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Applications of Turbidity Monitoring to Forest Management in California   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Many California streams have been adversely affected by sedimentation caused by historic and current land uses, including timber harvesting. The impacts of timber harvesting and logging transportation systems on erosion and sediment delivery can be directly measured, modeled, or inferred from water quality measurements. California regulatory agencies, researchers, and land owners have adopted turbidity monitoring to determine effects of forest management practices on suspended sediment loads and water quality at watershed, project, and site scales. Watershed-scale trends in sediment discharge and responses to current forest practices may be estimated from data collected at automated sampling stations that measure turbidity, stream flow, suspended sediment concentrations, and other water quality parameters. Future results from these studies will provide a basis for assessing the effectiveness of modern forest practice regulations in protecting water quality. At the project scale, manual sampling of water column turbidity during high stream flow events within and downstream from active timber harvest plans can identify emerging sediment sources. Remedial actions can then be taken by managers to prevent or mitigate water quality impacts. At the site scale, manual turbidity sampling during storms or high stream flow events at sites located upstream and downstream from new, upgraded, or decommissioned stream crossings has proven to be a valuable way to determine whether measures taken to prevent post-construction erosion and sediment production are effective. Turbidity monitoring at the project and site scales is therefore an important tool for adaptive management. Uncertainty regarding the effects of current forest practices must be resolved through watershed-scale experiments. In the short term, this uncertainty will stimulate increased use of project and site-scale monitoring.  相似文献   

Water quality from forested landscapes tends to be very high but can deteriorate during and after silvicultural activities. Practices such as forest harvesting, site preparation, road construction/use, and stream crossings have been shown to contribute sediment, nutrients, and other pollutants to adjacent streams. Although advances in forest management accompanied with Best Management Practices (BMPs) have been very effective at reducing water quality impacts from forest operations, projected increases in demand for forest products may result in unintended environmental degradation. Through a review of the pertinent literature, we identified several research gaps related to water yield, aquatic habitat, sediment source and delivery, and BMP effectiveness that should be addressed for streams in the United States to better understand and address the environmental ramifications of current and future levels of timber production. We explored the current understanding of these topics based on relevant literature and the possible implications of increased demand for forest products in the United States.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Timber harvest best management practices (BMPs) in Washington State were evaluated to determine their effectiveness at achieving water quality standards pertaining to sediment related effects. A weight‐of‐evidence approach was used to determine BMP effectiveness based on assessment of erosion with sediment delivery to streams, physical disturbance of stream channels, and aquatic habitat conditions during the first two years following harvest. Stream buffers were effective at preventing chronic sediment delivery to streams and physical disturbance of stream channels. Practices for ground‐based harvest and cable yarding in the vicinity of small streams without buffers were ineffective or only partially effective at preventing water quality impacts. The primary operational factors influencing BMP effectiveness were: the proximity of ground disturbing activities to streams; presence or absence of designated stream buffers; the use of special timber falling and yarding practices intended to minimize physical disturbance of stream channels; and timing of harvest to occur during snow cover or frozen ground conditions. Important site factors included the density of small streams at harvest sites and the steepness of inner stream valley slopes. Recommendations are given for practices that provide a high confidence of achieving water quality standards by preventing chronic sediment delivery and avoiding direct stream channel disturbance.  相似文献   

Forestry best management practices (BMPs) reduce sedimentation by minimizing soil erosion and trapping sediment. These practices are particularly important in relation to road construction and use due to the heightened potential for sediment delivery at stream crossings. This study quantifies the implementation and effectiveness of BMPs at 75 randomly selected forest road stream crossings on recent timber harvests in the Mountains, Piedmont, and Coastal Plain regions of Virginia. Road characteristics at stream crossings were used to estimate erosion using the Universal Soil Loss Equation for Forests and the Water Erosion Prediction Project for Roads. Stream crossings were evaluated based on the Virginia Department of Forestry (VDOF) BMP manual guidelines and categorized as BMP?, BMP‐standard, or BMP+ based on the quality of road template, drainage, ground cover, and stream crossing structure. BMP implementation scores were calculated for each stream crossing using VDOF audit questions. Potential erosion effects due to upgrading crossings were estimated by adjusting ground cover percentage and approach length parameters in the erosion models. Results indicate that erosion rates decrease as BMP implementation scores increase (p < 0.05). BMP‐standard and BMP+ ratings made up 83% of crossings sampled, with an average erosion rate of 6.8 Mg/ha/yr. Hypothetical improvements beyond standard BMP recommendations provided minimal additional erosion prevention.  相似文献   

