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To evidence the multidimensionality of the soil quality concept, we propose the use of data visualization as a tool for exploratory data analyses, model building, and diagnostics. Our objective was to establish the best edaphic indicators for assessing soil quality in four no-till systems with regard to functioning as a medium for crop production and nutrient cycling across two Illinois locations. The compared situations were no-till corn-soybean rotations including either winter fallowing (C/S) or cover crops of rye (Secale cereale; C-R/S-R), hairy vetch (Vicia villosa; C-R/S-V), or their mixture (C-R/S-VR). The dataset included the variables bulk density (BD), penetration resistance (PR), water aggregate stability (WAS), soil reaction (pH), and the contents of soil organic matter (SOM), total nitrogen (TN), soil nitrates (NO(3)-N), and available phosphorus (P). Interactive data visualization along with canonical discriminant analysis (CDA) allowed us to show that WAS, BD, and the contents of P, TN, and SOM have the greatest potential as soil quality indicators in no-till systems in Illinois. It was more difficult to discriminate among WCC rotations than to separate these from C/S, considerably inflating the error rate associated with CDA. We predict that observations of no-till C/S will be classified correctly 51% of the time, while observations of no-till WCC rotations will be classified correctly 74% of the time. High error rates in CDA underscore the complexity of no-till systems and the need in this area for more long-term studies with larger datasets to increase accuracy to acceptable levels.  相似文献   

Quantification of the effects of management programs on water quality is critical to agencies responsible for water resource protection. This research documents reductions in stream water phosphorus (P) loads resulting from agricultural best management practices (BMPs) implemented as part of an effort to control eutrophication of Cannonsville Reservoir, a drinking water supply for New York City. Dairy farms in the upstate New York reservoir basin were the target of BMPs designed to reduce P losses. A paired watershed study was established on one of these farms in 1993 to evaluate changes in P loading attributable to implementation of BMPs that included manure management, rotational grazing, and improved infrastructure. Intensive stream water monitoring provided data to calculate P loads from the 160-ha farm watershed for all runoff events during a two-year pre-treatment period and a four-year post-treatment period. Statistical control for inter-annual climatic variability was provided by matched P loads from a nearby 86-ha forested watershed, and by several event flow variables measured at the farm. A sophisticated multivariate analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) provided estimates of both seasonal and overall load reductions. Statistical power and the minimum detectable treatment effect (MDTE) were also calculated. The results demonstrated overall event load reductions of 43% for total dissolved phosphorus (TDP) and 29% for particulate phosphorus (PP). Changes in farm management practices and physical infrastructure clearly produced decreases in event P losses measurable at the small watershed scale.  相似文献   

This study proposes the use of multi-activity network data envelopment analysis to appraise how incineration plants in Taiwan perform. Sample data from 2006 is used to examine the trade-offs between efficiency enhancement and pollution abatement. The respective efficiencies of the waste treatment and electricity generation are also assessed in a unified framework. The empirical results indicate that it is more important to improve the efficiency of waste treatment activity than of electricity generation activity in order to enhance the overall performance of Taiwan's incinerators. Since ownership, location and length of operations do not in general affect their performance, any improvement has to come from the careful monitoring of each process of the waste treatment operations. Furthermore, given that the policy in Taiwan has moved away from incineration to recycling, the problem of an over-supply of incinerators may become apparent in the near future. Our results indicate that the availability of capacity size may be an important factor when policy-makers consider whether to close down some existing incinerators.  相似文献   

针对长春市存在污染的46个土壤采样点,以Hg、Cd、Pb、As、Cu、Cr、Zn七种重金属元素指标作因子分析,从而为长春市表层土壤重金属污染成因的解释提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

A holistic evaluation of the feasibility of producing 100% recycled mixtures is presented. Eleven technologies readily available for producing 100% Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) hot asphalt mixtures are described in the article and the complementary video (http://youtu.be/coj-e5mhHEQ). The recorded performance of 100% RAP mixtures is analyzed along with identification of typical high RAP distresses. Recommended mix design procedures and the best RAP management strategies are described. A cradle-to-gate analysis of environmental effects indicated 18 kg or 35% CO2eq savings per t of produced 100% RAP asphalt mixture compared to virgin mix, while cost analysis showed at least 50% savings in material related expenses.  相似文献   

