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Long-distance calls have a variety of functions in different animal species. However, where multiple functions are proposed for a single long-distance call type, little is known about their relative importance. Chimpanzees are one species where several functions have been proposed for their long-distance call, the pant hoot. In this study, we investigated the effect of social factors, including the rank of the caller, party size, fission–fusion rates, and the presence of estrus females as well as ecological factors including the type of food consumed and travel time, on male chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) pant hooting, in order to identify the key correlates of this behavior. The wild male chimpanzees of the Kanyawara community, Uganda, produced more pant hoots on days when there were frequent changes in the male, but not female, composition of the focal’s party. This factor accounted for the largest amount of variation in pant hoot production, and we found that males were more likely to repeat a call prior to rather than after fusion with other males, suggesting that the calls facilitate fusion. Pant hoots therefore seem to play a pivotal role in regulating grouping dynamics in chimpanzees. Our study also shows that pant hooting was positively correlated with the rank of the caller, the presence of parous females in estrus, and the consumption of high-quality food, suggesting that pant hoots signal social status or social bonds when between-male competition is high. This study supports the view that pant hoots fulfill a complex social function.  相似文献   

The social organization of spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi) and chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) appear remarkably similar. In this paper, field studies of these two species were used to (1) test a model of ecological constraints on animal group size which suggests that group size is a function of travel costs and (2) assess ecological and social factors underlying the social organization of these two species. Spider monkeys were studied over a 6-year period in Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica, and chimpanzees were studied for 6 years in Kibale National Park, Uganda. Adults of both species spent their time in small subgroups that frequently changed size and composition. Thus, unlike most primate species, spider monkeys and chimpanzees were not always in a spatially cohesive social group; each individual had the option of associating in subgroups of a different size or composition. Both species relied on ripe fruit from trees that could be depleted through their feeding activity. However, spider monkey food resources tended to occur at higher densities, were more common, less temporally variable, and did not reach the low levels experienced by chimpanzees. Analyses of the relationship between subgroup size and the density and distribution of their food resources suggested that travel costs limit subgroup size. However, these ecological factors did not influence all age/sex classes equally. For example, the number of adult males in a subgroup was a function of food density and travel costs. However, this was not the case for female chimpanzees, suggesting that the benefits of being in a subgroup for females did not exceed the costs, even when ecological conditions appeared to minimize subgroup foraging costs. Therefore, it seems likely that social strategies influenced the relationship between food resource variables and subgroup size.  相似文献   

Coalitionary aggression occurs when at least two individuals jointly direct aggression at one or more conspecific targets. Scientists have long argued that this common form of cooperation has positive fitness consequences. Nevertheless, despite evidence that social bond strength (which is thought to promote coalition formation) is correlated with fitness in primates, cetaceans, and ungulates, few studies have directly examined whether coalitionary aggression improves reproductive success. We tested the hypothesis that among free-ranging chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii), participation in coalitionary aggression increases reproductive output. Using 14 years of genetic and behavioral data from Gombe National Park, Tanzania, we found that coalitionary aggression increased a male’s chances of (A) siring offspring, compared to other males of similar dominance rank, and (B) ascending in rank, a correlate of future reproductive output. Because male chimpanzees form coalitions with many others within a complex network, we used social network analysis to identify the types of connections correlated with these fitness benefits. The beneficiaries of coalitionary aggression were males with the highest “betweenness”—that is, those who tended to have coalition partners who themselves did not form coalitions with each other. This suggests that beyond simply recognizing third-party relationships, chimpanzees may use this knowledge to choose coalition partners. If so, this is a significant step forward in our knowledge of the adaptive value of social intelligence. Regardless of mechanism, however, this is the first evidence of genetic benefits of coalitionary aggression in this species, and therefore has important implications for understanding the evolution of cooperation.  相似文献   

