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Four clones of 3-year-old Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.), grown on two soils, were from July 1986 to September 1987 exposed to ozone fumigation (50 microg m(-3) as a control, 100 microg m(-3) plus peaks between 130 and 360 microg m(-3) as treatment) and acid mist of pH 3.0 (versus mist pH 5.6 in the control). Climatic conditions, identical for both control and treatment, followed a diurnal and seasonal pattern characteristic of medium high altitudes of the Bavarian Forest, an area affected by the new-type forest decline. Gas-exchange measurements were carried out on the plants from December 1986 until the end of the 14-month's exposure using a series of climate-controlled minicuvettes. ANOVA of the four clones investigated towards the end of the experiment gave hints of a treatment-related depression of the photosynthetic capacity of the previous year's needles (age-class 1986). Within this age-class only one of the clones (11) showed a significant treatment effect, indicating an age-class dependence and a genetic influence of the treatment-related depression of the photosynthetic capacity. The current year's flush was not impaired through the ozone and acid mist exposure. Analysis also revealed clear effects of soil, clone and needle age on photosynthetic parameters.  相似文献   

Norway spruce saplings (Picea abies L. Karst.) were exposed for five years to controlled concentrations of ozone and/or sulphur dioxide in open-top chambers. The monoterpenes of needles, twigs (bark and wood), bark and buds harvested from these trees were qualitatively and quantitatively analysed by combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Different tissues and plant parts, showed notable differences in their percentage distribution. However, comparison of the monoterpene patterns of corresponding plant material obtained from trees which had been exposed to different fumigation regimes showed no significant effects of these pollutants.  相似文献   

Three-year-old clonal Picea abies (L.) Karst. plants, grown either on a sandy (No. 1) or on a calcareous (No. 2) soil, were treated with ozone (100 microg m(-3) and peaks of up to 360 microg m(-3)) and acid mist (pH 3.0) over two vegetation periods. Needles of the current (1987) and previous (1986) year were analysed at the end of the experiment for biosynthetic enzymes and in vivo activity of the phenylpropanoid pathway, for products of polyphenol metabolism (clones 11 and 14), and for mono- and sesquiterpenes (clones 14 and 16). 1. Polyphenol metabolism. The activity of cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase, an enzyme of the lignin pathway, was increased by the treatment by up to 83% in the needles of both age classes. Chalcone synthase was measured in mature tree material for the first time. This enzyme, as well as phenylalanine ammonia-lyase activities and the content of catechin, astringin, isorhapontin, picein and p-hydroxyacetophenone, exhibited no significant treatment-dependent differences. However, soil and age-class dependent differences occurred. Pulse-labelling experiments with l[U-(14)C]phenylalanine and [2-(14)C]acetate were carried out at four different stages of shoot development and showed label incorporation into (+)-catechin and proanthocyanidins. There was no effect of the ozone and acid mist treatment. 2. Monoterpenes. The content of needle terpenes was generally diminished by the ozone and acid mist treatment. Other factors tested, such as clone, needle age and soil, exerted a highly significant influence on the content of most of the needle monoterpenes.  相似文献   

