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Correctly quantifying the impacts of rare apex marine predators is essential to ecosystem-based approaches to fisheries management, where harvesting must be sustainable for targeted species and their dependent predators. This requires modelling the uncertainty in such processes as predator life history, seasonal abundance and movement, size-based predation, energetic requirements, and prey vulnerability. We combined these uncertainties to evaluate the predatory impact of transient leopard seals on a community of mesopredators (seals and penguins) and their prey at South Georgia, and assess the implications for an ecosystem-based management. The mesopredators are highly dependent on Antarctic krill and icefish, which are targeted by regional fisheries. We used a state-space formulation to combine (1) a mark-recapture open-population model and individual identification data to assess seasonally variable leopard seal arrival and departure dates, numbers, and residency times; (2) a size-based bioenergetic model; and (3) a size-based prey choice model from a diet analysis. Our models indicated that prey choice and consumption reflected seasonal changes in leopard seal population size and structure, size-selective predation and prey vulnerability. A population of 104 (90–125) leopard seals, of which 64% were juveniles, consumed less than 2% of the Antarctic fur seal pup production of the area (50% of total ingested energy, IE), but ca. 12–16% of the local gentoo penguin population (20% IE). Antarctic krill (28% IE) were the only observed food of leopard seal pups and supplemented the diet of older individuals. Direct impacts on krill and fish were negligible, but the “escapement” due to leopard seal predation on fur seal pups and penguins could be significant for the mackerel icefish fishery at South Georgia. These results suggest that: (1) rare apex predators like leopard seals may control, and may depend on, populations of mesopredators dependent on prey species targeted by fisheries; and (2) predatory impacts and community control may vary throughout the predator's geographic range, and differ across ecosystems and management areas, depending on the seasonal abundance of the prey and the predator's dispersal movements. This understanding is important to integrate the predator needs as natural mortality of its prey in models to set prey catch limits for fisheries. Reliable estimates of the variability of these needs are essential for a precautionary interpretation in the context of an ecosystem-based management.  相似文献   

This study employs theoretical and empirical concepts from ecology and economics to derive a lower bound of the marginal damage function for reductions in the level of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) in Chesapeake Bay. These reductions in SAV are believed to be a consequence of the runoff of agricultural chemicals, discharges from waste treatment plants, and soil erosion. The study examines the indirect ecological consequences of pollution in Chesapeak Bay fisheries, in a fashion which is consistent with the economic theory of benefit measurement.  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2007,201(2):205-222
Given the complexity of small-scale fisheries and the difficulties for applying classical assessment methods, the status of these fisheries has been poorly documented. In this study, we used a trophic mass-balance model as an analytical alternative to evaluate the trophic impacts of small-scale fisheries as a whole on the marine ecosystem and their implications for ecosystem-based management, taking as a case study the La Paz bay and adjacent fishing grounds (BALAP) located in the Gulf of California, Mexico.Maturity indices, like ascendency and primary production to respiration ratio, indicate that the BALAP ecosystem is in a developing stage. This seems to be closely related to the reported two-season climatic regime that results in a nutrient supply characterized by an oscillating upwelling. The trophic model predicts a predominance of bottom-up control in the food web, which is congruent with the immaturity of the ecosystem. In this context, fisheries seem not to cause a significant impact to the ecosystem as a whole; however, target species show signals of being fully exploited by fisheries in the system. Red snapper and sharks showed the highest exploitation rates in the ecosystem. Based on these results, we discuss the current stock concept as a population-based management unit and the necessity for defining an ecosystem-based management unit.  相似文献   