Field studies of endocrine function in a range of social mammals suggest that high dominance rank is commonly associated with elevated glucocorticoid production. This is puzzling, because in stable dominance hierarchies, high status is normally associated with social control and predictability, key predictors of low psychological stress. One solution to this problem may be that high rank is commonly associated with elevated energetic expenditure, leading to increased metabolic stress and glucocorticoid secretion. We conducted behavioural observations and non-invasive hormone sampling of male chimpanzees in Kibale National Park, Uganda, to examine the relationship between cortisol, dominance and stress in wild chimpanzees. Results indicate that male dominance rank positively correlated with urinary cortisol excretion in a stable dominance hierarchy. Cortisol excretion also correlated positively with rates of male aggression. We suggest that the relationship between cortisol and rank in chimpanzees may be driven by energetic factors rather than psychosocial ones. This interpretation is supported by the observation that urinary cortisol levels correlated negatively with food availability. These findings suggest that dominant chimpanzees experience significant metabolic costs that must be set against the presumed reproductive benefits of high rank. Metabolic stress may mediate the relationship between rank and cortisol in other social mammals.Communicated by L. Sterck  相似文献   

Long-distance calls produced by males are common among vertebrate species. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain features of male long-distance calls and their phylogenetic distribution in primates, but the putative functions of male long-distance calls have yet to be tested comprehensively. We used phylogenetic comparative methods to investigate hypotheses for the function of male long-distance calls. We focused on the mate defense hypothesis, which states that male long-distance calls function in intra-sexual competition for mates, but we also examined factors involving resource defense, mate attraction, and habitat. Phylogenetic reconstruction of male long-distance calls in 158 primate species indicates that the presence of male long-distance calls is the ancestral state. The carrying distance of male long-distance calls is correlated with the size of the home range, which is consistent with the role of male long-distance calls in defending mates, attracting mates, and defending resources. However, measures of male intra-sexual competition were not associated with the evolution of male long-distance calls. Evolutionary transitions were only partly correlated with factors related to mate attraction. Instead, the strongest correlates of male long-distance calls were activity period, body mass, home range, habitat and some measures of resource defense. Our results are consistent with long-distance call production as a costly signal, but detailed study within species is required to assess these costs and the functions of long-distance calls in individual cases. Electronic Supplementary Material is available if you access this article at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/.  相似文献   

The signature whistle hypothesis states that dolphins produce highly stereotyped, individually distinctive whistles when in isolation. The presence of signature whistles has been called into question by recent studies proposing that dolphins produce a shared, simple upsweep whistle when in isolation, and that whistles produced by socializing dolphins are shared across individuals and social groups. This shared repertoire hypothesis suggests that when two animals produce the same whistle type, it is due to sharing the same common repertoire rather than one animal learning to produce the whistle of another. One difference between studies supporting or denying the existence of signature whistles is the method used to classify whistle types. We examined whistle production by 17 free-ranging bottlenose dolphins while temporarily restrained. We used both a quantitative comparison technique similar to that used to support the shared repertoire hypothesis and human judges to classify whistle types and quantify similarity between types. Contrary to recent studies that emphasize shared whistles, overall whistle sharing between isolated individuals was low (25%) and a simple upsweep did not account for the most common whistle type in half of the animals. Some species of birds, bats, and primates with stable social groups use vocal learning to converge over time to one common group distinctive call type. We examined whistle similarity between adult male dolphins that are partners in a close social alliance in order to test whether vocal learning may enable a similar vocal convergence. Whistle similarity was rated very high between partners and low between non-partners by both the quantitative technique and human observers. This suggests that as in songbirds and some other mammals, adult male bottlenose dolphins may use vocal learning to converge on similar whistles as they develop affiliative social relationships.Communicated by G. Wilkinson  相似文献   

