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The combination of biomonitoring with standardized grass cultures and deposition monitoring of antimony (Sb), lead (Pb) and 12 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon compounds (PAH) was carried out in the conurbation of Munich, Germany in 1993 and resumed at the German-Czech border in 1995. Results from different location types in different areas and years seem to be comparable for Sb and PAH, because relevant background data fit in the same range. Biomonitoring reveals a seasonal course of PAH accumulation. Mean PAH contents are found to be significantly higher in grass cultures at locations along heavily traveled roads, compared to sites in living areas or in a rural background. The traffic related PAH bioaccumulation of both regions fits in the same range, although traffic composition is different and traffic density is ten times smaller at the German-Czech border. Correlation of Pb and Sb bioaccumulation in grass vs. deposition suggested abrasions of brake linings and tires to be one possible emission source. This might be the explanation for the mean contents of Pb and Sb in grass cultures at traffic locations in Munich exceeding those in living or rural areas. Deposition (Bergerhoff method) indicates analogous pollution dynamics in association with traffic. Pb bioaccumulation and deposition along the main roads at the German-Czech border show wider ranges compared to Munich. On the whole, Pb and Sb values at border traffic are found to be lower than those in Munich two years previously.  相似文献   

Different uptake routes of contaminants were analysed with focus on particle-bound pollutants. Bioavailability of cadmium was determined with quantitative mRNA-analysis using the expression of the “cadmium responsive gene” cdr- in Caenorhabditis elegans. Comparable experiments were performed with fluoranthene as organic pollutant. The exposure in medium was compared with and without bacteria as food particles. Both bioaccumulation and toxic effects were most influenced via the food exposure. Inorganic particles increased also the uptake of cadmium, but significantly less than food or mixtures of food and inorganic particles. The exposure of fluoranthene reduced the reproduction of the nematodes, if a gene expression threshold was exceeded. However, bioavailabilty of fluoranthene via food particles caused a faster response of the cyp-expression. Thus means, the internal availability is crucial influenced by the uptake route.  相似文献   