Spatial closures like marine protected areas (MPAs) are prominent tools for ecosystem-based management in fisheries. However, the adaptive behavior of fishermen, the apex predator in the ecosystem, to MPAs may upset the balance of fishing impacts across species. While ecosystem-based management (EBM) emphasizes the protection of all species in the environment, the weakest stock often dominates management attention. We use data before and after the implementation of large spatial closures in a North Pacific trawl fishery to show how closures designed for red king crab protection spurred dramatic increases in Pacific halibut bycatch due to both direct displacement effects and indirect effects from adaptations in fishermen's targeting behavior. We identify aspects of the ecological and economic context of the fishery that contributed to these surprising behaviors, noting that many multispecies fisheries are likely to share these features. Our results highlight the need either to anticipate the behavioral adaptations of fishermen across multiple species in reserve design, a form of implementation error, or to design management systems that are robust to these adaptations. Failure to do so may yield patterns of fishing effort and mortality that undermine the broader objectives of multispecies management and potentially alter ecosystems in profound ways.  相似文献   

Relations between optimal yield and abundance in a fluctuating environment and conditions for a conservative level of harvest were obtained for the Fox surplus production model and compared with those for the logistic surplus production model. Environmental variation was included in the optimization of harvest with the Fox surplus production model to obtain a relation in which the maximum sustainable yield (MSY) and biomass at the MSY varied as the environment varied. The relation can be applied for management of fisheries at the optimum levels in a fluctuating environment. For both models there is only one maximum sustainable yield under equilibrium conditions, but in a variable environment the maximum sustainable yield and optimum biomass and effort vary as the environment varies. The results were applied to the blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) fishery of the Chesapeake Bay. Although several numerical results for the logistic and Fox models were similar, the parameter estimates were different and the Fox model predicted a much larger decrease in population abundance at the MSY. Harvesting at a conservative level with either the Fox model or the logistic model could increase blue crab abundance substantially with little decrease in harvest. At a conservative level of harvest, there is a 20% increase in biomass with a 6% decrease in yield for the logistic model and a 37% increase in biomass with a 9% decrease in yield for the Fox model. Both the Fox and the logistic surplus production models indicate that the blue crab fishery has been consistently over harvested.  相似文献   

The nature and impact of fishing on predators that share a fished resource is an important consideration in ecosystem-based fisheries management. Krill (Euphausia superba) is a keystone species in the Antarctic, serving as a fundamental forage source for predators and simultaneously being subject to fishing. We developed a spatial multispecies operating model (SMOM) of krill-predator fishery dynamics to help advise on allocation of the total krill catch among 15 small-scale management units (SSMUs) in the Scotia Sea, with a goal to reduce the potential impact of fishing on krill predators. The operating model describes the underlying population dynamics and is used in simulations to compare different management options for adjusting fishing activities (e.g., a different spatial distribution of catches). The numerous uncertainties regarding the choice of parameter values pose a major impediment to constructing reliable ecosystem models. The pragmatic solution proposed here involves the use of operating models that are composed of alternative combinations of parameters that essentially try to bound the uncertainty in, for example, the choice of survival rate estimates as well as the functional relationships between predators and prey. Despite the large uncertainties, it is possible to discriminate the ecosystem impacts of different spatial fishing allocations. The spatial structure of the model is fundamental to addressing concerns of localized depletion of prey in the vicinity of land-based predator breeding colonies. Results of the model have been considered in recent management deliberations for spatial allocations of krill catches in the Scotia Sea and their associated impacts on dependent predator species.  相似文献   

The striped bass (Morone saxatilis) is an economically and ecologically important finfish species along the Atlantic seaboard of the United States. Recent stock assessments in Chesapeake Bay (U.S.A.) indicate that non-fishing mortality in striped bass has increased since 1999, concomitant with very high (>50%) prevalence of visceral and dermal disease caused by Mycobacterium spp. Current fishery assessment models do not differentiate between disease and other components of non-fishing mortality (e.g., senescence, predation); therefore, disease impact on the striped bass population has not been established. Specific measurement of mortality associated with mycobacteriosis in wild striped bass is complicated because the disease is chronic and mortality is cryptic. Epidemiological models have been developed to estimate disease-associated mortality from cross-sectional prevalence data and have recently been generalized to represent disease processes more realistically. Here, we used this generalized approach to demonstrate disease-associated mortality in striped bass from Chesapeake Bay. To our knowledge this is the first demonstration of cryptic mortality associated with a chronic infectious disease in a wild finfish. This finding has direct implications for management and stock assessment of striped bass, as it demonstrates population-level negative impacts of a chronic disease. Additionally, this research provides a framework by which disease-associated mortality may be specifically addressed within fisheries models for resource management.  相似文献   

