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张啸 《油气田环境保护》2013,23(1):30-33,45,61
针对国内首家采用镁法烟气脱硫技术的炼油厂催化裂化装置,对其烟气脱硫项目的工艺技术、运行参数及脱硫效果、装置运行成本及长周期运行的社会效益以及在运行过程中遇到的问题和采取的技术改进等方面做出综合介绍和评价。该装置在运行过程中很好的控制了各个关键参数,并解决了多项操作难题,对改善当地大气环境质量有利,社会效益显著。  相似文献   

Dramatic changes in the institutional structure of the international oil industry in recent years have created new responsibilities and opportunities for developing countries in petroleum transport. The article discusses the prospects for changes in the ownership/control pattern of seaborne oil movements and the need for both oil producing and oil importing developing countries to pursue national plans to acquire shipping tonnage and expertise, without being deterred by the present depressed conditions of the world shipping industry. Drawing from the experience in India, it deals with some features and problems of petroleum transport by sea, pipeline, rail and road. It stresses the importance of co-operation among developing countries through common operation of deep-water terminals and large size tankers to optimise transport costs.  相似文献   

The analysis reveals that although cogeneration alone will not resolve power-shortage problems, it could produce more scheme in developing countries. The paper estimates the cogeneration potential in selected countries and identifies the technical, economic/financial and institutional issues of importance to cogeneration development in developing countries. The analysis reveals that although cogeneration alone will not resolve power-shortage problems, it could produce more than a 10% increase in the electricity-generation capacity in developing countries. Most of this potential is in the industrial sector and can be economically developed.  相似文献   

This paper examines some of the main operational and technical as well as logistics problems facing the least developed countries in their access to supplies of crude oil and products. In particular, the study analyses the problems relating to guarantee of supplies at official prices; unanticipated disruption of supply; transport costs; purchasing power entitlements; imbalances in refinery output or product yields; information; training and technical assistance and their implications for the least developed countries. It also identifies some possible areas of co-operation for improving supply arrangements for crude oil and products for these countries. Cet article passe en revue quelques-uns des principaux problèmes auxquels doivent faire face les pays les moins avancés dans les domaines opéationnels, techniques et logistiques en ce qui concerne leurs approvisionnements en pétrole brut et en produits raffinés. L'étude analyse en particulier les problèmes relatifs à la garantie des approvisionnements aux prix officiels, à la rupture inattendue des approvisionnements, aux coûts des transports, aux fluctuations du pouvoir d'achat, aux déséquilibres dans le rendement ou la nature des produits raffinés, à l'information, à la formation et l'assistance technique ainsi que leurs implications pour les pays les moins avancés. L'article identifie également quelques domaines possibles de coopération afin d'améliorer les mécanismes d'approvisionnement en brut et en produits raffinés de ces pays. Este artículo examina algunos de los problemas principales de carácter operativo, técnico y logístico que los países en desarrollo encuentran en el acceso a los suministros de petróleo crudo y derivados. En particular el artículo analiza los problemas relacionados a las garantías de suministro a precios oficiales, interrupción de suministro, costos de transporte, capacidad de compra, desajuste de la producción de refinados con respecto a la estructura del mercado, información, entrenamiento y asistencia técnica. El articulo identifica también algunas areas de cooperación para mejorar los acuerdos de suministro de crudo y derivados.  相似文献   

Most developing countries, particularly Indonesia, will be facing problems of sludge pressure in the next decades due to the increase in practices of legal and illegal logging as well as land and water demands. Consequently, they will also be facing the challenges of soil erosion and sludge management due to increased quantities of sludge coming from several potential sources, such as activated sludge, chemical sludge, fecal sludge and solid wastes as well as erosion and sedimentation. Although the government of Indonesia has enacted laws and policies to speed up the implementation of the programs and activities related to sludge management, the detailed practice concepts in implementing the programs need to be identified. Discussion of role-sharing amongst the related government agencies, private institutions and other stakeholders is urgent for clarifying the participation of each party in the next years to come. This paper proposes a management approach and level of responsibilities in sludge management. Implementation of zero ΔQ, zero ΔS and zero ΔP policies needs to be adopted by local and central governments. Application of sludge on the agricultural lands and other uses will promote sustainable development.  相似文献   

