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ABSTRACT This paper briefly reviews the problem of ground water degradation from irrigation and present approaches to controlling ground water quality. As an alternative to these approaches, a management scheme called the Accelerated Salt TRANsport (ASTRAN) method is proposed as being a feasible solution to the problem of salt build-up in irrigated areas. A management algorithm for implementing the ASTRAN method is described. Results from modeling studies indicate that the ASTRAN method is cost-effective and encourages conjunctive use of ground water and surface water.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A methodology for ground water remediation design has been developed that interfaces ground water simulation models with an enhanced annealing optimizer. The ground water flow and transport simulators provide the ability to consider site‐specific contamination and geohydrologic conditions directly in the assessment of alternative remediation system designs. The optimizer facilitates analysis of tradeoffs between technical, environmental, regulatory, and financial risks for alternative design and operation scenarios. A ground water management model using an optimization method referred to as “enhanced annealing” (simulated annealing enhanced to include “directional search” and “memory” mechanisms) has been developed and successfully applied to an actual restoration problem. The demonstration site is the contaminated unconfined aquifer referred to as N‐Springs located at Han‐ford, Washington. Results of the demonstration show the potential for improving groundwater restoration system performance while reducing overall system cost.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Review of recent literature indicates an emergence in the use of combinatorial methods such as simulated annealing in ground water management during the past nine to ten years. While previous studies demonstrated the feasibility of using these methods, a general finding was that computational processing requirements were inordinately high relative to gradient‐based methods. An enhanced annealing algorithm was developed and used to demonstrate the potential for greatly improving the computational efficiency of simulated annealing as an optimization method for ground water management applications. The algorithm incorporates “directional search” and “memory” capabilities. Selecting search directions based on better understanding of the current neighborhood of the configuration space was shown to improve algorithm performance. Also, “memory” concepts derived from the Tabu Search Method show particular promise for improving the rate and quality of convergence. Performance of the enhanced annealing method was evaluated and the resultant management method was demonstrated using an example from the literature.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Numerical simulation of ground water solute transport is combined with linear programming to optimize waste disposal. A discretized form of the equation governing solute transport is included as a set of constraints in a linear program. Two problems are described. First, the management model is used to maximize ground water waste disposal. The model constrains disposal activities so that the quality of local ground water supplies is protected. Parametric programming is shown to be important in evaluating waste disposal tradeoffs at the various facilities. Changes in the velocity field induced by waste water injection cause a nonlinearity in the solute transport equation which is dealt with by employing an iterative procedure. The second problem is aimed at identifying all sites which are suitable for waste disposal in the subsurface. The management model is manipulated so that the optimal value of the dual variables are “unit source impact indicators.” This physical interpretation is valuable in identifying feasible disposal sites. The joint simulation and optimization approach permits the management of complex ground water systems where the aquifer is used simultaneously for waste disposal and water supply.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Ground water contours and gradients were determined within and adjacent to a gravelly riverbed with about 100 m active channel width and about 800 m flood plain width during low flow, making use of about 60 shallow dug wells and one deeper cased well Ground water slopes away from the riverbed to the south and slopes to the riverbed from the north. Replenishment of ground water to the south is past a “shell,” a zone of low permeability at the margin of and below the riverbed, (1) into a shallow aquifer from “sideway-spill-over” and (2) into an underlying aquifer that is seemingly confined by the “shell.” Seepage from river channels to underflow takes place all along channel lengths except below riffles where the flow direction is reversed. Half the seepage to underflow was lost to ground water replenishment Underflow seems to constitute merely a few percent of total riverflow but makes a disproportionate contribution to ground water replenishment.