Among social animals, group size is constrained by competition over resources. Because female reproductive success is limited by access to food resources, and that of males by access to fertile females, chimpanzee females are proposed to be less social than males and to maintain weak intrasexual relations. Findings from Taï National Park, Côte d’Ivoire, challenged this view, as chimpanzee females were described as generally gregarious, and close intrasexual bonds were common. Here, in a new analysis that focuses on the South Group of chimpanzees in Taï forest, we reevaluate the proposed differences in female association patterns between the Taï and East African populations. We find that mean party size and dyadic association index between females has decreased in Taï, although the level of dyadic associations remains high compared with East African chimpanzees. We attribute the decrease in female gregariousness to the decline in community size over the last 10 years. In addition, we use a multivariate approach to analyze social and ecological factors influencing party size in females. We show that female gregariousness increased when the fruit resources were more clumped and with increased number of females in estrus present. Party size of mothers with sons, however, was smaller with increasing number of sexually receptive females. The results of our model and the reviewed findings of other studies support the socioecological model because food distribution affects female gregariousness, but social and demographic aspects are equally influencing female grouping tendencies.  相似文献   

We studied the factors that enhance food recognition and consumption in young canaries when confronted with adults. In contrast to previous studies on canaries, in which social transmission of food habits was studied in the context of dyadic interactions (one juvenile–one adult), we proposed a more realistic framework in which young canaries were studied in the context of triadic interactions, free or not, with adults of both sexes. We found that during free interactions, the young bird only eats with a familiar male and that this association enhances the social transmission of seed handling. When the juvenile was separated from the adults by a transparent partition, it only learned to husk seed if it was present at the feeder at the same time as a familiar adult acting as a demonstrator. The presence of adults that are familiar but do not act as demonstrators does not facilitate social transmission of handling. However, the presence of a familiar, demonstrating female had also no effect on this transmission. Coordination of the actions of the experienced bird and of the naive subject is required for social transmission to occur. Action coordination does not depend solely on the level of familiarity between partners but also on the role played by the demonstrator (here, the adult male) that looks after the juvenile during its transition towards independence.  相似文献   

Spider monkeys (Ateles spp.) live in social groups that exhibit high levels of fission–fusion dynamics, in which group members form subgroups of varying sizes and compositions. Within these fluid societies, how individuals establish contact with dispersed group members with whom they might choose to associate remains unclear. Long-range vocalizations might facilitate interactions between group members and provide a means of social coordination in fission–fusion societies. We evaluated this possibility for one spider monkey vocalization, the loud call, by examining calling behavior, the relationship between loud calls and changes in subgroup size, and the response of individuals to distant calls and playback experiments in a single study group. We found that 82 % of loud calls were emitted within 30 min of a call from a different location, suggesting that individuals frequently emit loud calls in response to the calls of distant group members. Subgroups that emitted loud calls, especially those that responded to distant calls, were much more likely to experience an increase in subgroup size within an hour after calling than those that did not. Animals also approached distant loud calls more than they avoided or ignored these calls. Finally, playbacks of male calls demonstrated that females respond preferentially to the calls of some individuals over others. Taken together, these results provide support for the hypothesis that spider monkey loud calls function to facilitate and initiate interactions between dispersed group members and suggest that vocal signals can play an important role in influencing social interactions in fission–fusion societies.  相似文献   

>We examined the "decision-making" process of aggressive interactions within a community of wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) in the Taï National Park, Côte d'Ivoire (West Africa). Costs and benefits were investigated for 876 dyadic aggressive interactions among 18 adults (including 4 independent adolescents) of either sex. An extended version of the Relational Model was developed to describe the dynamics of the "decision-making" process in Taï chimpanzees, which suggests that the net benefit determines the occurrence of conflicts. Both sexes fought more frequently for the resources that were most important to them, food for females and social contexts for males. Individuals used two different strategies according to their likelihood of winning the aggressive interaction, determined by the dominance relationship of the conflict partners. Dominant initiators had longer and more intense aggressive interactions, but they limited their social disadvantages by fighting non-cooperative partners. Subordinate initiators had shorter and less intense aggressive interactions, but risked more social costs, which they could reduce afterwards by reconciliation. Both strategies included a positive overall net benefit. The extended Relational Model fits the complexity of wild chimpanzee conflicts and allows for more flexibility in the "decision-making" compared to the original version.Communicated by E. Sterck  相似文献   

