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The euryhaline mysid Neomysis integer (Peracarida: Mysidacea) is a common member of the hyperbenthos of the upper reaches of European estuaries. In the East Looe River Estuary (Cornwall, England), this species experiences extensive tidal and seasonal changes in temperature (3 to 15 °C) and salinity (1 to 34‰). In this investigation, the effects of temperature (5, 10 and 15 °C) and salinity (1, 10, 20 and 30‰) on the oxygen consumption of male and female N. integer are reported, and are related to field measurements to identify the adaptive responses of the respiratory physiology to such a variable environment. The general responses were similar for each sex; however, at any given temperature/salinity combination, male N. integer consumed more oxygen than females. The general trends were increased oxygen consumption with increasing temperature (Q10 values ranged from ∼1.7 to 2.5) and decreased oxygen consumption with increasing salinity. Temperature and salinity interacted at high water antagonistically to minimise changes in mysid oxygen-consumption. When related to tidal fluctuations in temperature and salinity experienced by N. integer inhabiting the East Looe River Estuary, the results reveal how the respiratory physiology of this species is adapted to its variable environment. Received: 16 June 1998 / Accepted: 15 December 1998  相似文献   

J. T. Beck 《Marine Biology》1977,41(3):253-257
We have monitored the incorporation of 3H-glycine into, and the excretion of, soluble tissue and extrapallial fluid proteins in the hardshell clam Mercenaria mercenaria in an attempt to follow some of the metabolic events that occur antecedent to shell deposition. After incubating at 20°C for 48 h, clams were killed and the distribution of incorporated and unincorporated tritium in seawater, mantle fluid, hemocoelic-tissue fluid, extrapallial fluid and tissue was determined. Most of the incorporated tritium was in the insoluble tissue proteins. Much more incorporated tritium was found in the hemocoelic-tissue fluid fraction than in the extrapallial fluid. We assume that most of the radioactivity we followed was due to free or incorporated radioactive glycine. The ratio of 3H-protein to 3H-glycine was greater in the extrapallial fluid than in the hemocoelic-tissue fluid, suggesting either protein secretion into or glycine removal from the extrapallium. We also observed that both 3H-protein and 3H-glycine concentrations were higher in the mantle fluid than in the external sea water, although the ratios of 3H-glycine to 3H-protein in these two fluids were not different.  相似文献   

Responses of the four zoeal stages of the crab Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Gould) to step and continuous changes in hydrostatic pressure were analyzed with a video system. Crabs were collected from the Neuse River estuary (North Carolina, USA) from June to August, 1987. The lower thresholds for step increases and decreases in pressure were 3 and 8 to 10 mbar, respectively. There was little change in sensitivity with zoeal development. Tests of larval responses in a light field that simulated the underwater angular light distribution indicated positive phototaxis does not occur upon pressure changes. In darkness, rates of pressure increase at and above 0.175 mbar s-1 induced high barokinesis and negative geotaxis in all but Stage IV zoeae, which had a threshold of 1.19 mbar s-1. Since larval sinking and descent swimming speeds exceed these threshold rates, larvae can move rapidly enough to produce suprathreshold changes in pressure which evoke behavioral responses. Slow rates of pressure decrease induced passive sinking while rapid rates caused an active ascent. This ascent response upon a pressure decrease is unreported among crustaceans, and is hypothesized to function for avoidance of feeding and respiratory currents of benthic invertebrates. The descent response occurs in all zoeal stages, except IV, at rates of pressure decrease (0.4 to 0.71 mbar s-1) that are within the range of ascent swimming speeds. These results support Sulkin's negative feedback depth regulation model. The absolute distances moved before corrective vertical responses to threshold rates of pressure change are initated delimit the depth regulatory window. In darkness, the asymmetry of the window would lead to an ascent. It is hypothesized that light is an additional component in depth regulation, and that the limits and symmetry of the depth regulatory window may be controlled by the level of light adaptation.  相似文献   