Turkey is a country rich in lakes and wetlands--monitoring of all these will require advances in technology such as remote sensing. In this study, the aquatic plants of the large and shallow Lake Mogan, located in Central Anatolia were identified and mapped using high spatial resolution Quickbird imagery. As Lake Mogan is an important bird area the assessment of submerged plant species is of great value for ecosystem conservation and management. Quickbird multispectral image acquired on August 6, 2005 was geometrically corrected and a water mask was used based on strong absorption of Near Infrared (NIR) wavelengths by calm, clear and deep water. The water mask was applied using band reflectance values for a specific pixel satisfying the conditions of band decreasing property (Green>Red>NIR) and NIR相似文献   

环境监测是保护环境的重要手段。随着科技发展,监测数据的处理与分析也有了很大的进步,为人类的生活提供了有力的保障。本文从数据获取出发,从多个角度对环境监测数据处理进行分析和研究,同时探讨新型方法在监测数据领域的应用。  相似文献   

Multivariate statistics to investigate metal contamination in surface soil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The modification of soil composition in the urbanized area of Ankara due to wet-dry deposition and pollution-derived particles from the atmosphere is investigated by analyzing 120 surface soil samples, collected from the urbanized area and its un-urbanized surrounding, for major, minor and trace elements. Concentrations of elements from human activity (e.g. Cd, Pb, Cr, Zn, Cu and Ca) in the urbanized area were higher than their corresponding concentrations in global average soil and soil in un-urbanized areas outside the urbanized area. Metal contents in soil were very high in densely populated districts and around some industrial facilities. The only exception was Pb distribution, which was more dispersed, due to the nature of motor vehicle emissions. Alteration of the Cd, Zn, Cu and Cr content of soil was confined to the inhabited and industrial areas, whereas enrichment factors of these elements were close to unity in the remaining study area. Factor analysis identified two polluted soil factor associations. One factor includes elements, such as Zn and Cd, which had high factor scores in inhabited areas and the other factor (high loading of Pb) represents soil polluted by motor vehicle emissions.  相似文献   

Leachate metal pollutant concentrations produced from different asphalt and concrete pavement surfacing materials were measured under controlled laboratory conditions. The results showed that, in general, the concentrations of most metal pollutants were below the reporting limits. However, dissolved chromium was detected in leachate from concrete (but not asphalt) specimens and more strongly in the early-time leachate samples. As the leaching continued, the concentration of Cr decreased to below or close to the reporting limit. The source of the chromium in concrete pavement was found to be cement. The concentration of total Cr produced from leachate of different cement coming from different sources that was purchased from retail distributors ranged from 124 to 641 μg/L. This result indicates that the potential leachability of dissolved Cr from concrete pavement materials can be reduced through source control. The results also showed that the leachability of dissolved Cr in hardened pavement materials was substantially reduced. For example, the concentration of dissolved Cr measured in actual highway runoff was found to be much lower than the Cr concentration produced from leachate of both open and dense graded concrete pavement specimens under controlled laboratory study. It was concluded that pavement materials are not the source of pollutants of concern in roadway runoff; rather most pollutants in roadway surface runoff are generated from other road-use or land-use sources, or from (wet or dry) atmospheric deposition.  相似文献   

The energy consumption of buildings is influenced by the climates tremendously. Taiwan is an island covered with high mountains. Crossed by the tropic of cancer, the basic climates zones include tropical and subtropical climates. In this research, the degree day and degree hour methods were used to analyze 37 weather stations data in mid and high elevation regions of Taiwan collected over 10 years. The WRF model were used to predict summer cooling hours using 26, 28, 30°C as the base temperatures. The research showed that Taiwan has complicated climate zones due to the variations of the elevation. The low air-conditioning load areas in the mid and high elevation regions will be the most suitable areas to design low energy consumption buildings in Taiwan.  相似文献   

