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Pesticides in rainfall in Europe   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Papers and published reports investigating the presence of pesticides in rainfall in Europe were reviewed. Approximately half of the compounds that were analysed for were detected. For those detected, most concentrations were below about 100 ng/l, but larger concentrations, up to a few thousand nanograms per litre, were detected occasionally at most monitoring sites. The most frequently detected compounds were lindane (gamma-HCH) and its isomer (alpha-HCH), which were detected on 90-100% of sampling occasions at most of the sites where they were monitored. For compounds developed more recently, detection was usually limited to the spraying season. A classification of pesticides according to their deposition pattern is proposed.  相似文献   

Mercury (Hg) is a highly toxic environmental contaminant and man-made emissions account for between a quarter and a third of total atmospheric levels. Point discharges, particularly coal-burning power stations, are major sources of atmospheric Hg and can result in marked spatial variation in mercury deposition and subsequent uptake by biota. The aims of this study were to quantify the extent to which major point and diffuse sources of atmospheric Hg emissions affected accumulation of Hg by biota throughout Galicia and Asturias, two of the major regions in northwest Spain. We did this by relating renal Hg concentrations in locally reared cattle (n=284) to the proximity of animals to point and diffuse sources of Hg emissions. Mercury residues in calf kidneys ranged between non-detected and 89.4 g/kg wet weight. Point discharges from coal-fired power plants in Galicia had the most dominant impact on Hg accumulation by calves in Galicia, affecting animals throughout the region and explaining some two-thirds of the variation in renal residues between animals located directly downwind from the plants. The effects of more diffuse emission sources on Hg accumulation in calves were not distinguishable in Galicia but were detected in cattle from neighbouring Asturias. The impact of both point and diffuse sources in elevating environmental levels of bioavailable Hg and subsequent accumulation by cattle extended to approximately 140-200 km downwind from source.  相似文献   

A trend analysis of the sulphate concentration in Europe in the summer half-year was performed. Data from various measuring networks were analysed, but only stations with quality assured sampling methods and a record of more than 10 years were included in the study. 1978 served as the reference year for the trend, because in that year most stations started operation. The relatively dense network in Belgium provided the most valuable data, as evidenced by the fact that two sites at a distance of only 10 km apart correlated better than 95% over a month. The two sites also show a correlation of better than 90% over a season with two other stations at distances of 45 and 95 km. The relative decrease in summer-sulphate at the four stations in Belgium, as analysed by linear regression, was 3.3% per year which corresponds to an absolute decrease of 0.42 μgm−3 per year. In the Netherlands the average yearly decrease in summer-sulphate at two stations was 3.5% (−0.34 μgm−3). In other countries stations were further apart or only a single site wits in use, which limits the representativeness of the data. In northwestern Germany, a region with several monitoring stations, a yearly averaged decrease of 3.0% occurred. The lower absolute decrease (0.25 μgm−3) per year compared to that in the two neighbouring countries reflects the lower summer-time sulphate concentrations. In the remainder of Germany the average decrease was 1.6%. In South-Scandinavia the yearly relative decrease at two sites was 2.6% (0.13 μgm−3 absolute). There was no significant trend in the U.K. Al the Polish station the levels increased, it decreased at the Hungarian and Austrian station and remained constant at the Czechoslovakian site. Reasons for omission of the data from France from the trend analysis are discussed.  相似文献   