Rural Energy     
One of the most critical problems facing many developing countries is that of the alarming rate of depletion of traditional sources of energy, largely fuelwood and charcoal, which together command the largest share of energy used in rural areas. This has resulted in soil erosion, degradation of the land, reduced agricultural productivity and potentially serious ecological change. The social and economic impacts have been detrimental to the countries' populations, particularly for those living in the rural areas. Urgent action is therefore required to correct the fast deteriorating situation through evolution of fitting policies, establishment or strengthening of appropriate institutions and provision of adequate funding. But resolving the situation will be difficult and challenging for the problems are many, some of them complex. New sources of energy such as solar, wind, biomass, hydro and geothermal have a potential role to play in helping meet current and future energy requirements in the rural areas; but their widespread use and acceptance would be enhanced through increased research, development and demonstration, more funding, improved education and training and better flow of information on the advances in these fields.  相似文献   

Increasingly, the urgency of reorienting conventional development paradigms to take into account indigenous institutions and their ecological knowledge base is being recognized in both developed and developing countries. Based on a field research in Ghana, this paper discusses the nature and operation of indigenous economic institutions, their ecological knowledge, norms, beliefs, and practices pertaining to sustainable utilization of natural resources and environmental management. The institutions provide a framework of ideas, guiding principles, and practices that could serve as a foundation for endogenous options and broad-based efforts to solving resource and environmental management problems in the developing world. The paper also discusses limitations of indigenous ecological knowledge and practices.  相似文献   

With the rapid increase in the price of oil in the 1970s, many developing countries are beginning to look to steam coal as an energy source. Much of this coal will have to be transported from coal-producing countries to coal-consuming countries by sea and coal-receiving terminals will have to be built especially in those countries which have not been coal importers in the past. The international market in steam coal is examined and predictions are made as to the amount of coal that developing countries are likely to import from electric power generation. The operation of a coal-receiving terminal is discussed and estimates are provided as to the size and cost of coal terminals required to meet the coal import needs of developing countries.  相似文献   

国家地质公园是重要的自然资源和旅游资源,目前青海省已建立了4家国家地质公园。结合青海省实际,在分析青海省国家地质公园建设现状的基础上,讨论了国家地质公园建设中目前面临的一些问题,提出了相应的建议及对策。  相似文献   

Summary To solve environmental problems a vast amount of manpower, material and financial resources has been spent. Some people consider that this is necessary, and a reasonable price which human beings must pay for development, especially industrialisation. Maybe it is true. But can people solve the environmental problems of developing countries better when they have learned the experiences and lessons of developed countries? One possible way is proposed in this paper, which makes a special reference to the real situation in China. The fundamental idea is to develop and apply appropriate technologies in the phase of national industrialisation. This will help developing countries to achieve desired environmental effects more economically. The appropriate technologies mentioned in the paper are of two kinds: appropriate industrial production technologies and appropriate environmental technologies. The development of the former will help to reduce environmental pollution and other problems caused by industrialisation. The development of the latter will enable developing countries to keep an acceptable environmental quality within a controlled cost. In the paper the definition of appropriate technologies is clarified, and the criteria for the selection and evaluation of appropriate technologies are proposed. The possibility of a realisation of developing the economy and protecting the environment at same time is then analysed. The conclusion is that development and application of appropriate technologies is an optimal strategy when the real conditions of developing countries like China are considered. Finally, some of the initial appropriate environmental technologies which should be developed are suggested.Professor Ranjie Hou has recently been working as a Research Fellow at the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in Karlsrube University, Federal Republic of Germany.  相似文献   

以某炼油厂新建聚丙烯酰胺装置为研究对象,介绍了AERMOD模型的基本原理、操作过程和所需基本资料,并利用该模型对周围大气环境造成的影响进行了逐日逐时的预测。结果表明:预测结果与监测值具有很好的一致性,说明该模型可成功应用于国内石油化工行业区域环境影响预测。  相似文献   

This article defines three kinds of public/private partnership, lists their potential benefits and explains common issues and problems in their operation with examples from developing countries. It then defines and discusses the concepts of social sustainability and financial sustainability in relation to public/private partnerships, and emphasizes the importance of applying sustainability criteria to each partner. It is argued that essentially the same criteria apply to non-profit NGOs as to for-profit firms, despite their differences in goals and values. The article concludes with some suggested strategies for effective international technical co-operation in the establishment of public/private partnerships.  相似文献   

