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一、大会的主要议程 引人瞩目的联合国教科文组织第二次国际生物圈保护区大会于1995年3月25日在西班牙塞维利亚落下帷幕。来自102个国家和14个国际及地区性组织的421名代表出席了大会。历时5天的会议着重对两个具有历史意义的文件:塞维利亚纲要和世界生物圈保护区章程草案进行了讨论与修改,同时对1984年第一次国际生物圈保护区大会所制定的行动计划的执行情况进行了评估与交流。  相似文献   

天目山国家级保护区加入世界生物圈保护区网络已经10年,为了更好地保护其生物多样性和文化多样性,并可持续地利用好该保护区的自然资源,需适应客观形势发展的要求,把天目山国家级保护区建成为名副其实的生物圈保护区。采用现场实地考察、社区居民访谈、保护区管理者和政府人员座谈、历史资料查询等方法,了解到天目山保护区在自然资源保护、科研监测、教育培训、资源持续利用和生态旅游等方面取得了不少的成绩,但也存在诸如保护区面积尚欠不够、毛竹林资源能否合理利用和柳杉林的衰亡与病虫害的防治等问题。按照生物圈保护区的管理理念并参照以上的调查和思考,提出下列3条建议:一是扩大保护区的面积,二是建立一个完善的保护区共管机制,三是建立学术顾问委员会协助推动保护区各方面的工作。  相似文献   

大庆市城市经济系统可持续性评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
三角模型作为一种直观的平台能够很好地图解区域可持续综合发展状况及长期趋势.由于具有直观性和简明性,三角模型易于被不同层次的学者和政策制定者理解和应用.根据经济发展、资源-能源消耗及环境污染的相互关系,结合生态学表现,利用三角模型工具分析评估区域经济可持续发展状况和长期趋势.本文选择我国最大的石油资源型城市--大庆市作为典型案例.大庆市位于黑龙江省西部,下辖5个区和4个县,2006年全市土地总面积为2.1219万hm2,总人口269.3万.结果表明,大庆市经济系统可持续性状况不容乐观,"八五"、"九五"时期处于不可持续和弱可持续性状态,"十五"中后期才缓慢进入一般可持续性状态;"八五"时期大庆市经济系统具有一般可持续性发展趋势,"九五"时期呈现强可持续性发展趋势,进入新世纪后却呈现出由强可持续性向一般可持续性的发展趋势.  相似文献   

本文阐述了当代海洋开发的基本特点,制定海洋开发战略的基本原则,提出了树立海洋国土观念、海洋资源宝库观念、海洋全球通道观念,以及我国海洋开发的战略目标和战略部署。  相似文献   

由美国耶鲁大学和哥伦比亚大学合作开发的环境可持续指数(Environmental Sustainability Index,ESI)可用以衡量一个国家或地区能为其后代人保持良好环境状态的能力,也可考虑作为环境决策的基础之一。其研究处在现有环境可持续指标体系研究的国际前沿水平。本文简介了ESI的进展与内涵;阐述了2005ESI的指标设置、方法学及其改进;列举了2005ESI用于146个国家或地区环境可持续性的测试结果及其政策建议,分析了中国得分很低的原因,最后,概要评述了ESI的特点和进一步发展方向。  相似文献   

自然资源代际转移机制及其可持续性度量   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
自然资源是人类社会赖以生存和持续发展最直接的物质基础和能量源泉。本文在探讨自然资源代际转移动力机制的基础上,应用资源经济学和环境经济学原理,分析了对自然资源持续性全面度量的原理与方法。  相似文献   

