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使用吐温80(Tween80)、鼠里糖脂(RL)、十二烷基苯磺酸钠(SDBS)和十二烷基苯硫酸钠(SDS)强化甲基营养型芽孢杆菌(Bacillus methylotrophicus)修复柴油污染土壤,研究了表面活性剂对甲基营养型芽孢杆菌的影响。结果表明:甲基营养型芽孢杆菌可以较好地降解柴油,但由于土壤的吸附,土壤中柴油的修复效率较低,仅为22.68%;因此,需要使用表面活性剂进行强化。浓度为3 000 mg·L-1的SDBS和SDS、2 000 mg·L-1的Tween80、500 mg·L-1的RL具有较好的洗脱效果。微生物毒性实验表明,Tween80和RL对甲基营养型芽孢杆菌具有促进作用,可以用于强化修复柴油污染土壤。2 000 mg·L-1 Tween80强化甲基营养型芽孢杆菌修复柴油土壤的修复效果(46.11%)优于500 mg·L-1 RL的修复效果(45.32%),同时具有较好的经济性,具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

A diesel fuel contaminated aquifer in Menziken, Switzerland was treated for 4.5 years by injecting aerated groundwater, supplemented with KNO3 and NH4H2PO4 to stimulate indigenous populations of petroleum hydrocarbon (PHC) degrading microorganisms. After dissolved PHC concentrations had stabilized at a low level, engineered in situ bioremediation was terminated. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of intrinsic in situ bioremediation as a follow-up measure to remove PHC remaining in the aquifer after terminating engineered in situ bioremediation. In the first 7 months of intrinsic in situ bioremediation, redox conditions in the source area became more reducing as indicated by lower concentrations of SO4(2-) and higher concentrations of Fe(II) and CH4. In the core of the source area, strongly reducing conditions prevailed during the remaining study period (3 years) and dissolved PHC concentrations were higher than during engineered in situ bioremediation. This suggests that biodegradation in the core zone was limited by the availability of oxidants. In lateral zones of the source area, however, gradually more oxidized conditions were reestablished again, suggesting that PHC availability increasingly limited biodegradation. The total DIC production rate in the aquifer decreased within 2 years to about 25% of that during engineered in situ bioremediation and remained at that level. Stable carbon isotope analysis confirmed that the produced DIC mainly originated from PHC mineralization. The total rate of DIC and CH4 production in the source area was more than 300 times larger than the rate of PHC elution. This indicates that biodegradation coupled to consumption of naturally occurring oxidants was an important process for removal of PHC which remained in the aquifer after terminating engineered measures.  相似文献   

多环芳烃污染土壤生物修复的强化方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
生物降解是去除环境中多环芳烃(PAHs)的重要途径,通过采取一些强化措施,如使用表面活性剂,添加营养物质和提供共代谢底物等,可显著提高PAHs降解速度和程度,为生物修复技术的成功应用提供前提。在分析中,对近年来国内外在PAHs污染土壤生物修复强化方面的研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

为研究污泥中添加不同比例的牛粪和园林废弃物对蚯蚓堆肥的影响,在实验室进行了为期60 d的堆肥实验,测定了堆肥物料的理化性质以及蚯蚓的存活率、平均体重、产茧量的变化情况。结果表明,100%污泥不适合蚯蚓的生长繁殖,添加牛粪/园林废弃物后可以显著改善蚯蚓的生长繁殖,进而提高蚯蚓的存活率和产茧量;污泥比例较低时,添加牛粪处理组的累计产茧量要高于添加园林废弃物的处理组,但当污泥比例大于25%时,添加园林废弃物的污泥更适合蚯蚓繁殖。冗余分析结果表明,pH、TN对蚯蚓的生长和繁殖起着重要的作用。蚯蚓堆肥可以改善物料的理化状况,提高堆肥产物中氮、磷、钾的养分含量,加速污泥的稳定化,提高其肥料价值。  相似文献   

