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Environment, Development and Sustainability - Tropical peatland stores a large amount of carbon (C) and is an important C sink. In Malaysia, about 25% of the peatland area has been converted to oil...  相似文献   

Constructed wetlands offer a low-cost wastewater treatment option for tropical developing countries. The vast majority of published treatment wetland research has been conducted in temperate regions. Because the function of treatment wetlands is related to the environmental conditions, more research specific to the tropics should be completed. A six-cell free water surface (FWS) wetland mesocosm was constructed in Santa Rosa de Copán, Honduras that received input from an open-sewer/wastewater-impacted stream. Three cells were planted with Typha domingensis Pers., and three cells were left unplanted. Both planted and unplanted wetlands were constructed with three different surface areas to concurrently study different hydraulic retention times (HRTs) and hydraulic loading rates (HLRs). Results from 6 months of operation showed improved water quality and mosquito larvae populations affected by their specific environment. Five-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) removal appeared to be proportional to HRT and HLR, and BOD concentration in the effluent was higher in unplanted cells than in planted cells (P<0.05). BOD removal approached 60% for greater than 3.5 days HRT. Total phosphorus (P) removal and coliform bacteria removal were found to be correlated with pollutant load, and P removal was found to be correlated with HRT but not HLR. A second municipal wastewater FWS treatment wetland in Copán Ruinas, Honduras that had been established for 15 years, was also evaluated. BOD removal in the Copán Ruinas system was determined to be 93% with 2.6 day HRT. These pollutant removal rates are higher than would be expected in temperate regions. Mosquito larvae density was correlated with depth of the wetland. Mosquito larvae densities were higher in cells that were operating below design depth of 0.2 m (P<0.005). Results indicate that it is possible to design FWS wetlands in the tropics for effective BOD removal and reduced mosquito larvae development.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal variability in the composition of effluents of the coastal town of Mytilene, island of Lesvos, Greece, was investigated in 8 sewers of the town. Differences were found in the quality of effluents between the old and new parts of the town and were attributed mainly to the different design and construction of the sewers, as well as to the occasional discharge of septage into the sewerage network in parts of the town. During summer the population and water consumption increase, leading to partial dilution of the organic load. However, in the same period (July), the concentrations of dissolved Zn and particulate Pb were enriched. The reasons for such an increase are not clear. At present the seasonal metal peaks (Pb and Zn) are attributed to the increased traffic (Pb and Zn) and to increased corrosion under the prevailing weather conditions of the water supply network, which includes a very large number of galvanized storage tanks (Zn).  相似文献   

基于中国高空间分辨率网格数据,建立新疆地级市CO_2排放数据集,探讨新疆CO_2排放的空间特征,为新疆低碳发展的空间布局规划提供一定的依据。研究采用"自下而上"的空间化方法建立排放数据集,并用统计学方法分析排放数据统计特征。研究结果:从整体看,CO_2直接排放总体分散,局部集中,基本沿着天山分为南部和北部,北部地区排放高于南部地区。从区域看,天山北坡经济带CO_2排放最高;丝绸之路经济带的中通道、北通道和南通道排放依次递减。从部门看,服务业与城镇生活CO_2排放相关性最高,间接排放与其他部门排放相关性最弱。从类型看,工业型地级市CO_2人均排放最高,总排放均值略低于服务业型地级市,远高于其他类型地级市;人口规模越大的地级市CO_2排放均值越大,但其人均排放越少。结论与讨论:1新疆CO_2排放空间差异显著,其排放较大的地级市整体效率不高,将是减排的重点区。2工业化、城镇化是新疆CO_2排放的重要影响因素,将是减排的着力点。3省际生态补偿和碳排放指标分配时应适度考虑能源输出引致本地较高CO_2排放的特情。  相似文献   

