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目前,内蒙古草地生态环境破坏严重。且总体上呈不断恶化的态势。这种状况的持续不仅严重影响和翻约着本地区经济和社会的总体发展。同时也威胁着包括北京在内的整个华北地区的生态安全。其内在的深层次的根源就在于包括生态意识在内的人们的文化价值观发生了“扭曲”。本文针对锡林郭勒退化草地现状与历史的分析.揭示了其中的文化特征与哲学内涵.并且指出生态意识的确立和生态文化的形成对于保护草地、建设草地的现实意义。  相似文献   

适度人口理论为可持续发展战略的实现提供了良好条件。如果进一步考察可持续发展概念的内涵,不难发现人口特质在可持续发展中居于核心地位,特别是其空间分布特征更具有现实意义。认定全方位适度人口的目标追求是人类社会可持续发展的一条基本实现途径。而全方位适度人口目标的实现则依赖于人口的合理生产,如何做到合理生产我们给出生态哲学维度,提出人口生态生产,即人口在生产与再生产过程中在生物学与社会学层面上始终贯彻人口数量、人口质量、人口结构、人口分布生态化的原则。  相似文献   

人类在长期与自然的斗争中滋生起来的对自然的征服感和优越感以及在私有制条件下滋生起来的自我中心主义和实用利己主义 ,是产生生态问题的根本原因。生态问题启示我们应当正确认识和评价人的实践活动的正负效应 ,应当不断完善和发展人自身的本质力量 ,应当建立起一种双向的、新型的主客体实践关系 ,才能最终避免生态问题的产生。  相似文献   

生态经济观是实现资源与环境良性循环的理论依据   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
本文根据资源与环境的对立统一规律,探讨了生态经济生产观、需求观和价值观的内容,从而揭示出生态经济观是实现资源与环境良性循环的理论依据。  相似文献   

习近平生态文明思想是马克思主义人与自然关系学说在21世纪的新发展,是当代中国马克思主义、21世纪马克思主义、习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的重要组成部分。习近平生态文明思想坚持辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义立场,运用唯物主义辩证法分析我国生态文明建设的战略地位、核心要义、科学方法、方向目标。习近平生态文明思想深刻阐述了自然生态环境和科学技术在绿色生产力发展中的重要作用,明确了实践中推进绿色生产方式和发展方式的重大意义,强调生态文明建设的实质在于发展观和发展道路的绿色转型,将这一理论建立在唯物论基础之上,奠定了坚实的科学基础。在此基础上,习近平生态文明思想深刻揭示了人、自然、社会之间的辩证关系,全面系统分析了人与自然之间、经济发展与生态环境保护之间、自然生态系统之间的对立统一关系;从历史发展高度深刻阐明了人类史与自然史、文明兴衰与生态兴衰的关系,奠定了唯物辩证法和历史观的深厚基础。系统阐释习近平生态文明思想及其科学论断产生的哲学基础,进而构建、发展和繁荣立足当代中国、面向世界的生态文明哲学社会科学话语体系,是时代之需,是理论创新和实践创新的必然要求。  相似文献   

建设生态文明是一项具有重大现实意义和深远历史意义的国家战略。政府作为国家机构的重要组成部分和法定的环境"守护神",理应在生态文明建设中发挥独特的作用。鉴于政府具有行政主体和机关法人的双重人格,相应地,其在生态文明建设中亦应担负双重角色,即生态文明建设的推动者和生态文明建设的示范者。据此,提出以"生态文明政府"作为政府在生态文明建设中双重角色有机统一体的政策理论;并将其界定为,既依法履行其作为生态文明建设推动者的责任,又切实担负起其作为生态文明建设示范者的义务,使所辖地区达到生产发展、生活富裕、生态良好的"三生"共赢状态的政府。作为生态文明建设的推动者,政府一方面要发挥自身的优势,推动权力机关、审判机关、法律监督机关按照各自的职能和职责,参与生态文明法制建设;另一方面还要充分运用各种政策手段,推动相对人投身生态文明建设。作为生态文明建设示范者,政府应当率先树立生态文明理念,在摈弃与生态文明理念相抵触的不良行为的同时,从绿色政府采购、绿色建筑、绿色办公、绿色出行等方面践行生态文明,对公众起到引领作用,促使生态文明理念成为社会的主流价值观。在打造生态文明建设示范者方面,美国联邦政府开展的绿色政府行动计划,在规范建设和实施体制等方面,具有很好的借鉴意义。根据我国的国情,建议从顶层设计入手,按照自上而下的方式,循序渐进推动生态文明政府建设,并将实施绩效向社会公布。这既是对生态文明政府建设的监督,也是对全社会最好的生态文明宣传教育。总之,建设生态文明政府,要以提升政府的生态文明建设能力为出发点,以促进全社会形成"尊重自然、顺应自然、保护自然"的生态文明理念为落脚点。只有建设生态文明政府,才能建成生态文明社会。  相似文献   

