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Naturally-occurring lipophilic inducers of larval settlement and metamorphosis wer isolated and identified for Phragmatopoma californica, a gregarious tube worm from southern California. Organic solvent extraction of the sand/organic cement matrix of tubes diminished the inducing capacity of the tube matrix. The inducing capacity was restricted to a single, highly active, HPLC-purified fraction of the organic solvent extract. Chemical analysis of this fraction revealed a mixture of free fatty acids (FFAs), dominated by eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5, 20%), palmitic acid (16:0, 14%) and palmitoleic acid (16:1, 12%). In assays of the nine FFAs that each contributed 3% or more to the active fraction, only 16:1, 18:2, 20:4 and 20:5 induced larval settlement and metamorphosis, while the others were ineffective. The larval response was contact-dependent, highly specific, and concentration-dependent, with a significant response to 16:1 and 20:4 at as low as 10 g FFA spread onto 1 g of sand (surface area 36 cm2). Active FFAs were extracted at approximately 14 g g-1 sand from the tube matrix, although the levels encountered by larvae in nature are believed to be higher.  相似文献   

The association of the alcyonarian Heteroxenia fuscescens (Ehrb.) with its cytosymbiotic algae shows structural and physiological adaptations optimizing the living together of the two partners as one functional unit. To enhance the energetic contribution of the autotrophic partner, the organization of the heterotrophic partner bears typical plant-like imprints. Up to 20% of the inorganic C photosynthetically fixed was translocated to the host (=2 mg C mg d.w.-1 d-1). This net C gain by the host is used for anabolic purposes including the deposition of storage material. Especially the wax-esters and triglycerides of the host-in contrast to those of the symbionts-were intensively labelled. The in-vivo 14C-fixation of zooxanthellae is more than double the in-vitro fixation. In both symbionts and host, the lipids show the highest relative 14C-incorporation. In particular the polyol component was strongly labelled. After 120 min of continuous incubation, approximately 40 labelled intracellular metabolites were detectable in the ethanol/water soluble fractions of zooxanthellae. Glycerol is the main low-molecular weight carbohydrate being transferred. This is corroborated by the deacylation of lipids of the host.  相似文献   

Loripes lucinalis is a littoral bivalve which has already been confirmed to harbour endo-cellular sulfur-oxidizing bacteria within its gills. Examination of the digestive gland of L. lucinalis collected from the Moulin Blanc Beach in the Bay of Brest (Brittany, France) revealed the existence of an additional association involving a Chlamydia-like organism. Three different forms of Chlamydia-like bacteria were observed: reticulate rod-shaped cells, electron-dense cells and enlarged cells. The reticulate rod-shaped cells and the electron-dense bodies are thought to represent the germinal initial body and infectious form of the bacteria, respectively. The enlarged cells were always associated with what are believed to be spherical or icosahedral phages. Initial infestation seems to occur by phagocytosis at the apical pole of the digestive cells of the tubule and duct epithelia. Within the host cell, the bacteria undergo binary fission and budding, forming an inclusion which gradually fills up the cell. Inclusions are generally between 15 and 30 m in size, and > 85% of all individuals examined possessed inclusion bodies. The level of infestation varied between individuals, some being heavily colonized, but did not seem to be related to season. Histological and ultrastructural observations suggest that, once developed, the colony has three possible fates: (1) the cells will degenerate due to phage infection; (2) colony overcrowding will occur, causing the development of electron-dense bodies that will be released into the lumen; (3) the entire membrane-bound inclusion will be released into the lumen and subsequently into the pallial cavity. Inclusions within the pallial cavity may be ingested by the host or may even be phagocytized by bacteriocyte cells of the gill. It is proposed that this association could be a form of symbiosis and that L. lucinalis may, therefore, be a rare example of an organism adapted to harbour two very different symbioses.  相似文献   

Lucina pectinata is a large tropical Lucinidae which is characterized by abundant tissue hemoglobin in its deep-red gills. In the present paper, hemoglobin is described as being located in cytoplasmic dark patches of the bacteriocytes together with a cystine-rich protein. Large microbodies contain a non-hemoglobin heme-compound which is identified with a previously described non-protein-bound hematin; however, it has not been established whether this heme is involved in a sulphur-oxidizing system or represents a catabolic by-product of hemoglobin. Electron-lucent vesicles are associated with the basal microbodies but their function is, so far, unknown. In addition, the bacteriocytes have been observed to have direct contact with sea water, modulated by large intercalary cells which overlap the bacteriocytes on their margin. Such relationships between bacteriocytes and intercalary cells, as well as their cytological features, are different from those observed in lucinid species inhabiting sea-grass beds, but very similar to those observed in Calyptogena magnifica. From the congruence between the shallow-water Lucinidae L. pectinata, inhabiting mangrove swamps, and the deep-sea Vesicomyidae C. magnifica, found at hydrothermal vents, we conclude that such features are likely to be adaptative to high-sulphide environments, notwithstanding the phylogenetic distance.  相似文献   