The present study investigated occurrence of environmental estrogens (EEs) in waterways managed by the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (‘District’) — one of the largest and most complex water districts in the United States. The objectives of the study were: (i) to document spatial and temporal occurrence of EEs in the Chicago Area Waterways (CAWs); (ii) to determine whether water reclamation plant (WRP) effluents contribute to estrogenic pollution of the receiving streams; (iii) to determine whether the mandated water quality monitoring data could be used to predict estrogenic pollution in the receiving streams; and (iv) to determine whether snow melt, storm runoff and combined sewer overflows may also be contributors of estrogenic activity to these systems. The estrogenic potency of the waterways was assessed using a cell-based reporter gene assay. The water quality data was readily available as part of the District's regular monitoring program. Our findings indicate that EEs are commonly found in the CAWs, and that WRP effluents are one of, but not the only important contributor to estrogenic activity. Mean estrogenic activities in CAWs (11 ng estradiol equivalents (EEQs/L)) are well within the values reported for other urban areas and WRP effluents. The estrogenic activity exhibited significant seasonal variation with highest values noted during the spring and summer months. When comparing the mean estrogenic activity of general use waters, secondary contact waters and WRP effluents, we found that general use waters had significantly lower estrogenic activity (ca 5 ng EEQ/L) than the other two matrices (ca 15 and 17 ng EEQ/L respectively). Our analyses indicate that estrogenic activity of the waterways was not reliably associated with mandated water quality parameters, and that such measurements may not be useful for predicting estrogenic activity, especially so in the complex urban systems. One of the prominent findings of this study is that EEs do not follow predictable spatial patterns — many of the upstream sites in the heavily urbanized areas had levels of estrogenic activity comparable to those found in the effluents and downstream locations. Our data suggest that surface runoff and snow melt are estrogenic (0–9 ng EEQ/L), and given that their estrogenic activities are similar to those of their receiving waterways (0–7 ng EEQ/L), we conclude that these non-WRP sources are important contributors to estrogenic activity of the CAWs.  相似文献   

Environment, Development and Sustainability - Precipitation is the principal component of the hydrologic cycle. This study examines the spatial and temporal rainfall variability in Gabes Catchment...  相似文献   

吉林省城市紧凑度与城市效率的时空演变及相关性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
紧凑城市理念被认为可以有效提高城市经济发展效率,减少城市在开发建设、资源配置等方面的低效率。为探究我国城市紧凑度和城市效率的时空演变及两者间的相关性,本研究以吉林省地级及以上城市为研究对象,研究时间段选择为2000—2013年。研究主要分为三个部分。第一部分,运用熵值法,对吉林省地级及以上城市的紧凑度时空演变特征进行研究,研究发现,吉林省城市紧凑度平均水平较低,并且空间分布极不均衡,受区位和经济发展水平影响较大,高紧凑度城市基本位于哈大城市走廊一线。第二部分运用DEA数据包络模型,对吉林省城市效率演变特征进行研究,结果显示,吉林省城市效率在经过了长期的反复波动后于2012年步入快速增长阶段,受多种因素影响,各城市全要素生产率增长节奏迥异,但都表现出与技术进步一致的变动性,城市经济发展对新技术、新的生产要素投入的依赖较大,资源利用效率整体较低。第三部分运用R语言对吉林省城市紧凑度与城市效率的相关性进行了研究,两者间存在极弱的相关性,接着借助象限图法得出两者在不同时间段内存在一定程度的同步性,紧凑度提升时大部分城市的城市效率会出现提升,紧凑度的下降不一定有效引起城市效率同步下降。  相似文献   

The levels of 210Pb in surface air from about sixty locations and in rainwater from about forty locations, around the globe, are summarised in this report. The spatial, annual and long-term variations in the levels of 210Pb are discussed. The concentrations vary as a function of the continentality of the locations and at many stations there is a seasonal variation. There is no significant long-term variation in activity levels, possibly indicating the absence of a major anthropogenic source of this nuclide. The activity ratio of 222Rn/210Pb is around 6000 in India and varies seasonally depending on air mass source.  相似文献   

According to the soil-to-plant transfer concept generally used in dose assessment modeling, the plant uptake of a radionuclide should depend linearly on its concentration in the soil. In order to validate this concept for (90)Sr in a semi-natural ecosystem, plant and soil samples were taken at 100 plots of a 100 x 100 m(2) area within an alpine pasture near Berchtesgaden, Germany. At three plots, the vertical distribution of (90)Sr in the soil was determined in addition. A statistically significant correlation between the soil and plant concentration of (90)Sr was not detectable (Spearman correlation coefficient R=-0.116, p>0.05) within the range of the Sr-concentration covered (15-548 Bq kg(-1) dry soil and 17-253 Bq kg(-1) dry plant material). Thus, the prerequisite of the soil-to-plant transfer concept was not fulfilled for (90)Sr at this site. Organic carbon and total nitrogen were also determined in the soil samples. Both elements were highly correlated (R=0.912, p<0.001), their ratio being C/N=10.9+/-0.7. While C was positively correlated with the (90)Sr concentrations in the soil (R=0.342, p<0.001), negative correlations were observed for the plant concentrations (R=-0.286, p<0.01) and the concentration ratios (R=-0.444, p<0.001) of (90)Sr. These results are compared with those recently obtained for (137)Cs by Bunzl et al. (J Environ Radioactiv 48 (2000) 145).  相似文献   

