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运用水足迹方法,根据2000—2008年的统计资料,对湖南省城乡居民虚拟水消费结构和城乡居民用水效率进行综合评价。结果表明,近年来湖南省总水足迹和人均水足迹均呈下降趋势;城镇居民虚拟水消费结构多样性指数值高于农村,城镇居民消费观念和消费模式更为合理;虚拟水消费结构多样性指数整体呈上升趋势,居民消费结构逐渐转向多元化;社会水资源稀缺指数不高,水资源利用还有较大空间,利用效率有了明显提高。  相似文献   

定量评价水资源承载力可为水资源的可持续利用及经济社会的可持续发展提供科学依据。根据水资源状况,采用生态足迹法,利用水资源生态足迹模型与承载力模型,研究了2014—2020年营口市水资源生态足迹、水资源承载力和水资源负载指数的动态变化。结果表明:营口市水资源生态足迹相对平稳,其中,农业用水生态足迹占比最高,居民生活用水、城镇公共用水、生态环境用水生态足迹总体缓慢升高,工业用水生态足迹下降明显,但有回升趋向。营口市水资源生态足迹远高于水资源承载力,表明出现了严重的水生态赤字现象,但水资源承载力波动上升与水资源负载指数逐渐下降,反映了近几年来水资源对生态系统和经济发展的支撑维系能力有了一定程度的增强,水生态赤字现象有所改善,水资源压力有所减轻。营口市水资源承载力有所提升,水资源供需矛盾有所缓和,但水资源生态安全形势依旧严峻,仍需加大调水与节水力度,优化水资源配置,保护水资源。  相似文献   

水足迹分析理论与方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
水资源危机已成为全球可持续发展的一个日益突出的问题。为创新水资源问题的研究思路和完善水资源管理,引进了国际水资源领域较先进的水足迹分析法,系统地介绍了水足迹分析法的基本理论和计算方法,并计算了世界20个国家和地区的水足迹。结果表明,大部分国家水足迹过高、水资源压力过大,虚拟水贸易增加、水进口依赖明显。最后分析了产生高水足迹的原因,提出了降低水足迹的措施,并对该方法及其应用前景进行了评价。  相似文献   

中国北方15个省、区、市耕地面积占全国的55%,灌溉面积占全国灌溉总面积的48%,而水资源总量仅占全国的20%。区域水资源短缺和农业的进一步发展,要求提高农业用水有效性。本文从水文学角度,研究了华北、西北和东北3个地区水土资源特征;分析了作物熟制和适水种植的节水效益、农田供水量与产量的函数关系、农田棵间蒸发量和控制措施,以及提高高产农田用水有效性等水文试验研究结果;介绍了河北省南皮节水农业试验区的研究模式。  相似文献   

吉林省玉米生长过程水足迹研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对吉林省玉米生长过程水足迹的计算,探讨了不同降水年型玉米生长过程水足迹及其水分来源的变化规律,并利用ArcGIS软件对吉林省玉米生长过程水足迹空间差异进行了分析。结果表明,吉林省玉米生长过程水足迹以绿水足迹为主,占50%左右;对比不同降水年型玉米生长过程水足迹,枯水年最高,平水年次之,丰水年最低;玉米生长过程水足迹空间差异明显,中部地区玉米生长过程水足迹最高,其次是西部地区,东部地区最低。  相似文献   

水资源短缺的有效解决途径——虚拟水战略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对中国水资源利用现状,系统论述了水足迹、虚拟水以及虚拟水战略的概念和内涵。通过水足迹来揭示人类对水资源的实际需求和占用,介绍了虚拟水战略的研究展望及存在的不足,通过应用虚拟水战略可以缓解水资源短缺现状,保证水资源与人口、耕地的地域组合均衡。  相似文献   

水资源足迹计算模型研究——以南京市为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在生态足迹理论的基础上探讨了水资源足迹的概念。基于水资源生产力,推导出水资源足迹和水资源承载力的计算公式,用水资源赤字和水资源盈余来衡量水资源利用的可持续性。以南京市为例进行模型实证研究,计算了2003~2007年南京市水资源足迹和水资源承载力,结果表明南京市水资源足迹增长明显,水资源承载力总体平稳,赤字从2004—2007年呈指数增长趋势。实证研究表明模型结果可以在一定程度上衡量生产消费对水资源的影响。  相似文献   

