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Centralized collection and disposal is an integral component of waste management strategies for many solid and liquid wastes, and carbon capture and storage is currently being considered for gaseous waste. In this paper we show how collective waste disposal systems introduce essential changes in the design of optimal environmental policy. Absent collective disposal, an optimal environmental policy imposes relatively stringent regulations on polluters in regions where local environmental damage functions are “high”; however, under collective waste disposal, the optimal environmental policy level increases monotonically over distance from the disposal site, and this is true irrespective of the degree of spatial heterogeneity in local environmental damage functions. We characterize the optimal spatial pattern of environmental policy levels under collective waste disposal and identify optimal membership size for waste disposal networks comprised of homogeneous producers.  相似文献   

中国废电池管理对策分析   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
针对废电池管理体系中存在的管理法规不完善,回收体系不健全,适宜的管理运行机制等问题,探讨了如何加强废电池环境无割化管理的方法,提出加强管理法规建设、完善废电池自愿、强制回收体系、  相似文献   

Reducing the amount of municipal solid waste that is disposed of has become an important policy goal. Previous research argued that a virgin material tax offered an efficient method of meeting this goal and it continues to be considered as a policy option today. This paper demonstrates, however, that a virgin material tax is not an efficient method of reducing waste, but that an alternative policy-a combined disposal tax and reuse subsidy-is. The combined disposal tax and reuse subsidy is theoretically consistent with unit-based household charges for waste disposal, but may have advantages in some situations.  相似文献   

The disposal of waste gypsum wallboard at landfill sites in British Columbia (B.C.), Canada, resulted in the generation of hydrogen sulphide gas and toxic leachates. Although some remedial measures were taken to reduce or eliminate problems resulting from past dumping practices, many landfill operators refused to accept new waste for fear of litigation over the pollution of nearby streams and rivers. with the availability of legitimate disposal sites greatly reduced, a serious waste management problem arose. the two most promising options for reducing the accumulating waste appeared to be recycling and ocean disposal.

Agricultural use of the waste for soil conditioning would account for only a small portion of the waste generated annually. Manufacturing plants were reluctant to accept waste gypsum with a high paper fibre content for fear it would lower the quality of the new wallboard product or interfere with the existing equipment and processes in the plants. the technology for economically removing and separating the paper from the used or substandard wallboard had yet to be developed.

The environmental implications of disposal at sea were assessed by a government advisory committee under the provisions of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act. Although results of a test dump in internal waters of B.C. were positive, the committee felt that valuable amenities of nearshore waters would only be assured by restricting dumping to a remote offshore location. an acceptable disposal method with minimal impact on the marine environment was eventually found with appropriate pretreatment of the waste and the use of remotely controlled bottom dump scows. Recent progress in the processing of waste wallboard to make it acceptable to the manufacturing industry should significantly reduce if not eliminate the need to dispose of gypsum wallboard wastes at sea.  相似文献   

Bulk organic waste (BOW) has a large output in China. The improper disposal of BOW will not only bring serious environmental pollution, but also cause waste of biomass resources. The viewpoint proposes a region-gridding recycling management system of BOW that highlights the coordinated development of environmental, agricultural and energy elements in urban and rural areas. The viewpoint aims to drive the upstream and downstream industrial chains of BOW treatments, avoid the repeated construction of resource facilities, guide the upgrading of resource-based technologies, promote the professionalization of farmers, and thus built the high-quality modern agricultural recycling industrial park based on system management.  相似文献   

In India, the traditional methods are used for urban solid waste management. These practices are associated with degradation of the urban environment Hence, an environmentally sound garbage management system is required for the urban waste management. The concept of waste minimization needs to be adopted in such systems. It is possible to implement certain corrective measures at collection, storage, transport and disposal of urban solid waste to minimize the adverse impacts on the environment The present investigations are emphasized on generation, characterzation and ecofriendly disposal of solid waste generated in Jalgaon city, Maharashtra. In the present study the waste generation at source was studied in the various income groups of the city. The per capita waste generation was studied by sampling the waste directly from the source of generation. The study reveals that the waste generation is large in the high-income group followed by middle and low-income group public. Further the physicochemical characterization of the waste was also studied. The data generated will help to develop environmentally sound and economically feasible solid waste management system for Ihe city.  相似文献   

