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Suppose that both OPEC and the West possess stocks of oil which can be extracted at constant and identical cost. Consumption takes place only in the West. Suppose, hypothetically, that the West behaves as a single agent and, more realistically, that OPEC does also. Each agent makes a strategic choice of the pattern of exploitation over time of its own reserve. The Nash equilibrium obtained is “robust” in that it is also a “Stackelberg equilibrium” in which each agent is “right for the right reason.” Further, the equilibrium obtained is equivalent to that obtained when Western oil companies constitute a competitive fringe to the OPEC monopoly.  相似文献   

Territories are often aggregated. Because of this, distance to neighbours should influence how territory-holders balance safety from predators with the use and defence of resources. I examined the influence of distance to a neighbour on refuge use by pairs of convict cichlids (Archocentrus nigrofasciatus) faced with a conflict between hiding and defending food patches. Neighbours could reduce the rate of intrusions by strangers as a by-product of their own resource defence. This should allow fish with near neighbours to spend more time in the refuge. Neighbours could also steal from patches that are left undefended. This should lead to a reduction in use of the refuge. When one fish was confined to its refuge (so that its patch was undefended), theft by the other increased as inter-patch distance decreased. Distance between patches did not influence the rate of intrusion by non-territorial fish. When both fish defended patches, body mass influenced the effect of inter-patch distance on refuge use. Large fish rarely used the refuge, but small territory-holders spent more time in the refuge when patches were close together, as predicted. However, when one fish was dominant at both patches, distance between patches did not influence refuge use. These results suggest that, despite increased opportunity for theft, there is no realised foraging or defensive benefit to settling near neighbours that are of similar competitive ability.Communicated by J. Krause  相似文献   

In this paper, a discrete-time game model related to a bioresource management problem (fish catching) is considered. We divide a fishery into regions, which are exploited by single players. The center (referee) shares a reservoir between the competitors. The players (countries), which harvest the fish stock are the participants of this game.We assume that there are migratory exchanges between the regions of the reservoir. Therefore, the stock in one region depends not only on the previous stock and catch in the region, but also on the stock and catch in neighboring regions. We derive the Nash and cooperative equilibria for an infinite planning horizon.We consider two ways to maintain the cooperation: incentive equilibrium and time-consistent imputation distribution procedure. We investigate the cooperative incentive equilibrium in the case when the center punishes players for a deviation.Also we consider the case when the center is a player and find the Shapley value and time-consistent imputation distribution procedure. We introduce a new condition which offers an incentive to players to keep cooperating.  相似文献   

Since 1950, the real value of fish catches in Norway has about doubled, while the number of fishermen has declined by about 85 percent. This has made it possible to maintain fishermen's incomes roughly on par with other occupational groups in Norway. It is investigated to what extent this increase in labor productivity is due to accumulation of capital, increasingly abundant fish stocks, or technological progress. Since the capital stock in recent years is not much greater in real terms than in the early 1960s, it is tempting to ascribe most of the increase in labor productivity to technical progress. This, however, would leave out the role of fish stocks; if stocks have increased over this period, this would explain some of what otherwise appears as a technical progress. Using data on labor, capital, fish catches, and fish stock abundance 1961–2004 the development of total factor productivity is examined. Ignoring changes in fish stocks, total factor productivity is estimated to have increased by 0.8 percent per year. Accounting for changes in fish stocks raises this to 1.7–4.3 percent per year, depending on the importance assigned to stocks as factors of production.  相似文献   

Summary Along the Caribbean coast of Panama, groups of unrelated female striped parrotfish, Scarus iserti, co-defend a common feeding territory. Field manipulations of group size and composition were performed to examine the benefits and costs accrued by dominant fish within these shared territories. Dominant fish benefit from the presence of relatively large subordinates because they share in the defense of the territory. Removals of these fish caused increases in defense time and decreases in feeding time for dominant group members. Dominants benefit from the presence of small subordinates because they increase the foraging efficiency of dominants. Removals of smaller subordinates caused reductions in the feeding time of dominant fish, although no changes in defense time occurred. Concurrently, dominant fish reduce costs of resource depletion by displacing subordinate group members from good food patches. Dominance interactions within a group reduce the amount of time subordinates spend feeding (subordinate individuals fed at higher rates following the removal of a dominant) and limit a subordinate's access to high quality resources. This combination of benefits and reduced costs ultimately contributes to the economic defensibility of a striped parrotfish territory and has led to the evolution of group territorial behavior in the absence of kin selection and cooperative parental care.  相似文献   

