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ABSTRACT: The deep aquifers of the Portland Basin are used as a regional water supply by at least six municipalities in Oregon and Washington. Maximum continuous use of the aquifers in 1998 was 13 mgd and peak emergency use was 55 mgd. Continuous use of the deep aquifers at a rate of 55 mgd has been proposed and inchoate water rights have been reserved for expansion of pumping to 121 mgd. A study was completed, using a calibrated ground water flow model, to evaluate the role of induced recharge from the Columbia River in mitigating aquifer drawdown from continuous‐use and expanded pumping scenarios in the center and eastern areas of the basin. The absolute average residual was less than 3.6 feet for steady‐state model calibrations, and less than 8.0 feet for transient calibration to a 42 mgd pumping event in 1987 with 170 feet of drawdown. Continuous use of the aquifers at a rate of 55 mgd is predicted to increase drawdown to 210 feet. Expansion of pumping to 121 mgd in the center basin is predicted to cause 400 feet of drawdown. However, expansion of pumping in the east basin is predicted to result in only 220 feet of drawdown because of induced recharge from the Columbia River.  相似文献   

A groundwater hydraulic management model is used to identify the optimal strategy for allocating limited fresh-water supplies and containing wastes in a hypothetical aquifer affected by brine contamination from surface disposal ponds. The present cost of pumping from a network of potential supply and interception wells is minimized over a five-year planning period, subject to a set of hydraulic, institutional, and legal constraints. Hydraulic constraints are formulated using linear systems theory to describe drawdown and velocity variables as linear functions of supply and interception well discharge decision variables. Successful validation of the optimal management strategy suggests that the model formulation can feasibly be applied to define management options for locally contaminated aquifer systems which are used to fulfill fresh-water demands.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Interpretation of ground water level changes in a developed aquifer usually relies on reference to some benchmark such as “predevelopment” ground water levels, changes from fall to fall and/or spring to spring, or to determination of maximum stress during the pumping season. The assumption is that ground water levels measured in the monitoring well accurately reflect the state of the ground water resource in terms of quantity in storage and the effects of local pumping. This assumption is questionable based on the patterns shown in continuous hydrographs of water levels in monitoring wells in Nebraska, and wells installed to determine vertical gradients. These hydrographs show clear evidence for vertical ground water gradients and recharge from overlying parts of the aquifer system to deeper zones in which production wells are screened. The classical concept of semi‐perched ground water, as described by Meinzer, is demonstrated by these hydrographs. The presence of semi‐perched ground water (Meinzer definition, there is no intervening unsaturated zone) invalidates the use of measured ground water levels in regional observation programs for detailed numerical management of the resource. Failure to recognize the Meinzer effect has led to faulty management. The best use of data from the observation well network would be for detection of trends and education unless it is clearly understood what is being measured.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The occurrence of ground water in the lower North Platte Valley, Goshen County, Wyoming, was studied to determine safe yield within the alluvial aquifer under varying discharge and recharge conditions. The alluvium of the North Platte is extensively developed for irrigation purposes and the effects of large-scale pumpage are of major concern. Actual withdrawals are estimated to be 46,000 acre-feet. Should pumping reach potentially higher levels an overdraft is expected. Effect of ground water withdrawals are established from projections of the flow regime within the alluvial aquifer. A time dependent, numerical model was employed to predict aquifer response to increased withdrawals. The results suggest that more efficient use of surface waters and/or increased use of ground water will reduce the annual subsurface return flow to the North Platte River and its tributaries by an amount equal to the reduced ground water recharge increment. Alternatives are available for management of the lower North Platte alluvial aquifer. The preferred course is to correlate surface and subsurface water rights, in light of convenience, economics, and best means of storage for maximum utilization of the single water resource.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The effects of major water management practices on the pumping requirement from the Ogallala aquifer are discussed. Demand on the aquifer may be reduced as much as 15 percent by recycling irrigation runoff, 25 percent by recycling irrigation runoff and irrigating with water from playas, and 29 percent by recycling irrigation water in combination with irrigation from playas and artificial recharge of playa water to the aquifer. Other practices that can result in more efficient use of precipitation and groundwater are limited irrigation, land forming, soil profile modification, and improved irrigation systems, thereby reducing the pumping demand on the Ogallala. Additional water supplies can possibly be obtained by water harvesting, weather modification, and water importation. Conclusions reached were that the overdraft on the aquifer can be reduced by the application of sound water management practices on an area-wide basis.  相似文献   

