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以复合生态系统理论为指导,结合成都市龙泉驿区人类经济活动和生态环境特征的相似性和差异性,将龙泉驿区划分为龙泉山低山丘陵农林土壤保持生态功能小区、平原都市农业经济生态功能小区、城镇与新型工业生产生态功能小区和龙泉水库水源涵养生态功能小区,并明确提出各生态功能小区的生态保护与建设内容.  相似文献   

李杰  康银劳 《资源开发与市场》2007,23(10):896-897,941
针对GDP的缺陷导致自然资源和环境的价值被忽视或扭曲,制约了我国经济可持续发展的问题,提出以绿色GDP来进行国民经济核算,落实科学发展观,并以成都市为例进行了实证研究,得出近年来成都市已加强环保意识,经济正在走向可持续发展道路,绿色GDP核算体系具有深远理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

在府南河下游修建生态河堤   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文论述了生态河堤的类型、特点以及河堤建设的发展趋势。为了加速成都市的生态建设,建议在二环路至黄龙溪的府河段修建生态河堤,并把河流整治与旅游开发结合起来,统一规则,分步实施,在沿河两岸筑起绿色长廊,重续人类与大自然的亲妮情缘。  相似文献   

<正>低碳宣言创新生态文明教育内容与形式,把生态文明教育融入育人全过程。从我做起,建设绿色家园,倡导环保行为,将生态文明理念变成行为习惯,助力人与自然和谐发展现代化建设!学校简介成都市高新区芳草小学成立于1996年,学校坚持“让每个生命开出自己的花”的办学理念,致力于建成“充满活力、多元共生、特色鲜明”的优质学校。学校先后荣获“全国真语文示范学校”“全国资源节约型绿色校园”“少先队全国红旗大队”“四川省艺术教育特色示范学校”“成都市教师发展基地校”等称号。学校先后六次荣获省政府优秀教学成果一、二等奖,“基于差异的个性化课堂实践体系”课题荣获教育部首届“国家级教学成果奖”二等奖。  相似文献   

对甘肃省开展创建绿色社区工作的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李兆英 《青海环境》2004,14(2):68-69
文章结合甘肃省环保部门在兰州市新港城小区开展创建绿色小区试点的基本情况 ,阐述了在全省开展绿色社区创建工作的思路 ,提出了相应的工作对策  相似文献   

正四川省成都市工程职业技术学校建校于1984年,占地面积231亩,开设有11个专业,教师230人,学生4300余人。近年来,学校紧紧围绕"服务地方经济社会,实施绿色发展战略",以建设绿色学校为抓手,先后成功建成国家中等职业教育改革发展示范校、全国安全教育示范校、全国青少年校园足球特色学校、四川省职教先进单位、内务管理示范校、成都市环境友好型学校,被评为2019年全国教育系统先进集体,初步形成了合作办学多元化、专业发展企业化、  相似文献   

基于对成都市老旧小区、高层电梯住宅等不同居民住宅类型的油烟进行监测,得到不同时段PM2. 5和VOCs的排放浓度特征,并采用排放因子法计算得到成都市PM2. 5和VOCs的单户年平均排放量。成都市本次PM2. 5浓度在0. 028~0. 745mg/m3,高层住宅单户平均年排放量为0. 047 kg/a,老旧小区单户平均年排放量为0. 222 kg/a; VOCs平均浓度在0. 856~3. 695 mg/m3之间,高层住宅单户平均年排放量为0. 355 kg/a,老旧小区单户平均年排放量为0. 491 kg/a。  相似文献   

近年来,绿色创建活动遍及上海,环保模范城区、生态城区、环保模范商业街、环保企业,绿色小区、绿色学校、绿色商厦、绿色工业园区、绿色饭店等创建活动如火如荼、不断深入。作为全国精神文明先进单位和全国绿色社区创建活动先进社区的虹储小区坚持与时俱进,继续走在全市前列,深化开展绿色社区创建活动。  相似文献   