Tannery effluents and relevant ground water and soil samples collected from various tanning industries of Peshawar were analyzed for Na, Ca, K, Mg, Fe, Mn, Cr, Co, Cd, Ni, Pb and Zn by the AAS method. The metal concentration data for the three media are reported in terms of basic statistical parameters, metal-to-metal correlations and linear regression analyses. Metal distributions in the three media were quite divergent and showed non-normal distributions with high standard deviation and skewness parameters. Sodium exhibited the highest mean levels of 1,277mg/L, 881mg/L and 12,912mg/kg in the effluent, ground water and soil samples, respectively. Among other metals, Cr concentrations were 410mg/L, 0.145mg/L, 100mg/kg and Ca, 278mg/L, 64.8mg/L, and 2,285mg/kg in the effluent, ground water and soil samples, respectively. Some significant correlations were observed between effluent and soils in terms of Na, Cr, Ni, Co and Pb. The ground water-soil interrelationship suggested that Na levels in the soil and ground water were significantly correlated with each other (r=0.486, P<0.01). Similarly, Cr in the soil is strongly correlated with Ca in ground water (r=0.486, P<0.01). These results were duly supported by the linear regression analysis of data. The source identification studies conducted using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Cluster Analysis (CA) evidenced that ground water and soil were being contaminated by the toxic metals emanating from the tannery effluents.  相似文献   

Prediction of construction cost of wastewater treatment facilities could be influential for the economic feasibility of various levels of water pollution control programs. However, construction cost estimation is difficult to precisely evaluate in an uncertain environment and measured quantities are always burdened with different types of cost structures. Therefore, an understanding of the previous development of wastewater treatment plants and of the related construction cost structures of those facilities becomes essential for dealing with an effective regional water pollution control program. But deviations between the observed values and the estimated values are supposed to be due to measurement errors only in the conventional regression models. The inherent uncertainties of the underlying cost structure, where the human estimation is influential, are rarely explored. This paper is designed to recast a well-known problem of construction cost estimation for both domestic and industrial wastewater treatment plants via a comparative framework. Comparisons were made for three technologies of regression analyses, including the conventional least squares regression method, the fuzzy linear regression method, and the newly derived fuzzy goal regression method. The case study, incorporating a complete database with 48 domestic wastewater treatment plants and 29 industrial wastewater treatment plants being collected in Taiwan, implements such a cost estimation procedure in an uncertain environment. Given that the fuzzy structure in regression estimation may account for the inherent human complexity in cost estimation, the fuzzy goal regression method does exhibit more robust results in terms of some criteria. Moderate economy of scale exists in constructing both the domestic and industrial wastewater treatment plants. Findings indicate that the optimal size of a domestic wastewater treatment plant is approximately equivalent to 15,000 m3/day (CMD) and higher in Taiwan. Yet the optimal size of an industrial wastewater treatment plant could fall in between 6000 CMD and 20,000 CMD.  相似文献   

This research investigated the possibility of using recycled asphalt concrete as surface course in airport pavement. The basic properties of recycled asphalt binder after short- and long-term aging were firstly tested and compared with those of the virgin asphalt. Then, a series of laboratory tests were performed to evaluate the performance of recycled asphalt concrete (containing 40% and 70% RAP), in which the HMA mixture without RAP was used as a control. Furthermore, an experimental pavement consisting of three sections (corresponding to 0%, 40% and 70% RAP content) was constructed to verify the laboratory test results. These results indicated that the recycled asphalt could achieve the similar properties against long-term aging as virgin asphalt. Recycled asphalt concrete containing 40% RAP could be used as surface course in airport pavement as it exhibited similar performance as control mixture both from the laboratory and experimental pavement test results. On the contrary, recycled asphalt concrete containing 70% RAP was not recommended as its fatigue property was much poorer compared with that of virgin asphalt mixture.  相似文献   

