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贾峰 《世界环境》2005,(3):94-94
自然资源保护委员会(简称NRDC)是美国最有影响力的环保组织。他们利用法律、科学手段和在线工具并在一百多万会员的支持下以保护地球野生生物及其栖息地,为所有生物提供一个健康的环境为己任。被Worth Magazine评为美国慈善团体百佳,并被“慈善指南”评为四星团体。《美国新闻与世界报道》说,NRDC的律师对环境法律的了解程度胜过政府机构的官员。  相似文献   

清洁生产是人类二十一世纪的选择.它是对工业化近二百年来人类生产方式的扬弃。 进入新世纪.人类的自然哲学观实现了一个大飞跃,终于摆正了人与自然的关系:人类不是自然的主宰。自然不是人类的奴婢:人类是自然的产物.人类不能在自然面前为所欲为.人类必须与自然和谐相处:人类赖以生存的自然资源和环境承载能力都是有限的.工业化的生产方式是不可持续的。[第一段]  相似文献   

长君 《环境导报》1996,(2):38-40
1 总体认识与政策本世纪70年代以来,法国发生了巨大的变化:在资产增长10%的同时,国民生产总值增长了55%,工业生产增长了45%,采掘业增长了60%,等等;但同时,能源消耗增加了40%、化肥消耗增加了80%、电力消耗增加了两倍多,农村劳动人口却下降了45%、可耕地面积和钢铁生产减少10%,等等.以上事实表明:发展与环境之间的矛盾并不局限于发展中国家,工业化国家并没有停止发展,发展同样给环境增加了沉重的负担.法国很早就开始认识到这些问题.1971年,法国设立了环境部,它是世界上最早建立的这类部级机构之一.这一举动表明,法国政府已充分认识到使法国人民具有环境保护意识的重要性,并预示着法国将致力于法国及国际领域间的环境保护活动.近20年来,随着人们对环境问题发展态势认识的不断加深,环境问题得到了越来越多的关注与重视.法国扩大了环境部的职权范围,将由其他权力部门管理的一些资源划归这部管理,并不断增加经济投入,1988年以来该部实  相似文献   

田晨 《世界环境》2007,(1):36-39
为了给后代留下一个美好的地球环境,富士施乐在开展商业活动的同时,非常关注与环境的和谐相处。富士施乐环保工作的重点之一就是整合再生系统,“进行逆制造”的同时实现零废弃目标。根据公司的环境方针和环境基本战略要求,富士施乐正努力成为全球环境保护的领导者。  相似文献   

自然保护区是生态保护的重要组成部分,是人与自然和谐相处是构建社会主义和谐社会的重要内容,是生产发展、生活富裕、生态良好的集中体现。也是时代发展和进步的熏要标志。建立自然保护区是国家保护自然资源和自然环境,加强生态建设,维护生态安仝,推进生态文明,实现经济社会全面、协调、可持续发展,构建和谐社会的重要保障和有效措施。  相似文献   

日益增长的人口和人类大规模、不合理的经济活动已引发了全球性的环境危机。全球有限的自然资源正日趋枯竭,煤炭、石油等不可再生资源加速耗尽,水资源严重短缺,生物多样性加快消失,人类自身的生存环境和安全正受着严重的影响和威胁。我们不得不审视自己的生活方式,并积极努力应对这一挑战。  相似文献   

薛游 《沿海环境》2000,(5):26-27
为什么在人类反思自 身行为的时候都是些杰出的女性?不仅环保人士大多数都是女性,就是政府环保官员女性也是很多。比如说日本,日本是一个男性至上的国家,而他们的前环保局局长就是一位女性。美国的环保局局长也是一位女性,美国环保局是一个有两万人的组织,作为局长不仅要管理官员而且还要与国会打交道,她是一个非常出色女性。挪威的环境部长也是一位女性,一位坐在轮椅上的女性,还有前德的环境部长也是一位女性,女性不管在政府还是非政府里,都份演着一个非常重要的角色。为什么是女性在环保领域里有这么多的贡献呢?男性象征着阳…  相似文献   

增长是以产出量的增加作为衡量尺度,主要指国民生产总值的提高。而发展较之增长则具有更广泛的含义,既包括产出的扩大,也包括分配结构的改善、社会文明的进步、人与自然的和谐相处、生活水平和质量的提高以及自由选择范围的扩大和公平机会的增加,当然还包括生态保护和环境的改善。  相似文献   

通过对人与自然和谐相处理念国内外发展情况的研究,解读出:大自然的平衡是人类生存的主要基础;人类的生活应该是一种自然生态生活;自然生态是人类文化艺术的源泉;必须重新反思以往的文化理念和生存观念。  相似文献   

1992年里约热内卢的联合国环发大会上 ,各国首脑在对社会、经济、环境认识一致的前提下 ,达成可持续发展的共识 ,通过并签署了包括《里约宣言》在内的五个重要文件。布兰特伦夫人将可持续发展定义为 :“既满足当代人的要求 ,又不危及子孙后代的满足其需要能力的发展”。我国在 1994年正式将可持续发展作为社会、经济、环境发展的基本战略。1 凸现的生态问题严重制约着社会、经济的发展纵观人类文明的发展史 ,可看到人类文明的进步无不建立在对自然资源掠夺的基础之上。特别是进入 2 0世纪以来 ,人类文明的飞速进步 ,对自然资源的掠夺进一步…  相似文献   

