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Maintenance of Department of Defense (DoD) weapon systems, conducting battlefield training exercises as well as meeting military construction and/or demolition schedules, invariably generate fugitive air emissions, many of which are visible. Although there is no codified federal method for quantifying fugitive emissions opacity, many state and local air regulatory agencies have instituted enforceable fugitive emission opacity standards at DoD facilities. The current study focused on comparing the performance of the digital opacity compliance system (DOCS) with U.S. Environment Protection Agency Method 9 (Method 9) certified human observers in quantifying the visible opacity associated with fugitive emissions produced using a commercial fog generator. By systematically repositioning both DOCS cameras and Method 9-certified observers during field testing, differences in method performance as a function of observational locations were documented. At both the 30- and 300-ft off-set distances, opacity levels reported by the DOCS technology and Method 9-certified smoke readers were found to be statistically different at the 99% confidence level. Alternatively, at the 90- and 150-ft off-set distances, results suggested that there was an insignificant difference at the 99% confidence level between the two methods. Comparing the magnitude of the each method's standard deviation suggested that, at the 30-ft off-set distance, the DOCS technology was consistently more precise than Method 9-certified readers regardless of the observer's downwind distance. However, at the 90, 150, and 300-ft off-set distances, method precision seemed to vary as a function of both off-set and downwind distance. The primary factor affecting the consistency in opacity measurements appeared to be the impact of ground-level air turbulence on fog plume dispersion and transport. Field observations demonstrated that localized wind shear played a critical and decisive role in how and to what extent fugitive emissions opacity could be determined, regardless of the method selected.  相似文献   

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Emission Measurement Center in conjunction with EPA Regions VI and VIII, the state of Utah, and the U.S. Department of Defense have conducted a series of long-term pilot and field tests to determine the accuracy and reliability of a visible opacity monitoring system consisting of a conventional digital camera and a separate computer software application for plume opacity determination. This technology, known as the Digital Opacity Compliance System (DOCS), has been successfully demonstrated at EPA-sponsored Method-9 "smoke schools", as well as at a number of government and commercially operated industrial facilities. Results from the current DOCS regulatory pilot study demonstrated that, under regulatory enforcement conditions, the average difference in opacity measurement between the DOCS technology and EPA Reference Method 9 (Method 9) was 1.12%. This opacity difference, which was computed from the evaluation of 241 regulated air sources, was found to be statistically significant at the 99% confidence level. In evaluating only those sources for which a nonzero visible opacity level was recorded, the  相似文献   

Visual Determination of the Opacity of Emissions from Stationary Sources (Method 9) is a reference method established by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to quantify plume opacity. However, Method 9 relies on observations from humans, which introduces subjectivity. In addition, it is expensive to teach and certify personnel to evaluate plume opacity on a semiannual basis. In this study, field tests were completed during a "smoke school" and a 4-month monitoring program of plumes emitted from stationary sources with a Method 9 qualified observer to evaluate the use of digital photography and two computer algorithms as an alternative to Method 9. This Digital Optical Method (DOM) improves objectivity, costs less to implement than Method 9, and provides archival photographic records of the plumes. Results from "smoke school" tests indicate that DOM passed six of eight tests when the sun was located in the 140 degrees sector behind one of the three cameras, with the individual opacity errors of 15% or less and average opacity errors of 7.5% or less. DOM also passed seven of the eight tests when the sun was located in the 216 degrees sector behind another camera. However, DOM passed only one of the eight tests when the sun was located in the 116 degrees sector in front of the third camera. Certification to read plume opacity by a "smoke reader" for 6 months requires that the "smoke reader" pass one of the smoke school tests during smoke school. The average opacity errors and percentage of observations with individual opacity errors above 15% for the results obtained with DOM were lower than those obtained by the smoke school trainees with the sun was located behind the camera, whereas they were higher than the smoke school trainee results with the sun located in front of the camera. In addition, the difference between plume opacity values obtained by DOM and a Method 9 qualified observer, as measured in the field for two industrial sources, were 2.2%. These encouraging results demonstrate that DOM is able to meet Method 9 requirements under a wide variety of field conditions and, therefore, has potential to be used as an alternative to Method 9.  相似文献   