The present work evaluates the possible bioconversion of wet olive cake by low-cost biostabilization (vermicomposting process). Wet olive cake fresh (WOC), precomposted (WOCP), or mixed with biosolids (WOCB), were vermicomposted for 6 months to obtain organic amendments for agricultural and remediation purposes. The results showed initial differences depending on previous treatment. WOCP was initially more stable, presented a low C:N ratio, and showed more dehydrogenase and urease activity. By contrast, there was no dehydrogenase activity initially in WOC and WOCB, due to the presence of some different types of polyphenols. Finally, the end product showed relatively higher amounts of total nitrogen and humic acid and met the standard of quality for composts and vermicomposts for use both in conventional and organic agriculture and soil-restoration programs.  相似文献   

Slater H  Gouin T  Leigh MB 《Chemosphere》2011,84(2):199-206
Rhizosphere bioremediation of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) offers a potentially inexpensive approach to remediating contaminated soils that is particularly attractive in remote regions including the Arctic. We assessed the abilities of two tree species native to Alaska, Salix alaxensis (felt-leaf willow) and Picea glauca (white spruce), to promote microbial biodegradation of PCBs via the release of phytochemicals upon fine root death. Crushed fine roots, biphenyl (PCB analogue) or salicylate (willow secondary compound) were added to microcosms containing soil spiked with PCBs and resultant PCB disappearance, soil toxicity and microbial community changes were examined. After 180 d, soil treated with willow root crushates showed a significantly greater PCB loss than untreated soils for some PCB congeners, including the toxic congeners, PCB 77, 105 and 169, and showed a similar PCB loss pattern (in both extent of degradation and congeners degraded) to biphenyl-treated microcosms. Neither P. glauca (white spruce) roots nor salicylate enhanced PCB loss, indicating that biostimulation is plant species specific and was not mediated by salicylate. Soil toxicity assessed using the Microtox bioassay indicated that the willow treatment resulted in a less toxic soil environment. Molecular microbial community analyses indicated that biphenyl and salicylate promoted shifts in microbial community structure and composition that differed distinctly from each other and from the crushed root treatments. The biphenyl utilizing bacterium, Cupriavidus spp. was isolated from the soil. The findings suggest that S. alaxensis may be an effective plant for rhizoremediation by altering microbial community structure, enhancing the loss of some PCB congeners and reducing the toxicity of the soil environment.  相似文献   

微生物制剂在城市湖泊水体生物修复中的作用   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
利用微生物对富营养化的城市湖泊水体进行生物修复,使水中的污染物降解成H2O、CO2或转化成无害物质。研究表明,该微生物制剂对去除水体中的有机物、叶绿素a、氨氮和提高溶解氧等均有显著效果。为节省运输费用及延长菌液保存期,本试验用惰性粒子流化床对生物制剂进行干燥,固体菌粉末不失活性。  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are of environmental concern because many PAHs are either carcinogens or potential carcinogens. Petroleum products are a major source of PAHs. The occurrence of PAH contamination is widespread and novel treatment technologies for the remediation of contaminated soils are necessary.Ozone has been found to be extremely useful for the degradation of PAHs in soils. For these compounds, the reaction with molecular ozone appears to be the more important degradation pathway. Greater than 95% removal of phenanthrene was achieved with an ozonation time of 2.3 h at an ozone flux of 250 mg h−1. After 4.0 h of treatment at an ozone flux of 600 mg h−1, 91 % of the pyrene was removed. We have also found that the more hydrophobic PAHs (e.g. chrysene) react more slowly than would be expected on the basis of their reactivity with ozone, suggesting that partitioning of the contaminant into soil organic matter may reduce the reactivity of the compound. Even so, after 4 h of exposure to ozone, the chrysene concentration in a contaminated Metea soil was reduced from 100 to 50 mg kg−1 .Ozone has been found to be readily transported through columns packed with a number of geological materials, including Ottawa sand, Metea soil, Borden aquifer material and Wurtsmith aquifer material. All of these geological materials exerted a limited (finite) ozone demand, i.e. the rate of ozone degradation in soil columns is very slow after the ozone demand is met. Moisture content was found to increase the ozone demand, most likely owing to the dissolution of gaseous ozone into the pore water. As once the initial ozone demand is met, little degradation of ozone is observed, it should be possible to achieve ozone penetration to a considerable distance away from the injection well, suggesting that in-situ ozonation is a feasible means of treating uncontaminated unsaturated soils. This is substantiated by two field studies where in-situ ozonation was apparently successful at remediating the sites.  相似文献   