新疆孔雀河流域生态退化问题与保护恢复研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
保护孔雀河流域荒漠河岸林对阻挡库木塔格沙漠与塔克拉玛干沙漠合拢、维系塔里木河下游"绿色走廊"具有重要意义。本文对孔雀河流域生态问题进行了诊断分析,提出孔雀河流域的水资源过度开发已经超出了环境的承载能力,耕地面积的不断扩大和农业用水量的不断增加,强烈挤占了生态用水。产生这些问题与流域生态水权管理体制缺失,监管体系不健全有关。针对此,提出要改变以往完全依赖扩大种植面积实现经济增长的发展模式,控制流域灌溉面积;实现地表水、地下水两水统管;以水定地,积极推广节水技术;实施差别水价,建立生产用水的市场调节机制;加快孔雀河沿岸胡杨林区的"退耕、封井、还水"行动,构建孔雀河流域生态管护与合作机制,明晰孔雀河流域胡杨林生态管护的权责。  相似文献   

根据生态足迹分析方法,建立了水资源生态足迹概念模型,确定了计算水资源帐户生态足迹所需的3个关键参数,即平均水资源产量、均衡因子和地区产量因子,计算了安康市1996—2007年水资源生态足迹和生态承载力。引入水资源生态足迹压力指数、万元GDP水资源生态足迹、累积水资源生态足迹等指标,利用水足迹模型评价水资源可持续发展程度的全面性和对比性。结果表明,计算结果可客观评价安康市水资源可持续发展与利用情况,为地区水资源的可持续利用与管理提供了科学的依据。  相似文献   

水资源时空分布不均造成的水资源短缺问题已成为阻碍区域发展的重要因素。为了应对区域间的水资源短缺问题,跨流域调水工程作为不同流域水资源优化配置的一种手段,被广泛用于解决水资源分配不均和区域需水不平衡问题。调水工程虽然短期内缓解了水资源压力,平衡了区域间用水需求,但其建设和运营过程对工程所涉区域的地方经济、地理环境、人文环境以及生态环境也造成不同程度的压力。本文通过对当前世界范围内跨流域调水工程的文献回顾,围绕跨流域调水工程所引发的社会公平正义层面的争议,借助环境正义理论的分析方法,通过对国内外调水案例的实践分析,追踪相关环境不公的现象和争议,剖析当前社会—生态冲突的产生机制。最后从我国水生态文明建设实际出发,提出以建立健全水权交易市场,构建"赋权—认同—合作"参与机制和树立"人类命运共同体"理念的解决对策,以期降低调水工程对环境和社会所造成的负面影响,推进水生态正义体系的建设。  相似文献   

采用网络信息平台和水环境模型相结合的技术手段,构建了钱塘江突发水污染事故应急系统。该系统旨在帮助应急管理部门快速应对钱塘江流域突发性水污染事故,以及保障G20峰会期间钱塘江流域的饮用水源地安全。该系统以水动力模型、溢油和化学品泄漏模型为核心,采用空间关系型中央数据库作为数据管理系统,基于网络GIS技术开发而成。通过对钱塘江流域历史事故的反演,验证了该系统的准确度和可靠性。在该系统的基础上,构建了钱塘江流域典型流场库和典型突发水污染事故情景库,以实现快速应对G20峰会期间钱塘江流域突发水污染事故风险。  相似文献   