We investigated the occurrence, source and exposure time of lead poisoning in whooper swans (Cygnus cygnus cygnus) and Bewick's swans (Cygnus columbianus bewickii) in Japan during the winters of 1984-1987. Concentrations of lead in various tissues and physiological evidence of lead shot in some birds indicated that lead shotgun pellets were the source of lead, and exposure occurred after the birds arrived in Japan. Mortality probably occurred within 30 days after exposure to, and retention of, lead shot in the gizzard.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to estimate copper (Cu) accumulation efficiency in whole-fruiting bodies of 18 edible and non-edible wild growing mushrooms collected from 27 places in the Wielkopolska Voivodeship. Mushrooms were collected each time from the same places to estimate the diversity in Cu accumulation between tested mushroom species within 3 consecutive years of study (2011–2013). The study results revealed various accumulation of Cu in the whole-tested mushroom fruiting bodies. The highest mean accumulation of Cu was observed in Macrolepiota procera (119.4 ± 20.0 mg kg?1 dm), while the lowest was in Suillus luteus and Russula fellea fruiting bodies (16.1 ± 3.0 and 18.8 ± 4.6 mg kg?1 dm, respectively). Significant differences in Cu accumulation between mushroom species collected in 2011 and in the two following years (2012 and 2013) were observed. The results indicated that sporadic consumption of these mushrooms was not related to excessive intake of Cu for the human body (no toxic influence on health).  相似文献   

Mercury in fish in Swedish lakes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The aim of this work has been to try to obtain a picture of the past, present and future mercury situation in fish in Swedish lakes, to make an estimate of the number of lakes threatened by 'blacklisting', and to see if the data can be used to reveal anything about the impact of liming on the Hg content in pike. The register contains a broad set of data from 1456 lakes. The main results are as follows. Trend analyses indicate that the Hg content in 1-kg pike seems to increase with time. This is interesting since there has been a significant decrease in mercury emissions from Swedish industries during the last two decades. High Hg contents in 1-kg pike appear in a very characteristic pattern, linked to specific sources of Hg emission. The data indicate that old Swedish 'sins' are still causing a lot of problems. The factors governing the leakage of Hg from soils to water ought to be a very important topic for further studies. The Hg content in pike shows the highest correlation with the following parameters: Hg in surficial sediments, pH, distance from point source and water hardness, lake water alkalinity and conductivity, water retention time, size of drainage area and lake surface. A formula which provides the best possible degree of explanation (r2 = 0.78) has been derived. At present there are about 250 lakes 'blacklisted' in Sweden due to high Hg content in fish. Our data show that there are at least 9400 lakes that ought to be 'blacklisted' today. A successful liming operation will alter the chemical conditions in lakes and also decrease the Hg content in fish.  相似文献   

Residues of five pesticides in surface water were surveyed during 2001 and 2003 in the Traiguen river basin in Southern Chile. Simazine, hexazinone, 2,4-D, picloram herbicides and carbendazim fungicide were selected through a pesticide risk classification index. Six sampling stations along the river were set up based on agricultural and forestry land use. The water sampling was carried out before and after the pesticide application periods and in correspondence to some rain events. Pesticides were analyzed by HPLC with DAD detection in a multiresidue analysis. During 2001, in the first sampling campaign (March), the highest concentrations of pesticides were 3.0 microg l(-1) for simazine and hexazinone and 1.8 microg l(-1) for carbendazim. In the second sampling (September), the highest concentration were 9.7 microg l(-1) for 2,4-D, 0.3 microg l(-1) for picloram and 0.4 microg l(-1) for carbendazim. In the last sampling period (December), samples indicated contamination with carbendazim fungicide at levels of up to 1.2 microg l(-1). In sampling carried out on May 2003, no pesticides were detected. In October 2003, the highest concentrations of pesticides were 4.5 microg l(-1) for carbendazim and 2.9 microg l(-1) for 2,4-D. Data are discussed in function of land use and application periods of the products, showing a clear seasonal pattern pollution in the Traiguen river. Risk assessment for these pesticides was calculated by using a risk quotient (RQ = PNEC/PEC). For picloram the calculated RQ < was 0, which indicates that no adverse effects may occur due to the exposure to this herbicide in the Traiguen river basin. For 2,4-D, simazine, hexazinone, carbendazim RQ > 1, meaning that adverse effects could occur and it is necessary to reduce pesticide exposure in surface waters. It is recommended to continue with a pesticide monitoring program and the implementation of ecotoxicological testing with local and standardized species in order to consider the probability of effects occurrence, with less uncertainty. Thus, it will be more feasible to make some recommendations to regulatory agencies regarding the pesticide use.  相似文献   

