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Summary This largely philosophical article argues that we need to examine the roots of our cultural worldview if we are to understand the causes of our global crises and current obstacles to desirable change. Calls for a new ethic are likely to be ineffectual in the absence of a challenge to the damaging dichotomy between fact and value that characterises our culture. However, the dominant worldview is under increasingly strong challege from organic systems thinking which has far-reaching implications, and which suggests that Western culture's dominant assumptions are not in accord with reality. If our culture, and individuals in it, are able to become more balanced, decisive desirable change could take place in society. This balance will involve the proper reintegration of ethical dimensions into thinking, based upon the recognition of the importance of the integrity of human communities and natural systems. This constitutes an emergent worldview and coherent philsophical framework to which many groups are already giving expression. It is imperative that this cultural change is understood and supported as it represents genuine hope for the future.After a teaching career in England and Canada, Stephen Sterling joined, as Assistant Director, the United Kingdom Council for Environmental Education (CEE). He was involved in writing the Education Report forThe Conservation and Development Programme for the UK, and has acted in an advisory capacity on a number of national and international documents on environmental education and environmental ethics. He has edited the CEE's journalReview of Environmental Education Developments for six years. The views expressed in this article are his own.  相似文献   

Arsenic levels in seawater, microplankton (diatoms and dinoflagellates), shrimp (Penaeus semisulcatus), mollusc (Cerithium scabridum) and five types of fish (Maid, Nakroor, Nuwaiby, Suboor and Sheim) in five sampling stations (I–V) off the Kuwait coast were determined during the years 1995 to 1999. The maximum mean concentration of arsenic was observed in the order; the five fish (0.50–0.78 g g–1)> mollusc (0.26 g g–1)> shrimp (0.23 g g–1)> particulate matter (0.03 g g–1)> water and phytoplankton (0.02 g g–1) from all the sites of the Kuwait coast. Station II possessed the maximum arsenic levels. In comparison with the arsenic levels in other parts of the globe, low arsenic levels were observed in most of the marine organisms off the Kuwait Coast. However, an increasing trend in arsenic concentrations was anticipated due to rapid local industrialization and on account of recent spills of arsenic compounds.  相似文献   

Chapter 36 of Agenda 21 called on each nation to bring together a widely cross-sectoral group of people to prepare a national strategy for environmental education and training. In Scotland this process had already begun and the Secretary of State's Working Group on Environmental Education presented him with its recommendations for a strategy in April 1993, which he accepted in a statement of intent in June, 1995. The process itself, the comments received on the report since publication and continuing developments in the field, have demonstrated the importance of adopting broad definitions for both environment and education, spreading involvement in production of the strategy to all sectors and as wide a range of individuals as possible, dividing up the work so as to focus on all the main contexts in which learning takes place, working with the main potential implementers and not depending entirely on the availability of new resources. The process was in itself rewarding and its importance should not be underestimated. The approach adopted and the issues which it raised appear to have wide applicability to similar programmes elsewhere. This paper describes the process adopted in preparing the strategy, reviews some of the subsequent developments in Scotland, and assesses the factors which may have contributed to its success so far.Professor John C. Smyth, OBE is Emeritus Professor of Biology at the University of Paisley. He is President of The Scottish Environmental Education Council and he presented this paper at the Global Forum '94 Academic Conference Towards a Sustainable Future: Promoting Sustainable Development, Manchester, UK.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between pupils' environmental perception (in terms of preservation and utilisation of nature) and personality (in terms of risk-taking). 713 secondary school pupils in Switzerland were investigated. Environmental perception was assessed via three factors: Preservation, Utilisation of Nature and Consideration for Conservation. Risk-taking was evaluated via six factors: Positive Risking, Ambivalence, Thrill in Gambling, Ineffective Control, Effective Control, and Anger Reaction. Analysis of the correlation matrix between Risk-taking and Environmental perception revealed three profiles (types): the high scorer on Preservation is the controlled and cautious gambler. The Utiliser (anthropocentric) profile is essentially a mirror image of the first: the Utiliser does not enjoy unpredictable risks, reacts with anger when risks fail and has little control over his/her own risk-taking behaviour. The Consideration for Conservation (ecocentric) profile assumes a position between these two profiles.  相似文献   

