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In this study, the characteristics of the long term discharge of a Terraced Paddy Field Catchment are studied. 2 Kind of Tank Models are proposed and used to simulate the discharge of the catchment. The characteristics of the model simulations of the discharge of the catchment are analyzed and compared with those of a forest catchment.  相似文献   

面源长期平均浓度的新算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用线源长期平均浓度模式对面源的积分得到了一个用风向、风速和稳定度的联合频率计算大气面源长期平均浓度的新算法。通过对比分析表明,该算法比传统的按16个风向一次浓度的叠加算法简便、快速,且能消除叠加算法夸大16个常规风向附近计算点的浓度而缩小远离常规风向计算点的浓度现象。  相似文献   

为研究无观察资料跨界小流域的降雨-径流过程,物质通量及生态补偿问题,采用SCS(Soil Conservation Service)模型计算东莞石马河流域的月径流量,通过分析不同断面水样化学指标并结合径流量,估算了2012年石马河主要物质通量以及不同行政区污染物贡献百分比.结果表明,石马河流域最大月径流量出现在2008年6月,为9.12×108m3,最小值为8.61×106m3;不同时期的流域水质污染类型差异显著,2012年2月的水样重金属Mn、Zn、Cu和Fe的浓度范围分别为0.38~0.75、0.09~0.49、n.d.~0.09和0.55~9.86mg/L,6和11月则受N和P的污染,TN和TP浓度范围分别为6.66~30.05mg/L和0.05~2.49mg/L;2012年石马河重金属、N和P通量为318.16、12029和203.35t;在3次调查中,行政区对石马河N和P贡献率为惠州(59.78%和45.22%)>东莞(35.50%和38.92%)>深圳(4.71%和15.86%),重金属平均贡献率的排序为东莞(43.90%)>惠州(42.57%)>深圳(13.52%).  相似文献   

基于HSPF及回归模型的淡水河流域非点源负荷计算   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
应用分布式水文模型HSPF结合回归模型,对广东省东江流域中淡水河流域的非点源负荷进行计算.研究结果显示,模型较好地再现了悬浮泥沙(SS)、CODCr、NO3--N及TP在2010年内的通量随时间的变化过程.统计结果表明,淡水河流域的SS、CODCr、NO3--N及TP在汛期的通量对年通量的贡献十分显著,分别占年通量的86.81%、77.56%、69.83%和73.08%;NH4+-N和TN的计算结果与实测值之间拟合程度较弱,可能是由于这两类污染物与人类活动的点源排放关系密切,而本研究中所用回归方程只考虑了径流量与污染物通量之间的关系,并没有更多地考虑与人类活动相关的因素.  相似文献   

三峡库区小流域稻田空间格局对氮磷流失影响   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
陈成龙  高明  倪九派  谢德体  邓华 《环境科学》2017,38(5):1889-1897
选取三峡库区涪陵段封闭性较好的王家沟小流域,分别利用2014~2015年采集的3个稻田坡面12次自然降雨地表径流样品和2次自然降雨过程地表径流样品以及2010、2015年两个子流域日径流样品,对比分析坡面稻田空间格局差异和子流域稻田空间格局变化对地表径流氮磷流失浓度影响.结果表明,坡底布设的稻田对TN、NO_3~--N和TP去除率高于坡腰,坡底稻田田块越大TP去除效果越好;次降雨过程中,3种空间格局稻田TN、NO_3~--N和TP流失浓度在大雨事件降雨前期差异最明显,而中雨事件则为降雨后期;与2010年相比,2015年两个子流域稻田空间格局变化削弱了稻田对子流域氮磷流失拦截净化能力,主要表现为小到中雨事件和基流时期TN流失浓度明显升高,中到大雨事件TP流失浓度极易呈现跳跃性浮动.因此,合理增加流域稻田数量,优化稻田空间格局是三峡库区农业面源污染控制的有效措施.  相似文献   

模糊综合评价在小流域河道水质时空变化研究中的应用   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
针对河流水质评价的方法很多,其中由于评价指标的多样性和水质污染程度的模糊性,模糊综合评价(fuzzy comprehonsive assessment,FCA)在水质评价中占据了重要的地位.根据FCA的基本原理,为了评价一段时间内河流上下游水质变化,首先需要建立模糊评价标准并确定各指标间的权重因子,然后计算单一时间水质...  相似文献   