二(口/恶)(口/英)是世界公认的强致癌物质,对人体健康危害极大.近年来,大气中二(口/恶)(口/英)的研究已成为各国环境化学家研究的热点.本文总结了近年来国际上有关大气中二(口/恶)(口/英)研究的进展情况,以及所取得的主要研究成果,并在此基础上指出了我国目前研究中存在的问题及以后所应开展的工作.  相似文献   

Toxic metals are bioaccumulated by insectivorous mammals but few studies (none from Britain) have quantified residues in bats. We measured renal mercury (Hg), lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) concentrations in bats from south-west England to determine how they varied with species, sex, age, and over time, and if they were likely to cause adverse effects. Residues were generally highest in whiskered bats (Myotis mystacinus). Compared with other species, pipistrelle (Pipistrellus spp) and Natterer's bats (Myotis nattereri) had significantly lower kidney Hg and Pb concentrations, respectively. Renal Hg increased over time in pipistrelles but the contributory sources are unknown. Kidney Pb did not decrease over time despite concurrent declines in atmospheric Pb. Overall, median renal metal concentrations were similar to those in bats from mainland Europe and 6- to 10-fold below those associated with clinical effect, although 5% of pipistrelles had kidney Pb residues diagnostic of acute lead poisoning.  相似文献   

Some studies have reported that small submicron atmospheric particles are more acidic than large submicron particles; other studies demonstrated a reversed trend. In this study, the size dependence of in situ pH in submicron particles in Hong Kong was investigated. The equivalent ratios of [NH4+]measured to [SO42−]measured in submicron particles were found to be generally less than unity and size dependent, suggesting the possibility of incomplete gas–aerosol equilibrium. The Aerosol Inorganic Model-II (AIM-II) model using measured ionic compositions with the gas–aerosol partitioning disabled was used to estimate the in situ pH in different sized particles. The estimated in situ pH of different sized submicron atmospheric particles was between −2.5 and 1.5 and it generally decreases with increasing submicron particle size. At such low in situ pH, the estimated HSO4 equivalent concentrations were 3.2 times (on average) of those of H+ in different sized particles. The trends of the size dependence of the [NH4+]measured to [SO42−]measured ratio and pH under different regimes of relative humidity are discussed.  相似文献   

Termination of fire along with active removal of deciduous trees in favor of conifers together with anthropogenic transformation of productive forest into agricultural land, have transformed northern European coniferous forests and reduced their deciduous component. Locally, however, in the villages, deciduous trees and stands were maintained, and have more recently regenerated on abandoned agricultural land. We hypothesize that the present distribution of the deciduous component is related to the village in-field/out-field zonation in different regions, which emerges from physical conditions and recent economic development expressed as land-use change. We analyzed the spatial distribution of deciduous stands in in-field and out-field zones of villages in 6 boreal/hemiboreal Swedish regions (Norrbotten, Angermanland, J?mtland, Dalarna, Bergslagen, Sm?land). In each region 6 individual quadrates 5 x 5 km centered on village areas were selected. We found significant regional differences in the deciduous component (DEC) in different village zones. At the scale of villages Angermanland had the highest mean proportion of DEC (17%) and J?mtland the lowest (2%). However, the amounts of the DEC varied systematically in in-field and out-field zones. DEC was highest in the in-field in the south (Sm?land), but generally low further north. By contrast, the amount of DEC in the out-field was highest in the north. The relative amount of DEC in the forest edge peaked in landscapes with the strongest decline in active agriculture (Angermanland, Dalarna, Bergslagen). Because former and present local villages are vital for biodiversity linked to the deciduous component, our results indicate a need for integrated management of deciduous forest within entire landscapes. This study shows that simplified satellite data are useful for estimating the spatial distribution of deciduous trees and stands at the landscape scale. However, for detailed studies better thematic resolution is needed to determine biologically relevant differences in quality of deciduous stands.  相似文献   