This paper examines how some of the principles of environmental education have been taken up in environmental strategies and activities in Victoria, Australia. The focus is upon the efforts of the State Government-funded Victorian Environmental Education Council (VEEC) to encourage the development of environmental education in sectors and organizations outside the formal education sector and not usually associated with either the environment or education. The relative success of initiatives fostered in marginalized community sectors and in the private industry sector are discussed. Following the abolition of the VEEC (late 1993) with a change of government, questions are raised about the sustainability of environmental reform agendas in the public political domain. In view of the fragility of sympathetic political environments, it is argued, that for environmentally sustainable development a broader commitment to social justice and social change must be fundamental to environmental education principles and processes to both include all sections of the community and, also, to actually change who makes decisions and how and where they are made.Jeannie Rea lectures in environmental policy and polities at Victoria University of Technology, Victoria, Australia. She was the Trades Hall Council representative on the Victorian Environmental Education Council and worked with others, on a publication chronieling exemplary environmental education projects in Victoria.  相似文献   

Summary Automobiles are a necessary evil, while they have made living easy and convenient, they have also made human life more complicated and vulnerable to both toxic emissions and an increased risk of accidents. Urban people are most affected and amongst the worst sufferers are traffic policemen who are particularly close to the fumes of automobile exhaust. Studies made in Jaipur, India, indicate that there is high rate of occurrence of respiratory, digestive, ocular and skin problems amongst the traffic policemen and a significant number of them become victims of lung disorders in the very first few months of their posting to a traffic department. Traffic policement everywhere should wear pollution masks for their own safety and to arouse public awareness of the risk of automobile pollution.Dr Rajiv K. Sinha is Assistant Professor in Human Ecology at the Indira Gandhi Centre of Human Ecology, Environmental and Population Studies at the University of Rajasthan. He was formerly a teaching assistant at University of Windsor,  相似文献   

Environmental education in Sweden   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Summary Schools and higher education institutions in Sweden have developed a wide range of innovative and demanding curricula to meet the objectives of Sweden's environmental policy. Environmental education in compulsory schools is taught principally through biological sciences, although social studies are beginning to occupy a substantial component of the environmental curriculum. Upper secondary schools offer more opportunities to develop environmental awareness, understanding and practical skills than comparable sixth form and post-secondary colleges in England. In Sweden there is a strong emphasis on practical work developed through projects based on contemporary environmental issues and their resolution. The development of environmental education has been well supported by a substantial input of new resources, especially materials developed by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and Industry. Universities have also begun to adopt new organisational structures to help develop inter-disciplinary teaching and research teams. Several universities are experimenting with common core courses, parts of which comprise environmental elements.Dr P. Brown is currently Visiting Professor of Environmental Education, in the School of Natural Sciences at the University of Hertfordshire. All five authors were until recetly members of Her Majesty's Education Service Inspectorate.  相似文献   

