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Most wood-feeding insects need an association with microbes to utilize wood as food, and some have special organs to store and convey the microbes. We report here the discovery of the microbe-storage organ (mycangium) in stag beetles (Coleoptera: Lucanidae), which develop in decayed wood. The mycangium, which was discovered in the abdomen, is present in all adult females of 22 lucanid species examined in this study, but absent in adult males. By contrast, adult insects of both sexes of selected Passalidae, Geotrupidae, and Scarabaeidae, which are related to Lucanidae, lacked mycangia similar to those of the lucanid species. Yeast-like microbes were isolated from the mycangium of five lucanid species. DNA sequence analyses indicate that the microbes are closely related to the xylose-fermenting yeasts Pichia stipitis, Pichia segobiensis, or Pichia sp. known from the gut of a passalid species.  相似文献   

The morphological characteristics of sperm and reproductive organs may offer clues as to how reproductive systems have evolved. In this paper, the morphologies of the sperm and male reproductive organs of carabid beetles in the tribe Pterostichini (Coleoptera: Carabidae) are described, and the morphological associations among characters are examined. All species form sperm bundles in which the head of the sperm was embedded in a rod-shaped structure, i.e., spermatodesm. The spermatodesm shape (left-handed spiral, right-handed spiral, or without conspicuous spiral structure) and the condition of the sperm on the spermatodesm surface (with the tail free-moving or forming a thin, sheetlike structure) vary among species. In all species, the spiral directions of the convoluted seminal vesicles and vasa deferentia are the same on both sides of the body; that is, they show an asymmetric structure. The species in which the sperm bundle and the seminal vesicles both have a spiral structure could be classified into two types, with significant differences in sperm-bundle length between the two types. The species with a sperm-bundle spiral and seminal-vesicle spiral of almost the same diameter have longer sperm bundles than the species with a sperm-bundle spiral and seminal-vesicle tube of almost the same diameter. In the former type, the spiral directions of the sperm bundles and seminal vesicles are inevitably the same, whereas they differ in some species with the later type. Therefore, increased sperm bundle length appears to have been facilitated by the concordance of the sperm bundle’s coiling direction with the coiling direction of the seminal vesicle.  相似文献   

为深入探索可获得光资源量(light availability)与水华鱼腥藻(Anabaena flos-aquae)浮沉关键因子——细胞比重、藻丝长度,以及水华鱼腥藻沉降损失的关系,开展了纯培养试验.在温度(25±1)℃,光照度分别为100,500,1000,3000,5000lx的条件下,培养时间35d,结果显示:在1~10d内鱼腥藻细胞比重随光照度增大而增大,在10d左右达到最大值,随后各光照组下鱼腥藻细胞比重较稳定且相差不大;光照越强,水华鱼腥藻的藻丝越短,其变化趋势是先增大到最大值再减小;光照越强,水华鱼腥藻的藻丝长度越快增大到最大值;实验结束时高光照度下水华鱼腥藻沉降损失比率较小,均低于10%,低光照下水华鱼腥藻沉降性能较好,最高可达到57.3%.实验结果表明:可获得光资源量下降直接影响鱼腥藻比重和藻丝长度并进一步导致鱼腥藻的沉降损失比率增大,这为持续型垂直混合导致蓝藻消亡的原因提供了新解释.  相似文献   

Solution ~(31)P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy( ~(31)P-NMR) is a useful method to analyze organic phosphorus(Po), but a general procedure for the analysis method is lacking.The authors used solution ~(31)P-NMR, which was found to be an effective method for analysis of Po in Haihe River sediment, to analyze the Po in the surface sediment in Eastern China at the regional scale, and found that the Na OH-ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid(EDTA)extraction rate was affected by environmental factors. At the regional scale, the extraction rate showed a positive relationship with loss on ignition, when the extraction rate was lower than 60%. The extraction rate had no relationship with the loss on ignition when the extraction rate was higher than 60%. The extraction rate showed a negative relationship with p H, which means that the extraction rate was higher in acidic sediment and lower in alkaline sediment. The ratio of TC/TN(the ratio of total carbon to total nitrogen) was considered to represent the origin of organic matter in the sediment. The extraction rate was high when the TC/TN ratio was lower than 20, meanwhile the extraction rate decreased as the TC/TN ratio increased. The results show that the origin of organic matter in sediment significantly affects the Na OH-EDTA extraction rate. This study will give theoretical support for building an effective and general solution ~(31)P-NMR analysis method.  相似文献   