Dorn PB  Salanitro JP 《Chemosphere》2000,40(4):419-426
Ecotoxicity methods were used to assess different soil and oil combinations before, during and after laboratory bioremediation with associated hydrocarbon analysis. Heavy, medium and light crude oil (API gravity 14, 30, and 55) was spiked (ca. 5% w/w) into two sandy soils in the laboratory having organic carbon concentrations of 0.3 (Norwood) and 4.7% (Norwood/Baccto). The earthworm (Eisenia fetida) 14-d lethality assay, the modified Microbics Microtox Solid-Phase assay, and the 14-d plant seed germination and growth assays using corn, wheat and oats, were spiked and tested during a 360-d laboratory remediation. Eisenia was the most sensitive of the three methods utilized with survival increasing throughout bioremediation with fastest toxicity reduction in the high carbon Norwood/Baccto soils where LC50's were 100% or greater at the end of 90-d whereas, > 150-d were required to achieve a similar result in the low carbon soil. Analysis of the undiluted treatments with oily soil alone showed that earthworm survival was high after 90-d in all high organic carbon soils, and after eight months in the low carbon soils, except for the Norwood soil-light oil treatment, which required 360-d to achieve 100% survival. The Microtox assay was less sensitive with EC50's 100% or greater observed after 90-d in high carbon soils and after 240-d for all low carbon soils. After bioremediation, no effects on seed germination were observed, although some plant growth inhibition effects remained. There was no direct correlation between total petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations and toxicity.  相似文献   

To date, there has been little or no research related to process control of subsurface remediation systems. In this study, a framework to develop an integrated process control system for improving remediation efficiencies and reducing operating costs was proposed based on physical and numerical models, stepwise cluster analysis, non-linear optimization and artificial neural networks. Process control for enhanced in-situ bioremediation was accomplished through incorporating the developed forecasters and optimizers with methods of genetic algorithm and neural networks modeling. Application of the proposed approach to a bioremediation process in a pilot-scale system indicated that it was effective in dynamic optimization and real-time process control of the sophisticated bioremediation systems.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the use of sugarcane filter cake and nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (NPK) fertilization in the bioremediation of a soil contaminated with diesel fuel using a completely randomized design. Five treatments (uncontaminated soil, T1; soil contaminated with diesel, T2; soil contaminated with diesel and treated with 15 % (wt) filter cake, T3; soil contaminated with diesel and treated with NPK fertilizer, T4; and soil contaminated with diesel and treated with 15 % (wt) filter cake and NPK fertilizer, T5) and four evaluation periods (1, 60, 120, and 180 days after the beginning of the experiment) were used according to a 4?×?5 factorial design to analyze CO2 release. The variables total organic carbon (TOC) and total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) remaining in the soil were analyzed using a 5?×?2 factorial design, with the same treatments described above and two evaluation periods (1 and 180 days after the beginning of the experiment). In T3 and T5, CO2 release was significantly higher, compared with the other treatments. Significant TPH removal was observed on day 180, when percent removal values were 61.9, 70.1, 68.2, and 75.9 in treatments T2, T3, T4, and T5, respectively, compared with the initial value (T1).  相似文献   

To improve phytoremediation processes, multiple techniques that comprise different aspects of contaminant removal from soils have been combined. Using creosote as a test contaminant, a multi-process phytoremediation system composed of physical (volatilization), photochemical (photooxidation) and microbial remediation, and phytoremediation (plant-assisted remediation) processes was developed. The techniques applied to realize these processes were land-farming (aeration and light exposure), introduction of contaminant degrading bacteria, plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR), and plant growth of contaminant-tolerant tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea). Over a 4-month period, the average efficiency of removal of 16 priority PAHs by the multi-process remediation system was twice that of land-farming, 50% more than bioremediation alone, and 45% more than phytoremediation by itself. Importantly, the multi-process system was capable of removing most of the highly hydrophobic, soil-bound PAHs from soil. The key elements for successful phytoremediation were the use of plant species that have the ability to proliferate in the presence of high levels of contaminants and strains of PGPR that increase plant tolerance to contaminants and accelerate plant growth in heavily contaminated soils. The synergistic use of these approaches resulted in rapid and massive biomass accumulation of plant tissue in contaminated soil, putatively providing more active metabolic processes, leading to more rapid and more complete removal of PAHs.  相似文献   