The prevalence of forestry practices such as thinning and pruning have gradually decreased since the 1980s. Researchers have noted an increased flood risk with decreased forestry practices for coniferous plantations in Japan on the basis of infiltration and overland flow measurements at a plot scale (typically several square meters). However, no studies have examined changes in peak flow with decreased forestry practices at a watershed scale (typically several tens or hundreds of square kilometers) even though flood disasters generally occur at this scale in Japan. We examined changes in frequency distributions of daily precipitation (P) and runoff (Q) during the period 1979-2007 at the Terauchi watershed, where forestry practices are known to have decreased. For this purpose, we divided P and Q data into 14 and 15 classes according to the magnitude, respectively, and examined changes in the frequency for each class during the period. We observed no significant increasing trend for any P or Q class. Even when taking into account the effect of interannual variations in precipitation on the frequency for each Q class, there was no significant increasing trend in the frequencies except for two Q classes with moderate Q values. These results suggest that the increase in flood risk due to decreased forestry practices might be less than expected.  相似文献   

Investigations were conducted into the treatment of effluents produced during manufacturing processes at both a chemicals production facility and a paint manufacturing facility. A comparison of costs of wastewater treatment at both facilities was also performed. The untreated effluents from both facilities were high in biological oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), and total dissolved solids (TDS). In addition, the effluents from the two facilities deviated significantly in dissolved oxygen (DO) content and pH levels. However, both facilities ultimately released treated wastewater with allowable amounts or levels of BOD, COD, TDS, DO, and pH as permitted by the Department of the Environment, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Bangladesh (DOE). The effluent treatment plants (ETP) at both facilities contained combinations of chemical and biological treatment processes. The treatment processes used at the chemicals production facility and at the paint manufacturing facility were continuous and semi‐batch processes, respectively. The biological treatment section of the ETP at the chemicals production facility has both anaerobic and aerobic units, while the paint manufacturing facility has only an aerobic unit. Annual installation and operation costs of the ETP at the chemicals production facility was Bangladeshi Taka (Tk) 1,300,000 ($16,667 US dollars) and Tk 800,000 ($10,257), respectively. The annual installation and operation costs of the ETP at the paint manufacturing facility were Tk 3,050,000 ($39,103) and Tk 6,200,000 ($79,488), respectively.  相似文献   

In developing countries without the availability of reliable pavement management systems, recycling techniques may offer the best alternative for pavement structural rehabilitation. However, for many government officials and contractors there is a clear understanding of the technical advantages of recycling but not a clear perspective of cost saving. Since cost is a relative value among different regions of any country the following work makes an energy analysis of the construction process of the three different rehabilitation techniques available in Chile. Three different structural pavement rehabilitation alternatives were studied and compared using an energy consumption methodology:
  • •Asphalt overlay;
  • •Reconstruction;
  • •Cold in place recycling with foamed asphalt.
The methodology considers different project scenarios by combining expected traffic and soil support values. For each rehabilitation technique and scenario, the construction processes were analyzed and the design layers were transformed to equivalent energy units (MJ/m2).Results show that cold in place recycling utilizes the lowest amount of energy compared with reconstruction or an asphalt overlay in all the scenarios studied, producing more differences when rehabilitating roads for less trafficked roads. The study also concludes that aggregate haulage distance is the most sensitive factor on total energy consumption when comparing the three alternatives.  相似文献   

Evaluation of leachate composition by multivariate data analysis (MVDA)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Landfills generate emissions in the form of gas and leachate. The emissions are often measured within monitoring programmes. It is likely that the requirements of such monitoring programmes can be extended in the future, particularly in light of the increased interest in specific organic substances. Multivariate data analyses (MVDA) have been used to evaluate the possibility of predicting the content of specific organic substances from more common analyses. The results indicate that this is possible for a specific leachate. MVDA can also be used to reduce the number of analyses performed within existing monitoring programmes while retaining information about all the variables formerly included in the programmes.  相似文献   

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