Two processes of utilizing polyvinyl chloride (PVC) waste, an incineration process and a vacuum pyrolysis process, for energy conversion were compared to determine their efficiency and environmental perfor- mance. We carried out a life cycle assessment with each of the two processes to evaluate their environmental impact and defined the goals and limits of our remit. As well, we established an inventory of PVC waste from incineration and vacuum pyrolysis based on process analysis, data collection and calculations. The results show that electrical power output per unit mass of PVC waste in the incineration process was twice as high as that of the vacuum pyrolysis process. Incineration had a larger total environmental impact potential than vacuum pyrolysis. The total environmental impact potential of PVC waste from incineration was three times higher than that from vacuum pyrolysis. Incineration of PVC disposed 300 ng. 100 kgI of dioxins and vacuum pyrolysis 98.19 ng- 100 kgI of dioxins. As well, we analyzed the data for their uncertainty with results quantified in terms of three uncertainties: basic uncertainty, additional uncertainty, and computational uncertainty. The coefficients of variation of the data were less than 25% and the quality of the inventory data was acceptable with low uncertainty. Both PVC waste disposal processes were of similar quality and their results comparable. The results of our life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) showed considerable reliability of our methodology. Overall, the vacuum pyrolysis process has a number advantages and greater potential for development of PVC disposal than the incineration process.  相似文献   

废旧线路板(WPCB)的数量逐年增长,妥善处理废旧线路板不仅体现其回收利用价值,并且具有可观的环境效益.湿法处理废旧线路板工艺成熟,具有流程短、效率高的优点.本文综述了废旧线路板中贵金属(主要以金为例)浸出方法的研究状况,并从效率、环境影响、成本等方面对不同方法进行了比较.分析表明,硫脲法和碘化法浸出效率高、环境影响小...  相似文献   


Goal and Scope

The controversial issue of disposing municipal sewage sludge on arable farmland and growing demand on derived fuels could result in a total or partial abandoning of sludge recycling as fertiliser. Alternative disposal strategies like incineration will cause complex changes. A material flow management framework is used to determine the economic-organisational consequences for public authorities, farmers, rural contractors, disposal firms, and population in Schleswig-Holstein.

Methods and Focus

The study is based upon network analysis, analysis of agricultural and wastewater statistics and interviews. After structuring the disposal process, transaction are used to derive costs of different disposal strategies. The purification technique of sewage plant and application of metal salts for precipitation affect the fertilising quality of sludge. Therefore, all plants are classified into 4 different technical groups with decreasing fertilising effect. Now, the amount of sludge and corresponding fertilising benefit is calculated both state wide and for typical farms. Finally costs of different disposal strategies are derived.


Referring to sewage plants sludge disposal in Schleswig-Holstein is characterised by a local structure since less than 10% of all 841 sewage plants produce almost the entire sludge where as many small plants especially in rural areas produce only little amounts. Usually enriched with lime, dewatered sludge fulfilling legal limits is used as organic fertilizer. The number of transactions indicates the costs.


To reduce transaction costs, disposal firms try to offer high quantities of sludge to a limited number of farmers. Due to purification technique, the fertilising effect of half the amount of total sludge is reduced. Compared to the total demand on phosphorous, sludge can only substitute up to 4% of phosphorous. Farmers can substitute up to 50% of mineral fertiliser and increase marginal income per hektare. Although changing disposal strategy to incineration would double economic costs, fee for wastewater would remain almost constant.


Small wastewater plants, farmers and rural contractors would be particularly affected by ceasing sludge disposal. Small wastewater plants would have to invest in dewatering equipment, rural contractors would lose an important market segment and farmers (only a small percentage of all farmers uses sludge) would lose additional income. Changing waste management from sludge disposal with many involved parties to e.g. incineration would considerably reduce transaction costs for authorities. In case of partly changing waste management strategy, whereas sludge of small plants could be recycled, the authorities would still have to plan and control the disposal process even for small quantities of sludge. Transaction costs do not decrease proportionally to the decreasing amount of sewage sludge.