Many oil-importing developing countries faced greater difficulties coping with the second oil shock (1979–80) than with the first (1973–74). The recent decline in oil prices has offset only a small part of the adverse effect of the earlier increases, and a number of these countries continue to face severe problems in servicing their external debt. This paper explores the reasons for these difficulties, which are associated in part with the higher levels of real interest rates in recent years and with the slowdown in economic activity in industrial countries. Estimates are provided of the effects of changing oil prices on the net real cost of oil imports in developing countries. The paper concludes with an assessment of the medium-term prospects for the financing of external deficits.  相似文献   

The changing status of the global environment, in both developed and developing countries, and our perception of these changes since the convening of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm in 1972 are reviewed. The present as well as potential future environmental issues facing mankind are discussed under three interrelated broad categories: interrelationship between people, resources, environment and development, rational use of natural resources and new patterns of development and lifestyle.  相似文献   

面对能源紧缺问题,世界各国除了加强对常规能源开发外,一些国家纷纷投入到新能源开发中来。核电作为一种新能源,因其清洁、安全、供应能力强等特性逐渐受到各国的青睐。我国核电发展较晚,但进步很快。根据我国大力发展核电的政策形势,分析了我国发展核电的必要性,并用区位商定量分析了核电区域布局,对我国核电发展提出了一些参考建议。  相似文献   

The fact that the artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) sector in Ghana is driven largely by poverty means that the sector is a major source of livelihood for people in mining communities across the country. However, given the various social and environmental problems associated with the ASM sector, there is now an emerging consensus that the formalization of the sector would not only allow for these associated problems to be addressed but also ensures that the sector contributes to sustainable development and safeguard the livelihood of local communities. While a large body of extant literature has examined the challenges and opportunities facing the process of formalization, the question of the criminalization of the sector and its consequences for local livelihood has received only limited attention. Drawing from primary data collected during fieldwork in Ghana, this study examined the livelihood implications of the ban on galamsey in the Tarkwa-Nsuaem Municipality in South-Western Ghana from the perspectives of local communities and other key stakeholders. The study reveals that the ban on galamsey has imposed significant socio-economic hardships on the people and appears to be entrenching poverty rather than sustainable development. The study considers the theoretical and practical implications of the findings for sustainable livelihood enhancement in developing countries.  相似文献   

Since the establishment, following World War II, of the World System, by which the affluent industrialized countries established various international assistance agencies (including the multilateral development banks, UN affiliates, and Bilaterals), these assistance agencies have invested very large sums in helping finance planning and construction of community sewerage and water supply facilities in the developing countries. However, much of this large investment has been ineffective and wasted, primarily because of the lack of understanding by the staff of the assistance agencies that the design criteria for the facilities must be modified to suit the socio-economic status of the developing country. The developing countries are relatively very poor in terms of available finances, hence cannot afford to emulate Western environmental standards and design practices, especially as related to operation and maintenance, hence much simpler approaches must be used. Experiences in several Asian countries are discussed, and a recommendation is made on how to go about resolving this problem.  相似文献   

随着经济全球化的发展,跨国公司的经济影响力剧增,成为众多发展中国家外资的主要来源,然而与之伴随的"三高"产业的转移给主要东道国的发展中国家造成了巨大的环境问题,再加上发展中国家地方政府政绩观的错位、公众环保意识的欠缺,这一问题更加凸显,而有限责任的原则使得各跨国公司母公司避开了责任的承担。对此,必须借助"公司法人格否认"制度,"揭开公司面纱",将公司是否滥用控制权的举证责任赋予母公司,并考虑环境侵权的特殊性,以无过错责任原则和因果关系推定为基础完善对跨国公司环境法律责任的追究机制。  相似文献   

环境问题是当代以至今后人类面临的一个比突出的问题,环境的恶化一再提醒人类必须善待环境。人类对环境的认识和了解程度,全民的环境意识被认为是解决环境的基础前提,开展环境教育,尤其是中小学环境教育势在必行。本文论述了环境教育在中小学教育中的重要性以及一些环境教育内容和方式等。  相似文献   

炼厂脱盐脱钙废水处理工艺   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
原油中的钙盐主要存在于石油胶质和沥青质中。在原油加工过程中,有机钙盐因分解形成钙沉淀物而影响正常生产。对于原油中钙的脱除,目前应用最广泛的是螯合沉淀脱钙技术。炼厂脱盐脱钙废水中的钙、磷、石油胶质会对污水处理场造成不良影响,因而必须对脱盐脱钙废水进行预处理。预处理工艺包括物理和物理化学手段、生物处理工艺、化学氧化处理技术。技术可行性分析表明,可采用AOP高级氧化技术与生物处理相结合的工艺对脱盐脱钙废水进行预处理。  相似文献   

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