Summary A new city has emerged in the 1990s, designed to achieve urban sustainability. The notion of sustainable urban form has its roots in the Garden City movement at the turn of the century. The garden cities of the 1900s and the ecological cities of the 1970s were proposed as alternatives to the pathology of modern urban form. Just as cities provide a place for humans to live, so they destroy ecosystems and become unfit habitats for the human spirit. The city must be made more vital, humane, efficient, beautiful, self-sufficient, and natural through a return to a more compact form, its impact on the environment must be decreased. These themes have re-emerged in the sustainable cities of the 1990s, advanced on behalf of future generations and planetary ecology. The sustainable city is a compact city. Calthorpe's Transit-Oriented Developments (1989) are hailed as sustainable because their walkable streets free residents from reliance on automobiles and their high density preserves surrounding wildlife habitat. The European Commission (EC) rests a sustainable future for Europe (1990) on the twin pillars of urban compactness and urban regeneration. Nash (1991) believes that sustainable global urbanization would consist of 1.5 billion humans living in 500 compact cities. He calls his vision Island Civilisation. The sustainable city is also a city of regenerative processes. Girardet (1990; 1992) thinks it has a circular metabolism, as distinguished from the linear metabolism of contemporary cities. McDonough (adviser to President Clinton on sustainable development) theorizes inThe Hannover Principles (1992) that in order to make civilization sustainable, urban form will have to be based on the principles of nature, which makes no waste, maximizes biodiversity and is sustained by the sun. The urban form designed by McDonald (1993), conceptualized with ideas from chaos theory, contemplates a sustainable city within a sustainable watershed and a form holistic, diverse, fractal and evolutionary. Lyle (1994) believes that the sustainable cities of the next century will be based on the green infrastructure of regenerative systems. The commonality linking these landmarks of sustainable urbanization is the ideal of bringing the city into a vital symbiosis with nature. The sustainable city is a green or living city. The search for the sustainable city in the 20th century has not been Utopian buttopian, a quest to create a form of city suited to optimal development of the Earth island.Andrew D. Basiago, an American lawyer and city planner, was a scholar in land economy at Cambridge. He is currently writing a book on solar cities.  相似文献   

Environmental knowing includes the very many bodies of formal theory which have some relevance to the environment, as well as the knowing which comes from experience in the environment. This knowing can be seen as informing action both conceptually and instrumentally. This paper presents a multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary approach which can inter-relate these many knowings in a way which is relevant to and contingent on definition of particular environmental problems. This problem-focused approach involves application of a set of questions which are implied by a taxonomy of ignorance. The paper shows how the approach can inter-relate knowings as diverse as Taoism and energy-efficiency standards, with the purpose of informating environmental action.  相似文献   

Summary This technical paper summarizes the various systems currently available for the removal of SOx, NOx and particles from possible acid rain emission sources associated with industrial processes. Preferred systems are outlined in the conclusions.This paper was first presented at the Institution of Environmental Sciences Seminar An Update on Acid Rain which took place in London during November, 1984. Stanley Wallin is a Principal Scientific Officer at Warren Spring Laboratory. He is an engineer working in the environmental field, and his main interests and research are in the measurement and control of pollution from stationary sources. He acts as a consultant for the European Economic Community, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the UK's Health and Safety Executive.  相似文献   

Summary Note Most of the citations above were selected from three sources:Current Index to Journals in Education, the ERIC system's monthly compilation of citations of literature reported in educational and education-related journals;Resources in Education, ERIC's monthly compilation of abstracts of non-journal educational literature; andDissertation Abstracts International, a monthly compilation of abstracts of doctoral dissertations reported by universities in the United States and Canada and published by University Microfilms International (UMI). Papers from journals are referenced in the normal manner, with notation of reprint availability from UMI as appropriate. Papers cited inResources in Education are referenced by ED numbers, and may be located in ERIC microfiche collections or ordered from ERIC Document Reproduction Service. Papers cited inDissertation Abstracts International are referenced by volume, number, and page; copies may be secured from UMI in most cases. The selections were chosen as representative and reflective of the varieties of environmental education research currently reported in the literature. No selection bias was intended, other than for the purpose of providing a representative variety. In most cases, abstracts printed inCurrent Index to Journals in Education, Resources in Education, orDissertation Abstracts International were used in preparing these notes. Compiled by John F. Disinger, Professor of Environmental Education, School of Natural Resources, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210, USA; also Associate Director, Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) Clearinghouse for Science, Mathematics, and Environmental Education (SMEAC).  相似文献   

Summary Biosphere reserves are protected areas of representative environments internationally recognised for their value for conservation and for their ability to provide the scientific knowledge, skills and human values to support sustainable development. Biosphere reserves — as a part of the UNESCO programme Man and the Biosphere (MAB) — make up a world-wide network sharing research information on ecosystem conservation, management and development. They include strictly protected core-areas — representative examples of natural or minimally disturbed ecosystems. Core areas are surrounded by buffer zones in which research, environmental education and training and recreation can take place. Buffer zones are, in turn, surrounded by transition areas, large open areas where the aim is to ensure rational development of the natural resources of the region. At present, twelve biosphere reserves are designated in Germany, covering in all an area of 11,589 km2. The role of biosphere reserves to support sustainable development in Germany and Europe is discussed.Karl-Heinz Erdmann is a geographer and Deputy Secretary General at the Secretariat of the German National Committee for the UNESCO Programme on Man and Biosphere (MAB), Federal Agency for Nature Conservation. He is also a Committee Member of the Society for Man and Environment (GMU).  相似文献   