Tolerated transfer of food among adults is rare among primates, except in humans. Here, we present data on a consistent pattern of tolerated intersexual transfer of food (held in hand, foot, or mouth by the owner) among adult orangutans, in two different natural populations (Pongo abelii and Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii), based on ca. 9,000 h of focal observation per site. Although rare, intersexual food transfers were disproportionately from males to sexually active females and involved food that was equally available to both sexes. There was no evidence for direct trading of food for social favors (mating, grooming, or agonistic support) or for sharing under pressure of harassment. However, females frequently protested with loud screams when males, especially unflanged ones, attempted to take food they possessed, and also when males responded aggressively to their taking attempt. Since associations ended sooner when the female emitted noisy calls, a male who did not allow a female to take food from him risked losing the association. These findings support the hypothesis that by taking food, a sexually active female may test the male's tendency toward violence. Thus, intersexual food taking in orangutans is based on female leverage, resulting in a species-wide female entitlement to male “generosity”. The inhibition of food defense required for this kind of transaction may also form the basis for sharing patterns among species in which nutritional benefits have become important, such as chimpanzees and perhaps human foragers.  相似文献   

Sexual selection has led to male morphologies and behaviours that either increase male attractiveness or their success in male–male competition. We investigated male traits under selection in the ant Hypoponera opacior, in which wingless males mate with pupal queens inside their natal colony and guard their partners for hours. The lack of female choice and fights among adult males makes this species an ideal study system to investigate sexual selection in the absence of these selective forces. We hypothesised that males, which emerge first and live longer, should have a higher mating success because of more mating opportunities, reduced competition and the ability to kill pupal competitors. We recorded the number and length of matings and tested whether these measures of male-mating success were associated with emergence order, lifespan and body size. Indeed, early emerged males mated more often and longer than their later-emerging rivals. Furthermore, longer-lived and larger males obtained more matings. Body size might be important because larger males either produce more sperm or perform better in mounting females. We found no evidence for a trade-off between body size and emergence time. Moreover, male removal manipulations revealed that males quickly adapt their guarding behaviour to changes in the competitive environment. Under reduced competition, males guarded their partners for shorter periods. In conclusion, these sib-mating ant males are under selection to develop fast, to live long, to be large and to be able to respond to the competitive situation in the nest.  相似文献   

Many group-living species produce frequent vocalisations when foraging, but the function of these food-associated calls is often difficult to divine. I investigated the kek call of the cooperatively breeding green woodhoopoe (Phoeniculus purpureus), a species in which individuals have preferred foraging techniques dependent on their bill size. Individuals called at a greater rate (1) in foraging compared to non-foraging situations, and (2) in groups containing potential foraging competitors (i.e. individuals that foraged using the same preferred techniques). I therefore asked whether the kek call is used to recruit conspecific foragers or whether it acts as a vocal signal of foraging niche and mediates foraging competition. Foragers that were vocalising were no more likely to be approached than those that were silent, and individuals gained no foraging advantage from the close proximity of another group member. Thus, keks are unlikely to be used to recruit conspecifics. Instead, they appear to regulate spacing between potential foraging competitors. Although an individual forager was equally likely to be closely approached by all other group members, it increased its calling rate only in response to potential foraging competitors. This increase in calling rate resulted in the approaching individual moving away, thus maintaining some separation between individuals that forage in the same way. Maintenance of such spacing is important because the success rate of an individual decreased when a foraging competitor was close by.Communicated by M. Leonard  相似文献   

Male Xenopus laevis frogs produce underwater advertisement calls that attract gravid females and suppress calling by male competitors. Here we explore whether groups of males establish vocal ranks and whether auditory cues alone suffice for vocal suppression. Tests of male–male pairs within assigned groups reveal linear vocal dominance relations, in which each male has a defined rank. Both the duration over which males interact, as well as the number of competitive opportunities, affect linearity. Linear dominance across the group is stable for about 2 weeks; rank is dynamic. Males engage in physical interactions (clasping) while paired but clasping and vocal rank are not correlated. Playbacks of advertisement calls suppress calling and calls from high- and low-ranking males are equally effective. Thus, auditory cues alone suffice to suppress vocal behavior. Playback intensities equivalent to a nearby male advertising effectively suppress calling while low-intensity playbacks are either ineffective or stimulate vocal behavior. X. laevis advertisement calls are biphasic, composed of alternating fast and slow click trills. Approximately half the males tested are more vocally suppressed by all slow than by all fast trills; thus, these males can distinguish between the two phases. The fully aquatic family Pipidae diverged from terrestrial ancestors approximately 170 mya. Vocal suppression in the X. laevis mating system may represent the translation of an ancient anuran social strategy to underwater life.  相似文献   