生态文明的定义有狭义与广义之分,不加区分乱用势必会造成逻辑混乱。作为广义意义上的生态文明,作为一种崭新的文明形态,其内涵至少要从自然观、价值观、生产方式、生活方式这四个方面来把握。党的十七大首次明确提出建设生态文明的战略要求,标志着中国共产党对中国特色社会主义建设规律认识的深化,是中国特色社会主义理论体系的又一重大创新成果,它对于我国走出生态困境、构建社会主义和谐社会、落实科学发展观具有现实意义。  相似文献   

生态活度生态位--理论、方法及其应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
“生态活度生态位(Eco-vigor Niche)”是对生态位概念和理论的发展.它描述区域生态系统中一个占据特定空间位置的复合生态系统单元(或景观斑块).在与其它单元相互作用过程中所形成的相对地位与作用。在由自然生态活度坐标和社会经济生态活度坐标构成的二维空间中.生态活度生态位可以用二维空间中的矢量表达。该矢量的“长度”意味着,生态系统单元的资源优势程度与提供生态服务的能力;矢量的“方向”则意味着该生态系统单元所具有的.由其社会经济生态活度和自然生态活度相比较而体现出来的属性.反映出该单元在区域复合生态系统中的性质和角色。“生态活度生态位”可以表达区域生态系统内的空间分异特征。反映各生态单元在区域内扮演的角色.判断各单元在区域生态系统中的功能定位.为生态区划、生态规划、土地利用规划等提供依据。  相似文献   

首先提出了生态城市规划实效性的内涵,包含规划目标实现程度、规划效益、公众主观感受和规划实施过程合理性等4个方面。在此基础上建立包括规划编制过程、规划实施过程和规划实施结果3个阶段,涵盖政府、企业和公众等不同主体行为和利益特征的从过程到结果,具有复合价值观的规划实效性评价指标体系。通过太仓生态市建设规划实效性评价案例研究做了进一步论证:①生态城市规划主管部门是规划实效评价的主要推动者;②从过程到结果的评价思路和评价指标具有可操作性和灵活性;③规划过程评价方法的不成熟使其受到的关注有所降低。最后提出了若干规划编制和管理建议,以促进生态规划长效管理机制的形成。  相似文献   

生态敏感区环境的复杂性对处于区内的建筑遗产保护提出挑战,现行建筑遗产保护规划体现了单纯的文物本位价值观,忽视了生态敏感区的特性及其对保护区划分、空间格局保护及遗产保护策略的主导性和先决性。重新审视处于生态敏感区内的建筑遗产保护问题,认为建筑遗产与特定生态环境具有整体性和高度相关性,并在此基础上对现行建筑遗产保护规划编制流程和技术方法进行再思考。提出了基于遗产保护与生态环境整体性的可辩护的规划框架,将现行保护规划中环境规划部分从一个独立的简单的单项规划转变为生态先导下的一系列规划环节,强调在特定生态敏感区的背景下环境影响评价对以建筑遗产评价为主导的保护区划的修正和补充。最后结合之江大学旧址保护规划对其进行实践验证.  相似文献   

Lichen-soil column samples were taken from several locations in the Southern Finland between 1986 and 2006. Columns were divided into three parts, upper lichen, lower lichen and underlying soil, and their gamma emitting radionuclides, (134)Cs, (137)Cs, (103)Ru, (95)Zr, (106)Ru, (110m)Ag, (125)Sb and (144)Ce, were measured with gamma spectrometry. Deposition values were calculated as Bq/m(2) for each sampling site. Distribution of various radionuclides in the three compartments as a function of time was determined. Both effective and ecological half-lives of all radionuclides were calculated for upper lichen, whole lichen and whole lichen-soil column. A linear relation was derived between the physical half-lives and effective half-lives for whole lichen and for whole lichen-soil column. Reindeer meat activity concentrations of various radionuclides and ensuing radiation doses to reindeer-herding people were also estimated for a hypothetical case where a similar high radioactive pollution, as was taken place in the Southern Finland, would have occurred in the reindeer-herding areas in the Finnish Lapland.  相似文献   

农地资源舒适性价值评估--以江苏省为例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
舒适性价值是农地资源价值的重要组成部分,但这种非市场价值往往容易在公共决策中被忽视,从而导致大量农地资源被过分占用及农地资源内部配置的低效率。合理完整地评估农地资源的舒适性价值是促进农地资源持续利用的关键。目前,对农地资源舒适性价值的认识与研究,国内尚处在起步阶段。以江苏省为例,通过意愿调查法,采用半结构问卷调查和电话访谈,对不同行业和年龄的1 000名调查者进行调查,评估了江苏省耕地、草地、园地以及林地舒适性价值。研究表明,江苏省不同类型农地资源舒适性价值差异较大,这种差异与区域经济发展水平和地区文化紧密相关。在此基础上,核算了江苏省农地资源舒适性价值总量,农地资源舒适性价值总量高达25.13亿元/年。因此,在农地资源综合利用决策中,要重视将农地资源的舒适性价值纳入决策体系,从而促进农地资源的持续利用和合理流转。  相似文献   