Quality management systems initiated by disposal firms should increase the acceptance and prevent a ban of sludge recycling. Nevertheless, the waste market develops from material to energetic use of waste. Significant resources will be lost without a phosphorous recovering from sludge as well as from other organic waste.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to determine the feasibility of processing soil and lead-based paint (LBP) abatement waste through primary and secondary lead smelting facilities. The main objectives were to determine the compatibility of soil and LBP abatement waste with lead smelting circuits; the costs associated with transporting and processing the abatement waste through a smelter; and a review of major environmental laws or regulations which may impact the lead smelting industry's ability to carry out this process. While not all categories of LBP wastes are suited for reclamation through lead smelters, sufficient classes are to make the effort worthwhile. Specifically, lead paint chips, dusts, heatgun sludge, soils and certain blasting abrasives appear metallurgically compatible with the lead smelting circuits. Additionally, there do not appear to be any current regulatory statutes that forbid the process from being carried out, so long as certain permit modifications are obtained. Finally, the estimated smelting costs seem to compare favourably with current treatment and disposal fees at approved landfills. However, despite the promise of these initial findings, a great deal of work remains to be done if the concept of processing lead paint wastes through lead smelters for reclamation is to become a reality.  相似文献   

城市生活垃圾处理技术现状与管理对策   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
近年来,我国城市生活垃圾产生量每年以约10%的速度迅猛增长,而城市生活垃圾处理能力发展相对滞后。客观评述城市生活垃圾常用的填埋、焚烧、堆肥3种处理技术的优缺点和在国内的应用现状,并针对城市生活垃圾在收运、处理以及管理等环节中存在的突出问题,提出了明确的建议与措施:首先,完善相关法规政策,实施分类收集,加强源头控制;其次,创新管理体制,推行市场化运作机制,政府加强政策引导和监督;再次,按照"谁污染,谁付费"的原则,建立健全垃圾收费体系;最后,充分利用各种媒介,加大宣传力度,提高公众环保意识。同时,还探讨了城市生活垃圾处理技术发展的趋势。焚烧处理将是今后一段时期我国最有发展潜力的技术,气化熔融焚烧技术是一种高效资源化、污染物接近零排放的新型焚烧技术;生物反应器填埋技术可减少渗滤液处理量、降低垃圾处理成本,具有广阔的发展前景;堆肥技术可作为焚烧或填埋之前的预处理手段;城市生活垃圾综合处理集多种处理技术的优点于一体,在节约处理成本,提高经济效益的同时,实现了垃圾的减量化、资源化、无害化,是未来我国生活垃圾处理的优先发展方向。  相似文献   

The principal purpose of this paper is to discuss the research and policy lessons learned from a large environmental quality management model constructed for the Lower Delaware River Valley Region, The policy lessons involve estimates of the costs of meeting varying standards on air and water quality and the impact on those costs of certain region-wide management alternatives. The research lessons concern: (a) the desirability of considering air and water quality, and solid waste disposal, simultaneously in a single model; (b) the costs of and returns to including nonlinear models of natural systems in a regional optimization framework; and (c) the feasibility of working with constraints on the geographic distribution of the costs of environmental quality improvement within the regional, nonlinear model.  相似文献   

In developing Asian countries, the municipal cooperations are unable to handle the increasing amount of municipal solid waste, which into the uncollected waste being spread on roads and in other public areas leading to tremendous pollution and destruction of land and negative impact on human health. Generation of municipal solid waste increases with the rapid urbanization and accelerated economic development with in the rapidly growing advanced technological societies. The nature of municipal solid waste is a term usually applied to a heterogeneous collection group of waste produced in urban areas, the nature of which varies from region to region. The common problem faced by all developing Asian countries, is the disposal of municipal solid waste and availability of land fill site area. Present study explains the correlation analysis of among different factors of municipal solid waste and the objective is to assess the future municipal solid waste stream in Asian developing countries. The other goal of this study was to calculate the future land area that would be required for landfill site disposal in Asian developing countries.  相似文献   

Currently, environmental protection and resources conservation continue to be challenges faced by solid-waste managers in China. These challenges are being further compounded by rapid socioeconomic devel- opment and population growth associated with increased waste generation rates and decreased waste disposal capacities. In response to these challenges, an interval joint-probabilistic mixed-integer programming (IJMP) method is developed for supporting long-term planning of waste management activities in the city of Tianjin, which is one of the largest municipalities in the northern part of China. In the IJMP, joint probabilistic constraints are introduced into an interval-parameter mixed-integer programming framework, such that uncertainties presented in terms of interval values and random variables can be reflected. Moreover, a number of violation levels for the waste-management-capacity constraints are examined, which can facilitate in-depth analyses of tradeoffs among economic objective and system-failure risk. The results indicate that reasonable solutions have been generated. They are valuable for supporting the adjustment of the city's existing waste-management practices and the long- term planning of the city's waste-management facilities.  相似文献   

