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江苏:搭建排污权交易平台 为组织开展江苏省太湖流域主要水污染物排放指标有偿使用和交易试点工作,江苏省环保厅日前成立了排污权交易管理中心,负责全省排污权有偿使用和交易管理等工作。目前,江苏省太湖流域排污权有偿使用和交易工作已经取得突破性进展,太湖流域各市在确定试点企业名单的基础上,现已进行排污指标申购、核定、公示,并陆续进入缴款阶段。  相似文献   

水资源管理的经济政策效果模拟是从政策理论到政策实践的关键步骤,让决策者感知政策效果的方向和影响程度,才能更好地促进政策实践转化。本研究引入系统动力学方法,构建水资源经济政策耦合机制下水资源系统动力学(SD)模型,将我国划分为三种类型区域(干旱地区、丰水地区和过渡地区),进行三类四种水资源管理经济政策(水资源有偿使用,水价政策和水权政策;水污染收费,排污收费政策;水生态保护,水生态保护补偿政策)的耦合仿真实证研究。以我国水资源管理政策设计为目标,进行不同水管理政策耦合的生态经济效果仿真和效果定量评价,结果发现:干旱地区有偿使用的经济政策是目前经济水平下效果最好的;过渡地区有偿使用结合污水排放收费政策效果是最好的;而丰水地区必须同时实施水资源有偿使用和水污染收费两类经济政策。  相似文献   

近三年来,河北省主要污染物排放权有偿使用和交易取得了一定成效,但也存在很多问题,本文从工作机制创新出发,提出河北省排污权有偿使用和交易的开展需加强政策制度、管理机构、技术支撑、排污权全过程监管、宣传培训五大体系建设。  相似文献   

浅析排污许可证制度在总量控制中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为使污染物总量控制工作逐步走向深入并真正收到实效,对“排污许可证制度“中有关核定单位的污染物排放量、排污行为的有效约束,企业排污权的转移与交易、区域污染物排放状况的调控,以及如何确立该制度在污染物总量控制工作中的作用进行了探讨.  相似文献   

浅析实施经济政策减排二氧化硫的瓶颈问题和解决途径   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国在环保政策上一直采用排污收费等经济政策手段,并开始尝试排污权交易制度。但现实国情的困难造成了环境经济政策在控制和减少二氧化硫排放上未起到应有的作用。排污收费标准偏低,排污权交易缺乏法律、政策配套,两种经济政策手段均没能很好地激励火电行业和全社会的力量来治理二氧化硫排放,也未能促成有效的治理资金投入机制。必须通过立法、行政政策手段扫除实施经济政策治污的障碍和瓶颈问题,调整国家电力不合理的供应结构,从而为消除环境污染问题打好基础,为环境可持续发展创造条件。  相似文献   

陈艾 《环境教育》2008,(1):39-39
●中国第一个排污权交易平台在浙江省嘉兴市揭牌成立,排污权转让有了专门的二级市场。嘉兴市排污权储备交易中心的成立,意味着中国的排污权有偿转让开始从单个企业行为向规模化、制度化迈进。 ●近日,财政部、国家环保总局批复江苏省在太湖流域开展以水污染物排污指标为主要内容的排污权有偿使用和交易试点,这是财政部、国家环保总局推进节能减排工作的又一新的重大举措。  相似文献   

肖劲松  王静静 《绿叶》2012,(5):101-108
通过制定相应的政策实现水泥行业污染物排放与CO2排放协同控制,是国际社会水泥行业实现协同控制的另一种重要手段。对于大部分污染控制政策而言,这些政策不仅在解决某种或某些大气污染物方面取得了很好的成效,与此同时,也具有协同控制二氧化碳排放的效果,这类政策主要有排污许可证措施、最佳可行技术措施、清洁生产、淘汰落后产能措施、激励政策、排污权交易等。  相似文献   

排污权是我国重要环境管理方式,主要利用经济手段激励企业推进治污工程建设,主动减少污染物排放.通过对南京市历年排污权交易情况分析,同时结合排污许可证制度《固定污染源排污许可分类管理名录(2019年版)》,对排污权交易主要污染物化学需氧量、氨氮、二氧化硫及氮氧化物交易量、交易金额、交易项目数进行比较分析,探究排污权一级市场...  相似文献   

曲晴 《环境教育》2008,(8):52-52
2007年年底,财政部、国家环保部批复江苏省在太湖流域开展以水污染物排污指标为主要内容的排污权有偿使用和交易试点,这是财政部、环保部推进节能减排工作的又一新的重大举措。  相似文献   

全国统一的污水排污费征收最近开始实施。这是对污染物实施排放总量控制的一项重要政策。 为了控制日益严重的工业污染,保证国民经济的持续发展,我国对污染物的控制已由过去的以浓度控制为主转向总量控制和浓度控制并重。征收污水排污费的标准和有关政策,是根据《中华人民共和国环境保护法》《中华人民共和国水污染防治法》的有关规定,由国家环保局会同国家物价管理部门和财政部制定的。 据介绍,污水排污是指排污单位向水体排放的废水,虽未超过国家或地方规定的污染物排放标准,但增加了污染物的种类、浓度或数量,按照规定每排放1吨污水收费0.05元。向水体排放污染物超过排放标准的,仍按现行规定征收超标排污费,不再重复计征污水排污费。  相似文献   

