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A. L. Dahl 《Marine Biology》1973,23(4):239-249
The surface area of organisms and substrata is shown to be a significant ecological parameter because of its functional importance in the system. Quantification of surface area can be of particular value in morphologically complex environments such as coral reefs. The amount of surface in a reef habitat can be estimated by direct measurements and theoretical approximations, using a surface index (SI) for the amount of surface increase over that of a similarly bounded plane. SI values for a section of the British Honduran barrier reef ranged up to 15 in the reef-crest area at scales significant to macro-organisms. By combining substrate-area measurements with estimates of percent coverage of the major benthic algal components, a reef transect with a horizontal area of 300 m2 was shown to have over 300 m2 covered by benthic macroalgae. The potential for the further development of surface estimation techniques is discussed.  相似文献   

A mathematical model has been constructed for the algal community on the rocky shores of a Norwegian fjord. We report here on the studies of competition and colonization along a vertical transect from the upper intertidal to the sublittoral habiats. Results on species abundance and distribution (patterns of zonation) and time to reach maturity have been compared to observations both in the fjord area and in other rocky shore areas.Competition coefficients for the algae were inferred from plant morphology and shown to be in agreement with observations of algal abundance and their zone-forming ability. Competition restricts the distribution of the species, especially at the lower elevations, but does not alter their relative position. However, increasing uniform competition prolongs the time in which zone-forming can occur, and it also decreases the overall biomass which an area can sustain. Colonization by a single species may create transient stages in community development of the same order of magnitude as algae longevity, and probably also alters the zonation pattern to some degree.The simulation results indicate that the large-scale algal distribution pattern in the Hardangerfjord area results from global stability of the rocky shore community.  相似文献   

Mesocosm experiments coupled with dilution grazing experiments were carried out during the phytoplankton spring bloom 2009. The interactions between phytoplankton, microzooplankton and copepods were investigated using natural plankton communities obtained from Helgoland Roads (54°11.3′N; 7°54.0′E), North Sea. In the absence of mesozooplankton grazers, the microzooplankton rapidly responded to different prey availabilities; this was most pronounced for ciliates such as strombidiids and strobilids. The occurrence of ciliates was strongly dependent on specific prey and abrupt losses in their relative importance with the disappearance of their prey were observed. Thecate and athecate dinoflagellates had a broader food spectrum and slower reaction times compared with ciliates. In general, high microzooplankton potential grazing impacts with an average consumption of 120% of the phytoplankton production (P p ) were measured. Thus, the decline in phytoplankton biomass could be mainly attributed to an intense grazing by microzooplankton. Copepods were less important phytoplankton grazers consuming on average only 47% of P p . Microzooplankton in turn contributed a substantial part to the copepods’ diets especially with decreasing quality of phytoplankton food due to nutrient limitation over the course of the bloom. Copepod grazing rates exceeded microzooplankton growth, suggesting their strong top-down control potential on microzooplankton in the field. Selective grazing by microzooplankton was an important factor for stabilising a bloom of less-preferred diatom species in our mesocosms with specific species (Thalassiosira spp., Rhizosolenia spp. and Chaetoceros spp.) dominating the bloom. This study demonstrates the importance of microzooplankton grazers for structuring and controlling phytoplankton spring blooms in temperate waters and the important role of copepods as top-down regulators of microzooplankton.  相似文献   

Benthic, free-living marine nematodes from two stations, one subtidal, one intertidal, in the North Inlet Estuary, South Carolina, USA, have been characterized by measurement of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), carbon, caloric content, and ash-free dry weight. Two methods of extracting the organisms from the sediment were used. Resulting carbon to ATP ratios and population density data from ongoing North Inlet meiofauna studies show that the nematodes account for 0.11 to 6.33 g ATP per g dry weight of sediment, varying seasonally. The percentage of nematode ATP/g sediment is higher in the winter and lowest in the summer, and accounts for 68% to over 90% of the total sediment ATP. The findings of this study indicate that meiofauna, particularly nematodes, can no longer be overlooked as a separate entity in attempts to partition benthic systems.Contribution No. 173 from the Belle W. Baruch Institute for Marine Biology and Coastal Research. Research supported by Oceanography Section, National Science Foundation, NSF Grant DES 72-01573 AO1.  相似文献   