For decades, trees have been exposed to atmospheric S pollution (acid rains). They can thus fulfil their S requirements not only via the roots, but also via their needles. However, whether leaf-absorbed S has a different fate from that of root-absorbed S, or may be toxic to the plant, remains uncertain. Norway spruce trees have been contaminated with (35)SO(4)(2-) either via a nutrient solution, or via a spray, and their (35)S distribution has been analysed. In the case of foliar contamination, a high percentage of (35)S(-) was present in the form of SO(4)(2-), both on the surface and inside the youngest needles. In the case of root contamination, the (35)S of the youngest leaves was mainly incorporated into insoluble organic compounds. Older needles showed a different S distribution.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a series of publications referring to a single 14-month laboratory study testing the hypothesis that the recent decline of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) at higher elevations of the Bavarian Forest and comparable forests in medium-range mountains and in the calcareous Alps is caused by an interaction of elevated ozone concentrations, acid mist and site-specific soil (nutritional) characteristics. The effect of climatic extremes, a further important factor, was not included as an experimental variable but was considered by testing of the frost resistance of the experimental plants. Results of these individual studies are presented and discussed in the following 14 papers. Plants from six pre-selected clones of 3-year-old Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) were planted in April 1985 in an acidic soil from the Bavarian Forest, or a calcareous soil from the Bavarian Alps. After a transition period, plants were transferred, in July 1986, into four large environmental chambers and exposed for 14 months to an artificial climate and air pollutant regime based on long-term monitoring in the Inner Bavarian Forest. The climatic exposure protocol followed realistic seasonal and diurnal cycles (summer maximum temperature, 26 degrees C; total mean temperature, 9.8 degrees C; winter minimum, -14 degrees C; mean relative humidity, 70%; maximum irradiance, 500 W m(-2); daylength summer maximum, 17 h; winter minimum, 8 h). Plants were fumigated with ozone, generated from pure oxygen (control: annual mean of 50 microg m(-3); pollution treatment: annual mean of 100 microg m(-3) with 68 episodes of 130-360 microg m(-3) lasting 4-24 h), and background concentrations of SO(2) (22 microg m(-3)) and NO(2) (20 microg m(-3)); windspeed was set at a constant 0.6 m s(-1). Plants were additionally exposed to prolonged episodes of misting at pH 5.6 (control) and pH 3.0 (treatment). Simulation of the target climatic and fumigation conditions was highly reliable and reproducible (temperature +/-0.5 degrees C; rh+/-10%; ozone+/-10 microg m(-3);SO(2) and NO(2)+/-15 microg m(-3)).  相似文献   

Two clones of Norway spruce were exposed to elevated ozone levels (100 microg m(-3) with episodes of 130-360 microg m(-3)) in combination with acidic mist (pH 3.0) for two vegetation periods. The plants did not exhibit any visible injury, but levels of several amino acids and polyamines were altered in comparison with control plants (50 microg m(-3) ozone, mist of pH 5.6), the changes being pronounced in clone 14. Total free amino acids as well as methionine titers were increased in clone 14. Asparagine was significantly increased in clone 11 and less so in clone 14. Arginine, which comprised more than 50% of the free amino acids in spruce needles, was not changed by the exposure regime applied. Reduced glutathione was significantly increased in all clones/soil/needle age combinations (average increase 50%). Free soluble putrescine was enhanced by 50-200% in clone 14, but remained unchanged in clone 11. Conjugated putrescine was significantly, and conjugated spermidime was slightly, increased in both clones, whereas other polyamines did not responde to the treatment.  相似文献   

Three-year-old clonal spruce trees, kept in growth chambers, were treated with ozone and acid mist during a period of 14 months. One half of the trees were grown on an acidic sandy soil, the other half on a calcareous soil rich in carbonate. At the end of the fumigation period, carbohydrates (glucose, fructose, sucrose, raffinose, starch, glucose-1-phosphate and fructose-6-phosphate) and parameters of the energy status (ATP-, AdN-(ATP + ADP + AMP)- levels, ATP/ADP-ratios and adenylate-energy-charge-(AEC)-values) were determined in the current-year's needles. The results indicate that the metabolic status of a plant tissue is not only influenced by the nature of the air pollutants. Soil factors play an important role in metabolic changes within the plant and are thus of relevance in the manifestation of damage symptoms.  相似文献   

The phytohormone GA(3) in needles from 4-year-old Norway spruce trees was analyzed after treatment with ozone and acid mist in environmental chambers under controlled conditions. GA(3) was extracted with methanol from the lyophilized material. Subsequent purification steps included the use of polyvinylpyrollidone (PVP), cartridge reversed-phase purification, ethylacetate extraction and HPLC. The GA(3) was determined in the methylated form by means of a highly specific and sensitive enzyme immunoassay. Higher GA(3) contents were detected in young needles (year 1987) as compared to older ones (year 1986). However, no statistically significant differences were found in the GA(3) levels between the controls and the needles of trees which were treated with increased levels of ozone and acidic mist.  相似文献   

[1,2-14C]TCA of a high specific activity (3.7 GBq/mmol) and appropriate radioindicator techniques were used, to study the effect of trichloroacetic acid (TCA) on conifers. Easy uptake of TCA from soil through spruce roots and its further translocation by the transpiration stream up to the needles (where damage of the photosynthetic apparatus occurs) has been proved. During the growth period, after one-shot load of TCA, the uptake was most intensive in current-year needles at first; over an extended period a decrease in the level of [1,2-14C]TCA-derived radioactivity was found in the current-year needles while in older needles (C + 2), the level rose. Symptoms of TCA biodegradation and/or metabolism were found in the plant/soil system under study. During an eight-week exposure significant losses of radioactivity into the atmosphere were noticed, at least a part of them in the form of carbondioxide. The results of these more or less preliminary experiments demonstrated the suitability and advantages of the radioisotopic technique used.  相似文献   