重庆市基于排放绩效的火电行业二氧化硫总量控制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐燕秋  陈佳  熊强  唐敏  雷波 《四川环境》2006,25(4):22-24
本文介绍了排放绩效及排放绩效方法在火电行业二氧化硫总量控制方面的应用,并对重庆市火电机组及其二氧化硫排放状况进行了全面调查,根据重庆市二氧化硫污染防治的需要制定了各时段机组“十一五”期间的排放绩效控制标准,利用排放绩效方法测算了重庆市火电行业二氧化硫总量控制目标,提出了总量配额分配方法。  相似文献   

A detailed sensitivity analysis was conducted to quantify the contributions of various emission sources to ozone (O3), fine particulate matter (PM2.5), and regional haze in the Southeastern United States. O3 and particulate matter (PM) levels were estimated using the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) modeling system and light extinction values were calculated from modeled PM concentrations. First, the base case was established using the emission projections for the year 2009. Then, in each model run, SO2, primary carbon (PC), NH3, NOx or VOC emissions from a particular source category in a certain geographic area were reduced by 30% and the responses were determined by calculating the difference between the results of the reduced emission case and the base case.The sensitivity of summertime O3 to VOC emissions is small in the Southeast and ground-level NOx controls are generally more beneficial than elevated NOx controls (per unit mass of emissions reduced). SO2 emission reduction is the most beneficial control strategy in reducing summertime PM2.5 levels and improving visibility in the Southeast and electric generating utilities are the single largest source of SO2. Controlling PC emissions can be very effective locally, especially in winter. Reducing NH3 emissions is an effective strategy to reduce wintertime ammonium nitrate (NO3NH4) levels and improve visibility; NOx emissions reductions are not as effective. The results presented here will help the development of specific emission control strategies for future attainment of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards in the region.  相似文献   

This study analyzed the scope effects of respondent uncertainty in contingent valuation (CV) by evaluating whether willingness to pay (WTP) estimates were sensitive to changes in the magnitudes of motorized emission reductions in the city of Nairobi, Kenya. The WTP estimates were elicited through the conventional payment card (PC), stochastic payment card (SPC) and the polychotomous payment card (PPC) formats. While SPC and PPC formats were used to capture respondent uncertainty, the PC format captured respondent certainty regarding the amounts individuals were WTP for emission reductions. Based on parametric and nonparametric analysis, results show that certain (PC) respondents stated significantly larger WTP amounts for larger emission reductions than for smaller reductions. Conversely, uncertain (SPC and PPC) respondents stated smaller amounts for larger emission reductions than certain (PC) respondents. The implication is that though respondents were sensitive to the scope of motorized emission reductions, respondent uncertainty lowered their sensitivity to scope.  相似文献   

京津冀PM2.5浓度控制目标可达性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
雾霾污染已成为京津冀地区最突出的环境问题,国务院颁布了《大气污染防治行动计划》,明确提出了京津冀地区雾霾治理的浓度目标和减排措施。但是这些减排措施能否够实现PM2.5的浓度目标呢?本文基于数据分析方法,量化了2013—2014年京津冀地区PM2.5浓度与污染物排放量的关系,预测了现有减排措施可以达到的PM2.5浓度以及实现既定的PM2.5浓度目标的大气污染物减排要求,对"大气十条"减排政策的有效性进行了科学评估。结果显示,现有的减排措施难以实现PM2.5浓度控制目标,天津和河北的大多数地市需要进一步加大污染物减排力度。河北的部分地市即使实现了PM2.5浓度下降25%的目标,PM2.5浓度仍然过高,应改下降百分比为绝对值目标。北京的污染物减排率过高,减排难度较大,可以考虑一个现实合理的PM2.5浓度目标和污染物减排计划。由于污染物减排行动涉及区域经济和民生保障,PM2.5浓度受到风力等自然因素的影响较大,京津冀地区的雾霾治理应确定现实可行的浓度控制目标,并制定相应的污染物排放量管理目标。  相似文献   

控制汽柴油消费对中国的能源安全和环境保护有着重要意义.燃油税和碳税是中国近期两种主要的已经或可能施加于燃油的税收政策.以自回归分布滞后模型为核心,本研究构建了一个燃油税和碳税的区域能源环境影响评估模型.利用模型估计了我国的燃油需求价格弹性,测算了燃油需求响应,计算了在相同CO2减排目标下,提高汽油消费税、提高柴油消费税、引入碳税三种政策情景下各省份预计产生的节能效应、减排效应和税收效益.研究结果显示,在相同的CO2减排目标下,第一,在不同情景下,各省份节能程度差异均有限,但节能数量均体现出区域匹配性,燃油消费越多的省份,节能数量一般越多,且提高汽油消费税的全国节能总量最大;第二,在引入碳税情景下,各省份CO2减排比例差异最小;第三,在全国层面,三种政策情景中空气污染物(PM2.5和NOx和SO2)减排数量均为提高汽油消费税>引入碳税>提高柴油消费税,但在提高柴油消费税情景下,有4/5的省份预计PM2.5排放减少程度超过14%.除此之外,提高汽油消费税的税收收益最大.  相似文献   

