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Thompson JN  Fernandez CC 《Ecology》2006,87(1):103-112
Variation among sites and years in the local ecological outcome of interspecific interactions can generate a geographic mosaic of coevolution, as indicated by recent mathematical models. We evaluated whether local temporal dynamics of ecological outcome in the interaction between the moth Greya politella (Prodoxidae) and its host plant Lithophragma parviflorum (Saxifragaceae) are likely to mitigate or magnify geographic differences in ecological outcome found in earlier studies. The moths are highly host-specific pollinating floral parasites, and the mutualism can be swamped in some populations by the presence of effective co-pollinators. Hence, differing community contexts can shift the outcome of the interaction from mutualism to commensalism or antagonism. During each of four years, we evaluated the effect of Greya oviposition on seed development through a paired design that controlled for plant genotype and microenvironment. At Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge in Washington State, the interaction was significantly mutualistic in all four years. Mutualism in this population was indicated by a higher probability of development of capsules visited by ovipositing Greya than capsules not visited by Greya on the same plant. At Rapid River, Idaho, the interaction was commensalistic in three years and antagonistic in one year. Antagonism in this population was indicated by selective withering of capsules containing Greya eggs. Overall, the results suggest stable geographic differences in the range of ecological outcomes in this plant-insect interaction under different community contexts.  相似文献   

Collapse of a pollination web in small conservation areas   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Pauw A 《Ecology》2007,88(7):1759-1769
A suspected global decline in pollinators has heightened interest in their ecological significance. In a worst-case scenario, the decline of generalist pollinators is predicted to trigger cascades of linked declines among the multiple specialist plant species to which they are linked, but this has not been documented. I studied a portion of a pollination web involving a generalist pollinator, the oil-collecting bee Rediviva peringueyi, and a community of oil-secreting plants. Across 27 established conservation areas located in the Cape Floral Region, I found substantial variation in the bees' occurrence in relation to soil type and the successional stage of the vegetation. Anthropogenic declines were detectable against this background of naturally occurring variation: R. peringueyi was absent from small conservation areas (< 385 ha) in an urban matrix. In the absence of the bee, seed set failed in six specialist plant species that are pollinated only by R. peringueyi but remained high in a pollination generalist, which had replacement pollinators. The findings are consistent with theoretical predictions of the importance of generalist pollinators in maintaining the structure of pollination webs.  相似文献   

The obligate symbiotic relationship between dinoflagellates, Symbiodinium spp. and reef building corals is re-established each host generation. The solitary coral Fungia scutaria Lamarck 1801 harbors a single algal strain, Symbiodinium ITS2 type C1f (homologous strain) during adulthood. Previous studies have shown that distinct algal ITS2 types in clade C correlate with F. scutariaSymbiodinium specificity during the onset of symbiosis in the larval stage. The present study examined the early specificity events in the onset of symbiosis between F. scutaria larvae and Symbiodinium spp., by looking at the temporal and spatial infection dynamics of larvae challenged with different symbiont types. The results show that specificity at the onset of symbiosis was mediated by recognition events during the initial symbiont—host physical contact before phagocytosis, and by subsequent cellular events after the symbionts were incorporated into host cells. Moreover, homologous and heterologous Symbiodinium sp. strains did not exhibit the same pattern of localization within larvae. When larvae were infected with homologous symbionts (C1f), ~70% of the total acquired algae were found in the equatorial area of the larvae, between the oral and aboral ends, 21 h after inoculation. In contrast, no spatial difference in algal localization was observed in larvae infected with heterologous symbionts. This result provides evidence of functional differences among gastrodermal cells, during development of the larvae. The cells in the larval equator function as nutritive phagocytes, and also appear to function as a region of enhanced symbiont acquisition in F. scutaria.  相似文献   