Four-year-old clonal Picea abies (L.) Karst. plants were treated with ozone (100 microm(-3) plus peaks of 130 to 360 microm(-3)) and acid mist (pH 3.0) during two vegetation periods. Pulse labelling experiments on shoots were performed with [(35)S]methionine in the second year of exposure. Extraction of soluble needle proteins in citric acid buffer of pH 2.8 revealed protein patterns on SDS polyacrylamide gels that differed from those of control needles fumigated with ambient levels of ozone (50 microg m(-3)) and mist of pH 5.6. New proteins of MW 16000 and 32000 were synthesized only in ozone-exposed needles and could not be detected in the controls.  相似文献   

Photolysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) sorbed on surfaces of spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] needles under sunlight irradiation was investigated. PAHs were produced by combustion of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), wood, high-density polyethylene (HDPE), and styrene in a stove. The factors of sunlight irradiation on the surfaces of spruce needles were taken into consideration when investigating the kinetic parameters. The photolysis of the 18 PAHs under study follows first-order kinetics. The photolysis half-lives range from 15 h for dibenzo(a,h)anthracene to 75 h for phenanthrene. Photolysis of some PAHs on surfaces of spruce needles may play an important role on the fate of PAHs in the environment.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes and evaluates the main findings of 14 preceding papers related to the joint 14-month tree-exposure experiment carried out by the 'Munich Working Party on Air Pollution' at the GSF, Munich, FRG, from July 1986 to September 1987. The experiment tested the hypothesis that an interaction of ozone/acid mist/soil/extreme climatic conditions is the cause of decline of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) at higher altitudes of the Inner Bavarian Forest. The main findings of the individual studies are presented and their implications for the hypothesis are discussed. Clear effects of soil and genetic factors (differences between clones), for example on growth and frost resistance were found. Treatment with O(3)/acid mist was shown to have effects on plant biochemistry, physiology, histology/ cytology, and growth. The wide scattering of these effects, and the lack of a consistent pattern of response across all clones does not permits a firm conclusion on the validity of the experimental hypothesis. These effects were not confounded by the nutrient stresses imposed during the initial exposure period and were not found to be cumulative during repeated treatments, as was proposed by the hypothesis. It is concluded that the experimental evidence does not indicate that ozone/acid mist are major factors to explain the Norway spruce decline on acidic sites at higher altitudes of the Inner Bavarian Forest and probably similar forest areas.  相似文献   

Spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) needles were exposed to exhaust gas containing polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) generated by combustion of polyvinyl chloride, wood, high-density polyethylene, and styrene. Photodegradation of PCDD/Fs adsorbed on spruce needles under sunlight irradiation was studied. The photodegradation of PCDD/Fs follows pseudo-first-order reaction kinetics, with photolysis half-lives ranging between 40 and 100 h. The photolysis rates of PCDF congeners are higher than PCDD congeners with the same chlorinated substitutions. Higher chlorinated PCDD/Fs tend to photolyze slowly. The wax components in spruce needles may act as proton donors and accelerate the photolysis rate. C-Cl cleavage through the addition of protons to PCDD/F molecules may be an important route for PCDD/Fs photodegradation.  相似文献   

Sitka spruce and Norway spruce were grown in controlled environments and then exposed to ozone (O3) for short periods as in mid-afternoon episodes experienced in the forest. For concentrations of between 20 and 300 nl litre(-1) there were linear relationships between exposure concentration and O3 uptake rates. Increasing photon flux densities increased rates of photosynthesis and transpiration, the increases being larger in actively growing than dormant seedlings. Physiological condition (dormancy or active growth), species and photon flux density were found to influence O3 flux via their effects on stomatal conductance. Exposure to 80 nl litre(-1) O3 resulted in consistent increases of stomatal conductance and there were also indications that water-use efficiency was decreased.  相似文献   

