in 175 epilithic moss samples were investigated along four directions from urban to rural sites in Guiyang, SW China. The spatial variations of moss N concentration and δ15N revealed that atmospheric N deposition is dominated by NHx-N from two major sources (urban sewage NH3 and agricultural NH3), the deposition of urban-derived NHx followed a point source pattern characterized by an exponential decline with distance from the urban center, while the agricultural-derived NHx was shown to be a non-point source. The relationship between moss N concentration and distance (y = 1.5e−0.13x + 1.26) indicated that the maximum transporting distance of urban-derived NHx averaged 41 km from the urban center, and it could be determined from the relationship between moss δ15N and distance [y = 2.54 ln(x) − 12.227] that urban-derived NHx was proportionally lower than agricultural-derived NHx in N deposition at sites beyond 17.2 km from the urban center. Consequently, the variation of urban-derived NHx with distance from the urban center could be modeled as y = 56.272e−0.116x − 0.481 in the Guiyang area.  相似文献   

Chlordecone is an organochlorine insecticide that has been widely used to control banana weevil in the French West Indies. As a result of this intense use, up to 20,000 ha are contaminated by this insecticide in the French West Indies, and this causes environmental damage and health problems. A scenario of exposure was drawn by French authorities, based on land usage records. Many efforts have been made to monitor the occurrence of chlordecone and its main metabolites using different analytical methods, including GC, GC/MS, LC/MS, and NIRS. Although these different methods allow for the detection and quantification of chlordecone from soils, none of them estimate the bottleneck caused by extraction of this organochlorine from soils with high adsorption ability. In this study, we used 13C10-chlordecone as a tracer to estimate chlordecone extraction yield and to quantify chlordecone in soil extracts based on the 13C/12C isotope dilution. We report the optimization of 13C10-chlordecone extraction from an Andosol. The method was found to be linear from 0.118 to 43 mg kg?1 in the Andosol, with an instrumental detection limit estimated at 8.84 μg kg?1. This method showed that chlordecone ranged from 35.4 down to 0.18 mg kg?1 in Andosol, Nitisol, Ferralsol, and Fluvisol soil types. Traces of the metabolite β-monohydrochlordecone were detected in the Andosol, Nitisol, and Ferralsol soil samples. This last result indicates that this method could be useful to monitor the fate of chlordecone in soils of the French West Indies.  相似文献   

Arctic fox (Alopex lagopus) is a circumpolar species distributed across northern Canada and Alaska. Arctic fox muscle and liver were collected at Barrow, AK, USA (n=18), Holman, NT, Canada (n=20), and Arviat, NU, Canada (n=20) to elucidate the feeding ecology of this species and relate these findings to body residue patterns of organochlorine contaminants (OCs). Stable carbon (delta 13C) and nitrogen (delta 15N) isotope analyses of Arctic fox muscle indicated that trophic position (estimated by delta 15N) is positively correlated with increasing delta 13C values, suggesting that Arctic fox with a predominantly marine-based foraging strategy occupy a higher trophic level than individuals mostly feeding from a terrestrial-based carbon source. At all sites, the rank order for OC groups in muscle was polychlorinated biphenyls (Sigma PCB) > chlordane-related compounds (Sigma CHLOR) > hexachlorocyclohexane (Sigma HCH) > total toxaphene (TOX) > or = chlorobenzenes (Sigma ClBz) > DDT-related isomers (Sigma DDT). In liver, Sigma CHLOR was the most abundant OC group, followed by Sigma PCB > TOX > Sigma HCH > Sigma ClBz > Sigma DDT. The most abundant OC analytes detected from Arctic fox muscle and liver were oxychlordane, PCB-153, and PCB-180. The comparison of delta 15N with OC concentrations indicated that relative trophic position might not accurately predict OC bioaccumulation in Arctic fox. The bioaccumulation pattern of OCs in the Arctic fox is similar to the polar bear. While Sigma PCB concentrations were highly variable, concentrations in the Arctic fox were generally below those associated with the toxicological endpoints for adverse effects on mammalian reproduction. Further research is required to properly elucidate the potential health impacts to this species from exposure to OCs.  相似文献   

Many studies that investigate pollutant levels, or use stable isotope ratios to define trophic level or animal origin, use different standard ways of sampling (dorsal, whole filet or whole body samples). This study shows that lipid content, SigmaPCB and delta(13)C display large differences within muscle samples taken from a single Atlantic salmon. Lipid- and PCB-content was lowest in tail muscles, intermediate in anterior-dorsal muscles and highest in the stomach (abdominal) muscle area. Stable isotopes of carbon (delta(13)C) showed a lipid accumulation in the stomach muscle area and a depletion in tail muscles. We conclude that it is important to choose an appropriate sample location within an animal based on what processes are to be studied. Care should be taken when attributing persistent pollutant levels or stable isotope data to specific environmental processes before controlling for within-animal variation in these variables.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) is the main constituent of dissolved organic matter (DOM), also a key indicator of water quality conditions....  相似文献   