Turton, Donald J., Michael D. Smolen, and Elaine Stebler, 2009. Effectiveness of BMPs in Reducing Sediment From Unpaved Roads in the Stillwater Creek, Oklahoma Watershed. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 45(6):1343‐1351. Abstract: Erosion from rural unpaved roads is thought to be an important source of sediment in sediment‐impaired streams in Oklahoma and other locations. However, no direct measurements of sediment yields from rural unpaved roads were previously available for Oklahoma. Four rural unpaved road segments in the Stillwater Creek Watershed were instrumented in a paired watershed design to measure sediment yields to streams before and after the installation of Best Management Practices (BMPs). One segment of each pair remained under current management to serve as a control. The second segment received BMPs after a 1‐year calibration period. One BMP consisted of widening the ditches, re‐shaping ditches and cutslopes, putting a proper crown on the road surface, and vegetating disturbed areas with grass. The other BMP consisted of creating a proper crown on the road bed, applying a geo‐synthetic fabric to the road bed and surfacing with 127 mm of crusher run gravel containing 12‐15% fines to serve as a binder. Road segment sediment yields for individual storms varied, depending on factors such as rainfall amount and intensity. During the pre‐BMP year, storm sediment yields ranged from 0 to 4.3 Mg on one pair of segments and from 0 to 2.8 Mg on the other. The storm sediment yields and annual yields were in the same order of magnitude as sediment yields from unpaved rural or forest roads reported in other studies. Sediment yields were significantly reduced on both segments by the installation of BMPs, approximately 80% on one segment pair and 20% on the other. The average sediment yield (across the four segments) for the pre‐BMP year was 138 Mg/ha or 120 Mg/km of road. By extrapolating these average yields across the 479 km of unpaved roads in the Stillwater Creek Watershed and comparing it to estimated sediment yields for other land uses obtained from other sources, we conclude that unpaved roads may contribute up to 35% of the total sediment load to Stillwater Creek.  相似文献   