Residue levels of organochlorine pesticides (HEOD, DDE), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and mercury (Hg) in the livers of five predatory bird species were monitored in Britain over a 28-year (1963-1990) period. Of two raptor species, sparrowhawks contained higher levels of most chemicals than did kestrels. Among three fish-eaters, herons and kingfishers contained the highest levels of DDE and HEOD, while herons and great-crested grebes contained the highest levels of PCBs and mercury. Species differences were related partly to diet and habitat. In sparrowhawks and kestrels, residues of HEOD and DDE were higher in eastern, arable districts than elsewhere, especially in the 1960s and 1970s. In the fish-eaters, similar regional differences in residue levels were apparent in herons, especially in the 1970s, but not in the other species, for which samples were smaller. Over the 28 years, most species showed significant downward trends in HEOD, DDE and Hg levels, but only two fish-eaters showed significant declines in PCB levels. The downward trends in DDE and HEOD followed successive restrictions in the use of organochlorine pesticides, and were accompanied by recoveries in the populations and breeding success of affected species. Downward trends in mercury were associated with reductions in both agricultural use and industrial emissions.  相似文献   

Maule AG  Gannam AL  Davis JW 《Chemosphere》2007,67(7):1308-1315
Recent studies have demonstrated that fish feeds contain significant concentrations of contaminants, many of which can bioaccumulate and bioconcentrate in fish. Organochlorine (OC) contaminants are present in the fish oils and fish meals used in feed manufacture, and some researchers speculate that all fish feeds contain measurable levels of some contaminants. To determine the concentration of contaminants in feeds used in US Fish and Wildlife Service's National Fish Hatcheries, we systematically collected samples of feed from 11 cold-water fish hatcheries. All samples (collected from October 2001 to October 2003) contained at least one polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin (PCDD), polychlorinated dibenzofuran (PCDF), polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congener, or dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) metabolite. Of the 55 samples in which they were analyzed 39 contained PCDDs, 24 contained PCDFs and 24 contained DDT or its metabolites. There were 10- to 150-fold differences in concentrations of total PCBs, PCDDs, PCDFs and DDT. Although PCBs were the most commonly detected contaminant in our study, concentrations (range: 0.07-10.46 ng g(-1) wet weight) were low compared to those reported previously. In general, we also found lower levels of OCs than reported previously in fish feed. Perhaps most notable was the near absence of OC pesticides - except for DDT or its metabolites, and two samples containing hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH). While contaminant concentrations were generally low, the ecological impacts can not be determined without a measure of the bioaccumulation of these compounds in the fish and the fate of these compounds after the fish are released.  相似文献   

The Niger Delta area in Nigeria has major oil producing and refining centers that characterized enormous industrial activities, especially in the petroleum sector. These industrial processes release different kinds of atmospheric pollutants, of which there is paucity of information on their levels and health implications. The objective of this study was to determine the ambient levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in communities of a local government area (Eleme) where oil wells, petrochemical installations, a refinery, and a fertilizer complex are located. Respirable particulate matter (PM) in air were collected using Anderson high-volume sampler with PM with aerodynamic diameter > 10 microm (PM10) inlet for collecting filterable, particle-bound PAHs according to standard methods. PAHs were analyzed following standard methods for the 16 World Health Organization (WHO) prioritized components. The results were compared against the levels in another local government area (Ahoada East) with low industrial presence. The average total PAH concentration in Eleme of 9.2 microg/m3 was among the highest in the world; by contrast, the average concentration in Ahoada East was only 0.17 ng/m3. The most prominent PAHs at Eleme were those known to be carcinogenic and included benzo(a)pyrene (1.6 x 10(4) ng/m3 at bubu), benzo(k)fluoranthene (2.4 x 10(4) ng/m3 at Akpajo where a petrochemical is located), pyrene (3.1 x 10(3) ng/m3 at Ogale), and indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene (9.1 x 10(3) ng/m3 at Akpajo). Data from this study emphasize the need for a comprehensive source apportionment study and an assessment of the health effects of oil production on local communities of Nigeria where no such information currently exists.  相似文献   