Snow cores were collected in the catchment area of five remote mountain lakes in Europe. They were analysed for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), and organochlorine pesticides, namely DDTs, hexachlorobenzene (HCB) and hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCH). PAH are found in higher amounts in the Tatra and Caledonian mountains, PCB are higher in the Alps and HCH are highest in the Alps and Pyrenees. The qualitative PAH distributions are dominated by low molecular weight compounds, phenanthrene being the most abundant PAH in all but in one site. These compounds also occur predominantly in the gas phase in the atmosphere. Their high abundance in the snowpack witness the occurrence of effective transfer mechanisms from gas to snow flakes. In Starolesnianske (Tatra mountains), a higher contribution of high molecular weight compounds is found. This site exhibits the highest snow PAH and suspended particulate levels. Transformation of the concentration values of these compounds into annual deposition rates and correction for catchment/lake area indicates that in Scandinavia and the Alps a large proportion of PAH incorporation is mediated by snowfallout whereas in the Tatra mountains snow deposition only accounts for a small fraction of the compounds stored in the lake sediments. Among organochlorine compounds, only PCB and HCH have been found above method detection limit in most of the samples. The PCB congener distributions changes significantly between sites, although a predominance of the less chlorinated congeners have generally been observed.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the possible effects of heatwave phenomena on background O3 concentrations, the average summer O3 concentrations at the high mountain station of Mt. Cimone (MTC—2165 m a.s.l.) have been analyzed. In particular, at this baseline station unusually high O3 concentrations were recorded during August 2003, when an intense heatwave (the “August heatwave”) affected Europe. During this heatwave, the highest O3 concentrations were recorded at MTC in connection with air masses coming from continental Europe and the Po basin boundary layer as shown by three-dimensional air mass back-trajectory and mixing height analyzes. However, high O3 concentrations were also recorded in air masses coming from the middle troposphere (above 3000 m a.s.l.), thus suggesting the presence of O3-rich atmospheric layers over Europe. This could be due to the large extension of the mixing layer which favoured the transport of high concentrations of O3 and its precursors to altitudes that would usually be in the free troposphere. Other than from traffic and industrial activities, a contribution to the high O3 concentrations recorded at MTC during the August heatwave could derive from fires in the North of Italy, as suggested by a well-documented episode and supported by in situ CO2 measurements used as non-conventional tracer for fire emissions.  相似文献   

More than 13 years after publication of the first air quality laws in Portugal and more than 10 years after the publication of the respective emission limits, it seems appropriate to analyze the degree of compliance by the Portuguese manufacturing industry. Using the data from emission measurements made regularly by the Instituto de Soldadura e Qualidade, the only officially accredited laboratory according to standard ISO 17025, I analyzed a set of approximately 400 sources in terms of compliance with the emission limits regarding total suspended particulates, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and volatile organic compounds. I evaluated compliance through a nondimensional parameter and plotted it versus the emission flow rate to derive conclusions: the results indicate that emission limits are generally met regarding sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides but not for the other pollutants considered in this study. However, noncompliance occurs mainly for very low emission flow rates, which suggests some alterations in the emission limits, which are being revised at the moment. These alterations will include the exemption of measurements in minor sources.  相似文献   

The present study shows the occurrence of 2,2′,3,3′,4,4′,5,5′,6,6′-decabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-209) in microbial biofilms of Pyrenean and Tatra high mountain lakes despite its low vapor pressure and high hydrophobicity. Aerosol air transport is therefore a feasible mechanism for BDE-209 accumulation in sites up to 2688 m above sea level. This compound and other PBDEs exhibit altitudinally-dependent distribution involving higher concentrations with increasing mountain lake elevation. However, the apparently very high enthalpies of the concentration gradients observed, including BDE-209, suggest that bacterial anaerobic debromination also plays a significant role in the resulting altitudinal distributions. This microbial mechanism explains the relative abundances of PBDEs and their within lake differences between rocky and sediment microbial biofilms, thereby showing that the altitudinal pattern observed is not purely due to water temperature control on bacterial activity but also to changes in the availability of anaerobic microenvironments which increase with increasing lake productivity at lower altitudes.  相似文献   