Water Footprint of the Palestinians in the West Bank1   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract: Water in the West Bank of Palestine is a key issue due to its limited availability. Water is used from own sources for domestic, industrial, and agricultural purposes. Moreover, water is consumed in its virtual form through consumption of imported goods, such as crops and livestock, the production of which used water in the country of production. In addition, wastewater in many parts of the West Bank is disposed off without treatment into the wadis, deteriorating the quality of the water resources in the area and, therefore, further reducing the quantity of good quality water available. This paper calculates the water footprint for the West Bank. The consumption component of the water footprint of the West Bank was found to be 2,791 million m3/year. Approximately 52% of this is virtual water consumed through imported goods. The West Bank per capita consumption component of the water footprint was found to be 1,116 m3/cap/year, while the global average is 1,243 m3/cap/year. Out of this number 50 m3/cap/year was withdrawn from water resources available in the area. Only 16 m3/cap/year (1.4%) was used for domestic purposes. This number is extremely low and only 28% of the global average and 21% of the Israeli domestic water use. The contamination component of the water footprint was not quantified but was believed to be many times larger than the consumption component. According to the official definition of water scarcity, the West Bank is suffering from a severe water scarcity. Therefore, there is a need for a completely new approach towards water management in the West Bank, whereby return flows are viewed as a resource and that is geared towards a conservation oriented approach of “use, treat, and reuse.”  相似文献   

Water use for oil and gas development (i.e., hydraulic fracturing) is a concern in semiarid basins where water supply is often stressed to meet demands, and oil and gas production can exacerbate the situation. Understanding the impacts of water use for hydraulic fracturing (HF) on water availability in semiarid regions is critical for management and regulatory decisions. In the current work, we quantify water use for HF at several scales — from municipal to state‐wide — using the IHS Enerdeq database for the South Platte Basin. In addition, we estimate produced water (a by‐product of oil and gas production), using data from the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission to explore reuse scenarios. The South Platte River Basin, located in northeastern Colorado, encompasses the Denver‐Metro area. The basin has one of the most productive oil and gas shale formations in Colorado, with much of the production occurring in Weld County. The basin has experienced higher horizontal drilling rates coupled with an increasing population. Results show water use for horizontal and vertical wells averages 11,000 and 1,000 m3, respectively. Water use for HF in the South Platte Basin totaled 0.63% of the basin's 2014 total water demand. For Weld County, water use for HF was 2.4% of total demand, and for the city of Greeley, water use was 7% of total demand. Produced water totaled 9.4 Mm3 in the basin for 2014, which represents 42% of the total water used for HF.  相似文献   

Kim, Ungtae and Jagath J. Kaluarachchi, 2009. Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources in the Upper Blue Nile River Basin, Ethiopia. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 45(6):1361‐1378. Abstract: Climate change affects water resources availability of international river basins that are vulnerable to runoff variability of upstream countries especially with increasing water demands. The upper Blue Nile River Basin is a good example because its downstream countries, Sudan and Egypt, depend solely on Nile waters for their economic development. In this study, the impacts of climate change on both hydrology and water resources operations were analyzed using the outcomes of six different general circulation models (GCMs) for the 2050s. The outcomes of these six GCMs were weighted to provide average future changes. Hydrologic sensitivity, flow statistics, a drought index, and water resources assessment indices (reliability, resiliency, and vulnerability) were used as quantitative indicators. The changes in outflows from the two proposed dams (Karadobi and Border) to downstream countries were also assessed. Given the uncertainty of different GCMs, the simulation results of the weighted scenario suggested mild increases in hydrologic variables (precipitation, temperature, potential evapotranspiration, and runoff) across the study area. The weighted scenario also showed that low‐flow statistics and the reliability of streamflows are increased and severe drought events are decreased mainly due to increased precipitation. Joint dam operation performed better than single dam operation in terms of both hydropower generation and mean annual storage without affecting the runoff volume to downstream countries, but enhancing flow characteristics and the robustness of streamflows. This study provides useful information to decision makers for the planning and management of future water resources of the study area and downstream countries.  相似文献   

基于塔里木河流域生态系统特征,分析塔里木河流域生态系统管理面临的主要问题.①农业开发大量挤占生态用水,威胁流域生态系统安全;②流域农药使用量增长1.78倍,化肥使用量增长2.06倍,工业SO2排放量增长5.93倍,城镇污水量增长0.23倍,下游水质严重超标;③水资源利用效率仅为6.79元/m3,远低于新疆平均水平;④人口和种植规模年均增长11%以上,突破流域水资源承载力.从综合生态管理体制、生态资源市场交易机制、生态立法三方面提出塔里木河流域生态系统管理新方向.  相似文献   