英国哲学家培根说:"习惯是一种顽强的力量,可以主宰人的一生。"孩子是国家的未来,孩子习惯的培养要从家庭教育开始,在学校教育中得到提高,家校结合培养出优秀的孩子。  相似文献   

郭耕 《世界环境》2005,(1):94-96
鸡,为鸟纲,雄科家禽,喙短锐,有冠和肉髯,翼不发达,但脚健壮,公鸡善啼,羽美艳,有距,喜斗,母鸡5-8月龄开始产蛋,年产近百个至二三百个不等。蛋重50-65克,壳褐,浅褐或白色,产蛋量逐年递减,孵化期20-22天,寿命约20年。可分蛋用,肉用,蛋肉兼用及观赏用等类型,这是《辞海》上关于鸡的注解,非常重视功利性,虽然没错,但我总觉得不解渴,特别在人文方面。  相似文献   

语文首先是重要的交际工具,是孩子们学习各门功课的基础。所以高质量的语文课堂尤为重要。  相似文献   

The need for and the benefits of a more sustainable approach to business management have been widely discussed in the literature. Many organizations have engaged in environmental management initiatives to improve their environmental performance and have found other benefits to the process, such as financial savings and reduced risk of liability. However, many constraints can inhibit the transformation to an environmentally conscious and responsible organization. These constraints include issues related to organizational culture and change management. To overcome these constraints and succeed in implementing a successful environmental management initiative, the literature suggests the importance for members of the organization of understanding the environmental impacts and policies of the organization through participation in environmental awareness training efforts that produces enduring knowledge and commitment. Armed with this knowledge, employees can then understand how the environment can affect and be affected by their duties and decisions. Various companies have used different approaches to environmental management training. It is important that organizations evaluate the efficiency of their training investment to ensure that the benefits will be generated. A case study of two electricity companies is used to illustrate the importance of evaluating environmental awareness efforts. The results of the study suggest that the training performed did not sufficiently increase employee environmental awareness of the company's environmental impacts despite a considerable time and financial investment in a one-time environmental awareness training program. Results are briefly discussed and recommendations are made to improve the results of the training investment.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代,作为环境经济政策的手段之一,美国推出了环境污染责任保险(又称"绿色保险"),拉开了保险企业参与环境事业的帷幕。近年来,因气候变化而引起的自然灾害频发,使得保险企业面临前所未有的运营风险。为此,越来越多的保险企业在努力规避  相似文献   

梁柱 《环境》2005,(4):76-76
生态补偿,对不少人来说或许是一个比较陌生的词汇。今年全国“两会”对环保问题非同寻常的热议,使生态补偿机制成为公众关注的焦点。生态补偿的提出,说到底是一个利益分配的问题,这一问题如能得到很好的解决,生态补偿机制如能得到有力的贯彻必将成为社会公平一个有力的推手。  相似文献   

The role of business in sustainable consumption   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper explores the role of the business community in promoting sustainable consumption. While businesses play an important role in shaping social trends, including the growth of material consumption, allegations that individual corporations wield excessive power may have been overstated. Most of the time corporations are simply playing by the rules and culture of the market.Businesses have mostly assumed that their contribution to sustainability lies in improving eco-efficiency—staying within the current business framework. But sustainable consumption will require wider change, including shifts in the incentives that shape the actions of businesses and others, and a change in the culture that underlies market expectations. Firms, governments, the media and civil society may need to enter a dialogue together to develop a new story about the nature of prosperity and the role of the business community in promoting it. The initiative is most likely to come from civil society.  相似文献   

Extensive research has examined the relationship between environmental management/performance and business performance but yielded no conclusive results. This paper makes two contributions to the literature. First, instead of focusing on one aspect, we try to compare using various types of cleaner production activities: low- and high-cost activities. Second, the study complements the existing literature which focuses on firms in developed countries with an analysis of firms in the Chinese manufacturing industry. In this paper, the relationship between cleaner production and business performance was analyzed using Structure Equation Model (SEM). We find an overall positive impact of cleaner production on firm's business performance. We also found that the cleaner production activities of low-cost scheme have a bigger contribution to financial performance compared to non-financial performance, while cleaner production activities of high-cost scheme have a greater contribution to non-financial performance, compared to financial performance. This study should be useful for firms that consider adopting cleaner production as well as stakeholders who aim to promote cleaner production.  相似文献   

从质量保证体系、质量保证规章制度、人员素质、数据审核、质量保证措施等方面论述了如何做好环境监测质量保证工作,以便获得准确、可靠的监测数据,为环境管理、环境科学研究、环境执法和依法行政等提供科学、公正、公平的依据。  相似文献   

Indications of what the tour-operating sector considers to be ‘good practice’ can be drawn from voluntary initiatives such as existing eco-labels and codes of conduct. However, practical implementation of such guidance varies greatly from one tour operator to another, depending on different types of factors, such as size, financial capacity, corporate structure, operational location, organizational culture, ownership type, etc.This paper investigates the dimensions of what is currently referred to as ‘good practice’ in the tour operating industry, with the aim of exploring their comprehensiveness and sufficiency as tools for making mass tourism a more sustainable business.  相似文献   

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