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ABSTRACT: A soil erosion simulation model that considered the physical conditions of agricultural watersheds and that interfaced with the modified USDAHL-74 watershed hydrology model was developed. The erosion model simulates the detachment and transport of soil particles caused by raindrop impact and overland flow from rill and interrill areas. The model considers temporal and spatial variation of plant residue, crop canopy cover, snow cover, and the moisture content of surface soil as modifying factors of the erosive forces of raindrop impact and overland flow. The hydrology model simulates overland flow and some of the physical parameters that are used in the erosion model. The simulation is executed in the time interval determined by the rainfall rate or snowmelt rate. The erosion model compares the transport capacity of the overland flow and the sediment loaded in the overland flow to determine the fate account for the free soil particles that have already been detached and are readily available to be transported by the overland flow. The model was tested with data from two small agricultural watersheds in the Palouse region of the Pacific Northwest dryland. The model was calibrated by trial-and-error to determine the coefficients of the model.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A sediment routing technique was developed to route sediment yield from small watersheds through streams and valleys to the outlet of large watersheds. The technique is based on the modified universal sol loss equation and a first order decay function of travel time and particle size. Deposition is dependent upon settling velocities of sediment particles, travel time, and the amount of sediment in suspension. Sediment routing increases sediment yield prediction accuracy and allows determination of subwatershed contributions to the total sediment yield. Also, the locations and amounts of floodplain scour and deposition can be predicted. Another advantage of sediment routing is that measured sediment yield data are not required. The procedure performed satisfactorily in test routings on two Texas blackland watersheds Sediment routing will be useful in flood control evaluation, reservoir and channel design, water quality calculations, environmental impact assessment, and land-use planning.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Certain physical and chemical properties of soil vary with soil water content. The relationship between these properties and water content is complex and involves both the pore structure and constituents of the soil solution. One of the most economical techniques to quantify soil water content involves the measurement of electrical resistance of a dielectric medium that is in equilibrium with the soil water content. The objective of this research was to test the reliability and accuracy of fiberglass soil-moisture electrical resistance sensors (ERS) as compared to gravimetric sampling and Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR). The response of the ERS was compared to gravimetric measurements at eight locations on the USDA-ABS Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed. The comparisons with TDR sensors were made at three additional locations on the same watershed. The high soil rock content (≥45 percent) at seven locations resulted in consistent overestimation of soil water content by the ERS method. Where rock content was less than 10 percent, estimation of soil water was within 5 percent of the gravimetric soil water content. New methodology to calibrate the ERS sensors for rocky soils will need to be developed before soil water content values can be determined with these sensors.  相似文献   

Large area soil moisture estimations are required to describe input to cloud prediction models, rainfall distribution models, and global crop yield models. Satellite mounted microwave sensor systems that as yet can only detect moisture at the surface have been suggested as a means of acquiring large area estimates. Relations previously discovered between microwave emission at the 1.55 cm wavelength and surface moisture as represented by an antecedent precipitation index were used to provide a pseudo infiltration estimation. Infiltration estimates based on surface wetness on a daily basis were then used to calculate the soil moisture in the surface 0–23 cm of the soil by use of a modified antecedent precipitation index. Reasonably good results were obtained (R2= 0.7162) when predicted soil moisture for the surface 23 cm was compared to measured moisture. Where the technique was modified to use only an estimate of surface moisture each three days an R2 value of 0.7116 resulted for the same data set. Correlations between predicted and actual soil moisture fall off rapidly for repeat observations more than three days apart. The algorithms developed in this study may be used over relatively flat agricultural lands to provide improved estimates of soil moisture to a depth greater than the depth of penetration for the sensor.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Aircraft Observations of the surface temperature were made by measurements of the thermal emission in the 8-14 μm band over agricultural fields around Phoenix, Arizona. The diuranal range of these surface temperature measurnments were well correlated with the ground measurment of soil moisture in the 0-2 cm layer. The surface temperature indicating no moisture stress. These results indicate that for clear atmospheric conditions remoteley sensed sufrace temperatures can be a reliable indicator of soil moisture conditions and crop status.