为防治泔脚对环境的污染,提高泔脚蚯蚓堆肥效率,针对泔脚的理化性质,分别添加玉米秸秆、青草绿化垃圾、茶叶渣、土壤作为调理剂,使基质初始C/N接近30,研究了不同调理剂对泔脚蚯蚓堆肥效率的影响。另设置不加调理剂纯泔脚蚯蚓堆肥作对照,对泔脚基质的降解情况、蚯蚓的生长繁殖情况、堆肥肥料质量进行了研究。结果表明,在纯泔脚中加入调理剂可以改善泔脚的性状,促进蚯蚓生长繁殖,提高泔脚降解效率,但对豌豆植株生长的肥效作用相对纯泔脚改善不明显。不同调理剂对泔脚基本性质的改善效果不同,综合考虑,以玉米秸秆作为调理剂最能提高泔脚蚯蚓堆肥的效率。  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to optimize the mixture of swine manure (SM) and cattle manure (CM) used in the vermicomposting process, seeking to increase the manure biodegradation rate and enhance the biomass production of both earthworms and higher plants. To achieve this goal, physico-chemical parameters were determined to assess the final compost quality after 50 days of vermicomposting. The different manure ratios used to produce the composts (C) were as follows (SM:CM, % m/m basis): C1 100:0, C2 (75:25), C3 (50:50), C4 (25:75), and C5 (0:100). In addition, the earthworm biomass and the phytoproductivity of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) plants grown in mixtures (1:1) of natural soil and the most viable vermicomposts were investigated. The C1 and C2 compost compositions were associated with high earthworm mortality rates. The C3 compost provided the highest mineral concentrations and C5 showed the highest lettuce yield (wet biomass). The results verify that stabilized cattle manure is an excellent substrate for the vermicomposting process and that fresh swine manure must be mixed with pre-stabilized cattle manure to ensure an optimized vermicomposting process, which must be controlled in terms of temperature and ammonia levels. It is concluded that small livestock farmers could add value to swine manure by applying the vermicomposting process, without the need for high investments and with a minimal requirement for management of the biodegradation process. These are important technical aspects to be considered when circular economy principles are applied to small farms.  相似文献   

Bioaugmentation-assisted phytoextraction is a promising method for the cleaning-up of soils contaminated by metals. Bacteria mainly Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) and fungi mainly Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) associated with hyperaccumulating or non-hyperaccumulating plants were analyzed on the basis of a bioprocess engineering approach (concentration and amount of metals extracted by plants, translocation and bioconcentration factor, and plant biomass). In average bioaugmentation increased metals accumulated by shoots by a factor of about 2 (metal concentration) and 5 (amount) without any obvious differences between bacteria and fungi. To optimize this process, new relevant microorganism-plant associations and field scale experiments are needed along with a common methodology for the comparison of all experiments on the same basis. Recommendations were suggested concerning both the microbial-plant selection and the implementation of bioaugmentation to enhance the microbial survival. The use of microbial consortia associated with plant was discussed notably for multi-contaminated soils.  相似文献   