三座不同营养类型水库春季细菌生理群分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用实验室培养的方法,于2005年4月调查了热带亚热带过渡区的三座不同营养类型的水库:大镜山(富营养型),梅溪(贫中营养型),流溪河(贫中营养型),并对3座水库水体和底泥异养细菌及N、P细菌生理群的分布特点进行了初步分析。3座水库水体和底泥细菌生理群的分布差异明显,这些差异主要取决于水库水体和底泥的营养状况。大镜山水库和流溪河水库底泥中有机营养物质丰富,2座水库底泥中主要细菌生理群的分布相似。流溪河水库与梅溪水库为贫中营养型水库,两座水库水体中主要细菌生理群的密度分布相近。在流溪河水库和大镜山水库中不同采样点之间细菌生理群的分布存在一定的空间差异,梅溪水库大坝和出水口之间差异不显著,这种差异取决与水库的水动力学特征。3座水库水体硝酸还原菌与TP(R2=0.6668,P<0.05)和Chl.a(R2=0.6734,P<0.05)以及有机磷分解菌与TP(R2=0.5977,P<0.05)和Chl.a(R2=0.5968,P<0.05)之间存在着显著的相关关系。  相似文献   

A mathematical model has been developed to study the distribution and abundance of benthic algae species in a Norwegian fjord. The main forcing functions are the physical factors which have well defined gradients in this area, but biotic interactions are also accounted for in the model.The distribution of algae along vertical transects in the intermediate fjord area has been simulated, and the observed distribution is reproduced fairly well. This indicates that the major factors determining the equilibrium elevation between intertidal and subtidal vegetations in this area are adequately represented in the model.Based on observations in a fjord branch with a high level of freshwater influx and polluted by heavy metals, assumptions are made of the combined influence of these contaminants on growth characteristics of the species considered. The resulting effects on community development and community patterns are simulated. For a certain level of contamination, the decrease in abundance, community development rate and species separation have been determined. It is also shown that the fluctuations in biomass during a year are more pronounced than under unaffected conditions.The relative importance of external growth regulating factors and self-shading is demonstrated for different degrees of community development, and we have indicated that this may be an important factor in the assessment of transient and long-term responses to “natural” and man-made influences on the shore-line vegetation.One of the main problems during model development was the formulation of the interaction function for factors influencing growth parameters. Several alternatives were examined.The differences between the most frequently used forms were small with respect to abundance and not very large with respect to possible changes in distribution. It was noted that even by including only the most limiting factor at each instant, (Liebig's form) a high percentage of the potentially limiting factors did actually limit growth during periods of the year.The model is intended as a working tool for the studies of changes in the shore-line vegetation caused by man-made interferences like heavy metal and oil pollution, and we believe that the results presented demonstrate that it can successfully be used for this purpose.  相似文献   

Microbes are known to affect ecosystems and communities as decomposers, pathogens, and mutualists. However, they also may function as classic consumers and competitors with animals if they chemically deter larger consumers from using rich food-falls such as carrion, fruits, and seeds that can represent critical windfalls to both microbes and animals. Microbes often use chemicals (i.e., antibiotics) to compete against other microbes. Thus using chemicals against larger competitors might be expected and could redirect significant energy subsidies from upper trophic levels to the detrital pathway. When we baited traps in a coastal marine ecosystem with fresh vs. microbe-laden fish carrion, fresh carrion attracted 2.6 times as many animals per trap as microbe-laden carrion. This resulted from fresh carrion being found more frequently and from attracting more animals when found. Microbe-laden carrion was four times more likely to be uncolonized by large consumers than was fresh carrion. In the lab, the most common animal found in our traps (the stone crab Menippe mercenaria) ate fresh carrion 2.4 times more frequently than microbe-laden carrion. Bacteria-removal experiments and feeding bioassays using organic extracts of microbe-laden carrion showed that bacteria produced noxious chemicals that deterred animal consumers. Thus bacteria compete with large animal scavengers by rendering carcasses chemically repugnant. Because food-fall resources such as carrion are major food subsidies in many ecosystems, chemically mediated competition between microbes and animals could be an important, common, but underappreciated interaction within many communities.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution, floristic composition and habitat ecology of sublittoral, benthic algae are described for two deep water, offshore stations in the Gulf of Maine, based on in situ observations and collections to 47 m depth during SCUBA and submarine dives. Twenty species of macroscopic algae were collected between 29 and 45 m. These occurred in two benthic algal associations: a Ptilota serrata association of fleshy, almost exclusively red algae from 29 to 37 m; and a deeper Lithothamnium glaciale association dominated by encrusting corallines and extended from ca 38 m to the lowest limit of macroscopic vegetation at 44 to 45 m. Below 45 m only endozoic and epizoic diatoms associated with sponges were observed. Owing to the seasonal stability, homogeneous composition and clear extinction depths of the two associations, we propose that the extinction depth of benthic seaweeds may provide a useful bioassay for making temporal comparison of water conditions at a single geographic region and, where substrata are similar, spatially among different geographic regions. Data obtained during the Jeffreys Ledge study are discussed in relation to this hypothesis.  相似文献   

