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ABSTRACT: The environmental setting of the Red River of the North basin within the United States is diverse in ways that could significantly control the areal distribution and flow of water and, therefore, the distribution and concentration of constituents that affect water quality. Continental glaciers shaped a landscape of very flat lake plains near the center of the basin, and gently rolling uplands, lakes, and wetlands along the basin margins. The fertile, black, fine-grained soils and landscape are conducive to agriculture. Productive cropland covers 66 percent of the land area. The principal crops are wheat, barley, soybeans, sunflowers, corn, and hay. Pasture, forests, open water, and wetlands comprise most of the remaining land area. About one-third of the 1990 population (511,000) lives in the cities of Fargo and Grand Forks, North Dakota and Moorhead, Minnesota. The climate of the Red River of the North basin is continental and ranges from dry subhumid in the western part of the basin to subhumid in the eastern part. From its origin, the Red River of the North meanders northward for 394 miles to the Canadian border, a path that is nearly double the straight-line distance. The Red River of the North normally receives over 75 percent of its annual flow from the eastern tributaries as a result of regional patterns of precipitation, evapotranspiration, soils, and topography. Most runoff occurs in spring and early summer as a result of rains falling on melting snow or heavy rains falling on saturated soils. Lakes, prairie potholes, and wetlands are abundant in most physiographic areas outside of the Red River Valley Lake Plain. Dams, drainage ditches, and wetlands alter the residence time of water, thereby affecting the amount of sediment, biota, and dissolved constituents carried by the water. Ground water available to wells, streams, and springs primarily comes from sand and gravel aquifers near land surface or buried within 100 to 300 feet of glacial drift that mantles the entire Red River of the North basin. Water moves through the system of bedrock and glacial-drift aquifers in a regional flow system generally toward the Red River of the North and in complex local flow systems controlled by local topography. Many of the bedrock and glacial-drift aquifers are hydraulically connected to streams in the region. The total water use in 1990, about 196 million gallons per day, was mostly for public supply and irrigation. Slightly more than one half of the water used comes from ground-water sources compared to surface-water sources. Most municipalities obtain their water from ground-water sources. However, the largest cities (Fargo, Grand Forks and Moorhead) obtain most of their water from the Red River of the North. The types and relative amounts of various habitats change among the five primary ecological regions within the Red River of the North basin. Headwater tributaries are more diverse and tend to be similar to middle-reach tributaries in character rather than the lower reaches of these tributaries for the Red River of the North. Concentrations of dissolved chemical constituents in surface waters are normally low during spring runoff and after thunderstorms. The Red River of the North generally has a dissolved-solids concentration less than 600 milligrams per liter with mean values ranging from 347 milligrams per liter near the headwaters to 406 milligrams per liter at the Canadian border near Emerson, Manitoba. Calcium and magnesium are the principal cations and bicarbonate is the principal anion along most of the reach of the Red River of the North. Dissolved-solids concentrations generally are lower in the eastern tributaries than in the tributaries draining the western part of the basin. At times of low flow, when water in streams is largely from ground-water seepage, the water quality more reflects the chemistry of the glacial-drift aquifer system. Ground water in the surficial aquifers commonly is a calcium bicarbonate type with dissolved-solids concentration generally between 300 and 700 milligrams per liter. As the ground water moves down gradient, dissolved-solids concentration increases, and magnesium and sulfate are predominant ions. Water in sedimentary bedrock aquifers is predominantly sodium and chloride and is characterized by dissolved-solids concentrations in excess of 1,000 milligrams per liter. Sediment erosion by wind and water can be increased by cultivation practices and by livestock that trample streambanks. Nitrate-nitrogen concentrations also can increase locally in surficial aquifers beneath cropland that is fertilized, particularly where irrigated. Nitrogen and phosphorous in surface runoff from cropland fertilizers and nitrogen from manure can contribute nutrients to lakes, reservoirs, and streams. Some of the