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Interpretation of ground water level changes in a developed aquifer usually relies on reference to some benchmark such as “predevelopment” ground water levels, changes from fall to fall and/or spring to spring, or to determination of maximum stress during the pumping season. The assumption is that ground water levels measured in the monitoring well accurately reflect the state of the ground water resource in terms of quantity in storage and the effects of local pumping. This assumption is questionable based on the patterns shown in continuous hydrographs of water levels in monitoring wells in Nebraska, and wells installed to determine vertical gradients. These hydrographs show clear evidence for vertical ground water gradients and recharge from overlying parts of the aquifer system to deeper zones in which production wells are screened. The classical concept of semi‐perched ground water, as described by Meinzer, is demonstrated by these hydrographs. The presence of semi‐perched ground water (Meinzer definition, there is no intervening unsaturated zone) invalidates the use of measured ground water levels in regional observation programs for detailed numerical management of the resource. Failure to recognize the Meinzer effect has led to faulty management. The best use of data from the observation well network would be for detection of trends and education unless it is clearly understood what is being measured.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: There are unpublished reports of rapid and large rises in the water table which are out of proportion to the infiltrated volumes of water. The phenomenon seems to result from the conversion of a tension saturated zone to phreatic water by one of several mechanisms. The effect could be triggered when the tension saturated zone intersects: the ground surface, a saturated soil horizon, or a coarse zone. The phenomenon could prove to be a common link in explaining several seemingly diverse phenomena which characterize non-Hortonian runoff in a humid environment. Under certain conditions storm peaks are dominated by flow from small, restricted, “variable source” areas that contributed runoff when saturated from below by rising water tables; for other streams, ground water input forms the major part of the flood peak. The explanation for these observations could lie in an understanding of the rapid water table rise phenomenon. Such a mechanism. if widespread, would provide the means for producing saturation at or near the surface shortly after rainfall commences. The phenomenon should be documented and closely analyzed from a number of perspectives to define its true role in the hydrology of humid environments.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: An inverse‐simulation approach is used to determine optimal strategies for developing public water‐supply systems in a shallow, coastal aquifer on the outermost arm of the Cape Cod peninsula in Massachusetts. Typically a forward simulation (or “trial and error”) approach is used to find best pumping strategies, but the chances of finding success with this tact diminish as the number of potential options grows large. Well locations and pumping rates are optimized with respect to: (1) providing sufficient water to areas of water‐quality impairment, (2) minimizing impacts to nearby surface waters, (3) preventing saltwater contamination due to overpumping, and (4) minimizing financial cost of well development. Potential well sites and water‐supply scenarios are separated into “politically‐based” and “resource‐based” categories to gain insight into the degree that pre‐existing political boundaries hinder best management practices. The approach provides a promising tool in transboundary water‐resources settings because it allows stakeholders to find solutions that best meet everyone's goals, as opposed to pursuing options that will create conflict, or are less than optimal.  相似文献   

The Sandhills region represents a tremendous water resource for the State of Nebraska. Small shallow lakes, marshes, and subirrigated meadows are abundant due to interactions between ground water and surface water. One theory relating ground water to lake-flow systems in the Sandhills has been termed the “flow-through” concept. Thermal-infrared remotely acquired images document the flow-through model for a test site in Western Nebraska.  相似文献   

Abstract: As nearly all of Texas’ rural lands are privately owned, landowner associations for the management of white‐tailed deer and ground‐water have become increasingly popular. Deer are a common‐pool resource with transboundary characteristics, requiring landowner cooperation for effective management. Ground‐water reserves are economically important to landowners, but are governed by the “rule of capture” whereby property rights are not defined. One ground‐water association and four wildlife management associations (WMAs) were surveyed to characterize their member demographics, land use priorities, attitudes, and social capital. Members of the ground‐water cooperative were part of a much larger, more heterogeneous, and more recently formed group than members of WMAs. They also placed greater importance on utilitarian aspects of their properties, as opposed to land stewardship for conservation as practiced by members of WMAs. If ground‐water association members could be more locally organized with more frequent meetings, social capital and information sharing may be enhanced and lead to land stewardship practices for improved hydrologic functions and sustained ground‐water supply. This, coupled with pumping rules assigned by the local ground‐water district, could yield an effective strategy that is ecologically and hydrologicaly sound, and that allows rural provision of water supply to urban consumers.