The effect of light intensity on rate of photosynthesis was measured at irregular intervals over a 12-month period for 22 benthic marine algae in the western Baltic Sea. In most species photosynthesis (mg O2·g dry weight-1·h-1) was highest in spring and summer, corresponding to the seasonal growth pattern of the algae. In winter all the species showed adaptation of the light compensation point. Highest productivity was shown by algae which are: short-lived annual species rather than perennials, eulittoral rather than sublittoral, and which possess sheet-like or filamentous thalli rather than coarsely branched forms. These factors are clearly inter-related.This research was carried out while one of us (R.J.K.) was an Alexander von Humboldt fellow at the University of Kiel, and is part of the programme Sonderforschungsbereich 95, Wechselwirkung Meer-Meeresboden, Universität Kiel.  相似文献   

Environmental Chemistry Letters - Global warming is partly due to excessive carbon dioxide emissions, calling for methods to capture carbon dioxide for conversion into value-added...  相似文献   

Insufficient hygienic water quality and bathing prohibitions are still a serious problem in the Szczecin Lagoon (southern Baltic). In our study we focus on the southern lagoon coast and analyse the causes and consequences of high Escherichia coli bacteria concentrations. For this purpose we carry out laboratory experiments on the behaviour of E.coli in the lagoon, a literature review and apply a three-dimensional flow model together with a Lagrangian particle tracking routine. Three major E.coli sources, the Uecker river, the wetlands with cattle as well as sea gulls with bathing and fisheries were allocated, quantified and compiled into an emission scenario. This serves as input for transport simulations under different wind conditions and for the development of a spatial contamination map. Reasons for high E.coli concentrations in the lagoon are a permanent supply from different sources and the special environmental situation in the lagoon. The availability of organic matter, either in form of reed stems or as muddy sediments, has a positive effect on bacteria survival. Very important, too, are the prevailing wind and flow conditions, which cause water and organism transport in narrow ribbons along the coastline and promote near-shore accumulations. Even in our shallow lagoon, the application of a 3D-model is beneficial. Heavy rains are, very likely, responsible for the outstanding high total-coliform concentrations of 11,000?cfu/100?ml on August 21, 2006. The model system proved to be a valuable tool for spatial analysis and is suitable to support the development of bathing water profiles according to the EU Bathing Water Directive (2006/7/EC).  相似文献   

Macrofauna living on subtidal rocks reefs in southern California excrete ammonium, a potentially important nutrient for benthic algae. Ammonium excretion rates of eleven macroinvertebrate and five fish taxa were determined from a total of 324 in situ incubations conducted between October 1984 and August 1985 at 14 to 17 m depths off Santa Catalina Island, California. Total ammonium excretion ranged from over 100 mol h-1 by the kelp bass Paralabrax clathratus to less than 0.1 mol h-1 by the gastropod Conus californicus. Weight-specific ammonium excretion generally ranged from 0.5 to 4 mol g-1 h-1 in invertebrates and from 3 to 7 mol g-1 h-1 in fishes. Intraspecific excretion rates varied substantially. Coefficient of variation of excretion rates were higher than reported for laboratory studies and multiple regression indicated that 50 to 90% of the variation in ammonium excretion rates of five species studied in detail could not be explained by the combined variation in dry weight, water temperature, time of day, and incubation dates. The excretion data, along with estimates of population densities and size-frequency distributions, indicate that benthic macrofauna release a total of 25 to 30 mol NH 4 + m-2 h-1 both day and night. The species that generally make the largest contributions are a gobiid fish (Lythrypnus dalli), followed by three gastropods (Astraea undosa, Tegula eiseni, and T. aureotincta) and a sea urchin (Centrostephanus coronatus). The amount of ammonium excreted by these macrofauna on rocky reefs is insignificant compared to our previously published data on the nighttime excretion of blacksmith (Chromis punctipinnis), a pomacentrid fish that feeds in the water column during the day and shelters on the reef at night. Including blacksmiths, we estimate that the amount released by rocky-reef macrofauna at night is >280 mol m-2 h-1, a rate that is similar to that for many other marine communities. Additional studies are required to determine if benthic algae utilize ammonium released by these macrofauna, especially at night.Contribution No. 58 of the Ocean Studies Institute; Contribution No. 123 of the Catalina Marine Science Center  相似文献   