The uptake and retention of technetium from sea water by juvenile lobsters, and the effects of moulting on these processes, has been studied using 95mTc as a tracer.Accumulation was rapid with whole body concentration factors of over 2000 being measured in some lobsters. Uptake was highest immediately before a moult; post-moult there was a fall in accumulation. No simple mathematical equation for technetium accumulation with time was found.The technetium concentration in the moulted exoskeleton increased with time of exposure of the lobsters but never exceeded 2% of the whole body value.The highest percentage of the whole body activity was found in the digestive gland; the green gland had the highest concentration factor.Technetium excretion, following 64 d of accumulation, could be expressed as an exponential rate of loss. The biological half-time was calculated as 53 d. Moulted exoskeletons from these lobsters contained approximately 0·6% of the day zero whole body activity.  相似文献   

Lichen–soil column samples were taken from several locations in the Southern Finland between 1986 and 2006. Columns were divided into three parts, upper lichen, lower lichen and underlying soil, and their gamma emitting radionuclides, 134Cs, 137Cs, 103Ru, 95Zr, 106Ru, 110mAg, 125Sb and 144Ce, were measured with gamma spectrometry. Deposition values were calculated as Bq/m2 for each sampling site. Distribution of various radionuclides in the three compartments as a function of time was determined. Both effective and ecological half-lives of all radionuclides were calculated for upper lichen, whole lichen and whole lichen–soil column. A linear relation was derived between the physical half-lives and effective half-lives for whole lichen and for whole lichen–soil column. Reindeer meat activity concentrations of various radionuclides and ensuing radiation doses to reindeer-herding people were also estimated for a hypothetical case where a similar high radioactive pollution, as was taken place in the Southern Finland, would have occurred in the reindeer-herding areas in the Finnish Lapland.  相似文献   

作为当代环境伦理学之生态中心论的代表,克里考特以新物理学与生态学的视角引向后现代主义的整体观。这一思路指向的是整体论系统观的范式,后者具有四项特征:1整体的性质不能被还原为部分的性质;2整体是部分形成的原因与依据;3部分是系统地互相联系的;4部分是内在地互相联系的,即关系决定存在。以该整体论系统观的范式为依据,克里考特的后现代视域既涉及本体论,也指向价值论。在本体层面,克里考特借鉴了深生态学中"充分实现的自我"的概念试图解构笛卡尔的主客二分。进而,在削弱现代哲学中三类性质(数量性、质量性与价值性)区分的同时,克里考特提出了"实质价值"的概念,并试图以实质价值消解内在价值的同时统摄固有价值与工具价值。在文本梳理的基础上,本文也考察了克里考特的后现代视域的逻辑依据与实践可能。具体地,本文指出:1克里考特以实证科学之认知来架构形上本体的思路混淆了科学命题与玄学命题的区别内涵;2建立在消解三类性质基础上的"实质价值"架空了价值本身的应然引力;3克里考特过分地强调了整体与部分的对立从而容易陷入逻辑悖论;4克里考特以关系消解实体的本质是将关系作了唯内在性的理解,而这种理解是缺乏支持力的。特别地,克里考特以整体解析部分并以关系消解个体的进路将导致伦理虚无主义。针对克里考特理论的缺陷,本文指出,以"关系"为纽结的部分与整体之间是体用统一的;而实体间的关系,既具有内在性的一面,也具有外在性的一面;并且,关系的外在性既具有本然的维度,也具有应然的维度,即,它是道德实践的必要前提。  相似文献   

The consequences of the Chernobyl reactor accident on the Japanese population are assessed here, for the one-year period from May 1986, in terms of the internal dose due to 137Cs. The calculations are made via an approach which combines whole body counting with analysis of food intake data. First, the dose from 137Cs is assessed, for a group of healthy adult males, on the basis of their observed body burdens of 137Cs determined by whole body counting. The annual individual dose estimate thus obtained is 1·5 μSv, which is 6–15% and 3·7% respectively of the doses determined by whole body counting in UK and the Federal Republic of Germany. The temporal change in the average body burden is successfully explained here by a single-compartment model. Secondly, this latter model is used, along with the daily 137Cs intake data for each district in Japan, to calculate the dose for the whole of Japan. Appropriate values were chosen for the relevant biological parameters for each age and sex group. The estimates of the population dose and the average individual dose thus obtained are 148 man Sv, for the population of 120 million, and 1·24 μSv, respectively. Although comparatively small, these values nonetheless also include the residual contribution from past nuclear weapon tests. The average annual individual dose of 1·24 μSv corresponds to 0·7% of the dose from natural 40K in the body. Although whole body counting indicates that 137Cs burdens were still increasing as of May 1987, it is concluded that, in terms of radiocaesium, the effect of the Chernobyl reactor accident on Japan was negligible.  相似文献   