Concentrations of trace elements (Hg, Cd, Pb, Zn, Cu, Fe, and Se) in different organs and tissues (liver, kidney, muscle tissue, spleen, heart, lung, and fat tissue) of loggerhead turtles Caretta caretta from eastern Mediterranean Sea were determined. The highest levels of mercury and cadmium were found in liver (Hg: 0.43 microg g(-1) wet weight; Cd: 3.36 microg g(-1) wet weight) and kidney (Hg: 0.16 microg g(-1) wet weight; Cd: 8.35 microg g(-1) wet weight). For lead the overall concentrations were low and often below the limit of detection. Copper and selenium tended to be higher in liver than in other tissues and organs, while for zinc the concentrations were quite homogenous in the different organs and tissues, except fat tissue (64.7 microg g(-1) wet weight) which showed a higher accumulation of this element. For iron the greatest concentrations were observed in liver (409 microg g(-1) wet weight) and spleen (221 microg g(-1) wet weight).  相似文献   


Stable isotope analysis of15N/14N and18O/16O - nitrate was used to investigate the nitrate dynamics and potential groundwater pollution in an Alpine forest stand in Tyrol/Austria. The dynamics of δ15−Nnitrate values were followed in a forest ecosystem. The stable isotopic values of the throughfall are comparable with other studies. The completely decoupled dynamics of the δ15−Nnitrate of the precipitation and the surface water was observed. High variations in δ15-N - nitrate values in rainfall indicate that nitrate of different sources is deposited at that site. A significant correlation between the δ15Nnitrate values of the surface water and soil water was obtained, while no significant correlation between the δ15Nnitrate values of any precipitation sample with the surface water could be found. This suggests that the main source of nitrate in soil water originates from microbiological activity such as nitrification reactions and less from nitrate input by deposition. The results of δ18Onitrate measurements strongly supported the microbiological origin of nitrate in the surface and soil water. In an additional lysimeter experiment,15N - labelled nitrate was applied to study nitrate transport in soil. After 130 days and the collection of 300 L leachate, a total of 52% of the applied nitrate was detected in seepage water.


The concentration and distribution of Fe, Mn, Ni, Cu, Co, Cd, Cr and Zn among the tissues of female and male lobster Panulirus inflatus from the Pacific coast of México were determined. Distinct inter-tissue and intersize differences in metal concentrations were observed. In general, highest Zn concentrations were found in viscera while highest Cu levels occurred in the gill and gonadal material. The highest Mn, Ni, Cr and Co concentrations were observed in exoskeleton and highest in eggs and gills. Cadmium was undetectable (<0.05 microg g(-1)) in most tissues, only muscle and viscera contained low but detectable amounts. A positive relationship between size and metal concentration was observed only for Zn contained in the muscle of females and males, for Zn contained in the gonad of females, for Mn contained in the gonad of males and for Cu associated with muscle of males. These results are discussed with regard to trace metal concentrations found in temperate and tropical regions.  相似文献   

Harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) and harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) were found to differ in the ability to metabolize polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs). Biomagnification factors (BMFs), calculated between both predators and their prey (sole - Solea solea and whiting - Merlangius merlangus), had a large range of variation (between 0.5 and 91 for PCBs and between 0.6 and 53 for PBDEs). For the higher chlorinated PCBs and the highest brominated PBDEs, the BMF values in adult males were significantly higher than in the juvenile individuals of both species. BMF values of hexa- to octa-PCBs were the highest, suggesting reduced ability to degrade these congeners. Harbour porpoises had higher BMFs for lower chlorinated PCBs and for all PBDEs compared to harbour seals. Other factors, which may influence biomagnification, such as the octanol-water partition coefficients and the trophic level position measured through stable isotope (δ15N) analysis, were found to be of lesser importance to predict biomagnification in the studied food chain.  相似文献   

Surficial sediments (the fraction < 2000 microm) from the Bay of Thessaloniki, in the Northwestern Aegean Sea, Greece were examined for heavy metal and organic carbon contents, as well as for acute LUMIStox toxicity of pore waters (PWs), wet sediment elutriates (WSEs) and dry sediment elutriates (DSEs) obtained from the solid material remaining after PW extraction. WSEs where not toxic. EC20/50 values could be measured in some DSE and PW samples. In all sediment samples, the DSE toxicity was greater than the corresponding PW toxicity. Sediment concentrations of total and labile Cd, Pb, Cu, Cr, Zn, Mn, Ni and Fe were determined and evaluated in relation to sediment quality guidelines. Pollution levels ranged from low to high for certain metals. A misfit between sediment toxicities calculated from heavy metal concentrations and those biologically measured was observed. Toxicity values were in general poorly correlated with sediment's heavy metal or organic carbon content. As significant correlation was however found between the DSE toxicity with total Ni and labile Fe, as well as for the PW toxicity with total Ni, labile Fe and labile Cr.  相似文献   

Marine fish is an important daily diet item for the people of Turkey. The Black Sea Region of Turkey was contaminated by the Chernobyl accident in 1986, a comprehensive study was planned and carried out to determine the radioactivity levels (226Ra, 232Th, 40K and 137Cs) and heavy metal concentrations (As, Mn, Fe, Cr, Ni, Zn, Cu and Pb) in four of the most common fish species: Engraulis encrasicholus (anchovy), Oncorhynchus mykiss (trout), Trachurus mediterranus (bluefin) and Merlangius merlangus (whiting) samples collected from eight stations in the Black Sea Region of Turkey during 2010. The dose due to consumption of fish by the public was estimated and it was shown that this dose imposes no threat to human healthy. The concentrations of heavy metal are below the daily intake recommended by the international organizations.  相似文献   

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