Substrate transformation and microbial biomass production in aquatic ecosystems depend mainly on the total number of actively metabolizing heterotrophic bacteria. The most common methods used concern the determination of either the colony-forming bacteria or the total number of bacteria including autotrophs and inactive organisms a micro-autoradiographic method is presented which enables the substrate uptake of single bacteria by means of 3H-amino-acid mixture and Nuclepore filters to be determined. The standardization procedure revealed the greatest success after 3 h incubation with 10 Ci/ml tritiated amino-acid mixture and an exposure of 14 days to the X-ray film. Preliminary experiments showed inactivation of an active fresh-water population from 100% to 0.6% within 3 h at 28S. With increasing distance from the shore, the number of colony-forming units decreases from 6 to 0.01% of the total number of active heterotrophic bacteria. It is concluded from the results that the fraction of very small heterotrophic bacteria which cannot be cultured on nutrient media is responsible for the continuous breakdown of organic matter in off-shore regions of the sea.  相似文献   

For marine macrobenthic communities, a shift from higher biomass dominance with increasing levels of disturbance can be determined by the abundance/biomass comparison (ABC) method. This response results from (i) a shift in the proportions of different phyla present in communities, some phyla having larger-bodied species than others, and (ii) a shift in the relative distributions of abundance and biomass among species within the Annelida (specifically Polychaeta) but not within any of the other major phyla (Mollusca, Crustacea, Echinodermata). The shift within polychaetes reflects the substitution of largerbodied by smaller-bodied species, and not a change in the average size of individuals within a species. In most instances the phyletic changes reinforce the trend in species substitutions within the polychaetes, to produce the overall ABC response, but in some cases they may work against each other. Indications of pollution or disturbance detected by this method should be viewed with caution if the species responsible for the polluted configurations are not polychaetes. These observations provide an aid to interpretation of the ABC plots, especially in some situations where they have been deemed to give a false impression of the disturbance status of a community.  相似文献   

A. Uitto  J. Sarvala 《Marine Biology》1991,111(2):237-246
An intensive field study of three depth zones in 1980 revealed different seasonal patterns of growth in the deposit-feedingPontoporeia affinis Lindström andP. femorata Kröyer (Crustacea, Amphipoda) in the northern Baltic Sea, SW coast of Finland. The study areas were situated in the outer archipelago at depths of 21 to 25 m and 26 to 30 m and in the sea zone at 46 m. InP. affinis growth rates decreased with increasing depth, but the same seasonal pattern was evident at all depths: growth began in spring, increased to a maximum in early or midsummer, and decreased again or ceased altogether by autumn. In the archipelago the 1 + age group attained its maximum growth rate in May–June and the 0 + age group clearly later, in June–July. InP. femorata the growth rates of all age groups were more even, having only slight peaks in summer and autumn. The seasonal variation in growth ofPontoporeia spp. was not directly dependent on sedimentation of the spring phytoplankton bloom, but was more closely connected with seasonality of temperature and total benthic metabolism. Because estimates of annual food consumption byPontoporeia spp. exceeded bacterial and meiofaunal production, these species must have derived the majority of their energy demands from dead organic detritus. BothPontoporeia species are probably strictly food-limited in the area. The cessation of growth seemed to coincide with the approach of a plateau of total biomass, suggesting food competition. Different timing of growth between the age groups ofP. affinis suggests differences in sources or utilization of food; differences betweenP. affinis adP. femorata may indicate interspecific competition or different food.  相似文献   