This paper reviews suspended sediment sources and transport in small forest streams in the Pacific Northwest region of North America, particularly in relation to riparian management. Mass movements, reading and yarding practices, and burning can increase the supply of suspended sediment. Sediment yields recovered to pre‐harvest levels within one to six years in several paired catchment studies. However, delayed mass movements related to roads and harvesting may produce elevated suspended sediment yield one or more decades after logging. There is mixed evidence for the role of streamside tree throw in riparian buffers in supplying sediment to streams. Harvesting within the riparian zone may not increase suspended sediment yield if near stream soils are not disturbed. Key knowledge gaps relate to the relative roles of increased transport capacity versus sediment supply, the dynamics of fine sediment penetration into bed sediments, and the effects of forest harvesting on suspended sediment at different scales. Future research should involve nested catchments to examine suspended sediment response to forest practices at multiple spatial scales, in combination with process‐based field studies.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Geomorphic characteristics and spatial frequency of ephemeral concentrated flow paths entering streamside management zones (SMZs) were evaluated to determine the efficiency of best management practices (BMPs) in preventing concentrated overland flow and associated sediment from reaching stream channels. Specifically, SMZs of 30 recently clearcut and site prepared commercial forestry units in the Georgia Piedmont were surveyed to find two types of locations: those where flow and/or sediment from the adjacent silvicultural site entered and moved through SMZs into stream channels (breakthroughs), and those where either flow and/or sediment entered SMZs without reaching stream channels or where no overland flow entered SMZs (successes). A total of 187 breakthroughs were identified on 3,773 total acres. On average, sites featured one breakthrough for every 20 acres of clearcut or site prepared area. The average hydrologic contributing area to a breakthrough was 1 acre. The percentage of the total clearcut or site prepared area contributing to breakthroughs was 5 percent. Approximately 50 percent of all breakthroughs occurred in areas of convergence (swales) and gullies, while 25 percent of all breakthroughs occurred where runoff from roads or skid trails was concentrated. Breakthroughs tended to occur in areas with large contributing area, low litter cover, and steep slopes. However, individually these variables did not differentiate well between breakthroughs and successes. The variables that discriminated best between successes and failures were the product of contributing area and percent bare ground, and the same variable multiplied by average slope. Fourteen percent of the breakthroughs traveled more than 100 feet through SMZs before reaching streams. Results imply that reduction of bare ground, better dispersal of road runoff, introduction of hydraulic resistance to likely flow paths, and targeted extensions of SMZ width may be warranted in improving BMPs on Piedmont forests.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Controlling agricultural nonpoint source pollution from livestock grazing is a necessary step to improving the water quality of the nation's streams. The goal of enhanced stream water quality will most likely result from the implementation of an integrated system of best management practices (BMPs) linked with stream hydraulic and geomorphic characteristics. However, a grazing BMP system is often developed with the concept that BMPs will function independently from interactions among controls, climatic regions, and the multifaceted functions exhibited by streams. This paper examines the peer reviewed literature pertaining to grazing BMPs commonly implemented in the southern humid region of the United States to ascertain effects of BMPs on stream water quality. Results indicate that the most extensive BMP research efforts occurred in the western and midwestern U.S. While numerous studies documented the negative impacts of grazing on stream health, few actually examined the success of BMPs for mitigating these effects. Even fewer studies provided the necessary information to enable the reader to determine the efficacy of a comprehensive systems approach integrating multiple BMPs with pre‐BMP and post‐BMP geomorphic conditions. Perhaps grazing BMP research should begin incorporating geomorphic information about the streams with the goal of achieving sustainable stream water quality.