Effluent originating from distilleries contain large amount of dark brown coloured wastewater called molasses spent wash (MSW). This MSW is the unwanted residual liquid waste to dispose because of low pH, high temperature, dark brown colour, high ash content, unpleasant odour and high percentage of organic and inorganic matter. Dark brown colour of MSW is due to the presence of melanoidin pigment. It reduces sunlight penetration in rivers and lakes which in turn decrease both photosynthetic activity and dissolved oxygen concentration affecting aquatic life. So the disposal of this effluent is one of the critical environmental issues. A number of treatment processes have been employed for the distillery waste management. This review paper present an overview of the pollution problems caused by melanoidin and the technologies employed globally for its removal.  相似文献   



Globally, every year several hundred million tons of problematic, e.g. chemical, wastes are generated stemming to more than 90% from the 25 OECD countries. Due to their partly considerable toxicity special and often expensive measures are required for their disposal. According to the Secretary of the ‘Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Waste and Their Disposal’ annually at least 8.5 million tons of wastes are transboundarily traded. Although the ‘Basel Convention’ has set up rules how to handle international waste streams, certain waste amounts are illegally transported from the OECD countries to developing countries — basically for reasons of expenses. Often an environmental safe treatment of toxic waste is not ensured or even not possible in the receiving countries. As set forth in a report of the European Network for the Implementation and Enforcement of Environmental Law (IMPEL) published in 2006, the illegal trade with toxic waste has steadily increased. 3000 shipping documents of 17 European seaports were examined and 258 cargo holds were inspected showing that 68 of 140 waste shippings were illegal. Preventing illegal transports of waste meets with various obstacles. Controlling measures require considerable personal, technical, and logistic resources that are not sufficiently available in each country concerned. Missing or ineffective administrative structures hamper fast actions to stop illegal waste disposal. Partly, the political will to take the necessary steps is lacking. An additional problem is the fact that waste that is obtained from the regular shipping business is not subject to the Basel Convention but to the ‘International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships’. The implementing statures are summarized in the document MARPOL 73/78; the International Maritime Organization (IMO) is responsible. Identifying the origin of waste and thus defining the responsibility occasionally raises difficulties. This background provides a basis to try to reconstruct the course of events concerning the disposal of chemical waste in Abidjan.


Several information sources were utilized to reconstruct the course of events at Abidjan in August 2006; e.g. public press, declarations of international governmental organizations, especially of the UN and of its subsidiary organizations, communiqués of the Secretary of the Basel Convention, and statements of several NGOs. Nevertheless a complete reconstruction of the incident is impossible, since a detailed and reliable historical report is not available. Furthermore the responsible politicians have not undertaken significant efforts to shed light upon the incident. Additionally relevant documents of the participating companies are not available to the public.


The analyzed incident makes obvious that the control mechanisms of the Basel Convention can be circumvented. It remains unclear who has to take the political responsibility for the death of 10 people and for the health defects of thousands of humans. Possible civil and criminal consequences are not foreseeable for the actors and company owners involved in the illegal waste dumping. The people of Abidijan are confronted with unresolved questions regarding the occurrence of chronic diseases and possible long-term effects of remaining waste portions.

Recommendations and Perspectives

The incident demonstrates that the control of the transboundary transport and disposal of hazardous waste needs to be enforced and legal grey areas should be eliminated. It should be a task of the OECD countries and of all other economically and technically developed countries and organizations to support the developing countries’ efforts to build up the personal, technical, and infrastructural capacities for an efficient control of waste imports.  相似文献   

The past two decades have witnessed an increase in the exploration for, and development of, mineral resources at Arctic latitudes. Such effort has resulted in the commencement of production at a number of different localities in close proximity to the ocean. Since proximity to a source of transportation for the conveyance of concentrates to the market is a primary requirement governing the economic decisions for the mine to proceed, it is logical that ore deposits near a coastline are primary targets for development.

Closely tied to coastal mining developments is the need to dispose of tailings and waste rock in the most economical manner. Prior to the advent of heightened public awareness and environmental concern, and the enactment of pollution legislation, disposal practices were largely based upon convenience. Currently, however, proposed disposal and operating practices receive closer scrutiny, with a view to providing adequate protection for aquatic resources and habitat. This paper summarizes some of the features of three Arctic mines, wastes from which enter the marine environment, and compares the disposal practices used at each to measures of environmental change as indicated by metal concentrations in various media.  相似文献   

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