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该文利用模糊数学和灰色理论的相关知识,根据地下岩溶水系统水化学动态特征和污染机理以及水文地质条件自身特点建立了地下岩溶水环境质量评价数学模型;并验证此模型,对西龙河峄山断层带水源地的地下岩溶水环境质量进行了综合评价。评价结果表明:该岩溶水系统大部分地区地下水的环境质量状况较好,局部地段较差,且地下水环境质量的分布特征与区域水文地质条件及水源地补给排泄关系具有较好的相关性。此结论与运用加权均值型指数评价法得到的结论相同,这说明此模型的建立是合理的,评价结果是完全可靠的。  相似文献   

区域地下水环境的保护是气田开发过程中环境保护工作的重点之一。通过现场调查和统计分析得知,外部污染源是影响当地地下水环境的主要因素,农田径流污染源是外部的主要污染源,以CODCr计其排放量分别约占外部污染源排放总量的67%,而钻井液漏失、天然气窜层、钻井废水排放等钻井作业是内部的主要污染源,其CODCr排放量约占内部污染源CODCr排放总量的62%,因而钻井作业的污染防治应是项目内部地下水污染防治工作的重点。根据地下水环境质量现状分析及变化趋势分析可知由于气田的开发建设,气田区地下水水质已受到一定程度的影响,特征污染物表现为CODCr、氨氮、氯化物、硝酸盐氮。为保护气田区地下水环境,分施工期和运营期两阶段设计了地下水环境保护方案,采取源头控制的清洁生产,至末端控制的污染治理并提出了突发污染事故应急预案,为气田的可持续开发提供指导。  相似文献   

使用内梅罗指数法和等标污染负荷计算法对巴河流域的水生态环境进行评估.结果显示,巴河流域的污染来源主要为农村居民生活污水、城镇居民生活污水、化肥污染,巴河流域的水污染主要为面源污染.提出严控污染物排放、优化流域水资源开发利用结构、加大流域生态环境治理、修护流域自然生态环境、健全流域水环境监测体系及用水受益方向流域内水环境...  相似文献   

本文通过对绵竹市污染源现状调查及地表水环境现状评价,计算并分析了境内主要河流的水环境容量。绵竹市地表水环境污染较为严重,水环境容量短缺已成为绵竹市主要环境制约因素。为实现绵竹市水环境保护与经济社会的可持续发展,需及时采取污染物总量控制、工业污染防治、生活污水处理、控制农村面源污染等一系列措施。  相似文献   

水资源开发利用与城市水环境建设问题对策初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文以科学发展观回顾以往水资源利用与城市水环境建设的实践,并以成都市水环境为例,发现包括上游河流水资源过度开发使下游河流生态受破坏;城市内水环境建设过多地填埋与覆盖原有水系河道造成城区缺水与污染隐患;城市上游优质水资源浪费;城市污水处理厂布局不合理,过多的集中在下游排放使纳污河生态环境严重破坏等问题,提出了一些研究项目与对策建议.  相似文献   

通过对扬州市区境内河流和地下水的环境质量进行调查分析,结果表明:河流水质较好,城区污水都排入污水处理厂且处理厂正常运行,水质达标排放,主要的污染物是有机污染物;地下水达到水质标准,由于地质原因,主要污染指标为总硬度和总矿化度。但仍应加大污染防治力度,针对水环境现状和问题,采取有效措施,坚持深入开展环境宣传教育,依靠科技进步,科学防治环境污染,控制污染源,实行达标制度,提高人们自身环保意识,促进水资源的可持续利用。  相似文献   

生活源和农业面源污染已成为一些河流水环境质量恶化的重要因素,本文在深入分析第一次全国污染源普查数据基础上,对南京市秦淮河流域生活源和农业面源对水环境污染情况进行了研究,对潜在的水质污染问题进行了研讨,并据此提出了该河流污染防治的对策和建议。  相似文献   

浅谈三江源区隆务河流域水资源现状   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文对三江源自然保护区的重要河流——隆务河流域的水环境污染源、污染物及其排放状况进行了现场全方位调查,选取pH、Cr6+、DO、COD等为监测项目,调查结果表明该地区水资源已经达不到国家地表水环境质量标准(GB 3838—2002)要求。本文还分析其污染源沿河流呈零星分布的特点,阐述了污染物对环境造成的危害,为三江源的水环境可持续发展提供保障。  相似文献   