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A growing concern for environmental quality paralleled with increasing demands on our forest resources has prompted the Washington State Department of Natural Resources to evaluate simulation modeling as a technique for analyzing management decisions in terms of their environmental effects. The evaluation focused on a system of integrated models developed at the University of Washington which simulate processes and activities within the forest ecosystem. A major part of the system is a hydrologic model which predicts changes in discharge, stream temperature, and concentrations of suspended sediment and dissolved oxygen based on information generated by other models representing intensive management practices. The evaluation consisted of applying the system to a 72,000 acre tract of forest land, validating the models with two years of discharge and water quality data from a 93,000 acre watershed, and determining the pertinence of hydrologic modeling for management purposes. Results show several potential uses of hydrologic modeling for forest management planning, especially for analyzing the effects of timber harvesting strategies on water quality.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Forest management activities may substantially alter the quality of water draining forests, and are regulated as nonpoint sources of pollution. Important impacts have been documented, in some cases, for undesirable changes in stream temperature and concentrations of dissolved oxygen, nitrate-N, and suspended sediments. We present a comprehensive summary of North American studies that have examined the impacts of forest practices on each of these parameters of water quality. In most cases, retention of forested buffer strips along streams prevents unacceptable increases in stream temperatures. Current practices do not typically involve addition of large quantities of fine organic material to streams, and depletion of streamwater oxygen is not a problem; however, sedimentation of gravel streambeds may reduce oxygen diffusion into spawning beds in some cases. Concentrations of nitrate-N typically increase substantially after forest harvesting and fertilization, but only a few cases have resulted in concentrations approaching the drinking-water standard of 10 mg of nitrate-NIL. Road construction and harvesting increase suspended sediment concentrations in streamwater, with highly variable results among regions in North America. The use of best management practices usually prevents unacceptable increases in sediment concentrations, but exceptionally large responses (especially in relation to intense storms) are not unusual.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Forest land managers are concerned about the effects of logging on soil erosion, streamflow, and water quality and are promoting the use of Best Management Practices (BMPs) to control impacts. To compare the effects of BMP implementation on streamwater quality, two of three small watersheds in Kentucky were harvested in 1983 and 1984, one with BMPs, the other without BMPs. There was no effect of clearcutting on stream temperatures. Streamflow increased by 17.8 cm (123 percent) on the BMP watershed during the first 17 months after cutting and by 20.6 cm (138 percent) on the Non-BMP watershed. Water yields remained significantly elevated compared to the uncut watershed 8 years after harvesting. Suspended sediment flux was 14 and 30 times higher on the BMP and Non-BMP Watersheds, respectively, than on the uncut watershed during treatment, and 4 and 6.5 times higher in the 17 months after treatment was complete. Clearcutting resulted in increased concentrations of nitrate, and other nutrients compared to the uncut watershed, and concentrations were highest on the non-BMP watershed. Recovery of biotic control over nutrient losses occurred within three years of clearcutting. The streamside buffer strip was effective in reducing the impact of clearcutting on water yield and sediment flux.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Farmers can generate environmental benefits (improved water quality and fisheries and wildlife habitat), but they may not be able to quantify them. Furthermore, farmers may reduce their incomes from managing lands to produce these positive externalities but receive little monetary compensation in return. This study simulated the relationship between agricultural practices, water quality, fish responses to suspended sediment and farm income within two small watersheds, one of a cool water stream and one of a warm water stream. Using the Agricultural Drainage and Pesticide Transport (ADAPT) model, this study related best management practices (BMPs) to calculated instream suspended sediment concentrations by estimating sediment delivery, runoff, base flow, and streambank erosion to quantify the effects of suspended sediment exposure on fish communities. By implementing selected BMPs in each watershed, annual net farm income declined $18,000 to $28,000 (1 to 3 percent) from previous levels. “Lethal” fish events from suspended sediments in the cool water watershed decreased by 60 percent as conservation tillage and riparian buffers increased. Despite reducing suspended sediments by 25 percent, BMPs in the warm water watershed did not reduce the negative response of the fisheries. Differences in responses (physical and biological) between watersheds highlight potential gains in economic efficiency by targeting BMPs or by offering performance based “green payments.”  相似文献   