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Nebraska has abundant supplies of high quality surface and ground water. The U.S. Supreme Court decision in 1982, declaring ground water to be an article of commerce, is widely perceived as giving neighboring states easier access to Nebraska water. Some neighboring states, particularly Colorado and Wyoming, are in water short situations. Additionally, current legal restrictions on certain types of transfers within the State could be inhibiting the “highest and best use” of Nebraska's water. Thus, in 1987 the Nebraska Legislature called for the development of a new water policy for Nebraska that would promote the economically efficient use of water, yet protect the environment as well as the rights of individuals (for example, third parties) and the public. Through an interagency study employing an extensive public involvement process, a policy to be recommended to the Legislature in 1989 emerged. The policy revises the basic definition of water rights and transfers and eliminates most of the inconsistencies in the water allocation system by treating most types of water resources, most types of water users, and most locations of use similarly in the permitting process. (The principal exception is the individual irrigator using ground water on the overlying land where overlying land is one government surveyed section; such use is not defined to be a transfer nor is a permit required.) An impact assessment would be required of most new water uses except on site uses of ground water. Compensation measures could be specified as a condition of the permit where appropriate. The permit would be issued only if the benefits of the proposed transfer clearly outweigh adverse effects that could not be avoided or effectively compensated. The policy allows for the sale or lease of “salvaged” water. It calls for the State to facilitate transfers by acting as a clearinghouse for potential buyers and sellers, and it allows the State to sponsor water projects. An annual fee to be paid by many water users, in order to provide a fund for compensation and for state sponsored water projects, was proposed. However, it met with extensive opposition. Thus, the policy recommends only that the Legislature examine potential funding programs and equitable user fees.  相似文献   

山西省某区块煤层气采出水水质均值为COD 170 mg/L,BOD529.7 mg/L,氨氮5.36 mg/L,氟化物6.59 mg/L,4个污染物指标超过GB 3838—2002《地表水环境质量标准》Ⅳ类水质限值要求。文章针对该地区煤层气采出水的可生化性差(BOD5/COD≤20%)、氯离子含量较高等特点,采用“电絮凝+电氧化”法进行中试试验,处理后水质COD≤17 mg/L,氨氮≤0.1 mg/L,氟化物≤1.0 mg/L,试验结果表明:采用该方法可以有效降低COD、氨氮、氟化物等主要污染物指标,使该区块煤层气采出水达到GB 3838—2002标准Ⅳ类水质要求(COD≤30 mg/L、氨氮≤1 mg/L、氟化物≤1 mg/L)。应用中试试验研究成果,采用“双电+保障(过滤)”工艺在该区块建成了煤层气采出水处理示范工程,水处理站建成投运后出水水质稳定,始终满足GB 3838—2002《地表水环境质量标准》Ⅳ类水质要求。  相似文献   

Abstract: This study evaluates the effects of urban land use on stream channels and riparian ground‐water levels along low‐order Inner Coastal Plain streams in North Carolina. Six sites with stream catchments of similar size (1.19‐3.46 km2) within the Tar River Basin were selected across an urban land use gradient, as quantified by a range of catchment total impervious area (TIA; 3.8‐36.7%). Stream stage and ground‐water levels within three floodplain monitoring wells were measured manually and using pressure transducers from May 2006‐June 2007. Channel incision ratio (CIR), the ratio of bank height to bankfull height, was also measured at each monitoring site and along stream reaches within the study area (12 urban and 12 rural sites). Riparian ground‐water levels were inversely related to catchment TIA (%). As TIA (%) and stormwater runoff increased, the degree of stream channel incision increased and riparian ground‐water tables declined. In urban floodplains (>15% TIA), the median ground‐water level was 0.84 m deeper than for the rural settings (<15% TIA). This has resulted in a shift to drier conditions in the urban riparian zones, particularly during the summer months. CIR was found to be a reliable surface indicator of “riparian hydrologic drought” in these settings.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper defines types of water losses in irrigated agriculture and outlines potentials for water conservation. Recoverable water “losses” (seepage, leakage, and spillage during storage and conveyance, and surface runoff and deep percolation during irrigation) and irrecoverable losses (evaporation from water and soil surfaces and transpiration from plants) are described and illustrated. Some conservation terms are defined, particularly the distinction between on-farm irrigation efficiency and areawide efficiency. Briefly reviewed are agricultural water conservation technologies and their applicability. The biggest untapped potential for water conservation may be a reduction in irrecoverable losses, especially evapotranspiration. The advantages and disadvantages of reducing recoverable and irrecoverable water losses are described, including possible effects on ground water, energy, salinity, crops, wildlife, and in-stream uses. Such information may be useful in several policy and management issues, e.g., ground water overdraft and possible constraints on crops and sites to be irrigated.