In order to understand the characteristics of spatial and temporal variation, as well as provide effective ideas on carbon emissions and regulatory policy in Yantai, this article analyzed spatial and temporal variation of carbon emissions in Yantai based on energy consumption statistics for a variety of energy sorts together with industrial sectors from 2001 to 2011. The results were as following: First of all, Yantai’s carbon emissions grew by an average of 5.5% per year during the last 10 years, and there was a peak of 10.48 million carbon in the year of 2011. Second, compared with the gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate, the figures for energy carbon emissions growth rate were smaller; however the problem of carbon emissions were still more obvious. Furthermore, carbon emissions in Yantai increased rapidly before 2008; while after 2008, it increased more slowly and gradually become stable. Third, the energy consumption was different among regions in Yantai. For instance, the energy consumption in Longkou city was the largest, which occupied 50% of the total carbon emissions in Yantai; and the energy consumption in Chang Island was generally less than 1% of the Longkou consumption. Finally, there were relative close relationships among the spatial difference of carbon emissions, regional resources endowment, economic development, industrial structure, and energy efficiency.  相似文献   

Communities of benthic macroinvertebrates in drainless Lake Chany, the largest lake in Western Siberia, have been analyzed to estimate the effects of basic abiotic ecological factors (hydrophysical and hydrochemical parameters of water and the type of bottom ground) on their composition, structure, and dynamics. It has been shown that the level of development of these communities depends mainly on the water regime of the lake and also on the type of bottom ground, lake depth, and water mineral content.  相似文献   

为揭示不同时间尺度下岩溶区地下河出口CO_2通量的变化特征及其影响因素,本研究采用静态浮游箱-气相色谱法对毛村地下河出口水-气界面CO_2交换通量开展季节性和连续48小时昼夜监测。结果显示:水-气界面CO_2交换通量具有明显的季节性和昼夜变化特征,并且均表现为由水体向大气释放CO_2,呈现出大气CO_2源的特征。在季节性尺度上,CO_2交换通量的变化范围为90.27~406.32 mg·(m~2·h)~(-1),平均值为253.50 mg·(m~2·h)~(-1)。CO_2交换通量的季节性特征表现为雨季大于旱季。在昼夜尺度上,CO_2交换通量的变化范围为46.8~244.45 mg·(m~2·h)~(-1),平均值为137.81 mg·(m~2·h)~(-1)。CO_2交换通量的昼夜性特征表现夜晚大于白天,最高值出现在凌晨0∶00和1∶00,最低值出现在下午14∶00和15∶00。由于毛村地下河出口水-气界面CO_2交换通量受到诸多因素的影响。通过相关分析表明,毛村地下河出口水-气界面CO_2交换通量在季节性尺度下的主控因素为岩溶水体中碳酸的平衡系统,但是在昼夜尺度下的主控因素为局地区域环境参数。  相似文献   

Historical 239Pu activity concentrations and 240Pu/239Pu atom ratios were determined in skeletons of dated modern corals collected from three locations (Chuuk Lagoon, Ishigaki Island and Iki Island) to identify spatial and temporal variations in Pu inputs to the Northwest Pacific Ocean. The main Pu source in the Northwest Pacific is fallout from atmospheric nuclear weapons testing which consists of global fallout and close-in fallout from the former US Pacific Proving Grounds (PPG) in the Marshall Islands. PPG close-in fallout dominated the Pu input in the 1950s, as was observed with higher 240Pu/239Pu atom ratios (> 0.30) at the Ishigaki site. Specific fallout Pu contamination from the Nagasaki atomic bomb and the Ivy Mike thermonuclear detonation at the PPG were identified at Ishigaki Island from the 240Pu/239Pu atom ratios of 0.07 and 0.46, respectively. During the 1960s and 1970s, global fallout was the major Pu source to the Northwest Pacific with over 60% contribution to the total Pu. After the cessation of the atmospheric nuclear tests, the PPG again dominated the Pu input due to the continuous transport of remobilised Pu from the Marshall Islands along the North Equatorial Current and the subsequent Kuroshio Current. The Pu contributions from the PPG in recent coral bands (1984 onwards) varied over time with average estimated PPG contributions between 54% and 72% depending on location.  相似文献   