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Many hydrologic models have input data requirements that are difficult to satisfy for all but a few well-instrumented, experimental watersheds. In this study, point soil moisture in a mountain watershed with various types of vegetative cover was modeled using a generalized regression model. Information on sur-ficial characteristics of the watershed was obtained by applying fuzzy set theory to a database consisting of only satellite and a digital elevation model (DEM). The fuzzy-c algorithm separated the watershed into distinguishable classes and provided regression coefficients for each ground pixel. The regression model used the coefficients to estimate distributed soil moisture over the entire watershed. A soil moisture accounting model was used to resolve temporal differences between measurements at prototypical measurement sites and validation sites. The results were reasonably accurate for all classes in the watershed. The spatial distribution of soil moisture estimates corresponded accurately with soil moisture measurements at validation sites on the watershed. It was concluded that use of the regression model to distribute soil moisture from a specified number of points can be combined with satellite and DEM information to provide a reasonable estimation of the spatial distribution of soil moisture for a watershed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Remotely sensed soil moisture data measured during the Southern Great Plains 1997 (SGP97) experiment in Oklahoma were used to characterize antecedent soil moisture conditions for the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) curve number method. The precipitation‐adjusted curve number and the soil moisture were strongly related (r2= 0.70). Remotely sensed soil moisture fields were used to adjust the curve numbers and the runoff estimates for five watersheds, in the Little Washita watershed; the results ranged from 2.8 km2 to 601.6 km2. The soil moisture data were applied at two spatial scales, a finer one (800 m) measuring spatial resolution and a coarser one (28 km). The root mean square error (RMSE) and the mean absolute error (MAE) of the runoff estimated by the standard SCS method was reduced by nearly 50 percent when the 800 m soil moisture data were used to adjust the curve number. The coarser scale soil moisture data also significantly reduced the error in the runoff predictions with 41 percent and 28 percent reductions in MAE and RMSE, respectively. The results suggest that remote sensing of soil moisture, when combined with the SCS method, can improve rainfall runoff predictions at a range of spatial scales.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: EPIC, a soil erosion/plant growth simulation model, is used to simulate nitrogen losses for 120 randomly selected and previously surveyed cropland sites. Simulated nitrogen losses occur through volatilization, surface water and soil runoff, subsurface lateral flow, and leaching. Physical and crop management variables explain a moderate but significant proportion of the variation in nitrogen losses. Site slope and tillage have offsetting effects on surface and ground water losses. Nitrogen applications in excess of agronomic recommendations and manure obtained off the farm and applied to the sites are significant contributors to nitrogen losses. Farm characteristics such as production of confined livestock, total manure nitrogen available, and farm income per cropland acre explain a relatively large portion of the variability in manure nitrogen applied to survey sites. The results help to identify farm characteristics that can be used to target nutrient management programs. Simulation modeling provides a useful tool for investigating variables which contribute to agricultural nitrogen losses.  相似文献   

A spectral formalism was developed and applied to quantify the sampling errors due to spatial and/or temporal gaps in soil moisture measurements. A design filter was developed to compute the sampling errors for discrete measurements in space and time. This filter has as its advantage a general form applicable to various types of sampling design. The lack of temporal measurements of the two‐dimensional soil moisture field made it difficult to compute the spectra directly from observed records. Therefore, the wave number frequency spectra of soil moisture data derived from stochastic models of rainfall and soil moisture were used. Parameters for both models were estimated using data from the Southern Great Plains Hydrology Experiment (SGP97) and the Oklahoma Mesonet. The estimated sampling error of the spatial average soil moisture measurement by airborne L‐band microwave remote sensing during the SGP97 hydrology experiment is estimated to be 2.4 percent. Under the same climate conditions and soil properties as the SGP97 experiment, equally spaced ground probe networks at intervals of 25 and 50 km are expected to have about 16 percent and 27 percent sampling error, respectively. Satellite designs with temporal gaps of two and three days are expected to have about 6 percent and 9 percent sampling errors, respectively.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Soil water was monitored by neutron scattering in six soils, three each within two drainage catenas in east-central Illinois, over a 15-month time span. The prairie soils have formed in: (1) 76–152 cm of silt loam, eolian sediments (bess) over glacial till (Catlin-Flanagan-Drummer catena), and (2) bess greater than 152 cm in thickness (Tama-Ipava-Sable catena). We characterized the water content of these soils over the total time span and for wet and dry climatic subsets, as an aid to potential irrigation decisions. Soils of the thin bess, C-F-D catena dried out to lower water contents and had greater soil water variability than did the thick bess soils. Under wet conditions, soil water contents in the two catenas were quite similar. Alleviation of surface and subsurface drying via irrigation would thus be more advantageous to yields on the C-F-D soils than on the T-I-S soils.