Background, aim and scope Since 1990 the UN ECE Heavy Metals in Mosses Surveys provide data inventories of the atmospheric heavy metal bioaccumulation across Europe. In the survey 2005 the nitrogen (N) accumulation was measured for the first time in most of the participating countries. In Germany, the surveys were conducted in close cooperation of the relevant authorities of both the Federal Republic and the sixteen states. Therefore, statistical evaluations of the moss survey data with regard to the whole German territory and single federal states are of interest. This article concentrates on Saxony, dealing with the mapping of the spatiotemporal trends of metal accumulation from 1990 to 2005, the spatial patterns of nitrogen accumulation in 2005, and the spatial variability of bioaccumulation due to characteristics of the sampling sites and their surroundings. Exemplified for Cadmium (Cd), Mercury (Hg) and Lead (Pb) the metal loads in mosses are furthermore related to modelled deposition data provided from the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP). Materials and methods In Saxony Pleurozium schreberi (1990, 1995 most frequent moss species, thereafter second most), Hypnum cupressiforme (1990, 1995 second most, thereafter most frequent moss species), Scleropodium purum and Brachytecium rutabulum (1995, 2000) were sampled at up to 83 sites. All sampling sites were described with regard to topographical and ecological characteristics and several criteria to be fulfilled according to the guideline. Together with the measurements this metadata was combined with other information regarding land use in the surroundings of the sampling sites in the WebGIS MossMet. The spatial structure of the metal bioaccumulation was analysed and modelled by variogram analyses and then mapped by applying different kriging techniques. Furthermore, multi metal indices (MMI) were derived for both the sampling sites and raster maps with help of percentile statistics: The MMI1990–2005 was calculated for arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), titanium (Ti), vanadium (V) and zinc (Zn). The statistical association of the metal bioaccumulation, site specific characteristics as well as information on land use and emissions was analysed by bivariate nonparametric correlation analysis, contingency tables and Classification and Regression Trees (CART). Results The results of the quality controlled chemical analyses show a decrease of the metal bioaccumulation in Saxony from 1990 to 2000. From 2000 to 2005?a significant increase can be stated for As, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ti and V. The element loads of Cd, Hg, Pb and Sb show a decreasing, although non significant, tendency. The MMI1990–2005 decreased significantly from 1990 to 2000 and increased significantly from 2000 to 2005. The N concentration in mosses in Saxony reaches from 1.36 to 1.96?% in dry mass showing significant correlations to the agriculture density (+), the height of the surrounding trees (+), altitude (–) and the precipitation sum for the accumulation period (–). The ratios of forests around the monitoring sites show a negative correlation to all elements but for Pb, Sb and V. Unlike Cd the moss loads of As, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Ni, Pb, Ti and V are positively correlated to the density of urban areas calculated from the Corine Landcover map 2000. The same holds true for Cr, Cu Fe and Ni regarding traffic density and Cd, Cu, Hg and Ni regarding agricultural density. The precipitation sum within the accumulation period is positively correlated with As, Cd, Cr (1990–2000), Ni, Pb, Sb und V, negatively with Cr (2005), Cu, Fe and Zn. Regarding altitude a similar tendency can be observed. The slope gradient shows significant association to Cd, Cu, Ni and Pb. Regarding the canopy effect negative correlation coefficients were calculated for As, Pb and Sb regarding the distance of the sampling site to the nearest tree crowns and positive correlations were calculated for Cd, Cr, Fe and Sb with respect to the height of the surrounding trees. The distance of the moss site to human settlements is significantly related to As, Cd, Cr, Hg, Ni, Pb and Sb. The impact of traffic becomes apparent for As, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Sb, V and Zn which are all negatively correlated with the distance of the moss site to the nearest road. The multivariate statistical CART analysis identifies the urban land use density in a radius of 5?km around the sampling site as well as the height of surrounding trees as the statistically most significant factors for the Cu concentrations in mosses sampled in 2005. The modelled total deposition of Cd, Hg and Pb (EMEP) and the respective concentrations in Saxon mosses are correlated significantly (1995 Hg: r s = 0.62, p = 0.004; 2005 Cd: r s = 0.43, p = 0.07, Hg: r s = 0.44, p = 0.06, Pb: r s = 0.39, p = 0,099). Discussion Unlike in e.?g. Baden-Württemberg the metal accumulation in mosses in Saxony increased between 2000 and 2005, Cr thereby increased dramatically. For Cd, Hg and Pb it could be shown that the metal loads in mosses are significantly correlated to the modelled total deposition provided by EMEP. Nevertheless, this does not hold true for all elements in all campaigns. Taking this into account, it can be verified that positive relationships between the metal bioaccumulation and the deposition for Saxony exist. Conclusions Contrary to deposition measurements that exhibit a higher temporal resolution the moss surveys provide measurement data on a wide range of elements. Some of these elements are important with regard to human-toxicological aspects (e.?g. Al, As, Hg, Sb, V). The standardised biomonitoring of atmospheric pollution with mosses is an important link between the technical acquisition of depositions and the accumulation in biological material. To claim that the element concentrations in mosses and in the deposition should correlate to a high degree is not appropriate since both approaches are physically related but are not identical. The degree of correlation thereby depends on the boundary conditions of the physical processes, like regional and site-specific meteorological conditions within the accumulation period, the vertical and horizontal vegetation structure or land use conditions. Recommendations and perspectives The Heavy Metals in Mosses Surveys are a positive example for environmental monitoring activities reaching across three spatial and administrative levels: regional (e.?g. federal state or natural landscape), nation wide (e.?g. Germany) and continental (e.?g. Europe). It can therefore be claimed that the moss survey is the only environmental monitoring network that provides high density and surface covering information on the metal and N exposition of near-natural and agricultural ecosystems. The correlations of the metal bioaccumulation and the modelled deposition should therefore be used to complement the deposition measurement activities across Europe.  相似文献   

This paper is the result of an investigation into the regulation of oxygen intake in silver eels, Anguilla vulgaris L. Measurements of oxygen intake in intact and operated animals were taken both for gills and body skin. The temperatures of head and body could be varied independently from each other, so that the eels could be exposed to identical or differing head and body temperatures; the spinal cord of operated eels was either cut through just below the head or destroyed in the body region. In comparison with intact eels, oxygen intake of operated individuals shown no significant change due to the destruction of the central nervous system. In general, oxygen intake of the gills shifts noticeably after temperature changes of as little as 4°C, administered at the head region or the body; this shift appears first in the body skin after an 8°C-change in the body. Changes in head temperature produce no significant change in oxygen intake of the body skin. According to temperature measurements conducted by thermo-couples, a temperature change in the body is not transferred to the brain. It is assumed that eels are able to “measure” the oxygen tension of their venous blood on its way from the heart to the gills, and to use this information for regulating their oxygen intake.  相似文献   