Monitoring data from ozone(O3 automatic stations in three typical cities with different climatic areas in the southern and northern parts of eastern China are used to analyze temporal and spatial characteristics of ozone pollution at ground level. The results show that ozone pollution level has distinct regional differences and the concentration in the suburbs is higher than that in the urban areas. The seasonal variation of ozone concentration in different climatic areas is greatly affected by the variation of precipitation. Ozone concentration in Shenyang and Beijing, in the temperate zone, has one perennial peak concentration, occurring in early summer, May or June. Ozone concentration in Guangzhou, in sub-tropical zone, has two peak values year round. The highest values occur in October and the secondary high value in June. The ozone season in the south is longer than that in the north. The annual average daily peak value of ozone concentrations in different climates usually occur around 3 pm. The diurnal variation range of ozone concentration declines with the increase of latitude. Ozone concentration does not elevate with the increase of traffic flow. Ozone concentration in Guangzhou has a distinct reverse relation to CO and NOx. This complicated non-linearity indicates that the equilibrium of ozone photochemical reaction has regional differences. Exceeding the rate of Beijing's 1h ozone concentration is higher than that of Guangzhou, whereas the average 8h ozone level is lower than that of Guangzhou, indicating that areas in low latitude are more easily affected by moderate ozone concentrations and longer exposure. Thus, China should work out standards for 8h ozone concentration.  相似文献   

Monitoring data from ozone(O3) automatic stations in three typical cities with different climatic areas in the southern and northern parts of eastern China are used to analyze temporal and spatial characteristics of ozone pollution at ground level. The results show that ozone pollution level has distinct regional differences and the concentration in the suburbs is higher than that in the urban areas. The seasonal variation of ozone concentration in different climatic areas is greatly affected by the variation of precipitation. Ozone concentration in Shenyang and Beijing , in the temperate zone, has one perennial peak concentration, occurring in early summer, May or June. Ozone concentration in Guangzhou, in sub-tropical zone, has two peak values year round. The highest values occur in October and the secondary high value in June. The ozone season in the south is longer than that in the north. The annual average daily peak value of ozone concentrations in different climates usually occur around 3 pm. The diurnal variation range of ozone concentration declines with the increase of latitude. Ozone concentration does not elevate with the increase of traffic flow. Ozone concentration in Guangzhou has a distinct reverse relation to CO and NOx. This complicated non-linearity indicates that the equilibrium of ozone photochemical reaction has regional differences. Exceeding the rate of Beijing's lh ozone concentration is higher than that of Guangzhou, whereas the average 8h ozone level is lower than that of Guangzhou, indicating that areas in low latitude are more easily affected by moderate ozone concentrations and longer exposure. Thus, China should work out standards for 8h ozone concentration.  相似文献   