2022年,是联合国1992年确立可持续发展战略30周年,也是生态文明纳入中国“五位一体”现代化体系10周年。可持续性科学是有关可持续发展的学理研究,在一些基础性问题上存在着弱可持续性与强可持续性的观点差异。中国生态文明不仅对促进中国的绿色现代化具有重要意义,而且对发展可持续性科学也具有重要意义,后一方面的研究工作亟须加强。文章基于中国生态文明的政策和实践,讨论可持续性科学研究中五个存在观点分歧的重要论题,指出中国生态文明是以强可持续性为导向的,可持续性科学的理论架构需要包括具有内在层次关系的五个关键命题,即可持续发展是追求地球生态物理极限内的经济社会繁荣,要在控制生态消耗规模的前提下实现资源效率变革,发展中国家和发达国家要有不同的转型模式,要用目标-资本-治理建立三层次的发展模型,可持续性科学是跨学科的整合性范式。文章认为,可持续性科学的理论研究需要以强可持续性作为核心原理进行理论更新和版本升级,中国生态文明实践是世界上其他地方没有的大规模的社会运动,可以在深化发展可持续性科学中发挥重要的引领作用。  相似文献   

长江三角洲地区海洋产业竞争力评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作为全国海洋经济发展高地,长三角已初步形成比较完备的海洋产业体系。构建区域海洋产业竞争力评价的单要素对比分析与全要素综合量化评价的方法及指标体系,以2008~2010年度海洋统计数据从竞争力要素层和省域综合评判了江浙沪海洋产业竞争力,从不同侧面揭示江浙沪海洋产业竞争力优、劣势与空间差异性。研究表明:要素层面,上海除海洋产业发展条件外均位于江浙沪首位,而江浙两省的4要素差异较小;省域层面综合测度呈现上海处于长三角龙头地位,江浙两省虽有梯度但初现两翼格局。单要素竞争力格局与综合竞争力区域分异,既表明长三角海洋产业竞争力在要素层存在同构,又隐喻了区域一体化背景下长三角海洋产业的区域合作与整体竞争力提升的强烈要求  相似文献   

基于“可持续性”要素的比较优势理论拓展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
比较优势是不同国家生产同种产品的机会成本差异。传统理论认为,形成比较优势的机会成本主要为生产成本,而"可持续性"是一种代际公共品,耗费"可持续性"要素的机会成本是代际成本,即现在使用某(些)要素所放弃的未来使用之可能带来的纯收益。因此,不同国家的可持续性差异体现为代际成本差异,"可持续性"是塑造一国比较优势的新要素。若中国对外贸易过度依靠当代所具有的劳动力价格低廉和环境规制政策宽松所塑造的劳动力比较优势和环境比较优势,从长期看是不可持续的。通过代际成本内在化,可逐步实现对外贸易发展的短期理性与长期理性的统一。进而言之,中国需要妥善处理贸易增长与各种稀缺要素消耗之间的关系,平衡贸易增长与可持续发展的关系,当今的贸易与未来的贸易需寻求某种总量和结构上的均衡。  相似文献   

生态旅游的可持续性评价模型研究——以九寨沟景区为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在生态环境脆弱区域开展旅游活动,其发展目标必须是可持续的。而生态旅游可持续性的标准因不同旅游区(点)或处在不同的时间段会产生差异,使用评价指标体系的方法可以反映出并弥补这种差异给可持续性评价带来的影响。以位于岷江上游的世界自然遗产地九寨沟景区为例,使用主观方法分析资源、社区和旅游三大利益相关者在生态旅游可持续性中的关系,建立生态旅游地可持续性评价模型的框架。使用德尔菲法确定相应的评价指标;通过对当地居民和旅游管理部门的访谈和旅游者问卷调查来探察利益相关者间的关系;根据访谈和调查结果对模型评价结果进行验证。研究以九寨沟景区为案例,评价模型的构建为生态旅游地的可持续性管理提供了一种主观与客观相结合的评价工具,并可以推广到其他景区。  相似文献   

Along with the industrial development, adverse impacts on the natural environment become more serious, and ecosystem health and ecological security have also been deteriorated. The traditional environment management focused on the shorterm and economic benefits. Such managing pattern is not accommodating to the new situation of increasingly global environment problems and large scale marine environment problems. This paper introduces the advance and definition of a new managing patternecosystem management. Meanwhile, the con- notation of ecosystem management was summarized as seven points: Sustainability; Human is an important aspect of ecosystem management; Cooperation is the foundation of ecosystem management; Maintain health and security of ecosystem; Ecological diversity protection characters ecosystem management; Maintain the integrity of ecosystem; Ecosystem management must be founded on scientific theories and precise information. Somebody said Ecosystem Management is "a new label of old ideas". However, there is an essential difference between ecosystem management and traditional environmental management. In the last part of this paper, the differences of the approaches between ecosystem management and traditional environmental management are compared.  相似文献   