more persistent pesticides, such as atrazine, have been detected in the Red River of the North. Few data are available to conclusively define the presence or absence of pesticides and their break-down products in Red River of the North basin aquifers or streams. Urban runoff and treated effluent from municipalities are discharged into streams. These point discharges contain some quantity of organic compounds from storm runoff, turf-applied pesticides, and trace metals. The largest releases of treated-municipal wastes are from the population centers along the Red River of the North and its larger tributaries. Sugar-beet refining, potato processing, poultry and meat packing, and milk, cheese, and cream processing are among the major food processes from which treated wastes are released to streams, mostly in or near the Red River of the North.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Water samples collected from 14 underground coal mines in Colorado were analyzed for major dissolved constituents. The data indicate the water quality of 13 of the samples has developed by the interaction of calcite saturated ground water with sodium rich marine shales. Those samples that displayed evidence of being most completely reacted were composed almost entirely of sodium and bicarbonate ions and had a calcium to sodium activity ratio of 0.16, similar to that of seawater. The one sample that was not saturated with respect to calcite was saturated with respect to gypsum. The dissolved solids concentration attainable by dissolution of gypsum is much less than that attainable by the calcite marine shale equilibration, or approximately 2,500 milligrams per liter. By considering the maximum predicted concentrations of dissolved solids in relation to promulgated water quality criteria, it is possible to predict the hazards of reuse of this mine drainage. The primary problems would be damage or destruction of crops if the drainage water was used for irrigation. In addition, some samples contained concentrations of chloride and sulfate in excess of recommended standards for public water supplies.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Stable isotopes of deuterium and oxygen-18 of surface and ground water, together with anion concentrations and hydraulic gradients, were used to interpret mixing and flow in ground water impacted by artificial recharge. The surface water fraction (SWF), the percentage of surface water in the aquifer impacted via recharge, was estimated at different locations and depths using measured deuterium/hydrogen (DIH) ratios during the 1992, 1993, and 1994 recharge seasons. Recharged surface water completely displaced the ground water beneath the recharge basins from the regional water table at 7.60 m to 12.16 m below the land surface. Mixing occurred beneath the recharge structures in the lower portions of the aquifer (>12.16 m). Approximately 12 m down-gradient from the recharge basin, the deeper zone (19.15 m depth) of the primary aquifer was displaced completely by recharged surface water within 193, 45, and 55 days in 1992, 1993, and 1994, respectively. At the end of the third recharge season, recharged surface water represented ~50 percent of the water in the deeper zone of the primary aquifer ~1000 m downgradient from the recharge basin. A classic asymmetrical distribution of recharged surface water resulted from the recharge induced horizontal and vertical hydraulic gradients. The distribution and breakthrough times of recharged surface water obtained with stable isotopes concurred with those of major anions and bromide in a tracer test conducted during the 1995 recharge season. This stable isotope procedure effectively quantified mixing between surface and ground water.  相似文献   

中国石油大连石化公司的生产废水不仅具有炼化废水的复杂性,而且其中含有大量的氯离子,给絮凝药剂的筛选带来一定的困难。通过对715、728两种絮凝药剂的现场应用实验,找出了不同水质情况下的最佳投药量。实验结果表明,当污水中含油量大于100mg/L时,715药剂加入量控制在150~180mg/L,728的加入量为4mg/L,此时油、SS、COD、浊度的去除率分别为92%、41%、41%和82%。当污水含油量在30mg/L以下时,715药剂加入量为90~120mg/L,728加入量为2.7~3.3mg/L,此时油、SS、COD、浊度的去除率分别为74%、71%、38%和89%。经实验筛选出的这两种药剂可以利用现有的加药系统设备加入污水,加药处理后能提高出水的水质。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Ground water samples were collected from 30 wells located in, or directly down gradient from, recharge areas of the Eutaw aquifer in Montgomery, Alabama. The major ion content of the water evolves from calcium‐sodium‐chloride‐dominated type in the recharge area to calcium‐bicarbonate‐dominated type in the confined portion of the aquifer. Ground water in the recharge area was under saturated with respect to aluminosilicate and carbonate minerals. Ground water in the confined portion of the aquifer was at equilibrium levels for calcite and potassium feldspar. Dissolved oxygen and nitrite‐plus‐nitrate concentrations decreased as ground water age increased; pH, iron, and sulfate concentrations increased as ground water age increased. Aluminum, copper, and zinc concentrations decreased as ground water age and pH increased. These relations indicate that nitrate, aluminum, copper, and zinc are removed from solution as water moves from recharge areas to the confined areas of the Eutaw aquifer. The natural evolution of ground water quality, which typically increases the pH and decreases the dissolved oxygen content, may be an important limiting factor to the migration of nitrogen based compounds and metals.