Johnson, R.L., B.R. Clark, M.K. Landon, L.J. Kauffman, and S.M. Eberts, 2011. Modeling the Potential Impact of Seasonal and Inactive Multi‐Aquifer Wells on Contaminant Movement to Public Water‐Supply Wells. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 47(3):588‐596. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2011.00526.x Abstract: Wells screened across multiple aquifers can provide pathways for the movement of surprisingly large volumes of groundwater to confined aquifers used for public water supply (PWS). Using a simple numerical model, we examine the impact of several pumping scenarios on leakage from an unconfined aquifer to a confined aquifer and conclude that a single inactive multi‐aquifer well can contribute nearly 10% of total PWS well flow over a wide range of pumping rates. This leakage can occur even when the multi‐aquifer well is more than a kilometer from the PWS well. The contribution from multi‐aquifer wells may be greater under conditions where seasonal pumping (e.g., irrigation) creates large, widespread downward hydraulic gradients between aquifers. Under those conditions, water can continue to leak down a multi‐aquifer well from an unconfined aquifer to a confined aquifer even when those multi‐aquifer wells are actively pumped. An important implication is that, if an unconfined aquifer is contaminated, multi‐aquifer wells can increase the vulnerability of a confined‐aquifer PWS well.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Artificial recharge as a means of augmenting water sup plies for irrigation is a management alternative which policy makers in ground water decline areas are beginning to consider seriously. A conceptual model is developed to evaluate the economic benefits from ground water recharge under conditions where the major water use is irrigation. The methodology presented separates recharge benefits into two components: pumping cost savings and aquifer extension benefits. This model is then applied to a Nebraska case to approximate the value of recharge benefits as a function of aquifer response. discount rate, and commodity prices. It was found that recharge benefits vary from less than $2 to over $6 an acre foot recharged.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Multicriterion decision making (MCDM) techniques were used to analyze a groundwater contamination management problem from the viewpoint of conflicting multiple objectives. The groundwater management model was used to find a compromise strategy for trading off fresh water supply, containment of the waste, and total pumping cost in a hypothetical confined aquifer affected by previous waste disposal action. A groundwater flow model was used to formulate the hydraulic constraints. A linear system model was used to describe drawdown and velocity as functions of the decision variables which were pumping rates. The model determines the pumping location and rates. A modified c-constraint method was used to generate the set of nondominated solutions which were the alternative compromise strategies. Three different MCDM techniques, Compromise programming (CP), ELECTRA II and MCQA II, were used to select a “satisficing” alternative. Analysis of the results showed that, although these techniques follow different principles, the same preferred strategies were reached. Also, it was noticed that maintaining high groundwater velocities is expensive and difficult. In order to meet a two year target date, large amounts of water had to be pumped. Therefore, rapid restoration results in large pumping volumes and high costs.  相似文献   

Land subsidence caused by extensive groundwater pumping has become a factor which cannot be ignored in the sustainable exploitation of groundwater resources. The Hangzhou–Jiaxing–Huzhou Plain is one of the locations with China’s most severe land subsidence problems; the region has experienced dramatic land subsidence since the 1960s. Historical records of groundwater extraction, hydraulic head, and land subsidence show the latter to be the result of continual and excessive extraction of groundwater from deep confined aquifers. This study reconstructs land subsidence using an integrated regional groundwater flow and land subsidence model. The model is calibrated using land subsidence and groundwater level measurements from 1996 to 2007. Simulation results reproduce the cones of depression for groundwater heads and nadirs of land subsidence reasonably well. The calibrated model is used to evaluate the efficacy of land subsidence prevention plans from 2008 to 2010, and to predict future land subsidence over the next decade considering several groundwater exploitation scenarios. The results show the main cause of land subsidence to be inelastic compaction of the aquifer system resulting from continuously declining water levels. The model reveals that while the area of land subsidence will continue to extend, the rate of this extension may be significantly decreased by reduction of groundwater extraction. If the current land subsidence prevention and reclamation plans are continued and surface water diversion projects implemented, though land subsidence cannot be halted, the rate at which it is occurring can be effectively reduced.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The biodegradation potential of two drinking water disinfection byproducts was investigated using aquifer materials obtained from approximately 100 and 200 meters below land surface in an aerobic aquifer system undergoing aquifer storage recovery of treated surface water. No significant biodegradation of a model trihalomethane compound, chloroform, was observed in aquifer microcosms under aerobic or anaerobic conditions. In contrast, between 16 and 27 percent mineralization of a radiolabeled model haloacetic acid compound, chloroacetic acid, was observed. These results indicate that although the potential for biodegradation of chloroacetic acid exists in deep aquifer systems, chloroform entrained within these aquifers or formed in situ will tend to persist. These results have important implications for water managers planning to meet anticipated lowered permissible levels of trihalomethanes in drinking water.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT; This paper presents a numerical model for the prediction of optimal ground water withdrawal from a two-aquifer system by observing a set of constraints determined by the ecological conditions of the ground water basin. The aquifer system consists of an upper unconfined and a lower confined aquifer with a leaky stratum between them. It is assumed that water is withdrawn from the confined aquifer only, but the unconfined aquifer will also be affected due to the leakiness of the layer separating the upper and lower aquifers. Simulation and linear programming are employed for developing a computer model for the optimal management of such systems, with the objectives of determining withdrawal rates for predetermined ground water levels.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A three‐dimensional fractured medium flow model was developed for the Bear Creek Valley (BCV) S‐3 site of the Oak Ridge Reservation (ORR) using SWIFT III. The numerical modeling for this site focused on a conceptual model established through the analysis of heterogeneous geologic units and matrix fracture properties of the subsurface in the BCV area. The SWIFT III modeling analysis was based on the previous modeling studies that used MODFLOW and MODPATH. A rigorous calibration was obtained first by comparing simulated results with the existing data on ground water levels and then by comparing pumping test results with the simulated ground water levels. A satisfactory agreement between observed and simulated results was obtained. The calibrated model was used to determine sustained yield from a ground water interceptor trench. Different withdrawal rates were used to simulate the performance of the trench for the sustained withdrawal of ground water.  相似文献   