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In projects involving ground water problems, dependence on the mathematical modeling of the ground water flow phenomena is inescapable. At present, two dimensional flow models, which require tremendous amounts of computer time and storage, are generally used. When such bulky models are used for planning purposes, the two requirements (computer time and storage) can severely limit the number of alternatives that can be considered. A simple quantity and quality simulation model is developed here which requires considerably less computer time and storage and gives reasonably accurate results. The model was applied to simulate a ground water basin in San Luis Rey River in Southern California. The results were compared with those obtained by a USGS model. It was found that the simple model gave results which were consistentaly within five percent of the USGS model results, while the requirements on computer time and storage were drastically reduced.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The South Fork of Long Island, New York is an area which relies entirely on ground water for water supply. Most of the water which is pumped is artifically recharged, without treatment, via cesspools. The natural quality of the ground water is very high. Some areas show increasing nitrate in the ground water. This comes from both cesspools and agricultural fertilizer. Saline water intrusion is a potential problem in coastal areas. High ammonia in surface ponds may result in eutrophication.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A partial production function for corn that considers the time and amount of water applications is determined. Examples are worked out by using data on site specific parameters for nine soil sites in the Great Plains Region repesenting various combinations of water holding capacity, pan evaporation, and average rainfall. It is found that soils with a low water holding capacity are more water and energy intensive in crop production and thus more vulnerable to fluctuations in net returns due to declining water tables or energy shortages. Despite this, farmers of low water holding capacity soils are likely to opt for irrigation. This points to the existence of a necessary, but sufficient, condition for socially inefficient use of ground water resources. This calls to question the property right concept in water created through the appropriation doctrine and the “law of capture.” This paper indicates the type of analysis that must be undertaken in order to make appropriate changes in laws governing water use.  相似文献   

Water conservation is a much emphasized policy of the Federal government. Discussion of water conservation proposals often involves confusion between a conservation “ethic,” which is an end in itself, and conservation as a means for attaining various economic objectives. Analysis indicates that outside of ground water “mining.” water is usually a renewable and reusable resource. During periods of normal precipitation, water conservation should be employed only when the value of the water saved exceeds the cost of effecting the savings. Water conservation is most valuable as a drought contingency tactic. Water conservation as a substitute for structural provision to meet normal water demand growth is apt to prove shortsighted.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Protection of ground water quality is of considerable importance to local, state, and federal governments. This study uses a 15-year mathematical programming model to evaluate the effectiveness of low-input agriculture, under alternative policy scenarios, as a strategy to protect ground water quality in Richmond County, Virginia. The analysis considers eight policy alternatives: cost-sharing for green manures, two restrictions on atrazine applications levels, chemical taxation, a restriction on potential chemical and nitrogen levels in ground water only and in surface and ground water, and two types of land retirement programs. The CREAMS and GLEAMS models were used to estimate nitrate and chemical leaching from the crop root zone. The economic model evaluates production practices, policy constraints, and water quality given a long-term profit maximizing objective. The results indicate that low-input agriculture alone may not be an effective ground water protection strategy. The policy impacts include partial adoption of low-input practices, land retirement, and the substitution of chemicals. Only mandatory land retirement policies reduced all chemical and nutrient loadings of ground water; however, they did not promote the use of low-input agricultural practices.  相似文献   

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