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The response of stream-unconfined aquifer systems to localized recharge is investigated by means of a two-dimensional finite element model. A variational approach is used in conjunction with the finite element method to solve the ground water flow equation. Linear approximated triangular elements are used to calculate the hydraulic head distribution in the flow region. The Crank-Nicholson centered scheme of numerical integration is employed to approximate the time derivative in the flow equation. A computer program is developed to calculate the hydraulic head distribution in the flow region. Solutions provided by the finite element model should prove useful in the evaluation of quantitative and qualitative changes in aquifer systems due to natural or artificial recharge. In addition, they should prove useful in the study of irrigation and drainage problems.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Numerical models were used to examine the limitations of the assumptions used in an analytical induced infiltration model. The assumptions tested included negligible streambed effects, negligible areal recharge, two-dimensional ground water flow, fully penetrating rivers and wells, and constant surface water stage. For situations that deviate from the underlying assumptions, the analytical model becomes a less reliable predictor of induced infiltration. The numerical experiments show that streambed effects cannot be neglected if the streambed conductivity is more than one order of magnitude lower than the aquifer hydraulic conductivity. Areal recharge cannot be neglected if the ground water basin receives more than 5 in/yr of areal recharge. Three-dimensional flow effects due to well partial penetration cannot be neglected if the ratio of horizontal hydraulic conductivity to vertical hydraulic conductivity (Kh/Ku) is greater than 10. Surface water elevation fluctuations can significantly influence the induced infiltration rate, depending on the degree of fluctuations and the ground water hydraulic gradient.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Data from 54 well in central and eastern Kansas developed in unconsolidated deposits of Quaternary age indicate that nitrate concentrations are inversely related to the depth of the well screen opening below the water level in the well casing because this relationship was found to exist in an area of Nebraska and in a large area of Kansas, the relationship is generally valid over a wide geo- graphical area. In addition, the data indicate that the incidence of nitrate concentrations exceeding 45 milligrams per liter and nitrate concentrations, in general, are significantly lower in water from wells with screens deeper than 25 feet below the water table in unconfined aquifers or where screens are placed in deep confined aquifers. No concentrations of nitrate greater than 45 milligrams per liter were in obseved wells where screens were deeper than 60 feet below the casing water level. These findings suggest that general placement of well screens as far below the water table as possible in unconfined unconsolidated aquifers in Kansas. and possibly other areas of the Midwest, may be an effective measure in preventing undesirable nitrate concentrations in ground water supplies. particularly in areas where nitrate is a problem.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Published estimates of natural recharge in Las Vegas Valley range between 21,000 and 35,000 acre‐feet per year. This study examined the underlying assumptions of previous investigations and evaluated the altitude‐precipitation relationships. Period‐of‐record averages from high altitude precipitation gages established in the 1940s through the 1990s, were used to determine strong local altitude‐precipitation relationships that indicate new total precipitation and natural recharge amounts and a new spatial distribution of that recharge. This investigation calculated about 51,000 acre‐feet per year of natural recharge in the Las Vegas Hydrographic Basin, with an additional 6,000 acre‐feet per year from areas tributary to Las Vegas Valley, for a total of 57,000 acre‐feet per year. The total amount of natural recharge is greater than estimates from earlier investigations and is consistent with a companion study of natural discharge, which estimated 53,000 acre‐feet per year of outflow. The hydrologic implications of greater recharge in Las Vegas Valley infer a more accurate ground‐water budget and a better understanding of ground‐water recharge that will be represented in a ground‐water model. Thus model based ground‐water management scenarios will more realistically access impacts to the ground‐water system.