Background, aim, and scope The ecological effects of the global climate change differ regionally. Due to the ecological significance of soils in terrestrial ecosystems the aim of this study on behalf of the State Agency for Nature and Environment of Schleswig-Holstein was to calculate the output of nitrogen and phosphate from soils in Schleswig-Holstein (Germany) given the current and predicted air temperatures. Methods The calculations were performed by the Water and Substance Modelling System (WASMOD). This complex simulation tool can be used for modelling the fluxes of water and dissolved substances through single soil columns or for fields and watersheds. In this study the calculations rely on data collected from several sources such as agricultural statistics, the German Weather Service DWD, results from the high resolution regional climate model REMO as well as from the German soil inventory “Reichsbodenschätzung”. The WASMOD calculations were performed for representative combinations of ecological characteristics such as soil texture, distance to the ground water table, drainage, cultivation, and climate. The computations refer to three periods: 1975 to 2004 according to the measurements of two meteorological stations (DWD), and in terms of REMO modelling 1971 to 2000 (reference), and 2071 to 2100 according to the IPCC scenarios B1 and A1B. Results The WASMOD results encompass precipitation, interception, evaporation, seepage water, drainage, nitrogen balances (input, mineralisation, denitrification, nitrification, output, volatilisation, and drainage), and phosphate balances (input, mineralisation, output, and percentage of organic, sorbed, dissolved and immobile P). According to the combinations of influencing factors the computed results vary spatially: Given the scenarios B1 and A1B the evaporation is expected to increase. Compared to the reference period the B1 seepage will be high and associated with high precipitation. Nevertheless, due to increasing evaporation A1B is similar to the reference period despite higher precipitation. The B1 scenario showed the highest outputs of N and P. The results for A1B were found to be very similar with those for the reference period. The N output from fields significantly increase in B1. The highest outputs were estimated for intensively grazed feedlots. For B1 the highest P outputs were computed whereas the A1B estimations were lower than the results referring to the reference period. In terms of the input/output ratio the N output from sandy soils will be higher than those from loamy soils while the contrary holds true for the absolute discharge. These findings will vary spatially with the distance of the soil surface from the groundwater table. The expected output by denitrification is negligible whereas from loamy soils such N losses can account for 41?kg/ha. The mineralisation was expected at maximum in A1B. Compared with the reference period B1 will have higher air temperatures and more precipitation but less droughts. Consequently, for these sites reduced mineralisation was estimated. Draining will reduce the N and P output from fields and enhance the P discharge from grassland, respectively. Discussion The WASMOD modelling results could not be compared to findings of similar studies because such could not be investigated. Thus, the discussion had to focus on the data and methods used for the computations, and the results could not be validated empirically. Nevertheless, from many case studies, ecosystem research and environmental monitoring projects which have been published during the last 20 years the computations of this investigation could be classified as, at least, plausible. A major challenge of further investigations will be the regionalisation if the WASMOD results by the combination of high resolution soil data with such on plant phenology. Conclusions Basic research as for instance long-term ecosystem research should be regarded as essential precondition for the development of prognostic models as presented by the example of WASMOD. Such research could be proved as worthwhile in face of problems as represented in this study. Regarding the global change related risk of vector-associated diseases the predictive power of ecological models must be broadened and refined. Recommendations and perspectives Ecosystem research and environmental epidemiology should be coordinated much closer. This research must be attended by a professional documentation of research and monitoring results by use of metadata-based and GIS-based networking of local databases. The approach of the investigation presented should be applied to representative ecoregions of Germany. To reach this, modelling areas will be selected in terms of an ecological land classification and extensive data sets from meteorological and phenological monitoring networks. Additionally, the approach will be extended by the predictive mapping of vector-associated diseases.  相似文献   