为纪念世界地球日,4月22日,四川省环保局联合省委宣传部、省教育厅在成都市召开了省级绿色学校和绿色社区表彰大会,  相似文献   

城镇建设用地需求预测与配置研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
针对我国现行城镇建设用地预测方法存在的问题,对城镇建设用地预测方法进行了探索性研究;通过构建科学的建设用地需求预测方法,为土地利用规划提供科学依据。在C—D生产函数的基础上,提出了土地、资本与产出GDP的要素关系模型、恩格尔系数与人均建设用地面积关系模型和时间序列的ARIMA建设用地模型。对成都市城镇建设用地总量进行了实证分析,对4种预测方法的结果进行了定量评价,并据此提出成都市建设用地的配置方案。  相似文献   

城市人居环境的改善是经济持续发展的动力和保障,经济发展是人居环境改善的物质基础和载体.城市人居环境与经济协调发展是实现可持续发展的重要途径.以新疆沙湾县为研究对象,通过构建城镇人居环境与经济发展协调度指标评价体系,并运用主成分分析方法和协调度模型,对1999-2008年沙湾县城镇人居环境与经济协调发展水平进行了综合评价.结果表明:10年来城镇人居环境与经济发展协调程度逐渐上升,可以划分1999-2004年缓步上升和2005-2008年波动上升2个发展阶段.目前,沙湾县城镇人居环境与经济发展已到达高度协调状态,处理好两者的关系,使之更近一步达到优质协调,从而实现沙湾县经济、社会和生态环境的协调可持续发展.  相似文献   

乡村人居环境:人居环境科学研究的新领域   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
乡村人居环境是人居环境科学的重要构成部分,随着城市化的快速推进,乡村人居环境日益恶化.人居环境科学研究存在明显缺陷,即人居环境研究的"城市主义"倾向明显,忽视了乡村人居环境研究.分析了开展乡村人居环境研究的重要性和紧迫性,评述了国内外的相关研究成果,提出了乡村人居环境研究的多维视角,即基于农户空间行为的乡村人居环境研究、乡村人居环境的地域文化与发展模式研究、乡村人居环境与空间规划研究、基于"3S"技术的乡村人居环境研究、乡村人居环境的系统理论与发展战略研究.  相似文献   

Net primary productivity (NPP) is one of the major ecosystem products on which human societies rely heavily. However, rapid urban sprawl and its associated dense population and economic conditions have generated great pressure on natural resources, food security, and environments. It is valuable to understand how urban expansion and associated demographic and economic conditions affect ecosystem functions. This research conducted a case study in Southeastern China to examine the impacts of urban expansion and demographic and economic conditions on NPP. The data sources used in research include human settlement developed through a combination of MODIS, DMSP-OLS and Landsat ETM+ images, the annual NPP from MODIS, and the population and gross domestic product (GDP) from the 2000 census data. Multiple regression analysis and nonlinear regression analysis were used to examine the relationships of NPP with settlement, population and GDP. This research indicates that settlement, population and GDP have strongly negative correlation with NPP in Southeastern China, but the outcomes were nonlinear when population or GDP reached certain thresholds.  相似文献   

炼油化工废水水量大,含有较高浓度的COD、NH3-N、硫、酚、石油类等污染物,活性污泥法具有运行稳定,耐负荷运行、成本低、维护方便和处理效果良好的特点。文章通过分析污泥沉降比与各因素之间的关系,得出:温度是影响沉降比主要因素,外界环境因素也影响污泥沉降比,污泥沉降比对维持曝气池稳定有重要作用,利用污泥沉降比可以调节剩余污泥排放量,控制污泥浓度;通过污泥沉降比的变化可以及早判断和发现污泥膨胀,及时做出工艺运行调整。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The objective of this work is to determine the effects of extension of a stream network through land drainage activities during the late 1800s on the hydrologic response of a watershed. The Mackinaw River Basin in Central Illinois was chosen as the focus and the pre‐land and post‐land drainage activity hydrologic responses were obtained through convolution of the hill slope and channel responses and compared. The hill slope response was computed using the kinematic wave model and the channel response was determined using the geomorphologic instantaneous unit hydrograph method. Our hypothesis was that the hydrologic response of the basin would exhibit the characteristic effects of settlement (i.e., increases in peak discharges and decreases in times to peak). This, indeed, is what occurred; however, the increase in peak discharges diminishes as scale increases, leaving only the decrease in times to peak. At larger scales, the dispersive effects of the longer hill slope lengths in the pre‐settlement scenario seem to balance the depressive effects of the longer path lengths in the post‐settlement scenario, thus the pre‐settlement and post‐settlement peak discharges are approximately equivalent. At small scales, the dispersion caused by the hill slope is larger in the pre‐settlement case; thus, the post‐settlement peak discharges are greater than the pre‐settlement.  相似文献   