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The Central Nebraska Basins is one of 60 study units in the National Water-Quality Assessment Program of the U.S. Geological Survey. The study unit includes the Platte River and two major tributaries, the Loup and Elkhorn Rivers. Agriculture is the predominant land use in the study unit, with only eight urbanized communities exceeding a population of 10,000. Water samples were collected from selected streams in the study unit during 1993–1995. The data were used to assess the distribution of nitrogen compounds and phosphorus in the streams and to relate the concentrations of these constituents to environmental settings. This article focuses on dissolved nitrate and orthophosphate. Dissolved nitrate concentrations were highest (90th percentiles were less than 7.0 milligrams per liter as nitrogen) in areas with extensive cropland and pasture, where chemical fertilizers are intensively applied. Synoptic measurements conducted in March and August 1994 indicate that relatively little residual fertilizer, as nitrate, applied during a single crop-growing season enters streams. Dissolved nitrate concentrations showed a seasonal pattern, being highest during winter months and lowest during the late spring and summer. Dissolved orthophosphate concentrations tended to be low across the study unit, 90 percent of all analyses did not exceed 1.7 milligrams per liter as phosphorus.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The deep aquifers of the Portland Basin are used as a regional water supply by at least six municipalities in Oregon and Washington. Maximum continuous use of the aquifers in 1998 was 13 mgd and peak emergency use was 55 mgd. Continuous use of the deep aquifers at a rate of 55 mgd has been proposed and inchoate water rights have been reserved for expansion of pumping to 121 mgd. A study was completed, using a calibrated ground water flow model, to evaluate the role of induced recharge from the Columbia River in mitigating aquifer drawdown from continuous‐use and expanded pumping scenarios in the center and eastern areas of the basin. The absolute average residual was less than 3.6 feet for steady‐state model calibrations, and less than 8.0 feet for transient calibration to a 42 mgd pumping event in 1987 with 170 feet of drawdown. Continuous use of the aquifers at a rate of 55 mgd is predicted to increase drawdown to 210 feet. Expansion of pumping to 121 mgd in the center basin is predicted to cause 400 feet of drawdown. However, expansion of pumping in the east basin is predicted to result in only 220 feet of drawdown because of induced recharge from the Columbia River.  相似文献   

The City of Cedar Rapids obtains its municipal water supply from four well fields in an alluvial aquifer along the Cedar River in east-central Iowa. Since 1992, the City and the U.S. Geological Survey have cooperatively studied the groundwater-flow system and water chemistry near the well fields. The geochemistry in the alluvial aquifer near the Seminole Well Field was assessed to identify potentially reactive minerals and possible chemical reactions that produce observed changes in water chemistry. Calcite, dolomite, ferrihydrite, quartz, rhodochrosite, and siderite were identified as potentially reactive minerals by calculating saturation indexes. Aluminosiicate minerals including albite, Ca-montmorillonite, gibbsite, illite, K-feldspar, and kaolinite were identified as potentially reactive minerals using hypothetical saturation indexes calculated with an assumed dissolved aluminum concentration of 1 microgram per liter. Balanced chemical equations derived from inverse-modeling techniques were used to assess chemical reactions as precipitation percolates to the water table. Calcite dissolution was predominate, but aluminosilicate weathering, cation exchange, and redox reactions also likely occurred. Microbial-catalyzed redox reactions altered the chemical composition of water infiltrating from the Cedar River into the alluvial aquifer by consuming dissolved oxygen, reducing nitrate, and increasing dissolved iron and manganese concentrations. Nitrate reduction only occurred in relatively shallow (3 to 7 meters below land surface) groundwater near the Cedar River and did not occur in water infiltrating to deeper zones of the alluvial aquifer.  相似文献   