Summary During the spawning period, male grass frogs (Rana temporaria L.) frequently produce short and long territorial calls in addition to mating calls. The calls differ in mean pulse number, duration, and pattern of amplitude modulation. Experiments in which recorded natural calls are played back reveal that male grass frogs are capable of discriminating the different conspecific calls. A male frog stimulated by mating calls always responds by producing mating calls in greater numbers (Fig. 3). Territorial calls presented at low intensity also cause an increase in the mating-call rate (Fig. 4), but at high intensity they clicit territorial calls and turning toward the loudspeaker. A combination of short and long territorial calls was especially effective in eliciting the phonotaxis response. As play-back experiments with simulated calls show, the carrier frequency and the pulse repetition rate are particularly important cues for recognition of conspecific calls (Fig. 5). A simulated call with a 400-Hz carrier frequency (the dominant frquency of the mating call) is just as effective as the natural call with the complete frequency spectrum (Fig. 3), whereas a 1100-Hz simulated call is ineffective (Fig. 5). The chief factors in discrimination among the conspecific calls are the call repetition rate and probably the amplitude and frequency modulation. Changes in the duration of the calls had little effect (Fig. 6). The available evidence suggests that the mating call has a reciprocally stimulating action on males in a chorus, whereas the territorial calls experess aggressiveness and give warning to other males.  相似文献   

Summary Variation in seasonal mating success among male natterjack toads (Bufo calamita) was influenced by the number of nights that males spent at the pond and by male body size. Large males produced louder and lower frequency calls than small males, and maintained larger acoustic territories. After arriving at the pond, one half of all observed females mated with the first male they encountered. The remainder visited several males before initiating amplexus, but no criteria could be identified that females might have used when deciding whether to accept or reject a male. Movements between several males seem to be best explained by low female responsiveness to male advertisement calls on cold nights which were nonoptimal for oviposition. Females attempted to reject non-calling males both before and after amplexus, but this may be a mechanism to avoid mismating with males of the common toad (Bufo bufo), an explosive breeder that utilised the same pond. In two-choice playback experiments using synthetic advertisement calls, females showed no preference for calls based on their frequency. Females preferred calls of intermediate pulse repetition rate equivalent to those produced by a male at the same body temperature. Pulse rate is thus potentially subject to stabilishing selection and may be an important character for species-recognition. Females preferred fast rather than slow call rates, but only when the alternative rates were extreme. They also preferred calls which they perceived at the highest sound pressure level, but did not discriminate between absolute sound pressure levels of alternative stimuli at different distances. Since females that delay mating and oviposition may suffer predation, it is suggested that female preference for loud, rapidly repeated calls may be adaptive in the sense of minimizing the costs of locating conspecific males, rather than maximizing the probability of obtaining a high quality mate. Competition between males to maintain large acoustic territories and produce calls that can be easily detected by females would seem to be a sufficient mechanism to explain the evolution of the striking calls produced by male natterjacks.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that frequent dyadic association should promote cooperation through kin selection or social tolerance. Here we test the hypothesis that sex differences in the strength and stability of association preferences among free-ranging chimpanzees conform to sex differences in cooperative behavior. Using long-term data from the Kanyawara chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) community (Kibale National Park, Uganda), we calculated indices of intra-sexual dyadic association over a 10-year period. We found that (1) male–male dyads had significantly stronger association indices than female–female dyads, (2) the pattern of association preferences in both sexes changed little over the entire study period, and (3) when comparing periods with different alpha males, changes in association strength were more frequent among males. These results demonstrate that both the strength and stability of association patterns are important components of social relationships. Male chimpanzees, which are characterized by frequent cooperation, had association preferences that were both strong and stable, suggesting that forming long-term bonds is an important dominance strategy. However, the fact that male association patterns were sensitive to upheaval in the male dominance hierarchy suggests that males also take advantage of a changing social climate when choosing association partners. By contrast, the overall strength of female associations was relatively weak. Female association preferences were equally stable as males’; however, this reflected a dyad’s tendency to be found in the same party rather than to associate closely within that party. Therefore, in this community, female association patterns appear to be more a consequence of individual ranging behavior rather than a correlate of cooperation.  相似文献   