Fishing pots (i.e., traps) are designed to catch fish or crustaceans and are used globally. Lost pots are a concern for a variety of fisheries, and there are reports that 10 – 70% of deployed pots are lost annually. Derelict fishing pots can be a source of mortality for target and bycatch species for several years. Because continual removal of derelict gear can be impractical over large spatial extents, modifications are needed to disarm gear once it is lost. We tested a fully biodegradable panel with a cull or escape ring designed for placement on the sides of a crab pot that completely degrades into environmentally neutral constituents after approximately 1 year. This panel is relatively inexpensive, easy to install, and can be used in multiple fisheries. We used the blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) fishery as a test case because it is a large pot fishery and blue crab pots are similar to traps used in other pot fisheries. We had commercial fishers deploy pots with panels alongside standard pots in Chesapeake Bay (U.S.A.) to assess potential effects of our experimental pots on blue crab catch. We compared the number, biomass, and size of crabs captured between standard and experimental pots and evaluated differences in catch over a crabbing season (March–November) at five locations. There was no evidence that biodegradable panels adversely affected catch. In all locations and time periods, legal catches were comparable in abundance, biomass, and size between experimental and standard pots. Properly designed biodegradable panels appear to be a viable solution to mitigate adverse effects of derelict pots. Uso de Paneles Completamente Biodegradables para Reducir las Amenazas de Vasijas Abandonadas para la Fauna Marina  相似文献   

Management agencies are considering introducing the Suminoe oyster Crassostrea ariakensis into Chesapeake Bay, USA. It is unknown if the growth of feral populations of this non-native oyster would be regulated by the same predators that once controlled the abundance of the native eastern oyster C. virginica. In laboratory studies, we compared the relative susceptibility of juvenile diploids (shell height < 25 mm) of both oyster species to invertebrate predators of eastern oyster juveniles. Predators included four species of mud crabs [Rhithropanopeus harrisii (carapace width 7–11 mm), Eurypanopeus depressus (6–21 mm), Dyspanopeus sayi (8–20 mm), and Panopeus herbstii (9–29 mm)], the blue crab Callinectes sapidus (35–65 mm), and two sizes of polyclad flatworms (Stylochus ellipticus and possibly Euplana gracilis; planar area ≲5 mm2 and ∼14 to 88 mm2). All four species of mud crab and the blue crab preyed significantly (ANOVA, P ≤ 0.05) more on C. ariakensis than on C. virginica, but predation by flatworms of both sizes did not differ significantly between oyster species. The greater susceptibility of C. ariakensis to crab predation was likely due to its shell compression strength being 64% lower than that of C. virginica (P = 0.005). To test for predator-induced enhancement of shell strength, we held oysters of both species for 54 days in the presence of, but protected from, C. sapidus and R. harrisii. Crabs were fed congeneric oysters twice weekly within each aquarium. Compared to controls, shell strength of C. virginica exposed to R. harrisii increased significantly (P < 0.043), as did shell strength of both oyster species exposed to C. sapidus (P < 0.01). Despite the changes in shell strength by both oyster species in the presence of C. sapidus, the shell of C. ariakensis remained 57% weaker than C. virginica. We conclude that, because C. ariakensis exposed to predators continued to have a weaker shell relative to C. virginica, the natural suite of crab and flatworm predators in Chesapeake Bay will likely serve to control the abundance of feral C. ariakensis. We caution that the situation in the natural environment may be sufficiently different in some locations that C. ariakensis may be able to compensate for its greater vulnerability to crab predation and hence become a nuisance species.  相似文献   