The composition of persistent organochlorine compounds (OC) in soils and sediments from two high altitude European mountain lakes, Redon in the Pyrenees and Ladove in the Tatra mountains, has been studied. Sediment cores from two additional lakes in the Tatra mountains, Starolesnianske Pleso and Dlugi Staw, have also been examined. DDTs (1.7-13 ng g(-1)) were the most abundant OC in soils followed by total polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs; 0.41-1.5 ng g(-1)) and hexachlorobenzene (HCB; 0.15-0.91 ng g(-1)). In sediments, the dominant OC were also DDTs (3.3-28 ng g(-1)) and PCBs (2.3-15 ng g(-1)). These concentrations are low, involving absence of major pollution sources in these high mountain regions. The downcore OC profiles in soils and sediments were similar but higher concentrations and steeper vertical gradients were observed in the latter. Radiometric determinations showed absence of significant OC transport from catchment to lake. The sediment-soil difference points therefore to a better retention of the OC load in sediments than soils which may be related to the low temperatures that are currently encountered at the bottom of the lake water column and the depletion of sediment bioturbation in these cold environments. Significant qualitative changes in the soil PCB distributions are observed downcore. These involve a dominance of the high molecular weight congeners in the top core sections and those of lower weight (i.e. less chlorinated) in the bottom. Anaerobic dechlorination of higher molecular weight congeners occurring in microsites, e.g. as observed in flooded or poorly drained soils, could be responsible for these changes. This process could be concurrent to bioturbation.  相似文献   

A series or pairs of superpressured balloons, released in a high mountain valley of central Colorado, facilitated a statistical evaluation of circulation features and turbulence in relative Lagrangian coordinates. The results revealed a monotonic increase of diffusivity coefficients and momentum fluxes with height up to the level of surrounding peaks and ridges.  相似文献   

The flushing potential of a desert loess soil contaminated by the flame retardant Tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA), chloride (Cl(-)) and bromide (Br(-)) was studied in undisturbed laboratory column experiments (20 cm diameter, 45 cm long) and a small field plot (2 x 2 m). While the soluble inorganic ions (Cl(-) and Br(-)) were efficiently flushed from the soil profile after less than three pore volumes (PV) of water, about 50% of the initial amount of TBBPA in the soil was also flushed, despite its hydrophobic nature. TBBPA leaching was made possible due to a significant increase in the pH of the soil solution from 7.5 to 9, which increased TBBPA aqueous solubility. The remaining TBBPA mass in the soil was not mobilized from its initial location in the topsoil due to the decrease in pH at this horizon. In situ soil flushing demonstrated that this method is a feasible treatment for reducing soil contamination at this site.  相似文献   

This article provides a perspective on nature-based solutions. First, the argument is developed that nature-based solutions integrate social and ecological systems. Then, theoretical considerations relating to relational values, multifunctionality, transdisciplinarity, and polycentric governance are briefly outlined. Finally, a conceptual model of the social–ecological system of nature-based solutions is synthesised and presented. This conceptual model comprehensively defines the social and ecological external and internal systems that make up nature-based solutions, and identifies theoretical considerations that need to be addressed at different stages of their planning and implementation The model bridges the normative gaps of existing nature-based solution frameworks and could be used for consistent, comprehensive, and transferable comparisons internationally. The theoretical considerations addressed in this article inform practitioners, policymakers, and researchers about the essential components of nature-based solutions. The conceptual model can facilitate the identification of social and ecological interconnections within nature-based solutions and the range of stakeholders and disciplines involved.  相似文献   