Along with the industrial development, adverse impacts on the natural environment become more serious, and ecosystem health and ecological security have also been deteriorated. The traditional environment management focused on the short-term and economic benefits. Such managing pattern is not accommodating to the new situation of increasingly global environment problems and large scale marine environment problems. This paper introduces the advance and definition of a new managing pattern—ecosystem management. Meanwhile, the connotation of ecosystem management was summarized as seven points: Sustainability; Human is an important aspect of ecosystem management; Cooperation is the foundation of ecosystem management; Maintain health and security of ecosystem; Ecological diversity protection characters ecosystem management; Maintain the integrity of ecosystem; Ecosystem management must be founded on scientific theories and precise information. Somebody said Ecosystem Management is “a new label of old ideas”. However, there is an essential difference between ecosystem management and traditional environmental management. In the last part of this paper, the differences of the approaches between ecosystem management and traditional environmental management are compared.  相似文献   


In response to the “isolated island” phenomenon emerging from the development of tourist resorts in China, this paper reviews the study of enclave tourism overseas, which has similar features to the resort “island”. Based on the literatures related to enclave tourism from Tourism Management and Annals of Tourism Research, this paper reviews the study of enclave tourism from the following aspects: definition discussion, theories used, causation of enclaves, characteristics and impacts of enclave tourism. The understanding of the overseas researches on enclave tourism would provide instructions for the study on the problems of Chinese resorts, such as enclavity and “island effects”, and suggest measures for the sustainable development of resorts in China. This paper is divided into three sections. Section 1 briefly introduces the development of enclave tourism in developing countries and the outline of enclave tourism study. Section 2 elaborates on the contents of enclave tourism research and gives deep insights into the study on concepts, characteristics, causations and effects respectively, which is the key part of this paper; Section 3 concludes the review and proposes suggestions for the enclave tourism study in China.  相似文献   

In response to the "isolated island" phenomenon emerging from the development of tourist resorts in China, this paper reviews the study of enclave tourism overseas, which has similar features to the resort "island". Based on the literatures related to enclave tourism from Tourism Management and Annals of Tourism Research, this paper reviews the study of enclave tourism from the following aspects: definition discussion, theories used, causation of enclaves, characteristics and impacts of enclave tourism. The understanding of the overseas researches on enclave tourism would provide instructions for the study on the problems of Chinese resorts, such as enclavity and "island effects", and suggest measures for the sustainable development of resorts in China. This paper is divided into three sections. Section 1 briefly introduces the development of enclave tourism in developing countries and the outline of enclave tourism study. Section 2 elaborates on the contents of enclave tourism research and gives deep insights into the study on concepts, characteristics, causations and effects respectively, which is the key part of this paper; Section 3 concludes the review and proposes suggestions for the enclave tourism study in China.  相似文献   

Since the 1990s, with the in-depth study and understanding of sustainable development, quantitative study of regional sustainable development (RSD) was increasingly hot in China. Based on quantitative study of RSD from Core Periodical in China National Knowledge Infrastructure (1992–2008), statistical analysis on the annual distribution, periodicals distribution and changes of the distribution were made. And from perspectives of social–economic, ecological, systematic and emerging methods, the course, probl...  相似文献   