利用长江流域146个气象站点1960~2005年的逐年气温资料,选用EOF和REOF方法识别长江流域年平均气温空间变化特征,并对长江流域年平均气温变化敏感区域进行时间演变分析和突变检测。研究表明:长江流域年平均气温主要有2种空间振荡型(即全流域气温变化趋向一致型和流域内气温变化存在东西向差异型),3个变化敏感区域(长江流域中下游地区、长江流域南部和金沙江流域)。3个变化敏感区域的年平均气温都在20世纪90年代明显升高,且均在90年代后期呈突变增加,其中金沙江流域升温趋势最为明显,气候倾向率为0.20℃/10a。全流域1991~2005年年平均气温距平空间分布表明,自1991年以来全流域都为升温趋势,其中长江流域中下游地区和金沙江流域是升温幅度最大的地区。  相似文献   

Humans can consume a number of types of biota tissues, which have varying propensities to accumulate radionuclides. As a result, depending upon the biota species, the radionuclide and the tissue under consideration, it may be necessary to estimate the percent radionuclide load in specific edible tissues, and in cases where whole organisms are consumed, to estimate the radionuclide load in the whole body of an organism, based on data that have been collected for individual tissues. To accomplish this, data were compiled that can be used to estimate the partitioning patterns and percent loads of various groups of elements in edible tissues of freshwater fishes. General trends in partitioning, such as those provided in this paper, can be used to predict radionuclide transfer to humans and the corresponding potential radiological dose to humans via dietary pathways, in this case following the consumption of fish.  相似文献   

Foreign trade drives China’s growth,but as the trade scale continues to expand,the carbon emissions also increase quickly.Based on the industry panel data from 1996 to 2010,this paper calculates carbon emissions of 27manufacturing industries.According to the intensity of carbon emissions,this paper divides the manufacturing sectors into low carbon and high carbon manufacturing industry and then analyzes the carbon emission trends.Next,the paper uses the feasible generalized least square regression to verify the existence of environmental Kuznets curve(EKC)of the manufacturing industry’s carbon.In order to investigate the carbon leakage problem,the regression also includes the interaction term between trade and industrial value added.Our findings are as follows:the carbon emissions of the whole manufacturing industry and low carbon manufacturing industry accord with the EKC curve,but have a linear relationship with the high carbon manufacturing industry;trade reduces the carbon emissions of the whole manufacturing industry and low carbon manufacturing industry,but it increases those of the high carbon manufacturing industry;for the whole manufacturing industry and low carbon manufacturing industry,there is no carbon leakage,but it exists in the high carbon manufacturing industry.On the whole,pollution haven hypothesis does not hold up in China,and China does not need to limit industry foreign trade to reduce the emission of CO2.But the manufacturing industry will still be the main engine of the economic growth,and therefore our country should make an effective low-carbon policy,introduce advanced technology,increase R&D investment into lowcarbon technologies,and upgrade and transform the original equipment to change the backward mode of production.  相似文献   

长江山区航道雾的时空分布特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用长江航道局布设在长江航道沿线重庆段39个人工雾情信号台近3 a的雾情观测资料,详细分析了重庆段航道雾的时空分布特征,并基于以上雾情及整个长江山区航道(宜宾到宜昌)逐里程的经度、纬度、水道宽度、河面弯曲度、河道变化剧烈度、河道支流岔道等6类地理信息因子,采用神经网络方法模拟了长江山区航道雾情综合指数的地域精细化分布。统计结果显示:长江山区航道雾总体上呈现冬多夏少的季节特点,但也有冬少夏多或四季比较平均的情况存在;大多数雾情形成于0~8时,结束于8~12时,其中大雾开始早、结束晚、持续时间长;重庆段航道雾空间分布差异较大,涪陵的蔺市到丰都段、万州的黄花城分布最多,年均大雾30~50次,最少的安坪至夔峡段年均不到5次。模拟结果表明,利用地理信息因子及神经网络法基本可以模拟出重庆段航道雾情分布状况,此方法推广应用,可获取整个长江山区航道雾情的精细化分布,输出结果与航道雾情资料分析及实地考察调研结果在分布趋势上比较接近,但由于试验存在局部误差收敛及因子选择局限性问题,因此模拟结果还不能完全代表航道雾情的实际分布状况,模拟试验还需更多资料及影响因子加入  相似文献   

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