In cooperative breeders, mature males may compete for fertilizations. In this study, we measured the degree of multiple paternity in a natural population of a cooperatively breeding fish. Neolamprologus pulcher (Perciformes: Cichlidae) is a highly social cichlid endemic to Lake Tanganyika. We used highly variable microsatellite loci to survey 12 groups with an average number of 10.6 brood care helpers per group and a total of 43 offspring (mean 3.6 per brood). In 11 of 12 groups, all young were assigned to the dominant female. The dominant male sired all offspring in three groups, part of the offspring in four groups, and in five groups, he had no paternity at all. In total, 44.2% of young were not fathered by the current male territory owner. Multiple paternity was found in 5 of 12 broods (41.7 %), with 8 of 35 young (22.9 %) being sired by males other than the respective territory owners. This is an exceptionally high rate of extra-pair paternity among cooperatively breeding vertebrates. Neither helpers present in these territories during collection nor neighbouring males were unequivocally assigned to have sired these extra-pair young. However, behavioural observations suggest that male helpers may have produced these young before being expelled from the territory in response to this reproductive parasitism. We discuss these results in the light of reproductive skew theory, cooperative breeding in vertebrates and alternative reproductive tactics in fish.  相似文献   

Although it is recognized that marine wild-capture fisheries are an important source of food for much of the world, the cost of sustainable capture fisheries to species diversity is uncertain, and it is often questioned whether industrial fisheries can be managed sustainably. We evaluated the trade-off among sustainable food production, profitability, and conservation objectives in the groundfish bottom-trawl fishery off the U.S. West Coast, where depletion (i.e., reduction in abundance) of six rockfish species (Sebastes) is of particular concern. Trade-offs are inherent in this multispecies fishery because there is limited capacity to target species individually. From population models and catch of 34 stocks of bottom fish, we calculated the relation between harvest rate, long-term yield (i.e., total weight of fish caught), profit, and depletion of each species. In our models, annual ecosystem-wide yield from all 34 stocks was maximized with an overall 5.4% harvest rate, but profit was maximized at a 2.8% harvest rate. When we reduced harvest rates to the level (2.2% harvest rate) at which no stocks collapsed (<10% of unfished levels), biomass harvested was 76% of the maximum sustainable yield and profit 89% of maximum. A harvest rate under which no stocks fell below the biomass that produced maximum sustainable yield (1% harvest rate), resulted in 45% of potential yield and 67% of potential profit. Major reductions in catch in the late 1990s led to increase in the biomass of the most depleted stocks, but this rebuilding resulted in the loss of >30% of total sustainable yield, whereas yield lost from stock depletion was 3% of total sustainable yield. There are clear conservation benefits to lower harvest rates, but avoiding overfishing of all stocks in a multispecies fishery carries a substantial cost in terms of lost yield and profit.  相似文献   

Patterns of coexistence among competing species exhibiting size- and food-dependent growth remain largely unexplored. Here we studied mechanisms behind coexistence and shifts in competitive dominance in a size-structured fish guild, representing sprat and herring stocks in the Baltic Sea, using a physiologically structured model of competing populations. The influence of degree of resource overlap and the possibility of undergoing ontogenetic diet shifts were studied as functions of zooplankton and zoobenthos productivity. By imposing different size-dependent mortalities, we could study the outcome of competition under contrasting environmental regimes representing poor and favorable growth conditions. We found that the identity of the dominant species shifted between low and high productivity. Adding a herring-exclusive benthos resource only provided a competitive advantage over sprat when size-dependent mortality was high enough to allow for rapid growth in the zooplankton niche. Hence, the importance of a bottom-up effect of varying productivity was dependent on a strong top-down effect. Although herring could depress shared resources to lower levels than could sprat and also could access an exclusive resource, the smaller size at maturation of sprat allowed it to coexist with herring and, in some cases, exclude it. Our model system, characterized by interactions among size cohorts, allowed for consumer coexistence even at full resource overlap at intermediate productivities when size-dependent mortality was low. Observed shifts in community patterns were crucially dependent on the explicit consideration of size- and food-dependent growth. Accordingly, we argue that accounting for food-dependent growth and size-dependent interactions is necessary to better predict changes in community structure and dynamics following changes in major ecosystem drivers such as resource productivity and mortality, which are fundamental for our ability to manage exploitation of living resources in, e.g., fisheries.  相似文献   

A standard two countries-two commodities model is developed to consider the gains in efficiency resulting from transferring common property fish stocks to the jurisdiction of coastal states attempting to reach allocative efficiency. As a result of this transfer, the long-term catch from seriously overexploited fish stocks will be greater than otherwise, causing the price of fish to fall. This will transfer some, and possibly all, of the gains from more efficient fishing to fish consumers in the rest of the world. The note concludes with some remarks on the plausibility of the assumption that governments will pursue allocative efficiency.  相似文献   