Previous studies on environmental antibiotics resistance genes(ARGs) have focused on the pollution sources such as wastewater treatment plants, aquaculture and livestock farms,etc. Few of them had addressed this issue in a regional scale such as river catchment. Hence,the occurrence and abundances of 23 ARGs were investigated in surface water samples collected from 38 sites which located from the river source to estuary of the Beijiang River.Among them, 11 ARGs were frequently detected in this region and 5 ARGs(sul I, sul II, tet B,tet C, and tet W) were selected for their distribution pattern analysis. The abundances of the selected ARGs were higher in the upstream(8.70 × 10~6 copies/ng DNA) and downstream areas(3.17 × 10~6 copies/ng DNA) than those in the midstream areas(1.23 × 10~6 copies/ng DNA), which was positively correlated to the population density and number of pollution sources. Pollution sources of ARGs along the Beijiang River not only had a great impact on the abundances and diversity, but also on the distribution of specific ARGs in the water samples. Both sul I and sul II were likely originated from aquaculture farms and animal farms,tet W gene was possibly associated with the mining/metal melting industry and the electric waste disposal and tet C gene was commonly found in the area with multiple pollution sources.However, the abundance of tet B was not particularly related to anthropogenic impacts. These findings highlight the influence of pollution sources and density of population on the distribution and dissemination of ARGs at a regional scale.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the dissipation pattern and runoff of herbicides to the river basin from the paddy fields. Pesticide paddy field model(PADDY) was applied to predict herbicide concentration in paddy fields. A field study was conducted in a paddy farm of Higashi Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan in the year of 2003 paddy season. The herbicides were mefenacet, thiobencarb, and bensulfuron methyl. The sample water was analyzed by using gas chromatography and HPLC after solid phase extraction. Predicted dissipation rate of thiobencarb in paddy water was higher( DT50=4.36) than that measured, with a lower k value(-0.069). Two weeks after application no thiobencarb was detected in the drainage channel and down stream. In the down stream, thiobencarb was detected until 3d after application, with a range of 0.02% to 0.08% of applied herbicide. The predicted dissipation rate(k) and half-life (DT50) of mefenacet was not significantly different from that of measured. In the drainage channel, upstream and downstream mefenacet was found during the whole study period. In downstream, the maximum concentration of mefenacet was present 0.6l % of applied in the paddy field on 3DAH. The dissipation rate(k) of BSM varied from -0.0860 to -0.1059 to with half-life(DT50) 3.5 and 2.84 d. In upstream water, no BSM was detected except trace amounts(0.01μg/L) at 3d after application. However, in the drainag echannel 8%, 6% and 1.58% of applied BSM was present at 0, 1 and 3 d after application respectively. In the down stream, the highest concentration was 1.06%, shortly after application.  相似文献   

通过对云南滇中盆地高原深水湖泊抚仙湖沉积岩芯进行X射线荧光光谱(XRF)元素与磁化率连续扫描,结合聚类分析、主成分分析方法和其它相关环境代用指标,探讨了抚仙湖流域自1840年以来的流域侵蚀与人类活动特征.研究结果表明,抚仙湖XRF元素扫描的聚类分析结果具有明显的阶段性特征,可将其大致划分为3个阶段,即34~24cm(约1715~1813年),24~9cm(约1813~1947年)和9~0cm(约1947~2018年).基于抚仙湖沉积物岩芯中元素比值和低频磁化率的主成分分析,识别出的主成分1与主成分2的方差贡献分别为37.72%和25.73%.指示抚仙湖流域侵蚀强度的元素比值Rb/Sr、Ti/Sr、Ti/Rb公因子载荷较大(>0.6),该结果表明,抚仙湖外源碎屑沉积物的元素比值对流域侵蚀与人类活动具有良好的指示意义.因此,本文使用湖相沉积中的环境代用指标对抚仙湖流域侵蚀与人类活动强度进行重建.研究结果表明,1840年以来人类活动加剧了流域侵蚀强度.自1990年以来随着流域生态环境的逐步恢复,侵蚀强度总体较弱.  相似文献   