Rod-shaped bacteria were consistently observed by transmission electron microscopy in the locomotory test of larvae and in the perivisceral cavity of post-larvae of Solemya reidi, a gutless protobranch bivalve known to possess intracellular chemoautotrophic bacterial symbionts in the adult gill. Bacteria develop within granular vesicles in the larval test, where they either remain to be ingested at metamorphosis, or are released into the space separating the test and embryo, to be subsequently ingested through the larval mouth. In either case, bacteria lie within the perivisceral cavity following metamorphosis. Bacteria were not seen either in or on gametes or in gills of juveniles. It is hypothesized that these bacteria represent a transmission stage of the gill symbionts present in adult S. reidi and are not evident in gametes or gills of juveniles due to cryptic packaging within granular vesicles. Perpetuation of this symbiosis would therefore be assured through vertical transmission, as is typical of other marine invertebrate-bacteria endosymbioses.Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution Contribution No. 602  相似文献   

The utilisation of the exudates of bacteria (Lactobacillus sp.) and phytoplankton (Pavlova lutheri) by the clam Venus verrucosa Linné under identical experimental conditions was studied. 61.7% of the bacterial exudates were consumed but only 19.9% of the algal exudates. V. verrucosa would seem to assimilate bacterial products more easily than phytoplankton exudates. The study was performed in 1980.  相似文献   

The response to chemical disturbance of an Italian river (Cecina River) characterised by high levels of trace metals was assessed in the sentinel species freshwater painter’s mussel (Unio pictorum). We exposed U. pictorum in the laboratory to metal, metalloid and other trace element polluted river sediments in order to evaluate genetic and cellular biomarkers. Bivalves exposed to sediments taken from all the impacted sites of the river basin exhibited a significant impairment at the DNA, chromosomal and lysosomal levels. The lysosomal membrane stability of circulating haemocytes, assessed by the Neutral Red Retention Time, was found to be higher in specimens from Lake Maggiore and Berignone, while exhibited a significant decrease in specimens exposed to Ponteginori sediments. An increase of DNA migration in specimens exposed to the two contaminated sites in comparison with controls was found. Moreover, higher micronucleated haemocytes frequencies were observed in bivalves exposed to sediments collected at Possera 1 site. This study suggested that biomarkers evaluating cellular impairment, genetic and chromosomal damages, are highly sensitive and suitably applied to laboratory experiments. The painter’s mussel was confirmed to be an appropriate sentinel species for quality assessment in metal-contaminated freshwater environments.  相似文献   

Patterns of algal seasonality, and their effect on the diet and feeding preferences of the herbivorous crab Grapsus albolineatus were investigated over an 18-mo period from March 1993 to August 1994 on an exposed tropical rocky shore (Hok Tsui Peninsula at Cape d' Aguilar, Hong Kong). Algal cover was greatest in the winter months, and lowest in the summer. Foliose algae such as Ulva fasciata, Porphyra suborbiculata, and Dermonema frappieri were dominant in the winter, but died off in the summer. During the hot summer months, perennial encrusting algae e.g., Ralfsia expansa, Hildenbrandia rubra, H. occidentalis, coralline crusts and the encrusting cyanobacteria Kyrtuthrix maculans, were the dominant algal species. Seasonal variation in algal abundance influenced the dietary selectivity of the herbivorous crab G. albolineatus. In the winter, the crab fed selectively on filamentous algae (e.g. Hincksia spp., Cladophora spp., Enteromorpha spp., and the cyanobacteria Lyngbya sp.). Foliose algae (e.g. U. fasciata, P. suborbiculata, Pterocladia tenuis) formed a small part of the diet, despite being the dominant species on the shore. Foliose and filamentous algae were virtually absent from the shore in the summer, and the crabs switched to feeding solely on encrusting algae. Electivity indices revealed preferences for green and brown turf species, and avoidance of foliose algae. Faecal analysis revealed that a greater proportion of the food is digested in the winter, suggesting that G. albolineatus is able to digest filamentous algae more efficiently than encrusting algae. Feeding preferences of G. albolineatus appear to be influenced by a number of factors, including the availability, digestibility and morphology of algae. The foraging behaviour and cheliped morphology of the crab also affect food choice. The monsoonal nature of Hong Kong's climate controls the diversity and abundance of intertidal algae and, therefore, indirectly influences the diet and subsequent growth and reproductive success of the herbivorous crab G. albolineatus.  相似文献   