The content of water, ash, carbohydrate, lipid, protein, chitin, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and energy was measured for all life stages of the bathypelagic mysid Gnathophausia ingens collected in San Clemente Basin off Southern California, USA between January 1969 and February 1982. These data are used to examine the life history, growth rates, growth pattern and partitioning of material and energy over the life of this species. Females reproduce only once and brood their young for about 1.5 yr, during which time the females do not feed. This species has a very high reproductive effort: of the energy accumulated over its life, 61.3% is used in egg production, 13.4% in parental care of young, 5.6% in cast exoskeletons and only 19.6% remains in the females after brooding. The relative rate of growth (percentage of energy d?1) is about 1% immediately after leaving the mother and declines to about 0.2% as maturity is approached. Such growth rates appear to be typical for an animal of this size living at low temperatures. The evolutionary context of this mysid's life history is discussed.  相似文献   

During the last 20 yr the western half of the Dutch Wadden Sea has undergone significant eutrophication: concentrations of P and N compounds and planktonic algae have roughly doubled, as has primary production. Though oxygen levels are often low in summer, anoxic areas are small and rare due to strong tidal mixing. During the 1970 to 1990 period, macrozoobenthos was sampled annually at 15 stations at Balgzand, a 50-km2 tidal-flat area in the westernmost part of the Wadden Sea. Not only did the estimates of total numbers, biomass, and production double during these two decades, but significant changes in the composition of the benthic community were observed, too: (1) the numerical proportion of polychaetes increased at the expense of molluscs and crustaceans, (2) the overall mean weight per individual of the macrozoobenthos decreased (numbers of individuals of small-sized species increased more rapidly than those of large-sized species), and (3) though absolute numbers and biomass of all feeding types increased, the share of carnivores declined and that of deposit feeders increased; the proportion of suspension feeders showed little change. This study refers to true macrobenthos only (1-mm sieve) and further excludes two taxa (Corophium spp. andHydrobia ulvae) which occasionally exercised an undue influence on numbers. Mass mortalities caused by low oxygen concentrations were of a small-scale nature only. Total number of species fluctuated without a clear trend. As a consequence of the increasing numerical densities, trends in species numbers were slightly increasing when expressed per unit of area and slightly decreasing when estimated per 100 individuals (by rarefaction).  相似文献   

The Alcyonacean octocoral Alcyonium siderium Verrill and the sea anemone Metridium senile (L.), the only common perennial zooplanktivores on shallow (16-m depth) subtidal rock walls in much of northern New England, USA, are of similar heights and overlap in their habitat and microhabit distributions. The coelenteron contents of both species were sampled at four-hour intervals over a diel cycle and were compared to zooplankton available in the water at 1 to 5 cm from the rock wall, the height at which the cnidarians held their feeding tentacles. Prey in coelenterons of A. siderium were significantly smaller (means of 256 to 345 m), and those in coelenterons of M. senile were equal to or slightly greater in length (means of 415 to 1006 m) than the available zooplankton. The diets of A. siderium and M. senile differed significantly from each other and from the available zooplankton. A. siderium showed strong positive electivites for ascidian larvae and for foraminiferans, and strongly negative electivities for most crustaceans. M. senile had strong positive electivities for barnacle cyprids, ascidian larvae, and gammarid amphipods, and strong negative electivities for invertebrate eggs, foraminiferans, calanoid and harpacticoid copepods, and ostracods. Electivities may reflect tentacle avoidance or escape by motile prey as well as predator preference. Substratum-associated organisms (e.g. demersal crustaceans, larvae of benthic invertebrates) were the most common items in the diets of both species, suggesting a tight benthic food web, similar to the situation for coral reef anthrozoans which rely on reef-generated zooplankton. A. siderium ate large numbers of ascidian larvae which, as benthic adults, compete for space with A. siderium and can overgrow small colonies. Predation on the larvae of a competing species may alleviate competition by decreasing the competitor's recruitment.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that larval size in the acorn barnacle Balanus eburneus Gould (Cirripedia Thoracica) varies in relation to food availability. In March–November 1980, and March–July 1981, larvae were obtained from adult Balanus eburneus collected in the Newport River, North Carolina, USA. Carapace length and width of larvae reared at three different food concentrations were measured. Mean naupliar instar size was independent of food concentration. Mean size of the cypris instar increased with increasing food level. Greater cypris size could be attributed to increased food reserves in the preceding naupliar stage, and was coinciden with inmarked increase in metamorphic success. Variation in instar size remained constant or declined during naupliar development, but increased sharply at the molt to the cyprid. Naupliar size regulation involved: (1) conservation of a molt increment specific for each naupliar-naupliar molt, (2) an inverse relationship between premolt size and the molt increment during the first five naupliar instars, and (3) an increase in the precision of the molt increment at the molt to the sixth naupliar instar. Experimental evidence implies that size regulation in Balanus eburneus limits variation about a fixed final naupliar size (e.g. volume). Measurement of naupliar size, accumulated energy reserves, survival and development time, and cypris metamorphic success indicated that naupliar cuticular growth is the most conservative feature of larval development. The data suggest that maximum naupliar size is limited by escalating metabolic costs during development, while minimum naupliar size is limited by size-related feeding effectiveness.  相似文献   