Using variational differential equations, a systematic qualitative analysis is carried out for the competitive nonrenewable resource extracting firm. The parameters of interest are the output price, variable input price, discount rate, lease length, initial resource stock, and various tax rates. The effects of changes in these parameters on the entire optimal time paths of the current shadow value of the stock, the resource stock, and the extraction rate are characterized in the perturbed phase plane.  相似文献   

The exploitation of a nonrenewable natural resource, such as petroleum or mineral ores, is analyzed in a stochastic framework with price uncertainty. The market setting may be either monopolistic or competitive. We demonstrate that the rate of extraction varies directly with the resource owner's willingness to accept risk. Rish-preferring owners use the resource more rapidly than risk-neutral owners, who in turn deplete the resource more rapidly than risk-averse owners. It is also seen that the usual practice of increasing the discount rate to account for risk induces a more rapid rate of resource use, when in fact a slower rate of depletion is desired.  相似文献   

Historically, all capture fisheries have proven hard to manage; internationally shared stocks face an additional impediment to effective management. Previous fisheries studies estimate gains from cooperation for particular species or locations, but evidence is lacking on the wider effect that international sharing has in relation to other variables that affect stock status. This paper is an attempt to shed a broader light on the effect of sharing by identifying whether shared fish stocks are systematically more exploited. I compile exploitation status, biological and economic data into a unique two-period panel of more than 200 fish stocks from around the globe with which I test the theoretical implications of sharing. The empirical results from ordered category estimation suggest that shared stocks are indeed more prone to overexploitation.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The mechanisms by which outbreeding depression leads to reduced fitness are poorly understood. We considered the hypothesis that outbreeding can depress fitness by increasing the susceptibility of hybrid individuals and populations to infectious disease. Competitive breeding trials in experimental ponds indicated that outbred largemouth bass (  Micropterus salmoides ) crossed from two geographically and genetically distinct populations suffered a reduction in fitness of approximately 14% relative to parental stocks. We measured the comparative susceptibility of these same outbred stocks to a novel viral pathogen, largemouth bass virus. Following experimental inoculation, F2 generation hybrids suffered mortality at a rate 3.6 times higher than either F1 generation hybrids or wild-type parental fish. Analysis of viral loads indicated that viral replication was more rapid in F2 fish than in F1 hybrids or wild-type parental fish. We attribute these results to the disruption of coadapted gene complexes in the immune systems of outbred fish in the F2 generation. Increased susceptibility to infectious disease may be an important but underappreciated mechanism by which outbreeding reduces the fitness of individuals and populations and by which novel infectious diseases emerge in populations of hybrid organisms.  相似文献   

佘升翔  陆强 《生态环境》2010,19(7):1760-1764
环境风险通常发生在一定时间之后,以某种可能性发生在某个特定的地方,使得某些人群受到影响。因此,环境风险是典型的多维度事件,它涵盖四个基本的偏好维度:时间、空间、概率与社会性,每个维度都可能导致环境风险知觉和评价出现折扣(discount)现象。但是,传统视角往往关注单一维度,主要是时间,因而割裂了维度的整体性。基于环境风险的多维度特征,提出了一个统一的多维度偏好框架,为环境风险知觉及评价提供整体性视角。这四个偏好维度统一的内在原因是心理距离。维度共性意味着时间维度上的折现机制能够应用到其它维度,为此,对环境风险跨期评价中关于折现率热点问题的研究进展进行了一个关键的梳理。未来有必要在此整体框架下,重点关注三个方面的问题:(1)环境折现率,对环境折现率的要素及其关系进行规范性分析,进而分析环境贴现率与经济贴现率之间的关系,及双率折现对可持续发展的涵义;(2)基于维度共性,将时间维度上的研究结论应用到其它维度;(3)研究多重维度复合情形下的偏好和评价问题,建立综合性描述模型,依托具体案例探讨有效的环境风险沟通策略、环境政策和制度设计。  相似文献   

Coral reef fisheries are crucial to the livelihoods of tens of millions of people; yet, widespread habitat degradation and unsustainable fishing are causing severe depletion of stocks of reef fish. Understanding how social and economic factors, such as human population density, access to external markets, and modernization interact with fishing and habitat degradation to affect fish stocks is vital to sustainable management of coral reef fisheries. We used fish survey data, national social and economic data, and path analyses to assess whether these factors explain variation in biomass of coral reef fishes among 25 sites in Solomon Islands. We categorized fishes into 3 groups on the basis of life‐history characteristics associated with vulnerability to extinction by fishing (high, medium, and low vulnerability). The biomass of fish with low vulnerability was positively related to habitat condition. The biomass of fishes with high vulnerability was negatively related to fishing conducted with efficient gear. Use of efficient gear, in turn, was strongly and positively related to both population density and market proximity. This result suggests local population pressure and external markets have additive negative effects on vulnerable reef fish. Biomass of the fish of medium vulnerability was not explained by fishing intensity or habitat condition, which suggests these species may be relatively resilient to both habitat degradation and fishing. Efectos de la Densidad de Poblaciones Humanas y la Proximidad del Mercado sobre Peces de Arrecifes de Coral Vulnerables a la Extinción  相似文献   