A field study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of watering in controlling PM10 emissions under high wind conditions. The focus of the study was the pickup of soil by a belly scraper at a landfill. Four low-volume PM10 samplers were positioned downwind of the storage pile (at two distances, 80 and 110 m, and two elevations, 1 and 3 m) and one was located upwind at 3 m elevation. Integrating nephelometers, which measure the particulate light scattering coefficient, bsp, were also set up at locations 80 and 110 m downwind of the storage pile. Wind speed and direction were measured on-site. Samples were collected for two periods, one with and one without water being applied. Watering was effective at reducing PM10 emissions at wind speeds up to the maximum 18 m sec-1 observed at the landfill soil pickup operation. Measurement of bsp provided an indication of PM10 concentrations with better time resolution than samplers, but not with sufficient resolution, under the instrumental conditions used, to correlate with wind gusts.  相似文献   

Liu XH  Wai KM  Wang Y  Zhou J  Li PH  Guo J  Xu PJ  Wang WX 《Chemosphere》2012,88(5):531-541
Totally 117 cloud/fog water samples were collected at the summit of Mt. Tai (1534 m a.s.l.)—the highest mountain in the Northern China Plain. The results were investigated by a combination of techniques including back trajectory model, regional air quality and dust storm models, satellite observations and Principal Component Analysis. Elemental concentrations were determined by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry, with stringent quality control measures. Higher elemental concentrations were found at Mt. Tai compared with those reported by other overseas studies. The larger proportions and higher concentrations of toxic elements such as Pb and As in cloud/fog water compared with those in rainwater at Mt. Tai suggests higher potential hazards of cloud/fog water as a source of contamination in polluted areas to the ecosystem. Peak concentrations of trace elements were frequently observed during the onset of cloud/fog events when liquid water contents of cloud/fog water were usually low and large amount of pollutants were accumulated in the ambient air. Inverse relationship between elemental concentrations and liquid water contents were only found in the samples with high electrical conductivities and liquid water contents lower than 0.3 g m−3. Affected mainly by the emissions of steel industries and mining activities, air masses transported from south/southwest of Mt. Tai were frequently associated with higher elemental concentrations. The element Mn is attributed to play an important role in the acidity of cloud/fog water. The composition of cloud/fog water influenced by an Asian dust storm event was reported, which was seldom found in the literature.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Flash floods represent a serious threat to wildlife, water biota, and human life in pre-alpine regions, particularly in recent historical memory. The...  相似文献   

We evaluated the loss of HNO3 within a Teflon-coated aluminum cyclone of an annular diffusion denuder atmospheric sampling system (ADS) under simulated marine conditions. To simulate marine environment, the cyclones were pre-coated with NaCl aerosol droplets. Loss of vapor-phase HNO3 within the NaCl-coated cyclone was generally greater than 30% at relative humidities (RH) of 60 and 80% and as large as 67% when the cumulative HNO3 dosages were lower than 3 μg. In contrast, there was little loss of HNO3 (<8%) in cyclones with no NaCl coating at RHs ranging from 0 to 80%, at HNO3 air concentrations of 4.3±1.6 μg m−3, and at cumulative HNO3 dosages of greater than 5 μg. However, at lower HNO3 cumulative dosages (<3 μg), losses in the non-coated cyclones were strongly influenced by RH, ranging from 9% in dry air to 58% at 80% RH. The enhanced loss of HNO3 in the NaCl-coated cyclone was most likely caused by the reaction between HNO3 and NaCl on the cyclone wall.  相似文献   

The air over major cities and rural regions of the Nile Delta is highly polluted during autumn which is the biomass burning season, locally known as black cloud. Previous studies have attributed the increased pollution levels during the black cloud season to the biomass or open burning of agricultural waste, vehicular, industrial emissions, and secondary aerosols. However, new multi-sensor observations (column and vertical profiles) from satellites, dust transport models and associated meteorology present a different picture of the autumn pollution. Here we show, for the first time, the evidence of long range transport of dust at high altitude (2.5-6 km) from Western Sahara and its deposition over the Nile Delta region unlike current Models. The desert dust is found to be a major contributor to the local air quality which was previously considered to be due to pollution from biomass burning enhanced by the dominant northerly winds coming from Europe.  相似文献   