Western sandpiper (Calidris mauri) predation was examined by concurrent experiments and direct observations of foraging behaviour on high intertidal mudflats of the Fraser River estuary, British Columbia. Western sandpipers foraged by either “pecking” on the surface (64% of observational time) or probing into sediment (29%). The first experiment (probe-mark method) consisted of collecting small-volume cores (21.2 cm3) of probed (experimental) and non-probed (control) sediment on the tidal flat, following a 22.5-min feeding period. The second experiment (exclosure method) involved deploying exclosures immediately prior to the feeding period and subsequent collection of cores from inside (control) and outside (experimental) the exclosures. Sediment cores were analysed for both macrofaunal and meiofaunal size fractions. Comparisons between macro- and meiofaunal invertebrate densities in experimental and control sediments revealed significant differences, attributed to shorebird predation, for both experiments. The probe-mark experiment detected the removal of large infaunal polychaetes (∼ 20 mm), while the exclosure experiment showed depletion of epifaunal harpacticoid copepods (0.063–0.5 mm). Predation on macrofaunal cumaceans was detected in both experiments. Invertebrates selected by western sandpipers neither fell within traditional infaunal size classifications (macro- vs. meiofauna; 500 μm delineation) nor corresponded to the highest densities of taxa. Rather, inference from experimental results and observations is that western sandpipers forage in two modes, by: (1) surface gleaning of epibenthic copepods and cumaceans in the macro- and meiofaunal size ranges and (2) selective probing for larger infauna, such as polychaetes. These findings were facilitated by the combination of methodologies employed. Received: 29 December 1999 / Accepted: 11 September 2000  相似文献   

Because agonistic behaviour can increase an individual's risk of predation, natural selection should favour individuals that modify their behaviour in the face of predation hazard in ways that maximise fitness. We investigated experimentally the effects of an increase in the apparent risk of predation on male-male competition within mixed-sex shoals of the Trinidadian guppy (Poecilia reticulata). We show that males engaged in significantly fewer aggressive interactions with conspecific males in the presence of a fish predator. However, they continued to court and attempt copulations with females at the same rate irrespective of the level of predation risk. In comparison, under predation hazard, female guppies were less responsive sexually and avoided fewer male copulation attempts. Such predator-mediated changes in male-male agonistic interactions and female sexual responsiveness towards males have important implications for the mode and intensity of sexual selection within populations.  相似文献   

We sampled the communities of decapod crustaceans inhabiting the depth zone between 3 and 871 m off the Catalan coast (North-West Mediterranean) from June 1981 to June 1983. The 185 samples comprised 90 species differing widely in their depth distributions. Multivariate analysis revealed four distinct faunistic assemblages, (1) littoral communities over sandy bottoms, (2) shelf communities over terrigenous muds, (3) upper-slope communitics, and (4) lower-slope or bathyal communities. The brachyuran crab Liocarcinus depurator is the most abundant species of the shelf assemblage, although L. vernalis dominates over the shallow sandy bottoms of the shelf. The dominant species of the upper-slope assemblage are nektobenthic species (Solenocera membranacea, Plesionika heterocarpus, Processa canaliculata), pelagic species (Pasiphaea sivado, Sergestes arcticus), and benthic species (Macropipus tuberculatus, Munida intermedia, Nephrops norvegicus). Aristeus antennatus comprise most of the biomass of the lower-slope community, which supports a greater diversity than the other assemblages. The main assemblages appear to be related to different hydrological characteristics, the extent of seasonal fluctuations, and to the changes in sediment structure associated with changes in the steepness of the bottom.  相似文献   