The effect of low levels of atrazine (2-chloro-4-ethylamino-6-isopropylamino-s-triazine) on in vitro oocyte maturation, in vitro capacitation of sperm, or in vitro fertilization of bovine oocytes and on the quality of blastocyst formation was studied. Bovine oocytes collected from abattoir ovaries were matured, fertilized, and developed to the blastocyst stage in vitro. Embryos that reached a morula or blastocyst stage were stained with Hoechst 33258 stain to determine the number of blastomeres per embryo. Three bulls whose fertilization rates were proven consistent among straws were used for this study. Atrazine was tested at concentrations of 0.01, 0.1, 1, and 10 microM in either the maturation medium, sperm capacitation medium, or the fertilization medium. Because atrazine was dissolved in ethanol, an ethanol control was used to determine any possible effects of ethanol on the in vitro process. The addition of atrazine to both the maturation and fertilization media did not result in any significant difference in fertilization rates between the controls and the treatments. In the capacitation medium, a significant difference between the controls and the atrazine levels of 0.1, 1, and 10 microM was noted for one bull. Atrazine did not affect the number of blastomeres per embryo. There was not a significant difference (p>0.05) in the number of blastomeres per embryo between the controls and the different levels of atrazine in each medium. This study indicates that low levels of atrazine do not have an effect on in vitro fertilization rates or the number of blastomeres per embryo produced in vitro.  相似文献   

An assessment of the off-site migration of pesticides from agricultural activity into the environment in the Neuquen River Valley was performed. The aim of this study was to evaluate the distribution of pesticides in several compartments of a small agricultural sub-catchment. Soil, surface water, shallow groundwater and drift deposition were analyzed for pesticide residues. Results showed the presence of some pesticide residues in soil, surface water and shallow groundwater compartments. The highest detection frequencies in water (surface and subsurface) were found for azinphos-methyl and chlorpyrifos (>70%). In terms of concentration, the highest levels were observed in shallow groundwater for azinphos methyl (22.5 μg/L) and carbaryl (45.7 μg/L). In the soil, even before the application period had started, accumulation of residues was present. These residues increased during the period studied. Spray drift during pesticide application was found to be a significant pathway for the migration of pesticide residues in surface water, while leaching and preferential flows were the main transport routes contributing to subsurface contamination.  相似文献   

The proportions of manganese to other metals in samples of airborne fine particles taken at some sites in California have increased greatly since the beginning of 1985. Here, data are presented which indicate that the addition of manganese to leaded gasoline is largely responsible for this increase. Concentrations of manganese, silicon, titanium, iron, lead and other elements in airborne particles were measured using energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis. Coefficients of correlation among levels of manganese, iron and lead measured at twenty sites in California were calculated. Levels of manganese and iron are generally highly correlated because of the presence of large amounts of these elements in the earth’s crust. Levels of airborne manganese and lead at sites In Southern California are often highly correlated, suggesting a vehicular source of manganese. Observed manganese concentrations are apportioned into two major sources: the earth’s crust and motor vehicles. The apportionment indicates that vehicular emissions of manganese may account for a significant part of the total at urban sites in Southern California. At most other sites, the contribution from vehicles is found to be far smaller than that from the earth’s crust.  相似文献   

Trace elements (n = 23) in Irish headwater lakes (n = 126) were investigated to determine their ambient concentrations, fractionation (total, dissolved, and non-labile), and geochemical controls. Lakes were generally located in remote upland, acid-sensitive regions along the coastal margins of the country. Total trace metal concentrations were low, within the range of natural pristine surface waters; however, some lakes (~20 %) had inorganic labile aluminum and manganese at levels potentially harmful to aquatic organisms. Redundancy analysis indicated that geochemical weathering was the dominant controlling factor for total metals, compared with acidity for dissolved metals. In addition, many metals were positively correlated with dissolved organic carbon indicating their affinity (or complexation) with humic substances (e.g., aluminum, iron, mercury, lead). However, a number of trace metals (e.g., aluminum, mercury, zinc) were correlated with anthropogenic acidic deposition (i.e., non-marine sulfate), suggesting atmospheric sources or elevated leaching owing to acidic deposition. As transboundary air pollution continues to decline, significant changes in the cycling of trace metals is anticipated.  相似文献   

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