The Seymour aquifer consists of unconfined outcrops of sand and gravel in a semiarid, agricultural region of north‐central Texas in the United States of America. Most water samples collected from the aquifer in 2015 had nitrate concentrations above the drinking water standard of 44.3 milligrams per liter (mg/L). Generally, areas with high nitrate concentration in 2010 remained high in 2015, although the median dropped by 3.9 mg/L. The largest decreases in nitrate concentration—up to 97 mg/L (60%)—were observed in wells with depths less than the median of 13.1 meters (m). However, other wells, including depths above and below the median, showed increases in nitrate concentration of up to 40 mg/L (42%). In 2015, chloride concentrations in six wells exceeded the secondary contaminant level of 250 mg/L, and one well had a chloride concentration of 1,810 mg/L. Past and ongoing agricultural practices, including cultivation of native grassland, application of fertilizer, and irrigation with nitrate‐contaminated groundwater, help sustain overall high nitrate concentrations within the aquifer. Local conditions governing nitrogen inputs and dilution result in significant improvement or worsening of the nitrate problem over relatively short timeframes. The pumping of groundwater from the aquifer may facilitate mixing with groundwater of increased salinity that has been affected by the dissolution of evaporites in underlying Permian bedrock.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Artificial recharge as a means of augmenting water sup plies for irrigation is a management alternative which policy makers in ground water decline areas are beginning to consider seriously. A conceptual model is developed to evaluate the economic benefits from ground water recharge under conditions where the major water use is irrigation. The methodology presented separates recharge benefits into two components: pumping cost savings and aquifer extension benefits. This model is then applied to a Nebraska case to approximate the value of recharge benefits as a function of aquifer response. discount rate, and commodity prices. It was found that recharge benefits vary from less than $2 to over $6 an acre foot recharged.  相似文献   

Abstract: Water levels in the karstic San Andres limestone aquifer of the Roswell Artesian Basin, New Mexico, display significant variations on a variety of time scales. Large seasonal fluctuations in hydraulic head are directly related to the irrigation cycle in the Artesian Basin, lower in summer months and higher in winter when less irrigation occurs. Longer‐term variations are the result of both human and climatic factors. Since the inception of irrigated farming more than a century ago, over‐appropriation of water resources has caused water levels in the artesian aquifer to fall by as much as 70 m. The general decline in hydraulic head began to reverse in the mid‐1980s due to a variety of conservation measures, combined with a period of elevated rainfall toward the end of the 20th Century.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Injection of water and subsequent withdrawal were carried out in three existing water wells (SU-10, C-105, and SU-135A) in Kuwait. The objective of the study was to assess the technical feasibility of artificial recharge in the carbonate Dammam Formation and the clastic Kuwait Group aquifers. In the absence of any pretreatment of injection water and measures for maintenance of line pressure, clogging from suspended solids and air entrapment occurred in all three experiments. It was, however, possible to inject for one month in Wells SU-10 and C-105 where injection took place in the Dammam aquifer. In Well SU-135A, where the Kuwait Group aquifer was the target for injection, clogging became so severe that the injection experiment had to be abandoned. The injection/withdrawal data were analyzed with the help of a multi-aquifer flow model and a transport model. The models took into account the effects of crossflow within the boreholes on the distribution of intake and discharge rates for different aquifers, and hence, on the recovery efficiency. The experiments suggested that the artificial recharge of the Dammam and the Kuwait Group aquifers was technically feasible. The problem of clogging was, however, more severe for the Kuwait Group.