Summary Biosphere II is a new project to build a self-contained ecological system containing humans, plants, and as many other living organisms as necessary for long-term sustenance. Soviet space scientists have already designed Bios 3, simulating conditions on board a flight to Mars. In building Biosphere II, the Institute of Ecotechnics (IE), in collaboration with Space Biospheres Ventures, Decisions Teams Limited, The Environmental Research Laboratory associated with The University of Arizona, and Sarbid Limited, plan to build the prototype of an artificial world in which environmental and ecological processes can be observed closely; An educational, scientific, and ethical laboratory, Biosphere II will raise public consciousness of the interdependence of all life. It will also serve as a control world where possibly harmful environmental effects can be modelled before they reach a crisis stage. Eventually the biospheres are to be marketed and set up in space as the biosphere, no longer in conflict with but aided by human technology, puts forth its young upon other celestial bodies.Dorion Sagan's most recent books areMicrocosmos andOrigins of Sex, both co-authored with Lynn Margulis. He is working onBiospheres, a book on closed ecological systems which is to be published shortly.  相似文献   

Summary This paper measures the diversity of environmental impacts inherent within a proposal by the Central Electricity Generating Board (CEGB) to build a demonstration wind farm at Langdon Common in the North Pennines, UK. This assessment was made in April, 1989 in the wake of the European Community Directive on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and its subsequent interpretation within the UK Town and Country Planning (Assessment of Environmental Effects) Regulations (1988).Langdon Common lies within an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and within a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). These designations create a contentious choice of site made by the CEGB and the extent of environmental impact is subsequently made more broad. While the conclusions drawn are specific to Langdon Common, the methodology evolved within the project lends itself to further application to other sites in the future. The following Environmental Impact Assessment can, therefore, be seen as a step towards the reconciliation of the acceptable siting of wind turbines in the UK and the capacity of the planning system to regulate such development.This paper by Alex Steele received the Institution of Environmental Sciences award and First Prize for the best undergraduate environmental project in the UK in 1989. Alex Steele graduated from Sunderland Polytechnic in that year and now works as an Environmental Planner for a leading company of Environmental Management Consultants.  相似文献   

The paradigm of sustainable tourism is discussed in terms of analysing what it actually means. Certain questions are raised and these include the means of its measurement, the question of intergenerational impacts and how these may be assessed, the determination of what exactly is meant by environment, the aspect of tourism as an industry and, with specific reference to tourism in the developing world, the potential for neocolonialism. It is argued that, although sustainable tourism may be a worthwhile goal, inherent problems in the definition and measurement of its success make it an elusive if not academic target. The challenge of sustainable tourism is to see it in a broader context as but one tool of development and to ensure that it is examined in the context of the local community as well as a global perspective.  相似文献   

Summary Technological optimism is the doctrine that a growing number of technological improvements in such areas as food production, environmental quality and energy will sustain life as human population soars. It evolved as a response to the Malthusian study The Limits to Growth (The Club of Rome, 1972). Like population biologist Paul Ehrlich, Professor James Krier of the University of Michigan Law School believes that the technological optimists may be wrong. Krier describes how the marginal costs of pollution control increasingly rise. He faults biologist Barry Commoner for neglecting population growth as the cause of pollution and positing the postwar technological transition as its cause. He argues that population growth forced this transition as science searched for substitutes for dwindling resources. Krier criticises as an article of faith the technological optimists' belief that S-curve patterns of technological advance will always arrive in response to the J-curve of exponential population growth. He thinks that the technological optimists may be deluding humanity by predicting the continual emergence of technological breakthroughs at ever-increasing rates. He favours growth policies that would allow humanity to ease into a steady state of resource use and minimise the maximum cost, which would be a global crash after technological innovation fails. Krier laments that modern technolgy can worsen pollution and invites problems of latency, irreversibility, zero-infinity risk and remoteness. He thinks that approapriate technologies which have failed economically may fail politically because the political process has been captured by opposing interests. Krier urges that the population crisis should be adressed insteadAndrew D. Basiago is a graduate of UCLA and Northwestern School of Law's environmental law programme. As writer, lawyer and environmental planner he has written articles about ecology for the Cousteau Society and interviewed such luminaries as R. Buckminster Fuller, Amory B. Lovins and  相似文献   