电场与放电杀菌技术应用于饮用水安全消毒的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用空气隔离-同轴降膜反应器对饮用水进行电场和放电杀菌,在输入电压10 kV、频率12.5 kHz、处理时间50 s时,细菌总数分别减少了3.77和3.85个数量级.研究结果表明,放电杀菌的能量利用率及杀菌效率均高于电场杀菌.流式细胞仪和荧光电镜检测发现,电场和放电杀菌均对细菌蛋白质造成损伤,且电场处理过的细菌存在可进行损伤修复的亚致死细胞,而放电杀菌则不存在亚致死现象,表明放电杀菌具有较高的杀灭率.杀菌过程中活性自由基检测结果表明电场杀菌技术不会产生自由基等活性物质,相比较而言电场杀菌具有较高的安全性.  相似文献   

土地利用变化是一个长期的过程,同时具有一定的复杂性。传统的转移矩阵方法只能在两期土地利用数据之间相互比较而不能总结长期整体的变化规律,频繁项集不能导出变化序列。针对这些方法的不足,本文提出了基于序列模式的土地利用变化序列分析模型。首先给出土地序列数据库的定义,然后根据土地序列数据实际特点和垂直格式的序列模式SPADE算法,给出土地变化序列模式的计算过程和方法。在以中国广西为实例的研究中,计算了1970s—2015年共7期22种二级土地利用类型的变化序列。研究区土地利用变化主要发生在林地之间,部分林地转换为厂矿、采石场、交通道路等建设用地类型;城镇用地主要由旱地和水田转换而来;在研究期内没有任何一个土地单元转化成水田。  相似文献   

连续降雨对淡水河流域非点源污染的影响   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
利用淡水河流域污染物通量站的连续流量水质监测数据,研究了4场连续降雨对流域非点源污染的影响.相关分析结果表明,在连续降雨期间,污染浓度与流域相关性不显著,但NH4+ -N、TP及TN通量与流量之间存在显著相关关系,污染物通量与流量的相关系数大小顺序如下:TP>NH4+ -N>TN>SS>NO3——N.另外,统计结果表明...  相似文献   

Characterization of surface runoff from a subtropics urban catchment   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Characteristics of surface runoff from a 0.14-km^2 urban catchment with separated sewer in Macau was investigated. Water quality measurements of surface runoff were carried out on five rainfall events during the period of August to November, 2005. Water quality parameters such as pH, turbidity, TSS, COD, TN, Zn, Pb, and Cu were analyzed. The results show that TN and COD are the major pollutants from surface runoff with mean concentration of 8.5 and 201.4 mg/L, both over 4-fold higher compared to the Class V surface water quality standard developed by China SEPA. Event mean concentration (EMC) for major pollutants showed considerable variations between rainfall events. The largest rainfall event with the longest length of antecedent dry weather period (ADWP) produced the highest EMC of TN, TSS and COD. From the pollutographs analysis, the peak concentration of TN precedes the peak runoff flow rate for all three rainfall events. The tendency of the concentration of TSS, turbidity and COD changing with runoff flow varies between rainfall events. The relationship between TSS and other parameters were analyzed to evaluate the efficiency of the physical treatment process to control the surface runoff in the urban catchment. Based on the correlation of parameters with TSS, high treatment efficiency of TSS, TN and COD was expected. The most significant event in term of first flush is the one with the strongest rainfall intensity and longest length of ADWP. TN always showed first flush phenomenon in all three rainfall events, which suggested that the surface runoff in the early stage of surface runoff should be dealt with for controlling TN losses during rainfall events.  相似文献   

不同方式污水排海对海水水质的影响   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
污水排海主要有岸边直排和深海排放两种方式,本文以深圳下沙海域为例,采用数值模拟的方法,对污水岸边排放和在500m及1000m不同距离的深海排放进行了计算和分析,结果表明,在一般水动力条件下,污水排放距岸越远,对海水水质的影响越水,岸边直排以近岸海域影响最大。  相似文献   