We study how society's preferences affect the resilience of economies that depend on more than one type of natural resource. In particular, we analyze whether the degree of complementarity of natural resources in consumer preferences may give rise to multiple steady states and path dependence even when resources are managed optimally. We find that, for a given social discount rate, society tends to be less willing to buffer exogenous shocks if resource good are complements in consumption than if they are substitutes. The stronger the complementarity between the various types of natural resources, the less resilient the economy is, and even more so the higher is the social discount rate.  相似文献   

Abstract: The Everglades in southern Florida, U.S.A., is a major focus of conservation activities. The freshwater wetlands of the Everglades do not have high species richness, and no species of threatened aquatic animals or plants live there. We have, however, identified a distinctive ecological feature of the Everglades that is threatened by canal construction, draining, and nutrient enrichment from agricultural runoff. Compared to values reported from other freshwater systems, standing stocks of periphyton in relatively undisturbed areas of the Everglades were unusually high, and standing stocks of invertebrates and fish were unusually low. Averaging data gathered from nine sites and five sampling periods spanning 1 year, we found that periphyton standing crop was 88.2 g/m2 (ash-free dry mass), invertebrate standing stock was 0.64 g/m2 (dry mass), and fish standing stock was 1.2 g/m2 (dry mass of large and small species combined). We found that fish standing stocks were much higher in phosphorus-enriched sites than in nearby reference sites but that invertebrate standing stocks were similar in enriched and reference sites. Our results support the notion that oligotrophy is at least partially responsible for the low standing stocks of fish, but they also suggest that species interactions and a paucity of deep-water refugia are important. Anthropogenic eutrophication in Everglades marshes will lead to the loss of distinctive ecosystem features. A focus on species richness and "hot spots" of threatened species provides no basis for conservation of ecosystems like the Everglades. If oligotrophic ecosystems often have low species richness, they will be underrepresented in preservation networks based on some common criteria for establishing conservation priorities.  相似文献   

Summary The mating system of the Swallow-tailed Manakin (Chiroxiphia caudata) is a type of non-resource based polygyny in which males aggregate at traditional sites or leks to perform cooperative displays. Each lek and all its contained courts are used communally by a group of 4–6 males. Within the group a linear dominance hierarchy exists. Position in the hierarchy persists within and between years and at all courts and is inherited in linear sequence. The dominant male of the group behaves as a sentinel calling repeatedly from a high perch in an attempt to attract females to a court.When a female arrives, two or three males engage in a cooperative precopulatory dance, the Jump Display. This is followed by a Solo Precopulatory Display performed by a single male who, if successful, will copulate with the female. With rare exception, the dominant male performs all Solo Displays and all copulations.Display sequences that include both a Jump Display and Solo Precopulatory Display are more likely to lead to copulation than those consisting of only one part. Thus, the subordinates who help the dominant perform the dance are expending energy that increases his fitness without receiving any immediate benefit themselves. Several factors that may have contributed to the evolution of the mating system and cooperative displays of this species are considered.  相似文献   

In the presence of a resource constraint the risk-averse exhaustive firm reacts to price uncertainty in a manner different than its competitive counterpart. In particular: (i) some results are independent of attitudes toward risk; (ii) comparative statics results differ from the no resource constraint case; and (iii) results depend upon the relative magnitudes of the discount rate and quasi-fixed costs. An assumption crucial to the relevance of risk-aversion in an intertemporal setting is the presence of imperfections in capital markets (i.e., the absence of complete contingent commodity markets).  相似文献   

We study the introduction of new technologies when their costs are subject to idiosyncratic uncertainty and can only be fully learned through individual experience. We set up a dynamic model of clean experience goods that replace old polluting consumption options and show how optimal regulation evolves over time. In our base setting where social and private learning incentives coincide, the optimal tax on the polluting consumption is increasing over time. We show, however, that if social and private learning incentives diverge because the private discount rate exceeds the social discount rate, it may be optimal to temporarily increase the tax rate beyond net marginal external damages to induce more learning before reducing the tax rate to the steady state level. Alternatively, one could complement the tax with subsidies for first-time users which can be phased out over time. Similar results apply if consumers have biased expectations. We therefore give a rationale for introductory subsidies on new, clean technologies and non-monotonic tax paths from a perspective of consumer learning.  相似文献   

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