The entrapment of diamondback terrapins (  Malaclemys terrapin) in crab pots frequently results in drowning and death of the trapped turtles. We determined the rate of capture, size, sex, and age of terrapins captured, and the potential impact crab pot mortality has on local terrapin populations. We estimated terrapin capture rates of 0.17 terrapins/pot/day in shallow water areas of Chesapeake Bay (Maryland, USA). The sex ratio of terrapins caught in crab pots was 3:2 male biased because female terrapins become too large to enter crab pots by the time they reach 8 years of age. Males, however, remain vulnerable to entrapment throughout their life. Our estimates of capture rates and local population size suggest that 15–78% of a local population may be captured in a single year. As a consequence, crab pots may be the major reason terrapins are extirpated in coastal, shallow water areas with heavy crab pot fisheries. Additionally, the selective removal of males may also contribute to female-biased sex ratios observed in this diamondback terrapin population. We developed and tested a modified crab pot that increases terrapin survival and does not reduce the number of crabs caught. Our modified crab pot maintained permanent access to air and prevented the drowning of terrapins. Additionally, our modified crab pot caught more crabs than standard commercial crab pots, suggesting that the modified crab pot could be a viable alternative to standard traps that result in terrapin mortality.  相似文献   

The North Atlantic portunid crab Carcinus maenas (Linnaeus, 1758) has invaded the North Pacific Ocean following more than two centuries of global dispersal due to human activities. C. maenas was first collected in San Francisco Bay, California, in 1989–1990, where its distribution and prey selectivity were investigated in 1992–1994. It has become abundant in shallow, warm lagoons (which as favorable and retentive microhabitats may have served as invasion incubators) and spread throughout the north, central and south bays. It may have arrived in ballast water, on fouled ships, amongst algae with imported live bait or lobsters, or by intentional release; genetic comparisons of the Bay population with possible source populations may aid in defining the transport mechanism. C. maenas' eurytopic nature, its high breeding potential, and its diet and feeding behavior suggest the potential for extensive ecosystem alterations through predator-prey interactions, competition, disturbance, and indirect effects. Although both negative economic impacts through reduction or disruption of fisheries and positive impacts of providing bait and human-food fisheries have been documented in a few regions, the potential economic impacts in San Francisco Bay remain largely unknown.  相似文献   

The failure of fisheries management among multispecies coral reef fisheries is well documented and has dire implications for the 100 million people engaged in these small‐scale operations. Weak or missing management institutions, a lack of research capacity, and the complex nature of these ecosystems have heralded a call for ecosystem‐based management approaches. However, ecosystem‐based management of coral reef fisheries has proved challenging due to the multispecies nature of catches and the diversity of fish functional roles. We used data on fish communities collected from 233 individual sites in 9 western Indian Ocean countries to evaluate changes in the site's functional composition and associated life‐history characteristics along a large range of fish biomass. As biomass increased along this range, fish were larger and grew and matured more slowly while the abundance of scraping and predatory species increased. The greatest changes in functional composition occurred below relatively low standing stock biomass (<600 kg/ha); abundances of piscivores, apex predators, and scraping herbivores were low at very light levels of fishing. This suggests potential trade‐offs in ecosystem function and estimated yields for different management systems. Current fishing gear and area restrictions are not achieving conservation targets (proposed here as standing stock biomass of 1150 kg/ha) and result in losses of life history and ecological functions. Fish in reefs where destructive gears were restricted typically had very similar biomass and functions to young and low compliance closures. This indicates the potentially important role of fisheries restrictions in providing some gains in biomass and associated ecological functions when fully protected area enforcement potential is limited and likely to fail. Our results indicate that biomass alone can provide broad ecosystem‐based fisheries management targets that can be easily applied even where research capacity and information is limited. Of particular value, is our finding that current management tools may be used to reach key ecosystem‐based management targets, enabling ecosystem‐based management in many socioeconomic contexts.  相似文献   