In order to assess soil As contamination and potential risk for human, soil, paddy rice, vegetable and human hair samples from the areas near the industrial districts in Chenzhou, southern China were sampled and analyzed. The results showed that the anthropogenic industrial activities have caused in local agricultural soils to be contaminated with As in a range of 11.0-1217 mg/kg. The GIS-based map shows that soil contamination with As occurred on a large scale, which probably accounted for up to 30% of the total area investigated. Soil As concentration abruptly decreased with an increase in the distance from the polluting source. High As concentrations were found in the rice grain that ranged from 0.5 to 7.5 mg/kg, most of which exceed the maximal permissible limit of 1.0 mg/kg dry matter. Arsenic accumulated in significantly different levels between leafy vegetables and non-leafy vegetables. Non-leafy vegetables should be recommended in As-contaminated soils, as their edible parts were found in relatively low As level. Arsenic concentrations in 95% of the total human hair samples in the contaminated districts were above the critical value, 1.0 mg/kg, set by the World Health Organization. Arsenic could be enriched in human hair to very high levels without being affected by As containing water. The results revealed that the soils and plants grown on them are major contributors to elevate hair As in the industrial population. Therefore, the potential impact on human health of ingestion/inhalation of soil As around the industrial districts seems to be rather serious. Hence proper treatments for As contaminated soils are urgently needed to reduce the contamination.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the misuses of estuaries in Northeast of Brazil and the social contrasts there found. The several kinds of impacts promoted by capitalist enterprises in one side and by traditional population, who uses estuary areas at another side, are in complete disagreement with the ethic of sustainable development. Our intention is to demonstrate how these aspects occur in the River Paraíba do Norte estuary, in the State of Paraíba. Observing the conditions of infrastructure besides the multiple ways to handle along with the extension of the estuary, we could recognize 59 focus of conflict between the incorrect use and sustainable mode. Most of the uses concern to traditional artisan fishing, slums and recreational marinas, reflecting the great social contrast between rich and poor people settled in area studied. Ecological and social implications of these conflicting uses are discussed and measures to improve the situation are suggested.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine whether there are signs of adaptation of soil fauna to a gradient of heavy metal contamination. Earthworms Aporrectodea caliginosa, Lumbricus terrestris and Eisenia fetida were collected during the spring and summer of 2000 and 2001 from meadow sites situated between 2 and 32 km from the Bukowno-Olkusz complex of zinc-lead ore mines and smelters. The heavy metal content in the soil near smelters reaches 10,500 mg/kg (d.w.) for Zn, 2600 mg/kg for Pb and 81.9 mg/kg for Cd. The sites differ with respect to species composition of earthworm community, with A. caliginosa being dominant. Complete data was obtained only for A. caliginosa, since other species were not abundant at all investigated sites during the whole period of investigation. The body burdens of Zn, Pb, Cd and Cu in A. caliginosa reached 1500, 100, 220 and 10 microg/g, respectively, in the vicinity of the smelter (2-4 km), and decreased to 400, 2, 36 and 6 microg/g at the most distant site (32 km). Cadmium and lead content was significantly elevated in the whole body of L. terrestris collected at the site 2.5 km distant from the smelters when compared to more distant sites, while in E. fetida only the body burden of cadmium was elevated at the nearest site compared to the next site of transect. Activities of glutathione peroxidase (GPX; EC against hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) or cumene hydroperoxide (cumOOH), glutathione reductase (GR; EC, glutathione S-transferase (GST; EC and catalase (CAT; EC were assayed in postmitochondrial supernatant obtained from whole body homogenates. Seasonal and annual variations of enzyme activity were reflected by higher GPX activity in the late summer of 2001 in comparison with the spring and summer of 2000. This may reflect severe drought in the spring and summer of 2000. The activity of both GPX isozymes, GR and GST in A. caliginosa and L. terrestris increased with increasing distance from the smelters and reached maximum at sites III and IV (4 and 8 km from the smelters, respectively) and then it decreased in the animals from site V (32 km). These may be the effects of antagonism between the enzyme inducing and enzyme inhibiting action of smelter emissions, a phenomenon known as a hormetic effect. It is postulated here that this effect is of diagnostic value for metal pollution biomonitoring.  相似文献   

内陆河流生态系统作为大气中温室气体通量交换的热点区域,对全球的碳循环有重要影响。分别于平水期(2017年5月)和丰水期(2018年7月)对长江中下游滨岸带水体两种温室气体(CH_4和CO_2)释放通量进行了调查研究。结果表明:平水期时,CH_4和CO_2的释放通量分别为0.39~9 668.83 nmol·m~(-2)·h~(-1)和0.25~3 229.41μmol·m~(-2)·h~(-1),平均值为298.24±1 308.65 nmol·m~(-2)·h~(-1)和290.75±645.99μmol·m~(-2)·h~(-1);丰水期时,二者的释放通量为-22.80~329.76 nmol·m~(-2)·h~(-1)和-110.21~16.39μmol·m~(-2)·h~(-1),平均值为21.51±49.56 nmol·m~(-2)·h~(-1)和-3.63±13.25μmol·m~(-2)·h~(-1)。水体温度、pH、溶解性总磷浓度、溶解性有机碳和溶解性有机氮比值是影响CH_4和CO_2通量的重要因素。CH_4和CO_2释放通量还受到通江湖泊的缓冲和入江河流输入的影响,表现为河口水系高,湖口水系低的特点。由于外源污染和滨岸带土地利用的差异,城市岸带的CH_4和CO_2排放量最高,其次为自然岸带,湿地岸带和河口较低,通量最低的为化工园岸带。估算表明,长江全年碳排放以CO_2为主,年释放量约为1.93×10~7 t(C),CH_4年释放量约为2.28×10~(4 )t(C),低于世界上一些其他大型河流。  相似文献   

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