The relationship of the ozone generation and the heating power, corona wire surface temperature, discharge electrode and netting electrode was studied during the negative corona discharge. The experimental results showed that the ozone concentration reduced with applied voltage decrease. With heating power increase, the ozone concentration of unit current decreased at exponential rate and it almost change no longer over 0.40 W. Under given temperature, the lower the applied voltage was, the smaller the ozone concentration was; while under given applied voltages, only over 11 kV could decrease with the surface temperature increase. The ozone concentration decreased with the lengthening of corona wire, and could reduced to 10 ppb under experimental condition of 14.2 kV; it also decreased with the shortening of wire diarmeter,and could decrease 67% at best in the given condition. Moreover, it decreased with the increasing size of netting electrode mesh. At the anion current of 1.65 μA, the ozone concentration of 5.0 x 5.0 cm^2 is only 41% of that of 3.3 x 3.3 cm^2 .  相似文献   

运用平流输运扩散模型对大连市马栏河污水排海工程岸边排放和深水排放的海水水质进行预测,分析比较了两种排放方式的水质状况。结果表明,与同等排放量岸边排放方式比较,在经一级处理深水排放情况下,受纳污水水体的海水质量状况大大改善,符合海洋功能区划(二类水质标准)的要求,混合区面积大大小于《污水海洋处置工程污染控制标准》(GWKB4-2000)对混合区范围的要求。  相似文献   

《排污许可管理条例》的制定需要明确排污许可的属性特征。研究发现,全国人民代表大会常务委员会法制工作委员会(简称全国人大法工委)与原中华人民共和国国务院法制办公室(简称国务院法制办)在对行政许可法的解读中对排污许可的属性特征判定不同,存在争议。排污许可包括排污许可证与排污登记两种形式,这两种形式具有不同的属性特征。《排污许可管理条例》发布实施后,根据国家生态环境保护形势和实践工作需要,将分为全面实施阶段和完善深化阶段。在不同阶段,排污许可证的属性特征会发生变化,并对排污权交易产生影响。  相似文献   

为了深入了解高速公路面源污染特征,本文对高速公路路面径流进行了监测分析.尽管径流过程中总悬浮物(TSS)、总化学需氧量(TCODCr)、总氮(TN)和总磷(TP)的浓度以及颗粒物的丰度具有较大的变化幅度,但这些污染物的峰值浓度和颗粒物的峰值丰度基本上出现在径流开始后的10~30 min以内.TSS与TCODCr、TN和TP的浓度之间存在着明显的相关性(r=0.444~0.955;p< 0.005),意味着有相当数量的有机物和营养盐以颗粒物结合态存在.生化需氧量(BOD5)与TCODcr的关系表明径流中的有机污染物可生化性较差.当降雨量和降雨强度在不同的范围变化时,其对径流污染物事件平均浓度的影响不同.绝大多数情况下,所研究的高速公路都会发生污染物的初期冲刷效应.前30%的径流可以携带46%±15%的TSS、54%±17%的TCODCr、47%±13%的氮、52%±12%的磷以及在数量上占比为51%±12%的颗粒物.按照面源管理实践中80%的悬浮物的削减量的要求,应截留70%的径流,同时可以减少84%的有机物、78%的氮和81%的磷排放负荷.  相似文献   

排污许可证制度是实施总量控制和减排任务的重要手段,是改善流域水环境质量的有效措施。间接排放企业是排污许可管理的重要对象,其排污许可限值是排污许可证发放的核心内容,我国关于间接排放企业排污许可限值的核定还没有统一的规定。通过借鉴美国国家污染物排放削减系统(NPDES)预处理机制,提出采用等效质量方法来确定间接排放企业排污许可限值,并以常州市某污水处理厂为研究对象,对该污水处理厂接纳的6家间接排放企业的污染物排污许可限值进行了研究。结果表明:采用等效质量方法计算出6家企业的等效质量负荷限值,结合我国现有排放标准浓度限值,可确定6家纳管企业CODCr的排污许可限值。等效质量方法在新建接管企业、现有企业停止接管和提高水质排放标准等多种情况下,能兼顾纳管企业的个体差异,方便灵活、便于应用。  相似文献   

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