民事司法手段的局限性限制了司法手段在环境纠纷解决中的地位和作用。民事司法改革进程的深入发展和多元化纠纷解决机制的兴盛为环境纠纷的多元化解决途径带来了新的发展契机。环境纠纷行政处理的专业性、便捷性、可接近性决定了行政处理在环境纠纷解决中的独特作用和适用空间。在借鉴发达国家和地区环境纠纷行政处理的立法经验和灵活多样的纠纷解决途径的基础上,从环境纠纷行政处理专门立法、纠纷解决机构设置、纠纷解决方式、行政处理的纠纷范围、行政处理救济的程序保障等方面,提出完善我国环境纠纷行政处理制度的思考和建议。  相似文献   

Reconciling conservation and social justice imperatives is a major challenge facing many postcolonial states worldwide. Where historically disenfranchised communities have laid legal claim to protected areas, the typical resolution has been collaborative management agreements between the state and claimant communities. The real outcomes of such strategies for people and ecosystems have been seriously questioned, although alternative approaches are seldom explored. Here, we reflect on one such alternative that was pursued in a case in South Africa, where the land was handed back to the community and a replacement protected area created. Our objective was to explore the opportunities and trade-offs associated with this approach for communities and conservation agencies alike, and to compare these to typical collaborative management outcomes. Methods included key informant interviews, focus group discussions and household surveys. We find that, surprisingly, this approach created more benefits for the conservation agency than for claimant communities. Indeed, the community experiences bore a striking resemblance to those experienced in collaborative management settings: intra-community conflict, confusion over leadership and serious questions about the boundaries of the “community”. Processes aimed at redressing past injustice in disputes over conservation land, regardless of the approach adopted, must bring with them a strong commitment to building institutional and leadership capacities within communities, and pay serious attention to the ways in which equity and social justice can be fostered after the settlement of a land claim. Settlement agreements are frequently treated as the final step towards social justice, but are in fact just the beginning.  相似文献   

我国水事纠纷解决机制探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水事纠纷解决机制是一系列水事纠纷解决方式所组成的整体,该机制是民事主体或行政区域水资源权利受到侵害,以及遭受水污染侵权损害的重要救济途径。虽然我国相关法律对水事纠纷的解决方式已作出规定,但是这些法律规定较为分散、不系统,还没有形成一个有机的整体,造成运用该机制解决水事纠纷的效果较差。为了保障水事纠纷及时、有效地得以解决,完善我国的水事纠纷解决机制已迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

靳美娟  屈康庆 《四川环境》2011,30(6):112-115
在探讨城市人居环境基本概念的基础上,构建了城市人居环境评价指标体系,并对宝鸡市区2004~2008年的人居环境进行了系统的分析与评价。分析结果表明,2004年以来宝鸡市区的人居环境有了很大的改善,尤其是居住条件改善速度较快,但基础设施与公共服务设施、生态环境质量改善速度缓慢。针对这些问题,提出优化宝鸡市区人居环境的具体...  相似文献   

Abstract: Building water mass balances were performed for one 150‐story conventional building scenario for comparison with three scenarios of the 2020 Tower, a hypothetical 150‐story high‐rise building with on‐site wastewater treatment and reuse. To ensure that the assumptions for the hypothetical building are appropriate, a one‐year water balance was also conducted of the existing 27‐story Solaire building that partly closes the water/wastewater loop, meters major water flows and implements low‐flow/water conserving fixtures and appliances. For comparison, a conventional 27‐story building scenario with the same low‐flow/water conserving fixtures as the Solaire but no water reuse was also assessed. The mean daily indoor water use in the Solaire was 246 l/(d cap) which exceeds mean daily water use found in the literature. The water mass balances showed that an urban high‐rise building needs another source of water even when potable reuse water is produced because of losses during water end use and treatment (i.e., evaporation, water in treatment residues). Therefore, water conservation (i.e., modification of human behavior) and water efficiency improvements (i.e., equipment, appliances and fixtures) are important major factors in reducing the municipal water needed in all scenarios.  相似文献   

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