Infectious processes in a social group are driven by a network of contacts that is generally structured by the organization arising from behavioral and spatial heterogeneities within the group. Although theoretical models of transmission dynamics have placed an overwhelming emphasis on the importance of understanding the network structure in a social group, empirical data regarding such contact structures are rare. In this paper, I analyze the network structure and the correlated transmission dynamics within a honeybee colony as determined by food transfer interactions and the changes produced in it by an experimental manipulation. The study demonstrates that widespread transmission in the colony is correlated to a lower clustering coefficient and higher robustness of the social network. I also show that the social network in the colony is determined by the spatial distribution of various age classes, and the resulting organizational structure provides some amount of immunity to the young individuals. The results of this study demonstrates how, using the honeybee colony as a model system, concepts in network theory can be combined with those in behavioral ecology to gain a better understanding of social transmission processes, especially those related to disease dynamics.  相似文献   

Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology - Individual animals across all taxa differ consistently in behaviour, i.e. they show personality traits. This inter-individual variability has significant...  相似文献   

Macroalgae are a major benthic component of coral reefs and their dynamics influence the resilience of coral reefs to disturbance. However, the relative importance of physical and ecological processes in driving macroalgal dynamics is poorly understood. Here we develop a Bayesian belief network (BBN) model to integrate many of these processes and predict the growth of coral reef macroalgae. Bayesian belief networks use probabilistic relationships rather than deterministic rules to quantify the cause and effect assumptions. The model was developed using both new empirical data and quantified relationships elicited from previous studies. We demonstrate the efficacy of the BBN to predict the dynamics of a common Caribbean macroalgal genus Dictyota. Predictions of the model have an average accuracy of 55% (implying that 55% of the predicted categories of Dictyota cover were assigned to the correct class). Sensitivity analysis suggested that macroalgal dynamics were primarily driven by top–down processes of grazing rather than bottom–up nutrification. BBNs provide a useful framework for modelling complex systems, identifying gaps in our scientific understanding and communicating the complexities of the associated uncertainties in an explicit manner to stakeholders. We anticipate that accuracies will improve as new data are added to the model.  相似文献   

We examined, over 2 years, factors affecting the temporal stability of the lower limit of kelp beds (Alaria esculenta) at five subtidal sites in the Mingan Islands, northern Gulf of St. Lawrence. The position of the lower limit of the beds varied markedly among sites and over time and was largely controlled by the green sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis, which formed dense (up to 500 individuals m–2) feeding fronts at the lower edge of the beds. These aggregations advanced over the kelp most rapidly during the summer (at rates as high as 2.5 m month–1), and there appeared to be a threshold urchin biomass of ~5 kg m–2 below which the fronts could not substantially reduce the limit of the beds. The fronts consisted mainly of large individuals, whereas smaller urchins predominated in the barrens zone below the kelp beds. At one site, we recorded large seasonal shifts in overall urchin densities, with large increases and decreases during the summer and winter, respectively. An urchin exclusion experiment indicated that algal recruitment in the barrens was two orders of magnitude greater in the absence than in the presence of urchins. The kelp Agarum cribrosum greatly restricted urchin movements, and the greater temporal stability of the kelp bed at one site appeared related to the gradual replacement of Alaria esculenta in the lower kelp bed by a large stand of Agarum cribrosum. We propose that perturbations by abiotic factors (e.g., ice scouring and water motion) trigger important but localized changes in urchin densities that, in turn, largely determine the limits of kelp bed distribution in this region of the Atlantic where urchin barrens are a persistent community state.Communicated by R.J. Thompson, St. Johns  相似文献   

Despite international policy implementation to reduce atmospheric acid deposition and restore natural resources from cultural acidification, evidence of ecological recovery is equivocal. Failure to meet recovery goals means that acidification still threatens biodiversity in many areas of the world. Managers thus need information to manage biodiversity, especially its components that are sensitive to stress (acid-sensitive taxa). We analyzed 20-year time series (1988-2007) of water quality and littoral invertebrates in acidified and circum-neutral lakes across Sweden to evaluate regional biodiversity dynamics and the extent to which changes in water quality affect these dynamics. We used multivariate time series modeling to (1) test how individual species groups within invertebrate communities track changes in the abiotic environment and (2) reveal congruencies of taxon contributions to species group change across lakes. Chemical recovery in the lakes was equivocal, and increases of pH and alkalinity were observed in subsets of acidified and circum-neutral lakes. Time series analyses revealed two different patterns of species groups for invertebrate communities across lakes; the first species group showed monotonic change over time, while the second group showed fluctuating temporal patterns. These independent species groups correlated distinctly with different sets of environmental variables. Recovery of pH and alkalinity status was associated with species group patterns only in a few lakes, highlighting an overall weak recovery of invertebrate species. The sets of species, including acid-sensitive taxa, composing these species groups differed markedly across lakes, highlighting context-specific responses of invertebrates to environmental variation. These results are encouraging because disparate local-scale dynamics maintain the diversity of sensitive invertebrate species on a regional scale, despite persisting acidification problems. Our study can inform and help refine current acidification-related policy focused on sensitive biodiversity elements.  相似文献   