We present information on the reproductive biology, population structure, and growth of the brooding Antarctic bivalve Adacnarca nitens Pelseneer 1903, from the Ross Sea, Antarctica. Individuals ranging from 0.85 to 6.00 mm were found attached to a hydrozoan colony. This species shows low fecundity and large egg size, common to other brooding species. The minimum size at which oogenesis was detected was 2.3 mm and the minimum size at which brooding was evident was 3.9 mm. Embryos of a full range of developmental stages were brooded simultaneously in females. The population showed a log–normal distribution and results suggest non-periodic reproduction with continuous embryonic development. The reproductive traits of A. nitens are discussed in the context of circum-Antarctic species distribution and limitations to dispersal in brooding benthic invertebrates.  相似文献   

L. Fishelson 《Marine Biology》1999,133(2):345-351
The morphology and partial cytology of a group of bacteria-related organisms from the guts of surgeonfish are described. These gigantobacteria symbionts are encountered in the guts of various species of this fish family throughout the Indo-Pacific region and the Red Sea. They have been tentatively grouped and placed in a “family”, Epulopiscidae, according to the first species described, Epulopiscium fishelsoni Montgomery and Pollak, 1988. In addition to a morphological comparison between the various forms from different species of surgeonfish, suggestions are presented with regard to their possible morphological diversification during evolutionary and host-species specificity. Received: 10 June 1998 / Accepted: 29 October 1998  相似文献   

A static renewal test was run for 30 d to assess the effects of the antifoulant tributyltin (TBT, nominal concentrations of 50, 125, 250 and 500 ng Sn l-1) on the survival and growth of 240 m-long pediveliger larvae of the bivalve Scrobicularia plana (da Costa) settling in fine sand. Exposure to nominal TBT levels of 125 ng Sn l-1 (actual range of 37 to 102 ng Sn l-1, as analysed) resulted in substantial mortalities and negligible shell growth of individuals. More importantly, larval shell growth at the lowest concentration tested (i.e. nominal 50 ng Sn l-1 or 14 to 32 ng Sn l-1, as analysed) was significantly reduced (by a factor of 4) and grossly abnormal. In contrast, some control postlarvae had begun developing siphons as they attained a length of 600 to 700 m by the end of this test, thereby completing metamorphosis and becoming juveniles. The results are discussed in relation to the widespread disappearance of S. plana in North Atlantic European estuaries during the 1980s and the concurrent TBT pollution in their waters. It is inferred that TBT is likely to have contributed to the reported demise of clam populations by preventing the successful and timely progress of their pediveliger larvae.  相似文献   

The occurrence of unusual symbiotic microorganisms was examined in the intestines of a range of fish from the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. The fish taxa examined included 26 species of the family Acanthuridae, as well as representatives of phylogenetically related and herbivorous taxa. The microorganisms, referred to as protists, were only found in herbivorous and detritivorous members of the Acanthuridae. Protists were not found in planktivorous acanthurids, nor in any members of the families Kyphosidae, Pomacentridae, Scaridae, Zanclidae, Siganidae and Bleniidae we examined. In addition, protists were absent from the herbivorous acanthurids A. xanthopterus and A. nigricans. A range of protist forms, characterized by differences in size (8 to 417 m), shape and mode of cell division (daughter-cell production and binary fission), was observed. The occurrence of these forms appeared to be correlated with host feedingecology. Large forms (>100 m) of the protists were only found in acanthurids which fed over hard-reef substrata. Smaller forms were found in sand-grazing and detritivorous species. One of the protist forms appears identical to protists previously reported from Red Sea acanthurids.  相似文献   

E. A. Caine 《Marine Biology》1980,56(4):327-335
Ecology of 2 littoral species of caprellid amphipods is compared. Populations of Caprella laeviuscula, a periphyton scraper/filter-feeder, are most dense on eelgrass Zostera marina L. In the absence of C. laeviuscula, periphyton biomass increases 411% in protected Z. marina beds. The light absorption spectra of periphyton and Z. marina are similar, and C. laeviuscula, by its periphyton removal, may allow Z. marina to grow in areas where it would otherwise be excluded. C. laeviuscula is aggressively dominant over sympatric caprellids, and seasonal predators of C. laeviuscula are absent during winter, the period when periphyton would be most limiting to Z. marina. Populations of Deutella californica, a predator, are most dense on the hydroid Obelia dichotoma (L.). In the O. dichotoma epibiotic community, D. californica is the primary predator, but removal did not change the composition of the community structure. In the absence of other macropredators, the structure of the O. dichotoma epibiotic community depends more on the seasonality of O. dichotoma occurrence than on organismal interactions.  相似文献   