研究了实施河南粮食核心区规划对地下水环境的影响问题,提出了科学合理利用地下水资源的对策。河南粮食核心区北部区域已出现地下水超采情况,南部区域地下水开采潜力较大。超采区应采用井灌、渠灌联合运行方式,以及雨洪补源、引黄补源、地表水与地下水联合调蓄利用、节水灌溉等措施,控制地下水水位的下降。严格控制氮肥施用强度等措施可减轻地下水硝酸盐污染负荷。在规划实施中深入研究、跟踪评价农业面源对地下水的影响程度和范围,及时采取控制措施,保护地下水水质。  相似文献   

隧道建设相当于在地下增加一条新的地下水排泄通道。隧道排放的施工涌水如果不加控制,将会造成区域地下水水位下降,使得影响半径范围内地下水露头减少,井泉、溪流水量等不同程度的减小或消失,从而影响当地居民的生活和生产用水。文章以五陂石隧道为例,根据隧址区地质构造、地层岩性及其水文地质条件,通过对隧址区涌水量计算,定量分析隧道建设对地下水环境的影响。分析得出,隧道建设在一定程度上改变隧址区原有的地下水径流及排泄条件,涌出的地下水以地表径流形式流失和浪费,使地下水系统失去平衡。最后,提出保护地下水环境的对策和措施。  相似文献   

卞维维 《四川环境》2021,40(2):230-234
湿地是我国生态环境系统中的重要组成部分.但长期以来,我国湿地被各方掠夺性开发,湿地生态环境面临的形势严峻.造成这一局面的主要原因是湿地产权界定不清带来的外部不经济.试图通过对发生在一个湿地资源型村庄的案例的分析,来呈现因产权界定不清以致湿地生态环境被破坏的过程:集体化结束后,村社成员试图重新界定湿地水面产权.集体成员权...  相似文献   

氧化塘处理污水的全过程与天然水体自净相似,因此具有处理成本低、运行稳定等优点,但由于它所存在的缺点,如负荷低、占地大、恶化周围环境等,限制了它的使用,为解决这些缺点,产生了一些新型塘及塘系统,本文介绍了其中的一种,即高级组合塘系统。  相似文献   

There are several environmental processes occurring under aquifer overexploitation conditions. These processes include groundwater table decline, subsidence, attenuation and drying of springs, decrease of river flow, and increased pollution vulnerability, among others processes. Some of these effects have been observed on the Upper Basin of the Lerma River. The Lerma River begins in the SE of the Valley of Toluca at 2,600 m asl, in the wetland known as Lagoons of Almoloya del Río. This wetland is made up of a group of lagoons, which are an important aquatic system from an environmental point of view. The water inflow of this wetland is a discharge of springs, which occur between the fractured volcanic material of the mountain range and granular volcanic–continental deposits of the Valley of Toluca aquifer. The intensive exploitation of the Valley of Toluca aquifer to supply urban and industrial water to Mexico City and Toluca began in 1950 and is responsible for a steady decline of piezometric levels of 1–3.5 m/yr. Other effects of this exploitation—the drying of the wetland, the decrease of river flow and the land subsidence—caused serious ecological and social impacts. The authorities declared this aquifer as overexploited in order to reduce the exploitation and preserve the availability of water resources in this important region.  相似文献   

In areas where rivers have been altered and regulated through dams, the effect on wetland ecosystems can lead to 'wastage' of the land as natural systems are destroyed. In response to the effects of streamflow regulation on a wetland near the city of Albury, on the Murray River, the development of the Wonga Wetlands and associated site rehabilitation addresses two key issues: wasteland and waste water. A Community Advisory Committee has been actively and directly involved in the project, initiated and implemented by the Albury City Council, to restore an area of original wetland into a community ecological resource that utilises 100% of the domestic, commercial and industrial urban 'waste' water from the city's water treatment plant. This project represents a significant direction in the way communities and local governments approach resource recovery. This paper analyses the Wonga Wetlands project from the perspective of sustainable management of waste in terms of water resources and presents it as a model for community-based environmental application and long-term resource sustainability.  相似文献   