The red bishop (Euplectes orix) is a highly polygynous and colonial weaverbird. Males construct several nests within their territories to which they try to attract females, and females are solely responsible for incubation and raising offspring. In this paper, we describe the characteristics of the red bishop’s mating system as a biological market and investigate the role of nests built by males as a traded commodity in a mating market. As timing of breeding in red bishops in arid and semi-arid zones depends on rainfall patterns which are often unpredictable, there are temporal changes in demand for and supply of nests within a breeding season, with breeding activities of males and females being highly synchronised. We found that males increased their nest-building speed with increased female breeding activity independently of rainfall, indicating that supply follows demand in this mating market. The supply of nests was always larger than the demand for nests. Construction costs for nests increased with demand for nests as indicated by shorter nest-building duration and shorter building delays between two consecutively built nests at times of high breeding activity. Males as a trading class are chosen according to the age of their nests offered, with young nests having a higher probability of being accepted by females. Furthermore, female choosiness with regard to nest age decreased when their own market value decreased, as predicted by biological market theory. The temporal changes of breeding activity together with the female preference for young and fresh nests require that males quickly adjust nest-building activity to varying female demand for new nests. However, males with a better adjustment of building speed to female breeding activity did not gain higher mating success.  相似文献   

Social organization is often studied through point estimates of individual association or interaction patterns, which does not account for temporal changes in the course of familiarization processes and the establishment of social dominance. Here, we present new insights on short-term temporal dynamics in social organization of mixed-sex groups that have the potential to affect sexual selection patterns. Using the live-bearing Atlantic molly (Poecilia mexicana), a species with pronounced male size polymorphism, we investigated social network dynamics of mixed sex experimental groups consisting of eight females and three different-sized males over a period of 5 days. Analyzing association-based social networks as well as direct measures of spatial proximity, we found that large males tended to monopolize most females, while excluding small- and medium-bodied males from access to females. This effect, however, emerged only gradually over time, and different-sized males had equal access to females on day 1 as well as day 2, though to a lesser extent. In this highly aggressive species with strong social dominance stratifications, the observed temporal dynamics in male-female association patterns may balance the presumed reproductive skew among differentially competitive male phenotypes when social structures are unstable (i.e., when individual turnover rates are moderate to high). Ultimately, our results point toward context-dependent sexual selection arising from temporal shifts in social organization.  相似文献   


Contaminated food chain is a serious contender for arsenic (As) uptake around the globe. In Nadia, West Bengal, we trace possible means of transfer of As from multiple sources reaching different trophic levels, and associated seasonal variability leading to chronic As uptake. This work considers possible sources-pathways of As transfer through food chain in rural community. Arsenic concentration in groundwater, soil, rice, and vegetable-samples collected detected in different harvest seasons of 2014 and 2016. Arsenic level in shallow groundwater samples ranged from 0.1 to 354?µg/L, with 75% of the sites above the prescribed limit by WHO (10?µg/L) during the boro harvest season. High soil As content (~20.6?mg/kg), resulted in accumulation of As in food crops. A positive correlation in As conc. with increase over period in all sites indicating gradual As accumulation in topsoil. Unpolished rice samples showed high As content (~1.75?mg/kg), polishing reduced 80% of As. Among vegetables, the plant family Poaceae with high irrigation requirements and Solanaceae retaining high moisture, have the highest levels of As. Contaminated animal fodder (Poaceae) and turf water for cattle are shown to contaminate milk (0.06 to 0.24?µg/L) and behoves strategies, practices to minimize As exposure.  相似文献   