Meganyctiphanes norvegica (M. Sars)is a pelagic crustacean that plays a key role in marine food webs of North Atlantic Ocean and marginal seas. We studied eight population samples collected in the European Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea. By means of single strand conformation polymorphism analysis (SSCP) and direct sequencing, we investigated a segment of 158 base pairs of the mitochondrial gene coding for the subunit 1 of NADH dehydrogenase. We found 12 sequence variants among the 385 individuals studied. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed that 14.75% of the total genetic variability was explained by differences between populations, thus indicating absence of panmixia for these populations. Pairwise comparisons revealed three distinct genetic pools: the first one represented by Cadiz Bay, the second one by the Ligurian Sea, and the third one included all the NE Atlantic samples. We also investigated one population from the Alboran Sea (within the Mediterranean basin, east of the Strait of Gibraltar). This population was found to be genetically intermediate between the NE Atlantic samples and the Ligurian sample, suggesting that the restriction to the gene flow is not associated with the Strait of Gibraltar, but possibly with the Oran–Almeria oceanographic front. The present work indicates that M. norvegica, although endowed with a high dispersal capacity because of its pelagic habit, can develop separate breeding units inside the same oceanic basin (the Atlantic). Furthermore, the Ligurian sample should be considered as a distinct evolutionary entity, separated from the Atlantic population. Received: 2 May 1999 / Accepted: 26 November 1999  相似文献   

Unique components of tropical habitats, such as abundant vascular epiphytes, influence the distribution of species and can contribute to the high diversity of many animal groups in the tropics. However, the role of such features in habitat selection and demography of individual species has not been established. Understanding the mechanisms of habitat selection requires both experimental manipulation of habitat structure and detailed estimation of the behavioral and demographic response of animals, e.g., changes in movement patterns and survival probabilities. Such studies have not been conducted in natural tropical forest, perhaps because of high habitat heterogeneity, high species diversity, and low abundances of potential target species. Agroforestry systems support a less diverse flora, with greater spatial homogeneity which, in turn, harbors lower overall species diversity with greater numerical dominance of common species, than natural forests. Furthermore, agroforestry systems are already extensively managed and lend themselves easily to larger scale habitat manipulations than protected natural forest. Thus, agroforestry systems provide a good model environment for beginning to understand processes underlying habitat selection in tropical forest animals. Here, we use multistate, capture-recapture models to investigate how the experimental removal of epiphytes affected monthly movement and survival probabilities of two resident bird species (Common Bush-Tanager [Chlorospingus ophthalmicus] and Golden-crowned Warbler [Basileuterus culicivorus]) in a Mexican shade coffee plantation. We established two paired plots of epiphyte removal and control. We found that Bush-Tanagers were at least five times more likely to emigrate from plots where epiphytes were removed compared to control plots. Habitat-specific movement patterns were not detected in the warbler. However, unlike the Golden-crowned Warbler, Common Bush-Tanagers depend upon epiphytes for nest sites and (seasonally) for foraging. These dispersal patterns imply that active habitat selection based on the presence or absence of epiphytes occurs in C. ophthalmicus on our study area. Survival rates did not vary with habitat in either species. Interestingly, in both species, survival was higher in the nonbreeding season, when birds were in mixed-species flocks. Movement by Common Bush-Tanagers into areas with epiphytes occurred mostly during the breeding season, when mortality-driven opportunity was greatest.  相似文献   