In 1983, the species composition and diversity of carabids, spiders and harvestmen was investigated by pitfall traps in a grassy field margin and in an adjacent, biologically farmed wheat field at Obere Lobau, Vienna, Austria.The carabid fauna of both habitats was diverse; it showed a high degree of similarity, the abundant species in both habitats being represented by typical field species. Only Metophonus spp. predominantly lived in the margin. Numerous species of different habitat origin occurred in the margin at low abundances indicating transitional stay rather than permanent populations.In contrast, the spider fauna showed a low degree of similarity, with few agrobiotic species strongly dominating field fauna. In the field margin, a rich spider fauna containing rare elements indicates the general importance of grassy margins for nature conservation. The apparently low faunal exchange of spiders between the two habitat types is discussed. Harvestmen occurred mainly in the field margin; only two thermophilic species invaded the field.Seasonal fluctuations in the trapping numbers of Bembidion lampros, Platynus dorsalis and Brachinus explodens are interpreted as indicating migrations between field margin and field. Poecilus cupreus and certain other field species, however, apparently spend their entire life cycle in the field. The possible function of field margins for restoration of carabid losses due to impacts of intensive cultivation is discussed.It is concluded that both grassy field margins and sustainable farming methods, in particular biological farming, are necessary to maintain a diverse predatory arthropod fauna in agroecosystems.  相似文献   

Increased turbidity reduces visibility in the water column, which can negatively affect vision-oriented fish and their ability to detect prey. Young fish could consequently benefit from high turbidity levels that can provide a protective cover, reducing predation pressure. Perch (Perca fluviatilis) are commonly found in littoral zones of temperate lakes and coastal areas of the Baltic Sea. Pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) spawn in these areas, so perch is a potential predator for pikeperch larvae. We conducted laboratory experiments to test the predation of perch on pikeperch larvae at different turbidity levels (5–85 nephelometric turbidity units), densities of pikeperch larvae (2–21 individuals l−1) and volumes of water (10–45l). The logistic regression showed that the probability of larvae eaten depended significantly on turbidity and volume of water in the bags, while density of larvae was not significant. However, because container size is known to affect predation, the data was divided into two groups based on water volume (10–20 and 25–45l) to reduce the effects of container size. In either group, probability of predation did not significantly depend on volume, whereas turbidity was significant in both groups, while density was significant in larger water volumes. Thus, high turbidity impaired perch predation and protected pikeperch larvae from perch predation. Because density of larvae was also a significant factor affecting predation of perch, the dispersal of pikeperch larvae from spawning areas should also increase the survival of larvae.  相似文献   

为精确描述二噁英分子的电子结构及其定量结构/性质相关关系(QSPRs),运用密度泛函理论,在B3LYP/6-311G**水平上,分别对多氯二苯并对二噁英(PCDDs)和多氯二苯并呋喃(PCDFs)进行了优化计算.相应量子化学参数,即平均分子极化率(α),熵(S),极化率和四极矩的张量分量(αxx,αyy,αzz和Qxx,Qyy,Qzz)用于该类化合物辛醇-水分配系数的QSPR研究,构建了2个单变量和1个双变量模型,其决定系数R2分别为0.962、0.950和0.951;其显著性检验因子F分别为509.759、379.498和186.234.PCDD/Fs在辛醇相-水相间的分配性质主要与分子体积因素有关,而电性因素的影响较小;不同模型预测值间的差异与模型中预测变量本身性质和实验值的有限性有关.经比较,本研究中所建立的3个QSPRs模型尽管只有1个或2个变量,但其结果与复杂的偏最小二乘分析(PLS)相近.  相似文献   