Advances in pollination ecology from tropical plantation crops   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Although ecologists traditionally focus on natural ecosystems, there is growing awareness that mixed landscapes of managed and unmanaged systems provide a research environment for understanding basic ecological relationships on a large scale. Here, we show how tropical agroforestry systems can be used to develop ideas about the mechanisms that influence species diversity and subsequent biotic interactions at different spatial scales. Our focus is on tropical plantation crops, mainly coffee and cacao, and their pollinators, which are of basic ecological interest as partners in an important mutualistic interaction. We review how insect-mediated pollination services depend on local agroforest and natural habitats in surrounding landscapes. Further, we evaluate the functional significance of pollinator diversity and the explanatory value of species traits, and we provide an intercontinental comparison of pollinator assemblages. We found that optimal pollination success might be best understood as a consequence of niche complementarities among pollinators in landscapes harboring various species. We further show that small cavity-nesting bees and small generalist beetles were especially affected by isolation from forest and that larger-bodied insects in the same landscapes were not similarly affected. We suggest that mixed tropical landscapes with agroforestry systems have great potential for future research on the interactions between plants and pollinators.  相似文献   

The temporal dynamics of the invertebrate immune response often determines an organism’s success in responding to physiological stress, physical damage, and pathogens. To date, most immune challenge studies have been conducted under highly controlled laboratory conditions, with few attempts to study immune function in the wild. In this study, we characterized the temporal dynamics of the Caribbean sea fan, Gorgonia ventalina, cellular immune response [granular amoebocyte aggregation and prophenoloxidase (PPO) activation] to allogenic grafts in the laboratory and field using a clonally replicated design. Amoebocyte reaction time differed markedly between the lab (% amoebocyte surface area in tissue sections peaked at 2 days) and field (peak at 6 days). PPO activity decreased between 0 and 6 days after grafting in both ungrafted and grafted tissue, suggesting PPO is decoupled from other cellular components. The reaction norms of the fold induction in % amoebocyte area between disease-grafted and healthy-grafted tissue of each colony across time indicate high intercolony plasticity in cellular immune response. The plasticity between colonies was also evident in the magnitude of cellular immune response, ranging from a 0.88- to 1.60-fold increase in amoebocyte area between initial and 6 days for the disease-grafted tissue. With the demonstration of highly dynamic cnidarian cellular immune responses, our study expands understanding of the evolutionary ecology of metazoan immune defense mechanisms.  相似文献   

Mutualisms are interspecies interactions in which each participant gains net benefits from interacting with its partner. In nursery pollination mutualisms, pollinators reproduce within the inflorescence they pollinate. In these systems, each partner depends directly on the other for its reproduction. Therefore, the signal responsible for partner encounter is crucial in these horizontally transmitted mutualisms, in which the association between specific partners must be renewed at each generation. As in many other interspecies interactions, chemical signals are suspected to be important in the functioning of these mutualisms. We synthesized and compared the published data available on the role of floral scents in the functioning of the 16 known independently evolved nursery pollination mutualisms. So far, attraction of pollinators to their specific hosts has been investigated in only seven of these systems, and the majority of the studies have been conducted on one of them, fig/fig wasp interactions. While such unevenness of the information limits the potential for meta-analysis, some patterns emerge from this review concerning the role of flower volatiles in maintaining the specificity of pollinator attraction, in signaling the appropriate phenological stage for pollinator visit, in attracting the pollinator toward the rewardless sex in dioecious plant species and in aiding the location and exploitation of resources by parasites and predators associated with these mutualisms. Finally, we highlight new perspectives on the evolution of signals in these diversified systems depending on the age and the degree of specificity of the interaction, and on the effect of phylogenetic inertia on the evolutionary dynamics of plant signals.  相似文献   

Environmental and Ecological Statistics - It is shown that community dynamics is neither haphazard nor completely directed. This is quite clear from our examination of a concrete example where...  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an approach for describing the environmentally induced temporal pattern of structured populations by partial integro-differential equations. Populations are structured according to size or stage. Growth, energy allocation and stage transitions are affected by environmental conditions of which temperature, photoperiod, water depth and food supply were taken into account. The resulting modelling framework was applied to describe, analyse and predict alterations in populations with continuous development, populations with distinct state structures and interacting populations. Our exemplary applications consider populations of freshwater Amphipoda, Isopoda and Odonata. The model was capable of simulating life cycle alterations in dependence on temperature in interaction with other environmental factors: (1) population dynamics, (2) seasonal regulation, (3) water depth-dependent dispersal, (4) intraguild predation and (5) consumer-resource dynamics.  相似文献   