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Sail moisture data were taken during nine sampling events (1976-1978) at a test site in South Dakota as part of the ground truth used in NASA's aircraft experiments studying the microwave sensing of soil moisture. This portion of the study dealt only with the spatial variability observed with regard to the ground data. Samples were taken over three surface depths at each point, and the data reported as the mean field moisture content within each of three surface horizons. The results shed additional light on the relationship between ground sampling and remote sensing of soil moisture. First, it was found that it is best to partition data of well drained sites from poorly drained areas when attempting to characterize the surface moisture content throughout an area of varying soil and cover conditions. It was also found that the moisture coefficient of variation within a field decreased as the mean field soil moisture increased, and that the standard deviation was at a maximum in the mid-range of observed moisture conditions (15-25 percent). Within field sample variation also decreases as the sample is integrated over a greater surface depth. It was determined that a sampling intensity of 10 samples per kilometer was adequate to characterize the mean field soil moisture at all three depths along a transect in the areas of moderate to good drainage-.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: It has been well established that the greenhouse gas loading of the atmosphere has been increasing since the mid 19th century. Consequently, shifts in the earth's radiative balance are expected with accompanying alterations to the earth's climate. With these anticipated, and perhaps already observable, changes in both global and regional climate, managers of regional water resources seek insight to the possible impacts climate change may have on their present and future water supplies. The types and degrees of impacts that climate change may have on New York City's water supply system were assessed in a study of a watershed at Allaben, New York. Hypothetical scenarios of future climate and climate change projections from three General Circulation Models (GCMs) were used in conjunction with the WatBal hydrological model and the Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) to ascertain how runoff and soil moisture from this watershed may change in a warmer climate. For the worst case predictions, the results indicate that within the century of the 2000s, the watershed's air temperature may increase up to about 11°F, while its precipitation and runoff may decrease by about 13 and 30 percent, respectively. If this watershed is typical of the others within the New York City water supply system, the system's managers should consider implementing mitigation and adaptation strategies in preparation for the worst of these possible future conditions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Water quality and nonpoint source (NPS) pollution are important issues in many areas of the world, including the Inner Bluegrass Region of Kentucky where urban development is changing formerly rural watersheds into urban and mixed use watersheds. In watersheds where land use is mixed, the relative contributions of NPS pollution from rural and urban land uses can be difficult to separate. To better understand NPS pollution sources in mixed use watersheds, surface water samples were taken at three sites that varied in land use to examine the effect of land use on water quality. Within the group of three watersheds, one was predominately agriculture (Agricultural), one was predominately urban (Urban), and a third had relatively equal representation of both types of land uses (Mixed). Nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), total suspended solids (TSS), turbidity, pH, temperature, and streamflow were measured for one year. Comparisons are made among watersheds for concentration and fluxes of water quality parameters. Nitrate and orthophosphate concentrations were found to be significantly higher in the Agricultural watershed. Total suspended solids, turbidity, temperature, and pH, were found to be generally higher in the Urban and Mixed watersheds. No differences were found for streamflow (per unit area), total phosphorus, and ammonium concentrations among watersheds. Fluxes of orthophosphate were greater in the Agricultural watershed that in the Urban watershed while fluxes of TSS were greater in the Mixed watershed when compared to the Agricultural watershed. Fluxes of nitrate, ammonium, and total phosphorus did not vary among watersheds. It is apparent from the data that Agricultural land uses are generally a greater source of nutrients than the Urban land uses while Urban land uses are generally a greater source of suspended sediment.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Water quality was monitored for 17 months during base flow periods in six agricultural watersheds to evaluate the impact of riparian vegetation on suspended solids and nutrient concentrations. In areas without riparian vegetation, both instream algal production and seasonal low flows appeared to be major determinants of suspended solids, turbidity, and phosphorus concentrations. Peak levels of all parameters were reached during the summer when flows were reduced and benthic algal production was high. Similar summer peaks were reached in streams receiving major point inputs but peaks occurred downstream from the input. Instream organic production was less important in regulating water quality in areas with riparian vegetation and permanent flows. Concentrations of suspended solids remained relatively constant, while phosphorus and turbidity increased in association with leaf fall in autumn. Intermittent flow conditions in summer increased the importance of instream organic production in controlling water quality, even when riparian vegetation was present. Efforts to improve water quality in agricultural watersheds during base flow should emphasize maintenance of riparian vegetation and stable flow conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract: Efficient water resource management is one of the most important policy issues facing agriculture in Hawaii in the years ahead. Soil water sensors, multisensor capacitance probes (MCP), have been successfully used for different water management projects. These MCPs monitor water content at multiple depths and at various locations in real-time. The objectives of this study were to determine the effect of water content on field soil bulk density of Wahiawa silty clay tropical soil; measure field saturated hydraulic conductivity of this tropical soil: calibrate MCP system for this soil: and monitor and evaluate real-time soil water content variations under a tomato crop using the calibrated MCP system. Sensor calibration was conducted under laboratory conditions. Soil bulk density at different water contents and saturated hydraulic conductivity were measured on the field. Bulk density increased with increasing water content: there was a 30 percent bulk density increase as a result of 0.25 cm3 cm-3 water content variation. Compared with the manufacturer's calibration, site specific laboratory calibration of MCP gave a more accurate determination of soil water. Field determined saturated hydraulic conductivity was higher than laboratory determined values reported in the literature for the same soil type. Real-time soil water content monitoring within the root zone showed substantial variations due to water input (irrigation and rainfall) and water output (evapotranspiration and deep percolations). However, water content variations were much further reduced in the soil layer below the root zone.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Agricultural drainage water is a major source of environmental pollution in many areas. This paper reviews the literature on the economics of nonpoint-source pollution and applies it to the regulation of agricultural drainage water. Four types of regulatory policies are considered. The empirical analysis is carried out for cotton production in the San Joaquin Valley of California. Variable inputs are the quantity of water applied and the type of irrigation system. All four policies can achieve economic efficiency under the conditions assumed here, but the policies differ in terms of the distributional impacts and administrative requirements.  相似文献   

Remote sensing data combined with other spatially referenced data were used to predict water resource use in an irrigated area of Central Oregon. Crop type and irrigation method were determined using color infrared aerial photography and thermal infrared imagery, respectively. These data were combined with crop consumptive use and irrigation method application efficiency values to determine total water applied to a transect sample through the heart of the study area. This information, when integrated with data on canal leakage and storage reservoir seepage, allowed the researcher to predict total water use for the entire management unit. The model developed allowed the researcher to attain results accurate to within 92.0 percent of actual values, suggesting that predictive water use models which use such techniques have tremendous potential for providing water resource managers with near real-time statistics required for making wise management decisions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Several crop water stress indices were examined to determine their potential for use from a space-based system. These indices were compared using data collected over a wheat crop grown under arid environmental conditions. Indices that required concurrent ground-based measurements were less adaptable than the simple difference between canopy temperatures of a field with unknown stress conditions and a similar crop known to be unstressed. The results indicate that it would be feasible to develop space-based crop water stress techniques that would be useful for scheduling irrigations.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Municipalities will be implementing structural best management practices at increasing rates in their effort to comply with Phase II of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). However, there is evidence that structural best management practices (BMPs) by themselves may be insufficient to attain desired water quality standards. This paper reports on an analysis of the median removal efficiencies of structural BMPs and compares them to removal efficiencies estimated as being necessary to attain water quality standards in the Rouge River in Detroit, Michigan. Eight water quality parameters are reviewed using data collected from 1994 to 1999 in the Rouge River. Currently, five of the eight parameters in the Rouge River including bacteria, biochemical oxygen demand, and total suspended solids (TSS) exceed the required water quality standards. The reported analysis of structural BMP efficiencies reveals that structural BMPs appear capable of reducing only some of the pollutants of concern to acceptable levels.  相似文献   

Water pollution through loss of topsoil from farmland continues to be a major problem, despite nearly 50 years of providing farmers technical and financial assistance for soil and water conservation. The technology for controlling erosion and water pollution is available, but farmers have been slow in implementing control practices. Past research has shown that farmers tend to be unaware of the seriousness of the erosion problem on their own operations. Using a random sample of farmers from central Iowa, the relationship is examined between awareness of a soil erosion problem and the use of conservation tillage. Results indicate that awareness of a soil erosion problem effects the use of conservation tillage, and that awareness can be enhanced by experiential educational strategies such as the development and implementation of a soil and water conservation plan.  相似文献   

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