Shrubsteppe communities are among the most imperiled ecosystems in North America as a result of conversion to agriculture and other anthropogenic changes. In the Intermountain West of the United States, these communities support a unique avifauna, including several species that are declining and numerous others that are of conservation concern. Extensive research in the eastern and central United States and in Scandinavia suggests that fragmentation of formerly continuous forests and grasslands adversely affects reproductive success of birds, yet little is known of the potential effects on avian communities in Western shrublands. I used multi-model inference to evaluate the potential effects of local and landscape variables on nest predation and brood parasitism, and behavioral observations of color-banded birds to evaluate the potential effects of habitat fragmentation on seasonal reproductive success of passerines in the shrubsteppe of eastern Washington State, USA. Reproductive success of shrubsteppe-obligate passerines was lower in landscapes fragmented by agriculture than in continuous shrubsteppe landscapes. Daily survival rates for nests of Brewer's Sparrows (Spizella breweri; n=496) and Sage Thrashers (Oreoscoptes montanus; n=128) were lower in fragmented landscapes, and seasonal reproductive success (percentage of pairs fledging young) of Sage Sparrows (Amphispiza belli; n=146) and Brewer's Sparrows (n=59) was lower in fragmented landscapes. Rates of parasitism by Brown-headed Cowbirds (Molothrus ater) overall were low (4%) but were significantly greater in fragmented landscapes for Brewer's Sparrows, and parasitism resulted in fewer young fledged from successful nests. Simple models of population growth using landscape-specific fecundity and estimates of adult survival derived from return rates of banded male Sage Sparrows and Brewer's Sparrows suggest that fragmented shrubsteppe in Washington may be acting as a population sink for some species. Immediate conservation needs include halting further fragmentation of shrubsteppe, restoring low-productivity agricultural lands and annual grasslands to shrubsteppe where possible, and convincing the public of the intrinsic value of these imperiled ecosystems.  相似文献   

The phylogeographic patterns among populations of Mesopodopsis slabberi (Crustacea, Mysida), an ecological important mysid species of marine and estuarine habitats, were analysed by means of DNA sequencing of a fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) and the 16S ribosomal RNA genes. Samples of M. slabberi collected from five Atlantic and two Western Mediterranean populations were investigated. Very high levels of within-population molecular diversity were observed in all samples (mean h=0.807 and π=0.0083), with exception of the Mediterranean Ebro population which contained only one haplotype. Differentiation among populations was high, and a clear phylogeographic break was observed between the Atlantic and Mediterranean populations. Moreover, a strong differentiation was detected between both populations in the Western Mediterranean Sea (Alicante and Ebro delta), while two divergent lineages occurred in sympatry within the Atlantic Mondego estuary. The high congruence between both the COI and 16S rRNA sequence data, the reciprocal monophyly of the different mitochondrial clades and the levels of nucleotide divergence between them suggest the presence of a complex of cryptic species within M. slabberi. Estimations of divergence time between the different mitochondrial lineages indicate that a split occurred during the late Miocene/early Pliocene. Such a divergence could be concordant with vicariant events during sea-level drops within the Mediterranean region at that time. However, within the Mediterranean Sea, the potential of divergence through ecological diversification cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

In socially feeding birds and mammals, as group size increases, individuals devote less time to scanning their environment and more time to feeding. This vigilance “group size effect” has long been attributed to the anti-predatory benefits of group living, but many investigators have suggested that this effect may be driven by scramble competition for limited food. We addressed this issue of causation by focusing on the way in which the scan durations of free-living dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis) decrease with group size. We were particularly interested in vigilance scanning concomitant with the handling of food items, since a decrease in food handling times (i.e. scan durations) with increasing group size could theoretically be driven by scramble competition for limited food resources. However, we showed that food-handling scan durations decrease with group size in an environment with an effectively unlimited food supply. Furthermore, this food-handling effect was qualitatively similar to that observed in the duration of standard vigilance scans (scanning exclusive of food ingestion), and both responded to changes in the risk of predation (proximity of a refuge) as one might expect based upon anti-predator considerations. The group size effects in both food-handling and standard scan durations may reflect a lesser need for personal information about risk as group size increases. Scramble competition may influence vigilance in some circumstances, but demonstrating an effect of competition beyond that of predation may prove challenging. Received: 22 September 1998 / Received in revised form: 1 February 1999 / Accepted: 14 February 1999  相似文献   

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