Summary Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) now enjoys at least statutory status in a number of Third World Countries (TWCs), including Ghana. Indeed, it is now considered an important tool of policy and control, both at the central government and local/district government levels. One of the difficulties, however, in implementing EIA has been the design of an appropriate methodology, in view of the fact that most, if not all the existing methodologies are more suitable to developed countries than developing ones.It is argued that in the absence of very sound indigenous methods and approaches, some of the existing inappropriate methodologies could be adapted or domesticated in a developing country like Ghana. The current administration and survey procedure used by the Ghana EIA Authority is examined and among other recommendations, an adapted form of the matrice approach is suggested.Mr Sam C. Ofori is a Lecturer in the Department of Geography at the University of Cape Coast, Ghana. He is currently a PhD research worker at the Centre for Planning, University of Strathclyde. A recent paper by Mr Ofori (then Cudjoe) appeared inThe Environmentalist,10(2), 115–126.  相似文献   

Environmental Education: Biodiversity   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Environmental education was a principal topic on the agenda of the Stockholm 1972 Conference. In response to its recommendation UNESCO and UNEP developed and launched the International Environmental Education Program (IEEP) in 1977. Environmental education was perceived to encompass in-school and out-of-school activities and public awareness. Later developments added training to its objectives and the concept of sustainable development to its dimensions. The international Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) represented a phase in the world commitment to conservation of nature. It underpinned biodiversity in the fields of environmental education. Biodiversity education is based on five pivots: scale of boundaries (from local to worldwide), perspectives, goals, themes (vary according to actors), and assimilation (evaluation of programs of action). Directions relate to learners and teachers, and processes address: awareness, school education, education (and professional training) at tertiary level, roles of communication and media institutions.  相似文献   

Summary Radical environmentalists consider the environmental crisis to be ultimately one of culture and character. However, in analyses and strategies for social transformation, non-feminist greens have generally accepted the Patriarchal conception of human motivation, which is based on a rational, impersonal (read Masculine) model of Man. Thus, it is implicitly assumed that the motivations underlying the environmental crisis are greed or self-interest (deemed rational motives in Western Patriarchal culture). Owing to this male-centred perspective on human nature, green strategies have ultimately relied on an appeal to reason. This, at least, has failed relative to the accelerating pace of environmental destruction.It is argued that a focus on the abuse of power leads to a more useful analysis of the causes of human oppression and environmental exploitation. The abuse of power can be understood as an attempt to overcompensate for unmet emotional needs (e. f. for love, recognition, and a sense of belonging) through an excessive drive for gratification in other dimensions of life. In Patriarchal thought, emotional needs are largely denied, being non-rational and non-masculine, and hence have also been largely ignored in social policy. This realisation suggests new strategies.Dr Janis Birkeland was an attorney, architect and planner San Francisco, USA, and now teaches at the Department of Architecture, University of Tasmania. A more extensive discussion of these points can be found in Birkeland (1993a).  相似文献   

Summary This theme paper introduces India's Action plan for Wildlife Conservation. The author describes the historic development of conservation management as related to India's remarkably diverse range of wildlife, and briefly describes the National Wildlife Action Plan.This paper was presented to the Centenary Seminar of the Bombay Natural History Society. 6–10 December, 1983. The theme of the seminar was Conservation in Developing Countries — Problems and Prospects. Complete copies of the paper and theNational Wildlife Action Plan are available directly from the author.  相似文献   

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