Abstract: Water supply uncertainty continues to threaten the reliability of regional water resources in the western United States. Climate variability and water dispute potentials induce water managers to develop proactive adaptive management strategies to mitigate future hydroclimate impacts. The Eastern Snake Plain Aquifer in the state of Idaho is also facing these challenges in the sense that population growth and economic development strongly depend on reliable water resources from underground storage. Drought and subsequent water conflict often drive scientific research and political agendas because water resources availability and aquifer management for a sustainable rural economy are of great interest. In this study, a system dynamics approach is applied to address dynamically complex problems with management of the aquifer and associated surface‐water and groundwater interactions. Recharge and discharge dynamics within the aquifer system are coded in an environmental modeling framework to identify long‐term behavior of aquifer responses to uncertain future hydrological variability. The research shows that the system dynamics approach is a promising modeling tool to develop sustainable water resources planning and management in a collaborative decision‐making framework and also to provide useful insights and alternative opportunities for operational management, policy support, and participatory strategic planning to mitigate future hydroclimate impacts in human dimensions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Using a genetic algorithm (GA), optimal intermittent pumping schedules were established to simulate pump‐and‐treat remediation of a contaminated aquifer with known hydraulic limitations and a water miscible contaminant, located within the Duke Forest in Durham, North Carolina. The objectives of the optimization model were to minimize total costs, minimize health risks, and maximize the amount of contaminant removed from the aquifer. Stochastic ground water and contaminant transport models were required to provide estimates of contaminant concentrations at pumping wells. Optimization model simulations defined a tradeoff curve between the pumping cost and the amount of contaminant extracted from the aquifer. For this specific aquifer/miscible contaminant combination, the model simulations indicated that pump‐and‐treat remediation using intermittent pumping schedules for each pumping well produced significant reductions in predicted contaminant concentrations and associated health risks at a reasonable cost, after a remediation time of two years.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Management of a regional ground water system to mitigate drought problems at the multi‐layered aquifer system in Collier County, Florida, is the main topic. This paper developed a feedforward control system that consists of system and control equations. The system equation, which forecasts ground water levels using the current measurements, was built based on the Kalman filter algorithm associated with a stochastic time series model. The role of the control equation is to estimate the pumping reduction rate during an anticipated drought. The control equation was built based on the empirical relationship between the change in ground water levels and the corresponding pumping requirement. The control system starts with forecasting one‐month‐ahead ground water head at each control point. The forecasted head is in turn used to calculate the deviation of ground water heads from the monthly target specified by a 2‐in‐10‐year frequency. When the forecasted water level is lower than the target, the control system computes spatially‐varied pumping reduction rates as a recommendation for ground water users. The proposed control system was tested using hypothetical droughts. The simulation result revealed that the estimated pumping reduction rates are highly variable in space, strongly supporting the idea of spatial forecasting and controlling of ground water levels as opposed to a lumped water use restriction method used previously in the model area.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Declining ground-water levels and spring discharges have heightened water user concerns about the sustainability of the Snake River Plain aquifer in southern Idaho. Diminished recharge from surface water irrigation and increased irrigation pumping have been depleting the aquifer at a rate of about 350,000 acre-feet/year. Previously, aquifer conditions were treated as an uncontrollable consequence of weather and development activities. With increasing competition for available water, the State appears to be progressing through a three-stage process of recharge management. The first stage is that which has occurred historically, where recharge is largely an incidental effect of surface water irrigation. The second stage is the implementation of intentional recharge with little regard to identifying or maximizing benefits. Idaho has been at this stage for the past few years. The State is entering a third stage in which recharge sites will be located and designed to meet specific water user and environmental objectives. Preliminary estimates using numerical and analytical models demonstrate that managed recharge within a few miles of the river will result in short-term increases in spring discharge. More distant recharge sites are needed to provide longer-term benefits. The primary challenge facing implementation of the managed recharge program will be the balancing of economic and environmental costs and benefits and to whom they accrue.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A simple simulator was constructed, calibrated, programmed and used in management studies of a hydraulic system containing two pumping stations in series, connected by canals and reservoirs. The features of the model, its calibration and use are described, and comparisons between measured and computed hydraulic behavior are presented.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Land use planning in rapidly developing areas can serve as an effective tool for minimizing water quality impacts on ground water supplies. A land use management model applied to Jackson Township of the New Jersey Pine Barrens was developed. The management model consisted of a simulation model for the transport of nitrates from septic tank systems through the aquifer and a multiobjective, goal programming optimization model to determine population density restrictions using 208 areawide planning population projections. Results showed that growth may have to be curtailed in several areas of Jackson Township and that current population projections over the next 30 years may result in unacceptably high nitrate concentrations downgradient of Jackson Township. The management framework provides a flexible approach to land use planning.  相似文献   