Black carbon (BC) in ten contaminated sediments from the Song-Liao watershed, NE China, was isolated upon treatments using a combustion method at 375°C, and the isolates’ sorption isotherms for phenanthrene (Phen) were determined. All sorption isotherms were nonlinear and fitted well by the Freundlich model. A negative relation was found between Freundlich sorption nonlinearity parameter (n values) and BC/total organic carbon (TOC) content of the original sediments (r2=0.687, p<0.01), indicating the dominance of BC in Phen sorption nonlinearity. The BC isolates from this industrialized region had n values of 0.342 to 0.505 and logKFOC values of 6.02 to 6.42(μg·kg−1·OC−1)/(μg·L−1) n for Phen. At a given Ce, the BC had higher Koc value than the original sediments, revealing a higher sorption capacity for BC. BC was responsible for 50.0% to 87.3% of the total sorption at Ce=0.05 Sw, clearly indicating the dominance of BC particles in overall sorption of Phen by sediments.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in lipid, glycogen, protein (Nx6.25), and ash content of the meat of Macoma balthica (L.) from five sampling sites in the Gulf of Gdask were studied from 1981 to 1984. Lipid and glycogen were stored mainly during spring and at the beginning of summer. The lipid content of up to 36% of the dry weight observed in populations from the Gulf of Gdask are among the highest values reported for bivalve molluscs. Potential causes of this high value are discussed.  相似文献   

Susceptibility and response of bivalves, the clam Ruditapes decussatus, to zinc (Zn) were studied by monitoring behavior using valve movement and some biochemical parameters. The LC50 was 4.1 mg L?1 at 7 days. Depuration of Zn from their tissues was also followed. Accumulation of Zn increased with concentration and duration of exposure. After 20 days, Zn caused impairment of valve movement as well as the antioxidant system, decreasing glutathione and protein levels and increasing the lipid peroxidation which is indicative of oxidative damage. Results suggested that behavior and biochemical parameters of clam R. decussatus were sensitive and suitable responses for assessing the effects of Zn on the aquatic ecosystems. It could be concluded that there is a time–dose–response relationship of Zn with behavior and oxidative stress of R. decussatus.  相似文献   

Differentiation in lipid content, composition of lipid classes, fatty acids and sterols of Macoma balthica (L.) collected from various parts of the Gulf of Gdask was observed. The clams taken from the Inner Puck Bay contained significantly lower amounts of lipids, particularly of triglycerides, oleopalmitic acid and 24-methylenecholesterol. It is suggested that this differentiation is related to variability of trophic conditions in the Gulf of Gdask.  相似文献   

Marine sponges harbor dense and highly diverse bacterial communities, and some percentage of the microflora appears to be specialized for the sponge habitat. Bacterial diversity was examined in Chondrilla nucula Schmidt to test the hypothesis that some subset of sponge symbiont communities is highly similar regardless of the species of host or habitat requirements of the host. C. nucula was collected from a mangrove channel on Lower Matcumbe Key in the Florida Keys (25°53′N; 80°42′W) in August 1999. Domain-specific universal bacterial primers were used to amplify the 16S rDNA gene from genomic DNA that had been extracted from sponges and the surrounding water. An RFLP technique was used to assess diversity of sponge-associated and environmental bacterial communities. The clone library from C. nucula contained 21 operational taxonomic units (OTUs). None of the 53 OTUs from adjacent water samples were found in the C. nucula library indicating that a distinct community was present in the sponge. Sequence analysis indicated that C. nucula harbors a microbial community as diverse as the microbes from other sponges in different habitats around the world. Phylogenetic analysis placed several C. nucula clones in clades dominated by bacteria that appear to be sponge specialists (e.g., Acidobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Cyanobacteria). Proportional representation of major bacterial taxonomic groups represented in symbiont communities was compared as a function of geographic location of sponge hosts. This study supports the hypothesis that sponges from different oceans existing in dissimilar habitats harbor closely related bacteria that are distinct from other bacterial lineages and appear specialized for residing within sponges.  相似文献   

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