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在一系列法律法规政策的支持下,日本废物循环技术处于世界领先水平。介绍了几种日本废物利用的技术研究,为促进我国废物循环利用技术水平的提高提供参考。  相似文献   

吉林省2007年工业固体废物总量为1.73亿t,工业固体废物贮存总量为14 850.41万t,占全省工业固体废物总量的85.71%。吉林地区工业固体废产生量最高,为964.51万t。全省工业固体废物综合处理指数为14.20,工业固体废物处理量很低。长春地区工业固体废物综合处理指数最高,为71.19。建立以长春和吉林地区为核心的工业固体废物循环利用和处置中心,加强工业固体废物的循环利用,不仅能增加社会、经济效益,而且从根本上有效地防止工业固体废物对环境的污染。  相似文献   

目前我国已具备可适用于包装废物管理的法律法规和政策制度基础,但对包装废物回收利用的管理多依靠市场行为和再生资源管理体系,缺乏规范性和针对性。包装废物管理的法规、政策、管理主体及其责任等方面都存在不足,导致对包装废物的监管缺位等一系列问题。在现有的法规体系基础上,提出包装废物管理改进的主要方面和对策措施,将法规政策落到实处,需要有关部门加以重视。  相似文献   

铅产业链包括铅开采、铅冶炼、铅应用、铅销售、铅回收、铅再生等环节,将全产业链铅足迹信息整合,形成铅资源循环利用与环境管理信息共享平台。在铅蓄电池销售网络基础上,从源头控制,实行以旧换新,废电池逆向物流,建立废电池回收体系,规范铅和废铅蓄电池流向,建立铅产业上下游环保联盟,同时建立企业环境管理信息共享平台,促进铅产业结构调整和可持续发展。  相似文献   

结合进口废物原料检验检疫把关的难。最,探讨了模糊综合评价法在把关中应用的可能性、合议制度在把关中应用的可行性,以及强化检验检疫人员的培训工作和提高废物原料检验检疫工作的科技水平的重要性.  相似文献   

介绍了福建省感光材料废物产生和处置现状及环境管理存在的问题,提出了环境管理的对策和措施.  相似文献   

废塑料是我国四大再生资源品种之一.废塑料国内回收和进口数量大、种类多。对我国废塑料国内产生和进口的种类、数量和地域,以及国内废塑料的回收渠道和方式进行了阐述。  相似文献   

通过对全国标准信息公共服务平台、全国团体标准信息平台、纺织标准网中与废旧纺织品循环利用关键词的检索,获得废旧纺织品循环利用标准42项。通过梳理,分析现有标准体系构成、现状及特征,从回收、分拣、消毒和再生利用4个环节,提出“十四五”时期进一步完善我国废旧纺织品循环利用标准体系建议。  相似文献   

电子废物的产生、收集、储运转移和处理处置等环节是电子废物处理处置产业前伸供应链的关键环节。因我国电子废物处理处置产业处于定点和非定点拆解处理企业并存、废弃电器电子产品处理基金补贴不能及时到位、电器电子产品生产者责任延伸制落实不到位等原因,造成了我国电子废物处理处置产业供应链不畅,严重制约了产业的健康可持续发展。在详细分析我国电子废物处理处置供应链现状的基础上,对如何畅通电子废物处理处置供应链提出政策建议。  相似文献   

Environmental policies based on fixed recycling rates may lead to increased environmental impacts (e.g., landfilled wastes) during economic expansion. A rate policy is proposed, which is adjusted according to the overall strength or weakness of the economy, as reflected by overall packaging demand and consumption, production and imports-exports. During economic expansion featuring rising consumption, production or exports, the proposed flexible policy suggests a higher reuse/recycle rate. During economic slowdown a lower rate results in lower impacts. The flexible target rates are determined in terms of annual data, including consumption, imports-exports and production. Higher environmental gains can be achieved at lower cost if the flexible policy is applied to widely consumed packaging products and materials associated with low rates, or if cleaner recycling technology is adopted.  相似文献   

从废旧聚乙烯的直接再生、改性再生和裂解再生三个方面,讨论了国内外处理和再生利用的情况,并对其再生技术与应用做了比较.我国处理和回收利用废旧聚乙烯时,要加强生物降解塑料等环境无负荷材料的研究与开发;加强固体废弃物的管理与循环利用的立法;实现经济与环境的和谐发展.  相似文献   

分析了废旧电脑产生污染的原因及造成的危害,如何处理这些高速产生的电子废弃物,并将其有效地资源化已成为困扰环境保护的难题.结合国内外当前对废旧电脑的处理方法,提出了预防和控制的具体方法.  相似文献   

目前,玻璃包装废物的市场价值较低,难以依靠以自发自愿为主的市场化回收体系很好地回收各类玻璃包装废物。从玻璃包装行业特点入手,通过大量文献资料和必要的实地调研,分析了我国玻璃包装废物的流向特征、环境特征和产生数量特征,分析了玻璃包装废物回收的有利因素,提出了回收玻璃包装废物的两个关键控制环节的对策措施。为进一步强化玻璃包装废物的环境管理和循环利用提供支持依据。  相似文献   

Local level waste authorities and their officials directly interact and serve the people on behalf of higher governments. Given the influential positions they have on the quality of life of the citizens, these local waste authorities deserve more attention from researchers. This study throws light on the factors related to local waste management and administrators that have caused waste management failures in three mainland Chinese cities. Based on a survey conducted in 2002-2003, it was found that waste administrators in these cities are not professionally competent in their jobs and they are also not confident in using economic instruments to address waste management issues in their cities. These local waste authorities are generally under-funded, and funding politics has to some extent eroded the incentives to carry out the instructions of higher waste authorities. The community at large also does not respect local waste management work. The residents frequently litter, are unobservant of waste collection times and are unwilling to pay for waste collection service. All of these are handicapping environmentally sound waste management.  相似文献   

The circular economy has been developing rapidly in recent years in China. A legislative system has been created to provide legal protection for the development of a circular economy, including a series of price and tax measures in the waste management area. These measures form the basic foundation for promoting better waste management under the circular economic model. Many challenges, however, remain. For instance, the legal system needs to incorporate more sophisticated science, and China lacks key waste treatment technology that could support the further development of a circular economy. There is also a need to educate the public about the concept of the circular economy and its benefits. Specific suggestions are made for the development and implementation of the circular economic model.  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - In 2017 the Chinese government announced to a ban on the importation of several kinds of recyclable waste that could be replaced by domestic...  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - Restaurant food waste (RFW) can be separated from other municipal solid waste (MSW) for individual treatment or treated together with other MSW,...  相似文献   

Reduce, reuse, and recycle (3R) policies form the basis of waste management and global warming countermeasures globally, so we conducted a comparative study of 3R and waste management policies in the European Union (EU), USA, Korea, Japan, China, and Vietnam. An international workshop for 3R and waste management policymakers was held in Kyoto, Japan, and a bibliographic survey was also conducted to collect data. 3R policies are clearly given priority in the hierarchy of waste management in every country studied. Thermal recovery, which includes power generation from waste heat and methane gas collected from organic waste, is also a priority; this is consistent with the increased use of countermeasures to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In the EU, waste management is characterized by practical and effective 3R policies through the development of realistic regulations and by the policymakers??desire to simplify management systems. The policy ideal in China, however, is the development of a circular economy that targets reductions in the amount and hazardousness of waste. Limits on the number of final disposal sites, strategies for procuring resources, and GHG emission countermeasures are closely linked with 3R policies, and further development of 3R policies in parallel with such issues is expected.  相似文献   

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