Summary Provision of nuptial gifts and incorporation of male-derived substances occurs in several insects. There has been some discussion as to whether these gifts should be regarded as a form of paternal investment or part of mating effort. One assumption of the paternal investment hypothesis is that the donating male is expected to father all, or the majority of, the offspring. The rate of incorporation into developing eggs is therefore assumed to be rapid enough to assure the donating male of paternity of the offspring in which he is investing. Spermatophore production in a paternal investment system is also expected to be costly, since males are providing females with highly nutritious gifts during copulation, thereby increasing female fecundity. Therefore, under conditions of food limitation males are expected to alter either mating frequency or spermatophore size. Experiments on the wartbiter (Decticus verrucivorus), using radioactive isotopes, show that the incorporation rate of male-derived substances is so slow that females become sexually receptive before any material received from the last male have been incorporated into eggs laid by the female. Since sperm mixing occurs in this species and since the label is present in eggs laid up to more than 30 days after mating, males might potentially benefit another male's offspring. The nuptial gift (the spermatophylax) was found, regardless of mating frequency and diet, to have a low protein content. These findings coincide with previous results showing that consumption of the gift had no effect on female fecundity. Instead, wartbiter males keep mating frequency high, are capable of mating every day regardless of food availability, invest the same proportion of the body weight in spermatophore production regardless of size, and produce a spermatophylax that correlates with ampulla size. These results indicate that the nuptial gift mainly functions to increase fertilization success in the wartbiter.  相似文献   

The evolution of male breeding aggregations is difficult to explain because males may reduce their reproductive success by associating with their closest competitors. We examined aggregative behavior by male New Mexico spadefoot toads, Spea multiplicata, which form breeding choruses in rain-filled pools. We specifically asked whether males are attracted to conspecific calls and, if so, whether they preferentially associate with those male calls that are also attractive to females. Field observations revealed that males showed significant clustering with conspecifics within breeding ponds, whereas laboratory phonotaxis experiments revealed that males preferentially associated with conspecific male calls. Moreover, when males were presented with conspecific calls that differed in call rate, smaller males associated with the stimulus preferred by females (average call rate). Thus, males appear to evaluate the attractiveness of competitors using the same trait employed by females to assess potential mates, and males adjust their positions relative to competitors depending on their size. We discuss these results in the light of several current hypotheses on the adaptive significance of male breeding aggregations. Received: 20 December 1999 / Accepted: 18 March 2000  相似文献   

Why do animals help other individuals and provide benefits to the recipient, sometimes at personal cost? In this study, we aim to determine if some of the helpful behaviors observed in a group of wild chimpanzees (Taï chimpanzee group, Côte d'Ivoire, West Africa) are exchanged among individuals resulting in a net benefit for both participants. We adopted an inclusive view of exchanges by considering that all commodities (i.e., social behaviors as grooming, sex, support, as well as resources, such as meat) can be exchanged. This would result in “market” type social interactions in which debts of one commodity can be met by giving the same or other commodities. We investigated whether both in-kind exchanges and trades of commodities occurred. The Taï chimpanzees reciprocated the amount of grooming they received and were more likely to give support in agonistic conflicts to those who also supported them. In addition, they traded support for meat and meat for sex. Both male and female chimpanzees exchanged many different commodities, which seemed to result in long-term balanced relationships. Our results suggest that wild chimpanzees rely on other group members to obtain many of the important commodities they need.  相似文献   

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