Large predatory fishes are disproportionately targeted by reef fisheries, but little is known about their trophic ecology, which inhibits understanding of community dynamics and the potential effects of climate change. In this study, stable isotope analyses were used to infer trophic ecology of a guild of large predatory fishes that are targeted by fisheries on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Each of four focal predators (Plectropomus leopardus, Plectropomus maculatus, Lethrinus miniatus and Lutjanus carponotatus) was found to have a distinct isotopic signature in terms of δ13C and δ15N. A two-source mixing model (benthic reef-based versus pelagic) indicated that P. leopardus and L. miniatus derive the majority (72 and 62 %, respectively) of their production from planktonic sources, while P. maculatus and L. carponotatus derive the majority (89 and 74 %, respectively) of their production from benthic reef-based sources. This indicates that planktonic production is important for sustaining key species in reef fisheries and highlights the need for a whole-ecosystem approach to fisheries management. Unexpectedly, there was little isotopic niche overlap between three of four focal predators, suggesting that inter-specific competition for prey may be low or absent. δ15Nitrogen indicated that the closely related P. leopardus and P. maculatus are apex predators (trophic level > 4), while δ13C indicated that each species has a different diet and degree of trophic specialisation. In view of these divergent trophic ecologies, each of the four focal predators (and the associated fisheries) are anticipated to be differentially affected by climate-induced disturbances. Thus, the results presented herein provide a useful starting point for precautionary management of exploited predator populations in a changing climate.  相似文献   

Abstract: Juvenile growth rate and adult body size are important components of life‐history strategies because of their direct impact on fitness. The diamondback terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin) is a sexually dimorphic, long‐lived turtle inhabiting brackish waters throughout the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States. In parts of its range, terrapins face anthropogenically imposed mortality: juveniles of both sexes inadvertently enter commercial crab traps and drown. For adult females, the carapace eventually grows large enough that they cannot enter traps, whereas males almost never reach that critical size. We compared age structure, carapace dimensions, growth curves, and indices of sexual dimorphism for a Chesapeake Bay population of terrapins (where mortality of turtles is high due to crab traps) with contemporary terrapins from Long Island Sound and museum specimens from Chesapeake Bay (neither group subject to commercial crab traps). We also calculated the allochronic and synchronic rates of evolutionary change (haldanes) for males and females to measure the rate of trait change in a population or between populations, respectively. We found a dramatic shift to a younger male age structure, a decrease in the length of time to terminal female carapace size, a 15% increase in female carapace width, and an increase in sexual dimorphism in Chesapeake Bay. In a new twist, our results implicate a fishery in the selective increase in size of a reptilian bycatch species. These sex‐specific changes in life history and demography have implications for population viability that need to be considered when addressing conservation of this threatened turtle.  相似文献   

Populations of bivalve filter feeders are distributed throughout the oligohaline waters of the Chesapeake Bay system and, to a lesser extent, in tidal fresh waters as well. Previous studies indicate these bivalves significantly diminish phytoplankton concentrations in one major tributary, the Potomac River, and observed chlorophyll concentrations suggest bivalve influence on phytoplankton in other oligohaline reaches. We incorporated a model of these bivalves into an existing eutrophication model of the system. The model indicated that bivalves may reduce phytoplankton concentrations in oligohaline and tidal fresh waters throughout the system but the most significant effects were noted in the Potomac and Patuxent tributaries. Bivalve impacts were related to hydraulic residence time. The greatest phytoplankton reductions occurred in the regions with the longest residence time. Model carbon and nutrient budgets indicated bivalves removed 14% to 40% of the carbon load, 11% to 23% of the nitrogen load, and 37% to 84% of the phosphorus load to the regions where their impact on computed chlorophyll was greatest.  相似文献   

The concept of fishing effort is central to fisheries economics and management. However, effort is an aggregate index of inputs which can be consistently formed only under the condition on production technology of homothetic separability of inputs. This paper develops the conditions under which effort can be consistently formed. It then provides the first empirical test for effort and jointness in inputs in a fishery by estimating a multiproduct function for the New England otter trawl fleet. After not rejecting input-output separability and rejecting nonjointness in inputs, the construction of a superlative index for effort is demonstrated through estimating a translog production function. The implications of effort's internal structure for fisheries management are then considered.  相似文献   