Jang, Cheng‐Shin, Chen‐Wuing Liu, Shih‐Kai Chen, and Wen‐Sheng Lin, 2011. Using a Mass Balance Model to Evaluate Groundwater Budget of Seawater‐Intruded Island Aquifers. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 48(1): 61‐73. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2011.00593.x Abstract: The study developed a mass balance model to evaluate the groundwater budget of seawater‐intruded island aquifers using limited available data. The Penghu islands were selected as a study area. As sparse observed data were available in the islands, methods of combining water and chloride balances were used to determine the amounts of groundwater pumping, seawater intrusion, aquifer storages, and safe yields in the shallow and deep aquifers. The groundwater budget shows that seawater intrusion to freshwater aquifers was 1.38 × 106 and 0.29 × 106 m3/year in the shallow and deep aquifers, respectively, indicating that the seawater intrusion is severe in the both aquifers. The safe yield of the shallow aquifer was 14.56 × 106 m3/year in 2005 which was four times higher than that of the deep aquifer (3.70 × 106 m3/year). However, the annual pumping amounts in the shallow and deep aquifers were 4.77 × 106 and 3.63 × 106 m3/year, respectively. Although the safe yield of the shallow aquifer is enough for all water resources demands, only 55% of exploitation amount was extracted from the shallow aquifer due to its poor water quality. Groundwater exploitation in the deep aquifer should be significantly reduced and regulated by a dynamic management of pumping scheme because the annual pumping amounts are close to the safe yield and seawater intrusion occurs continually. Additionally, to alleviate further aquifer salination, at least half of the current annual groundwater abstraction should be reduced.  相似文献   

When the cone of influence of a pumping well reaches a nearby river, the resulting hydraulic gradient can induce enhanced seepage of streamflow into the aquifer. The rate of seepage is often modeled using analytical solutions that are simple to apply but may not reproduce field data due to mathematical assumptions not being met in the field. Furthermore, the appropriateness of such models has not been investigated in detail due to difficulty in measuring streamflow loss in the field. In this study, a field experiment was conducted on a reach of the South Platte River near Denver, Colorado to estimate pumping‐induced streamflow loss. A network of stream gauges, monitoring wells, and in situ measurements was used to observe streamflow rates, groundwater levels, and temperature to assess if pumping wells have a significant impact on streamflow, and to compare observed streamflow depletion against analytical solutions. Data collected suggest that pumping wells have a noticeable impact on streamflow. The analytical solutions proved accurate if streamflow was low and constant but performed poorly if streamflow was high and variable. Therefore, for this reach, the use of analytical solutions to predict streamflow may only be appropriate under low‐flow, constant‐flow conditions. Methods and results can be used to guide other streamflow depletion studies and to inform cases of pumping‐induced streamflow depletion, particularly in regard to water rights.  相似文献   

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