Demographic factors such as operational sex ratio (OSR) and local population density (LPD) are temporally and spatially dynamic in the natural environment but the influence of these variables on male mating success and the mechanisms behind it are still poorly understood and highly controversial. Here, we manipulated the OSR and LPD of a seed bug, Nysius huttoni, and carried out a series of mating trials to test how these variables affected male mating success. The two demographic factors had no significant interactions, suggesting that they affect male mating success independently in N. huttoni. In this species male mating success was significantly higher in both male- and female-biased OSR than in even OSR. It is suggested that, in male-biased OSR, the increased intensity of competition and interference does not result in lower male mating success; rather, males may make more effort in courting and females may have more chance to encounter better males, resulting in higher male mating success. In female-biased OSR, females may become less choosy and less likely to reject male mating attempt, leading to the higher male mating success. Lower male mating success in N. huttoni in high LPD may be due to increased interference between males and/or delayed female receptiveness for mating. OSR had a stronger effect on male mating success than LPD in N. huttoni, suggesting that OSR and LPD affect mating success in different ways and intensities.  相似文献   

Ferrihydrite is an important sink for the toxic heavy metal ions, such as Cr(VI). As ferrihydrite is thermodynamically unstable and gradually transforms into hematite and goethite, the stability of Cr(VI)-adsorbed ferrihydrite is environmentally significant. This study investigated the phase transformation of Cr(VI)-adsorbed ferrihydrite at different pH in the presence of aqueous Mn(II), as well as the fate of Mn(II) and Cr(VI) in the transformation process of ferrihydrite. Among the ferrihydrite transformation products, hematite was dominant, and goethite was minor. The pre-adsorbed Cr(VI) inhibited the conversion of ferrihydrite to goethite at initial pH 3.0, whereas little amount of adsorbed Mn(II) favored the formation of goethite at initial pH 7.0. After the aging process, Cr species in solid phase existed primarily as Cr(III) in the presence of Mn(II) at initial pH 7.0 and 11.0. The aqueous Mn concentration was predominantly unchanged at initial pH 3.0, whereas the aqueous Mn(II) was adsorbed onto ferrihydrite or form Mn(OH)2 precipitates at initial pH 7.0 and 11.0, promoting the immobilization of Cr(VI). Moreover, the oxidation of Mn(II) occurred at initial pH 7.0 and 11.0, forming Mn(III/IV) (hydr)oxides.  相似文献   

不同粒径大气颗粒物中有机碳(OC)和元素碳(EC)的分布   总被引:29,自引:5,他引:29  
使用Andersen六段分级大流量采样器(粒径:7.2~10,3.0~7.2,1.5~3.0,0.95~1.5,0.49~0.95,<0.49μm)采集了广州市荔湾区冬季的大气颗粒物样品,并用美国Sunset碳分析仪分析了其中的有机碳(OC)和元素碳(EC)组分.研究表明:OC和EC主要存在于细粒子中,与OC相比,EC则相对更集中于<0.49 μm粒径上;PM10中二次有机碳占总有机碳(ρ(OCsec)/ρ(OC.))比例的平均值为卵%,OC,EC的对数模型图都为双峰型.对ρ(OCtot),ρ(OCpri)(一次有机碳质量浓度)与ρ(EC)进行相关性分析,结果表明,只用ρ(OC)/ρ(EC)值来评价二次污染是不充分的.   相似文献   