A study was conducted using two pilot-scale land-treatment units (LTUs) to evaluate the efficacy of different cultivation and maintenance schedules during bioremediation of contaminated soil from a wood treatment facility using landfarming technology. The soil contained high concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs, approximately 13000 ppm) as well as of pentachlorophenol (PCP, approximately 1500 ppm). An initial 6-month intensive-treatment phase was followed by 24 months of less-intensive treatment. During the first phase, traditional landfarming practice of regular cultivation was compared with a gas-phase composition based cultivation strategy, and both the landfarming units were intensively monitored and maintained with respect to moisture control and delivery of nutrients. The two strategies resulted in similar contaminant concentration profiles with time during this phase, although different microbial populations developed in the two-landfarming units. The second (less-intensive) treatment phase involved no moisture control and nutrient delivery beyond the initial adjustments, and compared natural attenuation (no cultivation) with quarterly cultivation of soil. Both the strategies showed similar behavior again. GC/MS analysis of the soil samples showed PAH removal including four-ring homologues. Leachability tests at zero time and after 6 and 22 months of operation showed significant reductions in leaching of PCP and low molecular weight PAHs. Extended treatment resulted in some leaching of high molecular weight PAHs. Significant biological activity was demonstrated, even at the high contaminant concentrations. Phospholipid ester-linked fatty acid (PLFA) analysis showed an increase in biomass and a divergence in community composition in soils depending on the treatment conducted.  相似文献   

龚俊  傅大放 《环境工程学报》2015,9(5):2443-2448
选用赤子爱胜蚓(Eisenia fetida)协同EM菌和硝化细菌直接进行室外条件下的鲜鸡粪处理实验,以菌剂接种量、缓冲层厚度、投放密度等为主要筛选参数,并对经蚯蚓消化处理前后的鸡粪冲淋水中氮磷的变化进行了取样检测。实验结果表明,室外条件下蚯蚓借助于微生物的协同作用可直接处理鲜鸡粪。当鲜鸡粪负荷为15 g/d时,在接种EM菌剂和硝化菌剂各10 mL,铺设4 cm厚度凹土缓冲层,蚯蚓投放密度为12条的条件下,鲜鸡粪被降解的效果最好。经过蚯蚓消化降解后的鸡粪水中TN浓度降低了20.34%,TN中无机氮含量增多,NH4+-N和NO3--N所占TN比例分别增加了18.79%和37.96%;TP浓度降低了14.40%。  相似文献   

农药毒死蜱的生态风险及其微生物修复技术研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
毒死蜱是替代甲胺磷和对硫磷等高毒农药的高效有机磷杀虫剂,在世界范围得到广泛使用.但是,环境毒理学研究发现,毒死蜱对生态环境具有潜在的危险性,甚至被认为具有干扰内分泌的功能,许多国家对毒死蜱在农产品中的残留量有严格的规定.因此,深入研究毒死蜱的生态风险问题是当务之急.对国内外关于毒死蜱的残留活性、生态毒理、降解机制以及生物修复等方面的研究进行了综述,以期对毒死蜱的合理管理和使用提供科学依据.  相似文献   

To evaluate the environmental relevance of in situ bioremediation of contaminated soils, effective and reliable monitoring approaches are of special importance. The presented study was conducted as part of a research project investigating in situ bioremediation of topsoils contaminated by the explosive 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT). Changes in soil toxicity within different experimental fields at a former ordnance factory were evaluated using a battery of five bioassays (plant growth, Collembola reproduction, soil respiration, luminescent bacteria acute toxicity and mutagenicity test) in combination to chemical contaminant analysis. Resulting data reveal clear differences in sensitivities between methods with the luminescent bacteria assay performed with soil leachates as most sensitive toxicity indicator. Complete test battery results are presented in so-called soil toxicity profiles to visualise and facilitate the interpretation of data. Both biological and chemical monitoring results indicate a reduction of soil toxicity within 17 months of remediation.  相似文献   

A six month field scale study was carried out to compare windrow turning and biopile techniques for the remediation of soil contaminated with bunker C fuel oil. End-point clean-up targets were defined by human risk assessment and ecotoxicological hazard assessment approaches. Replicate windrows and biopiles were amended with either nutrients and inocula, nutrients alone or no amendment. In addition to fractionated hydrocarbon analysis, culturable microbial characterisation and soil ecotoxicological assays were performed. This particular soil, heavy in texture and historically contaminated with bunker fuel was more effectively remediated by windrowing, but coarser textures may be more amendable to biopiling. This trial reveals the benefit of developing risk and hazard based approaches in defining end-point bioremediation of heavy hydrocarbons when engineered biopile or windrow are proposed as treatment option.  相似文献   

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