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Variables that describe well construction, hydrogeology, and land use were evaluated for use as possible indicators of the susceptibility of ground water in bedrock aquifers in the Newark Basin, New Jersey, to contamination by nitrate from the land surface. Statistical analyses were performed on data for 132 wells located throughout the Newark Basin. Concentrations of nitrate (as nitrogen) did not exceed the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency maximum contaminant level of 10 milligrams per liter (mg/L) in any of the water samples (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1991). Variables that describe hydrogeology and well construction were found not to be statistically significant in relation to concentrations of nitrate. This finding can be attributed to the complex nature of flow in bedrock aquifers and mixing of water from shallow and deep water-bearing zones that occurs within these wells, which are constructed with long open intervals. Distributions of nitrate concentrations were significantly different among land-use groups on the basis of land use within both a 400 and an 800-m radius zone of the well. The median concentrations of nitrate (as N) in water from wells in predominantly urban-residential (2.5 mg/L) and agricultural areas (1.8 mg/L) were greater than the median concentration of nitrate in water from wells in predominantly undeveloped areas (0.5 mg/L).  相似文献   

This paper aims to elaborate new generic DRASTIC aquifer vulnerability maps of the coastal aquifer of Metline-Ras Jebel-Raf Raf (Northeast of Tunisia) using the GIS technique, making the data analyses easier to handle and providing better capabilities of dealing with large spatial data. A similar study was carried out in 1999 in the same aquifer using a method based on the soil water balance equation to determine the net recharge parameter. Unfortunately, the lack of data in the study area made the results unsatisfactory. By applying the Williams and Kissel equation and the Rao relationship, we intend to demonstrate that we could correctly evaluate the net recharge parameter. Moreover, new data related to the aquifer hydraulic conductivity, the soil cover and the vadose zone lithology have become available, and allowed us to elaborate suitable DRASTIC maps.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Changes in irrigation and land use may impact discharge of the Snake River Plain aquifer, which is a major contributor to flow of the Snake River in southern Idaho. The Snake River Basin planning and management model (SRBM) has been expanded to include the spatial distribution and temporal attenuation that occurs as aquifer stresses propagate through the aquifer to the river. The SRBM is a network flow model in which aquifer characteristics have been introduced through a matrix of response functions. The response functions were determined by independently simulating the effect of a unit stress in each cell of a finite difference groundwater flow model on six reaches of the Snake River. Cells were aggregated into 20 aquifer zones and average response functions for each river reach were included in the SRBM. This approach links many of the capabilities of surface and ground water flow models. Evaluation of an artificial recharge scenario approximately reproduced estimates made by direct simulation in a ground water flow model. The example demonstrated that the method can produce reasonable results but interpretation of the results can be biased if the simulation period is not of adequate duration.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The infiltration of atrazine, deethylatrazine, and deisopropylatrazine from Walnut Creek, a tributary stream, to the alluvial valley aquifer along the South Skunk River in central Iowa occurred where the stream transects the river's flood plain. A preliminary estimate indicated that the infiltration was significant and warrants further investigation. Infiltration was estimated by measuring the loss of stream discharge in Walnut Creek and the concentrations of atrazine and its metabolites deethylatrazine and deisopropylatrazine, in ground water 1 m beneath the streambed. Infiltration was estimated before application of agrichemicals to the fields during a dry period on April 7, 1994, and after application of agrichemicals during a period of small runoff on June 8, 1994. On April 7, the flux of atrazine, deethylatrazine, and deisopropylatrazine from Walnut Creek into the alluvial valley aquifer ranged from less than 10 to 60 (μg/d)/m2, whereas on June 8 an increased flux ranged from 270 to 3060 (μg/d)/m2. By way of comparison, the calculated fluxes of atrazine beneath Walnut Creek, for these two dates, were two to five orders of magnitude greater than an estimated flux of atrazine to ground water caused by leaching from a field on a per-unit-area basis. Furthermore, the unit-area flux rates of water from Walnut Creek to the alluvial valley aquifer were about three orders of magnitude greater than estimated recharge to the alluvial aquifer from precipitation. The large flux of chemicals from Walnut Creek to the alluvial valley aquifer was due in part to the conductive streambed and rather fast ground water velocities; average vertical hydraulic conductivity through the streambed was calculated as 35 and 90 m/d for the two sampling dates, and estimated ground water velocities ranged from 1 to 5 m/d.  相似文献   

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