Inter- and intraspecific local resource competition may lead to the selection of specific adaptive individual characteristics to overcome interference competition. A highly selective scenario is predictable for interference competition among seed preying weevil larvae that live in and feed upon a single host seed. This scenario is found in Syagrus romanzoffiana palm seeds which are predated by Revena rubiginosa (Curculionidae) larvae. Although multiple infestation of one seed by weevil larvae can occur, invariably only one individual survives and develops in each host seed. A strong competition between the first instar larvae in a restricted window of host fruit development stages leads to physical interactions of conspecifics by ovicide or direct fighting using falcate mandibles. The occurrence of this type of mandible is synchronized with fruit development and restricted to instars with probable competition, as infestation occurs only while the endocarp is soft. Only after lignification of the endocarp the larva changes into the next instar. Mandibles of subsequent instars differ markedly from those of the first instar. The new mandibles can scrape the solid endosperm but are unable to perforate and kill conspecifics. These findings give strong evidence for the selective pressure of intraspecific competition, where special behaviour, mandible morphology and synchronization of its changes with the seed development contribute to individual benefit that involves the killing of conspecifics, since one host seed can only maintain a single larva throughout its complete development.  相似文献   

Toxic effect of Zn(II) on a green alga (Chlorella pyrenoidosa) in the presence of sepiolite and kaolinite was investigated. The Zn-free clays were found to have a negative impact on the growth of C. pyrenoidosa in comparison with control samples (without adding any clay or Zn(II)). When Zn(II) was added, the algae in the presence of clays could be better survived than the control samples, which was actually caused by a decrease in Zn(II) concentration in the solution owing to the adsorption of Zn(II) on the clays. When the solution system was diluted, the growth of algae could be further inhibited as compared to that in a system which had the same initial Zn(II) concentration as in the diluted system. This in fact resulted from desorption of Zn(II) from the zinc-contaminated clays, although the effect varied according to the different desorption capabilities of sepiolite and kaolinite. Therefore the adsorption and desorption processes of Zn(H) played an important part in its toxicity, and adsorption and desorption of pollutants on soils/sediments should be well considered in natural eco-environmental systems before their risk of toxicity to aquatic organisms was assessed objectively.  相似文献   

Simultaneous elimination of As(Ⅲ) and Pb(Ⅱ) from wastewater is still a great challenge.In this work,an iron-sulfur codoped biochar (Fe/S-BC) was successfully fabricated in a simplified way and was applied to the remediate the co-pollution of As(Ⅲ) and Pb(Ⅱ).The positive enthalpy indicated that the adsorption in As-Pb co-pollution was an endothermic reaction.The mechanism of As(Ⅲ) removal could be illustrated by surface complexation,oxidation and precipitation.In addition to precipitation and com...  相似文献   

Hausmannite is a common low valence Mn oxide mineral, with a distorted spinel structure, in surficial sediments. Although natural Mn oxides often contain various impurities of transitional metals (TMs), few studies have addressed the effect and related mechanism of TM doping on the reactivity of hausmannite with metal pollutants. Here, the reactivity of cobalt (Co) doped hausmannite with aqueous As(III) and As(V) was studied. Co doping decreased the point of zero charge of hausmannite and its adsorption capacity for As(V). Despite a reduction of the initial As(III) oxidation rate, Co-doped hausmannite could effectively oxidize As(III) to As(V), followed by the adsorption and fixation of a large amount of As(V) on the mineral surface. Arsenic K-edge EXAFS analysis of the samples after As(V) adsorption and As(III) oxidation revealed that only As(V) was adsorbed on the mineral surface, with an average As-Mn distance of 3.25–3.30 Å, indicating the formation of bidentate binuclear complexes. These results provide new insights into the interaction mechanism between TMs and low valence Mn oxides and their effect on the geochemical behaviors of metal pollutants.  相似文献   