Since the 1990s, with the in-depth study and understanding of sustainable development, quantitative study of regional sustainable development (RSD) was increasingly hot in China. Based on quantitative study of RSD from Core Periodical in China National Knowledge Infrastructure (1992–2008), statistical analysis on the annual distribution, periodicals distribution and changes of the distribution were made. And from perspectives of social–economic, ecological, systematic and emerging methods, the course, problems and trends of the quantitative study methods on RSD were examined and analyzed to get a clear summary. By the review, the context on the quantitative study of RSD was to be clarified. The study also showed that, primarily, fields involving quantitative study are expanding; second, big progresses and constant development have been made on the systematic method gradually sophisticated, the flourishing ecological method and emerging new methods in the context of cross and integration which has made complex integrated systems a more satisfactory solution; third, the method system has been more multi-angled, and the clues of independent innovation have been observed despite the fact that the introduction of imported method is the main trend. Although many problems exist, multi-scale study, dynamic timeseries study and inter-regional comparative study will be further exploited and increasingly carried out with the progress of spatial information technology, which would boost the development and application of new methods in RSD study.  相似文献   

国际贸易中"污染避难所效应"的实证研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经济全球化的不断深化,环境规制较严格的国家对贸易竞争力负面效应的担忧也随着增加.当今的全球化趋势在导致贸易壁垒不断削减的同时,各国的环境规制却随之不断提升.近年来环境规制与污染产业迁移的关系倍受关注,成为贸易与环境研究的前沿问题.国际贸易模式的变动意味着生产和消费模式的改变,从而对污染水平产生影响.本文的目的是对环境规制差异导致的生产、净出口和污染排放效应进行回顾,并在此基础上对实证研究中所使用的方法、数据、模型和结果进行评述.本文首先介绍了国际贸易中污染避难所实证研究所使用的典型方法,然后就污染避难所的涵义进行了界定并对主要的实证研究文献进行了回顾,最后对文章所使用文献的方法、数据来源、关键指标的衡量、产业的选择及控制变量进行分析与评价.尽管还存在着一些模糊不清的认识,但现有研究还是取得了相当进展.  相似文献   

随着可持续发展概念的提出,国内外学者对可持续发展指标体系做出了大量的研究。但是这些指标体系大多数并没有对短期内经济的高速增长是否会对可持续发展状态产生影响做出回答。针对我国近年来经济的高速增长。本文提出的一个新问题即是我国可持续发展的风险问题。选取衡量可持续发展的经济类指标——真实进步指标(GPI)刚对我国的可持续发展是否存在风险进行预警评估.通过计算我国1994—2005年间的GPI值。并将其与我国同期的GDP值进行比较。得出了我国的经济发展具有较好的可持续性的结果。以此为依据对我国可持续发展状况进行预警评估.提出了应继续提高居民收入,扩大基础设施投资。缓解城乡分配不均。进一步不断提高经济增长的质量。以提高我国的可持续发展能力。  相似文献   

我国农业与农村可持续发展的核心问题是农民收入问题。只有切实提高农民的收入水平。才能有效地增加农民购买力,从而增加农业生产资料的投入。进而保证粮食增产。我国农业与农村可持续发展存在的两个矛盾是小农经济与市场经济社会化的矛盾以及小农经济与科技化之间的矛盾。面临的两个分离是家庭经济与集体经济的分离以及传统供销合作社与农民利益的分离。增加农民收入的规模经济论与乡镇企业论的确有成功的典范.但是。对我国更多的农村地区来讲.不具有普遍意义。我国农业和农村可持续发展的关键有两个.一是符合区域特色的区域农业专业化.二是通过专业合作社的制度创新.将分散的家庭组织起来.以解决家庭小生产与大市场之间的巨大矛盾。  相似文献   

Fire regimes are needed for healthy forest ecosystems, but citizens who live parallel to public forests do not always understand or favour the mechanisms land managers use for fire prevention and preparation. One way that land managers and citizens may share concerns and overcome barriers is through effective communication, allowing both parties to adequately prepare for a wildfire event. While collaboration between land managers and citizens has been well studied, the research on communication between citizens and among land managers is less prevalent yet equally important. The lack of research on communication between these parties creates an incomplete picture of the spectrum of communication that takes place in preparation for a wildland fire event. This paper reviews the current literature on communication between and among citizens and land managers before a wildfire event.  相似文献   

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