Ten Key Questions About the Management of Water in the Yellow River Basin   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Water is scarce in many regions of the world, clean water is difficult to find in most developing countries, there are conflicts between irrigation needs and urban demands, and there is wide debate over appropriate means of resolving these problems. Similarly, in China, there is limited understanding of the ways in which people, groups, and institutions contribute to, are affected by, and respond to changes in water quantity and quality. We use the example of the Yellow River basin to argue that these social, managerial, and policy dimensions of the present water problems are significant and overshadow the physical ones. Despite this, they receive relatively little attention in the research agenda, particularly of the lead agencies in the management of the Yellow River basin. To this end, we ask ten research questions needed to address the policy needs of water management in the basin, split into two groups of five. The first five relate to the importance of water in this basin and the changes that have affected water problems and will continue to do so. The second five questions represent an attempt to explore possible solutions to these problems.  相似文献   

Nishat, Bushra and S.M. Mahbubur Rahman, 2009. Water Resources Modeling of the Ganges‐Brahmaputra‐Meghna River Basins Using Satellite Remote Sensing Data. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 45(6):1313‐1327. Abstract: Large‐scale water resources modeling can provide useful insights on future water availability scenarios for downstream nations in anticipation of proposed upstream water resources projects in large international river basins (IRBs). However, model set up can be challenging due to the large amounts of data requirement on both static states (soils, vegetation, topography, drainage network, etc.) and dynamic variables (rainfall, streamflow, soil moisture, evapotranspiration, etc.) over the basin from multiple nations and data collection agencies. Under such circumstances, satellite remote sensing provides a more pragmatic and convenient alternative because of the vantage of space and easy availability from a single data platform. In this paper, we demonstrate a modeling effort to set up a water resources management model, MIKE BASIN, over the Ganges, Brahmaputra, and Meghna (GBM) river basins. The model is set up with the objective of providing Bangladesh, the lowermost riparian nation in the GBM basins, a framework for assessing proposed water diversion scenarios in the upstream transboundary regions of India and deriving quantitative impacts on water availability. Using an array of satellite remote sensing data on topography, vegetation, and rainfall from the transboundary regions, we demonstrate that it is possible to calibrate MIKE BASIN to a satisfactory level and predict streamflow in the Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers at the entry points of Bangladesh at relevant scales of water resources management. Simulated runoff for the Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers follow the trends in the rated discharge for the calibration period. However, monthly flow volume differs from the actual rated flow by (?) 8% to (+) 20% in the Ganges basin, by (?) 15 to (+) 12% in the Brahmaputra basin, and by (?) 15 to (+) 19% in the Meghna basin. Our large‐scale modeling initiative is generic enough for other downstream nations in IRBs to adopt for their own modeling needs.  相似文献   

Ji, Yuhe, Liding Chen, and Ranhao Sun, 2012. Temporal and Spatial Variability of Water Supply Stress in the Haihe River Basin, Northern China. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 48(5): 999‐1007. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2012.00671.x Abstract: Water resources are becoming increasingly stressed under the influence of climate change and population growth in the Haihe River Basin, Northern China. Assessing the temporal and spatial variability of water supply stress is urgently needed to mitigate water crisis caused by water resource reallocation. Water supply and use data were compiled for the time period of 1998‐2003 in this synthesis study. The Water Supply Stress Index (WSSI) as defined as Water Demand/Water Supply was used to quantitate whether water supply could meet the demand of human activities across the study region. We found a large spatial gradient of water supply stress in the study region, being much higher in the eastern subbasins (ranging from 2.56 to 4.31) than the west subbasins (ranging from 0.56 to 1.92). The eastern plain region not only suffered more serious water supply stress but also had a much higher interannual variability than the western hilly region. The uneven spatial distribution of water supply stress might result from the distribution of land use, population, and climate. Future climate change and rapid economic development are likely to aggravate the existing water crisis in the study region.  相似文献   

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