The destruction of the buildings at the World Trade Center (WTC) complex dispersed dust and debris into the surrounding area. Pulverized building material made up most of the fallout and was intermixed with combustion byproducts of the aircraft and building contents. A study was conducted to confirm the effectiveness of several cleaning procedures in removing WTC-related contamination from lower Manhattan residences. The contaminants included asbestos, lead, dioxin/furans, synthetic vitreous fibers (fibrous glass), and crystalline silica. All cleaning procedures included the common elements of vacuuming and wet wiping with soap and water. This cleaning procedure combination is effective in reducing WTC-related contamination to below health-based benchmarks. Post-cleaning environmental test results suggested that airborne asbestos measurements can be used as a surrogate parameter in clearance determinations.  相似文献   

Semi-volatile organochlorine compounds (OC) were analyzed in remote Andean soils and lake sediments. The sampling sites covered a wide latitudinal gradient from 18 degrees S to 46 degrees S along Chile and an altitudinal gradient (10-4500 m). The concentrations were in the order of background levels, involving absence of major pollution sources in the high mountain areas. Significant correlations were found between log-transformed concentrations of hexachlorobenzene, alpha- and gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane in soils and total organic content (TOC). In addition, TOC-normalized concentrations of the most volatile OC showed a significant linear dependence with air temperature. This good agreement points to temperature as a significant factor for the retention of long range transported OC in remote ecosystems such as the Andean mountains, although other variables should not be totally excluded. The highest concentrations of OCs were achieved in the sites located at highest altitude and lowest temperature of the dataset.  相似文献   

The bioremediation potential of a nitrogen-fixing leguminous plant, Galega orientalis, and its microsymbiont Rhizobium galegae was evaluated in BTX (benzene, toluene, xylene)-contaminated soils in microcosm and mesocosm scale. To measure the intrinsic tolerance of the organisms to m-toluate, a model compound representing BTX, G. orientalis and R. galegae were cultivated under increasing concentrations of m-toluate alone and in association with Pseudomonas putida pWWO, a bacterial strain able to degrade toluene-derived compounds. The test plants and rhizobia remained viable in m-toluate concentrations as high as 3000 ppm. Plant growth was inhibited in concentrations higher than 500 ppm, but restituted when plants were transferred into m-toluate-free medium. Nodulation was blocked under the influence of m-toluate, but was restored after the plants were transferred into the non-contaminated media. In the mesocosm assay the Galega plants showed good growth, nodulation and nitrogen fixation, and developed a strong rhizosphere in soils contaminated with oil or spiked with 2000 ppm m-toluate. Thus, this legume system has good potential for use on oil-contaminated sites  相似文献   

A high ozone event in the Houston–Galveston–Brazoria area was utilized to study the shortcomings of the current air quality models. To improve the baseline simulations with the Comprehensive Air quality Model with Extensions (CAMx) for developing the state implementation plan, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) imputed emissions of highly reactive volatile organic compounds (HRVOCs) by scaling the amount of fugitive emissions of olefins to co-emitted NOx from selected point sources, effectively multiplying by 3–12 times over the regular inventory values. In this paper, CAMx and the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model were used to determine if the imputed HRVOC emissions were consistent with the observed atmospheric conditions. With the base emissions, CMAQ and CAMx both with the Carbon-Bond 4 (CB-4) mechanism simulated similar ozone concentrations. But with the imputed HRVOC emissions, CMAQ predicted lower ozone peaks than CAMx in the vicinity and downwind of the Ship Channel and other highly HRVOC-rich areas. Based on analyses of sensitivity simulations of CMAQ with different emission inputs and vertical diffusion algorithms in the model, we found that the modeled atmosphere lacked reactivity to produce the observed high ozone event. Although the imputed HRVOC emissions improved ozone prediction at the surface sites, but the ethylene concentrations were not consistent with the measurements at the super sites (La Porte and Clinton) and by NOAA aircraft. Several sensitivity tests designed to provide additional radicals into the system and other research results suggested that the lack of reactivity may need to be corrected by targeted, and probably of episodic, increase of HRVOC emissions, from the sources in the Houston Ship Channel. Additional investigation of the ozone production efficiency for different chemical mechanisms is necessary to pinpoint the emissions uncertainty issues.  相似文献   

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