Fisheries management across the world is moving toward an ecosystem-based approach, implying that fishery effects on nontarget species should be taken into account. However, such effects are often not well understood, partly because, they can be difficult to distinguish from impacts of environmental fluctuations. We evaluated the effects of an industrial sand lance (Ammodytes marinus) fishery off the North Sea coast of the United Kingdom, which has been opened and closed in a quasi-experimental fashion, on sand-lance-dependent breeding seabirds. Controlling for environmental variation (sea surface temperature, abundance of larval sand lance, and size of adult sand lance), we found that, when the fishery was operating, breeding productivity in the intensively studied seabird colony on the Isle of May was significantly depressed for one surface-feeding seabird species, the Black-legged Kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla), but not for four diving species. Analyzing Kittiwake data from 12 colonies inside and outside the closure zone in a replicated before-after control-impact design, we again found that breeding productivity was significantly depressed in the closure zone when the fishery was active, whereas no effect was found in the control zone. Furthermore, Kittiwake breeding productivity was negatively correlated with fishery effort during the fishery period in the closure zone, but not in the control zone. The contrasting findings in the two zones could be related to environmental differences or to the fact that only one study colony in the control zone was exposed to high fishery effort within the typical foraging range of Kittiwakes during the breeding season. The strong impact on Kittiwakes, but not on diving species, could result from (1) inherently high sensitivity to reduced prey availability, (2) changes in the vertical distribution of sand lance at lower densities, (3) sand lance showing avoidance behavior to fishery vessels, or a combination of some or all of these factors. These findings indicate that local fishery closures can benefit sensitive predators and should be considered as a tool for future ecosystem-based fisheries management.  相似文献   

Small-scale fisheries are an important livelihood and primary protein source for coastal communities in many of the poorest regions in the world, yet many are overfished and thus require effective and scalable management solutions. Positive ecological and socioeconomic responses to management typically lag behind immediate costs borne by fishers from fishing pressure reductions necessary for fisheries recovery. These short-term costs challenge the long-term success of these interventions. However, social marketing may increase perceptions of management benefits before ecological and socioeconomic benefits are fully realized, driving new social norms and ultimately long-term sustainable behavior change. By conducting underwater visual surveys to quantify ecological conditions and by conducting household surveys with community members to quantify their perceptions of management support and socioeconomic conditions, we assessed the impact of a standardized small-scale fisheries management intervention that was implemented across 41 sites in Brazil, Indonesia, and the Philippines. The intervention combines TURF reserves (community-based territorial use rights for fishing coupled with no-take marine reserves) with locally tailored social-marketing behavior change campaigns. Leveraging data across 22 indicators and 4 survey types, along with data from 3 control sites, we found that ecological and socioeconomic impacts varied and that communities supported the intervention and were already changing their fishing practices. These results suggest that communities were developing new social norms and fishing more sustainably before long-term ecological and socioeconomic benefits of fisheries management materialized.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of a fully protected marine reserve on commercially valuable scallops and benthic habitats in Lamlash Bay, Isle of Arran, United Kingdom. Dive surveys found the abundance of juvenile scallops to be greater within the marine reserve than outside. A novel multivariate approach, based upon neural networks and generalised linear models, revealed the greater abundance of juveniles to be related to the greater presence of macroalgae and maerl within the reserve boundaries. This complex habitat appeared to have positively encouraged spat settlement. In contrast, the density of adult scallops did not differ between the two treatments, possibly due to the short duration of protection. However, the age, size and biomass of adult scallops were significantly greater within the reserve. Overall, this study suggests that the newly created marine reserve is already providing benefits which are flowing back to species targeted by fisheries, emphasising the importance of marine reserves in ecosystem-based management of fisheries.  相似文献   

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