The solution chemistry of forested streams primarily in western North America is explained by considering the major factors that influence this chemistry — geological weathering; atmospheric precipitation and climate; precipitation acidity; terrestrial biological processes; physical/chemical reactions in the soil; and physical, chemical, and biological processes within streams. Due to the complexity of all these processes and their varying importance for different chemicals, stream water chemistry has exhibited considerable geographic and temporal variation and is difficult to model accurately. The impacts of forest harvesting on stream water chemistry were reviewed by considering the effects of harvesting on each of the important factors controlling this chemistry, as well as other factors influencing these impacts ‐ extent of the watershed harvested, presence of buffer strips between streams and harvested areas, nature of post‐harvesting site preparation, revegetation rate following harvesting, pre‐harvesting soil fertility, and soil buffering capacity. These effects have sometimes reinforced one another but have sometimes been counterbalancing or slight so that harvesting impacts on stream water chemistry have been highly variable. Eight major knowledge gaps were identified, two of which — a scarcity of detailed stream chemical budgets and knowledge of longitudinal variation in stream chemistry — relate to undisturbed streams, while the remainder relate to forest harvesting effects.  相似文献   

The Road Erosion and Delivery Index (READI) is a new geographic information system–based model to assess erosion and delivery of water and sediment from unpaved road networks to streams. READI quantifies the effectiveness of existing road surfacing and drain placements in reducing road sediment delivery and guides upgrades to optimize future reductions. Roads are draped on a digital elevation model and parsed into hydrologically distinct segments. Segments are further divided by engineered drainage structures. For each segment, a kinematic wave approximation generates runoff hydrographs for specified storms, with discharge directly to streams at road–stream crossings and onto overland‐flow plumes at other discharge points. Plumes are attenuated by soil infiltration, which limits their length, with delivery occurring if plumes intersect streams. Sediment production and sediment delivery can be calculated as a relative dimensionless index. READI predicts only a small proportion of new drains and new surfacing results in the majority of sediment delivery reductions. The model illustrates how the spatial relationships between road and stream networks, controlled by topography and network geometries, influence patterns of road–stream connectivity. READI was applied in seven northern California basins. The model was also applied in a recent burn area to examine how reduced hillslope infiltration can result in increased hydrologic connectivity and sediment delivery.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Forest hydrology should be a mature science with routine use of hydrological procedures to evaluate the effect of past, current and proposed harvesting practices on water resources. It is not. However, water users are pressuring forest managers to exercise their role in managing forested watersheds for water supply. Most forest managers are poorly equipped to carry out this role. Forestry schools need to ensure that their graduates, whether employed in forest management positions or as specialists in watershed management, understand that all forestry operations may affect instream or downstream water users. Specialists in forest hydrology should be fully aware of the following: (1) climate and watershed characteristics influence streamflow in separate ways; (2) forestry practices produce changes in water yield and quality, and that only these changes need to be evaluated to estimate their effects; (3) watershed storage is a critical factor in evaluating the effects of harvesting on streamflow; and (4) the effect of harvest on one watershed cannot be extrapolated to another without consideration of the processes affected. Research is needed to assist watershed managers in applying models to watersheds for which climate and streamflow data are insufficient. Research is also needed to incorporate climate, streamflow and other data for hydrological models into geographic information systems. Joint research projects are needed to develop physical relationships between stream channel characteristics of importance to fisheries biologists and streamflow characteristics affected by forest harvest.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: We evaluated the effectiveness of watershed‐scale implementations of best‐management practices (BMPs) for improving habitat and fish attributes in two coldwater stream systems in Wisconsin. We sampled physical habitat, water temperature, and fish communities in multiple paired treatment and reference streams before and after upland (barnyard runoff controls, manure storage, contour plowing, reduced tillage) and riparian (stream bank fencing, sloping, limited rip‐rapping) BMP installation in the treatment subwatersheds. In Spring Creek, BMPs significantly improved overall stream habitat quality, bank stability, instream cover for fish, abundance of cool‐ and coldwater fishes, and abundance of all fishes. Improvements were most pronounced at sites with riparian BMPs. Water temperatures were consistently cold enough to support coldwater fishes such as trout (Salmonidae) and sculpins (Cottidae) even before BMP installation. We observed the first‐time occurrence of naturally reproduced brown trout (Salmo trutta) in Spring Creek, indicating that the stream condition had been improved to be able to partially sustain a trout population. In Eagle Creek and its tributary Joos Creek, limited riparian BMPs led to localized gains in overall habitat quality, bank stability, and water depth. However, because few upland BMPs were installed in the subwatershed there were no improvements in water temperature or the quality of the fish community. Temperatures remained marginal for coldwater fish throughout the study. Our results demonstrate that riparian BMPs can improve habitat conditions in Wisconsin streams, but cannot restore coldwater fish communities if there is insufficient upland BMP implementation. Our approach of studying multiple paired treatment and reference streams before and after BMP implementation proved effective in detecting the response of stream ecosystems to watershed management activities.  相似文献   

There is an increasing need for improved process‐based planning tools to assist watershed managers in the selection and placement of effective best management practices (BMPs). In this article, we present an approach, based on the Water Erosion Prediction Project model and a pesticide transport model, to identify dominant hydrologic flow paths and critical source areas for a variety of pollutant types. We use this approach to compare the relative impacts of BMPs on hydrology, erosion, sediment, and pollutant delivery within different landscapes. Specifically, we focus on using this approach to understand what factors promoted and/or hindered BMP effectiveness at three Conservation Effects Assessment Project watersheds: Paradise Creek Watershed in Idaho, Walnut Creek Watershed in Iowa, and Goodwater Creek Experimental Watershed in Missouri. These watersheds were first broken down into unique land types based on soil and topographic characteristics. We used the model to assess BMP effectiveness in each of these land types. This simple process‐based modeling approach provided valuable insights that are not generally available to planners when selecting and locating BMPs and helped explain fundamental reasons why long‐term improvement in water quality of these three watersheds has yet to be completely realized.  相似文献   