Spruce saplings were grown under different nitrogen fertilization regimes in eight chamberless fumigation systems, which were fumigated with either charcoal-filtered (F) or ambient air (O3). After the third growing season trees were harvested for biomass and non-structural carbohydrate analysis. Nitrogen had an overall positive effect on the investigated plant parameters, resulting in increased shoot elongation, biomass production, fine root soluble carbohydrate concentrations, and also slightly increased starch concentrations of stems and roots. Only needle starch concentrations and fine root sugar alcohol concentrations were decreased. Ozone fumigation resulted in needle discolorations and affected most parameters negatively, including decreased shoot elongation and decreased starch concentrations in roots, stems, and needles. In fine roots, however, soluble carbohydrate concentrations remained unaffected or increased by ozone fumigation. The only significant interaction was an antagonistic effect on root starch concentrations, where higher nitrogen levels alleviated the negative impact of ozone.  相似文献   

The effect of ozone (< 10, 200, or 400 microg m(-3)), on foliar nutrient concentrations of Picea abies were determined by fumigating potted grafts from mature trees (> 55 and 125 years), representing six clones, in open-top chambers at two locations in Norway. The concentration of nutrients in needles of grafted plants were significantly affected by clone and location. Generally, the concentrations of nutrients were not affected by ozone, but a significant increase in the concentrations of potassium and iron in two of the clones were found. These two clones were the only ones injured (yellow needles) by the fumigation.  相似文献   

The effects of motor vehicle exhaust gas on Norway spruce seedlings (Picea abies (L.) Karst) and plant-insect interaction of spruce shoot aphid (Cinara pilicornis Hartig) was studied. The exhaust gas concentrations in the fumigation chambers were monitored and controlled by measuring the concentration of nitrogen oxides (NO(x)) with a computer aided feedback system. The concentrations of major exhaust gas components (black carbon [BC], fine particles, VOCs and carbonyl compounds) in the chamber air were also measured. Responses of Norway spruce seedlings to a 2 and 3-week exhaust gas exposure and subsequent performance of spruce shoot aphid were studied using realistic exposure regimes; 50, 100 and 200 ppb NO(x). The feedback control system based on NO(x) concentrations proved an adequate and practical means for controlling the concentration of exhaust gases and studying plant responses in controlled environment chambers. The exhaust exposure resulted in increased concentrations of proline, glutamine, threonine, aspartic acid, glycine and phenylalanine and decreased concentration of arginine, serine, alanine and glycine in young needles. No changes in soluble N concentrations were observed. The results are interpreted as a stress response rather than use of NO(x) as a nitrogen source. No changes in total phenolics and only transient changes in some individual terpene concentrations were detected. The exhaust gas exposure stressed the exposed seedlings, but had no significant effect on N metabolism or the production of defence chemicals. Aphid performance was not significantly affected. Soluble N, secondary metabolism and aphid performance were not sensitive to exhaust gas exposure during shoot elongation in Norway spruce.  相似文献   

The effect of free-air ozone fumigation and crown position on antioxidants were determined in old-growth spruce (Picea abies) trees in the seasonal course of two consecutive years (2003 and 2004). Levels of total ascorbate and its redox state in the apoplastic washing fluid (AWF) were increased under double ambient ozone concentrations (2xO3), whilst ascorbate concentrations in needle extracts were unchanged. Concentrations of apoplastic and symplastic ascorbate were significantly higher in 2003 compared to 2004 indicating a combined effect of the drought conditions in 2003 with enhanced ozone exposure. Elevated ozone had only weak effects on total glutathione levels in needle extracts, phloem exudates and xylem saps. Total and oxidised glutathione concentrations were higher in 2004 compared to 2003 and seemed to be more affected by enhanced ozone influx in the more humid year 2004 compared to the combined effect of elevated ozone and drought in 2003 as observed for ascorbate.  相似文献   

In northern Japan, the growth of Picea abies Karst., and Picea glehnii Masters, which have been planted along the highways, is often suppressed due to several environmental stresses. To examine the adverse effects of deicing salt, the primary source of stress,we measured needle life span, photosynthetic capacity, and water potential and transpiration rate of the two spruce species at a site with damaged trees, near the roadside and a site with healthy trees, located far from the highway. Results from the analysis showed large amounts of sodium and chlorine in the soil and snow at the damaged site. These elements had accumulated in the needles of the spruce. Moreover, physiological traits of the spruce, at the damaged site were also affected. Therefore, we concluded that poor physiological traits might be attributed to an accumulation of deicing salt in the needles, resulting in the suppression of tree growth.  相似文献   

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