The objectives of this work are to use gene sequence data to assess the hypothesis that the Lithodinae arose from ancestors with uncalcified abdomens in shallow waters of the North-East Pacific, investigate the monophyly and interrelationships of genera within the Lithodinae and to estimate the scale and minimum number of biogeographic transitions from the shallow environment to the deep sea and vice versa. To do this, phylogenetic analysis from three mitochondrial and three nuclear markers was conducted using minimum evolution, maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods. The Lithodinae as defined to include North Pacific genus Cryptolithodes may be paraphyletic, with the Hapalogastrinae and Cryptolithodes as sister taxa. This implies that the soft-bodied abdomen of the Hapalogastrinae might not be plesiomorphic for the Lithodidae. Paralomis, Lopholithodes, Phyllolithodes, Lithodes and Neolithodes share a common ancestor, from which the North Pacific Hapalogastrinae did not descend. Lithodid ancestors are likely to have had a north Pacific, shallow water distribution and to have had planktotrophic larvae. North Pacific genus Paralithodes is paraphyletic; P. brevipes is the most basal member of the genus (as sampled) while P. camtschaticus and P. platypus are more closely related to the genera Lithodes and Neolithodes. Genera Lithodes, Neolithodes and Paralomis (as sampled) are monophyletic if Glyptolithodes is included within Paralomis. Lopholithodes is closely related to, but not included within, the Paralomis genus. Paralomis is divided into at least two major lineages: one containing South Atlantic, West African, and Indian Ocean species, and the other containing Pacific and South American species. Several species of Paralomis do not resolve consistently with any other groups sampled, implying a complex and possibly rapid global evolution early in the history of the genus. Relationships within the Lithodes genus vary between analytical methods, suggesting that conclusions may not be stable. Consistently, however, Indian Ocean and Pacific forms—L. murrayi, L. longispina and L. nintokuae form a group separated from Atlantic species such as L. santolla, L. confundens, L. maja and L. ferox.  相似文献   

The denitrification and P-removal in the sorption-denitrification-P-removal (S-DN-P) process were carried out under various wastewater compositions. It is noted that P-removal largely depends on the wastewater composition as well to the quantity of the substrates present in wastewater fraction. Three different wastewater fractions are obtained as: raw wastewater, dissolved wastewater (obtained with filtration using 0.45 μm filter), and undissolved wastewater (i.e., infiltrate obtained by above filtration). ...  相似文献   

A critical review of the development of the ecosystem concept is presented in this paper. An attempt to define the concept is discussed in details with reference to autonomy.  相似文献   

Nowadays design is faced with the challenge to contribute to the transition towards a sustainable society. Design for Sustainability (DfS) is the response to this challenge. It includes but goes beyond what Design for the Environment or ecodesign provides, by integrating social, economic, environmental and institutional aspects and by offering opportunities to get involved, express one’s own identity beyond consuming standardised mass products.DEEDS, a Leonardo research project, had the mission to embed sustainability in design and design in sustainability. For this behalf, the project partners approached the issue from the angles of design, sustainability science and sustainable consumption analysis, developing tools and rules (the SCALES principles) to support DfS and to incorporate it into design education and practice.The paper describes the framework conditions as explored by sustainable consumption research, the obstacles identified by DEEDS and gives hints how to overcome them based in the lessons learnt in the course of the project.  相似文献   

检测了暴露于不同浓度多环芳烃中栉孔扇贝(Chlamys farreri)消化盲囊和鳃丝的几项毒理学指标变化.苯并(a)芘和苯并(k)荧蒽混合物的浓度梯度设置为0.5、1.0、10.0、50.0μg·L-1.结果表明,低浓度PAHs对消化盲囊EROD活力无显著影响,对GST有一定的诱导作用,而高浓度PAHs对消化盲囊EROD有明显的诱导作用,对GST先诱导后抑制;在PAHs作用下消化盲囊和鳃丝的3种抗氧化酶(SOD、CAT和GPx)活力呈现一定的峰值变化,且在高浓度PAHs下均被显著抑制,同时鳃丝的酶活力较消化盲囊抑制显著;消化盲囊和鳃丝的LPO水平在PAHs处理下随时间不断上升,并表现出明显的剂量和时间效应.暴露于PAHs中栉孔扇贝的EROD、GST和抗氧化酶活力的变化反映了机体的解毒代谢过程和能力,而LPO水平则直接反映了机体的氧化损伤程度,而且各毒理学指标在解毒过程中相互关联,具有很强的规律性.  相似文献   

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