Suspendend solids (SS) are important parameters in the assessment of potential effects of emissions out of sewer systems. This is due to the fact that many pollutants are transported with particles in the sewer systems and therefore are emitted into receiving waters. In this paper, significant emissions in commonly applied sewer systems (combined sewer system [CSS], separate sewer system [SSS]) are mentioned, and typical concentration ranges of SS are listed. Furthermore, data from selected pollutants (lead, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons [PAH]) are collected and concentration ranges in typical flow types of the sewer systems are calculated. In the second part of the paper results from pollution load simulations are introduced. The calculations are based on assumptions from literature and were conducted in a hypothetical catchment. Main interest was the comparison of emissions out of SSS and CSS, shown for selected parameters SS, lead and PAH. Results of the pollution load simulation show that emissions for surface runoff related compounds like lead are extremely high in the SSS in comparison to the CSS. This is mainly reasoned by the high elimination rate in the waste water treatment plant (WWTP). In summary, a general answer, which sewer system emits higher pollution loads is not possible. It is extremely dependent on the considered substance and its specific properties and resulting behaviour in the sewer systems. For a first estimation, new classes of substances are distinguished considering their origin (surface runoff versus dry weather flow) and their elimination capacity in the WWTP.  相似文献   

Exhaust fumes of paraffin, beeswax and stearin candles without any further paint or decorative element were analysed for the toxicological important substance classes of PCDD/PCDF, PAH and short chain aldehydes. The candle waxes and wicks were investigated for chlorinated dioxins, furans and some known precursors. Toxicological risk assessment shows that emissions of the investigated candles are much lower than all administrative limitation values — even under “worst case conditions”. Thus, they do not produce a toxicological risk for human health.  相似文献   

The greenhouse gases subject to emission reduction commitments under the UN Climate Convention include the fluorinated compounds sulphur hexafluoride (SF6), perfluorocarbons (PFCs) and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). The present study projects the emissions of these gases in Germany over the 1995–2010 period, with and without additional emission abatement efforts In the business-as-usual scenario, total emissions of the three fluorinated gases rise over the 1995–2010 period from 11,1 to 27.4 million tonnes CO2 equivalent. This rise is attributable to 72% to HFCs, used above all for refrigeration and stationary air-conditioning, for mobile air-conditioning, for blowing extruded polystyrene (XPS) foam and for one-component polyurethane (PU) foam. Soundproof glazing is the largest SF6 emission sector. Most PFC emissions come from semiconductor manufacturing and aluminium smelting. The reduction scenario does not achieve a stabilisation of fluorinated gas emissions either. The rate of growth is only slowed, with 11.1 million tonnes CO2 equivalent in 1995 growing to 14.9 million in 2010. The measures proposed to attenuate emissions growth are: mandatory equipment maintenance in refrigeration and stationary air-conditioning, refrigerant substitution of HFCs by CO2 in mobile air-conditioning, partial HFC substitution by CO2 in XPS foam blowing, 95% HFC substitution by flammable hydrocarbons in one-component PU foam. Complete SF6 phase-out is considered to be feasible in soundproof glazing. The PFC emissions of the semiconductor industry can be cut by 85% by new chamber cleaning technologies.  相似文献   

Humic substances, in aqueous bodies primarily fulvic acids, may demonstrate an inhibitory as well as an activating influence on organisms. We present evidence with bacteria-containing algal cultures and with cultures of the nematodeCaenorhabditis elegans. Structural elements of the fulvic acids which may be responsible for such effects are not yet known. Furthermore, the presence of fulvic acids may lead to increases in bioconcentration of xenobiotics. Increase in the toxicity of xenobiotics in the presence of humic substances have also been described. We present studies applying lethal as well as sublethal toxicity endpoints.  相似文献   


Goal and Scope

This study was undertaken to investigate the differences in heavy metal burden between the organisms and environmental compartments and to evaluate the role of Dreissena polymorpha as a bioindicator organism.


The concentrations of zinc, copper, cadmium and lead in whole soft body and selected tissues of D. polymorpha at two river habitats in Austria were examined using atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS). Concentrations in organisms were compared to those in sediment and water.

Results and Conclusion

Zebra mussels of the river Drau showed generally higher heavy metal concentrations as compared to mussels of the river Danube and contained elevated zinc and cadmium levels as compared to metal concentrations found in soft tissues of zebra mussels from uncontaminated sites in Germany and The Netherlands. The essential metals zinc and copper were mainly accumulated in gills, foot and byssal gland tissue of the mussel, in contrast to the non-essential metals cadmium and lead which were found predominantly in the midgut gland. The heavy metal concentrations in both, sediments and mussel tissue, were higher than in water samples. There was no correlation between the concentrations in water and in the organisms except for zinc. In contrast, correlations were found between concentrations in sediments and mussel soft tissue.