In areas where rivers have been altered and regulated through dams, the effect on wetland ecosystems can lead to 'wastage' of the land as natural systems are destroyed. In response to the effects of streamflow regulation on a wetland near the city of Albury, on the Murray River, the development of the Wonga Wetlands and associated site rehabilitation addresses two key issues: wasteland and waste water. A Community Advisory Committee has been actively and directly involved in the project, initiated and implemented by the Albury City Council, to restore an area of original wetland into a community ecological resource that utilises 100% of the domestic, commercial and industrial urban 'waste' water from the city's water treatment plant. This project represents a significant direction in the way communities and local governments approach resource recovery. This paper analyses the Wonga Wetlands project from the perspective of sustainable management of waste in terms of water resources and presents it as a model for community-based environmental application and long-term resource sustainability.  相似文献   

生态补偿主客体研究是制定及实施生态补偿政策的核心要素之一。本研究从系统分析的角度出发,基于2014年洞庭湖主要入湖河流水质、水量情况,核算了主要入湖河流总氮、总磷通量,并结合2014年洞庭湖生态经济区污染物排放情况,详细分析了洞庭湖总氮、总磷的来源,以此为依据界定了洞庭湖水环境生态补偿的主体与客体。结果显示,洞庭湖水体中总氮、总磷的贡献以洞庭湖生态经济区之外地区,通过四水、三口排入洞庭湖为主。基于此,本研究建议洞庭湖水环境生态补偿的主体省级层面应为湖南省和湖北省,而省外层面则为国家作为补偿主体对洞庭湖生态经济区进行补偿。  相似文献   

通过对曲阜市地理位置和自然资源现状、湿地类型和面积、湿地植被、湿地动物、湿地水生生物等基本情况的详细调查,客观地做出了曲阜市的湿地生态环境评价,提出了做好宣传唤起公众参与保护的意识,兼顾保护和利用并重,加大科技支持力度等湿地保护建议,以保持湿地生态平衡,促进社会经济与生态环境的协调发展。  相似文献   

人工湿地处理系统的运行管理与维护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人工湿地作为一种新型的处理技术,在水环境保护中具有重要的意义和广阔的应用前最。随着人工湿地处理工程数量的增多,迫切地需要建立科学的管理制度和维护方法,以充分发挥其美化水环境和提升人文环境的双重作用。本文对人工湿地处理系统中水位控制、进出水装置维护、护堤维护、植物管理、气味控制、蚊蝇控制和野生动物管理等方面进行了分析探讨,系统论述了人工湿地处理系统在运行管理和维护中需要考虑的主要事项。对将来建立完善的人工湿地处理系统的管理体系具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Desert springs, often the sole sources of water for wildlife and cattle, support wetland and wetland/upland transition ecosystems including rare and endemic species. In the basin and range province in Nevada, USA, springs in the Great Basin and Mojave deserts are sustained by interconnected deep carbonate and shallow basin-fill aquifers which are threatened by proposed groundwater withdrawal to sustain rapidly expanding urban areas, a common problem in arid regions worldwide. This paper draws on historic groundwater data, groundwater modeling, and studies of environmental controls of spring ecosystems to speculate on the potential effects of groundwater withdrawal and water table decline on spring-supported vegetation. The focus is on springs in the Great Basin and Mojave deserts representative of those that may be affected by future, planned groundwater withdrawal. Groundwater withdrawal is expected to reduce spring discharge directly through reduced flows from the shallow basin-fill aquifer or through reduction of the hydraulic head of the deep carbonate aquifer. This flow reduction will truncate the outflow stream, reducing the areal cover of wetland and wetland/upland transition vegetation. Lowering the local water table may also reduce the amount of upland phreatophytic vegetation by causing water levels to drop below plant rooting depths. Percolation of salts to surface soils may be reduced, eventually altering desert shrub cover from halophytes to nonhalophytes. The extent of these effects will vary among springs, based on their distance from extraction sites and location relative to regional groundwater flow paths. On-site monitoring of biotic variables (including cover of selected hygrophytes and phreatophytes) should be a necessary complement to the planned monitoring of local hydrologic conditions.  相似文献   

地质环境与城市可持续发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
城市建设要处理好人与地质环境的关系,充分考虑地质环境的容量和质量,正确认识地质作用对地质环境的干扰。我国城市地质环境脆弱,地质灾害严重,不合理开发利用地下水诱发了一些环境地质问题,矿山城市地质环境形势严峻。以上问题威胁着城市可持续发展,必须引起高度重视。  相似文献   

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