In the Mississippi River Basin (MRB), practices that enhance drainage (e.g., channelization, tile drainage) are necessary management tools in order to maintain optimal agricultural production in modern farming systems. However, these practices facilitate, and may speed the delivery of excess nutrients and sediments to downstream water bodies via agricultural streams and ditches. These nonpoint sources contribute to elevated nutrient loading in the Gulf of Mexico, which has been linked to widespread hypoxia and associated ecological and economic problems. Research suggests agricultural drainage ditches are important links between farm fields and downstream ecosystems, and application of new management practices may play an important role in the mitigation of water quality impairments from agricultural watersheds. In this article, we describe how researchers and producers in the MRB are implementing and validating novel best management practices (BMPs) that if used in tandem could provide producers with continued cropping success combined with improved environmental protection. We discuss three BMPs — low‐grade weirs, slotted inlet pipes, and the two‐stage ditch. While these new BMPs have improved the quality of water leaving agricultural landscapes, they have been validated solely in isolation, at opposite ends of the MRB. These BMPs have similar function and would greatly benefit from stacked incorporation across the MRB to the benefit of the basin as a whole.  相似文献   

We present a conceptual framework that relates agricultural best management practice (BMP) effectiveness with dominant hydrological flow paths to improve nonpoint source (NPS) pollution management. We use the framework to analyze plot, field and watershed scale published studies on BMP effectiveness to develop transferable recommendations for BMP selection and placement at the watershed scale. The framework is based on the location of the restrictive layer in the soil profile and distinguishes three hydrologic land types. Hydrologic land type A has the restrictive layer at the surface and BMPs that increase infiltration are effective. In land type B1, the surface soil has an infiltration rate greater than the prevailing precipitation intensity, but there is a shallow restrictive layer causing lateral flow and saturation excess overland flow. Few structural practices are effective for these land types, but pollutant source management plans can significantly reduce pollutant loading. Hydrologic land type B2 has deep, well‐draining soils without restrictive layers that transport pollutants to groundwater via percolation. Practices that increased pollutant residence time in the mixing layer or increased plant water uptake were found as the most effective BMPs in B2 land types. Matching BMPs to the appropriate land type allows for better targeting of hydrologically sensitive areas within a watershed, and potentially more significant reductions of NPS pollutant loading.  相似文献   

Abstract: Sediments and soils were analyzed using stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratio mass spectrometry and carbon and nitrogen elemental analyses to evaluate the their ability to indicate land‐use and land management disturbance and pinpoint loading from sediment transport sources in forested watersheds disturbed by surface coal mining. Samples of transported sediment particulate organic matter were collected from four watersheds in the Southern Appalachian forest region of southeastern Kentucky. The four watersheds had different surface coal mining history that were classified as undisturbed, active mining, and reclaimed conditions. Soil samples were analyzed including reclaimed grassland soils, undisturbed forest soils, geogenic organic matter associated with coal fragments in mining spoil, and soil organic matter from un‐mined grassland soils. Statistically significant differences were found for all biogeochemical signatures when comparing transported sediments from undisturbed watersheds and surface coal mining disturbed watersheds, and the results were attributed to differences in erosion sources and the presence of geogenic organic matter. Sediment transport sources in the surface coal mining watersheds were analyzed using Monte Carlo mass balance un‐mixing and it was found that: δ15N showed the ability to differentiate streambank erosion and surface soil erosion; and δ13C showed the ability to differentiate soil organic matter and geogenic organic matter. Results from the analyses suggest that streambank erosion downstream of surface coal mining sites is an especially significant source of sediment in coal mining disturbed watersheds. Further, the results suggest that the sediment transport processes governing streambank erosion loads are taking longer to reach geomorphologic equilibrium in the watershed as compared with the surface erosion processes. The dual‐isotope technique provides a useful method for further investigation of the impact of surface coal mining in the uplands of the watershed upon the geomorphologic state of the channel and the source of organic matter in aquatic systems impacted by surface coal mining.  相似文献   

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