Recommendation and Perspective

Further investigations should include the examination of sediments and consider the mechanism of food uptake to assess the role of D. polymorpha as a bioindicator organism.  相似文献   

广州市1990-2005年植被覆盖度的时空变化特征   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
龚建周  夏北成 《生态环境》2006,15(6):1289-1294
植被是生态系统的最重要组成部分,以植被覆盖度为指标研究区域植被的时空动态特征,是生态系统健康评价的前提和必要基础。以1990、1995、2000和2005年4个时相的TM遥感影像为数据源,对其进行大气辐射校正以及进行空间图像运算,生成广州市不同时序的植被覆盖度图,以此分析广州市植被覆盖度的时空变化特征。结果表明,广州市过去15a植被覆盖度变化很大,从58.75%下降到46.06%,特别是中心城区和番禺区内的植被覆盖度变化更显著。植被覆盖度下降最多的时间段是1990—1995年,恢复阶段是2000—2005年间。但是,从空间分布上看,植被恢复的区域主要是从化市,市区仍然处于继续下降状态,值得各方面关注,因为市区是人口密度和经济高度集中的区域,也是生态元素最缺乏的区域。  相似文献   

Two-year old Tinca tinca L. (previously acclimated for at least 3 weeks to defined temperatures) were subjected to slow (24 h) and fast (2 h) temperature changes from 13.5° to 26°C (observational period 504 h) and from 6° to 16°C and vice versa (observational period 288 h). Effects on coefficient of condition, Na, K, Ca and Cl content of plasma, H2O, Na and K content of muscle and liver, and rates of movements of gill-covers, when the temperature rose to 26°C, were recorded. After temperature change from 13.5° to 26°C, sharp increases occur in the amount of K and Cl in the blood plasma, of H2O in the liver and, if the temperature rise is effected quickly, of muscle H2O content. Substantial reductions were recorded in coefficient of condition and K content of the liver. With a fast rise in temperature, liver Na content decreases sharply at first, but rises again later. After temperature change from 6° to 16°C, Ca increase in blood plasma and (if the temperature is raised slowly), decline in muscle Na content are considerable; drop of liver H2O content is less marked. If the temperature change is effected rapidly, then liver Na content and plasma K diminish initially and, thereafter, rise sharply. In the case of quick temperature change from 16° to 6°C, particularly frequent and marked changes in ion and water contents occur; in most cases adjustment is not complete after 288 h, and the observed variations are often clearly different from those observed in the case of slow temperature change. If temperature is lowered rapidly, the amounts of Na and K in muscle and liver fall and the amount of H2O increases. There is a considerable loss of Na and Cl contents and, after rapid temperature change, also in plasmatic K and Ca contents. The responses of fishes acclimated to 6° and 16°C are compared; at 16°C the coefficient of condition and plasmatic Na, K and Cl contents decrease, and H2O, Na and K contents of the liver increase. The amount of K in the plasma and of H2O, Na and K in the muscle remains unchanged. The stress effect upon ion and water contents during transfer to 6°C is significantly greater during fast than during slow temperature change. The problem of proper differentiation between biological consequences of stress and adaptation phenomena is discussed. Complete adaptation was frequently not attained during the course of our experiments, especially not at low temperatures.  相似文献   

Clay minerals as major components of soils can adsorb heavy metals. The release of toxic heavy metals such as lead and cadmium into soil presents a serious problem. To evaluate the behaviour of these elements in the environment, it is necessary to develop methods which allow precise analysis of heavy metals. This article compares and optimizes AAS methods for lead and cadmium.  相似文献   

Arsenic containing chemical warfare agents (cwa) are persistent in the environment and continue to contaminte soil and ground water. In this paper the chemical rections of the cwa diphenylarsine chloride (CLARK I), phenylarsine dichloride (PFIFFIKUS), ethylarsine dichloride (DICK) and of chlorovinyl arsenic compounds (LEWISITE) are shown. The posibilities of the detection and determination of this cwa and their metabolites are presented.  相似文献   

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