Taxonomical composition and abundance of the planktonic ciliate assemblage in a Lake Tezozomoc, a hypertrophic pond located into an urban park in Mexico City, was investigated along the rainy season (May to October). The aims of the study were to know the main trophic roles and ecological significance of ciliates in a highly productive environment. A low number of taxa (27) and a wide abundance fluctuation (104-387 cil ml(-1)) were found. The most abundant species (up to 162 cil ml(-1)) was Halteria grandinella, an oligotrich ciliate that graze on bacteria and picoplankton, but also several big body sized species that feed on pico and nanoplankton were abundant. Sudden temporal changes in species dominance occurred. Ciliate biomass was very high and fluctuated widely (1.6-88 10(6) microm(3) ml(-1)) being dominated by the >50 microm size fraction that mainly included the pico and nanoplankton feeders. Ciliates are a very important component in the plankton of hypertrophic lakes and their main control factor seems to be the grazing by big-body size Daphnia species.  相似文献   

In May and September, 2002, 14 private residential drinking water wells, one dewatering well at a lignite mine, eight surface water sites, and lignite from an active coal mine were sampled in five Parishes of northwestern Louisiana, USA. Using a geographic information system (GIS), wells were selected that were likely to draw water that had been in contact with lignite; control wells were located in areas devoid of lignite deposits. Well water samples were analyzed for pH, conductivity, organic compounds, and nutrient and anion concentrations. All samples were further tested for presence of fungi (cultures maintained for up to 28 days and colonies counted and identified microscopically) and for metal and trace element concentration by inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry and atomic emission spectrometry. Surface water samples were tested for dissolved oxygen and presence of pathogenic leptospiral bacteria. The Spearman correlation method was used to assess the association between the endpoints for these field/laboratory analyses and incidence of cancer of the renal pelvis (RPC) based on data obtained from the Louisiana Tumor Registry for the five Parishes included in the study. Significant associations were revealed between the cancer rate and the presence in drinking water of organic compounds, the fungi Zygomycetes, the nutrients PO4 and NH3, and 13 chemical elements. Presence of human pathogenic leptospires was detected in four out of eight (50%) of the surface water sites sampled. The present study of a stable rural population examined possible linkages between aquifers containing chemically reactive lignite deposits, hydrologic conditions favorable to the␣leaching and transport of toxic organic compounds from the lignite into the groundwater, possible microbial contamination, and RPC risk.  相似文献   

The abundance and biomass of marine planktonic ciliates were determined at monthly intervals at two stations in Southampton Water between June 1986 and June 1987. The two stations, an outer one at Calshot and an inner one at N. W. Netley, were subject to differing marine and terrestrial influences. The potential ciliate production at cach station on each visit was estimated from these data. Enumeration of ciliates and measurements of biovolume were performed on Lugol's iodinepreserved samples and potential production was calculated using a predictive relationship based on temperature and cell volume. Heterotrophic ciliate abundance and biomass were greatest at both stations during spring and summer months, with respective maxima of 16x103 organisms 1-1 and 219 g Cl-1 recorded at N. W. Netley. Estimates of the potential production of the ciliate community ranged from <1 to 18 g Cl-1 d-1 at Calshot and <1 to 141 g Cl-1 at N. W. Netley, with annual values of 2 and 9 mg Cl-1 yr-1, respectively. Abundances, biomass and potential production estimates were generally greater at N. W. Netley than at Calshot. Carbon flow through the ciliate community was assessed using annual production values from both this study and the literature. The annual ciliate carbon requirement was equivalent to 9 and 11% of annual primary production at Calshot and N. W. Netley, and potential annual ciliate production was equivalent to 34% and >100% of the energy requirements of metazoan zooplankton at these locations, although comprising only 8 and 10% of their available food.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in the oxygen uptake rate ( ) and ammonia excretion rate ( ) of the benthic deposit-feeding amphipod Monoporeia affinis vere studied in an open-sea population of the northern Baltic Sea during three consecutive years (1991 to 1993). In the early summer an increase in the weightspecific by 22% (standard 1-mg individual) was registered; an even more striking change was noted in the , which showed an increase in the early summer of ca. six times the extremely low winter/spring valnes. The metabolic changes observed could not be attributed to temperature, which remained at steadystate throughout the year, nor could seasonal variations in the biochemical composition of the amphipods explain the results. Therefor, it is evident that quality-food abundance following the sedimentation of the spring phytoplankton bloom induces the observed early-summer elevations in and . In turn, the marked decrease in the towards autumn reflects the gradual depletion of quality-food in the benthic environment. Atomic O: N ratios indicated that at the sampling location, M. affinis uses lipid almost exclusively for metabolic energy throughout the year, except in early summer when the use of lipid and protein was observed to be almost equal. Results also indicated a time-lag between sedimentation of the phytoplankton bloom and metabolic response in the amphipod population.  相似文献   

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