Ecosystem components interact in complex ways and change over time due to a variety of both internal and external influences (climate change, season cycles, human impacts). Such processes need to be modeled dynamically using appropriate statistical methods for assessing change in network structure. Here we use visualizations and statistical models of network dynamics to understand seasonal changes in the trophic network model described by Baird and Ulanowicz [Baird, D., Ulanowicz, R.E., 1989. Seasonal dynamics of the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem. Ecol. Monogr. 501 (59), 329–364] for the Chesapeake Bay (USA). Visualizations of carbon flow networks were created for each season by using a network graphic analysis tool (NETDRAW). The structural relations of the pelagic and benthic compartments (nodes) in each seasonal network were displayed in a two-dimensional space using spring-embedder analyses with nodes color-coded for habitat associations (benthic or pelagic). The most complex network was summer, when pelagic species such as sea nettles, larval fishes, and carnivorous fishes immigrate into Chesapeake Bay and consume prey largely from the plankton and to some extent the benthos. Winter was the simplest of the seasonal networks, and exhibited the highest ascendency, with fewest nodes present and with most of the flows shifting to the benthic bacteria and sediment POC compartments. This shift in system complexity corresponds with a shift from a pelagic- to benthic-dominated system over the seasonal cycle, suggesting that winter is a mostly closed system, relying on internal cycling rather than external input. Network visualization tools are useful in assessing temporal and spatial changes in food web networks, which can be explored for patterns that can be tested using statistical approaches. A simulation-based continuous-time Markov Chain model called SIENA was used to determine the dynamic structural changes in the trophic network across phases of the annual cycle in a statistical as opposed to a visual assessment. There was a significant decrease in outdegree (prey nodes with reduced link density) and an increase in the number of transitive triples (a triad in which i chooses j and h, and j also chooses h, mostly connected via the non-living detritus nodes in position i), suggesting the Chesapeake Bay is a simpler, but structurally more efficient, ecosystem in the winter than in the summer. As in the visual analysis, this shift in system complexity corresponds with a shift from a pelagic to a more benthic-dominated system from summer to winter. Both the SIENA model and the visualization in NETDRAW support the conclusions of Baird and Ulanowicz [Baird, D., Ulanowicz, R.E., 1989. Seasonal dynamics of the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem. Ecol. Monogr. 501 (59), 329–364] that there was an increase in the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem's ascendancy in the winter. We explain such reduced complexity in winter as a system response to lowered temperature and decreased solar energy input, which causes a decline in the production of new carbon, forcing nodes to go extinct; this causes a change in the structure of the system, making it simpler and more efficient than in summer. It appears that the seasonal dynamics of the trophic structure of Chesapeake Bay can be modeled effectively using the SIENA statistical model for network change.  相似文献   

Trichodesmium erythraeum Ehrenberg ex Gomont is a microalga worldwide distributed in tropical seas. This filamentous microalga was detected in phytoplankton samples collected in the Protected NaturalArea "Parque Nacional SistemaArrecifal Veracruzano", and because of its ecological importance, its temporal dynamics was studied using net samples (30 microm) collected in one year period. Samples were studied with a light microscope recording the presence, morphological characteristics, life form and relative abundance. Trichodesmium erythraeum occurred as single filaments and was rare in April 2007 and March 2008; as single filaments from May to August and December 2007; as single filaments and small aggregates in September 2007 and January 2008; in aggregates of large size (> 3mm) and high relative abundance in October 2007; and was absence in November 2007 and April 2008. Although the relative abundance of the species was not important comparing with other members of phytoplankton, its occurrence was frequent with a bloom at the beginning of the north winds period. The observed temporal dynamics of this microalga in this coral reef region comes up on the alert in the monitoring red tides programs being implemented in Veracruz coast.  相似文献   

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