在地方性试点的基础上,我国已在电力行业启动全国性碳排放权交易市场建设。配额管理不仅直接影响参与者的经济利益,还决定着碳排放权交易机制能否成功建立和持续运行。从配额总量设定、地区和企业层面的配额分配、配额的调控和灵活管理机制等角度总结比较了各国碳排放权配额管理制度设计的经验教训,并从五个方面提出了对我国全国性碳交易市场建设的启示。  相似文献   

This paper presents a review of energy use in 22 selected countries of Asia and estimates the anthropogenic emission of sulphur dioxide (SO2) for the selected countries, both at national and disaggregated sub-country regional levels. The paper also makes a comparative assessment of the Asian countries in terms of SO2emission intensity (i.e. emission per GDP), emission per capita and emission density (i.e. emission per unit area). Total SO2emission in the region was estimated to be about 38 million tons in 1990. Five countries, China, India, South Korea, Japan and Thailand, accounted for over 91% of the regional SO2emission. Coal use had the dominant share (81%) of the total emission from the region. Among the economic sectors, industry contributed the largest share (49%) to the total emissions of the selected countries as a whole, followed by the power sector (30%). These findings suggest the need for mitigation strategies focussed on the industry and power sectors of the major emitting countries in Asia.  相似文献   

China's calcium carbide output has dominated the global market for several years, driven by the demand for PVC (polyvinyl chloride), a fundamental polymer material and also the primary downstream product of calcium carbide in China. The fast growth of this energy-intensive industry leads to an inevitable increase in CO2 emissions. However, there is a large reduction potential with process improvement in this industry which is currently characterized by widespread outdated facilities. In this study, we attempt to assess the reduction potential of CO2 emissions in China's calcium carbide production, based on the analysis of CO2 emission patterns and estimation of the emission amount. Three scenarios regarding process improvement are employed to conduct this assessment. The results imply that the cumulative CO2 abatement in the Current Policy Scenario and in the Strengthened Policy Scenario from 2008 to 2020, compared with the Baseline Scenario, are 89.0 and 107.6 million t, respectively. The specific measures and policy implications to achieve this potential are also discussed in the article.  相似文献   

京津冀地区重点耗煤行业大气污染物排放清单研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本研究通过京津冀地区各行业的年度煤炭消费量确定火电行业、钢铁行业和焦化行业为重点耗煤行业,以在线监测数据、污染源调查(现场调研、环评、验收)数据、排放因子数据为基础,自下而上建立了2013年京津冀地区重点耗煤行业大气污染物排放清单,分析研究了SO_2、NO_x和PM_(10)的排放量与污染贡献分布情况,掌握了京津冀地区重点耗煤行业大气污染物排放现状,为大气污染物减排提供数据基础。研究表明,2013年京津冀火电、钢铁焦化行业共排放SO_2 72.35万t、NO_x 131.99万t、PM_(10) 30.36万t。  相似文献   

This study aims to identify key factors affecting energy-induced CO2emission changes from 34 industries in Taiwan, in order to have an integrated understanding of the industrial environmental-economic-energy performance and to provide insights for relevant policy making in Taiwan. Grey relation analysis was used in this paper to analyse how energy-induced CO2emissions from 34 industries in Taiwan are affected by the factors: production, total energy consumption, coal, oil, gas and electricity uses. The methodology was modified by taking account of the evolutionary direction among relevant factors. Furthermore, tests of sensitivity and stability, which are seldom discussed in most grey relation analyses, were conducted to ensure the reliability of outcomes. We found that values ranging from 0·3 to 0·5 are appropriate, and the analytical results with value of 0·5 offer moderate distinguishing effects and good stability. Results indicate that industrial production has the closest relationship with aggregate CO2emission changes; electricity consumption the second in importance. It reveals that the economy in Taiwan relied heavily on CO2intensive industries, and that electricity consumption had become more important for economic growth. The relational order of fuels is electricity, coal, oil then gas, accordant with their CO2emission coefficients in Taiwan. The positive relational grade of aggregate production implies that the aggregate industrial CO2intensity tended to decline. The total energy consumption had a smaller and negative relational grade with CO2emissions, and implies an improvement on aggregate energy intensity, while the CO2emission coefficient increased. For industries with significant influence on CO2emissions, the total energy consumption had the largest relational grades. It is important to reduce the energy intensity of these industries. Nevertheless, it is also critical to decouple energy consumption and production to reduce the impacts of CO2mitigation on economic growth.  相似文献   

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